I 4 BflBsiw " 5 P bwria&JlBarilifM llll Mi I fi MAN SHOD- In a pair of our S3,50 Shoes is well shod -3C His shoes will give him comfoit and answer every demand oi hard service. Can wc disturbc y6u 'just a second? To examine our shoes, you ought to get a good look at them, they are great. I FORTY-ONE YEARS AGO r. &&& , :Wvboesfor? V' O-V Btnto St An Address By the Republican Com mittee of Oregon. Invitation to Members of Old Parties to Come Out for New Orgn. zatlon Uased on New Itsues. ilmmmmmW Our Serges a Sonic 0 This Is About Serges There's a sort that goes into women's dresses no cloth ing manufacturer who cared a rap for his fame ever used such the best of it is made of double yarn with a short fill ing. After a little wear the strands break out and stand like pinfeathers on the wing of a two-day-old chicken the least bending parts it at the seam. You don't want to Dav Si 2.50 to St 3.50 for a serire that isn't a whit better than one we'-Jl sell you for 10 00, Ours were made for men to wear. We know what sort gives satis- c i. i j i it it . r i - - lacuon. u is our uusmess 10 Know niesc tilings, mis serge was chosen by experienced judges. A closely woven, staunch, reliable cloth. Guaranteed all wool and absolutely fast color. SIO la not very much to pay for a rcllnliln sorgo milt but It will huy otio atonrMoro, nnd yon hnvuour word nud guarantee that It thrill bo rlht. 6. w. Johnson .& Co.. The Peoples Clothiers and Furnishers,- THE DAILT JOURNAL BY ItOlrnH IlltOTHICHfl TUKHDAY, MAYL1B00. i K Dully, Ono Year 83 00, tu Advauoo Dally, Tout Month $1 00. 1. fwtvauv.e Wokly, Otio Ifooi 91.00, In Advaii THK BICYCLE TAX. In lnrlon county tlm hloyclo tax of 5l."0ou curli whcul will budullinnioiit on May H, nnd It will bo tlio duty of Hhcrlff Durhtu to slexo tho 11 rut wheel ho finds nftor that (Into and proceed to collect tlio tax in a by law provides). , All who kno- that oflU-ur knows that ho will do hi duty. Tho Balom oyelu amwclat'ou lmvo or dered tholr sccrutury to secure nn Itemised statement ol tlio exondlturca mndo thopait jenr of tlio tux collected in lfTOO. This statement will tw laid bo foro tlio nuxt regular mooting ot tbo chili and action will bo taken to secure a succersful expenditure- of (ho iiionuy railed tlila year. Thoc)clltsarunll In favor of uphold- nit tho law nud tecuriug tlio boil toilhl results In tlm wny nf hotter pathi In the nature ol things tlio flrt )ear's ok pork'iu'o would nut bo satisfactory In constructing paths and better results will he demanded Ovlsyoar than lust. Tiih Jouhnai, believes II more authority were given local clulm to build paths bolter satlifactlou would grow out of tho opera tlou of tho law. Tim JouttvAl, hasmado a hunt fight for what it believed to bo right In local affairs, and Its editor has struck hard blows for whnt ho lxdlovud was tlio rlxht nml prnpur courso to pursuo Hut It wnsdouo with no porno un I intcrcit to servo tint ovrii, his own, becnuno what no said and did was not calcu Intod toiiuiko him popular with party mnnngar. Having dono his boat ho will siipHirt tlio cuuso of reform nnd clean twllllcs In tho Interest of nil tho people, lit, Hull's Cough Syrup Is Unques tloiiiihly tho inoH roiuiirkiihlo remedy ovur produced for tliu niru of throat und l.ll.l, f Vrftl. 111.... I, l.i.M IIIIVllil t li........ .111 .. fi'tfK ..wniyivn, IV W kUIUH IIIIIUlllll,0. and has dono wonders In many cuscs of Incipient consumption. A OLL'AN OAMPAiaN. Thero U a general demand for a clean 'county campaign (Ids year, Tho jhxi plo nro too Intelligent to bo Interested in personalities, l'rottresa and yood government aro wan tin I and personal huso and mud-sllnglng aro nut apt to yield any result. On tbo other hand no one should he screened ngslnet a lo gltlmato dlwuwlim of lliolr public and olllclal record. There Is feeling that men ran Ihui orably contend against euoti other for the suffrages ot the. people, and servo tho poo pi o faithfully and honorably In any iwlltleul parly. An inexpensive ruin. Twlgn, confined to a dlsouvsion of puUlo measures and osteins ol government will go farther towards education and lev at Ion of tho people to tho staudaids t an Ideal tMilf-gowrninent, then airing! any man's porvonal affairs. i Gan!t Stand W, Many childicn cad t stand cold weather. The sharp winds pierce them, and the keen air hurts then. They have .uold after cold, lose flesh, and spring-time fuuk them thin and delicate. wiU make such boys and girls hearty and strong. The body is better nourished, and tjicy arc better pro- teemed. The blood becomes ricHcr,and that makes, thqm i t Wn Wi C u JOURNAL "X-HAVU." If tho war If over, why not roduco tho war tax? I t t Theru Is lots of work for a man If ho has n pull with thupuih. t t t "lloh's" Kitchener Is nut rating a commando of llocrs ovury day for break fast. : 1 1 Wrstorn Ori'gon ntinoaphiro thci-o spring mornings Is ns rich as tho per. fuiiio of u ronojur, t t t This Is Mayday and Tun Jovhmai. hangs a pretty llttlo May baskot on Col. llou llcudrlok's otllco door. I Tho Allmuy local Is carrying a gri-at deal of milk and on-aiu, In fact it Is h regular milk shako, I I t Tho prut ot tho stato unanimously speaks of tho death of Thomas Kay as a grvut and drrrtriovablo loss to Oregon t i t A now oporu hoont tho old Hood oon wrtitl luto a hiuluris block ; a htleral postolllcii building j that Is tho tialcui rivord for lt)00 : t Tho war with Fpalu cotlaii argnt (15 to wall family In tho United Htairo, hut brtaiik It is Mug rollcotnl hull rrrtly few oplo rvallio that It oot an) tiling . Tlio Sir Jaok FalstklT. of tho Owm pn Ij going Into tho milling rtginns. IIo Is warurtl that mou nrw lynulie.1 in the mining regions tor trying to lump another man's claim, t I t A trawling man jmys a Salem maim facturra great oompllmeut. lie sis ho is grilling a great reputation far put ting up unadulterated products. IIo was talking but 0. Slots. The following Is Bcopy of nn address issued nt Portland, when great and Im portant question were 'tho issue, the preservation of tho Union, April ft"), 1859, by tho Itcpubllcnn Central Committee of Oregon, composed of II. W. Corbett, IJ. D. Bhattuck and V. C. Johnson. It it Is somewhat oppllcnlilo to tho present administration nt U'ashliigton, WHICH convicted iiy promineiii JirjiuDii can papers with departing from tradi tions of tlio pant, nnd Itepubllcnns find themselves with tlio old old foundn tions of party ikiI Icy slipping out from under them. Tho old address of 18-7J is as follows : TOTIIK VOTKII or OIIKOOt, I'ellow Citirens: In a government founded on tlio will of tho people, tho actions nnd doings of that government should lto such an nru ncceptnhlo to Hint people If nn Individual or party o In dividuals reluct n mini to carry out tho view And accomplish tho ends thought