DAILY JOURNAL. voix SALEM, OREQON FRIDAY. JUNE JJ9 1900. NO 1G3 r y THE fr ti r ? F 6T KT ar r 3r. 3T Sir eaS tS?' iT 3f C3T ifS sr er er THIS IS A TURKEY, NOT A MULE -BUT XXX IS" CaT S35" ejr er ear isr esses- esr sr csr esr esr ir r es- ey tsr ey s-y I git's a very poor mule that (Doesn't work both ways! And it's a very poor bargain that doesn't work both ways. Tlio bargains in BllltB offered bv The Salem Woolen Mills Store Comblno tlirio essentials of n truo bargain, stylo, intrinsic value, low price, ami that's why they work both ways. On tlio one hand, a satisfied customer; on tho othcr.a regular customor uiado. Wo'vo just owned eoveral NfiW LitieS ifl Brown and grey and striped effects in fancy worsteds. Mamo r'lnMtinrr tor ft Bcrn'-drcss or business suit tboy aro just Uio mCll S LlOTUMg thing for an up-to-date man. Sco our prices. Good all-wool cheviots. Salem Mills goods, f 10 00. Blue Serges. $10.00. Fine fancy worsteds with French Facing, satin pining, Italian lining, guaranteed to fit, $15.00. Tho largest und most up-todatojlno of hats in Mai Ion County. W00iE$ Mi STORE, TZZ ac? aoo COMMEROIAb aT. MONEY SAVED ON SHOES KRAUSSB RROS mmimtnmnmniummn4'm'Hri'mii,'l'i You run no risk in having your work done at the Salem Dental Parlors as all work is fully guaranteed. DRS EPLEY Our Motte: Good Work at Living Prices. Rooms 27 and 29, P. 0. .vl.,,.W.VAUVttVu..kW.Lt,V,t.,iil,lUlkka IIIBIIIII See our special offer A good now wheel for Only a few left $17.50 SThis Five Piece Parlor Set OuriSpecial Price $20.00 Phe Big Store m witii LITTLE PRICES. aa i Oy4fe -y-lrfA ve When you buy a pair of shoes of us, you can rely upon it that we saved you money, as we have no competition and are below all opposition, when it come to question of style and quality. Yours for bar gains L OLINGER BLK. I1IIIMHIMMBBMIIIIIIIIIHISIIIIIIIIHI1I1I1IIIIHIHB"' The Best WHEELS! Aro you going to buy' Of Baby Carriages and Go-Carts in the City. Prices right. With Solid Oak frames and Upholstered in Heavy Tapestry Worth $26.00 $)w(i Si V . 1.1IITI fTniiaaH,-ftji ii mm CONDITION OF AMERICAN PARTY And Ministers Who Surrounded AND NOW ADMIRAL KBMPFF HAS HAD TO BE ORDERED HOME Admiral Remey and the Flagship Brooklyn are En route to Taku Latest From Tien Tsin. ADMIRAL KEMPFF IS SUPERCEDED Hr Aaaaclated I'reaa ta laa Jnnraal. Nmv York, Juno 29. A special to tho Tribune from Washington says: 'Admiral Itemoy is expected to re llovo Admiral Kcmpfl next Sunday, and send him to Nagasaki or Clio Foo, Tho necessity for Admiral Kerapff's speedy' detachment lias been apparent ever since Flag Captain McCalla went to tho I k ,.1. -,.. . .1 t 1 CM.nm.a nftl. irUIlinllll 1 IIXIUIIUIUI uuliium a vv- umn, for it was well known to tho olll dais that without McCalla'e consent ana odvico tho American sonior naval olllcor could not bo depended upon to meet tho gravo emergencies involving discretion of high order. Kempft is regarded as a good sailor and n good fighter, but ho was noyer prollcient in diplomatic mat ters. FOREIGN MINISTERS ARE STILL MISSING Or Aaaoelatert I'reaa ta tae Jouraal Washington, Juno 20. Admiral Kempff today, acknowledged his error that lio had made in reporting tlio pres encu of the foreign ministers with Ad miral Beytnour's column eight miles out from Tien Tain. His cablegram tills morning admits that thoro is no know ledge of their whereabouts and it is as sured the error In his first report nroso from tho Admiral's acceptanco of a rumor that was generally current at tho timo tho cablegram was tent, LONG AND BLOODY WAR FOR THE