The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 30, 1900, Image 3

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In some case the external sli?ns of Contnploui Mood Pnicnn nr en .Unlit that i.n
f 1
victim is firmly within
is known. In other caws the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the
swollen glands, mucin patches in the mouth, sores on scalp, ulcers on tongue, sore
throat, eruptions on skin. Conner colored snlotclie. Am! fnllinir Imtr nml
ill?" vJ'7'
leave no room for doubt, as these are all unmistakable signs of Contagious Blood Poison.
Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poison. These poisonous min
erals never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contagious Blood Poison. They drive the disease
back into the system, cover it up for a -while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial
rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off. Moroury and
potash maKo wrooks, not our08,nnd
S. S. acts in an entirely different
instead of tearing down, builds up and
hrt MM tlnhttl kda A1..1 I..
tnerciorc mc umy cure ior t-omagious
tnougn prpnounccu incurauie uy tnc doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to maki
new, untried remedy ; an experience of
oniypuic' vcgmuuic- muwi lueuicinc Known.
Mr It. I.. Myers, loo Mulberry St , Newark, N. J , ut i "Imi afflicted with a terrible blood disease, which win In spots at first, bitt fterwrd
ipreid all orer my body. These soon broke out Into sores, and It Is easy to imagine the suffering I endured, Before I liecame conrinced that thi
ever for this. All correspondence is held
O. C. T. Go's
I'AtWKNdEftJSrKAaiKIt """ "
i.havus I'-oummn.A.Ni)
Dally axnept rhmdav at 8l."rn.
Dock liMtween HtatA and (onit8ts.
M. V IIAI.DWtN, Anont.
Just Think
ino i'owduu. : : :
You nro not out of anything if
you linvo no succors with it, us
wo will refund Iho mntioy, and
if satisfery: just think ngitin
vs hat you will save In thu future
by trying u can, every tinio 20o
is saved on a pound.
I'oiiny saved ia a penny made.
No Hium or nmtnoiiia in thu
It can 15 conls.
1 tl can HO cents.
'2 tt can 76 t-sjnts.
a ica
Phono 2112.
Free Dollvery.
4 CSocial news y
i rlj AND VIEWS t
Mr. nml MrB J. W. Ounn, went to
Portland today,
Mrs. Milton Moyprs ia vieitlng at Port
land n few days.
Mr. nml Mrs. G F. Hodgors spool
8tinduy with Portland friends.
Mies Laura Thomas, of Jefferson, lias
been in thu city visiting friends.
Mrs. Geo. Hatch and Minn Grnco Van
devort have riturncd from Portland.
Mrs. Alex Powers, of Hiilsoy, U In the
city visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tow
Mrs. T. P. Ilockelnmn, of Albany, is
in the city vieitlng Iter daughter Mrs.
It. Ktihii.
Mrs. J. D. McOully, of Wujlown, Is in
the city visiting her brothers' Cooko and
Hal Patton.
Mr. and Mre. Silas Jones, who liavo
been hero attending the Joseph Alkon
funeral, returned to Portland this morn
ing. Mre. M. P. Splller returned lo Port
land this morning alter spending n few
days hero vUltlng her brother, It. P.
Rob. Thompson, Phil Mctrrhr-n,
Charles Lathrop, P W Dixon nud
Anthony Klein were among thu paoii
gers for Portland this morning..
Mr. Clark (noo Graco Dlnsmore), who
has b en hero visiting her mother ami
brother, left yesterday for tho City oi
Mexico, where she will join lr Clark
and make their future home.
MNs I la Mxxvwll.of llaltey, who has
been in the cUv visiting Mr. and Mrs.
M L. Willmot, left this morning for
Portland to visit MUs Holme. f the
Holmes Nuslnesi College.
Mre. C. K. Smith, who for many
year lias conducted reliijioiH mi etlmr at
the various Jails and prions throughout
Oregon and Washington, wa, in tho city
yesterday and delivered u si-rmon to tho
prisoners ot the prison. She returned
to Portland this tnorn ng.
Roro lungs, pain In the chest and pain
ful breathing are quickly relieved and
cured by tho old reliable specific, Dr.
