The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, April 17, 1900, Image 3

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Bill- wW8
Acts gently on the
-ii o u&rsiuT un inc.
Kidneys, Liver
AMIt Rr..iJFI c
W-H -rcVLV'i .Wt
roa au er u wuMUTi pdu i rtx wrnt a
O. C. T. Go's
A ami jr
LKAVI.H roil I'OltrLANI)
Dally ex er t f unday at B a?m.
DwL ltii8trtlnnd Conrt tits.
Bgg (Dttp&
rna co 'ii vent
JuBtnrrUrd. TwoTcnekRof llipin, in two
different hnjCM. of good clear jluss.eizca
for ono, two anil threoeggs.
Special low price m nil u lor uu Easter
Fresh hot mado coffio or ten everyday
in our Htoru to samplo our (rush roasted
coded and high grade tins.
Mohuii'Tft Store
Phono 2412.
Frco Delivery.
Mies Kato Hergaw, has returned homo
from Portland.
MIbs Mary Stlueon has gone to Port
land on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Dliue. aro ut
home from Portland.
Mrs. A. N. Bush and Mits Bush aro In
Portland visiting friends.
Rev. nnd Mrs. II. F. Wallace came up
fiom Portland last niglit.
Mica Addle "Looiiey, of' Jcffeieon, is
the guent of Miss Pearl Damon.
Mies Laura Thomn, of JifforFon, was
the guent oJ.MiwMaue! Carter" yester
day. -, , ' j
Mrs. Coudon and MrsT'MiCornack, of
Eugene, are in tlio city visiting Mrs. K.
S. Beau.
Mrs. Irving ami daughter, of Albany,
spent yosli rday In Salem, the jmegtn of
Mrs. Alii oDodd.
Mrs, E. II. Httglam, of Fortland, is
visiting her mother. Mrs. Mary L. Ad
a TiB, forafowdava.
Mrs. M. M-ruttou has gone to Albany
to nurse Mrs. Moutetili who is seriously
III with heart trouble.
Mrs. V. N. Eldrldge, of New Orleans,
is la the city visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W, Drayman.
Mrs. J. W, Merideth and daughter
MirsJiauetto, left this morning for a
fcix weeks tour of tho East.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barondriek, of
Portland, who wero hero attending Mrs.
Miller's funeral,, have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Muir, of Portland,
I niiiii
Gray Hmira
Can ma Deferred
Premature gray hair usually are the
effects of carelessness H the scalp Is kept
free of dandruff and properly nourished
and strengthened, tray hairs would be un
usual before the age of forty or forty-five.
There Is no remedy la existence that will
restore color to tray hairs j but the
Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner, If applied
according to directions contained In each
package, Twill positively defer gray pairs
until nature compel! their appearance.
There are today thousands of American
men and women who have revived the
djlng tccrvles of their hair tbrourh the
faithful use of these simple sod natural
SoU by leaJlnz dealers.
are guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Bishop In East Salem, tho two
ladlos being Bisters.
Mrs. E. P. Cochran and Mrs. Osborne
aro attending tlio North Pacific Branch
of tho Woman's Mission Board which is
bolng held In Portland.
Tho April recital of tlio Colleges of
Music and Oratory of Willaraotto Uni
versity, which was held last evening in
tho University chapel, was, as is usual,
a very successful affair, the pupils all
showing excellent training.
Beethoven's Sonata, Op. 41), No. 2, was
woll rendered by Miss Bertlia Jennings.
Miss Henrietta Savago rend "Paropa
Uoea," which was woll received.
IRA vocal eolo, "Biavo Lovo," was sung
by Miss Leila Cavanaugh in n full, rich
A piano eolo, "Columbine," was well
rendered by Margaret Trenholm.
Miss Lucy Edwards showed truo elo
cutionary talent in her natural and un
embarrassed rendering of '"Tho Swan
Boats," by Richard Harding Davis.
Tho nbacenco of tho machlnu-madjo
cast iron clocutionaiy style was ory
pleasing, and gives promlso of genuine,
art on tho part of this young girl.
MIbs Agnes Gilbert charmed the au
dience with hor sweet voice in tho solo,
"Could I," by Tost!
Little Winifred Byrd played well, ren
dering CliopplnVWolt-.," in D flat.
Miss Sophia Shines presented "The
Loueo," and "To a Field Daisy," by
Robert Burns, very skillfully, shaking
tho Scotch dialect.
