'M rK it i Sa.j? I: l jgr ,.mj& ' iiii,iini "n ' - k t&SBk tffi&fi .eepiDg flotise? 'tab new opera house UVE YOU PLONTY OF TABLE LINEN? WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED X X N Elegant Line of Damasks in varied assort ment such as lias never been shown for the prices we ask for tnem. TABLE- 1 LINEN j How about Towels too? Our line can't be beat for quality or price. CASH STORE 25, 40, 50, 75c, 51.00. Si .25, $1.50, $1.75, 52.00 per yard. It will pay you to look at our stock before buying. HOLVERSON'S I 20a and GOO OOMMICHOIAl. BT. Cbemeketa Lodge Will Probably Build on High Street. Theatre to Beat One Thousand People Manager Cordray Saya It Would Pay. CASH STORE " " T T T "- Glove Special A lot of odds and ends in button and lace tjloves; extra quality kid. Because sizes are broken the 51.50 and 1.00 ones go for 50c a pair Examine our line of X Raffled CiiPtains i ALSO Another lot of regular 51.00 and 51,25 quality clasp gloves slightly faded from being in window 38( a pair Madras Ctirlains The most complete line we have ever shown from $1.50 fo $10 pP. J. J. DALBYMPLE COMMNYj tB d9i ssssaC A Delighted Woman Or man you will bo, It your sight has been (ailing, to see. How perfectly wo can restore it with n pair of our Una French crystal or Vriulllati nobble eye glasses or spectacles, after wo luivo tested your light and adjusted them to remedy defects, V nro skilled optician), and All ocnlliU proscriptions perfectly, or fit your eyes Irom our expert tests. Children' eyes tested with Instru menu made especially lor that klud ol testa. C.H.HIN0ES KXI'Eltr OPTICIAN, nun OOMMICHOIAl. NT Next door to Holvor eon's Sumpter Mines. Tickets to all mining town Hpokano. ilaker Oily, Moscow, Hail Francisco ami nil other olnt. llaggage checked through saves money. Uity M. 1'ower'a olilce loot 1 ratio ttroot. z-Bim Salem will have a new opera house At least, tho Indications all point to the understanding of tho enterprise uy Chemeketa Lodge No. 1,1.0. 0. F. Tho Odd Fellow havo had thin In contemplation for somo time. The lodeo appointed a committee to havo plain and estimate prepared, consisting of J. W. Young, A. N. Moorci end Til man Ford. Tho first plans received Involved nn expenditure of about, $12,000, but this was more than the lodge cared to invest. Pugh & Gray architects, have now completed plans for a building to cost 825,000 to $30,000. It is understood that the committee will report favorably on tho matter at the regular meeting of tho lodge Wcdnesdny night. It is also understood that a fltml voto will then bo taken J the members having been noti fied to bo present for that puriHwo, Thoro is littlo doubt that tho plans will bo adopted and the building will bo put up In tho near future. Tho alto will bo tho corner of High and Court streets, whore tho Fashion stables formerly stood, and tho building will faco High street and tho courthouse. The plans In tho office of Pugh & Gray show that tho building will bo a hand- toino ono and an ornament to tho town, well calculated to stand in proximity to tho city hall, tho courthouso and tho new pontofllco. Thi plana contomplato a building of brick and stono construction, 80 by 110' feet, tho 80 foot frontago being on High street. The total helghth to tho top of ' tho tower will bo 100 fcot. There will bo tliroo store room ou tho , PERSONALS around floer: a druir store 22 by CO feet on tho corner; confectionary 22 by 33 orgonlicrnnd lecturer of tho Mr. A. 0. Hopf, left this morning for California. 