The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, March 06, 1900, Image 2

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    wm jggflp1 -
r I 01 F0R A Wtf
J 1 juliea l)tank IcTd, alrnp imhdnl
m. witli bnoklo nud how., . .
m ladles tctvfi eongrosa ahflaa
Miiip black kM, strap Miidnl
J ZTlikocut ,
J JIUfM tnn Oxford tie .
sjP pr rtv strcngtl
oW Sbo? Store
Z 04- Stnta 8tr nrt.
ill school? Then you have
often heard them complain
of headache; have frequently
noticed how they go about
in a listless, indifferent way,
haven't you?
does grand things for such
children. It bringsa healthy
color to their cheeks,
strengthens their nerves, and
cm the vigor that be-
to youth. All delicate
children should take it.
St and II , all dmrgtitl.
.SCOTT Ik liOWNI', ( h.mkli, N.w Ywk.
n'rmiM "
Dally, One Year S3 (Kl, In Advance
Dully, Tow Mantua 91 00. U fidvnnce
WueJdy, Ono Yoar 91.00, In ,idvarioo
Olca wllh n very Kioritmllly of mains
ws, Mr. H'ron hldulKo in a vert ful
soino eulogy of (ha lc;lilnturo In Iho
Direct Uirialrtllnii supplement Iks Is
fllrcul.itlii through (ho press of tlio
atnlo. tin iimltp out that It tvns nliout
the bust legislature thnlotor (mum to
blew tho ts'oplo of tills ttnlo. Ho Is
prol a ily tlio only limn w holms inado
Hint dlsnm.irv mill it mnv In. iriKilmi mi
I ..11. ..!.... .... ....ll I..I.I i..! ' '
" ,MU '"" """ ' '"lhs isirt to conx tlio member! of tlio
Snlem, Bnttinlny nlitlit, In help tlio fund
for llm widow anil orphan o( tlio Houtl
Africans engaged In tlio wnr with Kng
Innd, and lo impress cymj-nlliy In other
tvnyi tilth thou Jlcpiilillm In their
tru(fg1o for liiiloptndunco. Nov. W. B,
Gopolnnd, of tlio Unitarian cliiirali, wan
inado chairman nnd Ik pock In lo tonsil
ttilo hlnrxer commit led, tvlitclf slmll hold
ii public moi'thiH IriKnleni In keoplnjf.
Willi (no pnrMM( lutctidod.
It U not inlehdcd to hold n nicolliiK
after llm plan of tho ono conducted nt
Portland, Bnttttdny nlht, wliorollrlllth.
Americana unit probably H,Toua not
AuiorirnninnoinMcil mid hold n glori
fication over tho rmut tlctnrlea oftlio
Kmplro over (ho Republics. Tlio nipntlng
at Snlem ought to l onoof protest
ut tlio war at nn itnmKTwwiry nnd rcnlly
rnnecli!a conlont that In a dltgnieo (o
the opening of tlio Titmitloth century.
It (i n trnr brought about by tlio limi for
nn Bmpirft In tlio bronit of tlio Jlngoo
and IaKK, of tlrwit Ilrllolu, nnd lo jilro
n lot of nrnignnt and nU iKillllolnin
nnd luielcniiiiilwr nillllary men n olinum
tnovun upon tliodlMstemof thopiml.
tl la ttoM Aiiiorioniifi liuto im right lo
oten faprvw nixilliy tiilh (ho imrlmps
iiilfijiildcd rnid inlplakon Imruliurci Hint
becniuo HiiKlnnd nhonlid liur frliMidiriilp
tottnrd Ainorlennaln llmJr wrjr with
Hpnlii, wo kIkiiiIiI koup Imndff off In thin
roulcit Iwtwpen Iho motlior eouutry nnd
lorrllory (hat haa In Minn unnroounl
ablpwny.lxvoine ifww( of mi nllou
ud hoatllo ppoplA. I.wvlii( nut nl
ItiMtinn nil tlio HrKiiiutntii In tlio wn
trovorqr liotwivn KmitPr nnd Ulinmlwr
lain, and vo may ndiult Imlh ro limd'
strong nnd unlit for tlio groat roron.
blllty of pluuglnrt nnllon lulu war,
!iro It no miimiMnii boiitpon
the nttitudo of ltngland nnd our country
In thoao two whin. Itnglnnd yiupitlilr-.l
tvllli tungntuit nn nmlni ftw; iiymM.