Miss Ina Nichols sang two songs,
"Sloop, Dear, Sleep," by Goier, ami
"Entreaty," by Bohm.
A piano duot, "Morceaux," by Der
Frciecliutz, was a pleasing number given
by Misses Trenholm and Cavanuugh.
Ono of tho hits of tlio season was made
by Miss Thomas in her presentation of
"Bow.Legged Boy." Humorous selec
tions ulways take well.
Ono of tho most promising young vo
calists of the city is Miss Stella Hurst
and tho audience was more than pleaded
with her rendering of ''Littlo Boy
The May recital will likely be post
poned on uccouut of tho Festival, but
will be announced In due season.
Director Domlnlck of the Mt. Angel
college bnnd and dramatic club had hard
luck bringing the play "Triumph of .Jut
ttco," to Salem. 'lhu students desired
to apiear at their best ami ordered rich
costumes from PortliU'd for tlio histor
ical play thoy wero to present, leaving
most of their o u costumes at homo
Tlio bjggugo wit carried by to Eugene
nnd so tho dress ruheaical could not bo
given in tho afternoon us planned. This
cut down tho attendance in tho ocnlng,
but in Bplto of thuto discouraging farts
there was it good houtu and general ap
preciation of ull that was rendered.
Tho matinee without costumes wits up
hill work. Director Domlnlck had to
oxtemporizo a program for tho evening
Ho did so and It was a bravo and plucky
performance. Tlio boys were "dead on
their feet" from disappointment at tlio
(allure of tho main part of their pro
gram, but llnally went through with it
in mi undress style.
Tho iiiiiHical numbers wero very much
appreciated, tho renditions by tho full;
band of thirty pieces, mostly Inys with
less than a year of training. 11m bund
mudoa biilliunt display nnd enjoyed n
deserved recall. In tho second number
tho staccato effects wero creditable to nn
experienced military bind.
Tho tumbling was also excellent mid
eomo novelties were introduced that
would havo been worthy of profecfionals ,
the three link human endless chain
for nn example. Tlio cntlro program
was ono constant tt renin of enjoyable
features. If tho Mt. Angel college boys
can do so well under such dlflkiilties tho
peoplo would like eomo time to ceo them ,
at their best.
if lie band is good for boye would bo ,
for older boys. '
The seminarians distinguished them-'
selves as UMia). !
There was splendid npphiuso when a
squad of tho Salem company, Oregon I
National Guard, mauied in. !
Crouin, tho hero of tho piny, ha n
flno tenor volco and easy delivery. I
Prior Adelhehn was btulcstof nil tlio
boyp, as nssietunt f-tngo managur.
A dianmllo com) any with its costumoj
a huiulrjpl miS away cannot do justice
even to Justice itwilf. j
Tho speech of F. McKeadney wub a
handsome compliment to tho capital
Have beeu engaged to close the opera
liouto Indellimtely, they will o roen '
here next Friday evening. Thry given
clean and crisp tuteitulnmeut and one
that is tiire to plcnte everyone. As this
Is the last time that "the Kel" will he
used for a theatre the theatregoers '
Hhould give Salem's eld rlay Iioiiho a
ben tilt. Tho com puny this )ear make
a feature of their slieut lmrade, which
is a very elalnrato one. There will bu
no ad vanco in prices. "
On invitation of the autliorities the
Mt. Angol College band wuut out this
morniugat ten o'clock and gate an'
open air concert for the benefit of the J
patient at tho State As) lurn tor the in '
tJlie. It was a gract-ful aut nnd vr
much approciuted.
Mrs. W 0. Hlldebrand has Mtmuml
to KoM-biirg from rymthorn tStl "
much improved in health.
Mlfs Julia HinWe, who was an n-aiv
nuiee at the Prsitlio, San l'ranu .. '
Imi been transferred to Manila ,
Mr ami Mrn. M. MorrInn u-v Mr-,
rivol ironi lavjng'ton, Molilalia, audi
uiil inakit theirthoiue at Brockwoy.
'Douglas county.'
I Mr. and Mm. i. It. Mulouo have ar
ritHl front California and are t Wiling
Mrs. John Hughcp, ot Wilbur.
An mint of J. A. Hanif, ef Uslland
rnviillrdicU Iii'Jenqeeice. Hliu was 10
Dyspcpsfa 20 Years
Could Eat Only Stalo Broad -All
Elso Causod Dlstross.
