DAILY JOURNAL. ;- Ii? J VOL.. X SALEM, OREGON THTJESDAY APltllilS 1900.' NO 87. THE is mM 11 n'wm f' tr- r r- The Two bioros e a S s B s i l m i S When you want honest values in every item you buy, trade with the NEW YORK RACKET They give you your money's worth. They have no baits to offer. Their spot cash plan of business prevents a.11 losses. That's one reason why they undersell all competitors. They carry only reliable goodsgoods that give satisfaction. That's the kind you want. That's the kind you get at reasonable prices when you buy of them. Shoes clothing, ,hats, shirts, hosiery, underwear, and all kinds of ladies' and gents' furnishing goods. New York Racket SALEM'S ONE 1'RIOK 0ASII STOKE 1 (2m? Now Arriving FINEST LINES OF LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES FOR SPRING EVER SHOWN IN SA LEM, AND OUR CUT PRICES WILL CONTINUE, SEE US FOR BARGAINS IN THE NEWEST FOOTWEAR. KRAUSSE BROTHERS 275 COM. ST SALEM ORE. BOffi ATTACKS STILL CONTINUE Who Will Be the Next General Recalled? BRITISH CHECK THE BOER ADVANCE AT ELAND'S LAAGTE Boers Given Relief By Ballot to go and Plant Their Farms. BRIDGE & BEACH, MANUFACTURING CO.'S SUPERIOR 5T0UES and RANGES. CAN BE FOUND AT SOLE AGENTS AT SALEM, ORE fir Aaaoclntcd 1'rril In the Jnnrnnl London, April l'J. Klands Laagto and Wepencr still monopolizes attention At IkUi places a series of indecisive nc tlons are occuring. Tlio Boer report of fighting April 10 at Elands Laagto avera that tho advance on tho llrltish camp was undo with tho loss of three mules and two horses, while tho Ilritlsh losses must must have been heavy. Nothing has been learned regarding tho rumor of Ool. Uadeni'Powell's death, nor is thoro anything tending to show how long tho goucral anvance towards Pretoria will bo delayed. In tho absence of exciting develop ments tho public interest centers more upon tho personality of now command ers, and in suppositions as to who tho next gonoral will be to bo sent homo. General Gatacro's return to England is accepted as being in tho nature of a recall, although no reason Is given for it, and it will bo associated In tho public mind with his lack of success. Lord Roberts criticised his management of tho Htormberg attack, and possibly Gatacro's arrival an hour nnd n half to lato to rescuo tho Itoddcrsburg force may have decided hisroturn. General Ilundlo seemingly succeeds General Qatacro. Wcpcncr, where tho Uritish force aro surrounded, ay tho battlo continues favorablo to tho federals. A heavy can nonade was heard this morning in tho direction of llullfouteln, north of llrand fort. Advices from tho Ilocr headquar ters in Nutal say after a heavy bom bardment tho British aro retiring In tho direction of Ladysmlth. "It is announced In general orders that General Sir Horbort Shcrmshido has been appointed to command tho Third division, vico Genoral Sir William Oatacro, 'ordoreil homo to England.' "General Brabant's forco Is confident of being ablo to hold out. Tho Boers, after showing considorablo dash, wav ered when it camo to tho final Issuo, and liavo struck at least tho vital point, whore they aro greatly handicapped by their proximity to tfio Basuto bordor. "Owing to tho strategical concentra tion 8lnco tho enomy's movements bo camo defined, thoro need bollttle anxi ety as to tho safoty of tho Capo bordor. No organized Invasion of Capo Colony Ir now possible, except under oxtromo lisks, which Commandant Olivier Is not likely to tako, especially as his horses aro reported to bo greatly exhausted. " . Tho correspondent of tho Pally Mail ot Louronco Marques, telegraphing Wednesday, says; "Th o departure of tho Chicago am bulanco corps for Protorln was doloj ed on suspicion of filibustering. Tho mem bers loft by a special train this after noon accompanied by a motly follow ing of French and Gormaus, 100 in all. Tho departure only occured after FIRST CIVIL GOVERNOR Appointed for the New Territory .of Porto Rice, llr Aaaurlnfefl l'rraa fa tha Journal. Wasiiinoton, April lS.