t. k1 & '.. SPRING NOVELTIES THE PUSH PROGRAM AT h, Holwrson's FRENCH PERCALES ENGLISH SHIRTINGS . ' DUBLIN LINENS KIMONOS CLOTH FamfHuJour Organdi, Organdl Ray ore Soic, Egyptian Tissue, Crert Clotlw, Ducks, Piques, Mercerized Lawns and Piques A NEW IDEA PATTERNS GET A FREE SHEET w .flRK tci -ii m i mi ii mn i 19 Service, Luclle & La Porce rnwrhKlMofmode, Uu, j-rsr and rot In our SI.OO atom an tqtitl to aojr 11.21 glovei on lb war- Try a pair of oor ml kM plqu stores, wr-ri&td SB&A-OO Stiff and Soft HATS ALL THE NEW SPRING SHAPES XXX They Now Propose to Delegates Elect Geer Now ready. See the styles in south window. J. J. DALRYMPLE & COMPANY Sumpter "Mines, Ticket to nil mining towns Spokane, Itakor City, Moscow, Han Francisco nnd nil other points, llamrago checked tlirouith raves money. Uuy M. Power's olllco foot Trail o street. 2-8 Irn. A Delighted Woman Or man you will bo, II your tight has bee failing, to too How porlcctly wo am restore It wltu r pair ol our lino French crystal or Hraxilian nobble eye glasses or spectacles, alter wo liavo totted your alght nml adjusted them to remedy defect. Wo nru skilled opticians, and All oculliti' proscription iftirfectly, or At your eyes Irom our export toil. Children' oyea testod with Instru ment mado especially lor that klml at C-H-JHLINOBS tXtlKX OPTICIAN. IB" OOMMICKOt Ab HT. Noxl door to Holvorson's WttATHBIt HBI'OHT. Thli afternoon light rain, Tonight ml Tuesday (air. tl.'".l '9 l!JilLiJ.i.l!liJ;.!JI!':;,i''g' FRESH SEEDS FOR YOUR GARDEN A PLEASURE WILL BE AND IN BUYING OF EPPLEY, YOU PROFIT. HIllllYflLO. A rwyryrw But the Governor Declines to Become a Candidate For United Utates Senator. Saturday the shrewdest McBrido slato makers throw a new clement into tlio Marlon county situation by starting a systematic tonguo-wagglng campaign to send senatorial delegates to the county convention. Thoy adroitly suggested to somo that tho Governor would mako a happy com, promise, as between Corbctt and Mc Urlde, and in tho event ol Geer carrying off tho honors, Secretary of State Dun bar would bo both Governor and Secre tary. oovKitNon oxen dkomnes. In a conversation with Tub Joukmai. Editor boforo he departed 'or Eastern Oregon, Governor Geer authorized him to say in the most emphatic words at his command that undor no circumstances would ho becomon candidate for senat or before serving out his term as gover nor. The Governor said: "I will not allow my naino to bo used by either sido or by any factions, and will not allow tho sub Joct to tako n particlo of my tlmo or thought. Tho people havo elected mo Kovernor and havo not asked mo to run for senator, and it would bo unfair for olllgallons which exist between them telves. It has olen been said there Is honor oven among thlovcs, and If so thoro should certainly be some honor among professional grafting politicians. Tho question for tho Republicans of Marlon county to sett'e, Is whether they shall porpotuato such mon In office for life. They havo among them a new gener atlon of men, among them hundreds as intelligent, competent and willing, as well as deserving, to fill offices. What Interest havo Republican taxpayers in 8 ipportlng this "Old Push?" Deserving young men must keep silent, and suffer insultaflcr intuit to be thrust upon tho party by tho so-called leaders abovo mentioned. Is it any wonder that men of energy and intellect pull away from tlmo to timo and seek an acknowledg ment of their abilities at tho hands of a citizen's movement? It would bo much easier to say, and truthfully, that the "Antt-McBrldo Movemont" is a movement by tho Ito publican tax-payers and laboring peoplo of Marlon county, who aro opposed to being longer bossed by a combination of political tricksters, not from prlnclplo, but politicians for rovenuo only. They aro the worst clement of Republicanism ns nil honest mon know. Tub Journal boliovea it is the right and duty of Republicans to overthrow this combination. No Intelligent Ro publican should allow himself to bo duped by their methods, or worked up on by tho pretense that it is a move inent to