POWERS r Aaaoclated I'reaa ta tae Jooraal. Vancouvbr, B. 0., Juno 20. General Stahl.oftho Imjiorial German Army, who has boon Investigating conditions in tho Orient undor a special commission from tho German Government, has nr tIvpiX linm nn bin wnv home. On being asked if ho thought tho Boxers would bo quickly suppressed; bo said that in his opinion tho ixiwcrs had started in upon n long, bloody conflict. In the end tho Boxers would ho disbanded, but tho sacrifico of life would bo appalling, or the movement was spreading llko wild llro throughout China's vast territory. Tho South was also about to take up arms, and his information was that tlio uprising in tho Eouth was very gravo and of great dimensions. Tho Southern Boxers would join tho North, and vast mobs of fanatics would havo to bo con tended with. They would bo insulll rlcntlv armed at first, but enormous quantities of arms wora constantly smug- g'ei to mom, ami, owing to mo wf lens hordes of fanatics nud tho vast terri tory tlioy could, for some time, defy the whole world. General Stahl added that tho hostility between Japan and ItusBia was a serious complication in tno present crisis, w would interforo with the unanimity oi fnnlltif- luita-cnn tlin tinners which was almost absolutely necessary at this time. Line mm? tatf sra w m MmM&i 1! ft V-yhxkiSS y l - I W ' lMrigoratorwlth IT".- y j , , 5 v Jy a I'.irfw-t llirellla- ' 1 .tmTU L Ifti' !'...'' tion of cold air ' j Lrfjjcrj,y f 2 Hgjpy The Illinois 9 WW 'Mffyt ' -- We havo them. leajiffi'.'rtaj ' JmSfi, X I lllllll S 11 1 I mills IJIAyiAi 1 Y J T Waaliaai V JlaataV si Still ADMIRALIREMEY AT HONG KONG Or Aeaoelaled irea la tfca Journal. WabiIinutoh, Juno 29. Tho Navy do partmont this morning received follow ing cablegram from Admiral Kempff: "Clio Foo, Juno 20. Secretary Navy: Pekin relief expedition is now in Tien Tsin with 200 sick and wounded. Min isters and I'ekin party not with them. No news from thorn.". Admiral Komoy on Brooklyn has ar rived at Hong Cong, enrouto to Taku. Brooklyn will sail for Taku via Nagas Ilea. HARD FIGHTING OF RELIEF COLUMN Br Aeaoelaled rren ta the Joarnal London, Juno 20. Tho casualties of tho International forco attacking Tion Tsin wero British Killed 2; woutidod 1; Americans killed 3: wounded ? Uer mans killed 15; wounded 27 1 Russians killed 10; woundwl 37. Tlio gun firo of tho Amorlcans and British is described as "beautiful." After tho relieving forco passed on to tho relief of Admiral Boyniour, tho Chinese regulars, under General Nidi, Bays n dispatch from Shanghai, again attacked Tion Tsin flercoly and bombarded tho foreign settlement with a torriblo lire. Colonol Dorward, British, commanded tlio column, that relieved Admiral Soymour. Tlio American marines par ticipated in tho achlovemont. Tho ad miral was found entrenched and sur rounded by immeuso masses of Chinese, who woro driven off by the attacking column aftor a brisk fight. Ill men had mado a brilliant resistance never falling in courage for fifteen days of con tinued fighting. During ten days tho men wero on quarter rations. Thoy started with provisions for throe, days, and thoy could have held out a day or two longor. . j Deeming it boneless to attempt to break through tho hordes, Admiral S y- mour essayed n iiigni rvnei toward Tion Tsin, but ho camo into collision with a strong forco of Chlneso arriving from the northwest, and could neither advance nor retreat. Tliero was noth ing to do bnt lo ontreneh and to stand a siege. He vainly attempted helio graph communication. Seymour's men caught