Hull's Cough Byrnp. This remark
vblo remedy breaks np a cold in ona
night nnd is, without doubt, thevory
bist raedlcino for all affection of tha
i nroat and lnnga. It has cured thou
r nds and will care you. It uover dis
r nolnU. Try it at once.
Cough Syrup
WiH quickly deal Sore Lungs.
t -rt.resroaUand plent toUke. Doctors
t JHnmcodU. Itlcc ai caU. At all dmygUU.
the grasp of the monster before the true
those who have been dosed with these drugs
manner, bcinjr a purely ecetable remed
Jy ; it
invigorates the general health
- ! - -! t S 14. 4
tun. s. . a. :
S. S. S. is the
jnoou roison. jo matter in wliat stagi
in what stage or
e or
lirmil In mnlr. a
nearly fifty years has proven it a sure anil
uociors coum no me no goou i nan spent a nunureu uoiisrs, wnicn was reawy tnrown away. I men
tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the dlease When 1 had finished my first
bottle of S. 8 8 1 was greatly Improved, and was delighted with the result The large, red splotchtt
on my chest legan to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely, I regained tm
lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite improved. 1 wa soon entirely well, and my skin n
clear as a piece of glass."
Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information al out
this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department is
in charge of physicians who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Don't
hesitate to write for anv information or advice wanted. We make no choree what
in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT
Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. U. Wescott, of Grand
Island, Neb., aro In tho city tho guests
of A. II. Sohafornnd family, on North
Commercial street. They nro on their
wny homo from Los Angelos.whoro thoy
havo been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
0 A. Candcld, wifo of tho mllllonairo
oil discoverer and speculator.
Tho ontcrtalntncnt given by Dan
Waldo's Cabin No. 3, Native Sou's and
Elizabeth Thurston Odell'a Cabin, Nn
tlve Daughters, In tho armory nt tho city
hull Saturday night was u brilliant suc
cess in, every nenso. Tho peoplo re
sponded to tho kind invitation of tho
promotors in such numbers that tho
largo hall was crowded to Its utmost
CApuclty and many turned away.
llesidos President J. D. Leo, of Dnn
Waldo's Cabin, who prosided, thero
were present on tho phitform ollleors of
tho Native Sons as follows :
Hon. Sol. Dhunatior, grand president,
D. 0. Mi n to, grand marslmll nnd Iv. M., grand triHtoo; of tho Nutlvo
Daughters, Mrs Ilobert A. Miller, grand
president, Mrs C. K. Wolverton, grand
trustee, Margaret Cospor, president ot
thu local Cabin.
Tho Chemawa Indian H.tnd, also com
posed of native Sonsof the Gold en West,
furnished excellent music during the
Tho program, as published in Suttir
urday'ti Jouiival was carried out with
out n hlteh Tlio 'iitimburd wore highly
appreciated by thu audleuue.
Franks Durbln's debut its a slngor be
fore n mixed Salem audience, assisted by
a toreh-boaror, was a graud success and
brought nn ovation.
Mrs Halllo Parrlsh Hlug09 with hur
vocal solo as usual charmed all hearts.
Tho addrossci ot Grand President
Miller of the Nutlvo Daughters and
Graud President Blumaiiorot tho Nu
tlve Sons woro interesting ami well
calculated to arouso interest in tho ef
forts and objects of tho order.
Many of tho old pionoors wore prosotit
nnd n large number ot Oregon born
young people who havo not yot identi
fied themselves with tho order. This
entertainment should hive ngvH of
fei't In iittrictiux tho latter. It is only
within n comparatively few years a
Biilllclent number ot eligible iiiomlmra
c mhl have been muitered for tlio fir
matlon nt an order ot thU kind ; and It
U only in a nowly settled state that
such an association liai especial stgnl
ficanc?. At present u lodge ot this
kind horo will be the vehicle for bring
ing much pleasure to its members.
Br tls "" Ktol1 Yoa ,,lt8 AlM,,s
B,'7n &&&
The Slorlra Thnl tho Truvellnir Men
Told Ahout Tlirin.
They were talking about bad towns.
"Tho meanest place I ever was In,"
said the man who travels for a Chicago
house, "Is down In SInssnchusetts. Say,
do you know what happened while I
was stopping there once? A man had
fallen through a hole In a sidewalk and
sustained Injuries that resulted In the
loss of his right arm. IIo sued tho city
for damages, nml tho case was tried
before a Jury, which, tho papers said,
was composed of representative citi
zens. Well, what do you suppose they
did to him? Brought In n verdict In
favor of the city, holding that Inas
much ns he was left handed his Injury
didn't amount to anything."
