i FtfffllrTYrffTlfrffTFfrf f tTTfTTf IVTf TTfff f f f 1 Pi FOR M a FEW A DAYS Ladle blftek kid, strap tendril with buckle fliidjbow a l.lnl(i oren Miitfrc )i(h-k. 7KC SMIese black kid, triitondal I rrslikecut .. I a-j, .tntervr- win vxiun IHW . Ct&O'sC'; uao .. r AAAA AAAA lift" Tho Atlantic for March In a record breaker. It has tlio two most lmpor tent and most Influence exerting political articles of thoyear Tho growth o( our foreign policy by Richard Olney, and the flrat of n acrloa by Henry Loomla NeUon-ou the political horizon. The rUctstxrths unofllcial government ol oar cities la also a notable paper. The Atlantic tcemi to bo ono of tho few great periodicals that la not ot(en up merely from tho commercial aland point To eo how many copies can ho sold And as many of thorn nro edited without a gleam of moral roiponelhllltr lt I today probably tho moat effective agent In molding public thought. The Initial volume of a nerles of "brief memoirs of eminent UhkIIsIi ton," to bo called tho Weslmlnstcr i . Ulograp'ilta, will shortly bo Itauetl In this country and In England, tho first to appear bolng a "Defoe" by Mr. Wilfred Whltten, a MVciloy" by Mr. Prank Hanfleld, and n "llrownlng" by Mr. Arthur Waugli. TIip serins, as may b guiwed from Its eub-tltio, has been modelled on the plan of tho llcocoti Biographies, nnd has been undertaken by the American publisher of that rapidly growing collection (if "brief memoirs of eminent Americans," Messrs. Miun.II, Maynard A Company, Boston. Thu feud of thpJMontrtna millionaires, now being waged In tho United Hlalcs Benate Is tho subject of a dramatlo nar ratlvo In Alnsleo's for March. Tho greatest engineering feat lha world bus overseen It described by John Ward, F. 8. A In "Thu Conquest of thu Nile." Tho Mammoth dams nt Assouan and at Asslout will practically rerroato Kgypt. An admlrablo comtionnd of wnao and humor Is offered in "Fortunes Made In Small Inventions," by Harvey Huthcr land. Tho expenses, thu salary Hit and the receipts, together with many un published details of opera management, ate agrtsably treated In "The UuiIiiom, tilde at Grand Opera,'" by Ouitav Koblie. Full of tho smell ami stir of tho sea is "Tramp Steamships of tho World," by HAtauel A. Wood; "Tho Heal llonulU" fa welcome because In It tveieu the famous novelist studied as a man rather than as a writer. In addition, there It a striking war story by Stephen Grams tho continuation of (Jen. King's novel and stories byChauncuyC. Ilotehklis, fiwau Maephersnn and Howard Field Ing. btreut A Smith, Publishers, New Vork "Some German Ductal DumwaU." In the March Magailn Number of The Outlook Is given a lively account of the visit of Mr. lvdward A. fitelner to the headquarters ol Uerutan Socialists u Merlin, where hu feu ml Llebkueoht clobsl, and other famous German So cialist. No personal article about John ltuaklu has so largely been inspired by Intimate knowledge and sympathy as that writ tsn by Canon Hawmley and printed In the Ia-ailue Number of The Outlook (or March. Dr. Ituwmley Is the vlwr o( Crosthwalte, Keswick, nnd knew U rant wood and its master (or many years, lie writes with many details and anecdotss l Ktirkln't survive to his neighborhood and eKlally t.i the village of lkmi.ton ; oi the great writer's frleudihlps, and el thoslmple and luueh iBgiervlcrsathls funeral. Tlie artkle lias several Illustrations. f8 a year, TUe Outlook Company, New York i Mems. Htua.ll. Mayns.xl A twi,U) . I BoUon, sroto iwue, so svn as It n I ue goi on na pret, a uiue Umk UitltlM i "A Woman's Paris." Intends) for luvi use of the American My who is about. ,.....M.t... . It.... . . .1 to goto Parts, and who wishes while six Is Uitre, to quote Uie umber's prefsee. "to do the agreeable things there are to do and to avoid tho ditsgreMbh) things there art not to do." The anther U an American woman. Ju the March number of MsUur Macatlne, Mr. Walter WeUman will tell awoiher story fiom his nvm eiiraerJi nsjy K.Hleuces ill the ArclU. He will Ua give the funduilSBt from 14s una experience regarding Ibeeuly (naslbte way to Tth the iSde, tailing whst It is id wbttltlnvoUe, " l MiCJutV Mijmiio fur Mareti ChiuiIii Jostiua kmm,lht quaint ami hrd? Yatilee Llpivr wlw bum made u ti0t arwud the woiU alt by hiiuself, VA Ml $ story tf hit unurllled ,iftleiwiiat of wlllwg U KiWssen tor-! state VeM"Detrojer,"oue of the nto.1 wwrtetJst asaeaos of tucUl vr un sjasjisslteaiatall, from New Vwk lataM, & the flw&Mt wluds and tistfcsjsti ol sees. Thn arlWh aW n. s w r-vr SPECIAL! . I U Shoe Store i , ,. 