The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 26, 1900, Image 3

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    Acts gently on the
and Bowels
. r. .'-
ITSftfci, tG
ouy THE ttt
ion su rr an ouaTi rmt ot t emm
Flint, blown nnd heavy pressed wnro.
73 barrels in all. And tho npserltnent:
"Well", wo kindly invito you to come
nnd see tbo lino. The assortment Is too
lorgo to mention in this spaco. Tho
glacswnro is inncji prettier in elmpo tlinn
jl 1ms been lor yenrs.
'Goods nro from threo glass works,
iind none nro in tho trust, therefore you
will And the prlres low, even mnny
pieces nro cheaper thnn before.
Yokohama Tea Store
Phono 2412.
Free Delivery.
O. C. T. Go's
UiAVEH ron roirriND
J)lly ipett SiiihIt t 8 a m
Dock Mwivn H(t'n(l Court Hlf.
St. V I1AM1W1N, Accnt.
J. D. Sutherland 1ms returned (rom
liia fishing trip in tho Ynqulim country.
rotate Supt. J. II. Ackcrman is in Tho
VaWc-h today.
.Attorney General Blackburn wont to
Albany last night.
H. R. Thiel-en and -Rev. N. Shupp,
returned from Portland last oyening.
Walter Lyon took tho Shncta Express
north yesterday.
Mrs. J. II. Porter, who has been un
der treatment at tho hospital for a eouplo
of weeks has returned to her homo near
Mrs. II. G. Meyers, went to Portland
this morning.
Miss Linnie Statesman has returned
from Astoria, whero eho attended tho
Hebekah grand lodge.
8, N. Steele, of Albany, Albert Hurst,
of Auroin, A. M. Pi tenon, of Nillsboro,
Dr. Smith, of Turner, and J. A. Rolan,
of Albany, were in the city yesterday.
' Dr. Graco Albright went to Allynj
last night.
M. L. Chnmberlln Is back from the
I. O. O. F. ginnd lodge nt Af toils.
Miss Flora Voting, of Kugene, who hn K. Onutleld, line
gone, to Portland.
JarW Itynn and Artl ur Wctt started
fer.Cape Nome this morning.
N. D. Elliott, foreman of The Jour,
sal, went to Portland this morning
on a business nnd pleasure trip.
W. P. George went to Portland this
rooming to tee the Nomitas off.
Leon Kenworthy, manager of the in
tercolleglate nieet, was In town last
night and this morning getting things
in readiness for the contett June 2. The
most mlnuto particulars have been
arranged, the traok is In exeellent aondi
tion and everything points 10 a "
ful meet, for all the schools are. going to
send goal teams and a warm time Is
Cure Pain in the
Stomach and Distress
After Eating.
10 cents and 25 cents Druggists
"- "imnriiMirill
i "
Cure Pain in the
Made by
the County
The appointment of Judges nnd clerks
of election mado by tbo Marlon County
Commissioners' court is as follews:
Aumsville precinct Judges, John
Smith, Richard Tucker, C. Donkcr,
clerks Frank Pound, S. Swank.
Aurora Judges, Louis Webert, Henry
Beck, R. Reed j clerks, A. M. Fry, II
A. Binder.
Brooks Judges, J LnFollott, B. A.
Jones, J. Fleming; clerks, T. J. Bolter,
W. H.Egau.
Breitcnbush Judges. Win. Bushey,
E. E. Haltt, 0. M. Downing; clerks, R.
JL Poe, F. Perketto.
Buttevlllc Judges, Chns. Lcmpeko,
Francis Feller, John Murray ; clerks, E.
A. JL Cono, V. E. Her.
Champoea Judeos. F. E. Osborne II.
Goodell, W. T. Colomnn; clerks, G.
Hoefer, E Pel t
Elkhorn Judges, G. W. Anderson, P.
L. Darling, John JL Barham ; clerks, R.
M. .Moorehoueo, U. u.Jiamei.
Enclowoed Judces. D. W. Mattbows.
J. D. Goodo.T. F. Walker; clorkB, Olms.
Calvert, Levi Herren Jr.
Fairfield Judges, G. B. Jlillor, Thos.
Rubens. L. L. Anil; clerks, J. J. Beck
nor. F R. DuRetto.
Scotts Jlills Judges, 0. W. Roberts,
J'S. Richio, L K. HirUel) clerks, E
Hobart, D. N. Brodlo.
Gervols Judues. JL A. Wiulo. L. II
Pou jade, A. Neiblcr; clorks, V. 8. Tay
lor. IS. v . Manning.
Horob Judges, R. G. Pierce, V II.
B. Stewart, Win. Sullivan ; clerks, R. S.
Shaw, W. T. Clark.
