Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels manses the System el .EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES 'Jrf& ' Habhualnstipat'on ' UMU PERMANENTLY our the GtHUiNt- MAH'r o ey ui?rniaTg,Syrvp. M, ' ck f ri v. '''I ro 5n mil tauaaist rot tot rtieomt O. C. T. Go's I'ASSKNOEIt BTHA&.K1I TOfilfQ'NA JL, -AND TC altonA liKAVKB FOIl 1'OltriiANl) Pallr uxoont tunilsr at B n m. QUICK ri1J AND t'UKAP ItATKU. Dock Iwtwiwn Hints ami Gntirt Ht. M. 1'. IIAMWIN, AenL 4 PERSON ALAND LOCALS ' or ailitlllniial Iocnl N aci Kiinrth 1'aijn r Mro. C. E. Wolvorton, returned homo from Albany yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan l'urvlno and Miss LIkIo Keller, returned homo yes terday fiom Corvallis. MeKlnley Mitchell of Gcrvais, is in the city on bushiccs. Dr. 0. II. Mack, returned last night from Portland. Prof. I). W. Yoder is spending a few days visiting Sllvorton friends. O. Marrh was a Portland passenger yesteidny. Mrs. Phil Mot'dian Is spotullng a fow days witli Peril tn'd friemls. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lnokloy, returned but nUht from a live moiitbs' visit at Missoula, Montana. L. Tarpley was a passenger south last night. Prof Young of Lugeiie, was a Salem vieltor yesterday. . Mr. and Mrs. l. Kdwnrds left this morning for Portland, whero tboy will mako their future home. L. V. QuIsH who has hcrii in tho city ttttemllng tho Populist Central commit tee, returned homo last night. lien Mitchell formally of (lervals, but now traveling for Oornou A Fabonhol mer cigar liouo of Portland, was a tiu lem Uitor ilbterduy. Or. Dull's Cough syrup Is a Qieat niedlclno of intrinsic worth. It re moves u coii( h or cold quickly ami cures severe throat and lung idfei lions in an aMoulMiIngly fborl tuno. bold by ull druuuibts for only 25 uts. ' Peace Dcclaic. Vt'lit itniAtn till v.ilir itllllt rlllltllL- the Ibter War and thetiold Fields 01 Al-I.a? There aro other matters of vitwl Importance; jou may mukuatrlp EHet, and will want to know how to iruvvd. lnordcr.-to.liavo.ihu betror vice, use tbo WMwonsin Central Ity., between Bt. Paul mid Chicago. I-or rates -nd ot Iter informutioii, write.las. A. Clock, General Agent, Portland, Ore- Kon. DIED. I.KimUi -rA b-r homo nenr St. Paul Or.;, ,V?dneYday, March, 14lh llHTO. ftlrn. fnililH uregoiro toruui, kvu need 72 years. Decided was a natlvo of Canada, and catno to thin country in 189. Her hus band, F. Lebruni and brother Felix Grcgorie, aro tbo only near relatives loft to mourn her death. Tho funeral was held Thumlay Hnd burial look place iu St. Paul Catholic cemetery Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. ItarUflclallydlgesUthofoodandoldi Nattire tn BtrengthenlDg and Jccon structlnc tho exhaustwl dlgcatl I ve or rans. ltlstllate?tltMvercJdlnest antand tonic. No other priparatloD can approach It In e31clency. It In stantly rellOTM and irmanently cures Dypeiwla. Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, J3our Stomach, Nausea, 3lckIIadache.Gnstralgla.Cranir,and ill other result ot I futertei t digestion. rtpartl by C C DHt Co, Cljieocjo. .Hir - Utfj'iK'lth. "PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM , Tail Uutifx "" Jt Mavtr Tall T1U so Bter Gray uiu VouUiful Color. Oa "J "" kiJf Wliaf mn THE IDEAL TEACHER, Worn a Paper by W. J. Crawford, Can didate (or County Superintend ent of Schools, Tho toaclior la first and always the master workman. Ho is tho artist with tho ranvns constantly before him. Tho lights and shadows fall gently upon this canvass and ho. with artistic eyo and skillful or unskilliuUinnd, makes pormancnt tho shadows. Tho branch es of study aro merely tho linos and out ward forms. Ho is tho eculptor who Btands by tho cold mid lifeless marblo with chisel in hand, ovormoro removing the rough exterior in order to mako tho IkjIIsIiuI marblo stand and Tho child is tho tho unhewn marble, and ho who doles out the course in a per functory way, without perceiving the hlisli and noble spirit within tho child, should not tench, should imi attempt to manage any school, but