a '" ' ' -- "". jCBPj Men's Tan, Qlucher cut, fcd 3.50 Men's Patent leather dress shoe, do i Mtn's Vici Kid, Heavy sole, Kid lined J and tips, "ffiST1 3.50. 2 Men's Vici Kid, Heavy sole, extension 4 edge, calf lined, TlSS 3.50. rf Men's Vici Kid Plain Broad Toe, Kid J lined, Heavy sole, TJJK S3.50. 5 Men's Box Calf Goodyear Welt, Latest 1 shape, "SEf $3.50. S Men's Full Stock Calf Goodyear Welt, g Beacon Toe, "JUS 53.50. rf Men's Full Stock Calf Goodyear Welt, 5 Boston toe, TRS 53.50. g Men's Full Stock Calf Goodyear Welt, ! 4 Cambridge toe, "St J3.50, wossa a HW ' aVK. ri ifv l ncS "W' IP Ul' U FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY CALT AT ONCE AS WE ONLY f&yjAs jnoe store have a few ' ''-,"yyw i nimcnct civij fi X O-V State 6t '' '-' " J""- nr fc .STOMACH BITTER5 A weak (torn. wh needs i mild, natural, but thoroughly cflklcnt top'". A remedy which answer Misdescription 1 the Hlttcrt,. It liaii ciirod tliouanda of sufferers from INMflMTIO, CONBTlfATIOK, MLIOCSNES1, Why don't you try It? TBB DAILY JOURNAL UV. HOKMM BHOTHBMn MONDAY, MAKOIl 10 1000. Hy, Oho Year 3.O0, la Adraace 0Hy, Tom MonUM 91.00. a Mvanoa Weklr. OuYrr 81.00, Ui A4aa HONEST AND DISHONKUT PAR TISANSHIP. Jurfgo Henry II. McGinn deserved a credit mark for hla fcarlcM oxX)iiirooUc' dWiefiest partisanship in Portland poll Ilea. Ho haa put tho Multnomah lie publican bar association In a hole. What kind of n way la that! to ask an organisation of iCopubllcans to Invent! gate charges of corruption agalnat a Ho publican official? Doesn't ho know that ortaulaatlom of partltana aro not formed to protect the public but tho partlaana? Doesn't ho know that lila proposal la afaintt all the preccdonta of partlian polltlca, Itepubllcan or otherwise? Itii suhvoralvo of tho very spirit of partlian hip. That spirit, In U full ilevolop menl, Impel" 10,0.'K, partisan lo"stand In" with lila own party against all corner, to lovo parly first and country next, toiorvo soil fint and party naxtj and country tail. President Hayea ald ha lervei lila party belt who aerros Ida country leit. The partisan rovonea this andcttrsoa tho Ilayra' Idea. Tho honeit partlian reasons limit This is a pofmlar government the only way to ran a popular government Is by parties) my party Is the beit parly j thorofnro I will uphold my party ami all lie worki, right or wrong. If wo elect ahlilioneit official ho Is no worse than lots of others! tliercforn 1 will defend him. Thodlihonoit partisan la.tho partlian or revenue only. He does not reason on a sound bails of action. Ho cannot como to an honest conclusion on Iho matter. Ho simply shorn his hand Into the puhlla tirasury whenever ho haa a chancu, ami dciwnda upon the party machine to stand In. If hols caught In n penitentiary oRcnso lie mutt lie cleared at all liatiarda. How long would the people of Port land tolerate open Chlneue lollerles and fantau k' " I"" l- ny way of making themielves directly felt in the mailer. lint what has a protective tariff or the tin gle gold standard or imperialism got to do with the Chlnosu lotteries or fsnlau Kwea in Portland? What do Iho poo. pk expect, when they flout local otUcc rs on national Issues? What Is tho sense of allowing one or ei haps two political machine to run tho affairs of a city, by making tho nominations of