several Ghinoso, who said that tho legations, had been burned and tho minister killed. Tho Chlncto displayed fanattclal courage in thu attack. Four thousand Itussluns laf Tion Tsin four days, after Admiral Seymour, but they never got in touch with him. Hallway communication from Taku to Tieu Tslu lias been restored, and a forco is advancing toward Pekin. Fighting was in progress Wednesday, in thu vi cinity ot Tno Chu Liu, and largo prepar ations aro being mado tn support and reinforco tho l'ekiu relieving column. Twenty thousand troops of all arms, largely Japanese, havo now been landed. 'lhofatoof tho memburs of tlio lega tions is still a limitary Tho Shanghai correspondent of thu Dally Telegraph, wiring at U;05 p. in. jestordav, says "It b reiorted on good Chlnoso au thority, that tlio government, alarmed by foreign military preparations, has issued 25 Left Pekin is By Gloom. BRIDGE & UeACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S cnDPPinPSSTOUESaDd JUI L1V1U1V I CAN DU t-OUND AT I RAY SOLE AT SALEM, ORE nn edict ordering tho peremptory sup- firesslon of tho Boxers. Mid announcing ts decision to protect tho legations at all hazards." British warships havo tailed from HongKong to reinforce tho Allied squad ron at Shanghai. Tliotoouthcrn provinces aro sending troops tolvord Pekin, ahd tho exodus of Ohinoso of all classes from Shanghai continues at tho rate of irom 10,000 to 15,000 a day. in i i..ia m, CASUALTY LIST FROM tlEN TSIN Hr Aeaoelaled l'rtaa ta ! Jonraat. London, Juno 20. In tho house of commons today tho Parliamentary Sec rolaryof tlio foreign olllco, Wm. 8'. John Brodorick, announced that the British losses with vlco-Ad-miral Beymour'a force, which will Hie rest of tho rollof forco Iiai' o turned to Tion Tsin Junn 20, were: killed, Captain W. 11. Boyts, (Itoyal Marines! and 24 men. Woundo-I. savon nlllcers and 01 men. Brodorick adds that the total foreign casualties is sup posed to bo 02 men killed and 212 woun ded. BICYCLE TAXES HARD TO COLLECT Hr Aaiatatat trea la tfca Jonraat Portland, Juno 20. Diegracoful wrnnglos between bicyclists and tax ONLY EIGHT DAYS FROM NOME STEAMER BRINGS THE LATEST ' NEWS FROM Several Vessels Wrecked and Mining II r Aaaaolatcd I'reaa la laa Journal. San Fiianiisco, Juno 20, The steamer Zealantlla arrived hero today, eight days from Cape Nome. The Zcalandin on board tho steamers Santa Ana and Ohio, and that- these vessels had been placed In quarantine at Kgg Island. Tho Kcalandia roportd tho loss of tho bark Hunter and tho echoonir Kllpeo. Tho crews ot the wrecked vessels were picked up, Tho United States steamer hosencrans, which wont ashore at Capo Ilomaneft got off safely. Two thousand persons arrhed at Nome, Juno 14. It is estimated that thero are 30,000 thero now. Ahtoiiia. Juno 20. Mrs. N. Clinton received n letter this mornlni- from her son Will Clinton, dated May 28th, at Capo letters to Ik) received thoro this vear. AfUr an ever and stating that thoro fiav been the past winter, no says that lie was to leave tlm next day lor Tap t'ock, where lie lias a half Interest In n claim. This place Is iilwut sixty miles south of CapoNomu and Is very rich In gold bearing sand. The citilm ucIIoIiiIiik his had been worked for somo time but was yet down to bedrock nud la taking nut as high ax foOO per day while the surface work on hi claim has iworagod 50 pur day In his letter he says that he has at last found what he has been looking (nr. collectors nro becoming more and more. frequent. The crowd that always gatli- ers sympathizes with the ridor, and ma