",TTT "t&mr """ Wyv T ' THE DAILY JOURNAL. ..'. VOIi. X SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY APllIIi 18 1900. NO 92. te- 1 i B B R SPRING K i i i i Are here in all the latest cuts, made of pure Oregon woo , and guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Don't you remember that suit of eastern goods that soon lost its shape and looked shab by, although it looked handsome enough at first? We don t ask you to merely X X & v Patronize Home Industry But wo do say wo can bivo you money and at tlio enrao tlmo give you a dressy garment, thoroughly up-to-dato. and cut from our own :oods by tlio leading tailors in the lino of SPRI I OVE ROOMS $8.50. We have just added about Of 111. Wort l tallor-mado suits. m SALEM Hie See the fine Oxford mix top-coats at our door, the price of which is only To our stock of Hats, which is tho largest, in Marion county. Ladies It will pay you to exam inc our homo-mado suitings be fore selecting for your spring : ROBERTS CONDEMNS IS GENERALS Boiler. Warren and Thornycroft in a Bad Light. CASUALTIES AT THE SEIGE OF WEPENER- THE ENGLISH PRESS ran store OOO COMMERCIAL cJT. WALK EASY SHOES ....... j Lord Roberts' Attack on His Officers No News Devel oping. Or Aaauetnted lreea ta he Journal. Practically no developments aro re ported In today's 8outh 'African cables to tho war offlco or tho press of tho world. THE SIEGE OF WEPENER For Gentlemen only $3.00 a pair, same quality as others advertise at $3,50, wo aro not old fogies, wo nro. alivo and in tho field for basinets. Wo can and will save yuti money on shoes, Sco ub. Ur Aaaoclated rreaa ta Ihe Jnnrnal, Maskuo, April 18. Colonel Dalgctty's casualties slnco;ho hns boon besieged at Wepener aro 20 killed and 100 wounded. Tho Boer losses aro reported consider ably heavier. Fivo Boer guns are bo I loved to bo disabled. KRAUSSB BROS BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S SUPERIOR 5T0UES and RANGES. CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY BROS SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM. ORE Easier sale Of Tailor made suits, silk shirt waists, jackets and capes for the bal ance of the week. Big reductions on our already low prices, It will pay you to buy now. New line just in. We have the best and cheapest milinery in Salem. M. TWO I Stores E. FRASER, Prop, THE LEADER Two IStorea BOBS CONDEMNS HIS GENERALS Itr Aaaoclnted I'rni ta the Journal. London, April 18. Lord Boborts' criticism of Bullor, Warren and Thorny croft is tho continued topic of interest. Tho afternoon papers praiso Lord Bob orts for his frankness. Somo maintain that tliero is nothing left for Bullor to do but to resign, Tlio St. James Gazette, referring to Bullor's report, said: "Novor in the history of armios did it hnppon that generals scribbled their confession of fault and defect, of tho ueeless deaths of men and discredit to tho flag in sucli a manner." Tho Globe declares! "A more pitiable record of indecision In plan and con fusion in execution wo have soldom read," and adds tlmt what littlo reputa tion Bullor had left has been scattered to tho winds. In u long editorial tho Daily Nows speaks of the "somowhat npimlllng Ian gungo" of tho dispatch, and goes on to say: "Upon tho whole, theso dispatches aro disquieting and disheartening in no ordinary degree. Following immediately upon tho recall of General Gatacro, thuy Indicato a widespread feeling of un easiness und anxiety." Tho Standard, which is supposed to bo in tho confldouco of tho government, says: "It is scarcely likely that tho publica tion of Lord Bobcrts' dispatch is with out a purpose It irrislstibly