TWJir WW 1"'' JF IV 'Ti.'1 IW1' -Jvrywr- n-g-ti-'"'sn---Ti; -f- y tw "i-pfTif ffrrynjnmiy' .j"1 'Whb .(WSVT at Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels GUAN5E5 THE YSTEM fissr. Hab,tualConst'P.on uaau PERMANENTLY iTCBrw--0 ICIAL BUT THE dtHUIMt THl (.ENUINt- MAM'F 0 By (AURRNIATGrSYRVP. g,!K.".i WX.i s? ro au ti n cui4.STi rna rt wttii O. C. T. ('o's . I'AHaHNUHR HI KAK.KII pdivibNA altonA ftilifAVKH KIIIU I'llltTLANII . li.illi loiwiit iin-Uv nt H n m UI'K'K NMK ANll IMIKAI' ItATKH. IWW ltw--o Hliton-iil ('Hinrt'Ht. M I1 IIMjDWIN Aiixiit. Just Think WHAT VOU WILL SVVK II Y IIUVi.NO OUK IIAK- IMl I'uwiiuii. : : : -THE DIAMOND BRAND' You are not out of any tlinifi If you lmvo no succes with It, as wuwill refund tliu money, nml il eatisfnry: just think again what you lll hiivu hi tint future by trying it can, every tlmo 20o in saved on h pound. K Penny saved in n penny nindo, No ilium or mninoniit in tliu powder. M tb en ii 15 cents 1 EL. can 30 cents. 2J(J n tun 76 cents. Yokohama Tea Slorr Phono 2112. Free Delivery. 4 CIAL NEWS AND VIEWS t SOCIAL AM) l'KHIOVAL. Mr. Ralph filnclulr, ol San Francisco, who litis liecn nt tlie Salem hospital for tome time, left thin morning for Scuttle. Mrs. I. K. Henderson, who has been quito ill in this city, has recovered and gnnotoher homout Cheniawa, wheiu shu In joaliiiItre-i. Mies Maud Uowd, of .Shaw, is the lliiffct tl friends in Salem. Hon. and Mrs. Ralph Mnoly, of Port hind, were guests on Monday at the homo of lion '.. K. Moody. Hon. A, Bush and daughter, Miss Salllu Bush, left labt evening for several months' visit in the East. Mrn. Cora Davis, of Union, Or., is the guist of Mm. Susie I'm nieiiliT. Mies Jcanetto Bodley, of I'oriluml, H the ..csl n( Mrs. G. Stoltz Mr- D. I.. Fiester spent thu day ui 1'ortl -il in (he intmt: of her millim r trad?. Mr-. has.' Giny aji-nt th 'lay at FortUnd. Col, U,b Thompson en inn up from Portland again last nighl bu mc-ui.t of the illness of Mrs Thump-un'- -Uter, Mrs. Slundish whu is rus.ituI iiut ov ing. Mrs. T. Hopkins who lias U-oii o a untlolirr mother, Mrn. K. C. Small, otuuiHil to Albany hut nigln. K. F. Parkhurst has returned from a trip tu Portland in tlio interest ol liis aim machinery trader. m ra-H i f of tho mitu trt-&.lng sigtita, w U - a Jrld almost choking with i io iivififu w hooping-coucli. .Give i.u -l:!iil lr. Pui''b Cough Sjrup. the ' t ir ,)ii(.ii -iary remedy, nnd ro . f ' I at once, the coughing .". will rrf-rxiur less frequently, ...ui In ii lew days, thoBiifTererwlllbo t-.t'cU nnnl. No other remedy can '-' of mi manv rwvs. r MUllS Wr ri;,-2'-, -v wr-iui-i. Wl hhhHI. A V ScotpsrH?! OVERCOME CJCS'1 SA 8BSP itoar-MiS Obugh Syrup fioroi Wonlng-Cough quickly. r . !- rii.uvr Iiocton NhdUiU !.. vt At il drujsUU Mrs. A. F. Sthultz, of Jefferson, tins been quite ill but is improving. Landlord Stalgor received n slight sprain Monday in alighting from hla bicycle. 1 Ion. Z. F. Moody tins gone to The Dalles. Wm. Drown, the commission man, went to I'ortlttnd on business last night. Mrs. Jhmcs Alljson has returned from a visit to Hrooks. Uev. S. tt Jones, of Brownsville, Is in the city. Geo. E. Waters, the rustling tobacco nist, inado n business trip to Portland Monday. 0. W. A. Jettc, of Charapocg, was in tho city Monday. Dr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Hiiino have moved to this city from Lebanon, nnd will make their homo hero, Dr. Hume being employed In one of Dr. Stono'a drug stores. IIINNKil I'AHTV. Mm. G. A. Itockwell entertained a fow friends Inst oventng nt her homo ou Ouk street, in honor of Mrs. Mnmlu Jackson Piiigo late of Cincinnati, Ohio. After dinner thu evening war ppent In Focinl conversation. ' Mrs. Palgo leaves tho latter part of this wcok for her new home in San Frnuctoco, aftor an cxtonded visit with relatives and friends in this