IS I r h r. All Wool Plaid Suitings Worth $1.40. Mercerized 21 2C Shirt Waists Stylish because they resemble satin and will hold the resemblance $2.90 CASH STORE HOLVERSON'S 20H and BOO COMMtCHOtAI BT. f New Notion in Novelties. Pulley bolls In sntln, silk ami leather, plain or with fancy buckles. !Ho to L.wJ each. Bcparnto nnlloy rlncn In floral patterns, ne From Gc up patterns, net pcnti.meJullloiiBUtL'. Chain Purses and Chatelaines In a variety of style and pat tern, at popular prlcoi. Chain Curb Bracelets With padlock and koy, and heart nttnehed. 35c each. Hose Supporters New lino of fancy stdo elastic. 25e to 00c a pair. J. ci Dalrymple & Co, WBATHItn JIBPOnT. Fnlr Ionic ht un! Ucdncrdayi slightly coolrr tnnlvht, with ptobablo warmer Wednesday. front) Wo Want lo Do Wo do only flrst-clss work, use only first-class material, mid guarantee every thing wo do. Wo will do your work promptly, we can snvo you money on your repairing of watches, Jewelry and spectacle. Wo cau replace any broken lout, spring or (rame. Tliu next tliun your glasses break, let ns repair them lor you. nnd ik Ihu dlllerenco In work inaushlp. Watches cleaned 76o. . Main springs ?ro. WATCIIMAKKII ANU0I1ICUN. C-H.HLINGBS lOnOOMMICHOIAk NT Next door to Holvnrson Oiler Hounty. I will glvn I'.'.oO for tliA scalp of every dog that ever ruu ihrep In the Fair Ground's neighborhood. 4.17.1m Joiik Batauw, Hr. For Suit. A span of good work horse! welht 1200 each, -i WdAwtl It. St. Chowan Candidate. A expected thureaiu mauy candidate for the higher oilloHhu people appro- date , Reed thing mid continue to buy ami coitiiiiiiu to iniy niid groceries from I heir provision Hranson .V ItwAti Wildmsn for Vice PicskJent. Tie people ol tho weal know Reed thing when limy hearalwul It; till no ouut for nil our (iplo buying Ijv Corona olgar when they want kuhI moke. bptcUl Reserve. 'Old Government" whiskey. rvw- esm0 lilted by leading ph l.llv hv A. P. OMIrl hyslolans, and leu M. !., uspiaiu mul Hurgcou, alsoh; gcou. also i iv m. it. .ucvnrir ... it .n..iu M I) Malor and Burgeon, In United fiiaiKK Armv. Furthermure. the IkmhI u( health of Ban PraneiMW, leonunueiid thla itlmulaul ni tb pnrwt. uimdulier Med, for family Hni. for convaletmita nnd invalid. BoJd exclusively In twltmi mid Marlon County by J . P, Uoomov i tf Your Watch Repairing matmm 1- n . . - " i i - imm- :9N kmm im i?or Crosv ft PlaikwelPa I'uro Olivo Oil. Wwstershlre, lj Wlfa'a Balad Dreunr Hetiu's Tomato Psuitj. Tvunalo t'l.up. : : t : i CANNED GOODS Only tt brand and the tomt prkt qmtt A lull line of S4ih tilngcr'sfawou Halem made tlirvM. cium lnwk, bwl. brvWt, llmbuiiiT. rtc. Only hi'rtlthlul awl Miwrvor een-als, chum mwiU. mid food prvxlucU nt all Uud aio hatnlled tiy us Our Mivfar ts prompt and oourlrsy UnlwaixteiHUl to our aliuu. Rotl'i & Graber r to . O. Sonnemann. Bold for SUB. Satine Economical because they wear well and even wash well CASH STORE 3 Great Values in X X A; Ladies' Shirt Waists 65c' 75c and $1 each. THE SEASON S BEST OFFER IS OUR 52-IN. HOMESPUN X X Dress Goods at 85c, THE YARD IN TANS, DROWNS AND GREYS COTTVUK. F. A. Wells, I'ortlund. It. 0. Morrow, Portland. W. i: Wilson, I'ortlund. Mr. and Mrs. Urnllnn, Portland. 11. F. Fischer, Hilverton. A. A. Hlmumns, m Ainiolo. Mrs, J. M. Ilalmuu, Dallas. MIssBoutlmlek, Rlckreul. IMUtSUNALS Clarenco Ilishop has returned to the the University at Kugeue. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Conhow and baby returned to llosehurg today, Judge lliilnu has gone to hold tin ud Journed term of court at Albany. J. f. Thompson has gone to the lum ber cumps nt Isabel!, I.anu county for a (ew weeks' outing. Mr. Monroe Nyu, ol Portland, who been vititing her parents south of Biilem returned to her home today, Jus. Wiusliiukiy went today to llrowiiHvlllo to deliver a lot of hop (or IheOrvguu llopgrowers' Association. Mrs, T. M. Martin liasrelurned tnher home ut ThIUooos lake alter u visit billi hurwu Carey Martin the Hulem ut tomey. J. M. dura, District Deputy For esters of America, went to Independence this atternoon on business with Inde lieudencu court. W. M. Wisdom, formerly in the drug business In Puttlaud, urrived In the city last evening from Nuw York, where he ha resided for the past ten year, lie will take thoHsltlou oauml hy the rciiltfiiatloii ol A. K. Cronhv. Mr. Wis doui ha had over twenty years ux perlenco in the drug line and will man age Mr. Fry 'a IiihIiiixh during tho lat ter' abwtncu In Paris and the east this fuiiiuior. Mr. Wimlam I utll known In Portland mid throughout the valley. He was the originator ol the tmlehrutcd toilet xjdt'r, known a "WUdoui's Itoltertlliu." Mr, WUloui' family will move to Malum in tho near luluro to make tttolr home. Fur l.ttletlyliu mllllnsry.nt reas oiiaWW prKtw, mm Mt. amiiu, male street. 'it Ut Wai Bctin TuiHght, If yn wish to roe Ixvitle hvlwetm Unoleomm and tlw BpjvnUh, wIiIhkiI MNtiig one' still tu tlie wu!tir ( astual wuilafe, enmw to Hie Ftrl M. IS. cheifili ami hii moviug (tklnre war twne. Itvery detail will le shown with irlet acontucy. AdniMuu ikte. Uhll diwi l&i. I! lllllll Your Table As well as the inot toothsome morsels in delicacies you will always find at this store, pure, nutritious and high grade in cveiy particular ' ia4 8UtWt IMioita 151 T HOTEL ARRIVALS. X vii iclniil COUNTY POLITICS The Opposition' Will Have a County Ticket in the Field. Foil Se'eral Candidates Wilt Oo CitUena' Ticket by Petition. tho Hero is all the nrguscyed Portland press representative could dig up Mon Men day: Them is very llltlo political discussion In Mnrlon county at present; so, little, In fact, that a prominent Democratic trnrlnimn iinlil tmlav that he never before saw politics so quiet lust before an olee .!,.. nL . tnr a rntinlv ninceon Ilia opposition ticket has filed tiuil villi wuu .ii..iv.i,v .... ""', 1 rrinli.r. That tlmrH will Ixl other ODIKJ sltlou candidates on the ticket Is nMiired, . ... I I il.l L' IV nnnerer. n is uniiersHwi uii " Diirbln, Democratic candidate for sheriff, told the central committee last Baturdoy that ho will mako the run, even II he f the only man on tho ticket. At th6 Democrntlo headquarters It wasulven out that Lieut. W. E. Flnsor had sent In his acceptance and would make the race fur clerk. T. Y. McClelland, for assessor, nnd George L. llrovvn, for legislator, wero put on tho ticket by tho People's party central committee, and ratified hy tho Democratic central committee. They will have to goon thu Citizens' tickotby petition. Prot. J. J. Krapps wns ten dered the nomination by both commit tees in Joint session, and will bo nomi nated on n petition. Copies of these petitions will be filed nt Tim Jouhmai, ofllce, and all who care to do so nro urged to sign them before Friday even ing. Prof. T. O. Jory wns In tho city nil day Monday laboring to get signers among the party leaders for n non-partisan Cit izen's convention at Hulem Friday this week, lie met with some success, hut not enough to warrant going ahead, and gave It up. All said It was too late to HOt. Tlicro Is great activity nt tho Itepubll can headquarter. Chairman Wright man I completing n cloco poll of tho county. Chairman