"Yes," the cigar man snld, "that's a
pretty mean town, 1 admit, but I know
of a worse one. Tills place Is In Penn
sylvania. An acquaintance of mine
down there wns Injured some time ago
In pretty much the same way the man
you meutloned got hurt. Ho fell on a
bad sldowalk and lost one of his legu.
He sued tho city, and didn't gut any
thing. I never heard Just why. but
probably becnuse the Jurors didn't be
lieve he needed more than one leg In
his busUess, seeing that he was a bar
ber and couldn't hone a razor or shave
a man with his foot anyway. But
wait, I haven't come to the point at
which the real meanness developed.
' Being a xir man. he couluu t arrow io
buy a cork leg. so he had to get nloug
1 with a wooileu peg. and one day while
I he as crossing the principal street
this peg In some way got wedged Ixf
tween a couple of paving stones right
In the middle of the street car tratk
It took them uearly an hour to get him
loose, and what do you suppose hap
pened then? Blamed If they didn't go
nnd tine him $10 nnd costs for obstruct
ing trotlle!"-Chlcngo Tlmea-uerani.
Wliy Cesueterr Fence f
I It was a Slalue graveyaru. ano uin
fence thereof was In a most dlsreputa
' ble condition.
J Some of the neighbors were trying to
( start a movement to put a new fence
around the cemetery, and it was meet-
log with general approval till the caus
tic wit of Darius Howard was aroused.
"What for'" he Inquired. "What's
Not Cures
nature of the disease
are necr after ftee from aches and pain
forces the poison out of the system, and
only antidote for this specific virus, and
How Hopeless tnc case may appear, even
rnnirl ri
crmanent cure. a. s. a. is not a
unfailing cure for this disease. It is the
tne need or tVnelug the graveyard?
There ulu'l no one innlde that wauls tc
come out. iiiid I'm ilnru suit- there nin't
nu.v one outside that wants to get In
So what's the need or the ri'tuvV
And the relief wns not built till folk
had ceased to chuckle over the thrust
or Darius.- Lewlston .lotnual.
While or Mlxrd In Thin War "I Mnr
krlliiK "lien Prull."
"Give me a qunrt of yolks."
"What nre whites worth today?"
"Send mo up n gallon of mixed."
Such expressions us these will be fa
miliar terms lu grocery stores nnd
butcher shops lu Kttuwis City before
long. Housewhes will mahc them so,
for eggs will be sold by the pint, qunrt
ami gallon Instead of by the dozen. In
rnct, the big confectionery establish
ments or the city buy them by tho gnl
Ion now. Kitchen economy suggested
the scheme, nuu local packers Imme
diately took It up.
How often It Is that a cook will
break a dozen or more eggs in order to
get tho yolks to tnako a enko. Tho
whites will bo thrown nway, or vlco
versa. Why not mnke a saving of thu
whites or yolks, as the caso may bo?
was suggested. The packers put tho
question to the confectioners, and the
latter saw tho point. Now, when a
confectioner wants to mako stuff with
the yolks ho scuds to n packing house
nud buys yolks by the gallon. If ho
wants to uso tho whites for some
thing, he sends for them. If he wants
to use both, he sends and gets n mixed
cnn. It Is predicted that housewives
will sooti adopt the same method.
With this now system of handling
"hen fruit," there Is absolutely no loss.
Tho eggshells nro oen used. They
nro ground up and sold for chicken
feed. Knusns City Times.
An Ancient Coin.
One of the prized curios of tho Phila
delphia mint Is a coin which Is '-'.000
years old and which was coined nt the
ancient mint or thnt other Philadelphia
or thu far cast meutloued In the Bible.
It Is still In good condition, nud the
Inscription Is perfectly legible. The
design on tho race or the coin bonra a
striking resemblance to tho Goddess
or Liberty df our own currency, nnd
underneath Is tho one word "Demos,"
which means "tho people." On tho
other sldo Is tho llgtiro of Diana, with
her bow arched, and tho tmicrlptlon,
"Dlaua, Friend of the Phlladelphlans."