city. Thoso enjoying Mrs. Rockwell's hoi pitallty were: Mrs. Mamhi Paige, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomas, Mr. uud Mrs, CluiruHowe, Mr. F. A. Wiggins, Mrs. Jane Albert and Miss Mario Itockwell. TO KASTEIIS OIIKIIOX. lohu McCourt, one of Salem's most promising uttornoy's expects to leave hooii for Pendleton where ho will locate. Tliero are at prueent only flfty.four law yers in S.ilem uud Mr. McCourt thinks tills Held too much encumbered. forall to prosper so lie will look for u inoro piom ising location. Mr. and .Mis. McCourt will bo greatly missed by it largo cltcumf friends hero who winli them great pros perity in their new home. r.uiKWM.i, iilcki'TIov, ' Tho fiiruwoll receptionvto Captain and Mrs. It. Kuhn at the Salvation Army ' hall Saturday evening was an exceed- , , . . . i i i. i .i i i.ily affair, in sp to of the shadow cat by tho approaching dopart-1 uroof tho two earnest woikers who, in thosix mouths of their stay, have won ' tliu high regard of tho eoplo of Salem. , Thu hall was crowded and tho ex-1 celluut program provided was highly! appreciated. Following tin, formal pro- , Ii t , ., . co cream and caku was served, everything passing off .very pleasantly.J and leaving grateful memorioi of tho ' close In Salem of tho woikof thoso two 1 .,.,,, , faithful onicors. moil KXCIIALOKS. , ,, .. ,,..,,, , , TlioMotho.lltaT! hugeno, have put hi u tlno now plpu orgau Mlw Eva Melkle.neo Miss Cowan, of Portland, who wa, for many years n resident, o Albiny, is u that city thu guest of Miss Pfciffur. Mr. and .Mrs. Clias. Olscn, of Itoso- burg, hayo goho to La Center, Wash , to remain a couple of months. ,, . ,, , ,, . , , Mr. and Mrs. w. I. Benjamin, of , , . . ,, , Uosoburg.aro homo from San I-ra.ielfen, wlien- they havo been apendiiig tho winter. rs. H.D. M, of oncolJu, liai gone E'lgono for a short stay witli her to daughter. Mica Uosslo Velm.i, nnd Har- old Yett accompanied her. Mrc. Kate Medley, of Oakland, and iliiiiirlititr. MlkH Muri'. who halt) --" r."-"- , ----. - rf , been rojournlng at Ashland for i-oniu time, will return to their homo in Oak land about tho 15th, Mrs. Kato Jones, of Grangevillo, Ida., a daughter of John Tipton, of Garden Valley, is visiting in Douglas county. Mrs. B. J. Gi'uhlie, of Wilbur, has been visiting lieratllicted daughter, Mrs. James Harrow, of Oakland. Mrs. J. O, Johnson and daughter Miiis Mollie, of Salem, aru vhitlug Mrs, J, II Medley, of Oakland Mrs. Mullican, Past Grand .Mistress of Ladies Auxiliary to B. of It. T., and diughter, Miss Maudu Muiliean, of Sotttlo, nro thu guests oi Mr and Mrs. E. P. lmg, at ItoMiburg. Dr. Uull'a Cough Syrup Is Rrmatl- hIiIo medicine. A dry, tickling, hacking nlng that coiisumptioii Is no other doctor but caiuh. the! warn lurks near. nccls Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It oiitively c ires throat and lung trouble. A Teat Thm n t- The following extraordinary coinci dence occurred at Tluwuld recently: A youug preacher, who has lutely mar ried, was planned to take the morning service, but. by a misreading of the plan, be mistook bis appointment for uu evening one. Consequently the con gregation gathered ou the Sunday mornlug waited In vain for bis oppear ance. Thereupon oue of the otllco bear era of the church present undertook the service. Totally uuawarc that tb sbsent preacher bad recently married, he electrified and amused his audience by announcing aa bis text. "He has married a wife, and therefore he cau not come." New Zealand Herald Tbe Uasluea far lllui. Little Charles - Sister told mamma yesterday you was lorn to be a poll tlclan I Mr Sklmpley-A iolltlelanf I won der why she thinks so. I Utile Charles- She wy you can do 1 no much talkln without eommlttlo yourself.