Howell Judges, JL A. JlcCorklo, G.
Simmons, Duncan Ross; clerks, D. W.
Smith, G. W. Jiurphoy.
Hubbard Judges, N. L. Cofrintorry,
G. B. Hovenden, Geo. W. Dimmick,
clerks, Chas. Platts, Henry FIck.
Jefferson Judges, F. B. West, J. B
Loonoy, Chas. Miller, Jr.,; clerks, A. J.
Schomaker. J. V. Hoticks.
JIacleay Judges, Geo, W. Clymcr,
Win. Short, Thos. Knys; clerks, Dan
Humphrey. Win. Hurst.
Marlon Judges, S. II. Russell, Goo.
Keech, D. W. Orabtreo; clerks, T. W.
Rutherford, E. J. Fnrnham.
Jlehamn Judges, F. W. Hull, Ed.
Seigmnnd, Geo. Gist; clorks, L. Bennett,
I Schneider.
Monitor Judges, J. I). Simmons, J
0. Phillips, II. f. Hayes; clerks, Win.
JicKee, J. R. White
Jit. Angel Judirei, P. K. Johnson,
W. Downs, JL Palmer; clerks, JL R.
Settlomeior, F. Schneider.
JroBect Judges, A. A. Burton, 0. F.
Royal, D. C. Sherman; clerks, W. Wil
liams, B. J. Sharii.
Salem, No. Judges, Win. C. CUg
gett. 0. L. McNury, David Pugh ; clerks,
A JL Southwick, A. Brock.
S.ilem, No. 2 Judges, R. A. Crossan,
J. Q. Wilsin, J. I. Thoinpson ; clerks,
F. W. Power, P. Sroat.
Salem, No. 3 Judges, R. Carey, I).
L. Green, John Gray; clorks, Oeorgo
Brndehaw, E. T. Barr.
Salem, No. 4 Judges, G. G. Gans, II.
II. Vnndervort.O. S. Woodworth; clorks,
S. A. Hughes, Jos. Albert.
East Salem Judges; J. B, Ashby, II.
J. Workman, F. Smith ; clerks, F. A.
(.tenner, John r.stcs.
North Hiilom Judges, J. 0. Benrdslvy,
0. Kurtz, R. Painter; clerks, V. J.
Croniee, 1'. R. Davis.
South Salem Judges; W. II. Arm
strong, Geo. Whiteuker, JL Dormnn;
clerks, Amos Voss, Frank Dearborn
Silver nuts Judges; a. mixer, u. a.
Van Gordor, S. ltrouii; clerks, J. Rlnk
oney, John Roseell.
North Sllvertou-Judgcs; John F.Davis
S. G. Hobart, T. JInrklnnd; clerks, C.
W. Youugurcn. J. O. Warnock.
South Sllvorton Judges; A. Thomp
ron, J. L. Eidsou, E.G. Small; Clerks,
L. P. Aldrich, T. V. McClelland.
Silverton Judges: 0. JL Hlnklo. P.
W. Potter, G. W.Dolan; clorks, Fred
Warnock, J. Feschor.
St. Paul Judges: P. Jlullon, J. L.
Cook, S.J. Kerr; clorks, Jno. Pocortl,
li. J. .iieuonaiu.
Stayton Judges: W. II. Coopor, L.
Hobson, U. Whitney; clerks: E. Win
ters, W. W. Elder.
Sublimity Judges: J. T. Hunt, A.
f.ntnn W II I lnivn 1 ii i nliirL'a II.
Schcllbcrg, Jos. Ditter.
Turner-Judges: U. Silver. Jos. Wit
eel, I. Small, Jr.; clerks, F. II. Rob-
son, K. u. inomas.
Woodhurn Judges: J. II. Settle
mier, Peter I.ucier, Nick Miller; clerks
0. L. Oglo, U. 8. Seollard.
Yew Park Judges: W. II. bimpson,
II. G. Haw ley, T. L. Davidson; cferks,
R. W. Davis, T. 0. Jory.
Sidney Judges: R. A. Donaldson,
F. B. Cochran, M. F.Hall ; clerks, G.
Frnzior, John W. Jory.
Hows This?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Prop , Toledo, 0
We. tho undersigned, liavo known b.
J. Cheney for the last ID years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus-
Mops irummciious, aim unoneiniiy uuiu
to carry out any obligation made by
their Orm.
WkstA Tkoax, Wholesale uruggists, io
ledo.O. . .
Waliiino. Ki.nnan & JIauvjs, Whole-
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catorrh Cure Is taken internal
ly, noting directly uoii tho blood and
mucous surfaces of tho syetem. Price
7ric ner Iwttle. Sold by all druggists
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pill nro the best.