suggests whether It is not to bo followed by fur titer important changes In tho South African commands. Painful as such measures may bo, there must bo no hett Itatlon In carrying them out, if they aro required in the publio interest." The Daily Telegraph compliment Lord Bobcrts upon "not hesitating, whero great national interest aro at stako, to wound privato suscoptlbili ties." mo uaiiy (Jhronlclo confesses 'to "a feeling scorning llko consternation' when reading tho extraordinary passages" of tho dispatch. Tho Times says: "Lord Roberts' severe condemnation is justified only too clearly by tho 'official naratlvos of what 'ook place. The story is painful, but it is well for tho nation and for the army that It should bo (old clearly and simply, without concealment or exaggeration. It is not tho least of tho great services Lord BobcrtsJIs now rendering tho country that ha exposes with judicial impartiality and wiso, wholesome sorority, orrors and omissions in high quarters which havo cost us so very much." Whothcr tho government has any special purpose or not in publishing tho dispatch, tho way in which It has been received will muko it most difficult to retain tho censured commanders in actlvo sorvlco. ,' TEN MILLIONS FOR THE POOR. New, created a tcnsatlon as tho carl, according to F.ngllsh law, is still legally married to tho first Countoss of Russell, now performing at a music hall. DUEL TRIAL IN KENTUCKY tlr Aaeoclateil Preaa ta the Journal. Frankfort, Ky., April 18. Tho tak ing of testimony in the trial of Col. Col son, charged with killing Liout. Scott and L. W. Domarco, commenced this morning. Capt. Golden, who was shot during a duel, testified regarding tho shooting. INDICTMENTS IN KENTUCKY Or AMoclnted Preaa ta tha Journal Frankfort, Ky,, Apr. 18. Tho grand jury has reported indictments against Caleb Powers, John Powers, Chas. Fin loy.Whnrton Golden nndW. II. Coulton, as accessories, and againBt Ilenroy E, Youtsoy, Borry Howard, Jim Howard, THE STRIKERS PERMIT WORK (r Aeaoelnteil Preaa to the Jnnrnal. Croton Landino, N. Y , April 18. Work wos resumed today at Cornell dam. Tho strikers mado no opposition. Nono of tho mon at work wcro strlkors. As tho mon woro assembling at tho works two companies of troops mado a demonstration on tho hill to convlnco tho strikers that tho soldiers aro ready for an emergency. UNINSTRUCTED DELEGATION Burunciton, Vt., April 13. Tho Bo publican Stato Convention elected Gon, MeCnllogh, Lieut. Governor Bates, I'd word Wells and Lamont M. Bead del egates to the National Convuntson. The delcgratlon Is not instructed. LOUISIANA WENT DEMOCRATIC Nbw Orlkans, April 18. Tho election yestorday in Louisiana for tho full stato ticket resulted in n Democratic landslide. Tho ticket headed by W. W. Heard, swept tho stato mid tho legislature is GRAND STAND PLAY II r Aaaoelnted 1'raaa ta tha JnnraaL St. Louib Mo., April 18. Tho Post dispatch today say: Harry B. Wandell, city editor of tha Globe Domocrat, and a sister of Mrs. Adam WIcst, learned today that tlioy uro heirs to a fortune estimated at $10,000,000. TWO TRANSPORTS ARE RETURNED tlr Aaaoclated Preaa ta tha Journal, Washington, April 18. Orders havo been given to turn tho transports Tar tar and Westminister over to tho own ers, tho government having no longer need for their sorvlco. A .Eluff on the Turkish Sultan o Influence Votes. Ur Aaaoclated rraae ta tha Journal. Nkw York, April 18. A special dispatch to tlio Trlbuuo from Washington says: Tlio United States chargo d'affalra at Constantinople will bo directed to Inform tho Sultan that this government Insists upon tho payment