should suriendir tho tuikio more worthy hands. Ho might do well, however, if ho studied the ehdd and entire together Auv uuiiri-i! is a hfelo form, it is without lireiilh. Like Kzcktcl's virion nf the ilry bone, it need mhiiu one to breathe upon it that life may emtio Into it, mi iih id Impart vitality to the thinker. Ilete In Ih ui.inifest thiiollkiof tho teacher. If liiipurviui-fl in vlviiyiinc tbo sublets Inuglit could bo dispelled with, there would bo no need of cHki.iIh mill tho Vast expemuof u eonipl c.lleil sytUcm would Iih uhcIi-ss. lint such is not the cam. Ills services aro ludixpcu-dhlu an I should be performed to Ilia bint of bis ability, i o., witli gnat ability. Not alouu "IiiiuM the sulij.-ct' us presented in text hooks be prepared fur llie child, tluit he may nias'cr ihcm, but tho glow and warmth lit-longing to them should lie milled by llie leather, eouve.vlng uu interest that tiny would not oihurwiKi havii. Itiri noedlom to say that tliu in. lorut must lirnt ariso in tliu mind of llie teacher. , Again, a certain uiniintnf supplementary work is to bo added to the course. Utile, things that could not ho Included, things which the teacher hat thoiiulit about and muttered. All Midi wink, however, must be in the Intent scm-o supplementary. It mitrl not. bohiilTered totmirp the rightful plnco of the icgular study. Tho school Is tho plaeo whoro tbo state l)onls ovvrlho iiiuocout forms of child- hood mid cheritdu s tliofond lioputhut tliHHi btlle ones will in diiecnuiro, ell- couraguauil promote art, education, hi vuiltiou and citizenship. Vv SS5 It has been wittily said of the martyrs that thev were people who were cannon aded while they lived and were canon ized when they were dead. The same tiling might be said of many a woman, who has been cannonaded by censures and criticisms while she lived and can onized as a saint after death. Husbands don't mean to be small and selfish. But they can't understand the sufferings which come with debilitating drains, irregularity, inflammation, or ul cemtion of the sensitive frnmlc o gans. Thousands of happy women pay trib ute to tile wondcrtuf change in" their lives effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is not a cure all. It has a specific purpose, in the cur ing of diseases peculiar to women. It cures these diseases perfectly. Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce free by letter. Each letter Is treated as a sacred confidence, privately read and promptly answered. All answers are in plain envclooes. Address Dr. R. V. i Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. I "My health It much Utter lnce I have been J uilntr Dr. Tierce'a mrdldnei." wrtlea Mra. Cora I II rook . of Mortln, Franklin Co., Oa. "After having a micnrriagc in If 95. I (iifTered with a rain Id my left lde and a lingering cough which i-rew woneand wonc, I ued Wine of C , but It only gave me t'lnpornry relief I.ail pring I got nut doing an thing and my hna band went to the drug (tore and called for Wine of C and the merchant recommended I)r Pleree'a Favorite freKriptlon aa tetter, tn he bought one bottle. I began to take it at directed In the namnhlit wraDoed around the hctllc The book laid If the ciseakc wa complicated wun cousn to uke Dr. Derce'a Golden Medical Dltcoverv and ' Favorita Preicriptlon' ntternately. Mr nrooka got the 'Golden Medical DlicovcrW and I took It directed. The cough left mr at onre an1 I got better m ranldly rv huiband waa attnnithril rt my Improvement. I xY atx bottle, of the t.