ihiii. & aiiiaa wiiun FOincDotiv volunteers n word In favor of tho collector ho has n fight on ills hands in less than a minute. Last evening another excitement was created on Washington street, and It re quired two jiollecmeu to disperse thu mob. A doputy Sheriff soiled an un licensed wheel and took it wiih him to tho sheriff's olllco. This started tlm crowd, and arguments about the law and tho collectors woro numerous and heated Less than half (he riders In Mult nomah County havo paid their trxes. What the great majority of them want Is luths In the city. They urn willing to pay if this will be done. Out of 12 000 riders In Portland und vlclnllv, only uhout200 over rldu outside tho city. Thoy want aoino city patiis or they villi not pay tho taxes. BRAVE FIREMEN ' PERISH IN PITTSBURG PiTTHiiunn, Pa., JunnSU One fireman David Williams, was killed and eleven other firemen injured, and nearly 1200,- 000 worth property destroyed by fire in 1 In machine shop ot the Best maun torturing Company today, Tho brick walls fpll on the firemen who were on the fire cscao with hose, Per Cent. Oft Ladies' fine $4.00 Kid shoes, Tan r Black, 3.00. Men's fine $4.00 Willow and Russia Calf, $3.00. Infants' fine SI. 00 shoes, for 75c. All new styles. Salem Shoe Store R. H. Lb'ADO, Manager. RANGES. BROS AGENTS READY TO GO HOME. THE BRITISH SOLDIEIlS SICK DOER WAR. OP THE Caillsh Wert Atucktd Nctr Stneksl Poodvslscrult. nl Br Aaaortated lrraa la lh Jnnraal. Lo.NiioM, Juno 20 Writing to thoMorn IngPost from Winlmrgr Provost Batters by frankly declares that thelJritUh Rold ior,though Just ns ready to "do or die." is "sick of the wholo concern, "that is to say, ot Africa. "Thoro aro very fow men out horo," writes the war correspondent, ".who have refuted of their pluck, and fow who would hear of turning back until tho 'show' is finished; but there aro fowor still who aro not heartily sick of tho wholo concern, who do not reckon daily with a sigh what thuy arelmlssing in England tho racing and tlio tho yatchingaml tho cricket, tho llttlo meet lug and the llttlo matches and thu shoot ing, it may bo, to follow. Tho big thing they are does not appeal to them. Thu taking ot two countries, each of which might niako a kingdom; thu drawing of tho scarlet lino of empire round this corner of tho world." London, Juno 20, 2:30 a. in. Lord Bobert has sont bulletins of two small fights, occurring Juno 20 and 27. in whlcktho Boers were discomfited. In a dispatch from Pretoria, dated yesterday, hoeajsi AL'ASKA TO 'FRISCO Small Pox Appears in Two of Fleet. brings word that smallpox has broken out Nome, and is one of the first nutheiitlo telllinrthat hu Is nnrotiunt. and bealthv much claim Jumping on the beach there "A small forroof mounted troop with two guns, commanded by Lieutenant- .... !... hm Colonel Uroipcr, was attacked iiy thu enemy under Prefers und Nel on the morning of June 20, seven miles north of Heueknl, They heat off tho enemy ami burned their laager. Tho casualties wero tlirorf wounded and 10 killed. Hunter, temporarily commanding Ian Hamilton's brigade, made ouu march yesterday from lloldolliorg toward Frankfort without meeting any oppo sition. Tho enemy attacked our Itoml valsprult pott on tho railway jiwtorduy, but wero easily beaten off by it dctiu-li-uientof Derbyshire Light Infantry, the West Australian Mounteds, a !0-ouiilor and tin armoured train. Iird KolnirtH says that Wedn eilay. June 27, was n record market day in Pre toria for liner farmers selling produce Parties of Hours slill hang on IIiiIIoi'h Hanks. F. It. Ilitrnbam, the