'. i;wigMqMT'?J,a " " 1WT- "IT"" T" "rr "tr--v ? r-TpYM --rnsr"' m THE DAILY JOURNAL. :i a -J- TOIi. X 01 SPRING US : : : : Are here in all the latest cuts, made of pure Oregon woo , and guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Don't vou remember that suit of eastern goods that soon lost its shape and looked shab by, although it looked handsome enouirh at first? We don't ask you to merely fl J ...... -11. . II J rain ze uoine do irv ... , , " goods by tho leading tailors in the Wo hae alto Juat received a full lino of United States. ji SUNG 0Y1 aOOATS 8.50. We have just added about $110 Wortli of. Hals tullor-miulo suits. m WW WLL s GOB COMM1CKCIAL dT, WALK EASY SHOES KRAUSSB BRIDGE & BEACH MANUFACTURING CO.'S S0PERI0R CAN BE FOUND AT GRAY SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM, ORE taster sale have the Salem. M. I- C. FRASER Prop. Two I Stores THB LEADER 4iHBlliKBIBHBliIHiBIIBMlSBilBHiaiBBErBllDIBBHBiiISHBai8IKBHSilBli:BaUlj 2 SPAULDiNG CHAINLESS c 1 5r- E X if $75 Tho most irfect of Chainlens Models. - . i ITF.YOU WANT TO I li GET OUR EASY I IF YOU WANT 1 OLD WHEEL FOR I FIGURE WITH US. TTOWM VV Ki J) -i-' Moon. NtM - 3 A-&M&B& In. & J. Tires ASH 1 ... ,... . i,.. .i, &K&8rfSm2u furnished ou any ai are mq wj u" - WyHsJrMk1JSt carrv. I If wanted. T 5 MalWHUHUi B v if Hut wo do snv wo enn savovou money mid at tlio snmo time give you a nressy garment, thoroughly tltvto-dato. and cut from our own K see tne tine uxiord mix top-coats at our door, the price of which is only To our stock of Hats, which is the largest, in .Marion county. Lawk It will pay you to ox.nm ine our homo-mado Biiltlimsl)o fore selecting for your spring Cif 1 For Gentlemen only $3.00 a pair, samo quality as others udvertleo at $3,50, wo aronotold fogies, wo are alivo ami in tho field for business. Wo can and will save j on money on shoes, See us. ST0UES and RANGES. BROS Of Tailor made suits, silk shirt waists, jackets and capes for the bal ance of the week. Big reductions on our already low prices, It will vou to buv now. New line just in a e best and cheapest milinery in I Two IStoroa I A NEW WHEEL FOR - WE HAVE A FEW i NEW WHEELS OP THE i FEATHERSTONE I our AT S20. S75 BUY A WHEEL TERMS PL'AN. t TO TRADE AN t A NEW O.NE, j t S30.00 and 537.50 and r ' Xi T-T ATVATT nAT? . -"" -INT LITTLE NEWS. COMING IN Or Aaaoclateil Trent t the Journal. Aliwal Nonni, April 13. It is re ported thattho Boors lost heavily In tho recont fighting at Wopener. Thoro was fighting at Dewctsdrop today. Steamer Stopped. Oahk Town, April 13. The admiral in chargo of tho British fleet has refused to permit the British steamer Mashoua to proceed beyond Durban. Tho cargo destined for Uelagoa bay will b6 landed at Durban. British Reher. KEDiKR8ncna, April 13. The third di vision, commanded by MoJ. General Chormsido, has arrived here. Tho Boers liavo been located south of Wopenor and tho Smlthflcld districts. Through Dasutoland. It Is reported from Pretoria fhat a Boer commando is moving through Ba- BUtoland. This is said to be acLntr rueo to draw tho British nwiy fnm Wepenor. About 2000 foreigners stltuto tho new foreien legion in toria, including eomo Cossacks in form. Several fresh recruits left con. for Pretoria today, including a French Captain, brother of tho lato General do Villebois Mareuil. Lord Itoberts wisely declined to ex haust his men and horses in hunting tho elusive