honor Geer, or to down Corbett. Lot tho McBrido push fight in tho open on its own merit if it has any. HAVE CONDI TIONS CHANGED? h It Growing Harder for Young to Succeed in Business? Men An Article in the Youth's Companion Indicates Opportunities Are Les sening In Cities. Working Womtn. Mrs. Additon, of Portland,! will lecturo In tho Presbyterian church, on Wednes il iv tilulil Afnreli 21. All nrn Invltrel In , - - ,j ...n..., ......... . .... ... . mo to do so, or to do anything elso than COmo out and hear her on tho " Worklnc glvo them tho best servlco I am capablo Woman's Question," of in tho position to which I was elected." WILLAMKTrK, J. II. fjivlimon, Han Francisco, 11. J. Hcharffor, Boattlu. A. V lingers, Purthiud. M, Q. Myers. Ht. Joe,, Mo. llenj. I.ts, Portland. H. V. Ttunpleton.Ht. lmls, Mo. Andy McCarthy, ban franclsco. Il.Tlianhausor, Portland. I)vu lleor, Now York. 0. K. Ross, Portland. Ghat. V, Itoyce, Portland, John Andrew, Portland. J. I). Ilannou, Han Kranclwo, Miss Mabel dimming DaIIhm. James M Hurry, Ho Omaha. P. N. Ilarnos, Chicago, J. lHllghton,Ht. Louis. H. A, I), Putor, Ban Francisco. John A. Benson, Hau Franclsoo. COTTAUS It. I., fate, Portland. F. Carter, Pallas, 0. Carter. Dallas. Win. Walker. Dallas. A. N. Moore and son, Oil nir. ii. si. nranton ami uuy I' daughter, IMtnaONALB YOU SEE. Thomas lloliuau lias go no to Yaulnu, John Farmr is at Corvallls on bind- nets. 1. A. White has gone to Muddy Ala lion on liiinlncM. Mrs. J. II. VntiOrxleu, of Hubbard, was In tho city tiKlay. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MerrllloM, Aunitvlllo werolnHalem today, Miss hmina Dodd has been vl'ltlng Rev. Ulackwull and returned to l-.iigcmu totlay. Mrs. T. R. Ilackulman, of Albany has been In thu city visiting her daughter Mrs, Kuhn, ol UOUN. 8PKEU.-.M tho family home. In Aumivlllo, WliiMKlay, March It. 11)00, to Mr. and Mrs. Ulvdo Mpoor, a daughter. J OA0TOXIXA, 1lWtiKirtl!inBM C&yffl&& McCoy Bugs. I.iMVea Gilliam's stable Ol'-M a, m. daily for Lincoln, ifiir, McCoy, and Purrydale and return Mine day. New hack, vsA horsea and ounful driver. ParcvU dfllvernd along tho lino. Mr It II. K. I)ais. Table Fruits "Our Flag" Brand YELLOW FREE PEACHES BLUB RlBBON PRUB PEACHHS lLUE RIBBON BARTLBT PEARS "COLUMBUS" APRICOTS GRHBN GAGE PLUMS EXTRA QUALI 1Y S IRAWBERRIHS BXTRA QUALITY BLACKBERRIHS PREFERRED STOCK BLUEBERRIES . SINGAPORE PINEAPPLES - - v CORELESS BAHAMA PINEAP GILT EDGE BUTTER I'llOOtU.I THIS WKKK. This "Old Push" combination will pursue their present nefarious method of conducting tho campaign, by circu iting tho story that tho "antl-McDridu movu" Is In the interest of Governor Gcur, hoping thoruby to securo for their slates tho votes of nil pursons who sought and fulled to secure apK)Intmcnta from tho new administration, ns well as those who Mould bo opposed to Mr. Dun bar as acting governor for thu ensiilnf two years. This, In spito of tho fact that the governor Is not willing to bu n candi date for senator, and falling In tills ruse, they circulate the rcort that tho nuti Mcllrldo movement Is In tho Interest of Mr. Corbett. Mr. Corbett may or may not bo n candidate, and tho closest In quiry falls to rou'al tho fact that ho has asked u slnglu Individual to go on a Icgi latlvo slato, or will ask n pemonal pledge of a single luombur elected to thu legisla ture as a Republican. Hut Corbutt is opKsod to nominating Mcllrldo or Mitchell men for legislators. THU ANTI-I'USII MUVKMKNT. What is thu meaning of "Autl-Mc-llrldo"ttiid "Autl Old-Pu'h," sooftun heard oil thu struct corners of Salem, and among thu furmers of Marion county? A everyone fuiulllur with lo cal politics tho pant few years knows, "Thu Old Push" Is n combination con slstiug of professional ollko holders and grafter In Marion county, who (or years havo madu II their busliiuss to stand In with each other, as agaiutt ull other of lice seekers, mid tho voters generally, and now suok, on account of thulr sue cuss In that ruspect In tho wt, to again gut In control of affairs. No one disputes thu right of Iko Pat tureou, It. 1. Hendricks, Htnry