04 8tat Street lu'trated from photorapln and Ingt. draw- I'rol. N. 8. dhahtr, dean of (he Helen tlflc department at Harvard, contri butes tho leading artlclo In Applelona' Popular Science Monthly for march. It is the first of a series which will discuss In detail tho various problems connect ed with tho raro attention In tho South. I'rofcisor Blialer, whoso boyhood was jiacnwl among the negroes, Is especially woll qnalllled for discussing tho ques tlon, nnd Ida article throws much now light on features which aru often lost sight of by Northerners. Nelson P. Lewis, engineer of highways for tho Bor ough of Brooklyn, It tho author of an II luitrated article entitled Modern City Headways. After giving a brief history of street paving, ho diHciiMscN tho vni Ions methods In uo today, and points out tho advantages and dlsadvancages of each, as to roit, rlciinllncM, durability, etc. Ono of the special points mado by Mr. IajwIi is that no city, no matter how poor, can afford to have dirty, III paved, unattractive streets. The llnal article In the series, What Makes the Trolley Car Go, by William Baxter, Jr.. Appears In this numW. Mr. Baxter hat the somewhat ram faculty of being a good writer as well as a good engi neer, and these articles give the clear est and inoit rompteto opular account of thu trolley oar which we have seen. There now seems n,o oxcuro for nny who wants to understand this Important, and now well-nigh nbhpiltont machine, not doing so. Tho Saturday Kvenlng Post, ol recent date ha an Interesting review of the life and literary work of Charles Mnjor, author of "When Knighthood Was in Flowei'." the opular hlstortoal romance of which over 100,000 copies luivo been sold, published by tho BowoieMerrlllCo., IudlaniiKlis. Mr. Major's lllngriiihy shows u Hue, strong American life. He was Imru in Indianapolis, July W IH-MI. Thirteen years later hu went with his father's family to Hhelhyvilli,l where hn was graduated from the public school in 1H71! and In 1875 ho romdudod his courta In iu tho I'nlvvrsity of Michigan latter he reatl law with his father, and In 177 was admitted to tho bar Ivlght years later he stood for thu legislature nnd was elected on the Democratic ticket. Hn served with credit ono term and has since declined all honors, although his ability and (xirional popularity make him Juit tho man fur succeos ut the HI. The tlllo, "When Knighthood Was In Flower," was not chosen by Mr. Maor, whose historical Unlo ni satUlhl with Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. And who knows Hint thu latter title would have proved lust tho Weight to sink n fine iMKik Into ohrotirltyf Mr. John J. Curtis, of tho How on. .Merrill Co., sug getted "When Knighthood Wa In Flower," a phiatu taken frvm l,t'lgh Hunt's poem, the Gentle Armour. Dr. Hull's Couch oyrup Is lite sliest and suiesluniufortliose dangeious affections of tho little ones-croup, whoonimr cough and measles' cough, Physicians pirscriiHi ii.euimieu line n, nun iiohhi are small. I'llce 'Jftc, Twelve tons uf sugar Ix-ot util Irnvo nrrlvnl at Grande (ram Hamburg, Germany, Catarrh is Not Incurable But It en nui be eurml by sprays, washes and inhaling mutt ea WtllOll rtuii unly the surfaee. Thn dlisoio Is In Ilw bltxMl. and oaii only Ixt renehed thriHigh the IiIimhI. S K. 8. is the only remedy which can have any effect upon itently and forever rid the svstem of '"''y trace ( the Wleeuniilafnt. U ., 1...1. l.. .. Uu. vt Ualp4j, Ohio. wrussi "I it ! tla tmra )Hft.it ulib Cisrrk, sad n eat eaa keaw Ut tutfintt) u imkluMi Uiur Ou 1 tU PJ 4 washss lrtrikMtt Vjr tin a l4 ltl4 IU h)j Uwpartrlly, tta tbtfuaH I uiU ihtu a StAlt. ikft dLiAttA kftj . BrftM-l ftvJJ b IIM 1 IIU.I a una I-.., I W.lHHt4U. Iwl tbetr ruta.l lttit,HaU (4MU imJ itt Bl ,. ,4,, I . Ik m UMttW oi.4llW,tt4ltr u.uik J ir-.MH.