When this coin was struck off, Phila
delphia was tho most Important city or
Lydla. Tho prize was picked up In
Europo by Joseph Mlckloy, a cele
brated Philadelphia violin mnkcr nnd
numismatist of high repute, who pre
sented It to tho mint. Philadelphia
Kxainule Thnt Were Ued In KirnM
U.00O Years Aifo.
Probably tho oldest copy book for
homo lessous In arithmetic was recent
ly unearthed In Egypt. Tho papyrus,
which was fouud In excellent condi
tion, dntes rrom tho period about 1700
B. C.-that Is, about 100 years before
tho tlmo or Moses, or almost a.OOO
years ago. It proves that tho Egyp
tians had n thorough knowledge of
elementary mathematics almost to tho
extent of our own. Tho papyrus has
a long heading, "Direction how to at
tain, the knowledge of all dark things,"
etc. Numorous examples show that
their principal operations with cutlro
units nnd fractious were mado by
means or nddltlou and multiplication.
Subtractions nud divisions were uot
known In their present form, but cor
rect results were obtained nevertheless.
Equations nro alho found lu tho pa
pyrus. Among the examples given I
this ene: Ten measures of barley are
to be divided among ten persons In
such a mauuer that each subsequent
person receives one-eighth or a meas
ure less than tho one before him. An
other example given Is: Thero nre sev
en men, each ono has seven cats, each
cat has eaten seven mice, each mouse
has eateu seven grains of barley, each
grain of barley would, ir cultivated,
have yielded seveu measures of barley.
How much barley has la-en lost In that
Tho papyrus also contains calcula
tions or area, tho calculation or the
area or a circle and Its transformation
Into n 8uare, and Anally calculations
or the cubic measurements or pyru
rolda - Philadelphia Record
Our fee returned if wo fail. Any
any invention will promptly reccivo
ability of sarao. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon reouesi. i awuw
secured through us advertised for salo at our expense.
i Patents taken out through us receivo sptctal notice, without charge, in
Tire Patent Hecoud, an illustrated aud widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
' Seud for Bamplo copy FREE. Address,
I (Patent Attorneys,)
Evmns Building, WASHHtQYOH, Mb C
Indications That Marion County Fruit
Will Be Pooled.
Saturday's Conference Resulted In Many
Contracts Being Signed With
Cuted Fruit Association.
The meeting of tho prune growers in
tliia city Saturday gavo indication that
tho fruit of this vicinity will bo handled
this season by tho Northwestern Curod
Fruit Association,
Tho meeting was hold In tho Circuit
court room at tho court houso nnd nbout
50 growors woro present. President
William Galloway and Secretary II. E.
Dosch of tho Cured Fruit Association
were present and talked oyer with tho
growers tho quostion of putting their
fruit with tho pool.',
Chairman Daniel Webster, ot Rose
dalo called tho meeting to ordor nnd
briefly outlined what had boon dono.
II. E. Dosoh then addressed Iho meet
ing explolnlng tho object ot t ho associa
tion nnd its mothod ot proceodtiro-
As has been explained In The Jour
nal tho crow era aro asked to sign con
tracts turning oot to tho association all
their dried fruit and giving the assochv
tlon nbeoluto control ot tho sarao,
In answor to questions, which were
freoly asked, Mr. Dosch said that, under
tho present plan, each grower could pack
and storo his own fruit, but in that caso
tho nocklnc must bo dono under the
supervision of nn association inspector,
Tho association will put Its brand
upon every packogo ot curod fruit
shipped by it, and Us Inspectors must,
theretoro, liavo peisonal knowlcdgo that
evory box ot fruit Is oxnetly as It Is rep
resented to bo. Tho growors could pack
tho fruit with tholr own labor or hlro
tho men to do It, but the association
must seo that It Is dono right In ovory
Instance, for It ono man should turn
over to tho aesoclatlon poor fruit and it
should bo shipped, tho reputation of all
association fruit would suffer.
It was also explained that growers
may sell their fresh fruit to canneries or
for consumption fresh to any person,
whether ho bo a member of tho associa
tion or not; but tho growors who belong
to tho combine must not soil to evapora
tors unless thoovapoiatorBaro also mem
bers of thu association,
Mr. Dosch also said that ho has re
ceived many lotters from buyers who
wisli to handle the fruit represented by
tho association.