Ihlrod with ut In imr vcm forthollbom.
Hon of OiiImi nnd IiomiiIiIi NHtoui
fnini un ulTolo nioiHiroliy, nnd fr Iho
atxm of milking U Kw,tWituiii frui
oll nnd gl ilng iIiuih ltiibllwn limil.i
l0 ivIhIiiu to Ik dtfrm f glting
Ihofoutli Afriwu ropnb1lt noro fr.
iloiu tlmu ihny can glio UnuiiHlrtM, wl
lllMo (HiittblUbui rmWl itllnio
bur priilfiinlen (Mils iwn or tliem limn
thfjrennilofnr Uimiiwlvw WmII v
nldottllli (ho prelcimtntHi u(Um prrm
lirllUli ikiiiw or alwii w v Um m
lublWiil ivjMilitkK tit thwWIt 4 Hi,'
doubt" II Ou AMfHniM H4r IbU
feruuyllilHg It U (or l(-rv wmwwtt
W'Uw R NNipWi !... j ,, UwlrnUlltv I
tOjjMiormttnlww. avMi In m
tiiontniy a tmnwH m Um ptn) ut n,(
ttvnpuMtMt wr, cUII M twlc u,,hi
t haul doh it iWfc Hug m Uh. urUwrt (
lniir(iiliim niW M4iHmi HtittiMdr
(ImAmwrlvMHiMnfa wUI hatato uko
kldriii lliat luoMWn t Udt n ',,
tJonth Mtin prwww!., nnd m jy ,
;uid wnolnOwl a, l,.uri , ,w, ,
and IniniBuUy.
next Icglnliituro to mihuilt tlio niiicnd.
inont by'thlnklndof wholcialo (lattery.
Tub Jouiivai, In pumuhig n jiollcy of
mibmltlliig tlio record oftlio leginlntom
to tlio pcoplo nnd lotting thorn pa
juilgnicnt on thorn on their nctunl
ttork. Woilmll print in tnlmlar from
this week the Inut of tlio record of tint
lower hoiuo.nnd (ho jicoplo enn llnller or
ilninii Iho (iidlviilunl memhora with nn
niiflrirMJineutiiru rejcotlou it (hoy bcii
III. It iiiiiH IkihiIiI, Hint it In not tlio
riiifoin lo roniimlnato very many of tbn
leginlntoii. Thoy lira not noiiilnntcl by
(ho eoplo nud bating cortcl (ho pur
poo of tho iimcliino thnt put thorn on
Iho ticket thoy nru dliplneed by u now
orentlon of tho iiinohlno. Thla la not
Iruo of nll.liut It la tho gouernl ruin. Tho
iiolfaroof Iho ilnlo ileiunnda (lint tlio
peojilo return nil memhora of (ho legit
Inliih) who inado it good reoonl, or oton
n fnirly good nnd liniiMt record, All tlio
aoflMKip In tho world will not Imprnrn
thoelmrnclorof tho leginl.ituro of Ore-
gon. lliofnot tlmtn bad record lgo
luglnbotiild kiforo bin couatltoocnl
limy dolor nouio loginliilurouiiui, na they
urocrtllisl on Iho tang Tnm, from he-
lug ipilto no rvcklow w'llh tho peoplo'a
moiioy nn ho would nlherwlMi bo.
learned that public lieiiifni'lorN llko
Wolla l-'itrgo A Co., glvo Oregon uny ImjI
ler rnlen on oxproei pnekngoa (ban tho
Malus. (lint mnkolhoiu put up llbentlly
for (bolr prlvllego of oxloidng nil tho
Irnllio will Ikhit.
