-'' &r. i Mmr, uunmr 'Ldritir . ijprccp. vsximmt i nMmiuiimia'""l inn'i iiiiniMinii ummm ing floiise?. THE BOUNTY ROUND-UP YOU PLENTY OF TABLE LINEN? HAVE JUST RECEIVED X X !egant Line MMASKS in varied assort ment, such as has itever been shown for Hie prices we ask for them. TABLe j ..LINEN J How about Towels loo? Our linocan't be beat for quality or price. Noted on Soma of the Republican As pirants for Office. At the Hand of the Primaries and County Convention to lie Held This Month, OREGON MEN LOST IN ALASKA CASH STORE 25, 40, 50, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, 51.50, $1.75. $2.00 per yard. It will pay you fo look at our stock before buying. HOLVERSON'S CASH STORE 20B and OOO Cl " ' w " v ' m " COMMlinOIAI, ST, Glove Special A lot of odds and ends in button and lace KJoves; extra quality kid. Because sizes are broken the $1.50 and $1.00 ones go for 50c a pair Another lot of regular $1.00 and $1.25 quality clasp gloves slightly faded from being in window 38c a pair Examine our line of X Raffled OirfaiDs ALSO Madras Qirfains The most complete line we have ever shown from $1.50 to $10 pp. John cott lor ccunty Judge Is going to have quite u follow Ing. Hilly Savage Is tlio trusted McIIrlde farmer of Knglctrood precinct. Flngg say that tlio Fourth ward made the bed record In tho school election. I Tom Tongue stock is not going up since ho oled for tho Porto Illco tariff. Little Doc Smith is quoted as ono of McUrldo's regiment of local Major Oen era In. I Tim MiilLnv nipn antl.Mrllrlrtn .art, tnld to bo making n clean sweep of Polk county. Tho big-four first-termers In tho Court home seem to bo men ngtilnut whoto record no candldato teems willing to stand. In tho Second ward Dr. Richardson Is said to bo putting forward n cry In offcnslvo slate, said to bo antl- pui.li, of courso. Geo. P, llughclsald to bo slated lor the legislative ticket. Perhaps his niter' nuys would not mind stating whoso man 1 Hughes would bo fur Senator. it womu noqimo inicrcsnng ionavo j nt Icott ono of tlio city Push go onto tho Irglrlatlto tlikct Lou Gosncr for in stance and turn tho people loose on .him. Beaqwav, March 7. (Special corres pondence Although it has been mora than two months since Fred II. Clayton, formerly of Portland and Forest Grove, and Lynn Rrdfe and Lineman Olson strangely disappeared from Mlnto. not a clew ?s to tlio whereabouts of the men has been found, A constant search has been mado in all parts of tho Yukon baeln this side of Dawson, and not the slightest indication has been seen as to wliero tho long lost trio found their quietus, Tho Canadian Government lias had men skilled in frontier work scouring tho region, and lias 'pent a great deal of money and timo on the case. APinkcrtondetectlvenamedMcGuIro, from Chicago, lias been employed on the case of lute, and ban discovered damag ing circumstantial evidence .atfalutt O'JIrien, tho man arrested at Tagish oti suspicion of having murdered tho miss Ir.g men. MiGuIro found three f 100 bills concealed beneath a wooden plug In a runner of O'Brien's died, two f50 bills in tho butt of his revolver, and a splash of human blood and a little hair on his slrd. Captain Strickland, of tho Northwost mounted police, lately found two $30 bills concealed In the heel of a German sock belonging to O'Urlon. Not long ago0'UrIen was taken from TagUh to Selkiik to bo tried on the chargo of stealing from scows along tho ricr. It Is understood that ho will be taken to Dawson. In tho trip from Tnulsh 1 e was manacled to a sled, and escorted by tvo policemen. PROM IN PRUNES. Quality of Oregon Prunes Conceded to Be Superior. Growers Must Study Market Conditions and Pack Their Kruit to Suit Consumers, DRAINAGE CANAL CAUSES FLOODS. J. J. DALRYMPLE &. COMPANY U Ifalcta Cleaned Main c rings And Iho work Is dono In first clnss work. niRiishlp-likn manner. Wo can safely say that wo hovu the largest run o'f wbicii repairs in litis city, fu the nasou win wukivo nrneim work at reason uio cuaryos. 