12Xu7,ity nGuih.Vl mt'aSSrind j
evening tervice begins at 7 p. in. Rev. j
W. E. Copeland, pastor. The addresses
invhed his comrades and their farailloL, !
be Indian and Spanish war Veterans to
inin iiim in n natrintie eervice
join him 111 a patriotic sen ice.
. - .,
Corner 10 1( and rerry streep., inere
1 be bunuay ncnooi ui u . hi. wmu.-1
.w. but no preaching either forenoon
row'b,!.no..!u?'!f','"l!,J ".i??"
r.r ......i.i.M. tin. iiaatnr lielm; nuav iroin
u, v...ti -- , d . I
the city.
ciiCBCii or oou.
ti.... ...111 i urviui at 7:80 n. m. I
.1 ... C.., ..vanlnu 10 at 11 11 ni.
this Saturday opening .also "' '
am. a i. ..i. r.'r.r.",.."T.w.r. '
.1 M ar. n nHll I rl I ! HI nilllllllV. IIV i
ii. ni. auiiuuv. ur
the paftor, Porter an
d Foir In North
mi-risr ciidrcii,
Roland MeKillop. pantor. TmiOw:
"Tub Asionof ChrUt,"at 100 a.
ni.; "For to Jle to Liie Is Clirlst, or
Cliribtianity a Life," at 8.00 p. in.; bon
day fcchool at 12 m.; oung PeopJas
meeting at 7 p. m.
Church street, botween
-...,) flanrt ttrlitll. II. A
pastor. Servicw at 10 JtO a. in. and 8 p
in. tsupjeavoi morning bciimuu. """
irom a rar uouniry lexi, ".'
Bvenliig text. TCor. 138; subjeet.
The Inlallibld"
CllWMTlAX tciiticit.
Salem Church of Christ, Scientist, No.
MmoXV in having this "U'rove-;,;; ,-'pv
JSrf. Th7 mitlc iif? li p-Mo. nt .! dMere tltt for tl.olr pro- wenl to Albany .,t evening They
Miss Copeland will sing one of the army greslve public spirit, for while it en- were: MIsmm 1 Una Purdy, Jiarie Rock-
Vt. iv.ui...,i rnr ti. n,tiliiin'i..n iI,a viilitn nt tlmir nrnrw-rtv It well and hdith Ketchum. Jl las Laura
UIIIL'H. .111 VJ1I irvilliiU UI 1IV - 1 1IHIIVVU V -w -.. -. - - --
Great Oaks From
Little Acorns Grow.
A single microbe contains
the germ of the most malig
nant maladies. The blood is
the means by which microbes
are sent on their deadly mis
sion. Small at first, the mi
crobe soon becomes a giant.
Hood's Sarsaphritla is the
arch enemy of all germs of
whatever nature. Its small
doses master these microbes
by dissolving and passing them
off as refuse of the system.
Fcmalo Wcakncsa " hvt had
f 'etntle weakness ill my life And suffered
day And night from hedtche. I fwvc
taken Hood's SarsapArUU and am now
strong again." Mrs. Gerlte Landon,
Harlem, Mo.
Rhoumatlem-" If I have a touch of
rheumatism. I take Hood's Sarsaparilla
and it soon cures me. It is the best rem
ed I know of for that trouble." H. W.
Hutchinson. Newark Valley, H. Y.
Neuralgia -"Hook HooiTf Sarstpa
rilla for neuralgia and in less
month I was perfectly cured."
Luck, Bf.nfer, Pa.
fft4fi one
Annie M.
3foOC& SaMafxViifl
IIcwmI . I'lIU i ure IWerUlt i Ilia non Irritating and
'only cathnrtfcto lake wlflllool' 8armpflll
2!ft) Liberty street. Services nt 10:30 n
in. mid 8 p. m. Subject of morning
nnd evening lesson eormon "God Tho
Only Cause nnd Creator." Sunday
school at 10:30 n. m. Wednesday even
ing meeting nt 8 p. m.
N. Shupp, pastor. Trenching services
tomorrow nt 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. m.
.Morning subject, "Church Prosperity.
Evening subject, "Tho Christian Raco."
Sunday school nt 10 a.m.; Y. P. A. at
0.00 p. in.
John Parsons, pastor. Services to
morrow nt 10:30 a. in. nnd 8. p. in.
