-- y t '"ffnwVW JW-jiUfJWi "A ,' H' & '!' ?A ft JTP &tr DYSPEPSIA. kNmocts Dyspepsia Caused me Great Distress for wmocr of Years. Finally J was Cured by , Miles' Nervine. Dr An actlvo mind. suffering from wexcrtlon, grief, trouble, worry of household cares, demands from tho body a Rrcatcr amount of Mel for the vital Urea than the UlgestUd organism can i-unnly. It remilrea a certain1 amount of vital force- to operate tho human machine, and when all the available supply of force Is ubsorlxxl by tho overworked brain thero Is noth ing left for tho Ntomach. It is easy now to understand why Irritability and dyspepsia have become almost synonymous; why a' nervous jwrson Is usually so very particular and cupri clous about food. It is an almost mi disputed fact that no marked progress can bo mado toward tho ultimate cure of any disease until the mind Is put into that calm, screno condition which Is natural to people in full bodily hmXtM wt4 vkoi Dr. Miles' Nervine putfl tVe mind In Just thntl condition. It Is a brain and nerve fund nrid fomlo whiwo Important elc menu, nctlnu; upon tho body and mind with cqtia. force. imcws remarkable clllclcticy In nervous disorders. I had been troubled with dyijKpsIa, '" iiMtlrtlilrtviMrt ami two icars goIa taken with a neitoM trouble hull caiued me much dittes. I euold not eat liur sleep, wai losing strength and fleh and was meUndwI) and very unliaj'p). eniplii) withe urn pny. ileian who Mid the tiouble was with my nrrvevbut theywrre unable to no me any good. 1 tried leeral advertised medicine ind at ait bet'an UkiniriJr. inner nervine Hr the time the first bottle was hall cone 1 could sleep tome, could eat a little and the world seemed to Ret right tide up again. I kent rlfht on taldnir the Nervine and when 1 had uied fdteen Mile my stomach trouble was cone, and I felt well and strong. I 'eel very grateful for the govd 1 haw received from Dr. Miles' Nervine and would lie gla a I could Induce tome other poor sutler to grvs rt trial." Mw.jENNJitt.OK, warren, umo. "I Wat verv nervous and restless andwealt an hroughthe advice o! a friend I bought Ixillle ol Di. Miles' Ntrvlne, which cureumo .itirely. Seeing 'vow much benefit I received trom.the medicine, ray Iiusimjk!, who suffered from nervoujdyipepiaand Indigestion In very severe form, thouch he would give It a trial. He wa very weak aril nervous and was able to deep but little. After nilrijr three bottle of the Nervine he could eatweiianu leep well. My huilnnd Is very happy to think be luts recovered hum that terrible dis ease which bad made his life miserable for uter three years and be says he will always speak a good word for Dr. Miles' Nervine. MRS. KTIIKI. IMWEIJi, upianu, inu. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold at all dim: Korea ... ifi, i... r.A on a positive guarantee !". w advice and lKX)kleUo JJtt. MILKS SlJtulvAi. w"",'" xEoeT Doctors- ' NFROF DISEASES pttrf: alt. MANNER ur j-ho We can cure thee Disease locatedlwlth out tasking questions. Cure disease without druts. Cancer positive V Counon vuitu y.ifisit tvery v 50 cent 'Purchase L end u s Five Attend Our Great Gift Giving Sale - Minutes of your time and we will convince you that our Shirts are equaled by few and excelled by none. We want you to try one ol our Shirts and if pleased to tell you friends where to get Shirts that fit. Dissect our ;3WbLite Shirts And you will find them right everywhere. We are cranks on shirt fit. If a shirt hasn't a repu ; tation we won't handle it. A shirt's a shirt say many people, but those who wear only the best know better. A shirt that fits correctly will weaHonger than one that does not fit. OUH $1 SHIRTS ARC RUGULAR $1.35 VALUES. 