-o meolclnea. Inmnowable ko wok man no inc win r log lor two famllle."J Daikest Russia Tonight Which Is nno nf tho strongest pro Inc- ilnna i.r.iEuiili il Itatp.a tlitj kStilb111 )llllll llflin IMTI IIIMI I tl' llll'' I" !" theater gnirK havo a treat in store for them tonight, when the I-.dw in t. ,lep win Coiup.inv will pieM-nt their elal"" ram priMluellon of ' D.ukest IttisiiL "Il ! will lie. Interpreted by a cant of most ea pnhlo weople. It is mid tmt the tla e M'liingi are very eliilkirute. Thin play ta nni Ultll HIllMflwl fill ItM eVIlltll (Oil pti'titlvo Minn. Not only is llieru a Into and enmedv inlorest in this play .but ills one of many ctrnnglv drawn 'd-aniaticH'eiies, and m happily basil 1eeil rnnMruolPil, that it progreSHe, from a highly wnrkrd-iin cituation ton Into epbode, and tlien tflldm into ronie '.1.. II.... .....I Ai.mitll.nllili lit, u tiaflfriil and eacy fi quenee. It Is a play of never flagging Interest, and haves much with an audience to bn pleasantly remem bered lomt alter the lights have gone out on its final wne, M It Smith. Hutu runt. Mich., savs "DoWitt's l.ittlo Early Uifers aro the very Ix-ft pill I ever used for wi-tive necs, liver and liow el truiiblos." Stones Drug Mores. The Hungry Are Pea And men are made happy by enjoying the good ilinnors and other meal sorveil nt all hours at tho St. Khuo lteoUunuit. Hilda Hnhson'B arrrst at Corvallis war not unprofitable. After sho was released snipalbiers tpntrihylod 5 or 8 to her. Statk ok Ohio, Citv or Toledo, M I.L'CVS Cou.ntv. 1 Fit am: J. Ciikskv makos oatli that 1 ho ts the henior partner of the lirm of r- t J Ciikmsv A Co., doing laisiuei-s 111 the City of loledo, County and Mate afore raid, and that said linn will pay tin sum of OXK IIUXDUKI) IOLLAK; for em h and every ca-e of Catarrh thai j cannot bo cmed by tho use of Hall's Catakkii Cohb. .... FRANK J. CIIKNKY riworn to lieforn 1114 and snb-cri'ied In my prvHmco, this Oils day of December, A. I. IMtJ. . . A. W. GLKAHON, j skal '7 . Notary 1'ublic. j Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Internally j and acts directly on the blond and mu cou surfaces '! the system, bend for lestiniouiulK. free. . I K. J . CH K.N BY & CO.. Toledo, 0. fVild by linigglrts, 163, I Hull's Family Tills are tho lest. V Ji M pn Ai J; - "He That Any Good Would Win" Should fiare good health. 'Pure, ttcli Uocd Is the first requisite. Hood's Satsa parillA, by skiing good blood And good health, has helped nunvAitiAnio success, besides giving sttengtn And courage (o women -who, before (Aklng U, could not even see any good i life to wln. JwodA aUa)Wiat Tho bomlmcn of V. II. Domini, tbo Sweet Home Postmaster, lmvo setlhtl lili phortimn and taken tho Govern ment's receipt. FiannjRnsusnxitniisascsuasijnxcsitcvsiisuixtj TBwwm 0w m mmttdf, Ki-MiHaNrK P!LLS Cure Pain in the Stomach and Distress After Eating. 10 cents and 25 cents Druggists 8 "I used ICodnl Dvsnopila Cnro In my family with wonderful reullH II gl"i imiunllato rclh'f, (a pleasant to taku and in trulv the dyspeptic's best friends." hiivs E. Ilartgeriuik, Overlsel, Micli Dfcests what you nit. Cannot fail to lo euro. Stones Drug Stores. THEN HE SWORE. Philanthropic East Portland Doctor Cruelly Swindled Out of $5. Tho Oregoniau tells how a clever swindling M'hcino wits worketl 011 tho Kiint s.ilo a few days ago. A woman carrying n baby called at tho resilience of Dr. Miller, and with many tears told a long tale of woe. Slios.ild sho was the mother of II children ami that she and her hupbaud bad just arrived in the city without a cent of money. Finally she pro. I need a set of knives nnd spoons which sho said wcro solid silver. They ware of groat value, but sho was obligi d ti'part with them nnd would taku 15 for tho 'ot Tho good doctor nnd Ids wife could no'. reels t hernppenl.especially as tho nrlicles seemed to be worth at least $L'0, so they coughed up tho live, congratulating themselves that the op portunity had come to them, rather than to some of tho neighbors, to do an act of such kindly phlhiiitrophy and getsuchn bargain at tho nimo tlmo, thus laying up treasures in lxth worlds atonco. Later. It occurred to tho doctor to havo tho stuff tct-tcd and tic.' found tho lot to 1ki thinly plated on brass and worth ubout 76 cents. To-Nlgnt and To .Morrow Night, And each day una night during till" week vtm can ucb at any druggist' lCuuii N llihuiii fur tile I'lmi it, nnd Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho tin mi xHcte-sftil remedy ever so 1:1 ftu Cough.". Croup, HronuhlllM, Asthma 11 nil C'onMiinpiliMi. Hut 11 I), ttlu lo dty mid keep ILulways In tliu homo von linn cli'M'.k your cold tit uuii'i Price 2Sc mid fiUc. SiimplulHitllu free, eml.Vw Shake Into Your Mioes . ii t I- ... ! - 1..