by him or them to bo procr nnd right, and that trustee proves recreant to (ho confidence) ronosed in him, does ho or they hesitate to repudiato nil lonncctlon with snid trmtei7 Now, n tho Interests of our common country nro of grcntor weight with every honest American cit izen thnn any other ono thing, why Is It that In political! parties men fenr to do tlmt which they would never givo n sefond thought in Individual vtcn'l If jr.irty nmno nnd party trammels dictate ,thn action and regulate tho standard of our rights; If we, after wo onco be long to a party, must co oernto with that party because only of ItH nainnj If wo must follow it through every change of policy and principle, and blindly bow down to its priests, through fear ot party heresy; If wednre not stand al ways iiK)ii our honest convictions, re girdless of tho iiamo under which wo battle, If wo nro not endowed by na tum with r-enso enough tog) without being led, and to net without being told ; if, finally, nanio nnd not princi ple is tho victor In our xjlllcal strug gles then our Government Is a fario) nud wo tho variest tools In tho hands of a fuw Of courso, to rccuro tho accomplish ment of our convictions, mo must .isso- eiatu ourselves with some party; wo tutlit )ield trivial mattors, nnd enter earnestly into thu organization nnd dis cipline of that party; wo must, became of tlio different natural endow incuts in men, lmvo our leaders and advisors. Wo nru under real and great obligations Uo tlio party ol our choice; wo must feel that "union Ih strength"; but nil of tie so duties nro Incumbent upon us only so long us that party lends in n lino parallel to our polltlral convictions nud our souse of political right our obliga tions to that party cenco thu moment they tly tlio original track. leaders imiy palaver of party progress and indiilgo in hifiilulin alxMit uhnngo in clrcunnttniices demanding chnngn In iolicy, yet If ovury individual does not rceln tho necessity of that change. If tlio citizen has not progressed with his party, then liu may rest muured that tho progress has been In tho wrung direction, nud that original right In still original right, and that it Is his first duty to stand by that, let thu party progress to where it Will. It may and It may not bo a proud boast In u man to say ho has alnus Voted Willi mich a parly. If hn has, ns many have, gone upon tho platform when ho nas pleated with Its fair pro Mirtions, and, conlldently Mluving that lie stood iimiii hallowed ground, battled so bravely and fearlessly for his prin ciples that, uncuusoloiiMly, all tlio old punks havu been slipiMsl from under hliu, until ho stands where ho tuner In tended to have stood, then ho has been grossly deceived, nnd it lays with him Fellow clllzont, tho history of tho post Is before you ; from that only can you draw conclusions. Do not fear the epi thet of being called turncoats, it is the parties that lmvo left you and not you them. Corno out from tho old rulo ot Iniquity nnd organUoa now power which snail bo the exponent of your real views. Stand by that power nnd light valiantly as long ns it is trao to you.nnd no longer. Care not whnt Its name may be, only eeo that It has a sound plntform upon which you can stnnd as ynu stood In tho good old days of convcrvntlstn. Oen. Otis Coming Home. Manila. Mny 1. Major-General Otis Is exacted to leneo for tho United Btalot today. Ho will