11. B. Colbath was a passenger south today on business. John Witchcn tho Turner merchant was a Balem visitor today. George Savage, of Salem prairie is in tho city today on business. Itobt. Crossan tho hop merchant was a passenger south this morning on busi ness. Mrs. C. II. Monroe and rister Minnie, were passengers tins morning ior Al bany. Mayor 0. P. Dlshop has recovered suf ficiently to bo ablo to bo out again. His health is much Improved. A. D. Hall brother of County Clerk Hall ramo up from Woodbnrn last night and will spend a few days In tho city. Ijyd Reynolds was a passenger this morning for Nashville, Lincoln, county, wlicru he goes to inspect some orchards. Attorney Carey F. Martin went to Independence today Mr. Martin has a case In court there and expects to return this evening, Mrs. 8. 0. Husk, of Turner who has been in tho city visiting friends and at tending court was a passenger home this morning, Mrs. Martha Allen of Lane county, who has beon In the city visiting at trio homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Judson, returned homo this morning. Mrs. J. F. Btalger of tho Cottage Hotel was a passenger this morning for Sacramento, California, where sho will spend a fow weeks visiting. Jacob Ktootsch, of Sublimity, was in tho city today, and reports that in his 25 years experience in Oregon ho has never seen grain in finer shape at this soaeon, Capt. Eldrud Huff was called to Port land Monday. His expectation was to meet a gentleman, in rcsponso to n tole gram to negotlato tho sale of some tim Ikt land, Mrs. Lucia Faxon Addlton, national W. C. T. HONOR TO THE DEAD SOLDIERS Orogon'n Philippine Martyrs Will ba Burled March IB, PoKTLAsn, Oregon, March 13. Ore uou'a dead will be buried a week from next Sunday, should all tho bod ies now on their way arrive In time. General Summers will know for sure this week, so that everybody in Oregon will know in time to attend the sen ices It Is thought that oil tho bodies have arrived in San Francisco, and if such is tho case, official announcement of tho funeral will be given. The last rites will bo held over nearly 20 bodies, all of which will bo buried near ono another In tho mllltery plot In Itlvorvlew cemetery. The senlcos will beon scale never before equaled in tho West. During the funeral prc-ces-Ion, with practically the whole slato as mourners, the cannon captured in Manila by the Second Oregon men, will boom forth every minute and miillled drums will further solemnize tlio occasion. AtlLLIONS OF ANTI-IMPERIALILTS Nxw Vobk, March 13. A speciul to the Times from Boston says: Erving Winslow, Secretary of tho rtiitl-Impcriil. 1st League, says that between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 otcrn will voto against tho Administration and support anti imperialism as a strictly defined Iue in tho coming campaign. The party will not bring forward an independent candidate. RAWLINS TALKS ON EXPANSION n AMoelnted rrni to the Jonrnnl. 'vAsmNOWK, March 12. - Senator .,, I,1,.,..1 ! senate on our relations with the Philippines. Ho had ..i i, Mil nf Snooner, rep. v Is., con- fering the authority on the president to govern the Philippines unui wu-". otherwise provided. "That bill," said he, "is but the pro logue of the swelling act in the imperial themo." He then read the act of 1603, comer- ring upon the president the power to govern tho xerrnory ui ..- Rawlins read some opinions oi jveiu mm other English publicists as a oasis wr his argument. "TIioeo people the Fili pinosnever ncknowltdgid their alle- glance to this goicrntuuni, sa.u m-. "Hence thov are not in Insurrection airainst tho United States. A war of ug- gretsion is being waged against them. "Tho purpose, I belietu, In thedraftlng of the bill proposed by the Senator (Spooner) Is to secure a recognition by congress of a statoof war In the Philip pines, it comes to us in disguise, and for tho purposo I hao stated, and to reliove this administration from Its pres ent onomalous position." Alter saying ho presumed that tho speeches of Hocridge (Rep. Ind ) and Lodge (Rep. Mass.) oiced the rcntl ments and presented tho progiammeof tho Administration. Rawlins said: "1 am opposed to tho carrying out of tins programme Aovolo ot mino win am in carrying into effect tho policy outlined by those Senators. I oppose tho program because it Is In violation bf the fundamental principles Upon which our freo institutions uro erected jbecaUEO it is in opposition to tho Constitution J because it propoees to rulo by a despotic power and not by rights ee cured under tho Constitution ; became it is not expansion, but retrogresston of all thatwohayo held highest, and because it is unjust, Immoral and a breach of tho plighted faith of this nation." Shoes and Dry Goods at Less Than Wholesale Cost Closing out the stock formerly Willis Bros. Auction sales Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 2 p. m. Only a few days more in which you can buy goods at your own price, for our license has nearly expired, and the city couucil, acting upon the suggestion of jealous merchants, refuses to issue me another or allow me to sell my own goods at auction unless I pay 5400 per year. Now is the time to buy good, latest style goods foi less than wholesale cost. Fine silks, velvets, dress goods, corsets, doves, undeiwear, hosieiy, laces and embroideries. Isadore Greenbaum 1st Door South of the Post Office. WBATMUR HBPOtlT. Tonight and Wednesday fair. CIRCUIT COURT Department No. a In Keaslon. Divorce Qranted, Judge Hole,) yesterday granted a di vorce In the cane of Rosa Berlber vs Orvlo scrlber. In tho case of T, T. Oeor, Gov,, ut al v F, It. DuvU ut al a decree- of foreclos ure was entered, Tho Verona WlslisorIlooth will caio was commemod yesterday. Tho argu ment was not flhlshrd when tills pnpor went to press, Miller WliTAccspt. Hon. II. II, Miller was in tho city lnit night and had an lutorvluw with Gov ernor Geer. It I undorstuod lie will accept his recent appointment as consul to Chung King, and his resignation as a member of thostato board of horticult ure will bo handed In shortly. Tho proscenium opening will bo 30 feet wldu and 20 feet high. Tho stage will bo 40 foot deep and 00 feet wldo, and will oc cupy the helghth of tho building. Tho second story, outsldo of the thea tre, will contain four lino office riximH and a largo library loom. Tho third floor will be flitted up for tho lodge. There will be a lodga room 41x00 feet, n bauiiuct hall 31x42 feet witli kitchen, ante rooms, cloak rooms, I property rooms, retiring rooms etc. I This building will be a credit tho city and to Chomckota Lodge, and will tin-1 doubtcdly be a source of prolit to the latter, That the present barnllko opera ' house Is not extremely profitable Is no. Indication that a comfortable and prop erly constructed ono would not pay, I .lii ., i.i. i... i...i ""-'fy niirncuen mm uruiigm nvro nan vivviiuii wi mid nuvvvnrui uu WIU IfUHltt .,.,, ,,, . t , ... ., ,, will bo made by tho gomnor, secretary ''' ""' n, woum ..I .1.1.. ...I ...... ,... i i. imviiumy nunmi in mu hhit uieiuro ... ..-..,- r..... -,...V ...... WStl on Court street, and on offico 22 by 2 V, ol l'ortland, was in the city today, ou Court street. iflm' "Ionics at tho Chcmawa Indian Tho theator will bo on the ground school this ovcnlng. Iloor, and the main eiitranco will lw j F. J. Rnltor, of Brooks, is In tho city wldo and roomy. On tho right will he today, no says tho fall grain on French the box office, and ou thu left the stairs prnlrio is looking well, and expects ono and olovator will lead to the second ami of the largest crops this coming harvest third stories, . that tho farmers have raised In many Thoro wilt bo but ono entrance to the years, theator and tho stairs to tho balcony j T. Nowstoad, an employee at tho State Will bo Insldo at tho loft Of this CII- intin. onttMvn nf nh.onrn n en in Pnrl. trilnc0- ' loud today to register, as County Clerk Tho nudcnce room of tho theatre will Hilm, wm not register anv applicants bo CO feet square, and tho sealing rap- on indavlt, unless they como 1 nto tho aclty, Including n wide balcony, will bo COnnty. 