6. W Jofinson & Go.. The Peoples Olothlcrs and Furnishers. ANNUAL SHOE SALE 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT One year ago we inaugurated our annual shoe sale. Our customers win remember the wonderful success of our monster shoe sale. This month we will have the greatest shoe sate ever heard of. 10 per cent dis count on all shoes. AH goods marked In plain figures. Sunday morning, to keep the boys in tho rcjiooi oy n wiui 01 mine. fA S Lacy's bboe sfor? O'l- Btnto bt SUNDAY SCHOOLS QP 0RCC0N HOLD A CHArJD COMVI'.MTION OP WORKERS. 'Syaotsls ot Addresses Dvllvtrcd anl Officers ' ' Clftt4 fori lit Casuist Ytsr. JPti but Wednesday wwMilnjj, a large party ot Sablutth whool uoi Iters assem bled t tbo Southern Pacillo pasmtigor .depot, with smiling (An and kindly greetings a It on noma great pleasuro - bent. Familiar (acts were aeon from remote rta ol tbo county, Kllver Creek Falls, Mohaina, Jefferson and nthur ijwluli nd Indkalloiii ol iilwMnl t-x. JMJClftllCy Jiiarumi hid i.uiiiiiuiiniiva i till. Upon invrstlsUon it vas learnoil thai dm annual convention nf ibo Uro roii Utatw Runtluy Koliool At.oatatiu, about to ftsiombln lu l'ortlmul, whs tbo objective point, that tU proaidiul ot tbo Marlon comity nwutkift bad idir ttrwla car aud hoI1 iirarly !00v'Urkm ticket to l'ortland mid that nil varv Uiitker iwiuul, Holt turned out that curs wvto reiu irw o 1uid tlm rowd. ' TU MIqwUhj aiit;cji was s,nt to trmUtM Meno, ( I'ytllftutli, Wo, are itmi c1ho Icx-aI, UX) lioii. ,lMil lounjoy the slfort run to MftMttFoolltiMhvmthey ImmnlUtvly M J vim iuimv uimnui mm livlnr; bn Irlouly r ! twy wfo toon fiwmvl to tho l Hi tni4i hNirtl 1'ortlsml. in witkb t)"y rwolvwl a bojdUUa wklM fiatlftorluii) of thb l'"'rt cbHKh Wlwl VluJay levi'iiliin vtliHit tbu loth luinual i-onvt'ii- I tli,, . if lli.llnmn Mllllu MllllititV Ki'lwMll .itii ut ...v w,vw ,v j -.. Awiuolatloii wim limuijnrivlnl I'roildtmt A. A. Meno n Inlrinliici'd l'rol. K O. Uxndl, ot Chli'iiKi, a tiinn ot great rautolty, hu winduolol tho iim slcul rt ot tho luottmin ami KhI tho a u die mo m n lunto vhorus. Ituv. Dr. Kotolmiii, ot SaIuiii IimI In prnyor iintl win follmusl by Hov. Alox amlor lllaokburn, imitur ol thu church who woImiiiiihI tho oiiun(loii ami wan ruanomlcil to by llov. B. II. Murm, ot SodAYlllo. Tho uddrviit .( tbo uvuitlug ilr Hmth1 by Marlon I.awrvnccu, wnntitary J 0n National AnsoMtitlon, on tho "Hln lloy l'roblimi." Ho U u man ot great brxmdtb, HMir ami (wrnoiluPMi and must Ui homl to )w a)iuwlntl lit) said t 'Tho Huuday hjIiooIi ot Ori'wou aro iIoIuk mo ro to uiako tbliaiMKhl sUt to ll in than all tho lawn on your statute looka, This Assoolatlnn la notablo, a It la thu only orsauisatlou In your statu In Mlilch all tho diiiMulnllous mvotun a common (ootiuK, ami work tiothur as a unit tor lht advancement ot tbo KIhkIoiii ot Uol. "Whror o turn vt nnwl tho ''lllg Ikiy," and I vant to hrli.s to your notice tIo nui'stloui', and answer tlicui aa widl ai I can 1. An the bqya m tba Kumlay aohool iiomY I nsmr. nol Tho ttlrit out uuiuU'r thorn thn ' to onn. 2. Whyiiutr W'ouiuittilvoaroAsou. A boy woa wbro ho want to bo. lto wt II ifo to a luxball sauio hn the Huu day school it manAKvtl a well a tbo turban uaino- tuo ooy win no on baud, TIioJUh-UII jdtober (e Inarninl to pile h, tins catcher Is Uarnwl to catch, but the rJuiulny Mbool teaeher I not trained to touch. The 11111 am much to blame. We nel the (our out ot ovcry lho church meuibert, not In tho Sunday acbool, torvnoit (or duly next lidrtl llV A. "ffnnlmlmlirniiL'litln? It hflR bcoil ilono Iwtoro, and can bo dono nijalri. 