If tho innocent gningore will Innklo
nonio of (bono problems, na well iih tho
iultlnthomiil roforendum, nnd wnmnii
auffrago, they will Ibid plenty lo think
about ami probably tomo In tho con
clusion thnt llm thing united rmlf-goveru
nicnl by tbn pen pin la inipcoptlblo of
roiiio Iruprotcmcnl. It la nlxiut tho
only thing thnt 1 u(ilpatcnlal,nlthough
it la iibout na badly inouoiHilied u if It
tiero. Tho iliffcronco Ih, the fellows
holding tho monnjioly hnvo no luteroit
In Improvement.
ft. .
'"""' ' i'k .Vv ( ..(.lung I
Tho Woodhiiru llrango haa onlled n
iieelal mwllng noxt Hntunlny lo ran.
liter iiiiil illH'ima Iho IiihIh iih o our
iMiuuly goviiriiiumil. Sonio big mibjenta
nro (o bo taken up nod tllwiunmsl, and II
tho pntiililiiriilion ol eouuly uffnlra mit
ho kopt on n purely huiluota Imula great
Kk1 may remit (rout nodi meotlugN,
Itrtllllmlu order for wimu of our
learual kldnwnlk iolllli'laiiN nnd plow.
Iinndlo plnteaiuMi In oxplnln how l.lnn
ooiitity on k ooititt- levy ol two milla Is
nblo to onrry on it eotinty gntnruuiont
mid build court houiiM nnd keep nut of
tluhl, whllu In Miirluu wo levy nbout
tliroo or four llimw ita iiuirh uihI keep
NHigiillIlwitly In tho halo. Wo ilu not
niiiiMw- HiPMO ttnot llgnroa, IhiI mppowi
tint ttxnut fiioU will Ihi madttknoMii nt
It will Imi In onlor for hoiiio of tbn
gnwt uihI ItHtriitHt uiiilllgiulu wlio lwio
pulillB illeiiw iiihI nwvwt iiniUr llm
miMofttnUtniMplaliihew, In (bo ago
f proiirtl)- Ihttl lm ovOrliiken tho olty
ftHVirUuHd.lHuvllmt ml loll hurrouyb onu
rM Iti tmm vhIhmIIoh Uh inII
lloiwaiMl Itwp jiwt tlmt mora
Imxm mi tl rot ( llm itatn Whar
llldaulHlaUt)lmlwlMl ialu pf
vit Uuig Tom or hh)' utW ualnjlit.
hii ii, I (.uinaaivo tmtwuiuty tir
'mi to imi vnluntlMi nl nil tor aurmipml"
In llm iai ,4 Iowa, ami in W Imuumo,
lllktok mi tamo ntbrr ltk'HttlnW
mhuhmnIMm lluit Imw ktwiMuiily
puwymM Ih!) n not tvlkwUtm vry
mu.b i4 ff iho ImihI aHd luiliittrx d
Ui mufk', n ilg (uriy t inlily
Iffiniil it! Ui ilik rMiir mv iwlltt-
sli4f itu iwituMlMM Mkl (MartibM.
lllnMHHiillHl mi Iikomiuw tnk
4 (fun. KM,tk t t'wi h nr TUa
Tiik JoniiiAi.'a ci.nlentlon thnt Iho
iwoplo hnto no renifin lo hopo for ro
forma nt tho banda of iolltlcnl ioii(i.
lions controlled by n mnchtmi la mil-
titineit by thodiKcovory that the Itopulx
llcnu iolltiulana In gottlng up tholr con
toiilliiu coll onu Id not keep out crooked
mwa nl tho very alait. Tho npimrllon
merit commltteo.if the ptibllsheil niortN
nro truo, nlloted tho ilolcgntoa on tho
Oeervoloof ISII8, hut took tho tolo for
Itlalmnlaoii for Mayor In l)ecemUT,l8!)(l,
aa tho baala fordolcgittoa in tho four big
Halom preoluota.
