The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 20, 1900, SECOND EDITION, Image 3

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    liwwvyyy'y'-gqBt "Etcr Y''mT"iV rmr.
-.- iM-r"Tr -n iMummpni UBi'iwHf-
Tn nunr rcimftii ftemfnln nml Pnniilnmth n n1i1, ,i .1 ,..
' - : - . -
cral causes, both
ravished blood
.h. '.- .i? y ,aedicine..tlmt " reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes down to the verv roots of
$., SSM ?W? f CVCV'i CuC f. Piso,,,out of tlle blood- S S. S. is the only purely fgetable blood purine knofvn
The roots and herbs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying properties. w hlch no pohon, ho we" S """
ftAlftr YUM? gBLMMB nmsrm lo"K"sis'- S-S.S. stimulates and purifies the blood, increases the
! WML i iWSL iHli.SJHlC.Nm PI-te. ds the digestion and restores health and strength to the
your child has inherited any blood taint,
K..I -,!. !r 1 ,.,- 1 I I. . '.
;?.,;.,"- - " -" u"" """
Mnt care
We almoat
t direct to
which re byond the power of other nocallcd
Our medical department is in charge
ociuiuia aim outer uioou diseases a llle
you are interested in. Your letter will
no charge whatever for this.
I - A
II f - -i-s -Nt I
O. C. T. Co's
J . s , X . V.U O II
leaveb koh roirn.AND
-' Dally except Sunday at 7 a m.
Doeklbetween Htats and Conrt Uta.
M. P. 11ALDWIN, Agent.
-. ti-t -Tf m 1 -ir wt-t -ar TT
llJi II If .l-lVIl- lJ I
For Two Months
' June and uly
Iln'vo you lcen satisfied aIUi tho Flu
voring Kxtracts you hao been using of
nuy-ones-mako? To intrmlnco our own
make "Diamond Brand" wo will give
ireu witn one uoiinr purchases 01 colTce,
ten, baking powder, spices etc, 2 ounces
ot any kind of flavoring, purchaser to
furnish tho bottle. i!o sure and bring
lanto enougli bottles. Via enn not get
i ounces in uiosu -' oz or -oc pannei not
ties of otlier stores.
Own mnko, strong and pure
Yokohama .Tea Store
Phono 2412.
Free Delivery.
4 (Social news
4' 4? and views
Mrs. Jack Itynn Is bnck from Drowns
A. II. Fisknof Eugene, was in Salem
Judgo II. II. Iiowott, of Albany, enmo
dnw 11 today.
, F. W. Hall, of Mehninn, was In tho
city yesterday.
Hi'A.'lCccna.'of Shawwns n Salem
visitor yesterday.
F. P. Tnlkington mado a Hying trip to
Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Jack Rynn has roturncd from a
visit wjth friends nt IC 11 gone.
Mrs. E. II. Piper, of Portland, Is visit
her mother, Mrs. Leo Willis.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Irvino, of Me
lianm, are visiting friends here.
Lieutenant Young, of tho state depart
ment, is off on a week's vacation.
(eorgq P. Hughes nnd K. C. Glltiier,
returned from Portland last evening.
County Surveyor Ilerric- went to Mt
Angel yesterday, futholinoof hUjlutlos
Miss Clio Hutchison, who lias been
visiting Snlem friends, left for homo to
Mrs. Paul Marnach is attemliinr tin
commencement exercises of llie Aeiul
emy at Mt. Angel college.
Arthur Lawrence, traveling salesman
for Allen A Lewis, left yesterday for
Skagawa on business for that firm.
Mrs Ada'Payne of Portland who was
here a few days on a visit to her mother
Mrs. Winaut returned last evening.
Mrs. M, M. Fouler, of Minneapolis1,
Minn., who has been visiting liurcounii',
Mrs. Walt. Low, has gom t the mount
ains for a week's outing.
Miss Isabelle Iteddell, "f Italia, 1 Iho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. llnte IJjrLeusto
during tho session ot tho W 0. W. ion
ventlo'u, to which she is a dibfUu.
Standsrd OH.