1 kno ot Bchools wlicro tho boya out number tho Klrlo." .4. Howcnnltboilono? Go (or thont. Mnko thoin know you want thnin. Bend youiiff men attor llioin. Mnko your hcIiooI hard to yot int?. Hat a high at amlaril and kciip it. Hoy ?o for tlilnjjs thnt arnliard togot. 5. "How con you Isold tbom?" For every boy you mtiat havon special way. Glvo them somothltiK to do. Know anil call t 11m by name. Never call a hoy "bub." Make allowance for tho boy dpirlt. Do not seo uverytb'nK ho ilocu, iiho yourlbllnil eye occasionally. Oriranixo your class president, vlco president, secretary and treasurer. Treat the boys like men. The way to KOt boy to bo iiorxl In to Kt them to do good. Tho way to not tbom not to read bad books Is to got them to read (jood books i visit them in thoir homes, ami where they work. Havo them come to your homes. Use tact, friendship and sympa thy tor them. You mint lourn to lovo like thu "Naxarluo." Thursday was a great day. Btlrrlng luhlrutso wero mado mid tho best ot feelliiK mid Christian harmony prevailed. Ot ((rent interest was tbo address ol I'resldeut Morse, as ho briefly reviewed tho history of tho Association, since Its ornii'mllon, tho earliest record ot which Is found In 187:!, In thu Presbyterian church, at l'ortland and at which, Dr. J. II. Vincent and l'hlllip Phillips wero present. This was called tho second convention ot Orison. Tho organisation has proceeded through many discouragements, until thu present, when we are able to roort great progress, 'J ho onrollmeut in 1H71 was 7,000, which was about 8 per cent, ot the imputation, while the enrolment ot twin y is 75,000, which la about 'JU per cent, at the population. Yet a great problem Is still confronting us. Where are tho other 117)0,0007 Wo want every one ol them, and our work will not he 1I0110 till we get them, As in nrovlous year, wo havo been liamporcit for lack ol funds. Ourtreas liter has labored hard to bring tbo various counties into line, but with ln illfterent success. Wo cannot H'ak with too much emphasis on this stem, lug indifference. Wu hope and pray that such action will bo taken by this convention, as will insure a man lor tho Held tbo coming year, and that all other exK)nscso( the Association will bo pro vided for. Our faithful secretary has asked fur statistical reports nvor aud over again, ami It is only by thus urging that he is able to make up his report. It Is very much to bo desired that pas tor aud iiipcrlutoudont, use effective means for Introducing aud maintaining the Home Department, as there 1 no oilier branch ot our Bungay school work tbat will do so much toward keying our uhtKil up to the standard that should bo maintained. Tbo largest school In the state 1 the First Preibyteriau, ot Portland, with an enrolment ot 67V, and ulueely following this, tho First Methodist, with but a tew less. The noxtit'.iho First Methodist at Salem, with an enrolment of 470, Itcport wero brought in by tho county president ot tweho counties. ituv. Alexander Henry, ot Pennsyl vania, Uelivertsl an address on the Oos ml u( lie. Tho key uoteof this addie wast "Go yo into all tho world and preach to every creature." Go, not as Individual or (or Individual churches, but with au united effort, Jew, Protestant and Un man Catholic. This was recently done In Philadel phia