"I have (leilvcd so much benefit
from Hood's Sarunpatilla, after having
been a imffcrcr for tnoio than 20 years
from a had stomach trouble, that 1
would liko to tell about. For ycats I
was obliged to live on stalo bread and
the juice of beefsteak. I had u great
deal of IiilhtmmaUon nnd gastric
trouh'u ami was twice nt death's door.
A tii ud toltl me of Hood's Sarsapa
M iu nnd 1 decided to try a bottle. I
il'Tited so much benefit from it that I
in. tin eo inure, ami after taking them
leit t'mt I wiw entltely cured. 1 mn
now 8fl yritrs old and enjoy excellent
health for ono of my years, hut every
!:. IU I luko a bottle of Hood's so
tlmt 1 iikiv feel stroiiff and well during
tlie n.ii mr-i-, nnd I iccoinmcnd it to
nut Mi- who suffers from dyspepsia
oi h'.!'.t"tl'in." Miss. A. O. Mauson,
12 Miimiii Mrcet, Salem, Mats.
All Run Down Torpid Llvor.
" Every siirlng I suffer from torpttl
liver and tho debilitating influence,
of tin chnngo from cold to warmer
wettlcr. Last spring found mo un
usit.iliy run down, having nursed
tour "of my children, unassisted,
thi'mrh a siego of fcarlet fever. I
lio Hood's Snrsnparilla and passed
tlnoiuli thn trying months without
a iv iut'ouvunlciico whatovcr. I bo
llet'i' fir petvous having nn luactlvo
liver and imor blood Hood's Sarsapa
i" it good medicine." Mns. E. 11.
Ono f riudlay, Ohio.
It is because Hood's Sarsaparllla Is
Peculiar to Itself that it effects such
remarkable cures. Try It.
Mr nnd Mrs. T. A. Highland, who
havo returned from Santa Cruz, Cab, are
guests nt the home of D. W. Stearns,
Miss Colin Walker of Albany is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Virgil Rowland at
J. A. Gwinn. engineer of tho U. S.
Snagboat Mathloma, and crew aro now
working near Hnrrisburg.
Miss Catherine C. Cogswoll the woll
known Oregon actress, oxpects to ro
turn to Eugene from San Francisco,
about the last ot this month on a short
Claude Sylvester and Miss Hlen Jen
nings were married at Eugene at tho
homo of tho bride's fattier, Hon. A. 0.
Jennings, bv Kev. Morton L. Itoso, of
tlio Flritt Christian church. Mr. Syl
vester heretofore, has Iken proismau of
the Daily Evening Guard.
At Ded Tlmo
I tako a pleasant herb drink, tho noxt
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor says it
nets gently on tho stomach, ller and
kidneys, nnd is a pleasant laxative. It
is mado of herbs, nnd is prepared na
easily its tea. It is called Lane's Medi
cine. All ilrttgglsts poll it nt 25c. and CO
ct. Ltmo's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. 'If you cannot get it,
herd fo- ft et sample. AddreeH, Orator
F. Woodward, l.oltoy, N Y.
Kstlfted and Happy.
They who help to mako others happy
aro happy tlicmselyet', and if you want
to see u lot of happy and satisfied peoplo
call around nt any hour -and enjoy tho
food and luxuries set before you at
Strong's Itcstnurnnt.
seriously III,
fldinr Tlllln ti lin wtlli Inn tvlf.i alnrln.1
for Ixia Angelos about two weeks ago to
lio with his son, wns'tiikon sick with
anil his daughter here bus (list received
it letter which gives unto uupe ot ms re
cot cry.
Rich Mines Attract,
0. M. Powers, ngatit 0. It. & N.,
Trade utreet dock, report Croats sales of
tickets to C n pit Nome and mining points
in Kitsteru Oregon, Washington, Idaho
ami British Columbia, besides many
tlckots sold for the East. The O. It. &
Co., using as it docs cither tliu river i
steamers or tho S. P. railway to Port
land, with Its ocean and rail connections, '
is tho most direct line, and therefore '
tho cheapest to all tlt'eo Klnts, iieuco
Mr. Puwer'f expectation of a light vote
m June may not be woll founded, as he
does not nee all tho new settlers arriv
ing. . . I s
The Primaries
havo decided w ho tho people may vote
for and the jieople lmo decided that
when thoy want to enjoy tho best cigar
they will buy the La Corona
Represented In Exchanges That Came to
Hand in One Day. '
The British bark Durwickvhlre cleared
yesterday in Portland with 10,521' bar-1
lels of (lour, valued at f I2,6C0. i
There were 75 bateaux tonging for
nvsters on tlio Hats abreast of Oyster
vllle esleriliiy morning, and over 40,
sloops wero anchored near by.