Moo.nt Veiino.v, N. Y.. Jui e St). The
Supreme Court is hearing a cao today
of John II. Maldon versus II. M. Flagler,
the Standard Oil magnate. Soma time
ago Maldon sued Mr. Flagler, asserting I
that through Flager, lie was induced to
eell 75 shares of Standard Oil stock for
110,000 lets than their real value. Later
Maldon was arrested in Florida and con
victed of offering forged notes. Now the
attorneys for Maldoa claim that tho
Standard Oil ofllciala have conspired
with Helen M, Long, to take advantage
of Maldon' incarceration which Maldon
claims was brought aboutthrouch their
conspiracy, and have the suit ditmitseu
owing to his Inability to appear.
IM Non-Irritating
Easy to take, easy to operate
Hood's Pills
y daughter traa an Infant the had a severe case ot Scrofula, fur l.tM. .(,. ,.. .,.i.,n,. ,.,.
of phyalciana for more than twoytara. Shewaaworacatlheendof that time, however and
tneraiiinr I liff t-mtlil.. lilmmi ttt.... I. .. .... I (a. ..i.i . . t
.. - .,.. ..-.t ...ic nicy ucvcioD irotn Ilie
are hereditary and deuemlent m n i,,,,.,.,
supply. In consumption the disease fastens
1T1 , ff'"1 treatment. The blood must be brought back to ahealthv
condition before the terrible disease cau be stopped in its work of destruction. Mercury, pchaml
don't alt forh ..u " W." TX .. J i
.. " . -. ..,...,.....
ko, us u
contains no poisonous minerals.
Wood remeilica.
9, I IIROOKR, Montlcello, i
of experienced physicians who have
Write them about our pujwv nr mm
recehe prompt aud careful attention. We
tm .w. .luipuuuiuKiui iitKju uiseaica
Address, THE SWIFT
Victoria's Reljn
Losdox, Juno 20. (uaen Victoria to
day completed thoflixty-third year of her
rolgn. Exceeding the long reign of her
illustrious nml long lived grand-father
by threo years .ami nlno months. Talk
of a regency has been heard for twenty
live years, but Queen Victoria remains
tho head 0(4)10 llritiBh Kmpiro nml is
not llkoly to relinquish the post in fa
vor of tho Princu of Wales ltegont
until 8lie Is compelled to do so by in
oxorablo death. The Queen wns Iwrn
nt Kensington 1'nlaco on May 21, 1810,
I ascended to tho throrio Juno 20, 1837,
' lroc-i-ined queen tho following day, nml
'was crowned queen nt Wcstmlnstor on
I Juno 23, 1&1S.
Texas for Bryan.
Austin, Tex., Juno 20. Tho Deme:
eriltlc (Vinvmitlnn tn nrttnrt. ilnlmmlnu In'
the National Convention openeif in tho
great Tabernacle hero today, wjthalurgo
and enthusiastic attendance. Thoro Is
a strong Ilryan
sentiment without op'
Preparatory Department Pupils Receive Their
Dlclpma With Interesting Exercises.
Tho graduating exercises' of tho Oro
gon Instituto Preparatory Department,
at tho First M! E. Church Tuesday ovo.
ning mado 0110 of tho princlplo features
of a week during which tho young
students are monnrchs of all they pur
vey. Admission was freo and tho large
church auditorium wnB filled to its seat
ing capacity. At least nineteen out of
twenty wero of the gentler box, nnd tho
church presented tho appearance of a
huge bnskot of roses, or something to
thntoffect, with n few weeds in the
shnpoof masuullno pn-lookers.
Tho ushern woro Laura Ilean, Miss
Enid Ascheiibrenncr, Pert Geer nnd
Arthur lloeschnn. Miss Francis Lane
and Miss Ada Dayton noted ns flower
Tho class motto "l,ilor Omnia
Vluclt," was suspended over tho altar
on n largo scarf of the college colors,
cardinal and old gold, tho clnss colore be
ing old gold nnd white. Au unlimited
quantity of flowers was brought by
friends of tho young graduates, and tho
platform was banked with a rich display.
Tho century class of 1100 consisted of
Orlle Clyde Jerman, Stella .Itianlta
Crawford, Helen Louitu Van Wagner,
Wesley IlonJ. llockloy, Itobeknh Julia
Gans, Herbert Jerman and Henry En
ills Savago, m
Tho business class was couiosed of
David K. Baxter, Clydo lirock, Holen
At wood and Hessle Patterson.
Tho first numbor on tho program was
a piano solo, second nnuurna, Godard,
by Miss Ida fitege, and was executed In
n manner showing considerable training
nnd faithful practice.
Aftor invocation by Itov. 11. A.