-Olmrles II. Allen, assistant secretary of tho navy, will bo tho first civil governor of Puerto Kico under tho provisions of tho bill passed yesterday. tho machinery nnd dams aro Intact. Only a fow Boors remain in tho neigh borhood. IV'Tho enemy have trekked six miles north and formed n laager near Water val. Nows from General Brabant at Woponor shows that all is golng'sattsfac rily thoro. Tho troops aro gotting now khaki sorgo uniforms and boots." Tho correspondent of tho Times at Ma foklng, undor dato of March 30, com ments upon tho "hopcloes contusion and fluctuation of spirits in tho garrison as to tho clinncos of relief shico Tuesday's torriblo bombardmont," nnd upon tho v arlety of rumors regarding tho location of tho relief forces, rumors involving, so far as .the southern column Is con cerned, discrepancies of 100 miles." Tho Louronco Maiquos corrospondont of tho Times, telegraphing Wednesday, says ! "Kplcr, an Austrian financier who is acting as captain of the Hand mines police, In order to frustrate- the destruc tion of tho mines, send a remonstrance to Pretoria against boring, with tho ro sult that Stato Engineer Munnlk's oulor for boring was cancelled." Tho Durban correspondent of tho Standard telegraphing Vednosday,8ay8: "A brigado Is being sent from hero to join tho main army under l.ord Itoberts. It Is under command of General Hunter. A GREAT MINING DEAL. "tZj hk M,r Report of a Gold Find on the KoyokukSlQO to the Pan, OREGON CASE BLOCKS QUAY. taster sale Of Tailor made suits, silk shirt waists, jackets and capes for the bal ance of the week. Big reductions on our already low prices, It will pay you to buy now. New line just in. we nave the best and cheapest milinery in Salem. JVr. B. FRASER, Prop, I- THE LBADBR I Two MStoros Doers Are Checked. 1-ondon, April 12. A dispatch from Elands Laagto, dated yesterday, says: "Tiring was renewed boyond Elands Laagto this afternoon. The Boers stead ily advanced upon tho British positions. After two hours' fighting tho Boers were checked. Uoer Military Order. PiiEToniA, April 12. Orders have been published that no person commandcrcd foe nctlvo ecrvico has tho right to Eond a substitute without tho consont of tho Landliorst. The gi retto says 10 percent of each commando will bo relieved by b.illot for periods of 2.1 days. This is intended to meet tho wishes of burghora desiring to plant crop. BRAVE LIFEBOAT MEN. Lose fheir Lives in Trying to Save Fisher men, Ur AaaocUted Prraa ta tha Journal London, April 12. As o result of a wreck of n fU.t.,,. i.. :, ""eoMtth., ,., three rmJ Sued Hei Daily Drive. Duiii.in, April 12. In splto of the almost continuous rain tho Qecen, ac companied by tho Princess Victoria, of Ilattenberg, her granddaughter, sur prised tho fow spectator in Phoenix Park by driving out In tho afternoon. Her majesty's destination today was tho Duke of Connaught'e residence, where sho inado a brief cull, and then con tinued her delve past Castle Knock col lege and Mount Suckvllle convent, where tho scholars greeted her. British Retreat In Natal. Puktowa, April 12. Advices BOEHS MOVINd SOUTHWARD Btrong Force Said to tie Between Krcon- stad and Wlnburjr. - London, April 12. Tho Bloemfonteln corresiwmient of tho Morning Post, tel egraphing Tuesday, says : "Tho Boers to tho boutheast aro ex hibiting indecision of movoment. o.i. slbly in coiiKxiuenco of our occupation oi mo raiiwoy. Ilodles or tho onomy aro still moving from WInburg south ward through Thabanchu. Their desti nation has not been ascertained. Tho Boers in tho neighborhood of Paardo burg show no disposition to intonnpt our communication with