-Cblcago Tlmoa-Hernlil. People who suffer from heat In th , bands and feet can olitfllu Hiseeoy niwi easy relief from the name by putting Inside their stockings aud gloves a I maU iKirtlou of very fine oatmeal. I Prisoners In tbe penitenttary aru ' about tbe only one that live up to tbulr convictions. Kansas City Star. Second Time on Earih No Dolls Nor Carbunclos Now -A Cood Qlood Modlclno. "I became convinced of tho merit of Hood's Sarsapaillla when I took it myself ns n blood ptiillicr. So, wlien my liuilmml had bolls and cnibunelc I iiivzid him Intake Hood's nnd the re cult was that when ho had ucd but iini' bottle llin liolls had nrnrly all ills nppeand. Ho continued the use of Hie inedlelno and utter taklmr two liottlen he u cotiiplutoly cured, and. as he epre(.c(l It. felt as If lie was on cailli lor I In; second time. He has never hail nny ImlN clnec. Wo tnke I loud V KpriiV iiumII lin'iindlndly rcroiniueii'l it.". Mns. A. E. Staysa, Yoiikots, X. Y. Scrofula frcm Glfth. " 1 have found HooiI'h to he the jfrcalent b.ood purlllir I ever took, and I have tried many medicines. 1 vni n n.iffeier with" scrofula from hlit'i. My eyes were so bully affected I would ho nlmot blind for n week at u time. My neck beau to swell m iliut I c.nild not breathe freely. Medicine f.illed to do me nny (,'ood until 1 hej.'.tn taklmr Hood's' Saina pirilln. Toihiy 1 have excellent healtli and my eyet .'Ivo me very little (rouble. I owe it all to Hood's, which I iivoinnienil to all suffering from any tlii'iiM of the blood." Miss Kktti'k JiiCfitinu, Silver Creek, Ky. That Tlrod Fooling. " I cannot fay too much for Hood's Siiiiip:uill.ins a remedy for that tiled mid worn out feeling ono lias in tho sprlu;.'. As a strength builder and aiipctilo creator It Jia9 no equal." Mu. L. 11. WooDAltl). 185 ltallou Street, Woonsocket, It. 1. Hood's is Peculiar to Itself. Secret llrniTcra, "Most people seem to think," says a maker or furniture, "that secret draw ers and hidden receptacles lu furniture only exist In novels and plays, but this is by no means so. 1 very frequently tnjie orders for such Items, and I em ploy a clever woman designer, who shows positive genius In planning ; places of concealment, which uo itmouiit or tapping or measuring could rovcnl. In most cases, even wero tlio 1,ol,ow receptacle discovered, tho wood- "J nrou,,U 7uM Have to bo cut away, so complex nro tho fasten ngs. Mo8t of tho ordcr8 come fnjn womc nnd rich people, of course and I lmvo no doubt that u desire to hide articles from too curious servants dictates tho orders." New York Tribune. At Ued Time l k n pleapant hflrb drink, tho next nun lit ii K iu l Ul l If III- tlll 111) tiMll ,,oxioa fH letter. .My doctor saya it nets gently ou thu stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxatlvo. It ia made of herbs, and Is prepared as eiiniiy as tea. ills caueii i.anu s aiciii- 1 1,,10 A ,jrRpHt8 fM it at 25c. and 60 ) cts. Lniio'n Family Medicine moves tlio iwwels each duy. If you cannot got it, 'bond for free sample. Address, Orator F. Woodward, Loitoy, N. Y. j Probate, , Th() fo,Iow upflTntwn 1Hve ben, Up)0nlPd for the estate of Thomas Kay: For tho Mrion county property, Squiro , ,,nrrn.( u ,L Coamw um, vv p 00h. by; for Linn county, George H.Coshow, J. P Galhroiith and J. K. Weatlictford. i ..- Tlie Homeliest Man in Salem ...,,. , ., , , . ... A6 well as t he ha in somes . uud nthem are lnvc(1 ,0 ,.,, ,, ,Jy drUBBHt iitirl uet irre ii trial bottle of Kemp's , Ihilsam for thb Tlirnnt und Lungs, u i ,, rjllronl(. ull( Acute c.wU", Anthuiii. Bronchitis uud (JciiiHiimp- llmi. Price ilc. uud 60c. cod&w 5jj,oo Reward Will bo paid for tho arrest and convic tion of any person caught injuring or ... I. .. . , it , . ' i,;; 't"oory m or urouiiu . -I 2d tf J. Co.NNra. Try Allen's Foot Ease. A iiowdur to Ikj shakin Into tho shoes. Your foot feel swollen, i.orvous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smart ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen'a Foot Kaxu. It cools tho feet and makes walk ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, ingrouiiig nails, blisters and callous emits. Believes corns and bunions of all pain und givea roit and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shou stores for -JCc. Trial ackau Free. A'Mrers Allun S. Olmsted. Lultoy, S. Y. JKIISKV I. ion urK. J. II. Albeit yetunlay sold i;vimi liik'ligrailo Jersey cows, from his laiko Libish farm. Thoy brought f50 apiece. This shows that it pays to ralsu tho liest ' eradu of live stoek und also that thu 1f(0 Q( ,0, t.0WH a hiIvhiioIhic as ol,iy rwontly a goo.1 Jer-oy could m . ' , , .,, ' ""B1'' for !UI- How's This? Wuoffur Ono Hundred Dollars ltn- , waid for any lasu of Catarrh that can- , not Imu-iiiim bv Hall's I'utarrh Cure. 1'. J. OI1ENKV A CO.. Prop , Toledo, O. We. tho uiulurtlinini. havu known F. .1. CI euey for thu fact 15 years, and bo-, lievo him purfeetly liouorablu 111 all but- ine-s traiiruciioiio, aim uuam-iaiiy unlit to carry out any obllgatiou madu by their firm. WkstA Tiiuax, Wliolcs.ilu Druggists, To- ledo, O. Waldimi, Kin nan A Marvin, Wholc- aalo Drugwiils, Toledo, 0 Hnll'n Cularrli Cure is taken internal ly, a ting directly iliu thu bloml and mucous surfaces o' ih svxtvm Price, 76V K-r Ix'ttlo -old hy all druggists Testmion aN free. Ha. I s t-atmly I ill are the best Our fee returned if wo fail. Any any invention will promptly receivo our opinion freo concerning tho patent ability of same "How to obtain a patent" sont upon reouest. Patents secured through us advertised for aale at our cxpeiue. J Patents talon out throueh us receive tbtcial notice, without charcc, in The Patent Hecoud, an illustrated and by Manufacturer!) and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evam Building, - WASHINGTON, D. C. 5 f Jf ! O ? ii 85 - - h All prcdlcntlou-i indicate a great rush this spring and sum mer to tho now gold fields nt Capo Nome. Hero, lor the first tlmo in the history of mankind, gold is bolng washed from tho beach sand. Mr. 0. Edgar Lewis writes on this subject In tho April Magazine number of The Out look with vory full Information, and with eomo now and extremely Interest ing photographs of Capo Noma scones, streets nnd minors. (f3 n year, Tho Outlook Company, Now York.) Dickey Downoy Is tho auloriography of n bird, by Virginia Sharpo Pat Patter son. It is an appeal to tho heart nnd tho Imagination of readers to prosorvo bird life against tho encroachments of tho bird murderers, who supply tho de mands of tho millinery trado for hat trimmings. There is nn introduction by Hon. John F. Laccy, nn Iowa con gressman. Anson D. F Randolph A Co., 182 Fifth Avenue, Now York, havo pub lished "Tlio Baby's Journal," dosigncd and compiled by S. Alice Bray. Prico fl.50. It is n lithographed work of art and voreos appropriate to chronicle the advent of a child and its principal lifo ovents, with blank spaces to enter thu events of its personal career, comprise a very neat and complete diary. Thoru are pages to record gifts nml enter par ties and items of interest. The International Monthly for April contains several articles of timoly inter oH. Aside 'rom tho Interesting paper by Prof. L. M. Keasbey of Bryn-Mawr, on "Tho Institution of Society," a sub- Ject of greater Interest than perhaps tho tltlu would euugrst to some, there are four articles of value, viz. : A review by Prof. Cheynuy, of Philadelphia, on "Decent writing on English History;" tliu story of French drama for tho last half and more of the Nineteenth cen tury, by Brainier Matthews, of Now I York; "Comments on the War in South . Africa," by Capt.Zalinski, a well quail j fled critic, nnd who looks at affairs from tlie 8tandHiiit of an experienced Ameri can army ollicer; and thu article by Hon. John It. Proctor, on "Tho Nou- I Utilization of tho Nicaragua Canal.'' The latter article Is especially timely. This Monthly fur April is not surpassjil by nny in interest and variety. 