1000 or moro. Thoro will bo I boxes, Tho I ,..,.. ai..m i.n..n . .- . u yi-iui.jr nuuriu vwiiHiwi nuni. iuniuniir A STAMPEDE FROM NOME. today to attend court as a witness In the caooot tho Stato vs. D. Hedges, charged , with carrying concealed weapons and eommiitliig nn assault, no also goes to Detroit to servo somo papers later in tho week. Waller Toozo, of Woodburn, was a Salem visitor today, settling up tho cure ho won in the supremo court yesterday. Ho thinks Wood burn will send n good harmonious delegation to tho county convention. lie is also outspoken In favor of freo trade with Puerto Rica, Hawaii and tho Philippines. Skattlk, Wn., March 13. Two ar rivals at Dson City, from Capo Nome, who left tho lattorplaco eight daysaf tor Carl Knoblcsdorf and C. D. Camp bell, tell a wonderful story of what Is claimed to be the richest And made In tho North, The now Held Is 100 miles from Nome, and stories nf Its fabulous wealth wero paBtcd from mouth to mouth at Nome when the latest arrivals left thoro, December 18. Reports of wonderful strikes on tho Siberian Coatt, oppopito Capo Nome, were being re ceived. It was reported that tho Sihc- 7500 rolls of 1900 Wall Ifrapert HAS JUST BliEN RECEIVED. COME AND SEE SEE IF WE CAN'T PLEASE YOU AS WE HAVE PLEASED HUNDREDS OF OTHERS ANTI-BOYCOTT INJUNCTION Butte, Mont., March 13 Judgo Knowlcs, of tho United States Court, has handed down a decision in tho noted Chinebo boycott case, w hlcli lias been pending In court for seveial years. Ho mado permanent tho injunction against labor unions and labor leaders who had for years prosecuted a boycott F. W. MOLLIS & CO. 1st Door North of Post Office. The Racycle The Racycle. Bicycle Has Arrived X. X againstthochinetoundaiicmpioycrsof If you are thinking of buying a wheel, come in and see u. Chinese. It Is understood that claims for damages nill now to presented to tho Federal Government by tho Chincta Minister. CASTOR For Infants and Children. rlan earth was literally flllul with varl-'UlB Kind YOU HaV6 AlrVaVS BOUglll oils metals. A great rush from Nome orfe great to the now fields will commence as soon as tho weather will permit. GIRL WANTKD-To do general house work. Apply at 313 Liberty street. 0 13 3tt WANTKD-A girl to assist In a small lamiiy, must no a goon coot to no ap- ance with the new law. V. t.i ' Li. nniiif como. (). W. Wilson, Portland. 8. Q. Hahlstrom, Portland. L, J. Juhnsted, Ashland, Wis. A. J. I'omon, AshlaudWls. N. I. Win watt, Ashland, Wis. wiLuuxrra. I. Samuel, Portland. V. I). Shield.. Poitland. H.B Miller, Kumim. Wm. Best, ban trauolKo. L Coblault, Portland. Win. O. Ripley, l'ortland 0. M. Rankin, Portland. Waller Tooso, Woodbnrn. O. L, Dvnnny, Korrtt Groya, M. Mager, Ban Franclfeo. A.Gruhu, Ban Franciaco. F.J. Miller, Albany. J. II. Smith, Portland. W, W. Clayton, 1'wtUml. Home Improvements The workmen are still adding to the eononleuco and attractiveness ol tho New "City Morgue" on State street. ur.iuotii, the undeilaker, assures tho writer thaithoy will toon be pro pared to give tho publlo bettor service, Iwttor goods ut loss prices than ever before, Peddler Pined ot Fired. James Burns was arrested last night for peddling without a license, lie was selling shoestrings on tho streets and offices. Recorder Judah IuiKied a penalty ot f 10 or 6 days and gavu the fellow until 4 (SO p. m. to leave tovui. Bulti! Hultsl Sulul OurKcom) shipment of Tallormado Hulu, Uiess bklrts, Spring Jacketa and Capes atrierd yesterday. Something n choice. Oet your pick before they