Mott is having thu same work done for his committee, with tho help of Jos. Heliwood, Holms thu hearty co-oieralloii of the Populist county chairman Oeo. W. Weeks. The Cape Nouiers are n slstiug all efforts to keep them here until ufler the June election, although they nre assured ol substantial addition to their numbers niter that date. W. M. Kaiser, ol the State Central committee, has received HjtlUoiis lo nomluatu Hon, Oeo. 0. Oreeii for Kit promo Judge, vice Win. llauiBey, re signed. The Itepubhonii headquarters am okiii over Cray llros, hanhvarolitore. HON JOHN M'COURT Kcslgusas Assldiant In Attorney Oener al's Office. It is announced that John McCourt has tendered his resignation as assistant Altornoy-Uonorul, his resignation to take effect June t. Judge lllackhurn will apHilnt Miss Jennie llooth, o( this oily, lo llll the vaoanoy. Mis llooth is u daughter ol the late J. C. llooth, of Bu loin, mul la a stenographer nnd typo wrltiit hy vocation. Thu position of assUtant lu tho ofllce of the Altornoy-lUmoral was created by the last legislature, nu appropriation ol filOU per uunum having boon made lor that purpoio. Blucu the Kitlou was created it has licou llllcd by Mr. Mo Court, who is n Salem Attorney, and who was a member ol the last legisla ture from this uouuty. JOUItNAL "X-HAVa." Isn't It time the women woke up to the (net that their right to tie ballot in Orcgim is tu he decided in JuuoY I I I Oeorge JuIiiimii. tho mayor of Wast Salem, rtijitkoi ut llm advent u( immstll utu prtirtty, J. II. Fttoheruiul Wll tun Putimui, Iwuol Ut mimwt insu hi tow ii, ate going to leove. Tu4JiyMsy I, IHtwey day. Council meets tonight. IWlou Play at MetluIWt ohiiroh. Hpy Two, A marriit IImmmim Ihis Ikoii hrfnetl to Anna Matthew siwl II. P. MvUluuls, t)e)ig Matthew uellng u wlluos. flll?D & mcw rvHC riio.NK 9rtt. (AST kTATK ST. CHUNK 2131. A Few of (he Good Things We Carry KO-NUT -The how eooouuut prduel iur sliorieidwg antl fryiug. UUUMAM1KI.ON lle tni.t Dat Jelti- wr trluel. Oikhi;, Uhmhi, straw Utrrv. rasidierrv aud elierrv liavw. PLYMOUTH ROOK PHOPIIATKI) O e fMtin imduliigs. shertxrt, km, etc. BUST1C STAUCll-A SAo 4ctre givm wlUi vwry Itv. jwika. l.tilllY'S PKKRLK IIOU.KD HAM U).F-ror irniktug MwlwiteliiM h (or a potiod can. LlhUy' elilppl beef lu 15 ami o ean, Uhby' slUxsl llrvakfast llsroii. iMrned lv4 and devilksl Ituni, lirnM Huts, nut butter, llwuiz's ApM llyur, 8wMt Pwkte and lli iw Cswa' IUn Ulvl Cauip, XjteHi Olivw, DurkcW tuld DrvwHug, Olivemlcte. iUistsl ami grtel PtHttHul, conmsl Peaelie. A p lout and lUrtlett Pears, Sulaiu Sola) ISwk rwntiK. Fancy ertvtuiKNd sumUidcuii, Waldorf ltiHdiigar PtA. RelHgvuSlrtugle4 IW'n, Huyler'Ci.oM. U pern's IVyUm Teas, lVwtum CervAl, Onrumsl CereAl, RaUtuu llrvUl aud Unley Fivxl Qrsmi, Oct mu, WUsmUho, RtdM OaU. VVMd Whwt and Oraham Flanr. A full Hue ol FVer' Uuldiw date lUklug Puwder, High v?rd Bxlnutl and 8pkvthu lUt In thi Markwi. :::::: WIIITR OlOVHU 1IRAND OUKAMHUY HIJITRR avs kept on hand. Kverv Pound gusntnUH-d. G00J1 lMivered to 'any part of th city. Doth toiM. ::::!::::: i :; : THE OLD ClPlfnA HOUSE Hen Cleared OUt In Ueadlneta for the Remodeling W6t'k. Men are at work at the old opera house building, tearing out the wood work, doors, windows etc., on the lower floor, preparatory to the remodeling ol the building. The Balcm Light ft Traction wimpany still occunr their quarters In the corner anu are only tenants on the lower floor In that part ol tho building maricea mr revision. The smaller room facing on Court street and between tho China store nnd the Annex saloon