-L st....' IwtursUs. aim s. a h titiiii . w fUC u 41WM. I 0wUU U. l It At fcttftSI Uf ITMM. M VS-U. U trrll US HtuklM, I Us tUWV, iM kllM U.l( U i kAMl.t i m wu-4 w.ui,, ,H, dr4iai 4tMt tt ittlMwa fiwi ruf WW, smi 1 uu M Nluw til i auny m.te w ukig la,t treat.! """ iw jniiT sua uiiu wure now Ihan ever. A trial uf wnevi S.S.S..Bood ill IW. It to be the right wmedy lr ltwh. U villi euro the itt ol) attnata out, Itoaki mailed free to any addreaa bi tiwtfi 3peiC Oo., Atlantada. ' flv jlF i ouMuiiir far I HEAT FROM TitE SUN. HOW LITTLE OF IT WE GET IS ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF. Imrri-lr ne SMMlieiim In Tm, Tljnu- HI Mllllan AlUlil- f n on TliU n-rlli-A I'm Tlclure f Hie Aolunl Cnndllliin or I lie Pier' Or I.. The sun Is for the most part simply ( casting his beat-QInglug nwny tho , pohlen rays Hint arc the life of the world with a recklessness beside which ill human waste Is mere parsimony. ' li ; almost beyond belief. Scarcely ih suulieam In 2.000.000,000 ullgbts ( rpon the mirth, anil allowing for Ihu j .hole MJlnr system not more man oue m 100.000.00-jevcr hits anything. o far is we en n u-ccriiilu. Hn- Hohurt Hall's comment on this waste of the sun'a ln-nt Is: Slippone n man with nn Income of $1,000,000 a year. He attends for useful iuntoe 1 cent nnd throws the rest nwuy. His wastefulness I. no greater thnn Hint which this old prodigal the sun bus practiced for untold ages. The untold amount of heat which thus leaks away through tho crackn In tho sky ennnot bo expressed by figures. tt la only by considering wliat It might do that wo can get any conception of It. This Is probably the most striking Illustration, and Is given by an eminent astronemer: Suppose a solid shaft of Ice two miles squaro to bo extended like n bridge across tho gulf which separates tho earth from the sun. If n track were laid on Its surface nn express train running at full speed would require more than ISO years to traverse It. Yet, If the wltolo heat of the sun were turn ed upon It for n single second It would bo melted, and Iu n fow secouds mora all. even to tlio railroad Iron, would drift away as vapor. But what Is tho source of this bent that (lows Into space ns the gulf stream pours Into tho Atlantic, wnrm lae the earth and other planets Ilka lit tle Islands In Its cotirso? What keeps up ino supply i If tho sun were merely u white hot halt, gradually cooling, our grandchil dren would Indeed get a chill; or, rather, neither they nor we would ever have seen the sun. Tito final Trout would have fallen long ago. Nor can tho heat bo maintained liy Ore, as wo understand the word such tiro ns warms nnd now and then consumes our houses. If It wcro a globo of llamlug coal It could havo last ed but a fow thousand years; It would have bcon burned to ashes long before wo wcro born. All the coal on the earth would hardly keep tho sun going for one-tenth of n second. A falling meteor given out great bent. Just as u bullet Is hentod when It strikes the target Home luivo conjec tured that n vast stream of lltesu little hailstones raining upon the huh supplies lis fuel. But If thn whole mnsH of the moon were put Into u stone crusher. broken up and thrown against the sun, It would luirely furnish heat for it sin gle year. And no such weight could possibly approach the sun without our knowledge. Yet, In Its own chotcu wuy. thu ami really has Its tiros. Willi proper In struments we tuny see thu red ilamcs spouting from Us edge, sumollmos (0,0, height of 100,000 inlles-hlgher Hum the moon floats above the earth. To some of them our world would bo no mure than a water drop falling from u fountain. To mi I it nny hha of the almost luux haustlblii reservoir from which tho sun draws Its heat wu must lint picture lis actual condition. Mutter there l,x In ii state unlike anything uver seen upon earth. It Is neither solid nor liquid nor In nny familiar sense gaseous. Thu sou Is a boiling, seething, limiting mix turo uf Ihu gases or vapors of nil the elements condensed by the tremendous squeeze of solar gravity until It Is thicker thnn pitch, and so hat that Its vaporised Iron might bo used for steam iuwer If there were any Imller lit to hold i. It has no