bo succeeded In command of tho Division of the Philip pines by General MncArthur. General Otis' return is In response to a cabled request, received from him on April 3, In which ho says Hint private Interests require his return to the States. He adds that he believes that matters can Iw placed In quite a satisfactory condi tion by that dale, 'although a largo re pressive military force must bo main lahied for somo tfm." Secretary Itoot laid tho dispntch be- Weary Women Reai undhmtp for wmary woman are found In lyda E. Pfnkhamti Vegetable Oomooundt It makes wo men strong and twalthy to hear tholr hurdons, and overcomes those Ills to whloh women aro subject Jjecauso they are woman WHY USE .hftlsbach Matfle? BECnUBB TlUr OIVB A 000" LIGHT AND AIIE LONG LIVED. WB SELL THREE 0 HADES t Durable a 8lT.e8 g,N.E ... A ... 1. I.I. All1 11 nst uiUTtr Tm wmrv iaipmi ininr m uiai.iim. wmnwiv --,-. "YCSBA" vvBiiu.. .; . .- ",lh Vmumr, ion of onlr ll.rre ft per hour. . rrir c. NO l,iTh.old;undbr7orioodTtibEquAUty.ndglTlog EIGHTY CANDLK ,. "- ide?i?'b fot qui " v wm' but ,Ttar Mme c,indle power " lhe No,"' "Bd ' U'f the . .. Vli"'. r. nrthnmertDronerlrsdJuitedstsboTorstos. . . ADJ-OI mwjm.i.m.1 IT 7 . . U. ..-.nr-l-ic-5 If Hut MtDy DOIT IWII "nil M.TJ uuu no YOU USE WELSBACH BURNERSr w. win prove wrouinatTou can ki rmn I llVlIT 'to I,ES3 MONK with one of the burners tb.n with sny other form of ani. SALEM UAS L1UI11W M ylienrenBw. , Brewster & White 01 cotmT st. moNE 1781. Hay, Grain. Mill Feed, Flour, Salt, Land Plaster Oat hay, good feed, $7 per ton. Timothy hay, good, fD.fco per ton. A complete Seed Storo in connection. Rolinblo Seeds nt low prices. : : : . Freo dollvery ; prompt service. Feed Men The I LydU I E. PlnWum'i VtjtUble Compound Is known from coast to coast. It has cured moro sick womon than any other medlolnom Its friends aro evorywhero and they are constantly foro the President and explained tlio writing thankful loiters situation. General Otis has been In the Yllloll appoar In this Philippines for nearly two years, nnd nano- itiirlnir Hint tlmn has been separated PP"" from his wife nnd family. Ills woikin tho AlillippiucR lias been considered ,l.nn..., lll.Aim. ,1,.nnlmnn nf. II..I..I. .,.! I.n.l I,,. f,t .vn,n,.l tur. VfOOf lO Afwf0SO 13 sonnl wish to roturn he would have con- Lynn, MasSm She Will tinned in command of tho Division of charge you nothing and tno riiiiippincs tor iBomo nme. n wns ahm has restored a million Save its Mia. you That makes you rich, and if you are alive to vour own interests you'll find you save money by trading; here. Other people do. Why not you . Our slock of family groceries and provisions is the most complete. Harritt & Lawrence, OLD POSTOmCK OltOCKKV SOULE JJROS. TONERS AND KEPAIKEKS I'OUTLAND ORE lfti ,i,r ,, P.ir Hslem sti 1 flnlnltr Will's MnleHio f If you are puzxled write for Mrs, Plnkhanrs ad- dolermlned to grnnt his request, llicro has len no action taken re garding Gene'al Otis' future, ns he will boon waiting orders for several months, nud thero will bo sufficient timo in which to decide tion a command for him. "The Better Part or vnlnr Isillscretluti," nnd the ncltcr pirt of thu treatment of dlen"o Is prevention. DIsotM! orivlti'itcH In liiipiirltlcsiti tho blood. Hood's Har H.iimrlllu purllleH the blood People wln luko lint this schxoii say they nrc kept, healthy the year round. Il Is hecniiHC this