A fcnwloud of litnitior was sent from '
tho Edwards yard to the nw oil works
on Grabs Island this morning, complet
ion the contract for tho delivery of
200,000 feet. I
A dispatch from Tillamook eajs that
thetluirymen of that county con tin no
to receive good prices for butter fat, the
last returns of tlio South Pralrio cheese
factory netting from 27 cents per oiiud.
The Army Vitiu
Without tho necessary supplies no
army can win a battle, nor can you sue
u ed' in tho battle of life unless you are
supplied with such provisions and gro
ceries in are noli! by Branson & Haguu.
Dkavhii. Col., April 10 Tho heavy
r.t'ii hihI snow hi this vieinlty oontiniitia
aul Ui4f. tiiujo has been ton
tiny f storm, ami the itiohtiiro fi
nueilud. hut ftuiraof frost are now enter
talnid. early all railroads are tivtl up
by nn iw banks.
Wiciiita. Kans . Anril !. No loss of
l.U m rfMrtud at a rtnaill of last night's
viikI stiui. Cl)nilra,le l'rriy was
dMiaHi. Mitur hott'MMt hae leeti
hik.khu, anu Mir4 ro vnppcu, iuukib
t't .i.Hiiijo'UuV1' i
Reecham's Pills
and met like mutlo on weak
stomach and disordered llrcr.
W esau and cents, at aU drej iluru.
I s s a a a i
Printed for Information ot the Public and
Without Expense.
Citizens' Ticket.
KEntssKNTATiVKS -John A. Jeffrey, of
Salem ; John W Jory, of Sidney ; E.
Hotor, of Salem; A. B. Hudelson, ot
Jefferson; John B. Dlmlck, of Hub
bard. County Juihib W. W. Elder, of Stay
ton. SiiKRirr Frank W. Durblii, ot Howell.
Ci.KnK W. E. Finzer, of Wocdburn.
HrconDnn John I. King, of Maclcny.
Trkasuiiek G. C. Matlock, of Silver
ton. AssEsson J. W. Hohart, of Sllvorton.
Commissioner W. W. Culver, of Lib
Coroner J. W. Whillock, ot 8llvcrton.
School Superintendent A. J. Gar
land, of Salem.
Surveyor A. Gobalot, of South Salora.
Salem District Justice of tho Peace,
J. O'Donald; Constable, John 11.
Republican Ticket.
Representatives J. M. Poorman, of
Woodburnt Honry Kecno, Sr,, of
Stnyton; 0. 1). Hartman, ot Scotts
Mills; J.N. Smith, of Salem; Ut L.
Pearco, of Salem.
County Judge John II. Scott, of Sa
lem. SiiERirr Chaa. A. Murphy, of Salem.
Clerk W. W. Hall, of Woodburn.
Recorder J. II. Roland, of Jefferson.
Treasurer A. L. Downing, of Sublim
Ahhkssor Clmrlcs lajinboko, of Butte-
Surveyor B. B. Herrlck, Jr., of Sa
lem. Superintendent ok Schools E. T.
Moores, of Sllvorton.
Commissioner I. 0. Ncedham, ot Sidt
CoiioNRR Dr. D. F. Lane, of Salem.
Salem District Justice of tho Pence,
John W. Reynolds; Constablo, D. 0.
To-Nlgnt and To-MorrowNlrht,
And each day ana night during this
week you can trot nt nuy druggist'
Kcinivs Hulsaui for tho Thrnat and
Lungs, acknowledged to be. tho most
successful remedy over sold for
Coughs. Croup, tlroncliltls, Asliinm
and Consumption. Get a Ixttlo to
day nnd keep It always In tho house
s'j you can chock your cold at onco
Price 2.')C und 60c. Sample bottlo frco,
Shake Into Yourfjhoes
Allen's Foot-Enso, a powdor. It cure
nnlnful smnrtincr. nervous feet and in
growing nails anil instantly takes the
stint? out of corns nnd bunions. It's
tho greatest comfort discovery of the
ago Allen's Foot-Easo makos tight or
new siiocb icorcasy, it is a cor win euro
for sweating, callous and hot tired ach-
Imr feet. Trv it todav. Sold bv nil
druggists otiif shoo stores. By mail for
L'oc lit stamps. Trial pnekngo I'lU'.r..