Subject of tho evening sermon, "Bravo
Deeds of Brave Men;'1 a Memorial ad
dro5s, Tho church will be decorated
with tho national colors and tho "Union
Veterans Union," and tho ladies of tho
G. A. R. will attend the services in n
body. In tho evening there will bo a
patriotic and religious concert, by the
choir, and a brief address by tbo pastor
on "A Glory of Onr Contury." During
tho day, the following hymns of patriot
Ism will bo rondored by tho choir, uudor
the direction of Prof. Francesco Soley:
"Flag of tho Free," ' Star Spangled
Banner." "Hall Columbia." "Freedom's
LFIag"nnd "Our Fnthorlnnd." Sunday
school nt 1- in. l.pwortn league ni
0:45 p. in.
V. M, c. A.
All mon nro Invited to comn to tho
meeting iu tho Young Siena Christian
Asrtociution, ut 4 p. in., Sunday. Ad
dress by Rev. Chas. Jlerryman, of thu
United Brethren church,
w. c. t. c.
Regular Gospel mooting nt tho W. 0.
T. U. hull Sunday.HMay 27, at 4 o'clock.
Every lady invited.
ir. c. T. u. NOTES.
Tiie regular meeting was Inld on tho
22d, nltliough the nttendnnco was
small, owing to so many being at tho
convention. It was decided to have a
Silver Grey Biiffrago contest in tho near
future. We want every man nnd woman
to realize what tno Juno election means
to Oregon.
To Nlgni and To-Morrow Night,
And each day ana night during tills
week you can get at any druggist's
Kemp's Ualsuiu for tho Tlirnul uud
Lungs, acknowledged to be tho most
successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs. Croup. Bronchitis. Astlium
uud Consumption. Got a txttlo to.
day nnd koep It ulwuys In tbo house
8'jyoucao chock your coia ut onco
rnco zoo nun ooc. ouuipio uoiiie iree,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
Signature of
Helps to Beautify the Busmen Part of
Town A Gratifying Change.
That section of High stroet recently
filled In with dirt from tho excavation
for tho Odd Fellows Temple has now
been leveled off, and soma grading has
been dono opposlto the Salem Hotel.
An immense Improvement has been
made in tiie apearanco of High street,
and Iwlng just off State streo and within
a block of the court house, it materially
'-'r8 ,lto "a" B f
of tho city.
The property owners who havo been
help8 beautify tiie city. I
l. Tf, 7 ,. y' ,..,., ,, ,,,.'
""'" ""'" "" '""" - -
i1MViit mtributor. and it is under-1
,, t,iat I)r. John Hoynolde. J. I
J K M Crolea aa Mrit Iub.!
. -, , - .
nlun li.i.n t r naatu - lou
expense In the matter. . . .
;. , ...1.1 . .1... ...... .1 1
dirt that came out of the hole In which
Krixon and Van Patton ate now laying
the foundation for the new opera house,
BUU ' grailiying IO IIOIO IIIUV ll KKIUB
,A ,.- i,.. ,' , 'here it would do the
" --- --
nit i.
Shake Into Your Shoe
Allen's Foot-Kase, a powder. It cure
painful smarting, nervous feet aud in
trowing nails and in.tmtty takes the
i'.lng out of corns and bunions. It's
in ureattje-t comiort uisoovery or me
kJe Allen's Foot-Ease makea tight or
.uu- ninuA feol eaiv. It Is a certain cure
for sweating, callous and hot tired ach-
ingle-, iry ii iouy. "i u
drurcista and shoe stores. By mail for
Ai T .. . T.I-I b.. VUV.V
SDC III SUtltips. 1 1 1 l'".-' " ZV
Address Allen H. Olmsted, U Roy, S..
r , ca m -k i- r y
. O -A. S T GJ IjtX A.
BunO " tlri jLW "' "Wft "
B!fstar SjJtf-?,
tf lvtfTZ JU4AtfA
For Free
Readings in
As Presented by Prof. Smllng To Be
Followed by More--Free Depart
ment Closed Wednesday.
Tho following readings in tho sclonco
ot palmistry nro ot tno unicm peopio.
They are mado by Prof. Sterling, ono
of tno most renowned scientists In tho
world in his line.
You hovo n long life beforo you nnd
you will travel moro than you hnvo any
idea of.
No slcknoss is marked in your hand
nnd you must always act upon tho first
impulso of the moment in order to mnk
n success.
Ynn ritn fldnnf Vnurnqtf fn nnv plrrnm
Btancos and you will hold n public olllco
in tho future
Your hand Indicates that you will bo
rich in experiences nnd will travel n
great deal afoot. You nro of statu ro
and n good Btudcnt. You hnvo n roton
tlvo memory. Will marry young widow
soon. You caro nothing for monoy.
You will soon win n honorablo prizo.