medicine expel linpur ItlcH and tuiikco tho bliKid rich und health glvini! All liver lilt nro cured by Hood'n Pills 2.1c. 2 women to health. West Bound Excursions. At a mrctlnc of tho Western Pas- I senger Attociation in Chicago on April 2ltt, General Passenger Agent Brims tien, of the Itock Island submltteil a proposition covering four sjecial excur sions In each direction between Chic ago, Missouri Itiver and intermediate oints, nnd Colorado nnd Utah points, nt rnte of ono regular first clats fare plus $2 for the round trip. Dates of tale westbound to bo June 20th, Julv Dili. July 17th and Aug. 1st. Kat iiounii from Colorado common points, to Chic ago and intermediate points June 23rd, July 12th July 20th and Aug. -till. Final ' return limit In eveh direction Oct. Hint; . theso rates to ho tendered to western connections for bating purpottos. OAHTOIIIA. Heirs Hi I Kn(1 M rlw Wffalf, Boajtt Conductor's Excursion, Ordor of Hallway Conductors, 2-RACYCLB Tlio only perfect Bicyclo crank hunger. 2, jer cent. Ices pressure on its self-olllng erank tarings than on nv other stylo of bicycle. Direct pull on shaft, no leverage, sprocket runs between tho bearings. : HKLISO IS nKI.IKVIMI CALL AND UK CONVINChl G. A. ROBERTS. 105 STATE BTHKET. PlIOKK 2870. Chicago, Itock Island 4 Pacific It m 7500 Rolls of 1900 Mall paper! HAS JUST UI-EN RECEIVED. COME AND SEE SEE IF WE CAN'T PLEASE YOU AS WE HAVE PLEASED HUNDREDS OF OTHERS F. W. HOLLIS & .CO. lsl Door North of Post Offkc. Thu favorlto lino to atl points east Urond, cBtlbuled nnd up-to-data trains between Pueblo und penver,nnd Onialiu, Chicago nnd Kansas City, making direct' connection in Chicago with all morning trains east. First-class Pullman Sleopors Library liu fie t cars, botw eon Denver und Chicago; the most perfect dinins ca servley in tlio world "A La Carte;" through flrat-class Pullman Sleeper every day between Suit Lnko City nnd Oliicago via tho scenic lino; personally conducted uicursioiiM in ordinary Pullman sleeping cars once a week from Portland and tiau Francisco to Ouuliu, Chicago, liuffulo, Chicneo and Now York via tite Unm Salt Lake ltotito, without change tu Chicago. Mo annoying transfer In Chi cago. Thetxi curs nro provided w ith all weekly periodiculB for freo uso of our natrons. For furthor information, map, folders, etc., call on your nearest tlclet agent, or writo to A. E. COOPKK. Gen'l Agent. Pass. Dopt. Portland, Ore. yenrs lias lielil ivlein, will this its Tim which for several niinual nienlo nt Halem.wlll this year go to I lie IMlles, .May .'7. the exeursloii train from Hnlem will start nt 0:30 a m, olthatdate. Itound trip $1. 13tf TODAY'S MARKET. Poiitijvnii. April 30. Wheat, v.vlloy 62c Wnlln Vnlla, 62Q63 Hour Portland, la-st grades 2.i0 to rxm. fuperfliie 2.10 erbbl. ().it White a5CJ:tilc, grey 32 to M Mlllstuff Ilrnu, 13; shorts, f 16 HayTiinotliy tlaiO er ton. Onions f I 0032.00 er ceutul. Potatoes 30 toCOo ler sack. llultor Ileal dairy, 20Q25; fancy creamery, 35 to 40V; ttoro, 20 to 25c. Lggs Oregon, 13c perdos. Poultry Chickens, mlxiil, U 00 to 5(H); hens, $5 to (1.00; turkeys, live 13c. Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7)o per pound Hogs Heavy dressed f to ik Heef-Steers. l .!; cows.fll.W) Qi ; dressed lsef, (16 to 7J4C. Veal DresMM, 8 Q Hc. for small. Hops 7010c; old crop 6(jtk Wtwl-Vulley. PJQIIte; KUstern Ore- gon, 801 Ic; Mohair, 27330. Hides Green, tailed (X) lbs, HGtOe; under (U) lbs, 7sQHj ; sheep pelts, 160 20c. ' SALKU MAIIKkT. Wheal 68 imnnds and over, Ho. Wool, ltk', Mohair, 30o. HoMt 6 to 7Wo Oats 28 to 30c. Hay llahsl, elieat, (8; tlmotli), l)(i I0. Ktrgs 1 Ic cash ; 12e trade. I'lour In w holesalo lots, 2.60; retail, Millstuffs-llrau. 13; shorts, Hi. Hogs Dressed, 6)e. Llvo cattle Steers, 3 J cows, 2? to 3o 8heoi I2JWQ3. DresMHl Veal flUc. Ilutter Dairy, loe: creamery. 25c. Poultry Chickens, s; turkeys, 10 to l'otatm 35o to 3.V, self nud Is his llrst duty tu himself nud ' oountry to resume, tho ixititlon ho Im-! tko. lluvestolN) best (or Ids oountry; If ull I men would net thus thero would bol more lutriotlsm ami less corruption at I Castle Crsg Tavern. liioouliuluatliigpolats of our Govern Agent Bkluner, of tlio Southern int'itt among the muii whom wo allow tu Ui rulers among us. Al no timo In tho hlstoiy ot our Duunlrv has theru Ikhui a uiorti favornhla niumsnt for liuUHuideut thinking nieu to (rvti thumiKlve from varly shsokles; at no timo 1ms there hetui sueh au lm (wrallvu demand mado upon ut riots to begin anew to oxoreho tho glorious rights of eltlienshlp. lloth tlio old IMrtlw aro deid, or virtually so tbo Whig party has erased as au organisation (tllOUgll thlMK) uhirilHU Old OO 1 kttrVAtilu prineiples can never die,) ami thu Demc. ' Pa- emu, is iiuormeu wiki ino lauious sum mer rowirt "C'attlo Crag Truven." in the Miama region, will I hi open Juno 15. This Is a msgnltlcent place for mountain resort era and will Iw conducted by K II. Pixhi), whoeau iirevious to Juno 15, be addresxed. caro I'nctlic Improvimeut Co , Crocker buiUllug, Kin Fraucico, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Slgnaturo of C&tfirf<, Proposals for Wood, Sealed p.opneals endorted ''Propotals for Wood for Cnii!to1."nddrested to tlie undcrrlgned will bo received nt thuolllee ol N-cretnry of Htnto until 2 p m., .May 10, 1000, for delivery on the Capitol grounds, or nithln loir or live blocks thereof, on or before September 1, POO. of all or uny part of four hundred ami tlfty cords of llr wood, cut while green from big fir nnd well uentoiied; to bo four feet long, clotely corded without bulkheads. Tho right Is reserved to re ject any nnd ull bids. F. I IlUNIttU, . Secretary of Stale. Salem, Or., April 23, 1WX). 4.23 12t Proposals for Wood, nidaare hereby Invited for furnishing oouo corns 01 wood nt tlio Oregon Statu Insano Asylum. Itnpilrel, that 3300 corns snail no iieiivedred at thu main building ami 1500 cords at thu Cot tage Farm; wood tube cut while green from big tlr, and well seasoned, nud piled without bulkheads. Ilids u ill lu, r... colted for the whole or anv imri nml opened at tho Stato Hmitu at 2 i. ui. May 1st 1000. T. T. (ieer. F. I. Dniilini- CharliMi H. Moore. Hoard nf Avlnn, TrustiH's. Walter Ljon, Clerk ot the Hoard. 13 t, I WANT EGGS TO SHIP TO THE NORTH, FOR A." X GOLD THAT COMES KLONDIKE X FROM THE a: CABTOniA, tun U 1 H UW Km Kin Hhurt Bcajtt c&sitftm-t uu 8nrr at won (or Iwlng IVmocrats tut I'upulUt are, ldoui heart thete days, exivpt from a few o( tho very mauei iHilivt in Jlarlonwunty. Tbtt ollUer Ukuo parties havo electevl have pniveodsfendersof lh eplo rights ami t gvttd govenluieut. oratlo party has nothing of its old glory a,u.' " , . "';w ", ' ou-ept tho empty tiauie-broUu ami df TuVI 1 'rT T vnhsl Inlttelf a,,l hoadl b, tho most ?? ""WW ' ,3 ,U0M"" ioTX