1 The Tacoma Statu for February has a largu number of illustrations on tho fisheries of the northwest together with literary features showing great enter prise. Articles on mining and financial interests are always glven.gruat prom inence. Too article by L. P. White, manager of thu Bank of Whatcom, on a syndicate plan of treating country col lections is novel and interesting. It hows tlie benefits that would nrcruo to bankers from co operation in only ono Hue of their legitimate business. Mr. Wliitu seems to have thu clear mental vision of a bom financier nml bankers will Und it worth while to investigate his proposition. The dato set for the publication of Mr. lioburt Ncils-on Stephens' now romance In May 1st, there having liecu consider able delay in tliu publication occasioned by thu largo llrst edition, necessitated by tlio advance oiders. The book is un titled "Philip Wiuwood" and is de scribed by the author us "a sketch of tlio domestic history of an American Captain hi tho War ol Independence." Thu scono is laid In New York and Lin don, between tho years 1703 and 1780. .Mr. Stephens' now hook will add to the popularity which hu has gained through his previous books, thu moat recent oi .which, "A (luiillcmnii Plajor," pub lished by .('.Pate A C . lb. ton last ssa bioii, is now in its thirty-fifth thousand. An article in McClure's Magazine for May, by Earl Slayo, will tell alwut "Thu Biggest Steamship AlloaJ" tho monstrous Oceanic" giving thu story of her construction, describing her mam moth machinery, und showing how the Is manned and 0rntiil, Photographs of all the interesting points and parts of tho great craft will he used to illustrate the article. Bean tha 1M Kind Yw Hart AlMrJ Bought TrJ Wtik. TOOTHACHE, EARACHE and NEOBALGIA la a mlaate; alt truttUti or Tlir Tl-I.o Mnltenl Co. VA IlroaJwi. Niw Vfk. fVod for IMnkltt. McCJoy Stage, . Leavrf Willumetie stable 0:20 a, m. daily for Lincoln, Zeni', McCoy, and I'errydalo and return samu day. New hick, good liors and careful driver. Pirc.l delivered tlnug the line. t 10 II V Y. D is. ono sending sketch and description of . widely circulated journal, consulted , iSSLm fSSB i ii & ilTiTifal buiiianjitw: Arcgctable Pr cpnralionTor As similating ihcFoodnmincdula ting ihcStoumclts nnd Bowels or Promolcs Digcslion.Chccrrur nc3sandnest.Contalns nelihcr Oplimi.Morpltinc norHncral. KOTNAnCOTIC. XMptafOUJirSIKVUrtrCfaX MxSmrul MMUSJlt- III uremuKfitfo Ctmfi'tSlif llUiyim ntnr. Apcrfccl Hcractly forConsUpn Hon i Sour Stouvach.Diarrliocn nml Lobs of Sleep. racSiinilo Signature of &&&&&&. NEW Yomc EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. -rV TO THE WISE farmer, or thoeu who intend planting their gardens or doing spring work of any kind in this Hue, aro that you will find everything In garden end farm tools of the veryibeat quality and at tlie low est prices at mi aMk-Parfe HMk.t CiutfiA R. m. OaADiB St CO WB Pleasant Surroundings aru enjoyable, and it's just as suro that our wines and Honors a e the best ou earth. Citizenship comes at twenty ono and wines llkuwlsu rate highest when old enough to vote. Our goods havo ag 011 their sidu. Our whiskies, too, iro ml v.mtii. tin. ttiltlit liii'iiHilti nnd nil iiuriOKia uu furnish the choicest tiro- dilutions ever bottled. J, P Rogers 218 nnd 222 Commercial Street. jCJaf Wholesale and retail, Putting in Modern Plumbing in iiuw and buildings, as well ns ru-llltlng old houses, keeps us pretty busy in the spring h hen building Is at Hood tide Our facilities aro always equal to tho occasion, aud no would in vito builders and contractors to get esti mates from u 011 plumbing, gas fitting, steam lilting, etc , More going else where, as wudoexert work at reason able prices BARR&PETZEL 211 COMSIF.BOIAL STREET. Telephone No. 2171 II IItP jtel CASTORIA For Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlie Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THC OKNTAUK dOMPANT, NCW tOUK CITY. Something (0 Be Proud Of Is tho ownership of n'tCrescent, Cleve land or Gendron bicycle. It is tliu nemo of jiurfcctiou in bicycle construction, where lightning is ami sacrificed for strength and mechanical, skill blend to make a wheel that is unexcelled for mu ling qtinlittcH' and reliability. We have uspliiiidld stouk to choose from. At f 26, to $60. R. M. Wade &Co His Jaw Dropped ami no wonder I It's tnougli to lar uuy one to havo laundry work badly done. Avoid hiicIi unpleasant uxKiriuucoH by entrusting your linen to 111. What we wash will 11 1 ways look lis hunt, and will last you two or three timos as long as II would if sunt iilsewhuro Thai's the difference between right nod wrong methods. Nolo our rates: Shirts lUc, collars Uo,, cliffs fie n pair. Salem Steam Laundry COIX)NKI. j, OI.MkIKU) I'llorillKTOII. IMIIIOUH II. OUISTKAD, Mllll. I'iioiiu 111, 0 Liberty HI root A Royal Feast Can ImM'iiJu)oI in our oholmj fat lamb, pr in ribs and loins of bnil, Isgiof mut ton or choice uuts of vul. Wo can oatoi to the most faqtidtous palato in tender, julov ami riohly llatorwl unsuts. Iit 11 tend ton ono uroiind for dinner. You can't beat uithtT our prima or our meat JB. C. CROSb Statu fir. MaiiKKr. PlIONR 201. Jrf tu AW fu 1U -Mtivirfnii ' ' ' ?3&VjjAx&m Jlhtt -Til urjgiNEsa UAttba. C. H. (HACK Successor to Dr. J. M. Kccno, old Whito Corner. Falem Or. Parties desir lug superior operations at moderato tecs in any branch aro in especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP, 333EX I!,ac"x:ifa?, Phono 1071. ROOMS 1 AND 3, flit AY 1ILK, Osteopath y In Salem mid Albany DR, GRACE ALBRIGHT Graduate of American School of Osleo tiatliv. SALEM Monday, Wednesday and Frldav: hours. D to 11 a. ni.t 1 to -1 n. 'over Wollur'fl urocorv. I ALBANY Tuesday, Thursday and I Saturday: hours 0 to PJ a. in. ; 1 to 6 p. m., Mrs. whins residence. B. F. JONES, Mtornoy-nt-Lnw Toledo, Orosion. Wiu Clvik of Circuit Court for six Tori udh8 an up-io uaio auairaci oi au r!" " '."'i-uui IHUII17. ii'iiw OFFICE, CITY HALL. c For water hervlec imply at oMc. Hills payable monthly lu advance. Mako till complaints ui thu olllcc. CAPITAL CIT Express and Transfei Meets all mall nnd pnssengor trnlns. Baggage to all parts of tho city. Prompt service. Tuiopuono no. hoi. D1SQUE A 8KIPT0N. Willamette Stables. Tho undersigned aronowoccupy ing thu Willamette Stable, south Commercial direct, nnd nro ready to hlro you a nico rig or feed and caro for your team I1011 in Salem. Horses boarded by the week. Satisfaction guar anteed. Youi patronage solic ited. 2-lL'tf Harold & Reynolds S, C, STONE. M. D. t'mprleliirol Stone's Druq; Stores UA1.KM.IOUKUON. QJI'lm iterea (two tu iiiiinixri aru Iwatnl a No, 'J3i and 833 Cuiuinvrelal street, anil are well 111101101 wlili acoiuplcto lino otdrugt and metllclnia, toilet artlclca, rluuinrr, brutlioa etc., etc., oto, UK. HTONK lliuliait aomo J5,xcrIoxiH)rleiice Jin thu piau tlco nt mcllolao and now inakoa no clikrico (or ooniiillatloii, examination or ineacrlrtlou, New train (service on the Thu dnublu train service to bo estnb lislied lietwuen Portland and Chkago April 22, In which tho O. It, A N., tho Union Pactllo and tho Oregon Short l.lno nro inlutuslod, will shortuu tho through tlmo 11 hours. Train No, 2, Iciuliiu Portland at 0:15a. ni..bcclnnlim on the dato named, will be known as the Cbicauo-Portlaiid special. Its equipment will hu new, making it fully thu equal of any train now In service from thu Pacific Coast to the east. It-will consist ol a mall car, baggage car. it library