'tins department In in; storo la on a continuous Inctoste whldi is a proof of tliu puhlio'ti kntlelALtluu. All work Is warranted. CH-JHLINGBS lXI'lIirOITKUN. n COMMIClOtAU NT Next door (o lloheroii' Sumpter 'Mines. Tickotstontl nilnltiff Imvin H.uiLnnn Hiker City, Moscow, Han Francisco ami all other point, llairgago checked, through saves money. Uuy M. Power's uiiiuo iuoi irauu street. There aro two kinds of candidates In tlio struggle nt tlio Salem primaries: muse with swelled neau ana thoso witii swelled fiet from running after the olllco. County Jtidgo Terrell will bo a candi date beforo the Itopuhllcan cuiinty con vention and will hao moroola follow ing than somu of his opponents give him credit for. WKATHKfi nitponr. Tonight and Thursday fair.' X. liPTtL ARRIVALS. T 2-8 tin, Tho light for sheriff promises' to bo a very warm one. Tho country bojs aro Talfirof MnrJeny, Wltzell of Turner, and Cooiwr. Wain, Dllley and Murnliy 'ol the city. Spring Shoes Ladies' Tans and Black Kid the Latest Lasts, at Reduced Prices. Men's Farm and Dress Shoes in best stock at prices below competition. JACOB UOGT 95 Statu St. .,, WILUMKTrit. A. P. Macklo, San r-rancisoo. I. N. btvelf, Bumpier, Or. P. 1 Richmond Htn Francisco. J, J. leiiwe, Now York, Mrs. 1,. Knight, Portland. V. H. V iicviil. Poriluiul. 1 rank Bprolt, IlilUboro. Win. MkxIov, Portland. 0 M. Kiiiikm, PoilUud. Onciir liuytur, Dallas. II. Who, Portland. W. i:. 'Ihouws, Hiayton. J. II Klbbou, Portland. J. U Tlniiiiiu, Purllaud, . I. 0. Terry, Hpokuno, Wash. .Mrs. I. 0. lwiry. Huikaiio. Wash. The Kilty Studio Is first clars In all its npiMiiniiiiuiiis, Alwav up to date In w, lighting and iliiUh, now stvles, muduruiu prices, high clius work. Cor ur CoiiiiikiuIuI mm Court slaut. tf What Unlurlans llilltvii. NoxlSuiiduynlghi.at Unity church, ltiv. Copvlaiid will begin u couru of flu itcturea 011 "What Unitarians ltullue,"uiid will treat ol tliu lllblo as Viewed by Unitarians. Judge Hubbard ami John Scott will divldolhn city deli gallons for county Jmlgo. John McNary thinks that tho convention will nominate Hilly Iliinlioy, 01 llrletoudushcy. Tho lllg Pour In tho Fourth ward: Gntch fur congress, Wain for sheriff, Hubbard for county Judge. Flagg for li-ultluto'. All nro fur No. 1 and an un pledged delegation. I Tho Donald MeKa)-Hlmon-Corbtiltor j regular wing of tho Itepublkau patty sve 11 1 to lime no opposition in Mult nomah county, or tho Joint distriUs tied up with Multnomah. Two Spanish war dermis aro In tho swlm-l.leul. Mlirnhv of Salum fur sheriff and Cupt. lWniuu ol Woodhurn for tho leglelatiire. Tliu latter is suid to be nccuplable to tho gold standard Ite-publleaus. CntcAoo, March, 14. Tho most seri ous ilood in yiars is raging in the Illinois ltior, the Dcspldlncs River Is nlinost ready to leave Ita banks, hun dreds of farms down tho valloyarein undated, and a number of canal odlclals In Chiiago were deluged today with tela grams of complaint that the trouble Is due to the druliisgo canal. Tho sudden than ing of vast quantities