SwkOm?H;w VmV . . ' Uoatiavtor's Noilvs, Th tiMesfary tnforuutlun touching tho eutiueton ami ewlion ot a Prf - U)trlnc4turehln.Mlll Clty0rM will he furuUhed upou aiiUloalton toth truttv4 or tho pattort th51s, MWll, 18 1 l W It Mis. weak, vacillating, lueoutitteut and tnaeheriHisaduiiultratloti that ovar was ll(iel to tho h ights of tuwur on tl e wavoot parly victory 'this Is then iih1m1, a ertsis. a ho insutoui 0110 In tlmhlory ufour gnat rvHiltll. It liumea mwn tu IwiV alwut them and to etwmsd honestly whorv they will next UmIuvt tholr Intlueuco and supitort. ThviefHto. lot ovory ottl sen uxerolso his understanding, nHd not twtray his promt imrogativo. Ut vry tuaii weigh wull tho merits ot nil lurlle. ami faetiout. and, living lwutly linson let him lalwr for tho mum f hit dwHkm. Above all thing lot thu now trty ol iudmUnt thinkers U IhmI polllUlsm. insu who do not tear to a I U prMpWa en u th (ao tf U4t iwrsonal 4 l mH'tty, r In tho fo the Pn A. J. Hamlin was received at the enp county, (or lar ceny, V1 Kaw LEAN PURE 111 comej from tha uso of tho famous Seven Sutherland Sisters' Seal,, eteaner, and with perfect oteanllnesa comet beauty. Nn. N. J. BU. Dsi 6a University Wic. Omaha, Neh..wrttes: "Every head thukt U hmpod freouentlC wWv thto whiWaame rtrwejy." " Mint t tho wind rt hltr ,wrhu u .horougWyd'hT SSSlTf r;,B0U'er -" treated wlrse5en Su!d2S,S FOR GOLD, THAT COMES JFROM NOME. GAIHER THE X X EGGS AND TAKE 1 HEM TO EIM'LEY, HE WANTS 100,000,000 OF VHEM. X X X X Spring Shoes Ladies Tans and Black Kid the LateM Luts, at Reduced Price. Hen's Farm HBATIN0I ST BAM. HOT Al K. HOT WATEK, timate furnished, ami work done pioniplly MibMant rally and at honest prices. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. S BUUBOUGHS, 102 Stato Phone I5II The Orient Insurance Co., OK HAW'I KOWU CONN, Corvallis k Eastern Kailroad T1AIJS OAltU. ! For YhiiuIiiu: Trulu leaven Albany f'Ab i. i,. 'I ruin leaves CorvulllK.... 1:66 .m. Trulu arrives Van ulna - 7:25 p. m I Helurnlng: Leaves Yuqulua (l-(X)a tu Leaves Corvallis. 1 1 :3J a. tn Art Ives Albany 12:16 p. uj. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:wu, in Arrives I Jet roll Il:20u. w I Kuturulng: Leuves Dettolt I2:i' n Airlvcs Albany 6:46 n di. One and two connect at AlOauy anil Corvallis with Koulhcrti PuelUc ttuint giving direct servk'-e tiaud from He' port und adj tccut benches Trains fur the tnouuulns arrive at Detroit al noon, giving ample lime to reach camping ground ou Hie llrelteubush utid tiuntluui rlvor the same daw IILVVALDKN, KDVVIN STOXh, T V. A I'. A. lUnniir TIIKNhK Aaent, Ananr.Or. VIA f,L'i6,mH. l.liHj.tKni l.ill.Oln Aiteota I.lahilitles hurplua to Policy Holders. . . win injure you against loss uy lire; lor leims ciiqiiuc THOMAS BOLTON, Uesidenl Agenl. jui.i u.ii vjiiicc. ;, I'm. leni. Orv. 101 J II. It. COI.GAN hn- reinuved to the Ne niIinmi tvo doors south of tho old utand, lieflil finini patrons and tho pnlihe genernllv will reeeivo court eous trotvtiuont Choke I.Uuor und Clgurs. B Coniino'cial Slrcrl. Phnn L. M. KIRK. 54,B0,i 8H SUtoSt Phono 871 Grain Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material Lime, Cment, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored wagon S:alcs.ctc. milium kiwi, u, uie neiivii) nf komU I'rompt and larelu nf the eltr MBAT AND I'OULTHY. an) pan UK.tf Mi loC. Matthews SnreruortJ KJwrJA UtUhtwi MARKET MKAT nnct 1'OUI.TKV