Hrophy, Geo. O, llliigham or Geo, W. Davis to support each uthur against all thu ,world, but when Mr. Mcllrldo luavu his canutuaay In tiiulr liunus, lie should hardly uxpeet tho suport of thu voting community. No one can dispute that tho gentleman named ubovu, together with their punonul uitsoolatos ami a fuw Mellrldu postmaotors, coimtitiito thu whole of tho Mollridu "Push" In Ma rlon county, WHO AUK THIS I'lIH II? Who are thuao push manipulators who have been turned down so olten in this community that It would seem to any man of eiio that thuy did not need another Invitation to sink out of slghlT Iko Patterson and Hrophy need uo Introduction. Mr. llliigham served ouo term as dis trict attorney, but was not able to beeuio a slnglu vote from the Marlon County delegation when he sought to bo renom inated. His grafting methods as city aud county attorney Hero so well kuonn that wlum hu rait for school director two Best of All To elenso tho system in n gcntlo and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtlmo com on, use tho truo and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Uuy tho gonulno. Manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for salo by nil druggists, at CO cents per bottle. TODAY'SMARKET. PoRTMNo, Mar 10. Wheat, valloy 61 53, Walla Walla. 5(353. Flour Portland, best graded (2.70 to 13.00. Hiijierllnu.io perimi Uat W hllo 36K30c. urey33to3I. . .. .' nay Timothy SIUQ410 I tier ton. Oro- Hops 7l0c; old crop 6(30c Wool Valloy, 12013c J Kastorn gou. HUo; .Molialr, '.'73b. Millstuff llran, $13; shorts, $16. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60 to 6.00; hens, $5 to (1.0 1: turkoys, live 13c. EgKs Oregon, llj to !2)c per dox. Hides Green, salted 00 His, 80c; under (10 lbs, 7ftB ', sheep pelts, 16 L'UC. Onions $I.602.60 or cental. Uuttor llest dairy, 30:i7Kj fancy creamery, 60 to 66o; store, 'ii to -'7ic. Potatoes 60 to 80a er cental. Hogs Heavy drossod 6 to Oc. Mutton DrusMvl, 7 to 7io per pound. Ileef Steers, I 1.50; cows,$3.60 l; tlressrd beef, OK to 7J4C. Veal Drosswl, 7 & c. MALUM MAIIXAT. Wheat 63 jxmnds and over, 43c, Wool, 10c, Mohair, 30o. Hops 6 to 7Wo Oats 28 to 30c. Hay Haled, cheat, $8; timothy, $0 fio. Kegs 10c cash Flour In wholesale lots. $2.60; retail, $3. Milbituffs-Hran, $13; shorts, $UJ,'. Hogs Dressed, 6)40. Llvu cattle Sti-ers, 3W : cows. 2' to 3o. 8luei-2.603. Drosml Veul tIKc. Hutter Dairy. I605 creamery, '.'6c. Poultry Chickons, 8; turkeys, 10 to 12'c. Potatoes ?6o to 36c. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfia Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of CaZT&!&t4 From an article on "Country Hoys Who Como to New York," contributed by S.A.Nelson to the "Youth's Compan ion" we mako tho following extract, touching the chances for success of tho young man who goes to New York to mako his fortune No one will accuse tho Youth's Companion of being an or gan of calamity howlers, or of being pes simistic in Its views. Yet this article bears out the assertion that It is con stantly growing harder for tho "poor but honest" young man to mako a start in a buslnes iifo. What is true of New York is truo of all other large cities, and, in fact, of tho wholo businees world. Particular attention is called to the last paragraph of tho article, which I is in part as follews: Hoys in tho second clacs (country boys) aro trcmendoualy.handicapped, oning to the immense changes business has undergone In tho last twenty-live years. Their chance of securing employment that will enable them to live decently is small. Dillkultles confronting theso boys aro many. Employers prefer boys who llvo with their parents.for thoy are consider ed to bo moro rcsponsible.and as they live at home, they will work for less money J tho demand for working boyfl is very much less than the supply; the cost of living Is high, exceeding in many casea the wages paid; owing to tho number of boys lowing college and school ovcry year, willing to accept low wages, and sometimes none at all during the first year, the places worth having are very few, and clerks are