of snow has nilcd all the tributaries of tho Illinois and Desplulucs It horn. At Itivertldu j(t night thu water was within a few inches of tho top of the spillway, and was rising steadily, Within 21 hours tho siren m has risen 10 feet abovo nor mal, and nulled In a torrent toward the druluago cnnul. In Recorder Court, Chas, Stuiiton was arrested last night for riding hli Llcjclo without 11 light. Ho upiieured before Recorder Judah this morning and paid his llttlo old fl'.GO. Two boys aged about 15, named Mc Donald mid Tichnor, were brought bo foru Ricurder Judah this morning, by Chief of Pollen Gibson, who happened looorhiur them Insulting and ollitr- wise uuusing Win. Huiiiburg tho Ger man shoemaker. 'Iho thief brought the bo)s beforo the recorder to bo rebuked and admonished. Recorder Judah "rem! the riot uct" to them, as well as the oidiuaiico covering their offense, and warned them against further contluu. unco ol such practices. In conversation with Jas. Wlnstanley nt iim f) It. (i. A. another tdeco of testimony was developed of tho super, that lorlty of Oregon prunes over those ol California. Murine tho season of 198 Mr. Wln stanley sent ti England samples of our prunes, both Italians and Petite, with a view to making a laro shipment. For good reasons the deal was not coniim atcd, but tho quality of the fruit mado a favorable and lasting impression upon tho parties to whom tho s.tmples were Bent. This is shown by a letter received a few days aw by Mr. Wlnstanley from tho dealer with whom ho was In cor- rerpondenco beforo, Mr. John Gandyp of Warrington, an old acquaintance. Mr. Gandy, who is a large dealer In fruit, speak of the California prunes which he Is handling, and says that they are the finest ho has over seen except ing tho samples sent by Mr. Wlnstanley. This shows that the quality of our prunes spsaks for itself and that in that one jioiut we havo tho adyantago of tho California growers. All that Is required to put tho pruno busiiieis of Oregon upon a paying buds is Intelligent action among thu groivcra thomscl7cs. Tho prunes must be prop erly Ircatod, and, what Is ol fully at much importance, they must be prop erly packed In conformity with the Ideas prevailing in the markets whero the prunes are to bo sold. wi'imm mi our (write place tlicin In fincy packflges. Tho grower, orsomo organization in his interest should do this work and reap the benefits. It Is now dono to a great extent by dealers, who buy irim graded and packed in the "hit or miss" Oregon style, rcgrade and repack it moro than doubling tho price, and got, more for their work than tho grower got lor Imth his work and his fruit. fallfninln has learned tlieeo thing", n wcllns some others, In regard to tho fruit business and tho result is that California prunes are known -and used by millions of people who are not aw aro Oreiron nriines are superior in Shoes and Dry Goods at Less Than Wholesale Cost Closing out the stock formerly Willis Bros. Auction sales Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 2 p. m. Only a few days more in which you can buy goods at .! Cnw Mif Itpunco liic noorltf c.nA 1 everyway and perhaps never heard that your OWII pilLC, iui uu. ..v.v... ..a- ..w. v pucu, ana fog prunes win grow in Oregon at mi. c (y C0UUC acting upon ttie suggestion or jealous merchanit This is a matter In which tho organ!