biw jrvno Costs Htm IJ.50. Usler Davis was taken In last night for riding a bicycle without a light. He appaarrd this morning before Record r Judah, who Imposed the usual One ot Two Stores Tub Lkauxh Two Stores new. License to Wed A marriage IIciiisj was ImuwI afternoon to luls 0. Thlbodeuu r.Syl A. Smith, M. K. McUnnau thu and wit- Table Fruits "Our Flag" Brand YELLOW FREE PEACHES BLUB RIBUON PRI2H PBACHUS R' ULUB R1UBON DARTLBT PEARS "COLUMBUS" APRICOTS GREEN OAGE PLUMS EXTRA QUALITY SrtUWDBRRIgS EXTRA QUALITY ULACKDERRIUS PREFERRED STOCK DLUUHBRRIQb SINGAPORE PINEAPPLUS CORELESS BAHAMA IMNEAPPLliS GILT EDGE BUTTER Rpth & Graber wtanor to H, O Sornmnn, 12 State t Phone Htt Pcoplo who goto this oem houso do so at tho expense of much Inconvenience and discomfort, and tho theatrical com panies aro prevented from showing any clnborsto sceuory by the smallness of the stage. In this connection an extract from a letter written by Manager Cordray, of Cordray'a theatre, Portland, will boot Interest. lloays; "I am very niuuli pleased to learn that 1. 0. 0. F. lodge ol Salem contemplate tho erection ol such a building and 1 sincerely believe that it would be a good Investment. I should be very glad to glva you any Information I can lu enter to help you In this enterprise. "Salem, the capital ot Oregon, has been In bad repute (rom a theatrical standpoint for a long time. This In a measure has been attributed to a bad opera house. "Thero Is 110 reason why a city tho alio of Salem should not support a first class teri house. Kvery man woman and child In the town should hall with delight n building ol this klud. Not only for theatrical entertainment ran such a building U used, but for many other purpose Ruch as public meetings and social entcrtalnmtmts," Manager Cordray also said that ho would boglsd to consider a proposition to lease thu house If terms could be agrved ou. Cahln llelllgol the Maniuam Urand has ulso expressed a desire ta lease the new huuM and put it in with his circuit ot theaters. Willi the poitoinw building, the Hour lug mill and the uew opera houaa al' undsr construction, Falem will look as It she had taken n new lease of life. POtcs Km Dill). 'I ho member ot Company K O.N O.arodl(id)uga commendable emv ity and a determination to peifevt them Ur lu Ihwlr work. Commeuolng with next Friday uljht they will hold two drills a w,vk Instead ol.me, whtchhas neer Wen done before. In the uear future prises will U offerl (or the Ut drllleil man, and a prise drill will help to stimulate the Interest ol the young men. predated Knquiru at Journal office. 313 tf FREE TRADE FOR PORTO RICO Bears tho SJgnaturo It is the latest and most improved on the market. G. A. ROBERTS 105 State Street Salem. pmnii J. R RQQBRH WIIOI.ESALK AND RF.TAIL. to pas- uiio ONION LAND For rent; houso, turago and fuel furnished, seed If desired. Apply to A'alter Mnrley, Foneo Works, ho 09 Stato street, Salem. U-13-St WU1TK IIOOSB RESTADRtNT was you Nkw Vwk, March 13. A special the Herald from Washington says: All attempts to unite the Republicans of tho senato on a compromise Porto Rlcnn bill have thus far failed. Senator Aldrich and other members of the steer ing committee aretrjing to bring about an agreement, but Senator Forakcr is still unwilling to go any further than to accept an amendment allowing all tho food products to bo Imported Into Porto Rice from the United States f ree ot duty. He is not Inclined to yield tho manage ment of his bill to tho steering commit tee. Ho thinks that when ho and his commltteo havo decided upon a measure What meals? I said they wero tho best I ever cat. Vnn 1. Ill ni.l t...... . .1... ItM.I... ,, 1 Restaurant, which Is open all night and ns l,roPc'i 'll0V ou8ht not to yield their meals sened at all hours. Oystors a Judgment