a drug on the market. The tendency of the timo is toward specialization. If a boy comes to Now York nnd, for oxamplo, finds employ ment with a newspaper or printing office, he will find tho workers divided in many classes, each having a partlculaa task, at which each Is supposed to oxcel. Tho "all-round" boy or tho tad who Is "Jack of all trades" it out of place. Successful business men agreo that the clitncos of tho boy of today aro smaller than tho chances of tho boy of twenty or forty years ago. Today thoro aro moro boys, thoro is a better standard of pub lic school nducation, and It become. moro difficult every year for a man w Ith- out largo capital to engago in business. Twenty nnd oven ten years ago, many boys camo to New York for the purpow; of going to sea. Today sailing vessel nro few, for tho itteamshlps have crowded thorn out of tho great ocean carrying trade. Tho shipping businees then gave employment to thousands of Americans. Today shipping mastors and mates are out of employment or voyaged in othor work, after spending years acquiring the navigator's trade. With the tea cap. Ulim p.issod tho ship brokers and their clerks, ahtpchandlors, sailiuakcrs nnd stevedores. What remain) of this onco wealthy trade Is largely in tho hands of foreigners. Another trado Identified with that of shipping that has been almost obliter ated is that of tho cooper. Fifteen years go, as this is the great oil producing country of tho world, tho refined oil was shipped to foreign countries in barrels, and this condition gavo employment to any army of coopors. An hivontivo gou ious evolved what is known us thu "Unk" steamship, which carried oil In bulk after it Is pump? I into thu compartments of tho hull. In a year or two the cooperage Industry suffered a great ttirinxage. Wo also find that thu big department stores havo crowded many ahonkeonors to tho wall, that tho biHinosi of tho P hotografic I Goods EASTMAN'S CAMERAS f a full line of L 1900 CAMERAS .and all supplies SOLIO PAPER FILMS, ETC Fry's Drug Store I 310 COJIMEItCIAI. ST., SALEU, OKKOO.V. Last days of the Auction Sale of Dry GOOti and siioes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AT 2 P, M. Our auction license expires March 22, and I will not pay $400 for the privilege of renewing it. During these four days any and all kinds of goods will he sold at auction, rour ium uppuuunuy iu purcnase nnnjc,t vnnr nwn Dnces. tine dress eoods, silk, ve IvpU. type-setters has f. . ' rfijbons, laces, embroideries, corsets, gloves, hosiery, tirtt0 underwear, shoes of all discript.ons. You can pick out the goods you wssh to purcnase anu u win ue auiu to we nignest bidder. Isadore Greenbaum 1st Door South of the Post OiTice. 7500 Rolls of 1900 Mall laper! HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED. COME AND SEE SEE IF WE CAN'T PLEASE YOU AS WE HAVE PLEASED HUNDREDS OF OTHERS F. W. MOLLIS & 1st. Door North of Post Office. CO. BICYCLES r Tribune $'10 and $50 Ivcr Johnson S31) X Andrae $25 A- X It matters not what price you want to pay, A candid examination will con vtneoyou that tliuuuality of the abovo itvutiltf atin1-i -at ill liA-iil itf tit,.. Ii- k a years ago, In a district which Is strongly jon price you get tho best wheel It's Itepublican, he received less thau IKO potwlblo to produce, vote, while his ooiiiiwlHor, M. I..I The rrlbuno has never been surpassed Cliauiburlalii. rMlvl i,rl .It ,lll,1. " running wlwl III fact, there LBS Wl) .. on Und the Mrs. L. Savage laMter, and It Is ark Muvil-xlcdthoTiyltnuaUty. Try It. Roth. & Graber m to H. CU onnmin. I34SUU Ut PhonoSl died. Ueo. W. Davis, after serving four years as elork of thu board ol school laud i-ommls. loners, ran for boIio.iI di rector on the samo ticket with Mr. Hlugtiatn, and was beaten hy luveial huudred majority ; thus show lug thoap prvclallou which tho people had (or his very valuable (T) service. R. J. Hendricks, four years superin tsiidtmt of tho reform school, aud (or swuiu tlmo ouo u( Mr. Mollrido's ollicer Iu the custom house at Portland, out of coiwlderatloii for p I 'avors, and the