American scout, ts Invalided. Tho Pretoria correspondent ot the Dally Telegraph, In u dispatch dated yesterday, saysi "Since Holiday General French on the left, (ionoral Humllilon on the right and the Klovontli dlviflou in the center have been endeavoring to surround the enemy's position in tlio hills Hi miles ..ant. There was fighting (nr three days, but Tuesduy night the cueum decamped, going eastward, 'the total casiuiities woro under 100." June SO, the war olllco cabled Lord Itohoits that disquieting ntortH regard ing thu hosnllal wero accumulating, und asked him It anything could ho doiiumid particularly how many niirtum woro needed. June Uf Iird ltoberls replliHl. saying that he did not wish to shirk responsibility or to sereun tlm short comings ot tho medical corm, and he suggestMl a coininltlco of Inquiry, He sulu (here hud In-eu an ubuoriiiul iiuiiiImt of sick tit IlloemfurU-iii, due to Die exhausting tiuture of thu march and the terribly iinmnltuiy condition of tho camp at Paarduburg, wheru the only wateruvuilablu fur drink Ing Hawed from thu ltour eump, higher up, where the river wits eiowdwl with ilecouiiosliig aulmals.and alwi it m.ii.id eralilo uiimlMir of wounded nil-r Ibn light Maruh'JU.To improvlro uixniniu d iilions ut HliM-mtoutelii forsudiii i.inu iMir, which hud liecomit 2O0U U(iu no left llloemloiitelu.wuN no easy taik, t-ald lird Itolmrts No leiits were iwrried and tlm public luiildings had to be tin it tl into hospitals. In threu montliH there hud been U3D0 lulmlssloiis to the hospital ot miilcnls siiffarlng from enteric fever, while the 1 I I The Botanical Specialist Aakes wonderful cures when other doctors fail. While a res ident of this city, Dr. Cook has gamed a wide reputation as a IHunical Specialist, and cures many cases of Chronic diseases. If you arc suflferiug from any chronic disease con sult Dr. Cook. He make vo charges for consultation. Office 301, Liberty Str..t. Salem Oregon. 0 deaths numborcd 1370, abont 21 per cent. Lord llobcrts observed that ho did not know whothor this would bo an abnormal rato In civil hospitals in peaco times; but if tho rato wero abnormal, It was duo to tho exhausted state of tho men, and not to tho neglect of tho medi cal corps. HE3BELIEYES IN EIGHT HOUR DAY Ur Aaaoclalril I'reaa la tht Journal. Nkw Yoiik, Juno 20. In looking over tlio accounts ot Columbia University a tow days Mgo, President Lowe discovered that tho 21 men employed in the boiler rooms and electrical power departments Mere working 12-hour shifts. He gave orders at onco to put tho men on an oiuht-hour shift without reducing their pay, and to employ one third more men at once. Mi. Lowo ian firm bellovurtn thu justice and wisdom of an eight-hour day. HE PAID THE PROPER PENALTY Ur Aaaoelattd lrraa la tba Joarnal. San Qukntin PmsoN, Cal., Juno 20 Thomas Haiinelly, who murdered his father. Patrick Hnnnelly, and Sheriff ). P. Molivuy, of San Natoo county, Oct. 20 1807, at 1 ted wood City, was hanged to day. . W00LLEY AND METCALF PROHIBITIONISTS NOMINATE a CHICAGO MAN l-OR PRESIDENT. Dr. Swallow Mliht Have Hal the Presidential Nomlnitlon, But Declined It. Vice- Ilr Aaaoctatrd I'reaa Is laa Joarnal. Giiicauo, Juno 20. Tho Prohibition national convention odjournod after hav placed In nomination tor President John (1. Woolloy, of Illinois, and for Vice President Henry II. Metcalf, ot Ithodu Island. The nominations In eaclt la stance were mado on the first ballot. Only two candidates for thu presldon tial nomination wero balloted for Mr. Woolloy nud ltov. Hllaa 0. Swallow, of