without furthor delay of $100,000 Indomnlty for outrages on Amorlcaii missionaries and tho destruction of proporty. Unless prompt action is taken on the Sultan's part this anticipates an ultimatum that tho debt may bo discharged before resort Is made to drastic measures. Tho only point conceded by tho bosses was in regard to imsuclmcn, wlio aro allowed to remain with tho union. A point lost by tho strikers is tho retention of men omployed in their places by the various shops. SOME DOINGS IN CONGRESS Mr Aaaoelnted Treat in the Journal. Washington, April 18. A joint rcso lutlou to havo struck bronzo medals for distribution among certain officials and men of tho North Atlantic squadron, commemorating the naval cngngoment botweon tho forces of Spain and the United State? lt West Indian waters, which appropriates $25,000, was ndoptod in tho senate A resolution wbb offored by Hoar di recting tho Bccrotarp of war to report how many inmates of tho National Soldiers' homos woro colored or Indians. It was Hoar's dcslro to necortaln whether thoro Is a sufficient number of colored Inmates of such homes to wai rautn separata Institution, Tlio rose lutlou was passed. A concurrent resolution, by Foster, directing tho secretary of war to havo n survey made of tho mouth of tho Nook sack rlvor passed. Wabiiinuton, April 18. Tho houso has resumed consideration ot tho naval appropriation bill. Tho bill was read for amondmont under tho fivo mlnuto rulo. TORNADO IN KANSAS. NEEDS MORE REVENUE Turkey Will Raise Her Tariff to Get More Cash Br Aaanelated Preaa ta the JouraaL CoNBTANTiNorue, April 18. Tho Porto today replied to tho third nolo of tho collcctlvo powers on tho subject of nn Increase of three per cunt. In tho duty. Tho note announces tho Intention of tho government to adhere to tho plan ot Incroac ing tho duties on account of tho condition of Turkey's finances. Tho tenacity of tho Porto threatens to havo serious results. 5000 DEATHS BY PLAGUE ftlMMHIIIIBIlHHIIU SSPAULD1NG CHAINLESS A NEW WHEEL FOR ' WE HAVE A FEW NEW WHEELS OF THE FEATHERSTONE MAKE OUT AT 20. $20 TO CLOSE t $75 The most perfect of Chainlees Models. $75 G. k J. Tires are tho best; If wanted. I H CfrV Moro Coaster Brakes we have others furnished carry. on any wheel we tlr Aaaoelnted Preaa ta the Jnnrnal Simla, April 18. Tho deaths from plaguo throughout India during tho past week aggregato upwards of 4,000. ENGLISH EARL NEVADA GIRL London, April 18. Tlio announce ment this morning of tho wedding ot Karl Russell toMolllo Cook at Bono, Harland -WhltUkor and Dick Coombs, charging thorn with tho wilful murder of Governor Goebel. MIDDLE-ROADER IS FOR DEWEY Mr Aaaoclated Preaa ta tha Journal. Kansas City, Mo., April 18. Carl Brown addressed tho Middle-road Popu lists this morning, and created con stornatlon along tho Wharton Barker ndhoronts by advocating Dewey for tho head of tho tlckot and Barker or Don nelly for vlcc-prcsldont. "With such a tlckot," said ho, "wo will stand somo show of knocking out both tickets dominated by tho money power and headod by McKlnloy and Bryan." After deciding to elect 25 dol- gates to tho Cincinnati convention n ro coss was taken. ASK fOH THE sr OXFORDS SHOE FOR MEN $350 V ff mims overwhelmingly Democratic. Tho Dem ocratic majority in the state will oxcodo 20,000, based on returns already in, and may reach 60,000. FLAG MAY BE USED Pkouia, 111,, April 18, A apodal to the Journal from Springfield snya the Illinois Supremo Court yesterday hand ed down an opinion that tho advertising Hug law is unconstitutional. CHICAGO TAILORS' STRIKE ENDED r Aaeoolatftd Preaa ta tha Journal. Oiiicauo, April 