At Bed Time
tako a plonsant herb drink, the uqjt
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor says it
acts gently on the stomach, liver nnd
kldnoys, and is a pleasant laxative. It
is made of herbs, nnd is prepared ns
easily ns ten. It is cnlled Lnno's Medi
cine All druggists sell it at 2Cc. nnd CO
cts. Lnno's Family Medicine moves tbo
bowels each day. If you cannot got it,
send for free snmplo. Address, Orator
F. Woodward, LoRoy, N. Y.
Biinths "& KM You m Atop Bought
Iha Kind You Han Alwara
Excitement In London
Docs not imply that people need to be
excited or go hungry at Salem, as nn
abundanco of tho best of food is pre
pared dally and meals sorvod nt nil
hours nt Strong's Kostnurant.
Field Day at Pacific College.
Pacific Collego hold Field day last
Saturday. Roy Heater was Btar of tho
occasion, winning in live or six different
events. Three nieu are doing good
work, John Weed, in tho mile, Jacksou
In tho low hurdle, broad jump and high
Jump, and Clarenco Dally in tho Pole.
Vault. W bile Leon Kenworthy Is doing
well in the lialf-mllo, Pacific, college will
not send mnny men, but thoy will tako
soveral first places.
Conductor's Excutslon.
Tho Ordor of Railway Conductors,
which for several years has hold its
annual picnic nt Salem, will this yoar
go to The Dalles, May 27. Tho oxcurslon
train from Salem will shirt at 0:30 n in.
of thatdate. Round trip f L 1311
Ahotlur Boy Returned,
Another ono of tho boys who left town
td nvoid prosecution for theft n short
time ago returned yesterday and gavo
himself up. Ho was taken beforo Jus
tice Johnson, who released him with a
warning against future misbehavior.
Special Reserve.
Government" whiskey, recog
nized by leading physicians, nnd espec
ially by A. P. O'llrion M. I)., Captain
nnu Surgeon, also by Wm. D. JlcCnrty
JL I).. Jlulor and Surgeon, in United
States Army. Furthermore, tho board
of health of San Francisco, recommends
this stimulant as tho purest, unadulter
ated, for family use, for convalescents
and invalids. Bold exclusively In Salem
and Marion County by J. P. Kookm.
Election of Olllcers,
Salem Camp No. 118, P. J. J. W. W.i
held Its olcctlon of olllcers on last even
ing, with the following risults:. P. D.
1,'tunty, consul commander; I.. F. Mc
A too, adviser: Ilomor Smith, watch
man; Paul A. Hansen, sentry; W. F.
Colo, escert: 1. A. White, manacer.
Delegates to thu district convention at
, Independence, In June, were nlso elect
ed, as follews: W. C. Hawley, B.C.
Kightllngor, 0. L. Darling, L. W.
Achesoii, J. B. Benolt, A. J. llasey, P.
D. Prunty, F. G. Bowerson, W. F. Colo,
Paul C. Hanson, F. X. Bouillard, W. II.
Armstrong, W. A. Moores nnd A. F.
$15.00 Reward
Will bo paid for tho arrest and convlo
tion of any iMirsou caught Injurinjfor
cutting palius'or shrubbery in or around
tho Willamette Hotel.
20 tf J. Connur.
Ooni to Albany.
Rov, R. JlcKillop, pastor of the First
llaptint church of this city, went to
Albany last evening to attend tho annual
convention of the State Y. P. H. 0. E.
? ,aw i,r"; w V ?lolt, "nU m" ,U.T
Moore wnt up to,l.y to represent the
naptisi urancu oi me society.
. L
laT-. S-.u aI f !.. t. . aVian
pIOOo.l,,on of Cu,U.hnC aunoly.
, . . il.l. .!..
1 no nop grower. i Miir ..
rriaay alternoon were praoiioauy unan-
Imous in the opinion that in the Inter-
out of their induitry something should
be done to bring about concerted action
to keep tho supply down to the demand,
A reduction of the amount harvested,
when the acreage Is too large can only
be accomplished tutlafaetorlly by
mutual reetneut.
As a move to this direction a commit
, of flv WM appointed to dravr up
(orm of agreement for the signature of
hop growers, to provide for reduction
of acreage harvested when such reduc
' tion is denied necenary. Tho commit
tee was named as follews:
j II. R. Thlelson, PortUwI; John T.
Wood, Wheatland; James Wfnitauley,
Palcra: J. . White, Slonitor, W. H.
. Brooks
1 Tiii Mitttriitam frnni Mia Wtutt. vnr armiHiu
I lltllflll ll
Tho Klml Yotl Havo Always
la uSo for ovor 30 years,
ffl-1., sonnl suiicrvlfilou shico It Inflmcy.
f'C64AX'vi Allnwun nun tni1iinlvn vnti In 1ila.