Poaiisylvmla Halo Johnson, ot Illinois, withdrawing his name at thu last moment mid throwing his strength to Mr. Woolloy. This had a great effect on thoiresult. llonii r L. Castle, ot Pittsburg, polo and slender, took the platform amid the applause of tho friends ot Dr. Bwullow to nominate the Pennsylvania man. "(Jet on tho table," yelled somo delo galo in tho rear ot tho hall. "If you can't tee mo you'll hear me," rotorted Dr. Castle. Ho pointed out thu qualifications of Dr. Swallow and con cen tinued: "Ho hao a tremendous advantage Ho is a Mutliodist. Thu Methodist Church seems to h.ivo gonu stark mad craxy on tlm proK)itiou that'Wuhava kMethodlst President. You want to Insist to tho vot ers of this Nation that n man who will not keep Ills church vowh and obligations cannot be trusted to keep hisolllclal vows mid obligations. You want to tell over and over again .bat whether it is wise or unwise to annex the Philippines, the practical results by which they huvu I tee 1 1 niKined to thu unruatruinud on slaught of tho brewing Interests of this country is u crime imioro uod, tno mag nitude of which dnurf and belittles to the liilluitestluial point the worstHpauUh misrule which ever existed." Mr. Ciulle's fierce denunciation of ox. Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, was ro leived with delight by the delegates. Ah Mr. Custlu loncluded n glowing eulogy ot Hiliis Swallow, thu most strik ing deiiiuustrullou of thu day occurred. 'I ho demonstration continued for eoveral iniiiuioj, and apparently cume near ktumpedlug the convention. The roll call of slulcs was then lonoludud, no further nominations Mug made. Sketches of Nominees, John (1. Woolluy wuslioru ut Collins vlllo. O.. I-'ubruury 10. lUftl. Hu was graduated from thu Ohio Wealoyau Uni versity in ibi, practiced law in run. III., .MinneuMiiis nud Now York until 18Hr , w bun bo becumu a Prohibitionist, and fiuiiiuceepiiiigiN-i'uslouulliivltutious losiHjukon iiiu subject oi the liquor tralilc, drifted out of the pructlcu of his profession into thu lecture field. Hu has risldud in Chlcugo slucu lbl)'.'. Henry D. Mutculfe, of Ithodu Island, was bom 71 yeais ugo. He Is nreslilunt of thu Proviiluncu County Havings Hank ami siiperiiituniiuui oi tnu Huiuiuy kchool ol thu (Jhutcli ot Our father, lit Puwtuckut It, it. Mr. Metcalfe was formerly u Itepublloaii, but Joined the Prohibition party several years ugo. and bus been iiromiiiuntly identified with that party slucu, Hu bus been the candidate for Governor several times. Woolcy'i in Ortfoa, John (1. Woolloy. thu nominee for president on thu Prohibition ticket, was In Oregon In Muy und June, und made ISO speeches In the stulu whilu here. Oregon Prohibitionists are greatly iileuM.il over tlm nomiimttou of Mr. Woolloy. THE CHICAGO !. L. Kino, tleu'l Agent for Ore. Albany Oregon. Criminal Neglect of Eyes Si Herman cl entitle Optician. HOLLANDERS DEPORTED FOR WOT OBSERVINO NEUTRALITY tM IS0UTH AFRICA. Unsucttsjful Attcmtt ta Blow us bsrrstkt so Mia:Iae at Prttorli. 8r Aaaoelnltil l-raa va Jnaraak Londos, June 20. Outside of miner conflicts in the Orango ltiver Colon, showing continued Boor acllvlty in th Senekal district, telegrams from EouHi' Africa nioroly Indicate preparations fdr what will bo, It is hopcd,flna operatfonii of a tediously prolonged war. A CapQ Town dispatch reports an attempt by tho lloers to blow up tho artillery barracks and magazine at Pretoria. It Is added that the artilleryman who frustrated tho attempt, by withdrawing n lighted fuse, was killed by a Boor, whom tho soldiers