Ketchum, of the Presbyterian church, a
vocal solo was rendered by Prof. W. G.
Crawford, principal of tho Lincoln
school, in his rich clear voice, whic.Ii
Salem peoplo would llko to hear oitoner.
"The Hazing of Valient," was recited
by Prof. Mabel Lankton Carter, in an
Inimitable manner, which brought out
tl.ti full humor of thu pleco 01 .ollei;e
fin , und earned n recall, to winch the
pipuhtr Initruotnr gracefully ropondod.
A vocal solo. "Tho Fog Hell," by II. S.
llile, came next. This vocalist needs
no praise, A Salem audience is always
glad to hear him.
The occasional address, on thti subiect
of "Tho Church and Higher Education,"
was delivered by Prof. W. P. Drew. A.
J). II. D., professor of loitiu and Greek
Thu professor 0endel his address
with a pleasant explanation of why he
lid not, as ho intended, talk about
ideals, for ho had recently had one of hi
ideals, touching babies, rudely shattered.
Tho professor advanced tho Idea that a
college education i of little use except
iu tho high portions of what are opu-
larly called tho higher walks of life. He
argm-d, hoeer, that a college educa
tion u always ueeful in the ecclesiastical
profession. He thought that what the
church in this country needs now is not
more emotion in religion, but more
knowledge. Hetrokawhirl at Chris
tian Science and faith healing, and said
that they arose from emotionalism.
With sufficient Intelligence all faith heal
ing would disappear from the earth.
He argued that knowledge, the higher
education, would help to give both sym
metry and strength to the Christian
character of the church member, and
he appealed to the ouureli to east out
any lingering fear oi the influence of the
higher education on the minds of the
Ho closed with a few words ol admo
nition to the young graduate of the
preparatory department, and urged
them to continue through the college
After nresentation of diplomas U the
graduates, the exercises closed with
piano solo, "Mendelssohn's Spuming
11... mM Map M3mm
itself unon rUM&WM
.' ".. "To" ? ""? 2!"?? ?.
...v. .. v.. w. w
S. It il n fine tnilli-ntnl tt
S. S.
S. is pre-eminently n remedy for
Song," skillfully oxeculed by Miss Mar
garet I-ronhnlm.
Its Name Is Up.
Tho triumph of tho Northern Pacific
Knllwny's new train, tho North Const
Limited," which runB dally from Port
laud through to St Paul, has been great
nml has attracted tho nttentlon of many
thousands of peoplo. Travel has greatly
increased on tho Northern Pacific sinco
tho model train wns put on, and tho
travelers who aroeo fortunato as to ndo
911 this train arc highly pleased with it.
Many peoplo visit tho Union Depot in
Portland dally to suo it start on its trip
ncross tho continent. Anyono wishing
a full description of this train should
write to A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., 255
Morrison strcot, corner Third, Portland,
for a "North Coast Limited" icatlot.
Wheelmen Tour Europe.
Bosto.v, Juno 20. Secretary Uassott
of tho Leaguo of American UWlicelmcn,
announces that COO members of the
Leaguo havo availed themselves of tho
opportunity to tour in foreign countries
this year under tho nrrangomenta thnt
havo been mndo by tho Leaguo Touring
Bureau. Eacli of these riders has tnkon
a membership card in tho Cyclists'
Touring Club. Thu tours nro about to
start, and will extend through Great
Britain, France, Germany and Italy.
Peace Declared
Why dovoto all your time reading
tho Boer War nnd the Gold Fields of
Alnska7 Thoro nro other matters o
vital importance; you may makontrip
East, nnd will wnnt to know how to
travel. In order to havo tho best ser
vice, iiso tho Wisconsin Central By.,
between St. Puul and Chicago. For
ates and other Information, writo JaB.
A. Clock, General Agent, Portland, Oro
WIsconsltTc. A. R.
Wbht Sui'Kiuoit, Wis., Juno 20. Tho
members of the Wisconsin G. A. It.,
opened their annual encampment hero
May at tho call of Department Com
mander S. 11. Tallmadgo. A Depart
ment Commander for tho ensuing torm
is to bo olected. Tho contest llos bo
tweon David James, ot Hichland Center,
nnd W. II. Hoyt, of Chippewa Falls.
Commander-in-Chief Shatv, of tho G.
A. K,, Ib present, nnd later will deliver
an addrcas.