the tickets from which the ople muslchooao lhlr olllroar. An honest partisan ol any party might protect the people. A dishonest parti aan of any party Is sure to rob Iheiu. What a farco it Is to pretend to sou ...... HftArMnitA luli.aA.i tlltiin.rultn" I and a"ltepubllcaii" marhlno in local otitic. Tlio machine tlavlf Is tho evil. It put a premium on disliouotl artl hlp. Itmakva no difference what tU irty label Is. It Is the silly spirit of jrtl.nhlp among the voters that )mk rsUuttea the power of (he Machine, Tlte Portland Inilanca Is only an mi out-cropping of tho true inwardness of partlaas politics lu local affairs, Ralem haa happily aliakvn oft the iscubus for while. IVrhsps Marlon esuuty will follow her trample UiU year. Kn Portland may at last kwaVsm to the only way In which she M pet a clean eet of men Into her local There Is hut ono way and that is to take ni6n of character and firmness of integrity, who will respect their oath of office and sorvo tho public. No matter what tliolr personal convictions aro about tariff, about flnanco, about lm porlallam, If thoy havo tho higher and more important conviction that thoy ore put In ofllco to servo tho community and not themselves, or somo clique of grafters who claim they put them thero. That Is tho only test for local offices. Tho honest partisan may havo polttcal convictions and Itvo up to them when thoeo limes aro at etnko. Ho may bo a McKlnley man or n Bryan man, or a Social Democrat or a Prohibitionist, but in a local olllco, If ho will take his salary, be content with it, koep up no burdens on tho taxpayers, work no graft on tho community, lake no Infair advantage of his position to ourlch lilmsolf or servo tho personal purKMes of anyone, keep. Ing his oath of olllco without fear or f jvor, he is entitled to respect and Is Iho only safe man for tho community lo iimploy. To Curo a Cold In Ono Day Tilt Laiatlra Ilromo Quinine- Tnlil.u. Ml drusiMa lelunit tlia roouny Ifll falU lu cure. K. W. (Irut i iliruturo U on uib Iwn. Ua. JOURNAL X ftAVa. Domauil for tho Truth has exhausted all hut a few of tho March numbers. I t I Why use tho city's money to mutll. ato tho trues In Marlon Btiaro and nog lect the streets around It? t Turn the crank of that holm fee.mll) gently, Goiistaklu Mluto' If you want that llcjiiilillcnn rioinlnatliin. t U What la Iho utaof dragging so dead a K)lltlcal carcass as that of Quo Vadis John II. Mitchell Into tho senatorial arena? . . The roMurvctlon of thoMillcholl legis lallvo hold up Is not liiturustlng to the H-oploof Oregon. They aro weary ol tho whole brood of (Jno Vadli stateimaii ship. I 1 t KxSenutor A. J. Johuiou,oue of the "Forty" and a Hllver Itoimhllcaii, who IwmxI as an autl.Dolih man (but wus ono of Mellrlde's managers,) has been rewarded with tho bank oxamiuorshlp. I I t A HalumhevlurcompllmentsTuiiJoUK. nal with giving him credit for "know ing something about politics." He Is mistaken. He knows a little something alKiut nlckeMu-the-alot kiIUIc. That's all. County Judgcnhlp: W. M. Bushey, W. 0. Hubbard, K. T. Jndd, Bcott Itlggi, John H. fcolt, and O. I', Terrell. Sheriff :-0. A. Murphy, W. A. Tay lor, A. T, Wnln and It. A, Wltwll. Asuessort D. D. Coffoy and Henry Porter. Superintendent: W. J. Crawford, W. I). Ciimmlngo, and A. W. Drager, For tho other