Litving ualdo tho ipioMiiou iih lo
w bother thla wm clone In tho Internet o
Honntor Mollrldoor not, If It la Into, nnd
it In being intoatlgnted, It la it rank
(mud on the county delcgiitlomj. Thou
Inordlmilely largo city dolegatloua will
ho lined to mnko n tloket in Iho IntoicH
ofierlnlu IuiIIiIiIiiiiIh, mid to pauk Iho
convention for n ulato (hat will not bo
In lliiilnlerwit of thoiooplo.
Uitthotitxpii)oranik themxeltca tho
ipioatlnu, if the very founlnlna ol Iho
hi1II lent j atom, aiipKUHnl to ho In tho
primary, nro ourrruptod, hint- onu nny
good reault bo aecuredT Will Iho foui -Inlu
thai la muddled ut tho aourco bring
forth puro wnter? Will oorrupllon bleed
liicorruptlon? When ahull thla mortality
put on ImmorlnlltyY Not until niter It
ladeitd, It I pretty nearly Hint, mm,
If whul laulmrged la trim. It la pretty
Hourly In Hioooudltlon of l.awrna In tho
tnmh, hut It hnlh iio Pnvlour to roHir
rent It.
01 umirfto, llm lliiMil)lleoti Inoroal4d
In llila city, tint wliiiarololxnld-frtunlwl
by thlarohemo, will no to tho Uitlnm of
tho Inula and will know- how to protect
tbulr iHiraonnl InteroMn. Hut wlmtpio.
Iwllnii luivii Iho ouuntry dolegnttKi
iignluit (rlokury nil along th
IIiihT Thoy Ikiv liltk. Tho only pm
leoilou tho ihiOiiIo Ihivk h to tohlM lo
An V.iprrlrnce 'Which Tnnfiht tha
Dlecrbanlciil Uspcrt Ltiion,
Ono of tho boat mechanical engineer
In Now Orleans told nn Intcroatlng
itory apropos of tlio tribulations of In
vontora. "About threo year ngo," he
anld, "I got up a llttlo device that
greatly almpllfled tho working of n
certain typo of pump, 1 took out
patcnta that cost mo In tlio neighbor
hood of $300, Including attorney' fe,
and llunlly submitted (ho thing to n
dig manufacturing concern In tbo
north. Tho proprietors at once con
ceded tlio merit of tbo Invention and
uiTercd mo J.VX) down ami a royalty of
$12.' on each one uacd. Tlio cash liny
merit iimotinted to nothing, for It really
fell abort of covering my time and ex
penses, but (he royally was generous,
und I (Igurcd It out Hint It would yield
mo nn Income of $.1,000 or Jt.OOO'for
oroinl jenra perhaps longer. It de
pended on how noon Hometlilng better
entered tlio Held.
"Accordingly, I accepted tlio proposi
tion nnd t rani for rod nil my right. Now,
how much do you think I actually re
ceived? Not n peiinj! No, 1 haven't
been cheated; nl least, nil (ho accounts
hnto been perfectly atinlght Tlio
ttoublo Is (hoy noter put (ho i It-tiro on
tlio market. They dimply h I nek Iho
patents nnd drawings In n pigeonhole
nnd there they remain lo (his day.
"Why did they do It, did joii nsk? To
buvo money. Tlio public Is very well
suited with their pump na It atnuds,
nod It la doubtful If they could get nny
more fur It with my Improvement ndd
ed. Much it atep would merely cut down
the net profit, ao they prefer to let well
enough alone. It wna necessary, of
eourac, to get my Invention safely
hIicIvciI, or It might hnvo been fnken
up by some enterprising rival, nnd tlio
only enithly reason for spending (500
on tho thing was to put It out of the
way. It tins rather rough on mo, to
ho sure, but the experlenco was valu
able, nod I won't get caught that way
ugitlii." Now Orleans Tlmea-Dcmo-ernt.