At Bed Time
take nplensant herb drink, tho jiex
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion Is better. My doctor says it
acts gently on tho stomach, liver and
kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative It
is made ot herbs, and is prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medl
cinu. All druggists sell it at 25v. and 50
cts. Lano'a Family Medicine moves tho
bowels each day. If von cannot cot it.
send for free rumple. Addrees, Orator
f. woodward, Uiltoy, w. J.
Try Allen's Foot Ess
A powder to bo shaken into tho shoes.
Your feet feel swollon, norvous and hot,
and got tired easily. If you havo smart
ing foot or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
F.aso. It cools the feet and makes walk
ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet,
ingrowing nails, blisters and callous
spots. Itclleves corns and bunions of
all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try
it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo
stores for -5c. Trial package Free.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeKoy, N.Y.I
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears the
Pobtlanp, June. 1M Wheat, 52 valley
051. Walla Walla. 52(354.
Flour Portland, beat grades f 2 05 to
13.00. Superfine f2.10 perbbl.
Oats Choice Whlto!H35c, grey 32
to S3.
Milhuutr-Uran, 13; shorts, $15.
Hay Timothy flO&ll per ton.
Onions Oretio'i, (0.00 to 1.50
Potatoes 10 to 05e per sack.
Uuttcr Best dairy, 20Q25; fancy
creamery. tf ; store, 20 to 25c.
Eggs Oregon, 14
Poiiltry-Clilckens.13.00 to3.60; hens,
(4 to 4 r0; turkeys, live 13c
Mutton Drossod, 7 to 7Ko Pr pound.
HogsHeavy dressed 5 to Co.
Ueef Steers. 44.50; cows,3.50 4;
dressed beef, OK to 7J4C
Veal Dressed, 8 Uc. for small.
Hops 210c: old crop 60c.
Wool-Valley, !2 Vic; Eastern Ore
gon, 1015c; Mohair, 25c.
Hides Green, saltod CO lbs, 89o;
under CO lbs, 7i8 ; sheep pelts, 16
Wheat 58 pounds and over, 44c.
Wool, 13 to 16c. Mohair, 36c
Hope-S to 7e
Oats 28 to 30c
Hay Baled, cheat, f S; timothy,
l jj n to joix
j?or in wholeaa
Uleeale lots, 2.50; retail,
MilktaifJs-Bran, 13; aliorts, 14).
Hogs Dressed, 6Je. w A
Live cattle Steers, 3Ji J sows, 2)i to
Dreewd Veal-OWe.
Butter Dairy, 16c; arearaery, 20c,
Poultry Fat Ikhis ir 1W.. 037c;
spring chickens per lb., 10 12.
Potatoes 20 to 2fx per bushel for l I
kaiiip cmii- m m -
Mllltla Encampment Will Be in llljhlani. Instead
orthe Fair Grounds.
The camp ground of tho Oregon Na
tional Guard will bo on n tract of land
in Highland. This selection was mndo
on Tuesday, when Adjutant-General
Gantonbeln, lirigadier-Goncral Boobo
nnd Mnjor Grcenleaf woro in tho city
and looked over tho different sites
offered for tho camp.
Thojocatlon solected is n tract of land
near tho C. B. Moorea house in High
land, 460 by 1450 feet. Tho ground lies
hlsh and dry, and is well adapted for
camp and parado ground purposes.
General Boobo was well pleased with
the location, pronouncing it bettor than
tho fair grounds. It is easily accessible
to visitors, borne but a short distance
from tho littlo car line.
Tho ground will lo survoyed and tho
camp laid out by Major Grconloaf,
Thursday, and tho Salotn Chamber of
Commerce will complete tho nrrango
menta for supplying lumber, bedding,
lights, etc., according to tho agreement
under which tho encampment comes
from Dutch Harbor.
Lottors received in tho lsst nlght'6
malls show that tho Salem Argonaunts
for Capo Nome, on tho Elder nnd
steamer Nome, arrived in Dutch Harbor
safoty. Tub Jouiinal is promised a lot
tor from Gov. J. II. Flctchor, at an enrly
day, if tho Governor is allvo nml well
enough to write.
To-Miht and To-Morrow Mint.