dellnlle surfneu, but shades away from this Incandescent paste, through lenplug ilamee uf hluod red hydrogen to the faint streamers of the ctiruiiu. tm lllmy as a comet's mil. This writhing muss, heavier on the average than water nud yet iu un stable ns air, does not even rotate like other orbs, but swirls around Its axis. In the terrlllc tension of these gases Is stored up tho energy of ihu sun. As this escapes In gushes of heat they do not cool, but slowly contract. It Is quite possible Hint they even grow hot ter as they thus settle downward and fumpnwis themselves lulu a denier lltllJ. A total shrinkage uf 230 feet u year will account fur tin whole expeudltuie. aud so small a change In ike alie uf the disk euuld not bo detected until tt knd Uhui wntobed for Htemwimts of yeurs. This will go uu until the subsinuce of the sun ceases la bo eeseuttally ishm- uus. Then will cume the beftiuulMg uf the end. for from tUnt lime forth ike actual lettiiMH-rtture uf lite sua will ,W line. This. Iiuwetor. will l iu far distant day, for vereful mHvikMs us sure us that mir rave will enjoy un dliululslistl sunshine tor at least Oust years, and perhaps for twice (UX.M Then, while the suu swwly retMeus ami darken, our earth will die. After Hint comes the ulgbl of Hawt-flwrle. Kelsey Haines In New York World IIUlu ud TtmrniMu. The senate lies always been ien rolled Uy lawyers, wiw are ike arlstu erotic class In the I'tshett Stuies. ami lllalue was at n dUadtaniMge bemuse he did mn belong to tin iHufesektM The law lards were dlspoeed to dU parage and deut Intsi. bat be was Olt respectful ike terge gf trreversMee. "Ihes the senator (Yew Maine ibtatk I aw un Idwir reared THunuan. la nqily l au tutetftiry IMaiae ihii to him e ly la ike IVWttv raMruad dstkate. "Well" betlewett IMati. iiutl U petuls entirety an ibe answer you wake te ray questlasir-tUmrinj- i?,niH Post 1S C.lrU lllw Fuddy 1 waut to get ae.iwauted Vrllll UoaLiua. Imt 1 har.llv Lu,ut k..iv iu im about It. he's seek a queer Hail ( I'littily A uuivr Hah. li' Win iUh'i jwi drop Mm a Mwef-lteMe Trau aertpt The IVrslaus In J110 It. 0. luvMa uTor X'tUrSa X i ti.v iuvui iivbi IWU WWtpr. ToJ I os uaa i,ru , vUr uayv WMIe ' tbe tek twu.ath are bouejrtiusfefit. fiuffercrs from Rlotnnch troubles such os Dyspepsia Constipation IndlBestlon needs Ihu Bit ters Immedi ately, Itcurcs quickly and rmanently where nil other so-called reme dies full. It is the king of all stomach tonics. M eUEBIUTEO W iffERS jCHMISTIAN SCIENCE LECTUHE. Judge ISwing, of Chicago Will Me at Sa j lem Next Thursdsy Evening. A lecture on Christian Sclencs, en titled "(Ibristlaii Science; thn Bellgiou of Jesus Christ," will be given by Hon. William Q. Kwlng, of Chicago, nt Itecda ojHjra house, Thursday, evening, March 8, nt 8 o'clock. Judge Kwlng i it prominent member of tho Illinois Imr. He recently declined renominatton to tho bench of the supremo court of Illinois, that he may ilevotu his entire time to Christian Science work, and is now u lnembor of the International Board of Lectureship, established by "The First Church of Christ, SolcntUt," Boston. Judge Kwlng having investigated Christian Science In tho Judicial spirit which long legal uxpurlcnco has given him, and being intimately acn,uniutcd with the discovert r and founder of Christian Sclencu, the Itev. Mary Baker Kddy, Is lu every way qualified to speak upon thu subject. This Is not Judgo Kwlng's first visit to Iho north west, as ho was hero with the vlccpresi dent's pnrly In I80:i. Thohcturo Is under the auspices of tlio local Chrlftmii Sclenco church, It is not only for Christian Scientists, hut for all who arc unfamllar with the sub ject nud ready to give it n fair bearing. No admission will Imi charged, nnd thu public is invited to attend. Dest of All Toeh-nifO Ihu M-stein in n gentle mid truly heiicllcial manner, when thu Hprlhgtlmu comes, usu the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of l'lgs. Buy thu genuine. .Mnnu'actured by thn Cull loriiln I'lif Syrup Co. only, and for salt by all druggists, nt ftO cents jier Itoltle. Mrs. Harriet Kvans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never full lo relievo my chil dren from