flvo offices, only tho prc ent Incumbonts aro mentiened: Clerk, W. W. Hall? Itecordcr, J. II. Rowland, Treasuror, A. L. Downing; Coroner, A. M. dough) Hurvoyor, II. II. Herrlck. t I t Thero has been so much Inquiry or tho Tom llruco calf story that Tim Jouiijoa will havo to tell It. Ono Sun day morning soon after Ton! was elected n Ilaptlit dcaron ho got all dressed up to go to church before focdingn lino sucking calf ho uas raising. Tho calf buckod Its head Into tho palt of milk and nearly nil nod Tom's suit of Sunday best. It was then his political enemies sny ho oxclatmcd : "If it wasn't for tho love of God spread abroad in my heart, I'd smash your d d head off." I t Tho Daily Mall published an Inter view with Cecil Khodes, secured by Ju lian llalph, In tho couna of which, complaining of tho bungling of tho homo authorities, ho said : "There havo only been 30,000 floors lu tho field alto gether, and tho foreign mercenarily were only about lfi.000. Tho number of Doers has boon exaggerated In order to explain tho Urltlsh reveries. 4 I I Among Republicans mentioned for representative are J. M. Poorman, J. II. Settlemler and Fred Dnso, Wood- burn ; Iot I.. Pcarco, K, M. Crolsan, K. II. I'lagg, M. !.. Poirue, and V. A. Cuslck, Palein) Alex LaPulletlo, ilrooks; Henry Kceno. Sr., Slay ton; Geo. P. Hughes and Geo, K. Itodgers, of Ralem, are alio mentioned. t t t Here is a piece of humor from Horace Mann's Medford Inquirer, not dry at nil: Col. Hofer, of Tiim Oai'Itai. Jouiimai, this month tanned it verv neat maua. sine, entitled "Truth." Among Its con tents mi find nil article which declares that Western Oregon is adapted to tho rearing of u surerlur rac. No douht, from our exerlenco in the Willamette Valley, the Colonel means a men of ducks. t t t Thu voters nt tho forces upKictl to the Republicans In Marlon county should not lt deceived Into participating in tho Republican primaries. They ihoold unite on a leglnlatlvo ticket that will con tiiiuu the good recoid made by tho Un ion party lu thelaat Itglnlature and not participate In any Republican senator ship fight. 2Iiifnif an Mc cutfcn jbrcjjon. 25ic Stit fur bic SBat)(en riirft immer ncif;cr unb bcpi)a(0 ift c(3 i)04fle Beit, bap aflc Sfirflcr bfefe Canbcfi ftff) fftr biefcfOcn rftf.cn. SHotJwcnbig ifr, bap jeber, bcr (Mmmen ui.l, fcinc Sfirflcrpttplcrc in Orbntuifj Ija&c, unb bap cr fobonn bcim Gountijclcrf, gricbcnfirictcr obcr Offend (tyen 5otar (tcf) regtflrircn laffc. Srflcnb cin Counlv obcr tl. S. SRicfitcr faun bic SfirgcrDapicre au$ma rijcn, fitr tucld;c ge.v9tn(ict) cin JDoffar fiojlt )ucr ben ntup. urflct fftr 5.UC1 3cuflcn, bic Surf) fenncn. 2)a3 (5J(cif()c flift M bcr SRefliflration. S3ci (caterer flcDct auct) flcnau M Township an, in bem 3f;r n)0(;nt, c6cnfo ben 9)(a(j too Six fle5t)nHcl) obiulHrn men t)aDt. (Sfi ft cine f;(. WW jeben fflftrgert, (tc() urn ba$ SBol)I unb SBcfjc bc(3 Canbc3 ju fummcrn unb fcin tl)cirflcin bcu Dcisutraflcii, bap flute SBcamtc cnuaf;(t unb ante 0Jcfc(c ficmadjt tucrben. Reiner 6(ciDc bnf;cr ju $aufc, jebcr (llmmc nad) Decent Stiffen unb c,ui(fcn. ringct bicfcS Heine )))fcr, forflct fur (Sure 9)apierc unb rcflifliirt Gut!), Oc)or cS ju fpat. ic St()ci(nal;jnc bcr 3)eutfrf)cn in ber Ccitung bcr cff)irfc bicfcS JCanbce ift gcrabc Jcftt notJwcnbU Oer benn jc. 