Boers until his preparations nro complete. Ho will leavo to tuo enemy tho barren comfort of Uio occupa tion of a fow farms for a short tlmo. Tho latest news is that Colonel Dal gety's forco occupies a position outsido Wepencr, whilo tho Rouxvlllo com mando occupies tho town Itself. Tho pressure thcro should Ik partially re lioved within tho next 21 hour. Lieu tenant Nix, tho Dutch military attacbo, who was wounded, died today under an operation." CHARLES HILTON FOR CHAIRA1AN Hr AaaiiclnteU I'lrm U the JunrnnL PoitTLAND, Or. Apr. 13. Chas. 1111 ton was elected chairman of tho con gressional commltteo of tho second dit trict. Tho Democrat!) nominated T, J. Maloyfor district attorney and A. D. Stlllman, of Pendleton, Judgo ol Blxtli district. Bornanl Daly, of Lake coun'y, wab nominated for congressman In tho llrsl district by Uio Democrats. SEARS AND YOUNG NOMINATED Ur Aaaoclnleil I'reaa t IU Journal Poiitlasu, April 13. Jllddle-Boad Populists nominated for congress, First district, J. K. Scars, of Polk county; Second district, John 0. Young, of 11a kor county. Tho destrlbutlon of fusion olllcoa, gave tho Democrats ono congressman und Populists one. SUBMARINE BOATS ORDERED y Aaauclateil I'reaa In the Joarowl Wahiiincitov, April 13. Tho nay de partment has signed a contract with tho llntlAnilBuh-murlno torpedo boat com pany for an addition of somo of its Iwats to tuvy. '? $20 j I MAKE TO CLOSE Mora Coaster Brakes a wheel m The go lightly kind 535.00 542 50 with Moro Brake. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 13 1900. BOERS ANXIOUS TO FIGHT II r Aaaoclateil Preaa the Jonrnal. BtXJKMFONTEix, April 13. According to tho Information received bora, tho Boor activity castwanl of tho railroad nnd in proximity to tho border is largoly duo to tho fact .that Prosldonta Krugor and Steyn havo found that thoy nro unablo to keep their forces together in Inactivity, tho burgh ers declaring thoy aro unwill ing to remain with their commados, unless acitvoly employed, as thoy are convinced tho British gamo is a waiting ono. It Is believed tho Boer movement was originally designed to oblige Lord Itobcrts to woakon his forco at Bloom fontcln. in order to protect tho railroad, when tho Boers would havo attempted to rocapturo tho capital. Bat tho burghers aro evidently ignorant of tho onormouB forces Lord Itobcrts has at IiIb disposal. Advices from Carco Siding say tho Boers aro busily entrenching their posi tion cast of Brandfort. running parallel with tho railroad, whilo strongly holding tho Wnterval Drift waterworks. TWO BLUFFS THAT WON. Ik Plenannt Meeting- Between the Ed itor and the Ileporter. Jack Rogers was a newspaper report er nud broke. Ho had hung around tho Dubuquo nowspaper otnees for a Job until ho had been requested to tnoro on. So ho decided to uiovo ou to Dos Molnos. But how to get thcro was tho question. Jack put on his thinking enp, and tho result was that two hours later ho found htmsolf on a train and tuo conductor standing by his Beat "Tlckotl" said tho conductor. "Beo hero, conductor," said Jack easi ly, "my unmo's Hogors, nnd I'm a re porter on tho Dcs Moines Air Blast I'm broko and I'm in n hurry to got back homo with a big scoop. Vou lot mo rldo and tho oillco'll fix It up with you. SeoV" "Well," snld tho conductor, "I guess that'll do nil right. Tho road feels friendly toward Tho Air Blast In fact, tho editor is In tho back coach. Come