Aiiuress Alum . uimsteii, ixiuoy, n. i
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Washinoton, April 1(1. Tho supremo
court has set April !10, as tlio dato for
hearing tho Kentucky governorship
Cattarrh Cannot be Cured
cannot reach tho seat of tho diseaite.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis
ease, anil iu order to cure It you must
tako Internal remedies Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and nets
directly on tho blood nnd mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a
quack medicine. It was prescribed by
ono ot tho best physicians In this coun
try for vears, and is a regular proserin
Hon. It Is composed of tlio best tonics
known, combined with the best blood
purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous
nurfaccB. The ierfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces
such wonderful results In curing Catarrh.
Send for testimonials froo.
Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 70c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
BuritU y Ite KliirJ Ycu Haw Alwiira BctigM
For Hale.
Wo hate decided to clono out our lum
ber business at Salem Oregon. If you
are interested call at our ofllce,
6 U-tf. Goodaie Lumbkii Co.
Work of art has jrut beo Utned In Nstr York at
aiioutlayofovar IIUJ.PU) for which the pub
liihtrs ilrtire a rosuner lo this county, alio a
rood solicitor, good liy to nut party. Jtrarlr
luu full-paico iiKravIuiff, samploous riwr, lllu
Dilasted oorvrs and biuillng; over vuu cnlilru
llllct In the moraooo blndlnx.; nsarlr IU) golden
rutes la the cloth bindings. Bolls at sight; prrscs
running day aud night so great Is the sale.
Christian men and women making fortuuci
taking uiden. Itapld promotion. Due Cnri.t
tliu woman made clear tvou in four weeks t tk
lug orders smong her church aciualulanrci and
friends. Writ iu. It nay liad lo a penaauent
fiaylug poiitioa to miosis our business au1
ook after out Urre coftupondenco, which yon
can attend to rtghl at four boine. Address II
A. Hiermin. tlrnerat Set rrUry, 14 and 17 West
KurtVHwronit XrtMrl, New York iV 1m
Proposals for Wood,
Illdsaro hereby Invitcl for furnishing
oOOO cords of wood at tlm Oregon Mate
Insane Asylum. Itonulrod, that 3.100
cords shall be dellvcdred at the main
building and 1000 cords at tho Cot
tage Farm; wood to be cut while green
from big fir, antl weiltrawuied, and piled
without bulkheads, llltls will be re
ceived for the whole or any part, and
oiiened at Hie State House at 2 p. in.
May 1st 1000. T. T. r, F. I. Dunbar,
Charles H. Moori. Hoard of Aivlum
Trustei's. Walter Lyon, Clerk ot the
Hoard. 4 13 Ul i
All goods offered at cost for
the next 15 days. ' '
The stock of Japanese goods,
china are, matthig, antl every
article In our store will l told
very cheap before removal. 4 0 2w
rjH ypfts A vkBK. aH BaH Bararaa H BB1 BaraT ara IbaaVi
Tho Kind You Havo Always Boufjrlit, and which lm9 boca
Iu ttso for over 30 years, has homo tho BlRimtnro oC
x and has Ijcou mado under Ids pcr-
3 sj7--4u 80iml siipors'lslon Blnco its lnfhncy.
Wuzf7-ltfceM Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeit), Imitations nnd"Just-as-fjrood"nro bufc
Experiments t'.mt trlilo with nnd ondanjrer tho health oC
IulHuta and Childrou-Exycrlcnco ngnlnst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Paro
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
coutalni neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotlo
substauco. Its npro Is Us guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd r.lhiys Povorlshncss. It cures Dlarrlioja and Wind
Collr. It rellovos Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It osslnillntes tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd llowols, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tl aiothcr's Friend.
BoarB tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
farmer, or tliOBO who intend planting
their gardens or tlolng spring work ol
nny kind in this lino, aro that you will
find everything In garden and farm tools
of the very best quality anil at the low
est prices nt
The Reason Why
,..n i,.,ii nil lie In tho uniform ex
cellence ot our laundry work. Splc anil
span linen only comes from a llce
..!,..., nunrvitiltiv lii ilnno rluht. There
is no satisfaction in wearing thlnga that
look as though they'd had a brush with
tlio Iloors. Enjoy the benellt of Ore
gon's best laundry, and let us lend you
our polish at low rates of lutoreBt.
Salem Steam Laundry
Phono 411, ill) Liberty Street
There Are Wines
Ami wines, some tempting to the taut
and others an undeclinable challenge to
total abstinence. Pure wines alone hate
a claim for table honors. For family
coi.nimptlon there Is nothing moro ac
ceplabln than our list of the most popu
lar ltiiortel antl domestic brands, care
fully selected and properly twilled. A
trial biiIHccb to itoo everything.