A very pretty cutom obtains motifr
tain clause by which the newly ninita
pair aurts a alngi bank for the child yet
to be. Every day a penny or a dime, a
the cae may be, Is dropped 1,hr,bar
and this practice I
Mr ill T?l
kept up until the
child is oia enougu
to mtc for ltMU.
how rarely tber
carry it to Its broad
est application.
Every mother It
perforce taring up
for htr child what
money cannot in
fluence happiness
or misery "e
nert ous motherwill
have a nervous
child The irriu
ble and fearful mother cannot have a happy
and cheerful child In mind and body we
Child will reflect the mother'a condition
The bet preparation for motherhood is
made by the use of I)r Pierce's Tatorite
Preacription Its p ect control over the
tentitite feminine organiam gives It a
natural Influence oer the mind. It ban
l.h. nnitriv and fur It does awav with
the miaery of morning; alcknesa. It glues
rllallty and elaatirtty to tne organs pecu
liarly feminine, and makes the trial of
motherhood easy and brief It makes
healthy mothera, capable of nursing and
tinnrlihlnv the babe Ihev brinir Into the
world I'avorlle Preacrlntlon" contains no
alcohol, whiaky or other intoxicant Accept
no aubttitute
Mr Aatl Kjr of Gordonville Cape Glrar
Jfu Co, Mo writes Whtu I look at my
little boy I feel Ii wy duty to write to you Per
hap oe one will mi my tmimony and I
led lo ue your Farorlte Prctcrltitlou and be
blturd in tbe same way Thla Ii juj fifth child
nd th only one who came to maturity, the
others baring riled from lack of nourithment
to the doctor laid I u not sickly In any way
and Ibis time I )! thought I would try your
' Prutriotlon ' I took nine bottlra and to mv
lurpriie It carried me through, and gare ua ai
bne a little boy as ever wa W elghed ten and
ose-balf pounla He U now Ave monltit old,
bit strer been sick a day and la so ttrong that
ererybody who sees him wonders at him He it
o playful and lioldi hlraielfup so well I would
like to tec thla In print for to many hare atked
me, ' Do rwi think thete are the tettlmoalals uf
the people or hat Dr Pierce Jutt made them
up and printed them?'"
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure blliuus-nett
The Orient Insurance Co.
Liabilities.. -.-,,
o,....l.i in TVilim' Holders
p save ior iiu. i ouiii..-; - - , .
.JrfgKo" I Will insure you against loss by fire; for terms enquire of
i THOMAS -tt i t j . es t e it rttciii.
Journal Office. Sr'lem' 0re-
Southern Pacific Co,
New Strawberries.
Growers canimke biff money out of new Sliawbernes.
100 stroiiff plants will produce duuu pia. u . h' ""
now besides about half a crop. I have plants or
Send for free catalog descriptive of vaneties and culture
K, 1-Iofer, Salem Ore.
Trnlns leave Snlem for Portland and u.7T
slntions nt 0:44 a. m. and 4:14 ?,n ay
l.v Portland 8.30 A M
Lv Halem.., .11 00 A M
Ar Artilaitil . .......12 3S A M
Ar Sacramento .... 6 00 I' u
Ar Han rrsnclico......... 7 15 P j
ArOgdcn . tl'i A M
Ar Denver..... SvoaM
Ar Ksius, Cily Iii a il
Ar Chicago 7.4.1 A M
Wil lamotto StablolGanadian Pacilc
Archbishop lleiiuneay, of Dubiiipie,
lown, dend.