croup nt nncu liy iHng One MluilloCouuh Cum. I would not. fei-1 snfu without It." (Julekly ciirfii coughs, colds, gripjKianh nil throat and lung hchsos. Mones Drug More. -- Have to llal. Whether thev tiro liilNnners of war nr eitixens, nil need food mid thu liest place In ptttubiiHu lirsit eliiss provisions and grocorluH for ymir famllv tt t Salem Is at llninsoii.A Itagnn's. IU'i-ctmI, luiM evk .1. W. Wella, of Illy, void M mules ut Klnuiiilh l-'ulln in a Ciiliforniaii in in, ut f irll per head, 'The Strength of Twenty Men." When Sli.tki Kticjire emphiveil tills phiai' lie luicrred, nf i-iiiiri-e. tn lienllliv, iibte-bodlcd inei,. lr he hud lived In tbco duya lie would luivo known tlmt men mid wutneii wiuuirc mil Iteiilthy tuiy becmue an liv tiiking H'rfid'iKurisapiirlllii, Thlt uiedloliie, by iniiKlng tlrj blood rich mid pure ii ml giving gonrt nppullte tinsl perfect (llgiM'lnr, Impiirta vitality untl Mrcngth in the 4ymem, Tim nim-lrrlliillng enilmrtlc II.MMl'.l I'lll- Bun Out , IM M You llm AlH'i Baaglit s? nt ama l inn aim Bljoitore of iV To Curo n Cold In Ono Dny T..I, ilnifuJat. iNunil liS inanr IjiiiIIw llnHim tiiilnluo 'IVitrla A I Miror Kit fall' I n.W (InitN'atUnaturttUimMeh Inn. Mr. in flirr ll F. Foley' farm, near l.twtlne, haa Ih'mii aold to a man from Miiourl. The price i not alatiil CURIOUS CUCKOOS. Tin cuckoo u generally known only " btnl with ii cr moiiolouuua nete: u vontiuumw cry of "eueluo. cuckoo" uver wild mer ugalii. Among natiirulisla, Imwe.er. the cuckoo in known na hlnl tlwt ncer build a lint lor itlf. but lake admntage of one already built by wime mure induttriou bird There it a eood deal in the cuckoo about tlic advertiter who, in.tMil o nuking a auece of their own, wrek to pot by the ucce which aoiw one elie lu made with much effort and Ubor. II U o with thoe imitution of Dr. l'iene methoil. by hUh free meUlcal a.Mce i ullerwl. although Ihoic who make the offer are iiUout iitwlirie.1 medical abitltv or e"ntk-r. u ,h. cry raited in Kme lit of wouian. woman, woman write tn hiumu " make tl reaeHtlitam-e to the iuiIiki -rn aroMgcr Theie t a tir a kuoMii uu uualilinl whwh piv4elu couiirctrrl with au pfoprtrtary iiietliciue cUiblklimiit uml ttewr IhiHehMr compount to gtC medi cal advice. U i critalu tlwt there I no ort. twin or woman, who can orttr lite nHKUI IMUCC IMCKC4I bv WKtl kllO. Igt uml experience a i wr.t by f. R. V. ltoicc, etnef ioimIuH. .mv. ftr. R. liw elnef wmwiuw,. imy- dWi4ithe WoikF. nw-MiiMr,. ffcitaii. N. N . Per or thirty rar f)t Pierw ' lw mwlc a peciaUy'of the tratmcni . kh-w iirv-miar to women. In tbat time he ha trvatrd over hulls, million wvrmin. Hintiy-cight jr cwit oi whom have been rfectly cured. Hvery lck woHwn Is itniteit to cema.lt tr pirrec . U?J ,Iu'y without ., r eet. Kj-ery letter Is heM at atrkth uri vale ami aaeredly ioit.lM,tM, attd l awt re nwiUl r,irl l,i erlelly iUlu envelope W m. INUtltHg whatevrr upon tbrw Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes Weak Women Strong and Sick: ! Women Well. CASTOR I A or intaat tud Childrea. IM You Wm Always Bwiht i JUarj tJjt tl ,"" jXS-?. --. w4rV ftcAtC 1 -ka i So5ocl ' Illustrated Lecturer. Itev. D. K. Finks, of New York City, will lecture nt the Presbyterian church March lOlh and 10th nt 8 p. in., under the auspices of tho Mens League Sub jects -Alaska and Its Gold," and "Tho Southern Mountaineers" respectively, !,. Iln.al oviir alintril nh tllC Coast. All" mltflon 15 ccnt, children 10 cents. Don't mi's this this Mirtusual opportun-i ity. Sum titer's Common Council content ..In i... rot.lni.tlm saloon !lcenes from $t00 lo f 1CO0 a year. Mr vto anil Lydla E, Fir.kham'8 Vcgotnliio Cciipot:iicJhavo rostorotl fioath anil happfaoua tj snores of' woman Tain Is not n mora xdvaeifeft.g claim, I hut a poaiiivfi taut. Tho reason Mrs. Pink- ham is so iiui.ifijj to ad - vlao vjoittDdi A. haoauso for 20 yoars sho has boon troatlny and studying woman's ills, ilor ad dress Is Lynn, Mass If you aro ill, writo to. her for help, as thousands j , of womon aro doing. i Lydla C. I'lnktum'i VcjtUble Compound relieves painful periods and rattulatos monstru- otlon. It euros baokaeho, kidnoy troubles and all titcrlno disorders. Road tho letters front winnmn aanaarlntt rntiu- tarty in this paper. ALWAYS TO THU FRONT. The Journal Leads the Van i in life Patt. ii- i ..i.. ..i.... .1... it,..,.,. .. t rat., the liest local and and general weekly in thu Willamette valley for $1 tier year, lint at great cunt htvu madu ' nrrangcmeiita by which wo now not only furniih tho lxnt Kenernl iuikt, but nln iiirmiu too ik.hi general aper, out niro the ltt farm Journal on the Pticillc count llureafturTiiK Jouitv.M, nud the Pucllle Farmer can lxi furnished nt 1 .''