5)?ftf;rt (Suit) bcp(;a(u, ue(;rct (Surf); am 3timmfa(kn )ucrbcn bic nurfjtiflftcn (Srf)(arf;tcn 3cfrf)(a (jcn. SBcr juri'ufufci&r, t cin ciG-inij unb cin &cr rather, bcr c5 ucvbicnr, bap il)m cincCumpcnrcflicrung bic tencrftfjrauDc rcrf)t fd)avf anfc()t unb bic aut iiOcr ben lopf a&3icl)r. SBcr bem cntgct)en .Dill, forge bafitr, bap cr jur rcrt)tcn Beit an bcr Urnc mitfprcrfjcu unb f;anbc(n faun. WAR NEWS The Daily and Weekly Journal lead all competllors on getting, the. WarNefgm all parts of the world. It prints he news first and prints it most complete of all. The model Oregon Newspaper and Family Journal Uniting News, Fic tion, Literary, Ranch and Dairy, and Market !News in a'ttractive, read able fornix SOUTH ANDEASl VIA ' Southern Pacific Co. THE SHftST ROUTE Trains leave Salem for Portlnnd am? atatlons nt0:44 n. m. and 4 :H t ni' I.T rorllana.. 8:80 A M Lv Bnleru. ns a M Ar Aahlaml..... 12:33 A M Ar Biicrnmcnto....... A:00 1" Ar San Krinclco.... 7:45 p y ArUKUUll Ar Lienrer. Sai EM Weekly Journal 6: A M Bm a t Ar Kunu, city 72a a Jl Ar umcago . . 7.-M a M Ar In Atiftt'lci. ......... loo 1' M Ar Kl Tatu cuo V n Ar Fort Worlh. .......... :30A M Ar Cltr ol Mexico . 9M A M Ar Itouiun .............. 4,-eo A M Ar New OrIcnii..... 6:25 c jr Ar New York ............12;3 1' M Is -issued Thursday morning in time to reach all parts of the state the same week. 00 BMBllMW In two parts contains all Important Foreign National and State News. 7.00 iTE IMfS 85aS 8.15 A i llliAh n ? a :aJ 7-flO 1 . oeoji 3 Moau VilAU t0 am 625 P J 6:42 1 ii 12.18 p 3 hotli Pullman nnd Tourists mr n trnlns. Chair cars Sacramento to OgJ. ! mill Kl Pnnn. nnil tnnrlaf nn.. . niT"""'! St. Louis, Now Orleans and Ashing' r?nnnrllntr nt. Hnti Trrnti.ttrtA .ii oral Btoumahln linca for l!n..i!v' TrsrtoM Plitnn fli 11 1 .!..- r. . .. uYlu-! n ' i ' ""ri'iHwo, t'mral duuiii iiuiuricus 1 an J Sen Mr. W. W. Skinner agent at BiiTT Station, or nddrosa ""Hilem 0. II. MAUKHAJI, Q. p. a Portland, Oreg.',n Tmmwm !) 'MLW DXFAUTI TIME SCUKOULS. ron From I'ortUuil. Daily Journal $3 AYR. A 11 Independent Associated Press Paper for the Peo ple. Send for sample Free. Fiut Mall p.m, Bdo kanci Flyer J.lipm Sp ra. Slt lake, Denver Ft. Worth umu, kaqsu Cllr. Hi LuilU.Ohlcoco and K, Walls Walla, Hpokane, Minns apolti. t.l'aal.Uuluth, MIL IT.U.W VHILmU UU Mil, AHSI'I ,1:15 pm 8n, m ox Bud Batur ilar 10 p, 01. llOLnCKllHUH., SjLEL OH. Iaro ealcnv For ockan HnjAiiSiiTpar" Han Franclnau. Ball crerjr Ova -. COLUMBIA ltlVEll HTiriMVIU To Atlorls snl way liindlnKi, !pe. ft m. p. n I D. m. 1 Hod, W1LLAMKTTK niVKii I'qrtland, Newberg ami war nnniii trm - ' """T' I ArR. ' ln p. to nrt fit WEEKLY JOURNAL ToMilar, ThornUx unci Halnrday at S.00 a.i Mondny Wnliipwloy anil Friday at 10,00 a. ro. FOR CORVALLIH . Auit wapolnlaTueadar, ThurtJayanaBilur ilny, a. 30 p. in, ' """' JSPECIALTY CHRONIC DISEASES J Men and Women Notice to (Jontiactors. Scaled hlds will bo received by the hoar o( director ol Bchool District No. 17, d( llenton County. Oregon, until 3 o'clock . m., ol March 'J2. 1000, (or tho erection and completion 01 a (our room school building, according to the plans aim spccillcallons prepared by (Juan, ii, llurgurnf, Architect, Albany, Oregon. The hoanl will consider bids as follews: 1. Complete according lo plans and HpeclllcntioiiH. 