Is being prepared for the occupancy of the 8. L. ft T. Co., and the offices will bo moved as soon as the place can bo got ready. Mr. McCornack will advertise at once for liiila for remodeling the building bc cojng to tho plans prepared hy Pugh iitly described in Tiik Jodrxai.. Falem's rovlval of Improvements Is fully Inaugurated, and, aside from all other considerations, it Is of Immense value for its effect on tho great num bers of Eastern people who nro now arriving hero with n view to locating In Oregon. Tho substantial and expensive Improvements now under way and tho numberless small Jobs of building, re pairing, painting, etc., glye the town an appearance of llfo nnd prosperity. Wright Brought Back. Harry Wtlght, tho young reform sjliool grnduato who was wanted for burglary committed at tho Crois slaugh ter homo some three wcoks ago, was brought up from Portland last ovcnlng by Constablo Mlnto' Ho had been ar rested tlicro on a charge of stealing a violin, hut the caso against him being weak, the Portland ofllcers turned him over to Constablo Mlnto. Ho Is wearing some of thu clothing stolen from tho slaughter houso. Tho young fellow waived examination before Justice Johnson this afternoon, and was bound over to the Juno term ol circuit court on two charges; one ol burglary at the slaughter house, and one ol larceny of n bildlu from the barn of tho Oregon Wholesale- Nursery Co, 0, A R. Encampment, 8a.v Luis Oiiisto, Cal., May 1. Tho department encampment of the Urand Army of the Kepublie ol Callloruiu opened nt the Hotel Itumonn today and wlllcontlnno until Friday. Tho pro gram Is as lolloHH! Today, opening ses sion ol the encampment, 10:!!0 u. m.: parade anil review, 1 :.'IU p. m ; Wcdnei day, business sesion; 8 p m, baud con cert;!) p. in., entertainment nt pavilion; Thursday II n m., excursion uud barbe cue; evening dance In Itumonn Hotel; Frlduy, business session; 8 p. in., camp lire. Another 'J'housand. City Recorder N, J. Judnh toduy. de posited 11,000 of the April receipts ol his olllce to tho credit of the city treasurer. One More, Oeo, 0. Johnson, a nutlve of Scotland has been admitted tu citizenship. Inlcioccanlc Canal. Jkiisky City, N. J., May 1. Tho an nual meeting of tho lutoroceanle Canal Company Is being held here today. This company wns recently IncorKrutcd with an authorized capital ol f 100,000, 000. ' Tliii incidental jxiwers conferred on the company under Its articles of in corporation are tho right to aciuiro con cessions from any government to con struct, own, and operate railroads, tele graph, telephone, cable, and steamship lines, to supply water to towns for ir rigation, motive power, or other pur- K80. Uev, Chas, bheldon Sails for KnglanJ, Nuw Yoiik, Mn 1. Rev. Charles M. Bheldon, who recently edited the Tukcku Capital (or one week, sailed for England today. He will devote two month to icuklug and organizing the movement of practical Christianity in country and will then return to tho United States, where ho will ostablith headquarters hi some eastern city and ornithine the work of shaking and or ganizing in every state lu tho Union, Indian Kctcrvatlon Opened, Taimma, Wash , May 1. The north hallo! the Colvilhi Indian reiervatlon opened lor settlement today. The dis trict contains rich agricultural, timber, aiyl mineral laud, and Uximers are rushing aerte the line. Tho district Mainprise n million and a hull acre of land. The ceded mineral portion of the district I known to contain Immense bodl ol low-grade ore. JlJ.oo Riward Will 1m paid fur the arrest and convic tion ut any mrnm cuught injuring or eutiing iHiiui or mituwHtry in or around tne vv nu lUimutte Hotel. 