Stato atriHit near railroad. Freshest and lat meuti Mv patrona gay I kwin tho bent meata in town. Uio The German Market' V ill b found all Inula of meat ! and the boat of aatiMigo. KtJKfc OELIVBItY. All lane due lit I ato nrm ol. w.ilt: .M,el, must bo paid LUOLZ Si SON 171 IVn.n rclal St. Tlio Doty Hiii'ki ATTtlROLn tJCATHN " 91 COURT kTRkwr. IWgian llarea ami Fruit. ' Hlgho,! cah prlo-, t,l frr Hlt d ! Or gon Shou Line Railroad Tho Direct Honto to Montana, Utah, Colorado and ad Eastern Points. or tho UIO G KAN )K Scenic Uul.' No Change of Cars, On tho fprtland Chicago huvial ' flnetlmlu,Mt." H'ai, Equipped With Elegant Standard Sleepers fine New Ordinary Tourist S ecpers Su erb LibrarvBuffetCars Splendid Dinners, Meals a la carte Jee ReclinW Chair Cars f:nmrrtol.l. n i .".uuuuits ooacnps and Smoke's entire Train Complete v i Vtistibuled i i, . .r,Wr in'"nti .. ...... ..iMn, ,.;,,, , . . - ' v... II .Mil q.,,,'1 SOUTH AND EAST IA Pacific Co, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Salem for 1'ortlandaud way stations atfi:40 a. tn. , 7 :64 a. m. and 4:05 p. w. Southern I.T runlaiiJlL....... IMAM 8 Ju 1' U H USalira tlOU A M lU&ll'M X Ar AnbUuit UJOAM 120) I' 11 A" Ar Bcrmui.nto... W I'M iM A U Ar Bait Krucico 7 UMI t IS A U ArOKlen.... lum m u a U I r Iteiircr .. -oo a M i A M r Ktu.. L'lir 1M A U 1M A U V- Chlrtxo.-; . T.tt AM KM AM 1w AukcIm . fsalrS 7 80 A M I A- U l'KI . kuOrM I M Ar Fori Wortlu JO A 41 M1U ir Clly 01 Koxii-o . tJA A M ll).3 A U M Ar Houiiou ;u a m iuaii B Ar .New Orlcaiu i'U ril ili F U M ArVVuhlutou fctlAU tlUV ArhmvYutk ij,ta i' m mi r m I'ullmuii mid Tourists cars u bih B twins. Chair ears Sucrameuto to Oplea and Bl Paso, and tourlxt ears to Chicaga, tit. Ix)ulg, New Orlean- and WashliigUiu. Connecting at Ban 1 ruiuTiseo with m'V ernl steamship lines fur Honolulu, Jatmn, China, l'liilipplno, Central ami "outli Atnerua. K'o Mr. W Skinner Hijeiirat SaUm Mation, !( addruxs 0. II. HAKKHAM.U. f. A., l'orllaud, Oreg in ?W 1 Canadian Pacific H Soo Pacific Line. Lowest rates Beat service j i an irs to Tra apply l lX get. IB J. i. WVIOR PKOriUEl'UIl I !!fi5Zii!!ii!L i,... .r-.j- vv . . v.K"sr-!,;,.-ju rL '. i? . m i n v. and Drei Shoes in l Stock at orice.s Ivlnu.! Salem ooinpelition JACOB UOGT 95 State t. WS. M. A. COOK, l'ropriolor, Steam Dvc Wo-k Ldk'and tsentaVUh-ioleanl bd, repaired and prewl. Hata and glovea dr-. JeaneJ. Ouat aud testa rellned. Velvet cwrlira rtpUced on cTeraoata, llB Com' 8t Onn Htl WllUmotU r V r. -... " ' A HtftlUlMkl n , rom H, yaitWmt' .MJSLwa2L?r..y A Wo,wv titlt', ROntrcii BK.. i"wt, r u HIT),, I i For S. ooo Lvvjis, Cv. 4 6U. To and fn.ui all point Bast and Burujio, Thu ouly line running through fl I lL '" iiicit I .unci ri o"'w Jluauri Ho ton Without Change. Koyal ilail hteamship 'f ! ti Japan and China. Canadian and AnstraliaM Meamship l.iuo to loiioluluaiidklriiliii Ft rate hd infonnatia apply to V H LtlL'KtKil AiMit..I',ni't)rf'. I Aunt, Vjm , rtland J i Hi u u I A, Vuinit Mr I .U Plating Jewelry, Silverware. Hu'jcle parts and all kinds of plating C. A. ROBLRT?. 108 Stat btroet M Phono 2B70 CURE Y0UJJS5t?l l' l:u ii ii 4 iMimN, ,i iM,-iM Qm..44 m ifrlitMii t v' a IrnmumKfM. I'tUUiu. g1 Hvl '."i ltttiinrcuira i or t,t loieuiiu KwH '14 fey irrvK. or mi in pUla fl V errru. weM'J. I, fi.00, w uuw. urs. IbMlK w( mi ew mmtmia iwam wnwtm'm.tfnni umHm.., PS' ' &&,. to (.? "w IWMM'aiayT' f