And cacti day ana night during this
week you cun u'et at any druggist's
Kctnp Balsam for tho Throat and
Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho most
successful remedy oyer sold for
Coughs. Croup. Bronchitis. Asthma
aud Consumption. Got a Ixttlo to.
day and kcop It always In tho houso
so you can check your cold at onco
Price 2o and 50c. Sauiplo bottle f rco,
Herman Stnrk wns discharged from
tho hospital for lnsano today, fully re
covered, aud returned to his homo at
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, ta thoy cannot reach
tho diseased portion ot tho ear. Thoro
is only ono way to euro doafness, and
that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf
ness Is caused by an inflamed condition
ot tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian
Tube. When this tubo gets inflamed
you have n rumb'ing sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it Is entiroly closed
dcafnoBsis tho result, and unless tho in-
iiammation can do taken out nnd tins
tuba restored to Its normal condition,
henrimr will be destroyed ferever: nine
cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an Inflamed condi
tion of tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars for
any caso 01 Doatncss (cauBid by catarrh)
thnt can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. Send (or circulars, freo.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall u Family Pills aro tho best.
Bears ths BU Kind You Haw AlMjs BotzW
ItlJs Invited for Wood and Otncr Supplies for
the Orefon State Penitentiary,
Scaled bids for wood, required at tho
penitentiary for thc next 12 month?,
will bo rccelveJ at tho ofllcoof thu sur
erintendent until Saturday, Juno 30,
11)00. at 3 o'clock n. in., at which time
thuy will bo opened.
Scaled bids for Dry Goods. Groceries,
I'lour, Hiioes, lA'umor ana i'lntiings,
Meats, FIsli, Plumbing supplies, Drugs,
etc., will bo received at tho olllco of thu
superintendent until Tuesday. July 10,
llKX), at 3 o'clock p in., at which timo
they will 'bo opened,
Tho right is reserved to reject any and
all bids or any portion of a bid.
A deposit of (200 In cash, or certified
check, payablo to tho superintendent,
must accompany each bid for flour or
meat ana 01 (75 each hid (or noli.
All otlier bids must bo accompanied by
an amount equal to 10 per cent of tho
amount of tho bid.
On each onvolope should be inscribed
tho nature ol tho bid, Goods of Oregon
manufacture or production will receive
preferouco, other things being oqual.
Schedules of tho various lines of goods
will bo furnished upon application to
tho superintendent.
Vouchers will bo issued for payment
on 1110 1st 01 me month louowtng com
pletion of contract, aud quarterly on
continuous contract.
.a .. a. ., . II t -
Bidders aro invited to lio present,
J. D. I-KK.
Buiwrintcndont Oregon Statu Peniten
tiary. Salem, Oregon, June 10, 1000.
Bi tha j9 Klrd Yea Haw Atari Bi!U
Call for City Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that thero are
funds on hand applicable to tho pay
meiitof all warrants of the City otSulem
drawn on tho general fund aud
endorsed on or before November 30,1b09.
Holders of ttaid warrants will please pre
sent them for payment at Ladd A Bush's
bank, a4 Interest will cease from data of
this notice. John Mom,
City Treasu'er.
Salem, Or., June 20, 11HX). lOt
Bids for supplying the City of Salem,
Oregon, with ono horse, not less than
five years, and not over eight years old,
weight to bo not less than 1500 pounds,
of good style, action and health, will be
recehod by 8, A. Higgs, chairman of
special committee, at the stable of Page
A Stevens, Salem, dally, until fio'clcxk
p. m,, of June 20, 1000.
Done by order of (bo common council,
N. J. Juiiaii, City Becorder.
Bids will be received by tha President
of the State Board of Agriculture at
Hllleboro, Oregon, Saturday. Juuo 23,
1WX). for tha Score-card prlrilego at
at the Oregon State Fair, this year. Bid
der will be required w place anu re
place number on riders and drivers
and put up announcements on board.
Certified check in the sum of 50 per
wnt of the bid mutt accompany, flight
reserved to reject any and all bids.
W H Wkiibpxo, Pres.
O 10 td
AN'cCclablc PrcpatationTorAs
slmllaUng HtcFoodandRcduin
ling HicSloinachs and Bowls of
UllUftLVi ilUU&vl
Promotes DigcslIoivChccrrur
ncss and Rest.Contnlns ncilltcr
Opiuin.Mornlime norllincrat.