with marked sueeos; there wero US different denominations aud utue other organised soolctlet H In all uniting In tho work; one representative (rom each, making a committee ul II to maVo plans, Ureat tuccv attended tho working out ol tbo plan ol this committee, aud it was generally regarded a both dm tlau aud biulucM. Home minister received a mauy at It") record ot people o( whom they know nothing, yet who attended or pre term! their church. Fallowing this addre4 was one by Hev. i: K. I-ewU, D. !., ol Ohio, on what organisation moans. It means ho said, making the most ot whatlsurnlul. It means that which works. It Is bringing together that which is harmonious and congruous, the elements ot power possessed by Individ uals who can and will work together. These polnla wero beautifully lllus. trbtcd by the great steamship company In contrast with tbo man In his canoe. Organization Is loyalty to tbo Lord Jeain :Chriit. Is Sunday ichool effi ciency It means fellowship, the ground ot hope. Victory will como when Christian coal nnd Christian organizations shall have clasped hands. ArrunNoox bxhmos, Tho II rst address ot tbo afternoon was by Uov. H. K. Snyder on "Gathering From tho Highways and Hedges." This was a very graphic prcsentatatlon of tho condition of things existing In his part ot Portland. if 1ftwt,ft ni IVaattttifffnti. uftvn nn .in. Anuiii.., w. . M.ft..., 0-. . . .,141. Interesting talk on tbo Sunday school y reiTiOYUa Yf llll work in his state Ho was tollowed by QUt the USe Of Hov. Alexandor Henry, of Philadelphia fjjg Jfljfg, on "Sunday School Progress," aflor which much time was spent answering questions. i In tho ovening Dr. W. II. Kellogg gavo n very scholarly anu insirucuve address on "Tho Church Member and Illhlo Study." I Thu closing address of tho ovening was by General Secretary Marlon Lawrence, of Ohio, on tho "International Field." j Ho closed his address by asking for $1500 with which lo put a Held worker j In tho State ot Oregon. Tho full amount was pledged and thu vast audlenco Joined In singing "Praiso ' God From Whom All Illesslngs Flow.' JJIIDAV, junk 10. I Tho convention mot this morning and proceeded to the election ot officers, re sulting as follews: President. A.. A. Morse. Portland. Vlco.Presldents. A. C. Alexandor, Athena, Or., and P.obort Hold. Salem. Treasurer, I), Leo Paget, Portland. 8ii)orintendont8 ot Primary Depart ment, Mrs. O. M. Klgglns, Portland. ... 1 t t ir u-.t.AH i.nt. , a....:..- . normal, uim. . .v. .v.., . - .- ...... "... ... . .... .m,,. .t .l-iro r.tw. land. . 1 ""' m """"" """ " """'" v'.r":,Z!?Zi If not whT nott Call and see us ana UU TUU USE WbLSbAUn dUKlNCtar we will prore to you inai you cangyi 1 1 . DsjHsAH TINR HCHKOUI.iC I iVrnm Inf tlftnd. We are sure We tske no esses we cannot cur we cure all esses we take. The.tllntJ see. The deaf hear. CrlFtles restored. PWABT roa r"X,.n'H.it I-alie. DeiiTet t. Worth Hnwlsl ' Oinsha, Kansna . City, Bt I . . ... ..kl.. .Mil U... -i5a.cn ix)uia,mwv uuu.f iKKITi 00 pm 8p2"nelWalla Walla, Hpokane, Minn J Oyer apolli,Ht.fol.Ualuth, Mil. e.-rJbpra! wWeo Chicago and oant. Tape worm moved in minutes.l re-40 US ADVISE THBB'I LET 1 f my service. , HOTEL WILLAMETTE, SALEM, ORE. . - . . . ,-- .. C.n.lnv Thn ES,ser."oX'r'KtKii thy service. ... .1 ... l Clnln nml Pnlll. SUITS I AND 23. Free talks and entertainments ai me iu..., . -. mercial streets every week nigni ai o o cim.. WHY USE AW?lsbacb Mantle? DKCIIOSX TIJXY OJVJt A OOO" LIOHT ANU ARK IXINO I.IVKO. WK BULL TURKS ORADKS: ' "YU8KA" WEIiJHACII MANTLK. Dursble aud Itiu 0NK IIUNDHKD OANDLK J-OWKIl with a comumpllon of only tl.jwfcylrr hour, www & yn ,.. nL. ,... K. ...