- ri -.. alien " i'ihiit.iipi', 11 Hinuur, ii uurea painful rmartliig, nervous feet and in itrowiug mills and liiHtuntly tho liiigout nf torn and bun oiis. It's .1... ......llllLl .... (. ,ll.tlt...l. fl link III,, $l,,r. I'Miiim,,,.,.-.j w i(,(i ago Allen's Fonl-Eu-o makes tlylit or new flioch ft el eii-y. 1 1 is a eeriaiu cure for pwcatlug, c.illuiiN and hot tire, aeh inif fi-et. Tiy it todny. Solil by all druggists and i-lino stores. Ity mall for Ju ill stauiM. I'mtl p.ii'kiiu'O FltlK Vddress Allen S. O ni'leil, lAiltoy, N, Y OASTOXlIA. Bears tks IhJ Klod Yoil Hatl Wr$ BflUjM J. Wesloy Savagti who was drowned at Calhlamet iccently, waa a sou of Margaret ba vago, of Albany. ......ijiiiini. Gray Hairm Can be Deferred Premature gray haln usually are the effects of careleunesa. If tbeacalpltkept free ot dandruf! and properly nourished and alrengthened, gray lialra would be un utual before the age of forty or torty-nve. There l no remedV in cxlitcnce that wlU reatore color to gray balra j but the Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner, If applied according lo direction contained In each package, will positively defer gray hairs until nature comix's their appearance. There are today thousands of American men and women, who have revived the d)lng encrglca of their hair through the faithful use of these simple and natural remedies. Sold by leading dealers. 4pewwrwwwwen"w OASTOITIA. Bean tie si w Kin Wmrs BOwjM Tho fine new hotel at (i rant's Pass is neiring completion. It will be oxuied n about two weeks. SORE LUNGS Q.iia lunr 1. naln In tho chost and pain rni hrnntfiinp- nm oulcklv relieved and Blioveu curel by the old - w -.,,i.r by the ola reiiauio specine, ur null's Couirh Bvrun. This remark ablo remedy breaks tip a cold In one night ana Is, without aouoi, mo very best medicine for all affection of tho throat and lungs. It haa cured thon sands and will cure you. Itneverdla appoints. Try It at once. Dr.Bulls Cough Syrup Will quickly heal Sore Lungs. Dosca arc (Mall and pCeatanl to lke lxctors rccoaoead It. tntt is ttult. M aU druggiau. Muslcale. The program as niven lat Thursday; niglilliy Missis lleillia llublunl and Nettin JJccknor and Fred R. Waters, In tho studio of Etta Anders Wlllman was appreciated by a select audience. These programs aro for tho benefit a pupil gets from frequent public playing, and for tho plennure of thoso who appreciate tho work of advanced pupils. By request, somo part of tho program of last Thurs day will bo repeated at tho noxt recttat. Tho dates aro always announced and the public invited freely. SSw -m L.M Hard Wheat. It requires bard wheat to mako tho host flour. If you want to salixfy the whole family including tho cook buy llickreall Flour. Oj3L.STC30ETt.XurV.. Dean tt Blgsaton of , ma Mna ma mw mi Tha Kind Yon Haw Ahwrc Bought Mrs. Harriet Kvans, Hiusdate, III., writes, "I never fall to relievo my chil dren from crimp at once by using One MiiiiiIh Cough Curn I would nut feel -afe wlihout it." Quiikly cures coughs, colds, gripK) null all throat and lung diseases, tiloues Drug Stores. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen. Ind., savs, "DoWitt's Littlo Kurlv ltisei-s always bring certain relief, euro my beadschu ami never gripe." They neatly cleanse ami invigorate tho bowels and liver. Qbviiuo uiug oiuiiua. Tho best of all Pills aro IIukciiam's. To sccuro tho original witch hmol salve, imk for DoWitt's Witch Hate) Salve, well kunwii sh a certain cure for piles nnd skin dlceases. How aro of worthless counterfeits. They aro dan gerous. Stones Drug Stores. Charles rrcssnal fell from a roof of llrewcr Henry Host's house, while painting it, in Dakcr City, receiving serious Injuries. Ho will recover Wasting Arc yotv ncrvousf, restless, pale and easily tired? Per haps the scales can tell you why. If your weight is below your average, that explains it. Scott's Emulsion is a fat producing food. You