Not I arc otic .
stiMlvfC r
Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUpn
lon, Sour Stomach. Dinrrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss nnd Loss of Sleek
facsimiles Si'gnnlure or
1 i(b
R. M, WADE & CO.
Something to Be Proud Of
Is tho ownership of a Crescent. Cleve
land or Gcndron bicycle. It is the acmo
of perfection in bicyclo construction,
where lightness is not sacrificed! for
strength and mechanical skill blend to
mako n wheel that Is iiuoxcollod for mu
ting qualities nnd reliability. Wu havo
aspleudld stock to cliooeo from. At f 25,
to C50.
Cool and iComfortable
in hot weather describes tho situation
of sensible people, Put on negligee aud
defy old Sot at his worst; Such outfits,
when properly taundried, look exceed
ingly dressy and appropriate, Our. pat
rons gut tho benefit of unequalled facili
ties and iierfcct methods. Idoal Sum
mer attire is very largely n taumlry re
sult. Bo a model of stylo on our easy
Salem Steam Laundry
Phono 411, 230 Liberty Street
Cooling Summer Drinks
produce a breezy freshneas when made
of pure ingredients. To smile when the
mercury sizzles, one has only to be for
tilled with health lieverauea urenared
from the whiskies, brandies, gins, Jam
aica and Santa Cruz rum, clarets, slier
ries. etc., obtainable at Itogers. No
doubt ever attaches to the quality and
rslueof anything purchased hero. Our
name stands AI.
P Rogers
218 and 222 Commercial Street.
Wholesale and retail.
R M UorlQ
I Is Ills WW uuu
tmjuijm s?,'tcvw
Ctrl cl-lfy
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Our Lawn Mower
Willdomoro work than any other tno
machines in tho markot, Whorover
used a smooth, even, mid lieautltul car
I nit ot groon is (iroduccd. On such grassy
fields, golf, lawn tennis, and onon air
recreatlons generally find Ideal condi
tions. A mower costing only f 1.00 will
return many times 11b cost in iileasuro
. t 1 -...1 1..1 t it.. .....
onjoyed anil labor saved.
Wo,, carry
everything in hardware.
But iiu ono need worry aloiit mutton
this tlmo of thu year, if they i;an get
dainty nml delicious Spring lamb for an
appetizing nnd nourishing Summer
meal. Wo havo everything In choice
meats, and all tho delicacies of tho Ben
son In both freih and smoked meats
that will suit the most critical epicure.
Disgusted With UlsOld Plumb
lug every man Is when ho Visits his
friends' lioucti und sees the perfect
sanitary ami exposed piiimmng tiiai
new houses are fitted un with by us.
Your bathroom, kitchen and entire
house will be overhauled and new
plumbing fitted throughout at a
reasonable figure. Our pliiinbini; is
all done by skilled workmen In a
scientific manner.
Telephone No. 2371
v"' ''I' "!., M.QMr
3sJcrr. V'f nuffffStnt
8ucccB8or to Dr. J. M. Kcene. ol
Whito Corner, Salem Or. Parties desir
ing superior operations at modoroto fees
in any brancli aro iu especial request.
Phono 1071,
Osteopath y
In Salem and Albany
Graduate of American School ot Osteo
SALEM Monday, Wednesday and
Krldav- hours. 0 to 11 a. tn.! 1 to -1 n.
over Wcllor's grocory.
ALBANY Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday: hours I) to 12 a, m. J 1 to 6 p.
111., Airs. Wilms resilience
For Baloin and Tlolnltj loatt onlora at Uco
WIU'a'MnaloHto e.
Toledo, OroRon.
Wai Clork or Circuit Court for ilzeara andhas
an up-to-dalo abitractof all propertjr In Lincoln
coumr. lM7ra
Salem later Co.,
DFor water sorvlco aoply at ofllce.
Hills piiyublo monthly In advunco.
Mnko nil complaints at tho ofllco.
Express and Transfet
Meets nil mail and passengor trains.
Uaggago to all parts of tho city. Prompt
service. Telopiiono no. hoi.
Willamette Stables.
Tho undorslgnod aronow occupy
ing tho Wlllnmetto Stable, south
Commercial street, and aro
ready to hlro you a nlco rig or
feed and caro for your team
when in Salem. Horses boarded
by tho week. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Y0111 patronngo solic
its, a-iatf
Harold & Reynolds
S, C, STONE, M. D.
Stone's Drue Stores
iTJio itersa (two Iu number) are located fa
No. Xtt and S3 Commerelal street, and art
well stocked with arniiiplote line oldrufi and
medlctiua, toilet articles, perfumery, bruihea
uUi., clo., etc.