composite car, it first-class Pullman sIcoiHir. a dining-car. two clmlr-cirs. and it tourist steeper. Thoru will Imi but one chance of cars lo ull Eastern iKilnts, ri.o full timu will be three days through to Chicago, or four days and two hours to Now York. Thu second train, known as No, (I, will leave Portland atllt20 p. in,, connecting at East Portland, with tliu Southern I'aclllc s overland train from Kan Fran ulsco, and will carry through equipment lo Chicago via thu Union Pacific and thu Chicago A Northwestern, uud olao tlio equipment lor tlio Washington dl vision of tliuO. It. A N., hi connection with tho Great Northern for St. Paul. This train will reach Himkano at 10 a. in. A dining-car will bo furnished for breakfast into hookano. and for dinner 011 corresponding train leaving Spokane at 3 :1ft p. 111. Tho new schedule- as ar ranged, will supply thu most complete service ever furnished on the. O. N. A N., as provides Increased turvlcu hi Eastern On gon. where it is greatly needed, und gives iiiiliicdiato uouiivulioii with, the Washington division at Puudletou. At this isjiiit thuro Is a largu Interchange of trullio, ou account of tho various milling JUlrmts of Bakur County, thu Couur u' A, thu ltuimbhu ami Kootunal lulu irgoauis, Portland is greatly benefited by thisuhangu In as much as Increased nrvlco is given from Eastern Oregon und Idaho. No. X, will arrive in Chicago in 0:R0 a. m.; 10 0, ai7!ioii. in., us ul pros out. Thu Westbound train out of Chicago t-nrreHiiidiug with No, 2, U No. 1, nils will arrito in I'ortlainl ut I p. in .ou i.a. ii toiruaiMiiidu.g with thu east bound Hu. I), is No. .1, out nf Ohioago. This will reach Portland at 7:30 u. m. tSustbouiid truiu No. 1, will leave Chicago at 0:B0 n. m., and Oiuahu at Bi20a, ut. thu following day. 'Um tlmo will In) reduced two hours und -15 mill iittM. No. .1, westbound tram will leave Uuivgoat 10:150 p. in., and Umahu at 1 yn 11, m. tliu next oay. Tl.o service 011 tho Uulan i'aciflo onall tlii'so tiatns iiicludu lluffut smoking iliirarv ears, uud dlnimi cars. No. II. w curry u daily ordinary siceiter to Kansas City, with chungu eiirouto to ordinary cars to Chicago, Consult thu nearest ticket agent (or usiaiiiMi iiiiurmatioii. W. II. IIUIILHUUT, Geueial Passenger Agent. REMOVAL SALE All joQcls offered at cost for (Ins week. ' ' The stock consists of Jnpaneaa gwxls, chlnaware, matting, fur nlslilng uood. tea etc. Hate to 1 tull or niovu Muy 1st. come and secure Kirgalus, -1-23-01 IHUIE vVING SANG COM PAN V. Salem water Co., ..Nov today, advertisements fifif linos or loss In this column InwArtWi throo times for 2 Co., 6O0 a, WfMtfc, $1 00 per month. All ovsf four tlniM at eamo rate iioUSKHOLD FURNlTURK-ForHt cheap ; also lot of Mason's fruit jr Call on Mrs. Card, CO Liberty sirte two doors south of South Mill crk 513t LOST. On Mill Street east of live ik. tiot Sunday night a small red pocket book containing a fow dollars in inonoy and a number of kfiys. Finds plcaso leave at Journal office. 6 3 31 FOB RENT.-Elght or tan acres two two miles from steel bridge for corn and potatoes. Land is plowed and -harrowed terms aro one third ront. J V. Watt Fifteenth and Chcmeket. Street. 4 30 lw FOB SALE Oil TltADE-Fittoen acre tract with first-class improvement, half a mile from stato house, will mil at a bargain, or trado for farm lamL Apply to Julius Bitot, first brick hotiw on Garden Itoad, or address Salem, Oregon. 4-30.1 ni FOB SALE CHEAP-A HanTinomT tyiiowriter in first-class condition, for Kiilo cheap. Enquire at Union Title Abstract Company's odlco, over. Stolnor's Drug store 4 27 ltr WANTED. A good Gorman girl lo do houso work in a family of throe. An ply 370 High street. 4-2H 3t WANTED Five carloads of potatoes,, eggs, butter and other produce; Cash. Paid at 140 Stato street, opposite John Ilughos' grocory. 