J P Rogers
218 and 222 Commercial Street.
"s-j i r-r v-i
nijajV nrh
: INS!!:
IatJst-v v'tV-'A 'rA
A-!awBX St m Ba. J
iffl J ll
Signature of
Something to De Proud 01
Is tho ownership of n'ICrescent. Cloo
laud or Gendrou bicycle. It is tliu nemo
of jicrfectlon in bicycle construction,
whoro lightness is not sacrificed for
strength and ineclmnlcnl eklll blend to
mako n wheel that is unexcelled for run
ung qtialltlis mill reliability. Wo have
itspleiitllil Hlock to choose from. At (-T),
lo 450.
R. M. Wade &Co
c Vlll pcrcaivc.
The Plumber's Triumplt
In the housewife's delight, and when
wo show our skill In furnishing her
kitchen with new opon plumbing in Im
proved sinks anil wash tubs, or lit up
her bath room, she will llud that she
lias tho most scientific plumbing in liar
homo that can be done. We will doit
at rcuBoiinblo prlcoa.
Telephone No '171
A Royal Feast
Gun 1m enjoyed In our choice fat Ipinb
nrline ribs and loin of Ixcf. lcgof tniit
ton or choice cum of veal. We nan eater
to tho most fastidious wilalo In tender,
juloy and richly flavored meats. lt us
bend you one around for dinner. You
can't beat either our prices or oiiMneats
wlrt l "ill iisiixJ "
T (-) OROSti I Holdera of said warranta will iiUiaw pre
JCU. V. V ' T V i3 ? noiil thaiii for tuvmunt it Ladd A BlUlll'l
Ktatb St. Mauwiit.
Piiimk 201.
Successor to Dr. J. M. Kcone, old
Whlto Corner, Salem Or. Parties desir
ing superior operations ntinodcrnto fees
in any branch nro hi cscial request.
Phono 1071.
In Salem aud Alhnuyi
Grndunto of American Bchoolot Osteo
pathy. ,
SALEM Monday, Wednesday nnd
I.VMnv. Imnrn. H In 11 n. in.! 1 to 4 t.
over Wellor's grocery.
ALUANY Tuesday, Thuriday and
Saturday: hoursOlol'-'a. m ; 1 to 6 p.
m., Mrs. wlnns rosldonco.
Toloclo. OroKon.
WAsL'lerktof Circuit Court for six years anithas
an ui-tOKlato abstractor all prorfcrty In Lincoln
couuly. ll-17m
0 FK10E,01T Yin A LL.
For wnter horvlco nnply at ofllcf.
Hills pnyublo monthly In ndvuuco.
Multo all complaints at tho olllco.
Express and Transfet
Meets all mall nnd passongor trains.
Uoggngo to all parts of tho city. Prompt
Forvice. Telophono No. Hoi.
Willamette Stables.
Tho undcrslgneil nro now occupy
ing tho WlilamettoStablo, south
Commercial street, and nro
ready to litre you it nice rig or
feed antl care for your team
when in Salem. Horses boarded
by tho week. Satisfaction guar
anteed. You i patronngo solic
ited. S-l'-'tf
Harold & Reynolds
S, C, STONE. M. D.
Stone's Drue; Stores
Kirno stcres (two In number; nro located a
No. 235 and 833 Commercial street, and are
well stocked with acoinpleto lino ol Onus ami
incdlcltira, lot lot articles, porfuuicrir, linnlics
otc, eta., ttc.
1)11. HTONK
llMliadauinolA.tcarsIoxvvrlonot tu the pis
lIcotitmodlolnaaiHl now makes no cIikiro for
consulUtloii. oxamlitatlon or prescription.
New train service on the
The double train sorviru to ho estab
lished between Portland nnd Chicago
April 22, In which tho (). R, A N.. the
Union Paclllo nnd tho Oregon Short
Line aro interested, will shorten tho
through time 11 hours. Train No. 2,
leaving Portland ntUilna.iu., beginning
on tho ditto named, will bo known as tlio
Chicago Portland special, Its equipment
will be new. luaklnu It fully the cniial
of nny train now lit service from tho
I'nulllc Coast to tho cast. It will consist
of it maibritr, baggngo car, it library
composite car, n llrst-chtss Pullman
sleuier, nillnlug-car. two chair-cars, and
it torn 1st Nltiipur. Tliero will bo but one
change ol curs to ull Eastern points.