1H. Tailors who wuro locked out Februury 15 returned to work yesterday, tho contract betwoon tho Journeymen tailors' union and tho tail ors' and drapers' oxchango having boon drawn up and signed by representatives of both bodies last night. Tho oxchango wins every point In tho controversy. Back shops nro refused. Ur Aaaoelnted Preaa ta the Juurnal Kanhab Citv, April 18. A Star spee ch), from Lexington, Mo., says: Fivo pooplo woro Injured, 0110 fatally, and considerable proporty was damaged by a tornado that passed just west of Concordia, Lafoyotto county, Monday evening, Tlio Injured are: August Krohm, two children of Krolnn, Honry Meyer and John Loutzcn. THE AMEER IS RESTLESS' DotnnndB That England Russia's Encroachment. ft HsHltl C"! 11 r Aaaoelaled Preaa ta the JearMt. Laiiorb, Punjab, April 17. That ' Great Britain's attiludo towards Afghan Istan, in connection with the Russian designs on Herat, does not meet with approval at Cabul (the capital of Af ghanistan) is proved by an autograph letter published with tho Ameer's con sent, in which, nftor referring to the . various rumors, ho adds : "Now, when Afghanistan Is Over whelmed on nil sides, tho British gov ernment doos not seem to take any in torcst, but enjoys the pridoof aloofness and rcsorvo. Whcnovor I havo suggest ed a check on tho Russians, I havo had no roBponso fiom tho government of India, except tho suggestion that Afghanistan might consent to tho construction of rail ways aud telegraphs. ' 'his is Impossible ns tho Afghans consiicr such a step would mean tholr ruin. Notwithstand ing nil theso troubles, I havo proved for tho past 21 years tho firm ally of Groat Britain. But now, at tho last momont, I must inform my powerful ally, tho government of India, that tha present is tho tlmo for deeds, and not fortalk." CANADA WILL " KILL A BAD LAW WHO PAYS THE BILL? Ur Aaanelated Preaa ta tha Journal. Nkw York, April 18. According to thu Tribune, the cost of tho militia and Deputy Sheriffs on guard at Croton Dam to tho itato ami county Is $1750 a day. This expense will bo trebled by tho calling out of tho Seventh Rcglmout Ital inn Consiil-Gonornl Blanchl estimates that tho Increase of wages demanded by tho strikers would amount to $15 a day. Nominations l'lled. Following Prohibition nominations havo been officially Ulcd with tho Sec rotary 01 Biato nnu accented ny inai of ficial for places on tho Austnliaii ballet: For Congress 1st district, W. P. HI more, Brownsville. For Coimress. lid district. Lcsllo But ler, Hood River, l'or Supreme Juiliro. J. U. Jirleht. Wasco. For Food and Dairy Commissioner. P. H. Keiiady, Wood burn. Tho full county nroliibltlon ticket will bo (lied with the county clork. More Uurglary. J 00 Miller, who drives tho wauon from tho K. O. Cross shumhtcr houso and sleeps out there, lost somo clothing and n pistol from his room on Sunday or .Mommy, boiuooiio enteriinr ituiisnu- coiini and appropriating tho stuff. As T'iik JouiiNAi, Is not in tho business of warning aiispootad criminals of iiuH)ud lug arrest, however, it Is thought best not to uivo tho niuno ft tho imrtv under suspicion. Nkw York, April 18. A Montreal dis patch says: Hon. Smith Curtis, minister of nilhcs, announces that the alien labor law to excludo American miners from tho Allln district, will Iks repealed at the July boss Ion of tho legislature. THIRTEEN STUDENTS ARE DROWNED Uinukn, April 18. A boat containing twenty members of tho Catholic stu dents' association, whllo crossing tho Rhine, capsiicd and 13 of tho occupants drowned. DUnaLARS IN TURNER Howe's Store Entered Parties Evident ly Going Peddling. Tho gonorol merchandise store of M. IIowo was entered by burglars last night. Entranco was effected with tools taken from Kd Marten's blacksmith shopi Tho burglars carried off 4 boxes of pocket knives, 4 or 6 hlgh-grado razors, a revolver, a lot of scissors and about a dozen pairs of pants. Tho barber shop of Thomas Mlllor which Is in tho hack end of tho store furnished tho razors. Mr. IIowo esti mates his loss at about $50, PASTURK. Good cow pasture north end of Capital street, $1 a month onqulro of J. K. McCoy. 