along and I'll Introduco you. If ho says you'ro nil right It goes." Jack wns knocked nil In n heap at tho turn things had taken, but ho had uothlng to do but to follow tho con ductor. They hnltcd In front of a man In tho coach, and tho conductor said: "Mr. Smltem, this Is Mr. Itogcrs. Ho snys bo's a reporter on your paper, nnd wants tho ottlco to pay for his transpor tation when ho gets to Dcs Moines." "How.do you do, Mr. Itogersi" said tho editor pleasantly, extending his hand. "Glad to seo you. Sit down hero with me." Tho conductor didn't wait for any more, but went off. "Well, this Is nlco of you," said Jack, too aBtonlshcd nnd embarrassed to talk straight "Of course, I'm not ou your paper, but I'm broko nnd yarned to tho conductor, hoping to get a Job and square It lip Inter." "Oh, that's nil right, my boy," said tho other. "Neither am I on tho pa per. I'm ouly riding ou tho editor's dubs." Son Francisco llullctlu. I)i)K and lien. Tho puppy, ns such, thinks every one Is his friend. As he grows up ho curbs his enthusiasm. When an old dog with gray Jowls, ho ouly glares at people who call to him. Human beings havo mnuy canlno traits, Including four teeth of tho sort used by mini's best friend. New York World. Quick Is tho succession of human events. Tho fares of today nrc seldom tho cores of tomorrow, nnd when we llo down at night wo mny say to most of our troubles, "Yo havo done your worst and wo shall moot no more." ASK FOR THE iNlK-OVfy SPRING OPENING Wt SHOE FOR MEN $350 m ktm 1 1 m ft -i'ffT 1 linn ijoju amy uy MHn'' WH'tt'tft ( l''"Jlr ' DR. H. C. EPLEY f t Bridge and Crown Work Our Specialty. $5,00 Per Tooth or Crown, Fully Guar f anteed, 2C SALEM DENTAL PARLORS ' n r ri v P. O. BLK, Rooms 27 PARIS EXPOSITION OPENS T6-AORROW Or Aaaoelntrit Preaa to toe Journal. Paihs, Apr. 13. Tho Exposition authorities aro making strenuous efforts to prepare tho show for Inauguration tomorrow, but tho task Is practically impossible To facilitate clearing that grounds thousands of Midlers havo been utilized. Tho ceremonies nro timed to begin at 2 p. m., tomorrow. NEW DIVISION OF THE ARMY fir Aaioclnled I'rraa .ta the JonrnnL Nbw York, April 13. A special to tho Herald from Washington Bays: Orders will bo Issued this week formally direct ing tho dissolution of tho eighth army corps. It has been merged into tho division of tho Philippines with four de partments, to bo presided over by gn. oral olllcors. ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY Amendment to Elect Senators By Direct Vote of the People, fir Aatoolated Preaa to the Jnarnal. Washington, April 13. Before tho regular order was called for, tho house voted upon tho joint resolutions for n congressional amendment, to pravldo for olection of Unltod States senators by direct voto of tho peoplo. Tho mnjority resolution loft is optional with tho states, wholhor senators shall bo olected di rectly, or by legislatures. The minority resolution made It Incumbent that each stato elect by direct voto Tho minority resolution was carried by an ovor-wholming voto, ayes 135, noes 30. Tho vote was thon taken upon ndoptlon ot tho amendment by uyei and noes, tho wholo houso rising In support demand. A MILLION FOR THE MILITIA II r Aaanelnted Prraa ta the Journal. Washington, April 13. Tho house commltteo on militia has decided to fix at $1,000,000 tho amount nllowed an nually to tho'mllitin of tho soveral states