4Wtf J. CO.VNLR. Bou)erso5$ RUTIN K-Far huUiu hdUW, mw and : ..MMir " """ X A. i1 E . i Picture Whether for business or pleasure-we have even hing you need-there is not a better ass ortmen : of photoga mc supplies anywhere to choose from, unm t e p.c ture making for business you may not need our eip u you're in it for pleasure, you'll find more he Ipfulnes s in hk dnre than anv other store on earth. J ne oej, innci then help you over the rough places-cameras, kodaKsana forty othei little things to go with them. D, J Fry Druggist THE FIRST GOVERNOR. Charles H, Allen Inaugurated as Gover nor of Porto Rice. Iir Attnvlmlrnt frrm I lh Jonrillll San Juan, Porto Rice, May l.-Chnrles II. Allen was Inaugurated Governor of Porto Rice with Imperial pomp hero to day. The ceremony was a dignified and impressive one, nnd tho event will lio long remembered by tho people who wItnoecd It. Hen. Davis, tho Military fWnrnnr. Ilirnwl OUt ttll tllO United States troops under his command In honor of the occasion. Tho ships of tho squadron find salutes, which wero answered hy tho shore bat teries. There wero some speeches, nnd nt night the fleet will uso their electric lights, and there will bo general illumi nations. INAUaURAL At this Improsflvo ceremony I bring to you tho inhabitants of tho "ever faithful" Island of Porto Rice the con gratulatlons and good wishes ol the peo plo of the United States. Imposing as the occasion Is in itself, and far-reaching as Its effect mny be u on tho future o( your beautiful Island, It U ...mlnllv slunlfkaut because it markes tho first step in tho establish menthcro of civil government under tho flag of tho United Stales of America, nnd with Itho blessings and opportuni ties that go with it. A new page has been turned In the volumoof your history, and n now era inaugurated In tho development ol your Island. Whether II shall turnout will or III now depends -largely upon youi Belves. 1 ho greatest constitution makers can onlv lav the foundation. The build' Ingoltho superstructure whether or not It shull Ikj stalely, beautiful and en duringmust rest upon the industry and wisdom of the people themselves. The government plan presented in act ol Congress Is only tho foundation. To yourenru it Is committed, nnd you today assume n great trust. No g'eater work ever confronted a people tlis.ii that of building their on fortunes. It will stimulate you also to bear in mind that n great nation ol seventy millions o( peo ple across tho water, yet close ut hand in community of thought and interest, is watching jour every (ffnrt, ready tp help you and to assist you to help jour selves. Follow-cltifm ol I'orto ltlca for, as I have taken the oath ol otllco here to day, so from this time I Wcomo one of you In my endeavor to work with jou and for you in nil that tends to the true Interests of thu Islands I bring this mcs'acu fiom the President, and I place myself in full accord with It, that it is his intention to give to you, so far a s nil otllcers are concerned, whether selected from your own niiinliera or from the United States, men ol character and standing, Who nre enthusiastic aud diligent and industrious men of high sense and honor, who will not seek to advance their own fortunes nt your ex. pcno, and who will not allow others to do so; men who will m that Justice and straightforward honestly will be inoted out to all, uud who will have it sole regard for thu welfare of Porto Rice and the honor ol the American govern ment in Its relations