Klmberley, from which point civil convoys aro still arriving. Tho Bloemfonteln correspondent of tho Times telegraphing Wednesday, says: many stormy Interviews with tho Porlu gueso authorities. Tho members lmo no passports and no credentlala boyond ft lottor from Miss Clara Barton, to tho effect that she knows boiiio of thorn per sonally, and bolioves thorn to bo gonu Ino, but many hnvo oponly expressed tnoir intention of fighting. Tho HoerH aro paying from JCIIO to X 10 per month forBiich recruits. "Thlrly-llvo thousand Boers, with IK) guns, a-o coneentratid on the range o hills between Kroonstad and Wlnburg. Tho whole lino is fortltled and almost' Impregnable." i Tho Bloemfonteln correspondent of tho Dally Tolegraph, In a dispatch doled Tuosday, says: "Tho permanent dofonsos aro noarlru completion, so that the town can bo held by n relatively small garrison. A British fioldlor who has vlsftad tho Bloemfonteln wator works reports that llr Aaaoclntril l'rraa to (ha Jonrnnt. Wahuinoton, April 12. In the senate Morgan madonn unsuccessful attempt to havo tha NIcargua canal bill made v'.io order of buslncsH for April BO. Bur rows addressed thosenato'on the resolu tion rclativo to seating Quay as senator. Burrows said ho was forced to tho con clusion that tho power of appointment In tho Oregon ciibo was not lodged with with the executive, and t ho muterlal facts is this case are the sumo as In that. 'Or Aaanclnleil l'rraa ta the Journal Simkanr, April 12. Tho Chroniclo this aftornoon will mako announcement ot tho formation of tho biggest mining company operating' in tho northwest. Tho King Solomon Mining Co., has been capitalized for 130,000,000 and has Be cured hundreds of claims along I.nko Kootenai near Ainsworth, B. O. Half a million dollars will bo expended this eeason. McKlnley and Utyan. Skaoway, April 12. Tho news has been brought up tho Yukon by way of Dawson that reports of strikes of almost Incredible wealth in gold havo been tnado along tho Koyokuk, and that camps along tho Yukon havo been greatly excited, and half of thorn aro deserted by tho men going on stampedes to tho now districts. Jack Jlourno ar rived at Dawson from Circle City by dog team, bringing tho report. Mr, Bouruo says tho wildest stories aro in circulation as to tho extent of the- pay. One report has It that (100 to tho pan Is u common thing, and ho was assured by a reliable and conservative man that tho diggings would average f50 a day to tho man, Tho gold is bright, pure, and as says f 10 to tho ounce. About !!00 miners havo stampeded to tho diggings bIiico tho news of tho s'.rlke reached tho Yukon Yalloy. und as a fair result, a good winter trail was way out triod a prospect on Koyokuk diggings In tho winter kliy crossing tho dlvido between Fori Yukon nnd tho headwater streams. Bui (ho Upper Yukon trail is now breaking and in too poor a coudltlou for reaching Fort Yukon. It Is 10 miles from FortrXaW over tho divldo to the digging and 800 miles up the Kuyoknk. Supplies havo to be takon In by dog team. Tho pay is not found on tho river propor, but on' hur tributary gulches' debouching on tho left limit. These gulches head In alow, rounded range of, hills to tho south of tho Koyokuk, and aro known to possess a paystroak to bo muro than 30 feet and threo feet to seven feet thick. Bedrock Is only 12 feet deop, and consists of a shattered slate, in . which is found tho best pay. Tho bct two gulches aro known MoKlnley and Bryan. Thoro aro 50 miners on each gulch. Only a small portion of each creek has been staked, as it was decided at a miners' mooting to prohibit staking by power of attorney. Tho slzo of claims is limited to COO feet long and from rim to rim. It is esti mated thoro aro claims for 5000 miners, and thoro aro less than 250 in the die-.. trict. Tho stampodors who left