Tho growors presont seemed to bo very
favorably Impressed, and many signed
contracts nt tho mooting, while others
took contracts away with them to sign
and turn in later.
Dr. Bull's Cough Hyrup Is a Remark
ablo medicine A dry, tickling, hacking
cough, tho naming that consumption
lurks near, needs no other doctor but
Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup. It positively
cures throat and lung trouble
PoRTLAMn, April 30. Wheat,
G2c Walla Walla, ry-'MKi a
Flour Portland, best grades $2.70 to
$3.00. Buperllno (2.10 porbbl.
Oat-Whlto 3530c, groy 32 to 33.
Mlllstuff llran, 13; shorts, f 16.
Hay Timothy IUQ10 per ton.
Onions 11.6002.60 per cental.
Potatoes 30 to 60o per sack.
Uutter Rest dairy, 2025, fancy
creamery, 35 to 40o t store, 20 to -W.
Eggs Oregon, 13c perdoi.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 14 00 to
5 00; heitB, 15 to 0.00; turkeys, llvo 13o.
Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7)tfo per pound.
IlogB Heavy dressed 6 to (to.
Udef-Steors, WQ4.B0; cows,3.60 Ql;
dressed beef, 0M to 7J'c.
Veal Dressed, 8 8tfc. for small.
Hops 70 10C ; oiu crop omoc.
Wool Valloy. 1213c; Easlern
Hides Grcon. salted 00 lbs, 8Q0c;
tinder CO lbs, 74B4 ; sheep pelts, 160
Wheat 68 pounds and over, lie
Wool, 10c, Mohair, 30c.
Hops 6 to 7Ko
Oats 28 to 30c.
Hay Haled, cheat, $8; timothy, 9
Eggs lie cash ; 12c trade.
Flour-In wholesale lots, 2-W; retail,
Mlllstuffs llran, 13; shorts, fl4)tf.
Hogs Dressed, 6ic
Live cattle Steers, 3tf ; cows, 2)i to
DresMKl Veal flo.
iiiiitArT)nlrv. lfic: creamery. 25c.
Pnniirv niifrkntiB. St tnrkevs. 10 to
Potatoes 25c to 3.W.
Castle Crag Tavein.
Agent Skinner, of the Southern !
clflo. is informed that the famous sum
,nti Puatlu Crait Traveu. In tlie
Shasta region, will bo open June 16.
This is a magnificent placo for mountain
resorters and'wil! be conducted by h.
U. Pixley, who can previous to Juno 15,
Iki addressed, care Pacific Improveml-n
Co., Crocker building. Han Krancinco.
McCoy Stage.
Leaves Willamette stable fl:20 a, m.
dally for Lincoln, Zenp, McCoy, and
Perrydale and return same day. New
hack, good horses and careful driver
Parcels delivered along tho line.
3 IH if K. K. Davis.
ono sending sketch and description of
J..! -,..,,.....;..,. tl,n nslAflt.
our opinion rio u.w...B w x
rgene tit " T-T J.l i.IW m
& 'amt'lsl 1
trf"" . 1
AVcriclable Vc conralionrorAs-
slmitating llicFoodnndRcguIa
llng UwStoinacrs andBowcls of
Promotes Digcslion.Cliccrriih
nc33nndncst.Contalns nelllier
Onlum.Morpliiuc nor rtineral.
IflUnM rurm
Apcrfccl Remedy forConslirvi
Hon i Sour StomactbDiarrlwcn
nnd Loss or Sleep.
FacSlmito Signature of
farmer, or those who intend plantiiiw
their pardons or doing spring work oi
any kind in this line, nro that you will
find everything lu garden nnd farm tools
of the very best quality and nt thu low
est prices nt
are enjoyable, and it's Just as euro that
our wines and liquors a o tho best on
earth. Citizenship comes at twenty puu
nud wines IlkewUo ruto hlgheet when
old enough to vote. Our goods have age
on their side. Our whiskies, too, aro
not young. For tho table, invalids and
all purposes wo furnish thu choicest pro
ductions over bottled,
J, P. Rogers
218 and 222 Commercial Street.