All Counterfeits, Imltntions nnd' Jiist-na-Kood" nro bub
Esperliiient.s that trlflo with nnd ondnngor tho health of?
lufnnts and Children Experlonco ngnlnst Exporlmout,
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstorln. is n harmless nuhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contuliiH neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nurcotio
siihstancc. Its ago is its gtiarantco. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays FovcrlMhncss. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Chlldrey'H Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years,
,IL . 82S.
m 3ffifM
R. M. WADE & CO.
All Wines
Got ohler and hotter at the same time,
Louis XV's highest praise for any fruit
of the graKi was to call It drliikablo,
Heaklng In like parlance, we can say
that our stock Includes thu most do
Huhtfully drinkable productions of the
Huroeaii and American vineyards. Kor
tho table and for Invalids wo show every
thing on thu preferred list.
J. ?t Rogers
218 and ' Commercial Htreet.
'Wholesale and retail,
A Foul Fiend
of disease Is what sewer gas resolves it
self Into, when your idumbing Is Im
perfect If your family becomes en
feeblcd, or sickness is prevalent, look to
your plumbing and rectify all defections.
As sanitary plumlwrs, steam and gas
fitters, our work it unsurpassed.
Telephone No. 2371
Bought, and which 1ms hoca.
hns homo tho slgimturo of?
hits uoon lnndounilcr IiIh iicr-
Signaturo of
On tho lawn nro our hose, reel, ball mid
nozzlo. Their uso secures a carpot of
verdure of nature's richest hues. Em
ploy tho (agency of freshness, early and
otten. Tho cost In time, trouble, and
nionu75ls email, tho result largo. All
hardware implements for lawn, garden,
nnd Hold, law'n mower included, should
bo boiiKht here. Tho reason : JM saved
Somclhing to Be Proud Of
Is tho ownership of a'Crescent, Cleve
land or Clondron bicycle. It is thu nemo
of perfection in bicycle construction,
where lightness Is not utcriHecd for
strength and mechanical skill blond to
make a wheel that is unexcelled for mil
ling iua II ties mid reliability. Wo have
usploiidiil stock to'choosofrom, At.f'.'S,
to WO.
R. M. Wade &Co
Don't Make a Slave
i(f your wife, but Feud your linen and
other articles that make wash day 11
family terror, to our laundry, Wo havo
the fucllitioH to produce maximum re-
suits at a minimum of lalior. Our work
is as bright iih a rose bindi in bloom, und
our rates low enough to provoke a
smllu What we do can't lie dono at
homo ; for a few cents.
Salem Steam Laundry,
IK) 110 US II. OI.MHTKA1I, l(lll.
rhomi ill. 'iu) LIlHirty Htreet
But no 0110 need worry about mutton
this time of tho year, If thoy can get
dainty and dellglous Spring lamb for an
appetizing and nourishing Summer
meal. We havo everythwiic In ufiotcu
uieaU, aud all the dtdfcacle of the ejra-
In both ireih and smoked meats
that will suit the moot orltlcuLcplouru,
Whlto Corner. Balcm Or. Pnrtlnn ileIr.
Ing suiicrlor operations nt moderate fees
in any branch nro in especial request.
Phono 1071.
nooMs 1 and a, niuY huc.
In Salem and Albany
Graduato ot American School of Osteo
pathy. SALEM Monday, Wednesday
Frldav; hours, 0 to 11 a, 111.5 1 to
over Weller's grocory.
ALUANY Tuesday, Thursday
Saturday : hours 0 to 12 a. m, ; 1 to
m., Mrs. WiniiH residence.
6 p.
Pur Unlaui anil rtolnltr 1ot& orilori at (leo
Will Mimic Htno.
Toledo, Oration.
Wm Clerk of Circuit Court for linear nilhs
an U)-to-dtQ stMlractof all roiitj in Lincoln
Cuuulr. ll17m
a For water dorvlco nnply ut olllco.
Dills piiyublo monthly In advunce.
Mako all couiplalnlH at tho olllco.
Express and Transfei
Meets all mall and passcnucr trains.
llaggago to nil parts of tho city. Prompt
Telephone no, noi.
Willamette Stables.
Tho undersigned nro now occupy
ing tho Willamette Stable, south
Commercial street, and aro
ready to hlro you a nice rig or
feed and caro for your team
when In Salem. Horses boarded
by the week. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Yout patronage solic
ited. 2-1811
Harold & Reynolds
, C, STONB. M. D.
Stone's Drue; Stores
OLTtio iieron (two lit number) aro located a
No, 2U unit U3 CommvreUI ttiet, ud arc
well tM keil with acumploto lino olilniKinml
mixltclnra, lollut uitlclca, pvrluiaery, linuhoa
vie, ulo., eu,
IIiulilonioi3 )rcrilinrli,nre..lii tho iro
llcouliiitxllcliiumnl uow mukin 110 ;climtf (or
oonaiilMtloii, cianilnttlnii orprwicrlptlou.