to It. Kin working out the provisions ol tho act of Cougreta which enable jou In participate in the government nnd to provide your own legislative asK'nihly you are actuated by tho same purote to elect men who nro devoted to the general Interests ol (he Island and the people of Porto Rice, weinityconlldvully excct that, thus working all togo'her, we snail mako tins isiami, so ricliiy blcsted by a Divine Providence In it wonderful natural retource, net only another gem ol the Antilles In recct to natural beauty, hut an example ol what an industrious and honest people may accomplish when properly directed by a who jiollcy of oivil government. 1 bring j'ou also the auurauce that every man, l he high or low, rich or poor, under tho administration of tin Our Pianos Knabo, I.udwlg. Fisher, Kinglierry, and several other grade, H you were at the Native Sons' en terUinment last evening ymi heard one ol our aweot tmml of the finest medium prictM iustru nients in the world, Hvottwervat the Salvation Army hall you lUtetuM to the Kingsbcrry, an liutruuieut a low In priv-e a many of the chp stenollfl giKkl. and nne that la letter than many at 3ft per cent, more, prict. ItiVi-ntigwtu for yur Ktt, we're alway ready Standard rotary Hswlng tnacblned. aro the lightest running, hodl the most thniid sew faster, lets hoi, d(i mora kind of work than any other, H you'll call we can provw It. Arw you ,Cinvtnlble"T New maohliiea (or rout, okl ons taken lu trade. MaclitR rjire.l. R: A. WIGGINS 307 COM. ST. mr tomc, ... Making (M ROUE iS ALL IUGBT And nil who can are going there but thoso who stay at home will be found taking their menla as usual at the ffNTE HOUSE RKSTAU1UNT McKlLLOP A BBKKHAttT Proprietors, 106 State bt. .,.,, .if imvornmntit nnd under tho sovereignty of the United Slates, shall bo Justly treated, nnd thut his rights shall bo respected. Henceforth we nre under one flag. Wo ore under the same institutions of freedom, equality nnd education. To gether we movon in tho great American current ol advancing civilization. Lov ing our country, animated hy a high peiifo ol honor, devoted to a common humanity, wo take ourplaco beforo the world, and invoke on our progress the blessing of Almighty God. Citizens Convene. All parties may convene each day and .unanimously ugiee Unit the best place In Salem to "tipporl with their patronage and enjoy the belt dinner is at the bt. Elmo Restaurant. The Passion Play. Different opinions seem to exist about the character of tho cntertnldiiieiit at the First M. E Churcli tonight. It is n moving picture representation of the Itoelnn Play. The pictures weie taken hy a special machine nt Obernmiiur van, llaviria, nnd will in projicud up on thu euiivu-sby oneoi the luiest cnu jrivnnces for tlmt'pnriM1. The llgurrs will move about with Perfect life like motion, showing one of tho wonders nf the age. Nonce. Foresters of America, Special meeting May 1 ut 8 o'clock sharp, lluslness of iiiiKirtunce. J M. Ciiahk, Chief Itanger. Bottled Beer KlimeiA licck, Successor tn'.SoUlliSa cm tlottlir. Works All orders for bottled beer will bt- tillei' At the brewery. Kept on cold storage Krw eltv dellverv Telephone 2131. Celebrated Brands SOOhbls. Giant Portland Cement 400 bbl. Roche llurlwr Lime lu store nnd (or sale. Also garden sand, Iism and fertilizer. D. S. Bentley & Co. .11!) Front St The Capital llrewerv's fa. moil llock will be mi draught in all Salem and country saloon mi and after APRIL 14, 19001 Try it uimI be happy. It' the Uttt over turml out. Wo alro IhiihIIb our lUk llettr In hAitl,i, Klinger & Beckj The