.' per year, each bolng a !lratf lura Dollar weekly of ita kind. Tlio Farmer luia been tho rccogulced leader In agricult ural iiiallcm in the uorthueit for thirlv yearn. lu tbeo two pitier8 you will get the atcst Portland nnd local market ieiortN, Horticulture 1 tlteu Km pmmlnriicc lliat trie ureal Inilunry ilrwrnx Dairy inon ray t hoy k.i more luformtllun rymon ray ini-y kki inoru iiuormtlluii from IK ciilunitm lliau from any oilier outce, Thn arniiHo haiillttnvuilnl It ai thlr of. llclal ninaii, ami all farm oiKanlrailuix iimrinoycaii iitprnu ou.ii lo bt true in Itielr Intern.!, ti iirii, Mop Men llml uiany valuable n)lul ami iik- ,,(,, I. ,,. ifc Bhuoo. Goat, and Qonnrnl Stock roitaallon cfinlalnetl llirrvln. men laieu uy in inouiainii fur iliv lu I'oultrynion kuow It to tw tha nuly urvkly In Uil KCllon that make-, a iprVlalty of Ihu brana'l or rarmlnx, Uoo Mon liaiefuunillt ibe only paivr that iiiakts any prttcntlont ol kiokiii anr lliclr iiiutetta. Anrlmilturo In all of lt l.marliMri imiI uy prai-iicai wriior-. No offer like thin uver upiiearod lefore. Tho WlltlKI.V Jomi.S'.ll. nun vivr. C.r I tho Daily I montlia) and the Paeilie Rinnernnly tl'-'A. Addrinis, ' llm;it IIwok. Salem Oie. Notice of Dsoution ot Partneralilp. ' Notice la hereby given that tlio Kirt-' nerahip heretofore existing lietweeen K. F. ParkliuntnndU'eMcUrcw, under tho linn name of li. F. Purkhnrat t: Co., ..',. .a' ,l90vel by mutual consent. All bill, notes nraceoiinta due aald II rm are uaalgneil to K. F. Parkhurat. who , auceeelatotbo iHininoHof K. P. Park ! hurst e On t K. F. PAHKIIUHST. . . I.KK M'OUHW. feaiemor, Jan. 17. IIXK). l-18tf Corvallfs & Easier,. Railroad TIMK OAK I). i For Yaiiulna: i rain loaves Albany Train loavea Curvallla. Train arrives Yaqulna I Returning: Leave Vuiiulua U'uvoaCnrvulll.s Arrives Albany 3 1'tir Detreit: Leave. Albany Arrives Dutmlt .I2:lp. in. iali, in. . 7-Mp.m ' rt-OOa.m. .UsSOu. in liUrum.! 7 XX) a. 1 1:30 . -I Returnluu: Leaves Detiolt I2:S0P Atrlvo Albany. ..,J,,0.Jnt lw-onuneet atAlnany aud Oirvallla with Southern Paeliie tmltV ulvlng direct survlie Hand ul New- a:ioii lrt.nntl ailjncent Uiioli'ee. Ul New- irnitiaior uie luuunutiiit. arrive at IVlmlt ut oo-.ii. giving ample time to roucli ca iniilng grounds on n Ilrelti'iibush and Suit lain river iln same day. !... ........ II i. ualuk.s. T Y. I' . THKNKK aiMI KOWIN ima UallAih.. aitMtty, ttv MK.VT AND POl'l.TUY. R. K. KUWAHIM M. ( XATTHMWg. Edwards it M itthews, uutuS- IMt MARKET M'.te ttite , nai nilioil. KroticM ta. iri ukU. My -M. .ay I kn iK. w. iru in n The German Market Will be found all kind nf m.v.i aud tlio Ix-ot of aauaage. KltKR DK14VKHY. AllUUlRtK rate arm of Well Mlw" ' uuui;ue pak!. KJJKJlZu ii, fcsON V W T J y y I - . uivwnmmajsi. Kuch lecture will bo llluttrated by lOOjiy... - fi you ajrainst lOSS by fire; beaiitlfullv colored slcreopttcan views, unMAQ Rfll TD Mis The Orient OK HAR'I'KOKD, Af?et8 I Intillllwvq Surplus to Policy Holders. THOAAS Journal Office. iNew Strawberries. Growers canmake big iP plants will I (JO StrOlF piUlllS Will i i IS v LAk about half Tb'NNBSSBE, M'KINLEY, RUBY, IDEAL, DOUBLE CROPPER. 'DOWNINGS PRIDE, SAUNDERS, SHUCKLESS. ICERVERA, DU MAURIER. , , Send for free catalog descriptive of varieties and culture E, Hofer, Salem Ore. llamcte Tho undersigned nro now occu py Ing tho Willamette Stable" south Commercial street and Juro ready to hiro you u nice rii or feed nnd care for youi team when In Salem, llorccs boarded by tho week. Satisfaction guar anteed. Your patronngo solid- itei . - i-' " n p-,)riJJc 1 , Harold $. Key noias. , PRODUCE BUYERS. H, S. GILE ft CO, , , Wholesnlo Fruits, Produce, etc. Salem, Oregon. Offlco; Insur ance block. 