)F Wholesale and retail,
Putting in Modern Plumbing
In now homes and buildings, as well as
ro fitting old houses, keeps us pretty
tnuy In the spring when building is at
flood tide Our facilities aro always
wpial to tho occasion, nnd we would In
vito builders and contractors to get esti
mates from us on plumbing, gas fitting,
steam fitting, etc, liefore going elso
where, as wo do expert work at reason
able prices,
Telephone No. 2371
V.v . frWa. . , ,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
-tmi ecriTsun oMr, niom orrv.
Somctlting to Be Proud Of
Is tho ownership of alCrcscont. Oluvo
laud or Qendron bicycle. It Is thu nemo
ot perfection In bicycle construction,
whuro lightness la not sacrificed (or
strength nnd mechnnlcnl skill blend to
make a wheel that Is unexcelled for mu
ling qualities aud reliability. Wo havu
itsplendld stock to choose from, At 25,
to $50.
R. M. Wade &Co
His Jaw Dropped
and no wonder I It's enough to jar any
one to hao laundry work badly dono.
Avoid such uuplcutuiit experiences by
entrusting your linen to us. What wo
wash will Hlways look Its best, and will
last you two or three times as long as it
would tf sent elsewhere. That's the
difference between right ami wrong
methods. Note our rates: Shirts 10c,
collars 3c., cuffs Co a pair,
Salem Steam Laundry
COIXJ.SK t, J, OI.MBTKA!) rilOI'lllirTOH.
Phono 411, 280 Liberty Street
A Royal Feast
Can bo enjoyed In on r choice fat lamb
prime ribs and lotus of beef, legi of milt
Ion or choice uuis of veal. Wo can outer
to the most fantlillous palate in tuiuier,
iulov and richly tlatoml
meats. IM us
i ton ono aroumi
- . .
(or dinner. You
either our prices or our meats
Statu Bt, MiNKcr.
Phonk 201.
Vr "Yt?.f 1"""
Successor to Dr. J. M. Kccno. old
White Corner. Salem Or. Turtles desir
ing superior operations nt moderate fees
in any branch aro In especial request.
Phono 1071.
ROOMS 1 AND 3, Oft AY 11LK.
Osteopath y
In Salem and Albany
Graduato of American School ot Osteo
pathy. HALEM Monday, Wednesday and
Frldav; hours, 0 to 11 a. ni.; 1 to 4 p.
over vVollor's orocorv.
ALBANY Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday: hours 0 to 12 a. in. ; 1 to 6 p
in., Mrs. Wlnns rosldenco.
B. :f. JONES.
Toledo, Oregon.
Was Clcrk'of Circuit Court for six rears andhas
an up to dato abstract of all property la Lincoln
county. ll-17m
Salem Water Co.
For water tcrvlco nDply at ofIlc
llllls payablo monthly In ntlvnnco.
Mako all complaints at tho ofllco.
Express and Transfer
MefilH nil mall nnd nassoneor trains.
Uaggngo to all parts ot tho city. Prompt
Eorvico. Tolephono No. 8al.
Willamette Stables.
Tho undersigned nro now occupy
ing tho Willamette Btablo, south
Commercial street, and aro
ready to hlro you a nlco rig or
feed and caro for your team
when lu Salem. Horses boarded
bv tho week. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Youi pntronago solic
ited. 2-1211
Harold & Reynolds
S, C, STONE, M. D.
Proprietor ot
Stone's Drue Stores
rjgnio iterM (two In namtarj nro loaded a
No. 231 and 833 Commercial street, and are
well slocked with cotnploto line of drugs and
mcdlclntt, toilet articles, perfuuiorr, brushes
etc, etc., etc,
nil. BTONK
llMliadsomoM.'yean.Ioiporleiiceln the prao
tiro of mudlotno wid now makes no olikrtro for
eoiuulutlou, examination or prctlUon.
New train service on the
The double train eorvico to bo estab
lished between Portland and Chicago
April 22. In which tho O. it. k N.. the
Union Pncillo nnd thu Oregon Short
Lino aro interested, will shorten tho
through tlmo 11 hours. Train No.
lenvliiir Portland nt U!l5a. m.. betrlnnliuc
on thu date mimed, will ho known as thu
Chicauo-l'ortlaml special. Its ouulpmcnt
will bo new. uiakluu It fully tho equal
of liny train now in servlco from tho
Pacific Coast to thu east. It will consist
of a mall-car, baggago-car, a library
composite car, a first-class Pullman
sletiHir, a dining-car. two chulr-cars, and
a tourist sleeper. Thero will bo but ono
change oi cars to all Eastern iwlnts.