( ,..,(.. ntt.lllv an.1 fflvlnff KI1II11X UAUlib I V" ...vv A1W, .... ,H.VtHim,WI IWU1W.WW, iu.ii., ...V...D m.. -....lain., ,Mn In tnal.tlMI. "'" !" :"" ;.7.i . t. , I initAr!S Vot nulla u wod nnalltr but slrlne im candle roer ss tho No. 157, and at btlf the Itrimn. Mr. W. 11. Will HUB. SalCIII. Houscto-Houso Visitation. N. J. Da mrn, Salejn. Kxecutlvo Committeo, J. II. Amos, D. ICdgar. ., , Clerk. Uov. I Inner Ferguson, Port land. Kcports followed from tho Houso-to. Visitation department, the Home de partment, the Normal dopartment, the Primary aud Gradlo Iloll departments nnd thu Oregon Sunday School Tidings, published by tho Assoclatlon.1 Hev. L. II. Pcdoreon, of Ilrooks, Or., dollyered an excollont address on teach ing (emporanco In tho Sunday schools. Thu morning scsslou closed with a leachera' conference, led by Hov. A. Hunry, ot Philadelphia. Hut your space will not allow mo to tell of the primary lesson, of.tho other addresses, ot tho masterly singing of Prof. Kxcell, ot the congratulations showered on our Kastern visitors, ol tho Joyful and exuberant manifestations of brotherly feeling among tho members of thu convention throughout tho ontlro srssloiiH, especially In the convention Just clored was this abundantly exhibit. I'd All pronounced tho convention a grand succobs. z - -.-Zl . T . . . .. . tk.I. Mltk .n. nOiAf l.ifni nf irtl. a DETTEK I.JUIIT ror I.EB8 MONEY wlinoneoi intwounitiiiu.u ......., -.... .- flcUl light, Wa hate gas itoresalta lt us show them to you. 8ALEM GAS LIGHT CO 71 Chemekota St.. Telephone G03. it's What You Save That makes you rich, and if you are alive to your own interests you'll find you save money by trading here. Oer people do. Why not you. Our stock of family groceries and provisions is the most complete. Harritt & Lawrence, OLD POPTOFKICE (JllOCKKY Chicago, Hock Island A Tacific H n eiBt Allan tto Kx.l P. VIA 1IUNT1NOTON 8 pm, 8 n. m. ox. Hun Saturday iu p, m. Leave Sdlem- OCEAN urBAMUIIIIIi. For Ban KrancUoo. Ball ciery Jive days. Bpu. aaoi a. m. 8.40 I P. in COLUMBIA lllVEIt HTKAUEIW. To Astoria and way Landings, "iJTTT.AMKTTK iUVKIt for l'ortland, Newhr and way T . Hum a Waalnaa. i P. m. x Bun. Ar8. lAiidlnH. Monday Vsdnes-l lm day and Friday at 10.00 a. in.dallytt Tuesday, Tlmrsdayand Batnr. 4 p m, dur at .S0 a. m. FOR COUVALLIS And way points Tuesday, Thurrday and Batur- day, 4.00 p. m. W1LLAMKTTK IttVER DIVIBION. Daily boau to l'ortland as abora. Tramlers to Itreet cr lln at Oregon City If the steamers trs delayed thoro. Tickets to all poluU In Oregon. Washiugton, California or the East. IIlwtM checked tbroagb from Balem free. Choice rail or river route to Portland. Connection made at Portland wltb alt rail, ocean and river iinci .1 ... uuimuuiu. Gen, Pass Agt , Portland Or. O. II. l-OWF.118, Agent, Trado Street dock, Sileui rri.. r.....n linn t all nolnts t, i .,,n.i.ui ami nn.tivilnto trains ,... '., iai,inimi Donvnr. and Omaha, j Chicago and Kansas City, making direct' connection In Chicago with all inorningl trains east. First-class ruiimiui aicccu.n Library UufTct cars.lwtwcen Denver and Chicago; the most perhct dinhig en. service In tho world "A La Carte;" through Hrst-class Pullman Sleeper every day between Salt Lnke City and Chicago via tho scenic lino; personally conducted excursions In ordinary Pullman Bleeping carsoncoawcektrom Portland nod an Francisco to Omaha, Chicago. liulTalo, Chicago