Circle City expect to do well. ;, Tho original find in tho district was on Myrtlo Creek last year, and It did riot prove big. Discouraged minors on the McKlnloy tfJ broken. Tho best way to reach tho J gulch Tho first pan yloldod f2.C0. Aptly Ilralsuntril. Itobcrt IIIHIard, tho actor, once brought n young English woman to see "HI Cnpltau." She wan much Im pressed with Do Wolff Hopper and ro innrked: "What n charming man your Mr. Iloppor 1st Tell me, In ho mar ried?" "Been married three times," was tho reply. "Thrco times!" sho repeated. "And they aro all threo dead?" "No," was tho answer: "divorced." "Ah," alio rejoined, "I seol Ho Is u Ornss Hopper." San Francisco Arco- uaut. Wo ml Tnr. Wood tnr lu still- made as It was In 0O II. O. A bark Is chosen nnd n hole dug, Into which tho wood Is placed, covered with turf. A lire In lighted underneath, mid tho tnr slowly drips Into tho bnrreln to receive It. THKEE LIVES WERE LOST llr Aaaoclnteil l'rcaa la tha Journal. San Pkuiio, Cal., April 12. Poter Larsen and Joseph Madsen, and a women drowned yesterday. Tho boat was over turned. WILL PASS SHIPPING liILL Altriilani, She George, Is that ono of those el gars I gavo you ou your birthday? lie Noj Via saving those for friends. 8ho You dear, self sacrificing, selfish intuit Ohio Statu Journal. my mi- ASK FOR THE from S4BHBHIll.Ba.BIISiaaHBHBHHHNHBIHB s 5 p7 1 I Jam Nothing e'eans fl Carpel like the Bissell CARPET SWEEPER, AND NOW THAT HOUSECLEANING TIME IS' AT HAND YOU HAD BETTER HAVE A BRAND NEW BISSELLS. (Wo send them out on trial.) M-K-OVfy SPRING OPENING SHOE FOR MEN $350 W S ' ;HI,v m i j I at $y V I fl aVSPfaHlaBa aaafaffaVWvVlBtaTaTaTaTaTaTaBW aTaillllHKaliBPVaPV kaflaVaVfittll H?3llaV CARPETS Are going fast, because we are selling new, up-to-date patterns at old price. We buy direct from the mills and can save you big money on your carpets. WALL PAPER From our store will add greatly to your rooms. We have the largest stock of paper ever shown in Salem. Prices, quality and neatness of designs cannot be beaten. But en & Hamilton Sold only by New Shoes For Easter WE HAVE THEM IN JUST THE RIGHT STYLES' AND AT RIGHT PRICES. OUR STOCK IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER AND WE PROPOSE TO CONTINUE UNDERSELLING ALL COMPE TITION. 52.50 WILL BUY AS GOOD A SHOE FROM US AS 53.00 ELSEWHERE. R. S. Leabo, Aanager. Salem Shoe Store Next Door to Ladd A Hush's Hank Cup 111 In n Huff, "Our cnRiiKcliient In off nenlu." "What'H the mntter now?" "I cave her a belt buckle with my photograph on It, nnd she linen It to fasten her dog's collar." Chleaco Itec-ord. WHEAT MARKET. Han Kiiascihcu, April 12. Cash IH1J Chicago, April 12 May COJtf CaBh 70. llr Aaiurlnlril l'rraa In (lie Journal. W'AHiiiNdToy, April 12. It la the dell nito Intention oi Hepiihliean senators to seek to havo the shipping subsidy bill passed at the present session. This was announced in tho senate committee on commerce today. To Assess State Land. County Assessor J. W. llobart, oi Ma rlon County, says that ho will this year Include In hid assessment roll all property in this county owned by the State I. niul Hoard nnd acquired by the hoard through the foreclosure ot inortttaK'M or by deeds. It has been the custom up to tills time not to assess proKrty ot this kind for tho reason that It Is considered exempt under law regardful; taxation. This will raise a loyal ipicstlon and as both the Mate and county will havo to hire lawyer h and it will havo to bo car ried to the Supremo court It will make business for attorneys w ith u pull, Lewis AckerinaiirCosheii, Ind., Hays. "DeWltt'H Little Knrly lllsors alwiws bring certain relief, euro my headache and never tsrlpo." They gently cleanse and Invlyorato tho bowels und liver. Btones Drug Stones. DISASTER AND SUDDEN DEATH llr Aaaoclnloil l'rraa ta