'Phono 001. Ware hotiflo, nt Wallace warehouse. SALEM i-ODW-ES ' P.J, W. W. i Falem Camp No, IIS. MeeU uvery Friday ovcl- . r,7iM,m a. o. l). v- hull, state ins. dUe. ! I F X. Iloulllrrd, O. V : W. A. Moorc. clcti, ' roo "i, Moore blk I irOHttSTBRfJ OK AMBUIOA Court Hherwool Forei.1 So. IV. Mi KrlU-y ' wnnr L1x,lt' Joh" M' n"'n'.k& ' r ,-., . p. . , DlCVCle Nepailing J The underpinned have Htteil up ii machine and repair shop with new machine, new IooIh, mid havo power and exicriencewitb which todollrat-cluwi work. Ma chine work nnd bicycles repulicd at etiort notice, at fair pricea Your wtronnge Hollclteil. 3 1 tf , Fflffar BrflR fi.1 SlflfP St j UUDal 0lln U0 0,alC l (Irigon Slion Line riiiilrnail The Direct Konietu Monlana, Utah, Colorado ana all Eastern Points fllveacholi-eof two favorite route, vial tho UNION PACIFIC Fait Mail line, or thn IIIO OltANDE Scenic I.liw. No Change of Cars. - ; -.,. ,i i.i,i pi.i .. c. . i i . . V" l" ' pftla'"'0llloago Special, ' , tlnet in the West." Equipped With Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary Tourist S'eepers Suporb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Dinners, Meals a la carte Free Reclining Chair Cars Comfortable Toadies and Smokers Entire Train Vestibuled Compleie'v For further Information ni ut.i.li. f.t CO. TKltltY, W. B. CfdjlAN intv. raw. .gi. lien'l Agent Stale THE WEEKLY JOURNAL AND , -a j I .1-. . ' .. I. ! ".... I-. .t ,.,.,, LMSLlMTOgfS: .,..,.r'"',':.,'" .m.,,. ...i.jszji-ri'r'. - l.aii'li,itwmiMrifaHi ti "ii 1 1 naumul .Vr4liMr.,-.,:. . FAMILY FbflTUBESi '-.',., it i.m4 f-.:.. i-miH. JL, ,.. ..''"" i il- i.... ." -"-"- I'm. . ' ' . liUIQlii'l - l iuu,iilli;; ' . ! OQEM BOOK :& mumn -u".S-H U'UI . . i ....... '7- """J"" 1 i. lv W - - .- . f r um, . .ii . :m...u. . ..... ' - - . H.U r.Wtwa.r,. tlW..ih,r, ZZi? U I. SAMPLE COPY ym VlAUU Jl'UU IUICtbK. ju "VtH.Mc, a-Mia 111 HO u, . . " r in. i n urn -i.ujLUPr' Ha2Mlra4s-mvAl?S w T w-.. .h.U. . . .... .. .n.r f MWh, A H.r... ri ' UM.-iA t Our SPECIAL Offer: .YMrdookaiKwe . Our Price for wtJXmv?1" G vcm w,rU " sr V" 9 '''' -J Mi. ns'mTl.r.J; ,,.., "OHili ilH08.t SAf.tfM Insurance Co., CONN. . . .2,215,000. .".... 1,100,000. 1,31-1,040. for terms enquire of BOLTON, Resident Agent. Sitieni, ure. i t ." moneyoutoiMW3iiawuc ..., produce 5000 plants if put out j piuuuww .-- i - - .y a crop. 1 have plants oT c ( Soo Facile Lino. Lowest rates Best service To and from nil points Kaat and Kurope. Tlio only lino running through SI. Tan fiV -. J - ()( Monlrca lloston. Without Change. Iloytit Mail Steamship Line to Japan unci China. Canadian and Auctr.tlinii Steamship Line to lllllillKlnllSlialld Kor rntotjuiul infoi million apply to CM. LOCK WOO I) AL'uut, Sillcm Ore. II. II A'miU, Agent Pnrtliiiid. B. .I.Coylo, A-d.P A. Vnncnuvor 11.0 OlTcn triivchtri f t ic ' Ing routes cast , scenic nttrurthir I'ltey itroiill fiituous (J. 11, & N , vl.t Odgun anil Dunver Slmstu Route via icramento, Og den and Denver. SlinMu Itmito via S.icr.iiuciilii. Mujor i'J. Aibeniucruiiu. . A dally line nrthrmu-li PULLMAN U'ALACK and TOURIST JSLUKP p BRS, San FnmcNeo untl Los Anue llPHinChlciign tnl h TL OL I I ' Hft NhOrt IIP. ' "U UNUIl LlllVj friini southern California To the East, Apply to ihu agents of jjt ho O II. Iv . u fc. li., boutlieru I'acltk'. or ' I the iimlernigiietl, fur folders ami desurlptlvo lltoruture. J. J. DBVKRKIIX. n'l Agt Wuroetor. llldg. CURE YOURSELF. I llin'l lu ,M. mi1 ) h ,rk ., iitiUiuiii hi. ti. im.iiuii. ur ulii,4!h I ii. it t ii ii. an iiil.r.ti. . . 4 .1. r. I'tilll. ... ii ! -t,M, itllllCHIW HtC3 "'"' '" lOlIMU. iillil Iij ll'iic,,l, r Mill 111 bl.ltt U.jkb.. I li.r-. uiuij. (,' l in. ,.r J Iwttli 'irtuUr .'t ii lli, U.l n r-NiuMa - iu. - . ir.. "I. .. i .''i'ii ' ' ' "' 7""M ,i.th. -;- j l! K tf U I. o f U,-VU- J r.. . 1 ... ;-"' wi.in. . . J I gg all, $1,35. S2.50 ''y iw I wilder on. uinai WUi lono :..;.r.-...,-.- jZT I'll II 'H 11 Portia. i Amw i '" vS rJnf '' ' fl3y b . . nil' .' BVilt ' VJkf (. neav j.pa if fISl ' '-- ,' "" " --niHlSlwll mBKSiMMi' ''aF. r iiwi IMpill I. JLWBLJLimti ' AaawraSpy mfimmm ' raauikK , - r a 1 1 MBitmi aB'vtrtWdiriu Bjjctyj.