Dainty Tribune lUack or lllue. The Elegant Stearns wddw bu. or anything Z.. TrHMtne hijlit road-ti-r, ami Stwinis spe"ial $50 Hiamlewi fTH. 1 We Iwve tlie nmeatrtttk Ha.vr ' aai .. ... in sto'k now. The wliel tlmt Mt. phy rod a uiiks in V U nn.ii.I- 'r 7l."".',w pwia on earth, thin behind a traiu. It Wghs 21 Vi It. C4I th hm l.eedwheo m up. SwooU bnd wheels, t tup OUR Sl3.nUIBS-Weha ,. stantly lweing trad in all Himm of sandriws. lim Uiuu-. ii. r.r. Wjle 2 lbs u Utlk, tire, M.1.II.M.. oM, etirrters, WelU, reti ent. imivim le. IS inch f mt ptiMsp, b- Cheaper ms, We. lWitw Het earrhtrs ttCc BOCK 'BEER JUST ARRIVED AT 1 n 5 m m fM-u Summer Swisses nnd Organdies Nbw New Bklrt Linings 8k rt Linings in mi. i-'""6":,nn i r.n nn Now I :''9rn.,dnchiidFeni New Laces In Valenciennes, mill Dticlios. New Fringes and Gimps in exquisite oems"- 1 THIUIIVIVIII.wv., - New Cambric nm Muslin unuer"J,u,lirfci.ll Towels. A Complete new 1 no of Damask and Turkish lovvcis. Now Designs in embroideries and inssrtions. T WrivVd ' Lrtty.ngrno.her shipment of Gents' clothing. Ami pisi or rm '"", u.,,, Tweed, Oregon Serires, nndn I il is Now JtvS in I eye o Ho8e. Newstyle and colors in neck "ear' & elothlng nt prices that no boy need go ragged. COH. (IF STATE AND COt'illAL ST. SALEA fjlaOSi Fine Dry Goods and Shoes, some at cost, some for less than wholesale cost. ,.,. . , - , Kibbons, Laces and Embroideries and Insertions in great ' variety. Linen. Lawns. Lace Curtains and Bed spreads I able Linens, Dress Goods. Silks and Velvets, Ladies and Misses Jackets and Capes, Hats and Caps. Ladies and Gents Fur n shines. Shoes for everybody. Remember I furnish you with choice Dry uooas ana nue at 10l6al6 60St For I am closing out this stock. Show cases for sale at a bargain. Isadore Greenbaum 1st Door South of the Post Office. BICYCLES ARE JUS I' A LITTLE AHEAD OF ALL COMPETIIOKS; IN FACT THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN IN ADVANCE THAT IS WHY YOU SEE RAMBLERS EVERYWHERE X X X X X Experienced Wheelmen choose Ramblers ik:USI- iiiey HAVE TONE AND STYLE as I.I I AS a. I GOOD POINTS WHICH GO TO UAKI: Ul A WHEEL OF THE VERY HiGHESI liKADIi. AND T 'I HE POPULAR LIST PRICE, $40 N i . one arc better at mv my UEMh.WUhR BUILDERS HAVE HAD 21 LONG YEUS OF l:PERIENCD, CONSEQUENTLY THEY KNOW HOW IO MAKE A GOOD WHEEL X CAU IN AND I Is r ME SHOW YOU OUR LINE. II IS A Pl.l-.ASll.'F TO SHOW OUR WHEELS. 03A -pnr 1 1 258 Commercial St. A full line of Bicycle Sundries. New wheels on iiisUllmjtUs rM&&Mrvs?ajs?rsrr&MMrsrMjrMM?sjr&rMMrfl W. l 1. JTL SI $ Special Bay's Schio! Ulir f 1 H) 1-Min-y M,XW SMIIU- . Jjur H isi lnvWbl Plaids . . . 'ir U 60 Suite reduewl to. . . . Our tO Snlta iwIumnI l0.. . . Ake IWjj-'s SiHiiate mnis wuti to SSe, Ilk, M... Vi. Tie awl )h eenlH jMMfijff (I "I) Is fn UZ "75 h ihj '-veiything new atid un-io-date h 0 Tl 1 S "XT r - vv- O-. HOBSOIH .-. MI.MMKK, ' ,7 i, rrTrrHf1-iyjt-;Wt; J.lMiTHTp'Tl nt Pat tons' Book Store There is no KnHnkI,t t tf..xjk 1 VVJJLiTLl "- mM A t ty holcsale Prices. X nrn i M Lawns, and Percales. !,...- OREGON. X A RACK mi N6 OUT i-auui j r good once lew as price SHIPP lj turr-rac'-Msjr t V - - vZW IX I w 7K, llvVL AN KXt'KI. ut line nf underskirts, Mill Mill III co ilelv cum rA petition Kx-ruipialily black satiue ciinl'l i mil' 7r'; iutiulliCrtriK's, rA gold t ii. t .iltci, .'J uud I'.'.IH); P ,Mur 'iim Hllk ivilh mviinliiiu pleaU-il initio. t $2, $3, $350 J Silk Moreen, pleated rulllo, f 1.50 f a beauty d Suit Sale this Week -w r lAl j&LaLn hTWHET MXEESSSn ra tt-. - .Mcg,.jE Pill rtMi u,A,ft iL,, fcffO ..