nnd Now York via tho Great Salt Lake Houto, without change to ra.Unn Nn niinnvlni' transfer In Llll cago. Theee cars aro provided with all weekly periodicals for free uso of our patrons. For further Information, inaps, folders, etc., call on your nearest ticket ngent,orwrittOAjKcoopEn Gcn'l Agent. Pass. Dopt. Portland, Ore. HBATINGT STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATER promptly substantially While returning on Saturday morn, (jmhtes llirnislicd, aild WOrk done lug. plans wort formulated for fiilure j i U)nes Drices. r i III lv I ... ..!li.. rrun ana nop uryer worK a specialty. T. S BURBOUGHS, 102 State iN6wLin60l6o-6ari and Baby Carriages F. W. HOLLIS 81 CO. 1st Door North of Post OIH:c. work, and committee wore npiolnteil to arrange for holding ft grand Sunday school celebration at the (air grounds.at Salem, on tho Fourth of July. "Delays Are Dimerous." A small plmplo on yourfacoinay teem ot llttlocouseiiuenco, but it shows your hlnod is 1 111 mi ro. aud linnuro blood is uiiflt miiNi.a ninat nl the diseases from which neonlo suffer. Hotter heed the warning given by tho pimple and purity your blood at ouco by taking Hood Hnraiinnrlllil. Tills I1Ih11c110 CltrCS llll dlcoaees duo to biul blooti, inciuuing scrofula and salt rheum. The non-Irritating ciaiiartic noons Pill. 5 ' i WE DON'T KKOVy'tllM. Petty Lsrcenlst Tries to Assume the H"" Mik of Hntfctltmty. TbuKlaiiiath Falls -express contains thu follewing: II. Wfnslow of Salem, who claims to beau agent and piano-tuner (or the Wiley H. Allen Co. was tin town sev eral day thup.181 week, but left Mon day with a new revolver abstracted from fcehallookAi Uaggol'a Btore. He was arrested bv bherlff KeiBhuer Mon day evening at Olene, with the revolver still iu Ids posctslon, and was lodged In jail charged with larceny. Imiulryof Ueo.O. Will and F. A. WU'gtn, the leading musical dealers of ol this ollv iglvea the Information that no such patty I known hero. ltls( evident that the fellow ha beeu bor- Jq Yr'tlOItl it maV COIlCCrn: rowing a cloak ol rcspoctibllity under j, PnrtliershlD heretofore which to pursue his avocation ot pick- .e fVf'l'P J!C ,; Ing up revolvers and things, by elalmlng eXIStmg, US Herren I & Levy IS to ban iroma piio where overyinxiy nereuy aissoivca, r. uevy re tiring: and fcd. L,. iierren con tinuing the business. All ac counts due the late firm are payable to F. Levy. Dated, Salem, Oregon., Aay 22nd., t900. F. Levy. Ed. C. Herren. (VM.tn Phone 1611 See Our Canadian Pacific $60 To St, Paul and Rejurn And 105.75 to Kansas City arid re. turn, first-class. For sale June L"J and 30. SOUTH AND EAS1 VIA Southern Pacific Co. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains lcavo Balotn for Portland and way stations at 5:40 a. in. , 7 'M a. Jii. and 4 :05 p. m iTTbrtTsuin i 8:80 A M lr Lr Bslera A M 1033 r M At Ashlsnrt WJO A M 12.-03 1 M Ar Bicrsmeuto W P M ;u A M Ar Bsa rrsnclsco 7:45 P M S.16 A it ArOK'leu. Ar UsiiTcr. Ar Ksms, City Ar cblcsgo -.'. aTIxm ADglcs. Ar Kl I'M). .. Ar Kort Worth... Ar CltyofMoilco.... Ar Hauitoo . Ar New urlesus.. Ar WsShlDKIOD.. Ar New York . fi.tt A M . V.OO A M .TJb A M ,I:UAM . iao p m . 600 P M . 6:30 A Jt .:M A M .tjUAU . 626 P JI . 