In placo of $ 100,000 now allowed. EXPLOsfONON FLUME WORK Taainr eq eajj pa)Bativ ll SroKANB, April 13. A special to the Chronlclofrom Cascado, B, O., says an explosion occurred last night on the Flume work of thoCatcado Wator Flume Co.'s llumo work of tho Cascado Wntor and Light Co. Mlko Wilwlch was killed and Sum Davis seriously cut. THE TELEGRAPH STRIKE EASIER Ur Aaauclatrd Preaa ta the Journal Atlanta, On., April 13, Both aides engaged in tho telegraph strike on tho Fouthorn rnilw ay consider thoBltuutlon encouraging today. Trains nro arriving ono to flvo hours late. The Truth for April, Sold only nt Pattou Bron. Head Truth about Iutoxicuiits." "The New Shoes For Easter WE HAVE THEM IN JUST THE RIGHT STYLES AND AT RIGHT PRICES. OUR STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER AND WE PROPOSE TO CONTINUE UNDERSELLING ALL COMPE TITION. 2.50 WILL BUY AS GOOD A SHOE FROM US AS S3.00 ELSEWHERE. R. S. Leabo, Ahnajjer. Salem Shoe Store Next Door to Lad.d k Bush's Bank DR. H. H. OLINGER 2C and 29. POLITICAL SITUATION ' IN CUBAN Ur Aaaoclnted Preaa tn the Jnnrnnl. Havana, April 12. Tho Democratic Union parly held a meeting to dtecues tho quosllon of tho advisory lioard re ferred to In tho recently published pro gram of tho party, w lilch has been at tacked by tho opponents of tho move- mmit. As n result of tlto nicotine, a circular wns Issued explaining that tin advisory board was intended to bo trans Itory In nature nnd only designed as a means to help tho Cubans Becuro Bome volco in tho management ol affairs whilo ilm norlod of intorvontlon lasted. Tho circular omphntlcally disclaimed any intention by tho Institution of an ad visory board to assist In prolonging tho Intervention period. . For the Campaign. Chairman F. T. Wrlchtman, of tho Marlon county Republican Control Com mittoo, has called n meeting of tho com mittoo In Salem noxt Saturday, April 14. Ho lius also requested tho Republican notnlnocs for county nnd legislative of. fleers to bo present to confer with tho commltteo. It is not stated what busi ness will bo before tho commltteo, but it Ih understood that a general plan for the coming campaign will bo outlined. KILLED YOUNO CHICKS How a Djnamite Salute Cost Forest Grove More Than $20. Ur Aaaoolateri Prcaa I Ilm Jnurnnl. IfoiiiBT Giiovk, Or,, April 13. Deputy Postmaster 0. 11. Stokos, lost 103 chicks in his incubator hero recently, valued at $20, nnd has just discovered that their death resulted from tho nr occasioned by tho firing of three dynnmlto salute near his rosldouco. (Stokes was a gold Democrat, and as these salutes were II rod In honor of Bryan's visit they will probably laud him clear over In tho Kopuhllran fold.) Was an American, Ur Aaaoelatcd Prcaa ta the JonrnnL Phktoiiia, April 13. United Slatos Consul Hny says tho roport that Captain Itelclnimn, tho United States military nttache, participated in tho light near SiuiUKpost Is absolutely false. Uuliuiil Hay has no doubt that Itulohmaii has been confounded with American Lieu tenant Loosborg, of tho Free Slate artil lery, who took a very active part In tho light. Kept Good Fiit'ny. tlr AaaoelatcU Prcaa ta the Journal. London, April 13, Judging from lack o( nowB from thu front, Oood Friday Is being kept in South Africa ns religiously as in tandou. Kurly this morning Capo Town was its much In tho dark regarding tho progress of tho cnmimlgii as Ijudoii Is nt present. Wheat