soon begin to gain and you keep on gaining long after you stop taking it. For all wasting diseases, in both young and olu", it is the one standard remedy. inc. ami t'.cn, Mdrurttni. SC0TT& HOWN'K Nw Ymk. ALWAYS TO THE FRONT, The Journal Leads ibe Van as in the Past. Wo not only (rivo tho Wbekly Jouit nai.. tho best local nnd ami general weekly in tho U'illainettu valley for ft per yeir. but at reat cost levvu mailo urmiiKcimmtH by which wu now not only furnish the Ik'sI cenenil paMr. but alio tho lnfl farm Journal uu tho I'aeillc eoast lIureaflurTiiK.louitNAi. ami the I'aeillc Farmer can b" (nrntcliti-i at '2F per viae, each IhiIiik a llrst clans Dollar weekly of Its kind. Tho Farmtir ba bfi'li tin re'Otfiiiteil leiiilnr In iicrlnill it rn I matters in tho iiurthwusl for thlrlv years. In these two paMrs you will itet the aict I'nrtlauil ami local market reports. Horticulture l siren thn prominence that tliuirrrai ilrwrro Dalrymon r tdcr mnr larorraatlnn in. in iu culumui tuu Iruia any ollinr wiurtf, , Tho Ornnfiro liaailMlnsuUhcil Itaa tliflr of.. Ilil niaati. ami all larin onranliatliHia alum uu can utiwiHl Ui im ttun to tliuirliiii-n.l. Hop Man Hint tnauy raluabls polata and tug. solium. In It Shoop, Goat, and Gonoral Btook Man Ukvii li) tiif Uiuiiiu fur tuu in luiuilin nmti.iita ibrreiu, Poultrymon know II in Ui itio onlr wreklr in ini hi lion that makes a k.-ciI)' u( Ihm braiicli i. faruilus, . Boo Men liaieCoiiinl It I h only rwper that niakr aitr riuuuua ul wosins; aiMr llirlr linerou. Aarloulturo laallnflu branches U treated bjr iroctul wrlieia. No offer liko this over appeared before. Tho Wkkkly .Iouiinal nno year, for no I'any -t iiiiiiiiiih) ami tuu racuic Farmer only f 1.20. AddrtiHi. Hokkh Duos, Kaleui Ore. The Klito Studio s first class in all lis npMilnliueuts. Always up to ditto In hiu, Hxhtiuvc .nnd llnlidi, now styles, modeiaiu prices, high clans work. Cor tier Comiuereial ami Court street. if Ongon Sliou Line Railroad Tho Direct Itouto to Montana, Utah, Qolorado and a. I Fastcrn Points Gives choice nf two favorite routes, via tho UNION JWCIl'IO Kast Mall Line, or tho ltlO UltANUE Scenic Liiws. No Change of Cars. 0 1 the Portland'Chlcaiso Bpeclal, "the n.iest in tho Went.' Equipped With Ele?ant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary Tourist S eepers Suerb library-Buffet Cars Splendid Dinners, 'Meals a la carte v cree Reclln'ng Chair Cars Cumfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire T ain Complete'v Vestibuled For further information apply to C.O.TKHItV. W.U CdslAN, Tntv. l'a.s, Agt, Gun'l Agent CURE YOURSELFl ! ui fia w iAihtMitr I MlMturarliiUawu.tU44 lllirlllcu. r. vlrlkx -Ol'MCuak mhwssm J pJukM. aa-l'SH.I Sinn lTur..'.tRKneriini ! "H'' itiOSSlUO "" "' "- r sral In Ula frf tiliai. MrKM..tat IUM. .rlU liln, fl.T. UrsiiUr ut a nania smLkw.. m fMW i.iusoi.1 &JBV U.b4 SJ ffctfff MC t.flwn ' . v, s. i. jmT wSJSSSSSSaSsSfiSSSiSiSSSSSiii'Xil 7imSSS!?3JS3f?WSJSNN Tlio Kltul You Ilavo Always Bought nnd which 1ms bocu In uso for over 30 years, 1ms homo tho s!gnatnro of ami has hcon mmlo tintlcr his pcr- tr jjAfflijfi'A sonnl supervision Blnco Its lnfhncy. usrry. -COcAiM Allow no ono to ilccclvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-good" nro huo Expcrlincnts thnt trlflo tvlth nnd endanger tho health of Infants nud Children Experience against Exporhncnt. What is CASTOR IA Oastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor other Narcotic substance Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroyo "Worms nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Dlarrhoon and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It nsslmilntcs tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho CLayfSAi The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC aCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MUT TMtT, HIW YOUR CfTY. HBATING! STEAM, HOT AI R, HOT WATER, Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially andjit honest prices. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. S BURROUGHS, 102 State St, Phono I5II MANHOOD RESTOHED SfcV.r,.TS5ffiK5 rme.IyKiiaraiitfltoriircall nervuiia iliMaxa, mclia Weak Memory, llcailclit,Wkrullnes.l.ot Manlioo.1, Nlelnly ltml loni. hervousness, luatuf iwwcrln Generative OrKJiu, chiimiI by v-p'i liful errori. excesalye use of Atlraulaiita wiii.h lead to InflriiillyorliiMnlly. Can l.rcirrieil In vest pocket jM.irwr ijx'.? for I i l,y,,nal' PWI' Cltculir free. All ilniralma. Take no other. Manufactured by tlie feau MedlclueCo.,lrKI'niiicc. v.uuc-Ua via Drue Co. JlstrlbuUoj ugents, 1UIKD Ann YAMHILL bTS.,I,OSTLA ftp, OSCOOM FOR S A FilC V I). .1. F I tY. SAMCM. OltHHON. Bicycle Repairing Tim iiinlprsluneil havo fltlcil up A ui.iclilne nud repair simp willi new machines, new tools, and have power anil exmrlelire with wh'ch tnilnllri't-claHM work. Ma chine work and bicycles repmred at slinrt notice, at fair prices Your putruiuiKo solicited. 3 3-tl Edgar Bro? 63 Stete St. Willamette Stable Tliu undersigned aro no w occu py IliK the VVillalneltuHtablo" south Commurcial street ami (are ready to biro you a nice ti or feexl ami catu for youi tran when In Halvm. Horn's batrited by tho week. HatMactlou guar anteed, Your patronage solid, ited. 'J l'J If. Harold Reynolds, HRODU'JE BUYERS. H.S.GILE4C0 Wliolcsale Fruits, I'roduco, etc Salem, Oregon. Ollicoj Insur ance block. M'liono IKJ1. Wnr li'iiiM), at Wallace warehousM HALK1.L laODfJKs H J W VV Halem Camp No. IM. Moon rorf Krldy ami re. 1A. ill A. O 0. W ball, Huts Iiii. bMa V t Uoulllrrd, r. C. W, A. Morta, clerS, r, 'HoiwvaUk I'UKKbTKHM OK A MIC UIU A (Vjurt siiruvl Kio l so. it. Uru iiuity nlsbu la Turtter blook, Jol.u il Oiaae, (1. It A, U Umwn'Vn-x. II 17 Mr MKAT AND I'OUI.fltY. B. K. MDWAKDI. M. C MATYIIKWM. Edwards it Matthews, houutRy1 MARK BT Mve sets, nes retreat. Kie.litsi am best incal.. vi pa o aay I keep lb' lxl rrrataln town r 1 The German Market WIHMm found alhkiuds of meat ami.thelbcst of Musaire. VHV.V, IIKIUVKHY. Allbllls due th iW Vtm of. Wolt IA Mkeacke must be paid. CDOL.Z &.SON 171 CoiLtmercutl tiU H Signaturo of A Shirt Talc Wo must toll von evov vveok when wutullbow oxipilnituly wo launder' I I'our lino linen suirts, as wen iih iiii ar. cuffs ami wohIcus. Your linen ami shirts aru bundled by us tu a most eareliil mannur ami aru th'UUH of beauty when they have that IrteproHi liable color nnd per hit ilnlrii en tl im, vvhkh liuniml this laundry famous. Sa'em Sinam la ndry CIIMI.NKI. J. (II.MMTKVII I'llOI'IIIKTllll. llOltllt'S 1). 0LMSTKAI), l(llt. . riioiiu-Hl, 'U Liberty Street Soo Pacilic Lino. Lowest rates Best service Tu ami from all points Kaxt, and Kiirnpe. The only lluu running through Wist Cars to SL I'm Tor dIo Jlunlrca HoitoD. Without Chango. ltoyal Mall Hteanishlp l.lno U Japan and China. Canadian and Australian Hteamship l.lno to a For rates'aml Information apply to 0. M. LOUKWOOH Auont, hulolu Ore. II II Awott, Aircnt, Portland. K J.Cuylo, A (l.r.A, Vancouver II C HasjMskfMMjn jj Oforiinv I'M i ioof the follow mit loutcseatt fliiyurjull fuumu iconic ultriiclliit' O It, & N , via Oden and I'onver- Hlmstu Unuto viiijjiacruuicnlo, Uu. den and Denver. hliiMii ll'iute via BauramtMitii Mnjnr K iiuf('ieriiiu. A (Inly line ul turi.uuli PULLMAN I'ALACK nml TOUUIHT hLI'.KI". KIIm. sun Kr.imilM'o mid Los Aiimu elliClllUJIk''l till" U jThe Short Line ' from southern Callfornl't To the East. Annlv In fliu iiirentsof ftbe O H. tN.O H L, Kottthuru I'aeillc. vr uudcMl jneil. fur fulil'it and rlptlvc llieMlure. .1 j. fienersl Ajeut, Worusttr Uldf. l'ort:ad Kit. Canadian Pacific By lllllll uIuaiidAustrali IIIIMNE.SS CAItfiS. C. JH. CDACK Sa:oeuer to Dr.). M. Kerne, old WliiK Co nn,b'aljm, Or. Parties desiring iuptlui fierati on at moilrratr fees In anjr Watch r 11 especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. riione 1071. ROOMS I AND It, OKAY 1ILK. a A, RUBLRTS, Bicycle Repairing, I Umbrella ninldnnaml (ieneral repairui)t. I tOB Stnte btroot. l-s Phono 2870 Old PXSaloon S. C. SIXGLIOTAltr rnceiaMir la Kiel tluulet. Choicest munis In nil Hues. Op (mite II. .lei U llluiii. tie. 