Tho lull tlmo will Ik) three days through
to Chicigo, or four days and two hours
to Nowork.
'1 hu second train, known as No. 0, will
leave Portland atl)i20 p. in., connecting
at East Portland, with tho Southorn
Pacific's overland train from San Fran
Cisco, nnd will carry through equipment
to Chicago via tho Union Puclllo and
tho Chicago h Northwestern, and also
the equipment fur tho Washington di
vision ot tlio O. It. A N., lit connection
with thu (treat Northern for St. Paul.
This train will reach Hpokano at 10 a,
m. A dining-car will bo furnished for
hrenkfiiBt into Hpokauu, and for dinner
on corruvpoudliig train leaving Spokane
at U: IS p. in. Tho new schedule as ar
ranged, will supply tho most comnloto
servlco ever furnished on tliuO. N. A N.,
as provides Increased servlco In Eastern
Oregon, wheru It is greatly needed, and
gives iiumediuto connection wltli thu
Waslilugtou division at Poudleton, At
this i-oiul thero Is a largo Interchange ot
trnllic, on account u( thu various mining
districts ot linker County, tho Coeur a
Alone, tho itepiibllc and Kootenai inln
li g iiiiiipH, i'ortland Is greatly lionellted
by thlsuhaiigo in as iniicli an Increatod
Mirvlcu is gueii from Eastern Oregon
and Idaho.
No. 2. will arrlvu in Chicago in Oi.'W
a. m,; Ao, ll, at 7:10 a. in., as at pres
ent. The Westbound train out ot Chicago,
oorresjioudliig with No. 2, Is No. 1.
This will tirrivoln Portland at 4 p. in.
i'lie train corresponding with thu eaat
IhmiihI No. 0, is No. U, out ot Chicugo.
This will reach Portland at 7 :.'J0 a, m.
Wostliouud train No. 1, will leave
Chicago at II :!10 l. in., aud Omaha at
HfM a, in. thu following day. The time
will be reduced two hourtf and 45 min
utes. No. !i, wuMlbotiud train will leave
Chicago at 10 :S0 p. in., and Omaha at
.1 p, in. tho next day.
Thu servlco on tho I'ulan Pacific onnll
lheu trains iuuludu Jluffut-smoklng-library
ours, and dining cars, No. u,
will curry a diiily ordinary sleeor to
Kansas City, with uhaugo enroutu to
ordinary tars to Chicago.
Consult thu neartwt ticket agent for
detailed Information.
General pssvsjiigor Agent,
T .''-
All goods offered at cost for
this week.
Thu stock coiiklits of Japanese
goods, uhiuaware, matting, fur
nWiliig goods, lea etc. Have lo
H or move .May 1st, como and
1 secure bargalus. 4-23-Ot
linos i
at same rata.
FOR RENT.-EIht or Urn
two miles from tteel bridge for &n
and potatoes. Land is jplowd sant
harrowed terras aro ono third mmC J
W.Wott Fifteenth and Ckht.
Street. 40 1w
FOK SALE Olt TltADE-l'lfteeM mm
tract with first-class Improvommt,
half a ratio from stato house, will toil
at a bargain, or trado for farm kd.
Apply to Julius Ilucf, first brick boat)
on Garden Road, or address 8lsw,
Oregon. 4-90-l
typewriter In first-class conditio!, for
salo cheap. Enquire at Union Tlfcto ,
Abstract Company's ftfflco, over
Stelnor's Drug store. 4 27'lw
WANTED. A good Gorman girl to Jo
house work in a family ot throe. Ap
ply 370 High street. 4-21 3t
WANTED Five carloads of potatoes,
eggs, butter and other produce; Oi:
I'aio at 140 State itreot, opposite John
Hughes' grocery.
4-28-3t Salkm rnoDCca CourAKT.
WHEN HAVING-Your spring Skirts
mado go to Sarah E. Clymer
succosaor to Madam Von Tobol. Tfa
only excluilvo skirt-malter in Sal&m.