HuliadsomoU jcara eiperlence In the prao
lice of medlclnoand now makes no cliargs for
nmiauluilou, examination or preacrlptlou.
Trad Hark
lo a initial! all dtujilati or
The 'I'l-I.ti JIimIIoiiI Co,
4 Ilruadwa;, New Yoti
Hd. for llooll.l.
O Two Mnohlnos.
Work Dona Uulokly. .
Telophono 2683 black, I-oavu orders at
resldunco on street, or Stelner's
market, M. Van Plkkt, YkwPakic. 6-0tf
Knlvva r Ml (S) wood liandles.
I'otka ixraetO, vrooil hmlln
KnlrraperaetS, Uelal liaudlea.
f to
, !M
, XI
, w
. u)
. oft
Forkaierae(S, Malal liandlea,
1 auie imuiia r ai v, .....
1 ca miu r ael 8 ...
HiilUr KnUta, eucli .....
Rusar Hliella, cttcli ..
Ctln wl.. ..,.
Napkin Ulnga wr Set .
Call and gut our prices
1 Wloll W
on Gold and
NICKOl plttllllg.
IOO Stato btroot. ! Phone 2076
IVTcCoy Stage,
Loavrs Willamelte stable 0:20 a, m
dally for Lincoln, ZonK, McCoy, and
Perrydale and return name day. New
hack, good horses and careful driver.
Parcels delivered along the Hue,
3-10 tf K. K. IHvis.
M1I8. M. A. COOK, Proprietor,
Salem Steam Dye Works.
Ladles'aml geuts,oloth's cleaned
dyed, reimlred nnd pressel.
Mats and gloves dry- cleaned.
Coats and vests rellned. Velvet
collars replaced 011 overcoats.
IOO Com'l Ot Opp Holol vVlllnmetto
Brewster & White
Hay, Grain, Mill Feed, Flour
Salt, etc.
We also carry a choice lino of Hollo d
Oats, Graham, Wholu Wheat Flour,
Wheat Germs, Corn Meal, etc, Free de
livery aud prompt service.
The Feed Men.
Phone 1781. 01 Court Bt. '
Mw inriait
lines or leas I
?Ywrnpmmm TrM
three tlrr
at.nn ma.
ai same rais
LOST Two ycarliafe llfer,-w MS
ami nh In in4 II. .l.. . . ,.ji? J
. """v,-i l'"' wiwrn; rwmf-.
uiiriuurBuyk jvewaru. A(eM W,i
.......,.., vmiiv, vi, voo;Taaiirl
a. u. u. v? UALI4 Macly Lod-e,
iso. 50, will give a ball on Friday evea-,
inff, Juno 22. All arecordlallvinvit.llJ
to attend. g 19 at"
win noreaiicr mm our barber ebona-v
Y"""'i-'"i iioAti uuur vu aiiQroirv;--son's
jowolery Btoro Where we wlliV
do giau to woet our old co!istonicrs.,
M1nM,n.l.Aa 4l.l T l t, -,, . "T
i.uiiiuiiiuvi viu onCK. ' JJUUCe AC ;,
uamoiB. 0 18-lM
A HOME WANTED - For two little
girls aged 10 and 12, any 0110 wantliw
In inlfn nnn rtf thaaA nlilliW.n maII
tho W. O. T. U. llooms. n.iRJtt
WANTED-Board for man and wife la
tho vicinity of state house in nrivate
family about July 10th, with batK1,
prtvllcRcs. Permanent placo wantea.-fJ
Aitileuii tnciTia tr !. f Tubh.i r
4iuivmi IU4IUII u UUi JV, OUUKJ1AU
OllICO, 0103
AORNTS WANTRTlTn ?, i,. ..
b'u.iu.., KW ...... 4..V Ar ouut vu uu
lo-dato Wall Jlap United States iimli
World, site 47x07 inchei. tJJ'to 5 a)
day easily earned. Wrlto for 'freefc' nl 0 and particulars. Illff A
Company, Chicago, III. 5-18-2m V-.
FOR RENT Fivo and sovon room cot
tages, with basoinont. Good water.
Apply at 424 High street, A. Schrelber.
FOU SALE Tents, awnings, camnitw
outfits of all kinds in now and second
hand goods. Tin ware, granite ware,
etc. Call at 210 Commercial street.
Doifiiinuor in goou conuuioii, j'riee
t-H. Alio hay for saio on ground Ave'
miles east ot Salem on Silver Creek
Falls road. Geo. E. AUw.