'J. Complete oxcept the heating, l'laus may bo seen at thooitlce o( ttie clerk, V. 11. Holes, l'hilomath, Drt'Kon, also nt the architects olllco Al banv, Oregon. Karh bid to bo accom pnnied by ucertilied check (or llfty ilol lars (foO) to bo forfeited to the district, il bid is accepted nod bidder (ails to slirn contract, and give wtisfaclury bonds (or the performance, o( the same, otherwise to Ihi returned to the bidder. Tho uoaril rcHorveatho right to reject any and all hlds. W. II. Hows. Clerk. i'hlloinath, Ore., Xare.h 5, 11)00. g&k Oregon ueoils constructive lliUtlon to lvo the ooplo a ooil aiteimsnt law, ait Income tax on the xross earning o( untaieil rorioratlons to relieve the land tas, and a rest (rem strife brought nit by poll I Iml adventurers and olllco brokers. t I 1 tiovertior Ueer windy says ho wants to sene his term as Governor and will not allow his name to lo uol as seuat oilal tradlnn stock. It would bo a whole- some esample to hayo ono till an olllco he is elected to without lulu it as a mere stepping stone (or something else. t A Halein rorreaondeut illys up tho lollewluij: ilathe-V. II. Armstrong, J. A. lUker, T. Hruce, Frank Davey, Itolxrt iViwtiliiR.K.n. tlatQ.,0 V. Jones, M. 1 Jones, Ales UV'UUtt, Abuer Uv.li, J, M. 1'oormsn, IM T. Iteynolds, Oeorve K. llodgeis, J. II. Settlemelr. Ir. 0. H. White. K. T Wrlslitman Kd. Kdes is iiieiitlnned as a poalbil Ity (or county elerk In case o( a split up. t t I Addion Dilley will havo iiuito a pull (or sheriff. I I I Moru creameries and loss politics. A Collection, lliulvlni! the iiaiues lu Hatunlay's JouasAL u( the ladies to serve to tho committee on decorations (or tho Uryau reception, the name of Mrs. I. K. 0. born was iuadveteiitly oinllod. I wlalaual ol all tain a4 Shmi. t4 Iw I te M wsip M l MaM ut tfctlr tnn en tail ms awrwu.- raisRD Ab 4 (MMWnft, Krt lu mm t : Htf (. wtvrnU 'umuw i47 Vm4. KM by all dc t tf hMUtt (tl TM SitlU Sguifcty lf rrtkl, J Cout vnt hT a uia va TiMwuadt Ol ruun V lootkl llullKiuoI Mutaas's fatHNQ diumg pi'Stna- 4 UMrta Ilk UdttilUtlt of thtld hillh for twf. iU wsiia M l MaM M ikHr km ctttWal fc V. Mutku's fsisab caify woman nftly at (sn, rt tu ttir rtv4.f ia wag U.IUV a4 liawtMS at li.ua ui tltvuLU Jkaaeuhi vV uaaitr la won lor kre, iU Mat aolldMlluf tk combs 49f i Uat Ihal fauoot t Mother's Friend Ui. Doll's Cough Uyrup Will t'toys pilok and suro euro for croup. Mothers, when your ehlldreu are attaukwl with thatdreadlul disease, you can dveud on this marvelous remedy. It never (ails to euro at once. Trleo U60. ltr. W. K. Oopeland has gone to Ta eoma, wheruhewill visit the OooMra. live HrotherhiHxl Colony, at Itushley, Washiugtou. "Opporiunny Is ihs Cisam of Tims." Nn la your uptmrtuully Thero Is unliii'o when tho syoivut Is so much In ncwl ot u ikkI medicine, like iuhki snari-aiv.tr 1 us, mi no nine when il l so sukcepllblo lu iho bcnelils tu bo derived nnu uclt u uinlictne. II; purifying, ui rluliiiiK unit vitalUlutt Hie Uhki uihI tuiiiint up llw sysiem lliMMi'sBursaparilU starts yuu tight fur a lulo)ixir of hcaltli. Oiuaiipatiuii Is ourvd by Hood's rills u M. II "Smith. lhittJriiut. Mleh., says. "DoWitt's Little Karly Hlsers are the very U1 pills I ever used (or costive ues, liver and bowel troubles," Stones Drug ctorvs. FHUM QBHVAIS