6 A M JSjOPM ll:4i A it S.40 A M IfflAll K30 A U 7.1U A M 098 r il 6;30 A M 10.30 A M 8J5 A M CM r M 0:41 A M 12.43 P M Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains. Chnlr cars Sacramento to Ogdee and Kl Pubo, and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and Washington, Connecting at San Frandlsco with sov oral steamshin lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See Mr. W. W. Skinnor agent at Baleiu Station, or address C. II. MAHKHAM, G. V. A., Portland, Oregon. oXH 111 Hr- r7mmMm $71.50 Chicago and Return I'irst'chtss for sale Juno -1 nnd 22 AH goal for passngo on tho Imperial Limited. For particulars call on, or wrlto K.J.COYI.K, H. II. AIUIOTT, A. Ci. P." A., HO Thlnl St. Portland, Vancouver, 11. C. Quick Time to the East and South-East ,Via theSUnlon Pnrlfir R. R. . . UWI..W .. ... A PICTOt''' Two Dallv Solid Vestibulad Trains. FItOM POItTLANO or BAC It AMKNTO to DENVER, OMA HA, KANSAS CITY and ST. r nnm LeB8than3 days to CHICAGO with- out change; only ono chango to cow York ntul otlior liasiorn jiumio. ' other line does it. . ,,, . Palace and Tourist Sleepers, D tilng and Library Cars (barber Bhop) nnd free reclining chalrcars. , , For rates, Ticketa nnd full Informa tion vln either route, apply to W. W. Skjnnkb. Agent 8. P. Co. Salem Ore, Or J. II. IoTiinop, Gon'l Agent, No. 135 Third Bt. Portland Or. I Deform Shool Sutpllts. 1 Bcahnl iirox)eals aro hereby inviteil tor furnishing the Oregon State Reform School with supplies for the six months diking on January 1, 1001, a list ot which will lie supplied upon application to tho stiei intendout. All bids must be in by 1 o'clock p. tn. July 6, 11)00. i II, K. Rickkrs, tMStd Hupt. Oregon Reform School. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. is honest, and residence in which is in disputable evidence ot perfect trust worthyneu. OrtioaNcwt. The Hessian tty has destroyed the larger m, roots, leaving the tine ones, iu several l-ane county Ileitis. The yield will bo only six tn eight bushels to the acre. Corvallls and Eugene will celebrate July 4th. So will Gervats. An artesiau well was scoured in I-akc view at a cost ot CiO. It Is a throtnch liore, and throws water Ave (eet above the surface, Tho dead body of Alfred Pollard, a laborer, was found near Riddle Satur day. Cause ot death uuVuowti. Perfect Digestion means health. Roth may bo secured b a fill t Mill um n( llrMt.ittr'i Ktimtirl Hitters. It Is theouo luedlcine the ono, week. medicine that may bo depended upon when thero is any derangement ot tho stomach, liver or kidneys. It I the greatest health-builder in tho world, and a a blood portlier cannot bo equalled. 7U lllty years It has cured Indigestion, dvspepsia and constitution, Seo that a Private Revenue Stamp covers tbo neck ol tho bottle. Ml txsl Ytt. The John A. Logan Veteran Reunion Association, which has tor eo many years lieen held at Mebama county, Or., haa beeu moved to Lyons, Linn county. Or., by a vote ot the majority ot Stookhold. era. The present location is on tho C. JL h. . R. Wood aud a fine spring of water will be found ou the grounds. U rounds aro among tbo best in the state. Encamp ment will begin on Monday, the -nd ot July. 1W0, and continue through the IP YOU i VALUE HEALTH 11 AVOID SUBSTITUTES UOSTETTER'S A Reed program is assured, both even ing and day. Veterans ot all wars aro cordially inviteil to attend, tly order ot Uie Preaideut W. P. Mac. G. J. Piaxut, rkcrUry. 5-!4-7w SALEM LODGES -. j. w. w. BslemCtmpNo. lis. Mettaerery Friday erei.. PC,70.lu A. O. V. W' li.ll. Bute Ins. lUg f X. Uoulllrrd, O. C, V. A. Mooret, clerk, roua It, Uoores blk IfOHKSTBHS Olf A.MICRIOA. court Sbetwool YonH No. 19. MeU FrMsy nlghu In Turner block. Jonu M. Chut, (!. K. A 1. Brown Beoy. U-H-lyt Pure Home Rendered Country Lard In Bulk At Epplev's Only 0 cents a pound. CURE YOURSELF! I -m litis? 