- , . .. . ... ., , . "l5i zatlanof tho pruno growers can bo of reltlSeS tO ISSUe XK illiutiiei ui .tiiuw iiic tu :cil my OWn i00d at auction unless I pay 400 per year. Now is the time to buy good, latest style goods for less than wholesale cost. Fine silks, velvets, 'dress goods, corsets, eloves, underwear, hosiery, laces and embroideries. vast assistance, and one ol tho first ob jects should bu the dissemination among growers of Information ns to the con ditions in the markets in which they de?iro to cell their product. A SALEM MAN WEDS Jordan Purvlne, of This City, to Marry a Corvallls Lady. Jordan Purvlne, the popular calcsman at Kraiisso Uroi.. left today for Corval lls, where ho will bo united In ninrrmgo to Mrs. Emma L Walker, of that city Mr. Purvlne is ono of Salem's popular young business men. Mrs. Walker Is ono of tho leading ladles of Corvallis, and Is well known in tho musical clrcka of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Purvlne will return to Salem In nfew days and will take up their residenco In this city. Isadore Greenbaum 1st Door South of the Post Office. Lost Ills Son. A. W. Forsjtho, well known nt Salem as agent of tho Hankers' Life Insurance 1 Company, of Ues Moines, Iowa, went t irottuh Salem last night en route to Sin Francisco, on receipt of n telegram j announcing that his littlo sou had been j accldently killed. Ilin line unt nlionl A stylo of packing which may suit tho, .ilrnn . ni,i llnlnp,i i ...it,,. nn,i .., Salem market, may bo really tho bct their only son. bv;iu 111 uiu nuiiu, uui u cunnoi auuru to enter the educational field and at tempt to train the rost of ttio world to our Ideas. Prunes In dirty sacks may be Just as good to cat as prunes in decorated cartons; they may In fact conform moro nearly to the "neck of After Salem Hogs, County Stock Inspector Tnylo. was in tho city today. He Is looking up some ol tho places vv Ik re sw ill-fed hogi nro fattened without proper sanitary ngula-tlons. uiri-tneory; uut wnen wovvlsh to salt j , prunes to people who will not buy the in ' To Wed, In sacks or In bulk at any reasonable A marrlnim lirximn nn lunmi i,t,... price, but will pay a fancy price f.r for Chas. V. Fleher aud Flora A. Clioa them In fancy packages, It would bo.ney. 7500 roils of 1900 Mall lDaer! HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED. COME AND SEE SEE IF WE CAN'T PLEASE YOU AS WE HAVE PLEASED HUNDREDS OF OTHERS F. W. HOLLIS & CO. 1st Door North of Post Office. GENERAL JOE WHEELER The Racycle The Racycle Bicycle Has Arrived X, 2C I WANT EGGS TO SHIP TO THB NORTH, FOR X A GOLD To tlio Asylum, Sheilff B. 0. Hoxton, of Wnico county, notion brought Peter Ilium to tho by for trt'ttlmeut. Undo John Davit is not it man who Is allowing the advocates of a county Poor Farm to precipitate him into haalv That widow with thu two blir m I u ui to- Iwuquots shall never go toupooihguto II He can help It. THAT COMES KLONDIKE FROM t v THE A FOR GOLD, NOME. THAT COMES GATHER THE FROM X A EGGS AND TAKE! HEM TO EPPLLY. HE WANTS 100.000.000 or TrIEM. X A X A DON'T FORGET Uo carry a small stuck of FLOUR, BRAN. AND SHORTS,1 1 If Captain IWuian goes to thu Irgls 1....-.. t... . . 1. . .. . . Hiiiiu m in)i no wi 1 try to no one thing; Get the money rufuuded Hint the Second Oregon boj had to pay for suits that they had been owning an J mending and wearing for seven veurs. Hilly Clark and McKli.lcy Mitchell A kilt. I an I,.. .11...II. .... t t Ma,l i AHu,..., 1 ... -'"' " "P nervals pro- I..:.. "'" i'",l""J " oinet M usual, llolh Meilnde. "Mu" lTViuii jiiiunirMy ouu uk U a Ko,M follmv. but l.l.i.nt. II..W.. , . ---.....