Csis o( Assault snd Uatuty That Was Waimly ContssttJ, TtHocaaool thetato vs. W. (1, and Willis Iawes ou eoniplalul o( 8. I) Usmp, asklug thst defendanU be bound over to keep tho peace, was tried Iwfore ivjuim l'oujaile Friday, IVxeudsuls were alo aecuied o( as saull with dangerous wwpon. After hearing the case which consumed nearly all d4y, lha couri look It under advlteuieut. Ohss, MoNary, deputy district attorney, and llouhaui anU lar tin appwrea lor UieiUle aud W, M. Kslter (or the defense. Suffering tram Chronic Diseases are Invited to WRITE TO DR. PIERCE and Consult Him by Letter Free of Charge. All communications ire held as sacredly confidential and all answers are scat la plain envelopes, with out printing upon them. AdJrraa DR. R. V. PIERCB, UUPI'ALO, N. Y. OAOTOXIIA. Bwitts 0 -to M .w Hit. Mtirt DaijH utrv &&At& 1 r aNk I y 1 m Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME OAHD. 2 iir Viuiulna: TihIii leaves Albany I2:4S p. m, Train leaves Corvallls.... 1:5A p. ui. Train arrives Yatjiilim . 7:2A p. 111, I Iteturnlnu: U'uvos Yaqulnu tlOOa. tu. Leaves Corvallls 11:30 a. ni. Arrives Albany I2:15p.ni. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany . ...7:00a. iu Arrives Detroit . .. ...11:30a, tu Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 n 01. Airlvca Albany 6:15 p. ni. Ono and tc connect ut Aln'tny nnd forvullls with Southern Pacific tialns, ulvlng direct liervlio ti and f nmi Now' IKirt. n ud mljucent beaches. Trulnsfor the uuiuntalns arrlvont Dotrtiltal noon, giving ample time tu reach onmpliig uruundt. ou the llreltciihusli mid Suuilum river Hi smneilur. It U WAIJUKN. gOWlN BTX)NK Tf.l I. A. alalia TURNKU Acwil. Albany, Ort A Good Standby to have in the house, when the bleak winds ol February and March chills the marrow and makes the circulation ,lug gish, is our puro and finely flavored Overboil whiskey. It is the best that is disttUeil, and has that rich and odveon slatenoy only procured with high arade iritis, pur stock ol wines, whitkevs, liquors, beers, and cigars are the choicest that la made. J. P. Rogers, 1 JESfi?27?.,! ,I,D 1i,B,ra (""I rJIIIon of Amcr!n Aarlcullunit 11 IL olu.i, U, aua i.iui iirarlli-al .ai tm.fr 111 Vltl.l w v aV V S v S m S.UUI Um FEATURES: tJardrnliir. anil other tonlea nrritun l.v nrt.i.ni.1 ..... aarmtmi rarmrn. Illu.tratnl tirahio artliu. tails It Inriilualilolmlllii rural arriiun. Tlialnmi.1iml.oUi and Couimrrclul AKrlrulluroarouneicOlled fcalnru. FAMILY FEATURES! "xrWiXi .o.l look, l-uilr., louns oll.' I'ngr. tic. taaia thlt department rual moit of tta tpttlal raiully paper. FREE YEAH BOOK amp HUMM. v,J?liz,J!2J'wv,,r'ti i"'"ii'i. wu& tir. Asiii AND & M-re -V aJI-'aTHaT-tn-'-i -i" rn r3aBa?PVik4jCUiaNSy 1 vLMmmmmmm I.l Stork, Pnlrjtnir, Ilnr MaKlaaVdUWrl'VRH tlrulliirn. ii.uiir. s..L.t aanawVlcuSnlSV;i"ZBB tmaY WaWmmjim'' 1 Jmmfmsai.m MtuTmiMiivm'm I a laf-tKS1' HHSaWWttSBBMI Q5Jr"tJ PSBrfiVfflfBatalaaH 1 All mb. I V .aUHnaH9UssVslaW? t aaRTfanSjtBaaaaf' aKT7.I.Mf9riW!W l mm wmn ...Trztr 'H ruj fj J3I aH;: S2.50. 1 WILLAMETTE UIVEU DIVISION Dally bouts to l'orlluod us abore Trunsfcra to etrcet car lino at Oregon City if tho Htcamortiiro Juluycd there utiuuu irtp iicKoia w nit pointi Id Oregon, Wellington or Oillforuli, Cnnucclloiis tundo ub Portland with till rail, ocean mid river lines. W. II. IIUKLIJURT, Ocn 1'asa. Agt., Portland, Or. 0. M. l'OWBIW, Agent, Trade Street nock, Saloin. I101SE& UARKRR, City Agents. BobJKtofTlmfjIntr.tl'rruiBlDtoAg,icoltur7.iZ Irrlina!!! .V".4.