afterwards attempted to lynch. Tho British authorities rig deporting largo numbers of Hollanchrs to Holland, to bs dealt with vy their ' own government for notcbservini? the state ot neutrality, by the Netherlands. LOGGER HURT AT NIAGARA Br Aaaoclated Preaa la tha JaariMat Aliiany, Or., June 20 John Ikvro was nt work hi a logging camp at Nbt ara, on the Corvallis & Kastern, when i log rolled over him. He was takea through Albany last night on his way ta his homo at Jacksonville, and tlm at. - tending physician said ho would not live-"' until no reaencu tuero. STEAMER ELDER H0MEJ-R0M NOME Rt Aaaoelnlcd I'rtaa la la Jearaat,' I'oiitlanii. Or., Juno 20, The riwmii' Geo. W. Kldor, arrived tn the Colamk-W river this morning from Cape Nome. Manrlisl bttuxttH. ' Hr Aaaoelated l-raaa I la JtmntutU IlAi.TOionH. Md., Juno 29. At a eon. ferenco ot tho Dotnocratla leaders of this state, nt which ox-Unltcd State . Senator Gorman and Govornor Smith wero present, tho course of tho Mary land delectation to tho convention at Kansas City was dlsruseed and to somo extent mapped out. It was determined to mako every proper effort to prevent tho passage ot a 10 to 1 resolution, and to fncoriorlo Into tlio platform th Elauk on the currency question odofitaA . y tho lato Domocratle titato Conventlou,.; In Maryland. No effort will bo made to s oppose tho nomination of Mr, Dryan. THE GOVERNMENT CUTTING WAGES - Mr Aaaonlatad t'raaa ilia Jaaraukt, '' Nkw Yoiik, uno, Juuo 20. It it re ported that tlio board at wagr s at th- ' ' Jlrooklyn Kavy-artl haa recomV-. a cut of wiiges for several ot the Kra4w ot lnechtinlcH and machinist. Tim r- ort ban lieon approved, It ii eW, W. Secretary Ixmg, and will go into eWw'tt.j uuuiy. iiio present board, wWeh mujts apnually for the adjustment of wages, is component ot ftaval Uonslructor Wutt, Llontennnt-Conimander Morrell, Llutiteuaut Gibson and Paymaster Jack oii. It is said tho men Intend to appeal to tho Secretary ot the Navv. throuvh the commandant of the imvy-yord, against tnu reduction. Dr. und Mrs. W. A. Cusiclcand L. G. Williams left today for a tun day flailing und hunting trip on the north Umpqua. Thu Doctor will also do touto quartz mine prospecting. Wheat Market. San 1'iMNiisro, Juno 29, Cash 107. Ohicmoo, HI., Juno 29, July wheat closed 81Jg. Baiom, -18 to -18. GOLD DUST FLOUR mads nv The SidneylPowor Co, tO.1ltr,'OUa(10N. madn fur fainilviiiut. nk VfiurirmPAr for I ft II aa mMjI ail..siaa ami aa al Ud An afcaajl tatl iuiiu nim ouuiti ninn1 um nauui -, A. T. WALN, AGENT. ;J riioNi fir. We always have the f rcshost candy, For wu mako some every day. Our chocolate creams and lion (tons, Aro "j-ur excellence" so they say. Ot tallies wo havo many kinds, Hoth plain and flavored chews; When you're undecided what to buy, btop fit mid purchase those. ELLIS & ZINN'S fi 154 State St 'Phone 2874. TYPEWRITER Prki $33.00 The Chicago is a good manifolder and does work equal to machines costing 100. Don't pay more than $35 .for a!: typewriter until you see The Chicago. ' Clvpr Hbock, Ivocal Agent, Baieui Oregon, come Kiniia ot tigiftci come unuw ,, heading "criminal?' The neglect of chIM- c reirs eyed Is cue. Kyestrain,,siunija-jjP Intellect. Wo will give you rel!Ui pa f....H.... If a..... ...I nnll nVitLI aLttA ' tfl UriUailUIf ti JTU14 bliai'VVb V Vur mwrw u ilufwctho, Coiwulutlou fr W. Barr, IIS State St. Safea. rr iailIlllllllllllBlKllllHlllUHIIIUIIllllllllllIIIIHHIIlllllllllIlH"l""lltM Jf-1 - . w.wy-'in'M- "-'- ww). --mu iiWuWawffiT . jc . tjk),-t- V,. "" T--aBrr -naigCBrf aWa. iaV li- "