Tho full time will be three days through
lo Chicago, or four days ami two lionrs
to Now ork.
Tho second train, known as No. 0, will
leave Portland atlli'JO n. m.. connecting
at East Portland, with tho Southern
Pacific's overland train from San Fran
cisco, and will carry through equipment
lo uiiictigo via too union nicuio nun
tliu Chl'itgo iV Northwestern, and itlro
the equipment for tliu Washington di
vision of the O. R. A N., In connection
with tlio (treat Northern for St. Paul.
Tills train will reach Spokane nt 10 n.
m. A dining-car will bo furnished for
breakfast Into Hoknno, and (or dlnnoi
iii irrifpniidiug train leaving Spokane
ut 11.10 i). m. The new schedule as ar
ranged, will supply tho most comtileto
service ever iiirinoucu uu uiuis. n. n i'.,
as nrovldes IncreitHod service In Eastorn
Oregon, wheio It Is greatly needed, and
gives Imiiiedinto connection with tho
waslilnuton division nt i'eiuileton. At
this iwlnt there is a largo Interchange ol
trallic, on account of tliu various inlnlim
districts of Hakcr County, tho Couunl'
Aleuu, tho Hepubllo mid Kootenai min
ing camps, Portland Is greatly botielUed
by this change Iu as much as iucreitsed
nurvlcu Is given from Eastern Oregon
and Idaho.
No. 2, will arrive in Chicago in 0)30
n. in.: No. 0, ut 7:15 a. in., us at pros-
1 he Wwtbotuid train out of Chicago,
corresponding with No. 2, is No. 1.
This will arrive In Portlund ut i p. m.
Hie train ciirriispomiing witn mo east
ImiiiiiiI No. 0. is No. U. out of Chicago.
This will roach Portland at 7-30 a. in.
Wmtliouiid train No. 1, will leave
Clilfuiro til (1:80 i). m.. and Omaha at
Hs'.Ma, m. the following day. Tlio time
will borodiictHl two Hours nuu -10 min
utes. No. :i, wottlxiund trnlii will leave
Chicago at 10 .30 p. in., ai.d Omaha at
; 26 p. in tho next dav.
The iervhu on tho I'nlan Paclllo on all
thue trains include lliiffut-smoklng-lilirurv
cars, itiid dining cars. No. u.
will rurrv a daily ordinary ltHier to
Kansas City, with change enrouto to
ordinary curs to Chicago.
Consult the nearest ticket ugcut for
Mailed Information.
W.H. llifiiunjirr,
General Passenger Agent.
Call for City Warrants.
Notict) Is hereby given that there are
funds on hand apiillcablu to the ay
muni of all w urnints ot the City ot Salem
drawn on the genurul fund and
i.iiilnrfait.! .ill fir luifiirit l)itntk.r ill. 18!)0.
thank, as Intert'Sl will coaso from dato of
this notleo. Johm Mom,
City Teasuer,
' Kulein, Or., ApriU:, 1000. L13-10t
Salem later Co.,
iSSru'A 5t TStlf
11 M&M
Now tniinv advartli
Unas or Iobr in thin oo
iltimn lnrtd
throe tlmoB for 25o.. B
oc A WtKSk.
$1 OO porrnontrt
at samo rnto.
All over four lin
FOH UENT Tho Geo. II. Jonos re.
denco on Nob Hill, furnished or un
furnished. For terms call at the pkce.
End of car line, South Salem,
A 11 64.
n-ii-wv- ym
WANTEI-To trade aNd.l saddle erTI
urtving pony tor muni uicycie. au
dress or call on 0. F. Innsing, Salcnr.
4 10 3t
FOH SALE. A leaso on 21 acres, 12
acres scetled to oats. Somo fine garden
land ready to plant. About 7 acres of
good pnsturc. Inquire ot R. Ikumn'
li miles south of Salem on the Slougli
road.' Good bargain. 4-10 31$ ,
ROOMS. Furnished or ulifurnlshedj
single or In suites, dining room ad
joining, homo-like, second lloor Cot.
tin block, Mattio Hutchins, prop.
I -na- si I is s
FOH SALE Oil HENT Ten-acre trac
within ono ratio of state houeo; tin
garden land, with good house, out
buildings and Improvements. Call on
Geo. 8. Downing, Salem, Ore. 4-0tt
HORSE WANTED Will trudo a first
class bicycle for a horse. Apply to A.