-1 m slao an AUIA.VAU rcalrndara, tbalratbrr. Aitrououlcal IU. lltnta - .v.w, vlw. tgr SAMPLE COPY ?'"",r?,,Bju"'wiii Our SPECIAL Offer. Weeklv Journal One Year, or Daily 4 months $1 00 Oran 0 -udd Farmer Weekly . . . no Year Book and Mmanac .... 'gg Our Price tor all, S1.35, aSSPsaaw-ft "OPBRHRoSa. SALEM OH. 9f lllllllllnlltlR mm You Can Get a Lower Berth, ft III) ono exception tho through trains or tliu lljirlliigton Route itru itlmnsl Invuriubly vvelMllled. Tho exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited. Ou the limited thoro la iiRimllyj room and to spare. Don't Infer that II Is neither ollnn, norbo fust.'.us ANY tralr of ANY other line between St. Paul urn Chicago. On the eor. trury, there la no mora beaut If m train In America. It has electric light, stenn hfiiit, wldovonlbules tho most s.iiur,iot,ory tliuln-i!i servlun u iih m lUaiv.-int lower liertlt 'or everybody, A.C'.SIIELD'JN. (Jpfi'l Aeiit. Portland 0 011, (Joiitalnln can havo It in lieu of the Farmer g new county of The Orient Insurance Co . OK HAHTiroKD Assets Liabilities. Surplus to Policy Holders.'. CONN, tt'-MS.OOU. i.nw.ooo. i,;iu,oin. Will insure Journal 0,nc, MAS Wl- "VE Sale rwkLtt m, Ore. New Strawberries. GrOVVir5rinnwl.a I.!. im irnn: 7" " U!H ,0.ey out of new StnWiv.rr: l.!aHaaaWdlll um WHAT JONES Is it that does all this fine Paper Hanging, Decorat ing Painting and Kalso nuning, and has a shop at No. 153 Court St.? Why NATJB JTONBS TENNESSEE, DOWNINGS v. utiuuc yiaillb Will nr.nn. r,-. now besides about half : ;ZC YFJms " . M'KINLEY. mmv .:r'"yc P,ants ' PRIDE. SAI eU""" CROPPER. put out SAlluriRDc cii.. M"11 CERVERA. Dll mai d.cb ,XJ' M-S, seorfiuK;l5S , rvar,ties:m(lciiuu r2rft "Otei, Salem O 'V' m. Vrf, ORVSkJ beaver & Kh GraadB H. R. SCENIC LINK OP THE WOULD. The Farorl.e TratiKunOncntal Roulo Jliww the Nortliwett anil all folnti Kait. Choice of Tito tontm rnrixuh lhP'nom UOOKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY. And Four Houtta Eut Z i'ucblo and Denver. All iaiteugn granted a dar atop)Ter In ti. Mormon Capital or anywhere batween OjJfa . .miutiiut i-cnoDMijr couuuciea tourin cunloua three dayi a week to J MHA, ICAN8A8 UlTV, ST LOOW, Chicaoo and tub East. ., For tlckcta and any Information rejirdji1! rain, route, etc., or for dtvcrtpllve adrtlilti nutter, call on agcnU of Orexon Railway 4 NaTlittlon Co.. Oregon Bhon line or.8ouihtr raclno Companlca. fl. K. noorKit. 0, P. T. Agt., Uwnfer.tDL It. 0. N1C0I Qn. Agt., Ml Waih. Ut., InrtUad Or. Seeds Seeds! L- M. KIRK rain Hay, Flc Lfatv orders at llaren A Hamlltoa'a. Flour Mill Feed. Building MntCrial Lime. Cement. Plaster cte Cr,al Gin. Hay and Straw sQrcd o ii- SIT " "4 -aiioo m.lu thf Sjales.ee A (till HtlvL- nt ..nnlnn orna. rloTOr nr and fliwer seeds. All choice, reliable tpeutf. rrlceatho lowest In the .state, send (or catalogne. 8cial prices to uardnirs. BRKWSTEIt & "WTIITJ3 rhone 1781. 01 Court St., Salem Or. Dealers in hay, groin, mill feed.iloureto. SOULK HItOS. PIANO fONERS AM) REPAIRERS PORTLAND .ORE For ftalaja and Tiqlnitr !. WUl'aMfl.iaHlaa. . -J, "--.- Hfewiiwiwiiiwrt,ii uBa