Market. Bif Fiianosco, April 12. Cash 004 Ciiigaoo, April 12 May Ol Cash 70. GOLD DUST FLOUR uaiik ur Tho Sidney Power Co,, BIIINKY, OIIKdO.t. rnudo for family um. ask vour uroeerH for It. Urau and shorts ulways on hand. A. T. WALN, AGENT- piionk CI. EASTER JEWELRY Your now Master dris will bo grautly Ix.uutlflad by milling soma of our now Hosier Jowullry. fiuuli us broouh, wiituh chain, xhlrt wulst sets, Ilnkbuttonn, now elutalo belts, buckles glidlwi and almii purses. Our lino of spring good is vry uttruutlvo both in prluo and Uauty. Also hue Kastor frleudslilp litwrts. Would like to have you onll and Htm our Igoodsuuy way. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 118 Statu filioet. CONDITIOiNS IN-PUERTO RICO flr Aaaoelated I'itmi, ta the Jonrnal. Po.ncb, Puerto Rice, April 4. At no tlmo slnco tho hurrienno of August 8 last has tho condition of tho poor ot Puerto Itlco bcon ns bad ns it is today. About 05 per cent of tho island may bo placed in tho peon class, which is niado up ot rf mixture of nil races. In tho other 5 per cont nro Included tho well-to-do, educated people, such ns mer chants, planters nnd professional men nnd their families. THE SUMMER AT GIBRALTAR 11 r Aaaoclnted Preaa ta the JonrnnL QinitALTAn. Tho United States trans port Sumner arrived hero today bound for Manila. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Helen dray of This City Takes Poison In San Francisco. San Fiuncisco, Cal., April 13 A young woman giving her namo ns Holon Gray attempted suicide nt Golden Onto Park this morning by taking lysol. Slio was taken to n hospital, and her life will doubtless bo saved. She gave hor rosl denco ns Snlem, Oro. No such person ns Helen Gray Is known horu, although n porson by tho nnmo of Hnel Gray has bcon located hero Li. Assistant Seetetary or the Navy. Ur Aaanelntril I'rvaa ta the Jnurnnl, Washington, April 13. It is under stood that no selection of a BUccesEor to Allen as assistant secretary ot thu navy will bo mado until Secretary Long has had nn opportunity to express his pref erence. ACJAINST THE CANAL! Senate Declines to Consider the Nicara gua Dill. Ur Aaaoclntccl I'reaa ta tlia Jnurnnl. Washington, April 13. An effort was made In tho bo unto by Morgan (Dem., Ala,,) to displace tho present unfinished luminous, the Spoonor Philippine bill, by tho substitution in its stoad of tho Nicaragua canal bill. Whilo Morgan's motion failed, tho Phlliplno measure had n narrow escape from being displaced by tho Alaskan civil codo bill, ou motion of Carter,! Hop. Mont.,) thu motion being defeated ou a roll-call, 22 to 21. Tho nnllnishiHl business, tho Spoonor bill, bulng beforu tho seunto, Morgan moved to proceed to thu consideration ol thu Nicaragua Canal hill, which would havo displaced thu Soonor bill as thu finished businesB. Tho Motion was lost 15 to 23. TRY GOOD PATHS. as Are Uullt on Wilson Avenue Woula Collect Tax. audi Sheriff Durbln has roculvnd tho tax on hut Kl bicycles thus far this Hcason. Within tho pumo tlmo last year 1,500 1U cyelu tax reculpts hud been Issued. Thu total numbur of tags gh'eii out last year In this county wns 2,551. Unless tho owners of wheels show u greater dispo sition to pay their tax than Is manliest nt present, this number will not bo reached this season, although thcro has been u great luoieaso in tho numbur of bicycles. EASTER GREETING i Just received this morning' some imported