B. 0., JouitNAh olllco, Salem. 4-Uti
WANTED. An oxporiunccd girl to do
genoral houeo work. Call bt 429 Clio
mokta etreot. 4 7 tt
FOR RENT Stock farm of 1(50 acres,
2) milcrtfrom u town. Houso, barn
ami outbuildings, spring water, fruit
ami plenty ot outside rnngo. Price,
50 cash. Call on or address George.
M. Hoelor A Co., 238 Commercial St.,
Salem, Or. 4-C-lm.
A GOOD Oppotuhltv to learn tho lew.
clryand watchmaking trade Only
such tHjrsoua as can furnish tho best
of references need apply. G. II.
Hinges, 200 Commercial street. 4 6 tf
NEW UUGGIES. A car load different
styles, first class Just received;
before von buy, call and see them.
Pohlo A Blohop, Stato and Front Sts.
4 4tf
inensuro. Perfect fit guaranteed,
2,000 Btylcs to select from. II. S.
Hollo, Stato Street, agont Wauna
makor & Brown, Philadelphia, 4-7-tf
LADIES WHEEL. Now, nt a rare
bargain. Gallon A.1I. Journal Of.
flco. 3-2-tf
POTATO LAND-for rout, about 60 or
00 acres. Call nt tho F. Lovy hop
ranch, or at tho olllco ot Hcrrcn A
Lovy, in Salem. 3 31 lm
TRADE A (lvo room cottago and thrco
lots near Yow Park school, to trado for
Eastern Oregon land, Gilliam county
Grofered. Address F. M. Rlnohart,
lex, Ore. 3 27lm
worst form. Address with 2a stamp
Box 1)5, Tttlliuan, Oregon. 3 27 lm
WANTED Christian man or woman to
qualify for permanent position ot
trust in your homo county. $800
yearly, Enclose solf-addrcssodtampod
envclopo to R. 8. Wallace, general
secretary. Caro of Tho Capital Jour
nal. 3 20 lm
JUST ARRIVED Direct from the fac
tory, a wholo lot ot 3 and 3) wagon
wheols, which wo aro soiling nt re
duced rates. Pliolo A Bishop, Stale
and Front streets. 3-2 Mm
WANTED Mou to cut cord wood.
Enquire ut Room 0, over Gilbert's
bank. 3-20'tf
WANTED. Tallow and Soap grcasoin
exchange for soap. Capital Soap
Works, Salem, Or., Ferry street near
13th. 4-6 tf&w
FOR RENT. A good five-room houeo
with basement, on High street near
Union. Good woll water. Apply to
Aug. Schreiber, 421 High street.
H'JUSK (JLEANE11S Kouiciubei
tlmt tho best and cheapest carpet
paper Ih the heavy felt paper told
III Till! JOUIlNALOlllCC. 20-tf
The Truth for April,
Sold only nt Patton Bros. Read
Truth about Intoxicant!."
Conductor's Excursion,
Tho Order ot Railway Conductors,
which for several years has held Its
unntial picnic at Salem, will this year
go to Tho Dalles, May 27. The excursion
train from Salem will start at fliSO a. ro.
gfthatduto. Round trip ft. 13tf
Peace Declare,
Why dovoto alt your thno reading
the Boer War and tho Gold Fields ol
Alaska? There aro otlur mnttors ot
vital importance; you may make a trip
East, and will want to know how to
travel. In order to havo the tiestner
vice, use tho Wisconsin Control Ity.,
between St. Paul and Chicago, tor
rates anil nthor information, wrlto Jas.
A. Clock, Genoral Agent, Portland, Ore
gon. The Club Stables
Corner ot Liberty and ForryBtreets. fc
Is tho lest pluco In tho city, to
get n first-clasa rig. Special
ittteutlon to commercial men,
tho best ot euro given to board
ing aud transient fctock. Rigs
itirnlshod to all parts ot the
country with or without drivers.
Prices within the reach ot all.
Louis Miller I Son
We carry n small stock ot
Made at Albany, aud are prepared to
supply small cousumers ay oae sack
to a ton at a low price, Pieaw lews
(uqulry, nnd savo yourtmall chaujEf.
Salem Flouring Mills Ca-
J'aiufcli. aa.l nt
Uii .aaaaa '
er svat l lta "T
i mtw. araM
ItcaUr sMt
titWW IjIu'-1
9.W hlMMTklV.
f7tstt.l CMWC-tgn.
usa ciscisstug ilbi
. V. S. . Am
- t
, !-. V