4J lur iiihimIi r ilUt lurutsi, htiUtMiitstllt'Ui uriutiuiti vt nl-1 natlctk ti u itrUttN VI mucuuk iiiriuiTisuvi lrrtku t)st4M. rjitikfn, ul uul Ulo EUHjCHtM'CllCO. pu wr IWimu i. nusa u ii'uiiissiaf 'or iviii In pUlu wfstppii tr tipri, err p Id. (01 tl n. r 3 bottlr. UTS. ( ircuUr MJt uu rutueat The German Market Will be tound all kinds ot meat and the best of sausage. KRKK DELIVERY. All bills due the late firm of Wolt & Mieecke must.be paid. CJJOLZ, St SON 171 Commercial St, MiloC. Matthews BueenwKto Edwirxlt Jk littktwi MltAT and FOUUTKY MARKET State street near railroad. Freshest aud best meats. My patrons say I keep h boeat meats In towu. SwcUl Pns "Old Government" whiskey. reciy. espec- .1 M. D., Major and Surgeon, in United niuxl by leading rdirsiciaus. ami lallv by A. P. O'Urien M. I)., Captain and Surgeon, also by Wm, D. McCartv AhMtt HlKstry. The Paris Milliuery store has moved IntoOreenbaum's dry goods store, nest door to Uie poatotllce. at which tdaco tr.l STfiMATU Mrt. Chase will continue to give bar- and DITTCBC Xtnl ia nuomllliueiy u tdthe goods and Marlon County by J V Oil IfcKb aw disposed Ol. 6-31-lm ire bar- and Invalids. Sold esclusivel Old Post OfficeStables Aro large and havo reliable attend ants, your team boarded by the week or ioj, uuwi itvuis iur nire, j rices rea sonable. Your iwtronage solicited. H. M. Brown . t2 Ferry Street. FREEBUKGER1 MBIT MARKET Is openain um- new managem and we v, ill supply you with the finest, fresh meats, fan! etc. put up In the cleanest and Wat shape and promptly delivered. Coma and see us Phone. Main SMtl. VAN rATTON & CO. Oregon Short Lino Railroad The Direct Route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the UNION PACIFIC Fast Mall Line, or the RIO GRANDE Scenle Lln-ss. No Change of Cars. On the Portland-Cliicago Special, "the finest in the West." Equipped With Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary Tourist Sleepers SuierbXibrarvBulTotCars Splendid Dinners, Meals arJa carte rree Reclining Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Complefe'v Vestlbuled For further information apply ta R. NAOEL, W. E. COiUN Trav. Pass. Agt. en'l Aeu U2 Third St. Portland Or. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TESIE CAItD. 2 For Yaqulna: . Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. w I Train leaves Corvallls.... 1:55 p-w I Train arrives Yaiiulna . 725 P-w' j tteiurnieg: Icavea Yaqulna...., u-OOa.ui. Leaves Corvallls 11:30 a.m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. w- 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. ui Arrives Detroit 11:30 a. ut 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. w, Airlves Albany 6:15 p. ui. One and two connect at Albany ana Corvallls with Southern Pacific trains, Hiving direct service It and Irom New port and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, glvlnjr ample tlro to reach camping mounds on ue Rreltenbush and Santlam rlrcr tue States Army. Furthermore, the board ol health ot San Francisco, recommeuda inu stimulant as the purest, nnadulter lor umuy uso, tor convalescents ly in tUlcin s-so-ti HUIE WING SANG COMPANY, CHINESE AND JAPANESE BAZAAR Removed to 140 State street. New stock, largo variety of dry goods. Silk embroidery, ladies' furnishing goods. Japanese goods, chinaware. matting and notions. Prices reasonable same day. u WALDJUJ mri, TORNK& Altai KDW,M BTOHIt;, Atbtar.Ore, tESffias CUmsjsi - Nv rtu JaVsUT f i.. .-.....Afai. . . pww"P wim " - ' i1, uMBut niiXwyii'lini, p..