6 13 2w
aid to good health, I aiu prepared to,
boro, drlvo. dig or repair wells. A.,
Darr, South Balom. 0 10 0i
FOU BALE. 110 acres of good bottom
lanu, iu acres in 110ns, gooo House aim
barn. Address 11. J, Ilnll, Hall's Fer
ry or Creston, Or.
FOU SALE Fivo acres choice Mnlea
land, good house, orchard and otlier
Improvements. Apply to J. lluef,
first brick hnuoo, north side Gardes
road, 0-ll-lm
PHAETAN For sale-high grade vn
hlclo, best mako, noarly now, will sell
for one-fourth value. Mitchell, Lewis
A Stavor Co. 0-0-tf
Hubbard farm now on tho markot.
Orders should bo left early, as there
Is n good demand, 31)0 Commercial
stroot, Salem. 0 73w
FOU SALE At Ashland, 30 acres. 10
In fruit, in peach bolt, fine house, peet
wator, cllmato, and schools, clear title
and easy terms. A, O. Guthrie1
Ashland, Oro. 5-31-Imt
FOU HAL.bmall stock farm 70. acres
good houso audorchardhalt mile Iron
railroad depot for $1260. Addreas
Homestead care Journal office.
6-2-1 ml
head ot good work horses for sale
can bo socn at farm ot T. O. Jory,
8 mllos souoh ot Salem. Wm. Frlckey
Uox 1)1 Salem. 0 1 lmt
WHEN HAVING Your spring skirt
mmlo go to Sarah E. Clyiner. The
(.nuiy oxciukivn sKin-maner in oaiem,
Perfect fit Biiaranteed, and prices
reasonable. Room 6 corner liberty
nnd Statu street, Gray block.
nro invueii to paironuo uio Manna
Harbor Shop. If this shop is secured
by tho combluo the price will be in
creased to 16c. G. W. Plaster, OS State
street. 6-24-lm
net the greatest known health pro
tector ami roatoror. Price (5.00. 97.00
nnd $12.50 according to elxo and nual
ity, $2.00 book freo to patrons. Mrs.
J. A. Bellwood and Mrs. T, II. Fair
bank, general agents, 383 Front 84.
Baton, Or. 6MB-M
ROOMS, Furnished or unfurnished,
slnglo or In suites, dining room ad
Joining, homu-JIke. second floor Cot
tle brock. Mattie Hutchlni, prop.
measure. Perfect fit guaranteed,
2,000 styles to select from. H. B.
Hello, Stato Street, agent Wanna-
jiiiakor A Drown. Philadelphia. 4-7-tt
that tho best and cheapest carpet
paper Ih the heaty felt paper wld 20-tr
At Detroit. Orogon
Now open for Summer Tourists, new
house, newly furnished unt-clast accom
odations. Price from $1.00 to f 1.60 per
day. Good pack train and saddle horses
always ready to accoinodato Tourists to
Hot Boring's, Marion Lake. and Lake
Pamella and all uood fishing; points.
H. Jacob, Prop.
Notice to Pilntt-i Costrscter.
Sealed bids will be received by the ,
undersigned up to and including June
26, U00, for the painting of three cot
tages. Tho right is rceorved to reject
any or all bids. For particulars apply
at tho Elkhcuil Saloon.
W. U. Anpxiuiox.
Salem, Oregon, Juno 12, 1U00, 0-12-tf
$23.00 fltwsra
Will be paid for the arrest and convic
tion of any persou caught iujurlmjor
cutting palms or shrubbery In or usmei
tho Willamette Hotel.
20 tf J. OosVM.
Tho new route via the Oregon Short
Uuu Railroad and Monlda. Mont., ena
bles you to make a delightful trl?
through the Yellowstone National Park,
entering via Monlda and coming oat via
f' mokltia Ik iinnnetaaa.rv ta r
cover any portion of the route twite. Fee
ueautuui vtescrlpttve nooxwu -""J
can ai urvgon euorj i-in xwmmvt
ws iiiim street, nwii. vnj
Imflil Uetlsee.
The fastest aud flnert train aeroyi ti
eontiuenl. From Pacitk to AW
without change ot cars, vl C-kem
Pacific. Call or write to H. K. kVum,
140 Third street, VortkuJ, irt JP
ther partlculftrs. IM
W& ir M
1 e& -i-.4-t'J'aV-'