4 18 31 This is tlio Ico Cream Season. Wo hovo tho finest ico cream In tho markot. Fresh every morn- n Ing and made of PURE CItlUM. Don't forget tho tick ots. :::;::::: ELLIS AND ZINN 51 htath trr. I'IIonk 2874. New spring Styles Fine Vest- inirTap Turns, $1.75, better grades 52.00. Others will want 52.50 for the same qual ity. Be sure and see ours be fore you purchase. R. H. Leado, Manager. Salem Shoe Store Sold only by Next Door to Ladd & Bush's Bank m M 1 MunutmM un." If -ttr vnti want in BUY A WHEEL GET OUR EASY TERMS PLAN. IF YOU WANT TO TRADE AN 1 OLD WHEEL FOR A NbW ONb. J FIGURE WITH US. -' ' 4 I H X Tho po llshtly'klnd 530.00 and 535.00 537.50 and 542.50 with Moro Brake. jjDURBN & HAMILTOjSyJSjj SHWHI,W"S'W DR. H. C EPLEY DR. H. H. OLINGER 1 Udentists Our work is done at prices con' sistent with gook workmanship x each piece done in our office is backed by a guarantee. 2C2C SALEM DENTAL PARLORS P. 0. BLK. Rooms 27 and 29, Wheat Market Ban Fbancisco, April 18. Cash 05ttf CuiuAuo.Aprll 18 May 00 Cash 70 GOLD DUST FLOUR MARK 11V Tho Sidney Power Co,, SIDNUr, OIIKO0N. a made for family use. ask voururocors for It. Bran and shorts always on hand. A. T. WALN, AGENT, I'IIONK CI. A Face EASTER GREETING A new line of Black Silk Elastic Belts will be received on Aonday next at the 317 Com NONPAREIL Ars. Hooker, Ahnager. 317 Com'l 3 HIGH GRADE fc O IZ 8 4 BICYCLES , $35.00 g Ibartforbe a t fr nbh haudlel J lined on Hat i Tho beat of U guarautcu them fully, and stako our reputation on their giving satisfaction uoiumniu i;oastor in U A 5 tto 3-. TOtteon X3XX3kTJLk1OkVkX TlJ-XXD-wXJLTDkTiCC Made in tho Columbia factory, 11 years old, with a reputation second only to Columbia'. Fitted with tho Hartford Hlnglo Tubo Cactus or Dunlop Detachable Tires, prlngtuniiort'd cranks ami uxlo. Felt washured, dust prool, canu-iiunieuoii iwariugs, noneer ou-point uaruou ri uuing, bujusi- iileiiurs, Uycioid sproexuts. (All tlio auovo aro uiiumma icaiures Hartfords.) mechanics aro nam crood wanes to tm Id these lilcvcles. vyo Columbia Coaster Brake (the frlctlouloss kind 15.00 extra on Hartfords. Wu tuko second-hand bicycles in exchange at their actual valuo. Cash or installments. Cannot be considered beautiful If tho eyes aro weak and red. And as those defects are removable no womun should I permit them to remain. A thorough ;nowledgo of optical fitting enables us to achieve almost wonderful results. Place yoursolf In our hands und aching and unsightly eyes will bo things of the past. Our charges are modi-rate. HERMAN W. BARR, US BUte 8t. .Scientific Optician SftY! CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE THE . GOODE MILLINERY STORE IS? 309 Yes it is the store adioinimr the old stand on the south. That is where I am going to buy my new hat, they have the best trimmer, the finest stock of hats and m finest store in Salem, and sell cheaner than any owf piace in the city. The place to spend your money fc at J THE EmPORIUM Commercial St. Misses Goode Profi ri rHt-WlliliIHIIiIilIiiiMMIIIIiillWMi,,,W"l,l,,,"1,"W eaenbnlfcAV A,aAnl.fcBfrlhahlMXa hi ,J i . i 19 1 1 t &.' -i?-&etoxV&-fi