hope of row ard Iu tho future from tho "Push," statuls In with tho combine. No one can blame thsso men for sup. porting .Mcllrido If they want tot lu fact to tvfuto to do so would not only bo un grateful, but they would bo vtolatlug amnniiM that luixo tho spiockets that proaueo mat tiuaiuy. You'll an-o that III lilting chains and ipuMkets are thu fault on immt all wheals Outs fit. SEWING X MACHINES Standard and White X X Two of tho best machines over sold in any country. The Standard Rotary is the lightest running maohlue its possible to produco. That means much for weak back and tired limbs.. Sowing machines cleaned and repaired. Machines for rent. Mr. Chas. W. Darby will represent my Iho in Salem aud vicinity. H will call at any time desired and ahow thu makes. Sluro closes at A p. in. Tires, niB IIOUSB IOT1UNT What wot yon saying about those meals? , I ld they wsro the bsit I over eat. ou will dud them at tho White Uou ItesUarant, which is open all ulght aud meaUiwntd tit all hours. Oyster a specialty, McKiixor A Uchkhakt I'roprUtor, IW 8Ut Bt. Bicycle Sundries .n.na ' Il i;,!".""."'.'' .M2 '" Snl-s s ib. 36c. Graphite. 6 ..iii --.--- -". -V...O, ihhiiou,iw, wurnn uii lamp, II.OU, SAddlos, wrvnchix, oil, ceiueut, too clips, and everything else you need. NOT I Don't Intend to Re-stock Q. ...t..1 f-I l.l .1 . ...... .iv.r L r:h i :'.r.:,s. "r0?."; " l a a. n(.1 ,,.tend to wi. with Mw ' ;..' -'v '", "J "" ' ciminu uui in ueaa earnest eve and have nevvr had auy intontiou of changing wy ratnd. My remal or sale in a lump at gocl discount Thero aro a good many shoes iook ur,ul,, nooons, punes, stitrU etc I can male ft .. ...., t..i. . , ' nr'tnac fini HrAC nrnndc Cilb iuIii.i. wood-engraver has greatly uimuiiiii0U, i 00fJS at your uwu juiwj, ....wv..w -,.,.., vciycij. .....l- .i -,i tnr tvnn.nettcrs has ? -fi.Ur.,c liroc mhrnifipnes. COrsetS. PlOVPS. hncior.. lnn rurlallod by tho tlm tvne-settinir machluoj that pens onco mado by hand aro now m.tde by machinery j that shoo-makors nnd many other skilled mechanics navo ouo replaced by machines that do not require skilled labor, and which can do about everything but talk; that horse sboersand harness makers aro much loss In demand, owing to the substltu thn of electric power for tho horses. Two years ago a Broadway business man Inserted this advertisement in tho Herald: Wanted : A strong Intelligent boy. Must live with parents. Wages three dollars n week. A. P. Co., Third floor, 211 Broadway. That morning about 0 o'clock I called at the' ofllco of Mr. S. an astonish ing sight mot my eyos. Tho office wns on the third floor, and tho stairs ascended almost straight up for threo flights. Clear to third Moor of tho hall was crowded with boys all.tho litllo fellows near the foot of tho stairs and all tho big onos at thu top, when thoy I wero making almost criminal ctlorts to be the first to soo the man who wanted a three dollarsn-weck boy. Mr S. nr rived and sent for a policeman, who cleared the building of two hundred nnd eighty boys; nnd other kept coming all day long. Thero aro thousands of boys and men already In Now York willing to work for from threo to ten dollars a wook. I asked a millionaire banker if tho samo opportunities existed in Now York today as existed twenty-fivo years ago. Ills reply was: "No. Thero are not so many. Industry and honesty aro not the only qualities required of tliosn in search of employment, nor will they nl ways produce success in business." "Would you advieonyoiing fellow togo West? Does Horace Grecloy's ndvlce, 'Oowc't, young man,' still hold good?" Hu replied: "I should not advise a boy or young man to go west without cipital, nor should I ndvlso country boys tjcomo hero without capital, unlets their cases aro almost desperate.. Any boy who camo from the interior and succeeded horc, In my opinion would nchiovo a greater success In other cities. A majority of the rich men of New York laid tho foundations for their fortunes outstdu tho New York. "I know of many young men," ho went on. who arotulentcd and capable, hut aro breaking down from over-work