4-28-31 Salkm TaonocB Coufant. WHEN HAVING-Your spring 8kirU mado go to Sarah E. Clymcr successor to Madam Von Tobel. Tlie only oxclusivo skirUmakcr in Salen. l'erfcct lit guaranteed, and prices reas onable Kooin 5 corner Liberty and Stato Street, Gray Block. 4 25 1 m. WANTED. Two girls for goncral hou7 work. Apply at tho Cottage hotel. COUBBET AND-OBELL-lloth tlies ntalllous can bo found at tb Bed Front stables, in Salem, on Friday aad Saturday. At Independence Monday and Tuesday. At Dallas Wednesday. 4-2l-lm Amos Nichols, Oirner. UNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT-Tbs shoo repair bIioji formerly owned by Gus. Kaiser has been purchased by John Nocdham. Partios wishing first, class repairing at tho lowest rates call and sod him. 4 21-lm ROOMS. Furnished or unfurnished, single or in suites, dining room ad joining, homo-Mko. second floor Cot tlo block. Mattlo Hutchlns, prop. 4 13 tf FOR RENT-Stock farm of 100 acres, '1)4 miles from a town. House, barn and outbuildings, spring water, fruit and plenty of outside range. Price, tOO casli. Call on or address George M. Beulor A Co., 283 Commercial at., Salem, Or. 4-0-lin. A GOOD Oppotunlty to learn the Jew elry and watchmaking trade. Only such persons aa can furnish the best of references need apply. 0. II. lllngus, 2U0 Commercial street. 4 8 tf NEW BUGGIES. A cur load different stylus, first class just received; before you buy, call nnd se them, l'ohlo A Bishop, State and Front Sts. 4 4tf SUITS, PANTS, 0VEBC0AT8. - T muadttro. Perfect fit guaranteed, 2,000 stylos to select from. U. H. Hello, Statu Street, agent Wanna maker A Brawn, Philadelphia, 4-7-tt WANTED Men to cut cord wood. Enquire at Room 0, over Gilbert's bank. 3-20-tf WANTED. Tnllow and Soap grease in exchange for soap. Capital Soap Works, Salem, Or,, Furry street near 13th! 4-gml flOUHK CLEANERS - Romcmbot Hint tho bust and cheapest carxt paper la tho heavy felt paper sold atTlIK.JOUHNAI, oflicc. 20-tf The Club Stables Corner of Llbeity and ForryStreets. ll'l-IONIC B4I In tho liost pluro In tho city, t get a llrst-class rig. Special attention to commeiclal men, thu best of caro given to board ing aud transient stock. Riga furnished to alt parts of the country with or without drivers. Prices within tho roach of all. Louis Miller & Son DON'T FORGET Wo carry a small stock of FLOUR, BRAN, AND SHORTS, Made at Albany, and are prepared t supply small coiisumors ay one sack to a ton at a low prico, l'leaso make Inquiry, and savu your small chanue. Salem Flouring Mills Co- 3.11-OoJ Notice to Contractors. Heated bids will bo received by the tiudcrslgned up to Saturday, May 6. I WO, for the construction of a two sto y briuk building 30x85 according to plans and siwcifirutlon to bo seen at my store building contractors aro expected to furnish IhiiiiIs (or tho faithful perfor mance" of thu work in the sum of S,00O. Thu right to reject anv or all bids Is reserved. P. M. Flykk, MoMInnvllle, Or. April to, 1000. 4-JOdAwtd. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will bo receited by th uudurslgiied up to Saturday, May 6, 1000. for tlio construction ol a two-si ory brick block GOxPO ft., accordiug to plans and speclllctttlons tolw oen at my store. Builders are oxpccliHl to furnish bond for the faithful rormanw of the work In tho sum of $10,000. Tho right to re ject iuy or all bids U reservoiL SloMlnnvllle, Cr. April 10, 1000. II.O.BuaNS. . 4.10-dAw-tJ Peace Dcclate, Why duvoto all your time rcadiM tho Boer War und the Gold FieUsol Alaska? There are other matters of vital Importance; you may make a trip East, and will want to know how t travel, lnonliir to have the betf vice, use. the Wisconsin Central Kjr. between St. Taul ond Chicago. of ratita uud ntber information. wrltsJM, A, Clock, General Agent, portfaml, 0 gon. ,TS r kl si pw ffl M , X .. 1.1 .fcl m J -.s j,