-'Jvv.?i i L97Wf- 'J'wSirw i XM n ;3 SJ &mA SOUTH AND EAS1 VIA Southern Pacific. Co, THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains lenv ,-e Salem for Portland and wnv 0.44n. ni.nrid-l:14 it. m. I stations at Lr forllnnd M A M Lv Salem -ll.ou A M Ar Atblaml . 12:1 A M Ar Bncramento A:00 I' M Ar Ssu Kriutcliico ........ 7:45 ! j ArU;ilen.....-...... ' A it 7O0 ! J HiTO A J ?? AM 8:1& A SI "MS A U g.W A M ?' A M !:: A M i v Ar i ion vcr ......... .. -.i.-uo a .m - - . - ; Kn, Lity 71 a M iicago. 7n.t a M I xi Aimolci 1:20 1' M ',M A M 0 00 1- M II M A M :M A M W A M tM V H IMS I- M Ar ICI 1'BM) 000 I M Ar Furt wortn. .......... i-;toa m Ar Clljr or Mexico tf.M A M Ar Houilan 4 .UO A M Ar Neiv Orleaui 6H& V M Ar W'uhlng'Oii Mi A M Ar New York 12;IU 1' ) I'lillmon nnd Tourlala cjtrH on both trnins. Chnlr ears Sncrnincnto to Ogden and Kl Paso, nnd touriat cars to Chicago St. Louis, Now OrluntiB nnd Washington' I Connecting nt San Frnndleco with sev- ' Amil mt it.i tilslti lllinn "h I f I. Jnpan, China, PhUIppInos, Central ami .South Amoricu. Pee Mr. W. W. Skinner agent at Salem Station, ortuldrosa O. II. MAHKHAM.G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. -flN. DKI'AIIT. TIMK aCUKDULB. From l'ortlniul. iiaVt"Lrk9,T)cnvcr'Fi"."wrirfrh Atlrllv t ron , "Tt" I Mull ! a p. m Oinnlia, Katigna City, Ht B: 15 pin uiiiia,i;iiiciigo nun r.rtsi. I Biio- I kaoei Walla Walla, Hpokanc, Mlnoo- UK. Fljcr ' 3.15 pm nKiin, Di. rani. Iiiinuii, M. Miinkco Chicago and nut, uu, . knur Hyef 8.0U a. in. "oCKXYKXMHVnvir Sp HI.1 Fur Hhii FraucUuo, Hall every llvottayn. p. in 8 n. m. ex. Hun Hatttr- COLUMBIA ltlVF.lt UTL'I I, flu 4 P. in. To Aalorla ami wny Ijimllni ex Hun, IU 11, OJ WILliAJIErfE HIVKIt Ar8- IfDl Ive I'ortlAiul, Newlicrtt ami I lutein' wyt'p. n. iJiminiKa. IilUll, Wd, anil tn Tiirmlny, Thurailay anil aHatunlay at fl.OU a tu. fc-- , iiiumin) nniuvMiajr nun rriuay III in,w a. In, FOR COItVALLlS ' Ami ay ixilntaTiieaitny, Tliurmlay anil Haltif. day, :i.Ulp. in, WJLLAMKTTB RIVER DIVISION 1 Dally boats to Portland n above. Transfers u itroct cur lints at Oregon City If thQ stcaniorsarojcluycd there. Hound trip tickets to nil pintits lu f.iilow'Oicgon, Waslilnuttin nr Callforiibi Conned Ion mutlu ut Purtlanil Willi all rail, ocean untl river linen. W. II. IIURI.HURT, fieri. Pais. Agt., Portluntl, Or. 15. M. POWERS, Agent, Trade Stre. duck, Salem. HOISE.t RARICER, City AciiK SH vnii pa!w!t i'" VOll J UUt a Lower Berth. ith onu cxuontlon tlio tlirough trains of tho Uiirllngtun Route aro almost Invariably well-lllled. Tlie exception Is our til. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited lltoruils uatmllyj room ant) : m spare. ' Don't, Infer that It1 In neltlier o linn, nor so fust, ns ANY tralr iifANYothur lino Iwtween St Paul and .Chicago. On the cm, trury, there la no more bcuiitlfm train In America. It has electric light, ste-tui heat, wide vestibules tho most satisfactory dlnlng-eu -ervlco on tlie continent -tml lower licrlh for everylmdy, A. C. SHELDON, tlen'l Aoent. Porllnndf) Denver & Hio Grande 1 li. SOKNlfJ L1NR OI-'TIIK. WOULD. The rarorl.e Truiicniilliit-iital Itoutu llelnerii tb Norllinvtt uml nil I'uliiti Kant. ' lio'aeotTwaltfiieiTliMiizii the Pant mi ROCKY MOUNTAIN SUHNWIIY. Anil Pour Koiitc Kart i; I'ueblo ami Deliver. !l Mttieiiter urantfcl a ilay atop-ovrr in Uie -Nuruioii fapllal or anywhere lielwcen 0li-u ana Imnver I'ernoonllyromlucliil TmirM t 'iiIiiii tluce ilaya a wttk to omvua, ICansas Oitv, St. Louis, OlIICAGO AN'I TUB MAST. 'i lleiieu ami any liifunnatlon rraarillua ra.u, rout, etc.. or fiir UworlutWo aJvot lUIn- v'll'..0"-.01 eD "f Oresou Hallway ,V Cai'iNf)mianlea. Hliort Hue or houllirrti s. k- nnni-Kit. O. p. A T. Agt.. louver. Cot. It. C. MCKOU 'eu. Aal.. 31 Wa.li et., Portlaml Or. lWnut I'caa Kadiuh Turnip Carrot a Onion Scitaili Pumpkin GARDEN SEEDS A iMmpleiH M.x.-k of Uruai and !ee.l. r8enl for Cntiilogue. Clove UKEWSTER Si WHITE Phone 178. Qi cjnrt St.. Salem Or SOUL 12 IJItOS. PIAKO TUNERS AMI REPAIRKKS PORTLAND ORB. rwblinn.jTic,n.r let, om.,, , lie. Wilt's ku loBm v. pm jMsWsBtWy-A. JrVissssBSuOlA fwYaKtt ssssssRroll ES lta1a1aft;dtfMmftWjti)WM