fina PATTERN I IMS, cull and see them before they are irone. NONPAREIL-0 317 Com'l Aus. Hooker, Ahnager. TircrcixxiLmKJtTvrraKiN I HIGH GRADE , A BICYCLES g B i Ibattforbe 8 a Mudo In thu Coliimhia factory, 11 years old, with u reputation eocond only to Columhiac. Mtttl with tho llurtfonl Single Tubo Cuotus or Dunlop Dutaehublo Tires. miritiK-tuuiixirtHl orunks ami axle. Pott wusliored, dust S prexjf, ctiHtt-lmnlt'iiml iMNinugs. Pioneer 60polnt Curlxni Tubing, adjust nblo liAiidlulKirH, Cy. tuiil sproakuts. (All thu uIiono nro Columbht feuturei used on Ilurtfurds ) Thu btit of mwhuiiii'B aro paid good wages to build these bicycles, Wo guuruutee them fully, und stuko our repututton on thoir glvlug satisfaction Culuinhia Cuuslur llrake (thu frutlunltNu kiud fn 00 extra on Hartford I. We take km-oiuI-IiuiuI bieyulos ill exchaugo at their actual value. Cash or InsUtllmsiits. g 5 tto 3-. t xjiXx'TiaXxx vMLayw..xx: xttaxdixt Our Opening Was a Our Exhibit of TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. THB BALANCE STOCK IS ARRIVING DAILY. AND WE BELIEVE SUIT YOU TO A -; X v THE EAPORIUA. IW HAT 11 EASTER! 309 Commercial St. JN.O 8S. TWO EXPLOSIONS;- f' ' ARE REPORTED. Vj? Or Aaaoelatcd Prcaa ta th JaartMf. ( :" WiiKKMNa, W. Va.j April 13. Two tf boilers In tho fnruaco of tho Rivorsldo plant of the National Tube Co.rexploded ' ' today, destroying thrco buildings nnd boilers In tho steel works and water works. Several workmon wero Injured. ' Bin lUnns, Mich. Apr, 13. A boiler i, - In tho sawmill nt Sylvester " oxplodwl, T last night, killing Dnvld Zimmerman and James MoMt. Oscar Zimmerman was sovoroly Injured. ,, A JOUnNAL. "X-RAYS." j. i -v A Tho Prohibitionist Stato Convention vT, forgot its usual declaration in 'avorof '-i Woman's rights. & If thoro Is any surplus monoy loft in Jy Oregon politicians pockots Portland '$?, will call n fow moro convcntlous. ' I It Is understood Col. Tom Walt would t bo delighted to erect monuments over about half tho Democratic politicians as ' usual. tit If Marion county wero run two years, rJ, on tho plan ndoptcd for tho Citizen's t'i? county court thcro would bo no dobt fW nnd money to burn. jL it: M Slnco when has it becomo a political r crime to npproxo of tho efforts of strug- T gling rppubllca to freo thomsolvc's from i monarchical control? , HI ' f Whilo espial rights for women will In- cludo tho responsibility of supporting, husband, it is a privilege some of tho Indies already enjoy. V ft t I A good figure, ft fetching" street cos tumo, nnd nobby spring hat has a good deal to do with so many Salem ladles ' preferring tho sidewalks to the street cars tlieto days. V, 'Tho ltupiibllcan stato platform Ignores ' tho Porlo Itlco tariff, tho stato admlnla- 'K tratlon an 1 drops tho Nicaragua canal for thu Panama canal. Was tills Ignor- T aneo or Intentional? . ( I : t " Tho Fugrno Iteglster und othor admin- & istrntiou papers aro premature in their ',,,' nbiiBO of Webster Davis. It ho Is tho V4 purchaablo ndvonturor thoy say ho is, 7 "Kngllsh Inllucnces" will know how to . ' take caro ot him. A SLaMes boes Sbfneb AT ELLIS and ZINN 61 STATU ST. riio.NK 287-1. Com'l AOiX $35.00 6 8 Timfleon Success! j Proved Satisfactory! OF OUR WE CAN X X X . MISSES GO.pqtB, PRPK., y.J H iHWlMlMllMMMIBIMligi'M"'"11"""""1 nniiMWinnnniiiiiffi t 11 Tliri"" v te - -.'.'""''a"a'a--" sreswfmmmimmmmmttm stwwAawiwaMwu5Uii3 wlBltyyMlMl)Wl'',