We carry a small stock of
Mado at Albany, uud aro prouuod to
supply small consumero say ono sock
to 11 ton ut a low prlco. l'leanu mako
inquiry, and save your small change,
Salem Flouring Mills Co.
!i-l 1-eod
Knlfti ir ot (0) wool li.mlltn..,
rorxi jHirMin, nixm nauuigi ....
Klilfraiierwto. MvUl hinlle.
Kurki xir imjIC, JIII linillt..
'l'Wu i(x)u ir n-t 0, .
Tc ikiii wr l "
llullvr KnUe, tcli. .-..
8iiKr Hhulli, ,ct'ti. ......
C(vln( 81 ..........
60 IO
IS 74
if, Ui
UI 10
.. W lu
tl CO to II 60
ntpnin uinx x.r nci n,..
CaiUin.. . - .-.
Cull mid get our prices on Gold and
Nickel plating.
IOB Htnto btroot M phono 2071)
I m II in I J for umiHtntM
Iim liArijM. IUlli"tulim
trrtilliti ur u.'nl)uu
if lit II CU Ilk tlfUll'Tt.HtM
1'uikUm. mU'I nut tlrlii
ImEtlMC"" Mflo. r"',lur J-1"1""
ir sunt iii blitin wrriftir.
Y mitm, MflMM, (tA
(, ur 3 ImIIo. u 70.
Trtili! Mart
1.1 uiIbbL all 4rurxltOf
The TI-l.u Mrdliul Co.
2MJ llrva.lwar, ttnw York.
tfc-sd fur IluuVUt.
a...X.n afa1
MRS. M. A. COOK, Proprietor,
Salem Steam Dye Works.
l.adlos'anil cents 'clot Iihb cleaned
dyed, repaired uud pre sol.
Hats aud gloves dry cleaned.
Coats and vests rellned. Velvet
collars replaced on overcoats.
IOB Uom'l St Opp Hotol Wlllametto
I At Detroit, Oregon
Now open for Summer Tourists, new
house, newly furnlilied first-class accom-
' odatlons. Price from fl.00 to fl.CU per
I day. U001I pack train and saddle horses
always ready to accomodate Tourists to
Hot Springs, Marlon Lake, and Lake
PamelU and all good fishing points,
H. Jacob, Prop.
to Dr. J. 5f
BHgr 14 I is i. Tm
IWi IFm.i 1. uta .J
ltljb Cue mt' 1 IIItI
,,Nw today. nadv
three tl
I.OO pari
ui same
Brewery. MttSwii, L.wWstatS!-
1 nun -j l.-... a.'
containing papMa a-m tWo W
Leave at JounHAL Offica fnr a..j.'
..New today nadvArtl..n.... ail
A?e? w.n?"ae nrtii:
gontn. Ail SvoTirTlRay i
ING TEN GENTS-Tho wMiett ?
Invited to patrouizo the MmIM Mt
jorShop. 1 this shop is secure! vW$t
iiaroor onon. it u,ia ahoti is secUre.1
oy tno coinbliio the price will be la.
creased to 16c. G. W. Waster, 05 State
street. 5-24-lm
LOST On tho Brooks road between Oh
f air gronnds and Lake Labish a Riuare
, gold lockpt, containing picture oi falk
cr and mother. Finder please leavo
at Journal offlco or with L. B, Gcer
at tho state house and receive reward.
21 Gt
FOU SALE CHEAF-Ono good milch
cow nearly fresh, ono horse, buggy
and harness, all in good condion. n
nulro ut 3l Contor Btreot or addres
lllK JODltXAIi ofllco. 5 21 Iw
FOB BALL Ono good 3) Bain wagon,
pno buggy, ono two-seated opon
buggy, ono road cart, ono steel wagon,
one harrow, ono H-lnch Ollvor
Chilled plow, two U-inch steel plows,
somo gooil second-hand wood chop
pcr'a tools. Call at Jacobs and Long
cor, general blacksmith shop, near
Labor Exchange, Blver Bend. 6 17 lin
WOOD SAW.-Call up Phono 2551
Black and got V. II. Crots Bteam
wood saw to cut your wood. All orders
promptly attended to. 6-17-ltno.
WANTED This week good waitress. '
Steady job. Wlllametto Hotel. 6 22n$
not tbo greatest known health pro
tector and roatoror. Prlco f 5.00 17.50
and f 12.50 according to slxo and qual
ity, 12.00 book free to patrons. Mrs.