-.....,, Circuit Court, Judge lloiiu this morning made a few entries on his docket as follews: A. Hindi vs. MattluA. I'm rial), ot ah. fonclosiiie; decree. John fcaviigo, Jr., vs. W. D. Mohnev. otul., receivership. Decree ai jor sllpu-lullons. New Cllixens, Carl UuatalT Wols. a native ofGor. many, and John Stvrber, a native of Auntriu, have been admitted to cltlion-tlup. DDAIOCO nr nil hi a r- . . . . rn"'ouvj rc-nu-iMM rUK UAIAKRH. srAXjrrifrr? Ki&:--m2mBm ....,, , ,, .Mllnr u"'- rmuBii ., Jtir. iiKKl,i:u-S CIIAItGU AT SAX JUAN IllLI.. Uryan In Oregon It Is thought that ltran may speak at Salem March L'titli, but not jut certain NtlTICK. Any ono having any ultlnn ugalnat muur my emto. plotiv prot cut tin m tn me 11 in m illy, or to tlu epimty olurk of U iron 01 uuy hi()ro thullmtiliyof April, llnir Wiikiu 3 II ltd It M.iJ.r Ueueral Joseph Whoelor,com maiiilliiK iho cavalry forces In front of Santia- 1 aud the author of "The San Uapi campaign," In siwaklng of tho grortt ftitarrh remedy, Po-ru-na, says: "I Join with Senator Sulllran. Itoaph antt MoUnery lu tholr good opinion of Pu-ru-iu. It la rocommonded to mo hv thono who havo uid It as an excellent toulo and particularly otlootlv o a a cure for catarrh." United Statoa Senator MoEnory. lion. S. D. MoRncr, United State Senator from Louisiana, say the follow Ing lu regard to Po-ru-na t "Pe-ru-na U an oxeellont inni,. i havo used It sulUelenUy to aay that I belleTu It to bo all that you claim for It. -H. D. MoEnory, Nw Orleans, LouUl- United States Senator Sullivan. "Ideslro to say that I havo been tak ing Po-ru-na for somo timo for catarrh, and havo found It on oxcellentmcdlclno, giving mo moro rcllof than anything I havo over takcn-W V. Sullivan, Ox ford, MIm." United States Senator Roach. "Persuaded by a frlond I havo used l c-ru-na as a tonic, end nm u, ..... t fy that It ha groatly helpetl mo Is strongth, vigor and appetite. I havo been advised by friends that It Is re markably olllcaoloiu n. n -n ,. .,.. almoat unlvorsal coinninin, i. kot''"1"' K0nC,,, Lar,more :N0,I, Da- A free look on catarrh sut to onr d. reM by The Po-ru-nn DrugM'ttrCo, Columbua.OMo, If you are thinking of buying a wheel, come in and see us, It is the latest and most improved on the market. G. A. ROBERTS 105 State Street Salem. fmnnn I J R ROGERS, WIIOLKSALB AND ItETAIL. IFine Wines, LiQooRb, Cigars1 I 218 COMMERCIAL SIREEI, 160 STATE STREET. t Courteous trontmnnr nf nil l .10?. PO.IIHT CTDCBT BlIMyilliMlliillM L. M. KIRK. Gram Hay Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material. Ltm: , Cmcnl, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored wagon Scalcs,c(c ali.-ntiou given u the delivery of goola to any put 11.K.11 Pruuipi ami earcfu of the eltv. to a lun-iii ow ,,,1, iMM Uia iiMMilry, and savu )oursumll vlmimo. Salum Flouring Mills Co. a-u-vui G ARDFN SAND LOAM. HHUIIM7.BUS. L). S. HUNTLIIY & CO. Now I tho tlma UIO Front . Table Fruits' Our Flag" Brand ! YELLOW FREIiPUACHRS DLUB R.DUON PIIBB I'UACIICS DLunmoiJONnAmi.m pdars "COLUMUUS APRICOTS CREUN OAGU PLUWS DX1KA QUALITY S I ItAWDBKItmS BXTRA QUALITY ULACKUHRRIUS PRUrfiKRHD S rOCK nLUHfltlRRIliS SINGAPORE PINRAPPLHS CORELUSS BAHAMA PINUAPPLBS GILT EDGE BUTTER ftalKM liM on hand (ho JJt, 1 g4Ww (.,..,. llu h wmledgcJ tlio uty test quality. Try . " a. I. .! .. - k .... i . fcunuiai y llipposeu. VVII0 UVCT lieuiil of 11 lluhrevv by tho mime of Me Klultjy MituhullT For county iiporlntmnliit tho big man is 1. T. Mionm. of bllvertou. Ho weighs nearly 3tX) W.J. Crawford of Noith