'MO-tf ASJiAf OFFICE AND LABORATORY. No. 71 Chcmckcta st, J. II T. 'lll'lHILL Assuyor JB. JP. JONES, Attornoy-nt-Law Toloito, Oroiion. Wm Clerk of Circuit Court for tlx year anilrmi an uituilalo aUtrmt of all ruvrkr in Lineoln eiiiuitr ll-lira ISa OFFICE, CITY HALL. For water burvlec imply at tifllce. Hills payublu iiiuullily Iu ihIvuijcu. Mako till complaints u I. tliu olllco. GOLD DUSr FLOUR MADK DY Tho Sidney Power Coi, SIDNF.V, OnKOOX. This modol mill has Ju.t been rtllttcd with tin InU'.l liiiiiotivl iimuliliiury. wltti .ocil ivlcr euro to me making ol liinlr faiuuus Uul.U DUST KLUUit far lauiilr uw. arf-ASk )nur linicvr lor it. Utile Willi tliu tiUm Walvr Co , Cily Hall: I). a'lUUMs, ilillvr. J M WAI.LACK, I'rcililuuu i.ainai cm Express and Transfei j MetU all mail and pauencor trait... Baj. ,age ami cprea to all pats ol tho cl) I'rompt service. I'elepbune No. 70.' Dl.syUr & K1I'T0N.D PLATlNO PHOrOS. ICnlitiKcnientH In Crayon ittitl Wutoi Color, l'lmlo UulUiiiH Aiiiitlcur (lovchiplni! ami tlniililtit: neatly tluuu. U W. 1)1 KK. MAN. Uuuowir tu h J. Ilruwn. (llU)UNU KUHIII .M.'l Commurclul M. hahtiii Orewou. S. C. STONE. M. D. i'ii.iriviinil , Sior.e's DrUci Stores HALhM. OltKdON. I nv trriti. (two In niiiiilicri are liHatvit a Xo. 14 Mint Ull ComiiHTclal lrert. ami i ell to ikiil wlili a iniiiliUi line otilrtiKian iiiiillclLta, tullcl artltk-a )rfuni'rY, brimlii H' eto.eiu. lilt. HIONK ilaahail MiniiiUAiriar Hirleiieo III llie im iwnl laullrliii'aiiil now laakea no rliarsi' f"' iiii.iilinll.iii rimnliiiiiiiiti or ern-i'rli'lliiii Putting in Modern Plumbing in new Iioiik's an I buildings, as well as milium "in nouses. Keeps us pretiy (lev 111 tbuHiiriiur. when building Is at Ihxsl tide. Our facillUes aro always eipuil to the occasion, ami wu would 111 vite builders and contractors to get es timates I ruin UHon phiiuliliiK. itas tittiiiK, steam HtlliiK, and ronlliiK befnre Koluit ItlhUW Hurt. HH UU UU UZIHirL WUIK UL TL'U1 soiiablu prices. BARR&PETZEL 214 COMMKKCIAL STKKSf. Telei.hxie No. J7I A LIFJ5 SAVED. Dr. J. K, Cook, thu Uotnnloal Spoo allst, Buoooods Whoro Other Pail, Tn whom it may cencern: This is to cortffy that Ilertha I. Cou usr, of Mt, Annul precinct. Marion conn ty, Oregon, lias sgfferixl from a cancer mis urovtb In the lull eat for about thrw yitars. TheuroHth was cutout twicu ami imrnni uuv 111110 ny Aiuauy 1 uysiciaus hut the Krmvtb came hack as bail ts ever, and paiueil her so badly thai he hail to In) taken from school. Altm ilireo week's treatment by Dr. J. K. Csk, of Male m, Uroou, the Itotaulcal Stvlalist, thu Kmvvtli untindy dit peartol, and at this date, 'mil muutlir since treatment was iwirun, tiieurowtn lias mil reapH-artMl. and thu ear has en tlrely healed leavhiKouly the wars tu dieted by tbo Albany iloetors, I bereliv certify that, the alsive stale lrnnt li abiolutly true, and 1)1 it Her Hia I' Uniiiur, thu "orsou inenlioneii In thu allldavit. haa resldeil In myfam tly s''u early childhoixl. hearing the re atlonshlp U moot niece. II 0. Lonii rJuWrlthnl anil sworn tu iMtfiue mu Ibis eTifhtb ilav of June. 1H1 'W. W I Hall, county clerk of Marlon onuntv Or""!! All illsotu'et succeaafully troatod and em water a, WANTERl nl?w-i?dHy SlYBr,,'ler"rit) few gta,rKgrr'0?tOa,Uh A" i HORSE WAHTED.-A geod strras drivlnsi horfor hlrtj,vr wilt trli fordf can mtw tertni. Call t ?. A. WlKitlp' 3Jr OuiuiudrcUl stree. 317 3t NEW WAnONH.-LIhtor heavy farm iir express vvanns, bioii'iUlu lnh-ks. bucklsiards, bungles, nw and old, eahtern and humemuih', uu hand. Any kind of a vehicle built to order at' sbuit tmtice. Work guaranteed vVerner Fennel, fclilom Waitmi Fau tory. 3(HJ Cmi. At. a-17 lino. ANY LADY WISIlK'O TO DUKS9 hl.KUANlLY Iu S.Ik Wuims Milk SktrtH, !atot cl.v lo lulls, elc. freo of cunt oilier than ihu eh2hi .ff..rt. of recinnnieliiliitii the goods to votir frleiids. I Ida Is lint xniitii't 'if'Kur-tii-iiut plan uver adopted by a rcrpoml--blu lirm. I In nk ruiereiic h, JCytil Mi rvlmi.dimi Co., 11,7-IUU Waluidt Ave., Chicago, Ills.. 3-17 it CHEW' WOOD-! 