to Senators who have not given specialty. l .. , McKatop it Bxiikhart tne ma"cr "' M,H0 amount of con Proprietors, 100 State St. sideratlon. flNNOUNGEMENT! Spring Shoes Ladies' Tans and Black Kid the Latest Lasts, at Reduced Prices. Men's Farm and Dress Shoes in best stock at prices below competition. JACOB UOGT 95 State St. .,., lFlNEWlNEs,LlQ0ORClGflRSi jj 218 COMMERCIAL STREET, H 160 STATE STREET, ! Courteous trontmnnt nt nil ,imn- 102 COUNT RTRPRT. BJlillillllMM L M KIRK. 84. GO. &J5b Phonoi87i; StatoSt Grain Hay, FJour, Mill Feed, Building M.ucrial. Ltms, (Jmeni, Plaster etc, ' ' "'"" Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scalcsxtc olthecltv aitmiliou given to th delivery of I WANT EGGS TO THE NORTH, FOR SHIP .A" TO X GOLD THAT COMES KLONDIKE X FROM c . THE v-l FOR GOLD, THAT COMES NOME. GATHER THE FROM EGGS Bicycles The KlitdStudiA U Aral rJM I,. .It It. pwtuints. Alwara up to date In iw, uKiiiiiiK aim nnuti, new stylw.. mcJerateprkTs.hlghclasa work. Cor. Hr Commercial and Court street. tf sewina MuCies n ? h" KWHisuui ui niv regUUr I I ino of roods, and of iwlimn. uI..Ib !-,.. .. iltr llnes.I haenot talk.Hl niM.i..u. , I IHU I I lllil ow howuuT, I am ready to do hn... 1 B I f'l I 1 1 1 I ' atal once, und friiin il,i, i ..m . 1 I I HillAliil en tho cloiiiiB out ot llm .,,.uii u"yUH nant of in V other sttvlc ,.! .lu. ..,,., I I few lug t-tttt it. iimmr jcj harly last December I began to lay plans for making n material chance in my bmlness for 1U00, and to begin with secured the Standanl Niwlng machine inese I receded early In January, but I ml N lie hast rem my whole time to bicveUn n,i machine, with wibl other lines that ipay lv addtd later. 1 liHe nH-iml Him M,ti,u..JM. n . Darby who will lepresent me in S. . em and temity. lie mil call atthei home ot any person dealing to mm the ! working ot any of my machine. I hae I secured the agency for another line of i imwhlnee to go with thee. which I will I announce, in a day or two. j lam s'ill closing out what remains i,6w?tfromoiwt on anv billot J SO or more. I trust by tliis tnie vou ae diKOen'd that my closing out i a real affair aud not a make belicte AND TAKE THEM TO EPPLEY, - vrttma IW.UUU.OOO I MbM. v OF X iwmrn LWIUW We are rnjelving a carload Wr, week ..( tM m,. We packs nftw Southern c,. fornin Fnm Kx d cau forniali o with freli "?k at low price. Call or writ 3-Mm Patton Bros. gooda to any pirt 9-8-tf I do Good Paper Hanging, Decorate ." , intf and Painting as cheap a: you can have second-class work done. Leave ordeis at my shop, 1 53SCourt st., or with Buren & Hamilton, on Comc'l Nate Jones i K MOL'.TS A.ND ALBUMS RVgIMTUINflT1tKAMATElJB.Nl-EDS 'UffTnGR iraicFQU!PllEXTS Kulire .New ltx'"-i?.J. Ktelnnif Mmtt" tilL it ..! s . . M,i..n ' r...L':im? Have you tried WIGGINS BflZflnR 307 Commercial Street. G. Wrifrfat if' Co. IDOTY FISH AND j 0A.ME MARKET Ltfe'.PMor lwltr iiiir uiii mtui tv,,.it: " . y atkl'B.. i,T..ri..,."'".,,.rX .UP. Mt rh tirwe 7v.li " v" "V "'" i ni.T. ' patronap, VA IIU1UI lAi.IH SaUwIH iS.-.i'TTI. "r""K v - ua nshi ii in asAi r.., "' "'ir "v ceiling, ' (plotted larsg patronapA Poultry for advantage t J,oi'?ATL0R. W Court Street ,.i r rf-s l"ll.lin... " "r'gl.t .lay Nw Line of Kodak Albums Just I'pencil Patton Bros, ARDEN SAND LOAM. FERTILIZERS. D. S. RPMTI cu o Nowt.th.tlm, 'atoVrcnt. tksth W AHCTyB V aV sW JBaHair TO THE WISE 0 planting work if larinur, nr iIiokc who intend llielr Ullldell8 nr ilnin.f unrillir anv kind in tl,u iinn n. ,i,a, vnn u ill liudfxerythiiig in garden and farm tools of theery hot quality and at tho lo ot prhH at R. M. Wade &Co Bottled Beer. Kllusei Ueck.Succtasor. to SoutbSaltm Bouhr. Wortcs, All nrdero tor botttcl boar will l u"" t the brewery. Kept on cold storage, r ree city delivery. Telephone 13l ftaWsajM