J. A. bellnoodandMrs. T. B. Fair,
bank, gonoral ogonts, 383 Front 8.
Salem, Or. 6-10-M ,
SALEM STEAM Carpet cleaning
works corner of High and Divlsloa '
streota. Wo have all tho modem
machinery and aro prepared to clean
your carpet cheaper and better than
uny other way. Our work is guaran
teed to bo first-class. Spring has ar
rived, you aro ready to clean house,
Leave your ordor at J. L. Frcolands,
Stato street or call or address, Kays &
Stalgcr. C-O-lm
P081TIVE CURB for Kxioma'tn worst
form, Addross with stamps, Box 05,
Tollman, Oregon, 5-U-lm
FOR SALE OR TRADE-Fifteon acre
tract with first-class improvement,
half a mllo from stato house, will soli
nt a bargain, or trade for farm land,
Apply to Julius Ruef, first brick house
011 Garden Road, or address Salem,
Oregon. 4-30-lta"
WANTE D. Two girls for general house
work. Apply at tho Cottage hotel.
ROOMS, Furnished or unfurnished,
single or in suites, dining room ad
joining, homu-Hko. second Moor Cot
tie block. Mattio liutchlns, prop.
A GOOD Oppotunlty to learn the Jew
elry and watchmaking trade. Only
such persons as can furnish thu best
of references need apply. 0. II.
Hinges, 2UU Commercial street. 4 5 tf
NEWBUGGIES.-Acar load different
styles, ilrst class Just received;
beforo yon buy, call and see them.
Pohlu A Bishop, Stato and Front Bts.
4 4U
measure, reriect in guarantoeu,
'.'000 styles to select from. II. S.
Belle, Stato Street, agent Wanna
maker A Brown, Philadelphia, '4-7-tf
HOUSE 7jLEAI?EliT--- Remember
that tho best, and clieuptMl carpet
paper In the Heavy felt
paper, toia
BELGIAN HARES Tho great Cali
fornia industry, Fortunes are now
being m ado raising them. Our brood
ing fa nn Is amoug tho largest in Call,
fornlu. Docs from (3 un. To Intro
duce our stock we will mako arge
dUcounta on orders of three or wore,
Buy direct from the breeder, Wo
start you right. Dealer can treble
their money on our stock. Blue Rib
bon Babbitry 75 Piorco St. San Fnwi
clsco. 6-8-s-lt
WANTED. A man to deliver and col
lectin Balem and vicinity; 1 15,00 per
per week and expenses paid; pcrma
inviit position Address DELIVERY
DEPARTMENT. 1330 Cherry St Phil
adelphia, Pa. 5-U1-23
8LAH WOOD We aro at present saw
ing big mountain llrlogs. Now Is tie
time to order yoar slab wood. Tho
lat aud cheapest wood In the market.
1,W) ierload.
Q-2V3t. Cai'itau I.UMUiuixa Co.
Call for Bids.
Bids will Ihj received at the olilco oi -
the Recoider of tho City of Buleiu.Oro
gon, until tho hour of 0 p. m. on Tues
day, June 6, 1000. for furnishing the said
city of Kdleiu with six hundred (COO) feet
of four-ply rubber tiro bote. The right
Is hereby recurved to reject any and all
bids filed in this behalf. Each bid must
bo accomMiilod by a deposit of cash or
by certified check In ten per cent oi the
hid so filed.
Done by ordor of tho committee 011
Ilroaud water of the common council of
said city, this Hth day of May, 11XW.
N. J. Juiuu,
6-1 ltd City Recorder.
ToBridge Contractor
The County Court of Linn county
.ti.air.'a Minna, medications, strain
.llui,rnma amt llldtt fur tjlfl COnktrUCtlo
of a Howo Truss bridge over tho Boutk ?,
Santiam river near Sweet Home, to Njji
UUUllllCHt UI UIOIII uu UI M.w. ...--
day, June 7th 1000, at the hour ol on
n't'lfutlf 11. III.
Bidder aro olso requested toinswi.
iimiia now uu iw ni " -"V "-
and submit bide ou the same. The ee
reserve tho rigM to reject aajr erH
bids. An approved bond ltth ss
bidden will bo exactwl of the wccsssM
iiitiiii.r uiiiiin xnrHA (lavaiaitut w-w-i j
i.... ..! .,.llrti.l phawar lu taw '
mm of 10O. must accompy Mk V?M
to bo forfeited to the county by t
siiccesalul bidder o tousw
Mi.ln.t ami AT-lll KltUl 10 MKS Ml
stmetion of bridge wlthlu threo
iiina-liiir award. '"?
Gko. D. lUirrox. County Ja4n.
Albany, Oregon, Msy 16t,jJ..j