and worry. If they live long enough to amass money, their health will not er mit them to enjoy it. It is also true that this is an age of young men, und thero hro more prematurely grey-headed mon iu Now York than in any other city In tlio country. Within u week I havo heard of threo grey-headed men under uuy years oi ago who havo lost tliolr em ployment. Olio was b sunerinteiiilont .if uiiu employing avonotimu two hun dred hands; the second was i high-salaried salesman for a dry goods house, und tho third was a financial man for a manufacturing concern. Number one iusi ins piaco oy tho closing up of his lactory cloned by competitien: number The Racycle The Racycle Bicycle Has Arrived X X If you are thinking of buying a wheel, come -in and It is the latest and most improved on the market. G. A. ROBERTS 105 State Street Salem. see us, Spring Shoes Ladies' Tans and Black Kid the Latest Lasts, at Reduced Prices Men's Farm and Dress Shoes in best stock at prices below competition. JACOB UOGT 95 State St. . .... Oranges j)in Wo are receiving a carload etch week of the rtll bio pocks ol the Southern Call fornla Fruit Ex. and can furnish you with fresh stock at low price. Call or writo. 3 0-lm J. I Wright A Co. OV a vniiniir mnn n, II .-. .. 1 .. -;."-o .- two was displaced oimiui-r miiury, mm mo iirm ul nuiu oer inreo was aDi-orbed by a trust. They aru my iriends. and I rinr ,.- ..,., i.. although they staiid high as gentlemen and elllciont businessmen, thu outlook for them Is discouraging. Therefore, if they cannot succeed hero, 1 should not urge any boy from the country to come here " In conclubion, pray consider carefully tins sUirtlin statemont mado by the warden of King's Comity inmiteutiary, which is flyo miles from Wall Street anj the New York city hall- "Men are constantly Iwing committed nero in laruu iiumimrduiin i,.,..., . charged with no crime. Ovor fifty wt cent of the commitments to this iiistitu wU .Diur vagrancy tlio crime ol be ing out of work and homeless! I am convinced from swiiu- im im...... . , of somo of thei mun while her ti.t Hey never would bo hero could thev havo swuriM employment ouuide. lty our treatment of the unemploved wo are making criminals of men who have here- oluro been honest, wK-iiuuinlni: lum bers o! the community, aud would beVo again could they obtain work - Patton Bros, CARD UOVkTS ANO ALWM VHUTIII.NU TIIK AMVKVK .SSKIW UOTOGIUPIIIi; EQUII'MENTS AND AVATICUH MATBDUU. Kllt rO New filrulr nl IIVJ..U .. . . .. stock with new ' "R,x ' "Solo" I'iim-a Tut. . . eralncalu,....! .-:. ,.....5xi?..L?I.e'.. lvew tried f. ....... i.. i. . ..".-' --- wun v,n "J cuiiuiny SIOOK IS aDV shoes ami tinti.-... I can male ft par rou to mm. F. A. WIGGINS 307 Commercial Street. MI Matt?" O.ll .. - i'iIC. ' h1 ft demeu.t I "" " ""s"1 m Line of Kodak illuinj Jist Oponcd Patton Bros, DONT FORGET Wo carry a small stock of FLOUR. BRAN, AND SHORTS, Mado at Albany, and aro nronuro,! , supply email cousumers-eay one sack to a ton-at a low nrl. !! ...i. Inquiry, and savo yoursmall chantto. Salem Flourim? Milk nn 6 ARDEN SAND LOAM, FERTILIZERS. D. S. BENTLEY & CO. Now la tho tlmo 3t0 Fronts Bottled Beer. Kllngerft Ueck,Succcsaora to SouthSaltm Bottling Works, All orders for bottled beer will bo tilled At the brewery. Knnt nn mid storavs. 3-H-rcd Free clt5r ,,HMV6ry Telephone 2131. koW. a lar Bkft tt i 1 m Vii. V O ! li Frem: ., p. ..,, . M m in T9 -vi,i,,p,M,lfl, g( Wb-nRAMt,,.., .,, , ,. ",er " " replt ratchai-4 th"P"'"tli f-r -ronno,,. With RAMBLERS at $0 1 I L' ruU 'T ,l!se '"omr to I br r cth ,w c, Kh'ttl M M Cw J Ul limlii, I Then for those who want a good wheel for loss money wo havo the Ideal at Ideal S2C, $25 and $30. made and guaranteed by the Rambler makers. All our cycles are fitted with the Great G & J Tire Tho tire moat nil the wheels Ht. If it is a Kambler tire. Call in and let us show you our wheels it may save you S, any way we take pleasure m shwing our wheels, A full line of Bi cycle Sundries, x 2C X X watt siiipp 258 Conimercial St fow and Second Hand Ramblers on Installments. . -4lLjftkL-MM&r