Perfect fit guarantocd, and prices reas
onable. Room 6 cornor Liberty and
Stato Street, Gray Block. 4 25 I ra.
WANTED. Two girls for general honw
work. Apply at tho Cottago hotel.
stallions can bo found at tha Red
Front stables, in Salem, on Friday anJ
Satunlay. At Independence Mondr
nnd Tuesday. At Dallas Wedndy.
4-21-lm Amos Nichols, Owbw.
shoo repair shop formerly owned by
Oub. Kaisor has bcon purchased by
John Nocdham. Parties wishing first
class repairing at the lowest rates
call aud boo him. 4 21-lsa
ROOMS. Furnished or unfurnished
singlo or in Buitcs, dining room ad
joining, liomo-!iko. second floor Cot
tlo block. Mattfo Uutchins, prop.
FOIt KENT-Stock farm of 100 acres,
2)i miles from a town. House, barn
nnd outbuildings, spring water, trait
and plenty of outsldo range Price,
50 cash. Call on or address George
M. Hoolor A Co., 288 Commercial at.,
Balom, Or. 4-0-1 a.
A GOOD Oppotunlty to loam tha jew
olry aud watchmaking trade. Only
such persons as can furnish the best
of references need apply. O. II.
Hinges, 2U0 Commercial street. 4 5 tf
NEW BUGGIES.-A car load different
stylos, first class just received;
before yon buy, call and sec them.
Pohlo & lllshop, State and Front Bta.
4 4U
measure. Porfoct fit guaranteed.
2.000 stylos to select from. H. S.
-Hollo, Stato Street, agent Wanna
makor it Drown, Philadelphia, 4-7-tf,
POTATO LAND-for rent, about 60 or
00 acros. Call at tho F. Levy hop
ranch, or nt tlio olllcs ot Horren A
Levy, In Salem. 3 31 la
Enqulroat Itoom
cut cord wood.
0, over Gilbert's
WANTED. Tallow and Boap grease in
exchango for soon. Capital Soap
Works, Balom, Or., Ferry street near
13th. 4-6ml
that tho boat and clionpost carpet
pitporlH tlio heavy felt paper sold
at Tiik Journal omcc. 20-tt
The Club Stables
Cornor ot Liberty and FerryStreeU.H
Ia tho lwst nluco in tho city. t
get a first-class rig. Special
attention to commercial men,
tho best of caro given to board
ing and transient stock. Klgs
lurnlshod to all parts ot tho
country with or without drivers.
Prices within tho reach ot alL
Louis Miller & Son
Wa carry a small stock ot
Made at Albany, and aro prepared ta
supply small consumers say one sick
to a ton at a low price, l'leaw make
inquiry, aim save yoursmau cnange.
Salem Flouring Mills Co.
Notice to Contractors,
Scaled bids will be received by the
undersigned up to Satunlay, May 6,
1000, for the construction of a two sto.y
brick building 110x85 according to plans
and siM-cillcutinn to bo seeu at uy store
building contractors aro expected to
furnish Immls for the faithful perfor
mance of tho work in the sum of $8,000.
The right to reject any or all bids Is
reserved. P. M. FtTKX,
MoMlnnvIlle, Or. April 19,1000.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will bo rccolYod
r the
umltirslgutxl up to Satunlay,
Slav 6,
1U00, for tho construction of a two-story
Urick block G00 ft., according to plans
and specifications to bo seen at my store.
Ilullders nro exj-ected to furnish bond
lor the faithful performance of tha work
Ip the sum of $10 000. The right to re
lect btiy or all bids is reserved.
MuMlunvlllo, Cr. April 10, 1000.
H. O. liosjis, ,
I'taco Declare.
Why devote all your time
tlm ILutr U'ar nml thnolll
the Gobi Fields of
Alaska? Thero era other matters ot
vital Importance; you mar make a trip
i-.mi, aim win want to Know now w
travel. In order to have the best ser
vlco, use tho Wisconsin Cetilral Ity..
between St. Paul ami Cldcago. tor
rates and other information, write' Jus.
A. Clock, General Agent, Poitland, Ore
la ttloat.i all AnmUt ot
Tl Tt-Lo Mttl
S Brva4wtr, H ViS.(
cVd4 fs BetsMt.
Si wvwvvM.'. wwi.w
i i