Salem, Fied Drager, cf Pniieet and vV. lH Ciimmliigs of Siato Uefoiin school are also named. Tho last named nm nu Aiiieriouii inwk uo. man. IIH of All To Wuo the system hi a gentle mid 'truly bunellewl manner, when the BtHIHStliuo voiiiw, line the true and per fMl rwiitftly, S)rup of fgt, Uuy tho KvwhIiiu MHirctuivtl by the Call forultt llg byrup Co, nlr, and fur at by all druugUts, at 50 nt or IkiHIo flNN0UN6MT! WHITK ROUSE RgSTABR What meal? was Karly BI6U6I6S IWember I Iviun to lav iiiuiis lor mnk ni n n.i...ioj ..i." .' my buahiw a for ll00, and to Uvln i-vure. the .Standard wwlniTS , I'liltbONALS to Albany toda lwngir Is HfV Roth & Graber iHMflBr to H. a.Sonntmann I34 8tt PIon6ll 2. M. Parvln went Oil blUillMS. Dr. Willi MoXryw a Hjuth tfUiy far a ttert visit. AUorniiv- K. p, Morvumi.iJ vu.iiu,ru who is being moutlid lor nmuty judge .. mo iwrnwraue iiKei, j toMU telay Mr. II. II. Hunt, of Aurora, imihu im o-j the morning train ami will spend a lw day In the eltv tiltlnu at ih Ln,rt of Mr. aud Mr. Frvd Huret. ivf s.ui. cuiom, Mr. and MisJtniM PUat, f Uw rw, aio In tUt itr X(Kty, jjr P4ntiithtth Ka,on forworklu he hop yards U now at haad a i no vrW twwlll In ht yard ut wevk. ICnillinrf dONIIIU MirJuniK uid. nisi t.n. I,.,. I Ti.... I .i 1 T .'WT"" "'Bcnino. il.r0l'l8!rt,IU' a",U' llon otlier lines. I have not talked nwH.inmT , Nowr w ever, lam ready to ,lo Cl. hasten the cloning out of ,o en.nan ofmy other Mock aldevoio my whole t.mto b.ovUe Inj 2 1 have Hvun.d tho wviwofMr C . Uirhr vvho will teprwent n e in &. . lemand vicinity. lit will call .tthJ .:. ':r.i' MJ " ,"JL"cmM. i han qsencyior annilwr Uu..t K t. . . . . . "" ' .11 ) ing aliont thoso I fat LI i,.i .. . . .i . Iteiftuuninr. u l.iT. i. i. ' '. ".!,Ue ."l0 inmlaNriA ..".'i 8 '' R" and ipeclalty. t all hours Oj iters Lm SWK . Mlsi JL 1 1 7 1 rff"' I do Good Paper Hanging. Decorat' MS , ing and Painting as cheap as you can have second-class work done. Leave orders at my shop, 1 53lCourt St., or with Buren & Hamilton, on Comc'l Nate Jones secured lliu mnuhtnt togo witfi announce in a day or Uo. 'IIICIOlHIl Uimo, vvhivh I will I am of my naveo per Nwi or more. k? IMI, uh.l . Ie., nonon.Ver'": rent from oost on any bill Jt nr. I i..,. i i... .i, ".'" " su h.v.dlro.r,;i tiVm"y Zi... 'oil, Is a teal .fTalr .,! B0, m.'fXKt. Oi'aiiges an fr.f..... , .. Iroprlutors, I0U State St. Uearrelvlnt a i-Hrkwd earl, of U rrfl. MbWlMOksoUh,, SoMtlwrH Cnli farnia Fruit 15x. aixl urn furnish iou wlih trad, pric Call or' wm S9-lm .1 IE EDS OPETtA TroTTu-r. fvTruN nmn.jjwu March 17, EDWIN C. VWKVTK Si JGPSON S VKMC PmuilCTInv Dark?sf Rtissia fifili 3r fr7 mT"3bbWBMbBD1 WIGGINS' L3flZflflR 307 Commercial Street. J. 1 1 ri-lil I & ; D Ofy FISH AND AME MARKET "TfcftK? '? Putllt l)oly H8iT V, " ", Propnetor futtltry and BnsVbipLt'ri r .Tl1 Mldui1 Tn..luu'r .'Wr iatroiMP J1 Uforo selling? " aJ'"Ke W J,oAi-JAYI'0R. Court blrek i its 7th ConHHMitlve oar of Popular Success PRESkXTffn . A GRAND COMPANV of carefully CHOSEN ARTISTS The Cretan Plov Pv. u...... -Tf.k UrimmlTgit0,: Umedy. Strong Soe0o and Story. frI,rice,a6,SQ.76c. TO THE WISE farmer, or thoto who iuteud pUnting lieir gardens or doing spring work of any kind , this Rue, are that joit will tlnd everything In garden nnd farm tooU of the very best quality and at the low est price at R. M. Wade &Co Bottled Beer. Winder 4 Beclc,-uccor M SouthS Botllic Woxu All oiden for bottled beer Hill I tilhd t the brewery. Kept on cold etoraye. Free elty delivery. TeUphono 8131 I.