lb Journal Dallas, Texas, April 12. Tho South ern Pacific brldgo at this place was swept away by a flood last night. Loss $100,000. All tho wagon bsidgesaro gone. Hollofont, l'cnna, April 12. Threo men wore killed today on tho Bolletunt and Snowshoe railroad, TJ10 raili spread -under 11 mountain shifting engine The ohgine and dozen cars wera thrown ' ovor an embankment. Pmsiioita, l'n., April 12. A four story ', brick building, ut tho corner of Wood street and Second avonuo, collapsed, without warning thin morning. A score",", or inoro people were In tho building and 4 many wore buried in tho ruins. STRIKE ON SOUTHERN RAILWAY llr Aaaoolnled I'rnii t tha Jonraat, - Atlanta, April 12. President l'owoli; ' of the order of railway telegraphers, -ordered a strike ot telegraphers and:4 othor station employes of the Boutheni railway txiay. I'lRhtcrs Not Nominated. Ur Aaaultnl l'rcaa ta tbe Jonrual. Oiikuon Citv, April 12. Alloha Post, No. 1, Philippine Veterans, held a social tcssloii at the Armory. Itoprcientatlves were present from tho four posts in Portland. Tho Clackamas County He publican convention was censured for not idaolnga reprercntatlvo of tho Sec ond Oregon Volunteers on tho ticket. tTT il,la,H'''HnWllll'tlM' DR. H. C. EPLEY DR. II. . OLINGER 1 Bridge and Crown Work Our Specialty, $5,00 Per Tooth or Crown, Fully Guar anteed, 2C 2 2C You will always find our stock the most choice grade of goods. We use strictly fruit llavors and colors. We carry over one hundred kinds of candy to se lect from, and if we have not the kind you want we can make it as we are always mak ing new candy. Checks given with every cash purchase. We are at your service, ELLIS and ZINN EASTER GREETING Just received this morning some imported fine PATTERN HA IS, call and see them before they are iroiie. U17 Com'l NONPAREIL Ars. Hooker, Ahnager. 317 Com'l VTrcxcrvx.rkTTrTVT HIGH GRADE dlOr ffl 01 STATB BT. 1'IIONK 3871. SALEM DENTAL PARLORS P. O. BLK. Rooms 27 and 29. EASTER JEWELRY Yolir new Muster dress will IO erwtly bouutlllyd by adding some ot our new Haster Jeuellry. Suoh a brooch, watah chain, thlrt wulst sots, link buttons, new eluntlo belt, buckles girdlon and tihalfi pumwi. Our lino of sprliiK Kixxls Is very uuraciivu uoin in price nuu wauiy, . Also have Kaster frleudshlii hearts. Would like to Iihu you call und see our goods any way. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 118 gtate 6Uet. BICYCLES , $3500 i Ibartforbs , 11 years old. with a romitutlou ceeond only witli tho Ilartfonl Single Tube Caetus or Dunlop I lJ us 55 'ii U ejiar Sj Coin Wei K Cast jgjjjyy JKjkXjaK-aT XTxncagr. .Mikio 111 tlie Uolumliia imtry, 10 lyuiiiiiiDian. iiiUHi wiin 1110 itartioni biucii Dutuuhublo Tirtw, spring temirwl erunks and axle, t'elt Moshered, dust lirtxjf. case.huriluued beurluuti. 1'ioneur SO-iioInt Curlioii Tublnir. stllust- able hHiidlulNirR, Cycloid sproekets. (AH the ubovo are Ovlumbia features usoil 011 Ilnrtfords.) e'l'lin best of iuechuiili'8 are paid gool wages to build these bVyeles. Wo uiiarunteo them fully, and stake our reputation on thoir bIvIiib satlsfactioa iiiiiiuiu vuimiur ihhkp(iii irii'iiomuMi kiiioi fo.uu extra ou iiuriiurua, 'e tuke fecond-liillnl Iikveliw In oxtdimii.'u ut lliulr untnal vulnn. Cash or liistullmeuts. tto 3r. TPCHfleon T1. Our Opening Was a Success! Our Bxhibit of llilliiiorj Proved Satisfactory! j wuu nmm uuaiuAtut. itm uauaixc -r uuw STOCK IS ARRIVING DAILY, AND WE BELIEVE WE CAN, SUIT YOU TO A X X X X X X X X X' NEW HAT FOR EASTER! .- J THE EMPORIUM. ..:. J M ftiissES goouK, I'Kpriud: -- . a. . - "-. V JaB - i 1 VI M in MMHlllllllHlllIIIIIIIIIIIIHNlWIIIllllllllHllHMMillll.llllllIHHiHIHtlMll. tj MtaJkkJ ,.t.lV.i.HVi,AI,AH.UVL.l,l.t.U.k.l,,..,.. 309 Commercial bt. ' r 'Y Ub-y t -..-L, lt-. , fc. . . . .. J - .. . . -.. . ''M " -