7)1 vviai-l at fl per cord Capitul Lumburiutr Co. 317 3t FOR RENT A pond flvo-room h.u,o Willi liiis-ment. uu Hiali street near Union. (JihmI wull wuler. Apply to Au. Sch'olber, 421 Illull sini'l.'t 317-tI FOo. SALE, CHEAP A qntinlltv of fence hiil(to. Impilroof A. I'. Udbert, ut Uilbort llrot b.uik. 3 til3t TOULOUSE GEESE Ten young roiilooso Ki-ese, ktood stuck, for si'ile at tho Fish uud Poultry Dcjiot, U4 Court sreet III 3l HE.N'8-Nlco yonnn hens for sab', ppteit did lavers $t purilozou. tiecund houso west of Polytechnic solio .1 liuite. 3103t. WAN IEU Women to bind ilrov shields nt humo steady vvurk; diHtaiico ihuIU advantaKu; aidiynur dealer to show von Kora Shields nml Knni Kla nose siip)orturs, Kom Bhli-hl snap on waist without sowing, bond III. forcaiiilottuu ot work. Kora Shiild Co., 62o llrooino Street, New York. 3-l2-2w WATCH L"bdr Somawhoroon Cmirt. Commercial or Center sln-eta amnali silver watch, upon (ace. Under phase leave at this olllco. 3 12 tf WHEN HaVINU Your sprint; shirts uu a,v tuniitiiii uii auuvii iv only exclusive sklrt.rn.iker In Salotn. Perfect 111 Kunrantevd, and prices rea sonable. How laud House, Corner Liberty and Court streets. 3 12 2w. FOR SALE-Twelvo freshlnTClfcowr Apjily to IJrowu & Son, East Salrm. t 8 7H WANTED A homo for a itooil strong healthy boy olht years old whore he can have his keep and ko to school. Apply ut Ihu Journal olllco. H-tltf SUITS, PANTS. OVERCOAlrt To measure. Perfect tit KUarantecd, 2.1100 stylus to soluct from. II. 8. llulle, Statu strcot.aKuut Wunuamaker & Urown, Philadelphia. 2 2! I in THE QUAKER Impwvi. spTaTeTield: IliK bath cabinet, price fa. Call 011 or address Mrs. T. It. Fairbanks or Mrs. J. A. Kdlwood, .'tat Front i-tniit, h'.ilcnt, Orettnn Exclusive aeiiU AkuIs waiiteJ. 3-2tf 10 RENT, A uootl bop yard of 'ii acre in line condition with kxhI buildiiiKS. Win, II. Kuan, drunks. 2 21 If D1D-YUU KMiW That $100 would buy a block of nearly two aires with ImprovtuieiitH, coeliux ah .ut the price. Rniiiiinx water iicmihs ono corner nice fur iioiiliry, wills or with out a 1-11111II slntk of staple gixls Uox H, Marion, Or. 2 20 lm 10 TRADE. Huiall tracts of pmviil real enlule Iu mrt paviiieut lor wuiHlciiittutf luqiilru rvauii tl. over ttillK-rt'H bank. 2 Id tf IIAKREIi PI.Y.MOTinfOTR.C.';i: ereln from tbo clioifei-t stm'k of Mill ford Haylors, ivlebralisl It. P. R p nit try farm at .New Maikel, lud. can bo hud at from f.'.fin tu f. emit. The-e birds are true to a leather and lire eillal tu Ibe lht 111 n rtjiUi, HI 470 Cum, btleut, .Nilem, Oregon. Mull Ibus. t l.-si t. I U.SB OLKVNEUi - tluuiuiiHMi Hull Lint I) iii, .in l uu iit..4b c.irio'. p.ip.irit Uiu h.i.iv foil tupor ttn 111 I'm: louimi, oiiine. jiu ( rlHnrt H t-irlr Twit bull -A liUltilvH -.a"in ll 10 rfil ia.i, u u.v a nuitu 11 w.i IMalU 'CIIIKII, ilVit IIKIlWN A -0. Notice to Contractor. Sealed bills wilt Imi recelvsl by tho Isiaroldinvlorsuf School Dirtrict No. 17, .if Iteutiiu Coiinti, tlr.K"n. until 3 iiVlihk p. 111.. ol March '.".'. IlKXI, lor Ilia rreciiou uud uiimplelloii 01 u four room rchiMil bill dllltr, ucetirdluK lu tliu plans and hieoitlcatiuus prepmed by Cliii. II. lliirKumf, Architect, Albany, (In-goii. I'liu Isiaul will cuuHdor bids ai follew: 1. Cum, .(uiu according to plain ami Mpcel Ileal ions. 2. Complete except ibe ht'utiiikC. Plans ma. lajm-euul thuoiiice of tliu clerk, W. II. Hole, I'mlomaili, iretfim, uImi at the arcliiievits utiles Al bany, Urctfou. Each bid to be accoiu luiuieil by acurtillml cln-ck for filly ilnl lars if.1il) to be lorloilod lu the iln-tnct, it bid is and bidder lads lu d u contract, and nlvo s.ilufaciury buudi lor the pi'rfurimtmx), of the same, uilicrwn-o lu be ruturueil tu the I he biard reserves the ritjlil to lei ciauy and all bids. W. 11. lt.i.ks. Cluik. Philomath, Ore., March Ji, Wist. TO THE WliB farmer, or hoe who uti'nl'pliultu ibvir gunleiis ur iluipit prmt;fWkif any k'tid 111 this I no. iinKilulJuiiuwIH Uud everything iu ttanlci and hirm tools of Ihu yftjf livattjiiality aul at thu low uitpricenttt ,jmi' .'. lj( fl. M. Wade-&Go. u .m m j;it 1 1 5.S fmmm V vwu ?tw?