llrnaon Titer Are Wur liy Ho
tinny I' Aonnilnya,
Tlio question la often naked, portion
hilly by those ttho enn recall tho cus
toms nnd experiences of 25 jears ngo,
"Why do ao many persona nowadays
near glasses'" Tho answer Is easy,
"Tlio Increase In tho number of spec
tacles worn la not to bo regarded ns
no otldenco of modern degeneration
of tho cjoft, but rather Hint n long felt
necessity has beeu met." For It should
bo lumcmbered Hint within tho past
ijunrtcr of a century much has boon
learned nbout tho tnliic of glasses, and
tho rnugo of I heir application anil use
fulness lias been enormously oxtouded
Of course tho eyes need inoro help now
Hutu formorly, us tho amount of work
(hoy nro icqulrcd to do la much greater
than ut nny previous period In tho
world'a history. Tho sowing machine
nnd many other Inventions of Its cluss
stito tho labor of tbo hands only to
mill tu Hint l e pi I ret! of the ejes.
rsow employments, now amusements
nnd now fashions nro continually be
ing Introduced to Increase tho oxnc
tlous laid upon these sensitive and
dellcnlo oignns. Tho steady decrease
of llllterney, together with Iho general
cheapness of llternltiro and a spread
of n tnsto for It, tho enormous circula
tion of uotel, mngnzlno und newspa
per, the over Increasing tiao of artificial
Illumination, nil combine to oterlux
Iho cjoa mid lo weitkeii or possibly de
stroy tbo alght unless tho required nld
nnd protection bo aupplleil through
otery means nt our disposal. Thus It
happens that (ho soino tlmu luxury of
properly ndapted Kinases has coino to
bo iccognUed and understood by tery
inuuy of tho present geuernllon na ono
of tho renl necessities of their lltes.-I.lpplucott's.
The sberill of Henloii county haa nl
ready colli-cb-il 11)100 in taxes for the
Have to Kat,
Whether thoy nro prisoners of war or
eitlrens, nil mod fotsl nnd the licet place
to pure hnso llrst chics provisions nnd
groiories for your family nt Palom la nt
llrnnson A llngnn's. .'l-o-eoil.
I.nrd I'nuncefote, llritlsh minister, ox
plumes tho fonr that Americans nro
growing unfriendly to lnglnnd.
Tho undersigned nro now occupy
Imr tho Willamette .Stnble"Huth
Commercial street nnd Jaru
ready to biro you it nice riu' or
feed nnd euro for youi team
when in Pnlem. Ilorfen lsi.irdod
by the week. Siitbfacllon guar
anteed. Your lattronngo solid
iteil. V2 tf.
Harold Reynolds.
Ar bos Angeles l&) p a
Ar II l'sio... o-oo P M
Ar r'orl Worth........... 0 to A M
Ar City or Mexico OS a M
Ar Hnuitaii .. l-oo A M
Ar New Orloaiu.. .. C-J5 p M
Ar Unhlnz on r,n i
Ar New Yorlt ..U.-TJ P
'. in.
7 OOP it
9 14 Pi
15 A a
" A
1'X A
ow p ,1
0 P il
12 ra nl
I'nlluinn nnd Tourists cars on botTi
trnlns. Chitlr cars Sacrnmonto to Oede,,
nnd Kl I'aso, nml tourist cam to Cbl.Vn
St. Louis, Now Orleans and WnBhlnmoV
Connecting nt San Krnndlsco with (...'
crnl Btoamsliln lines for llm.,.i..i..
r........ ni,i. tu. in... .i n.. .':'""
.luiMiii, uiiiuii, j iiuiiiiiiiua, tvontrm
f-outii America.
Wholesale i'rnlta, I'nalino, etc
S.tlem, Oregon. OIIIlo; Insur
iincu block. 'Phono 001. Wnro
Iioueo, nt Wallace warehouse.
Soo i'acilic Line.
Lojvest rates Best service
To nnd from till points
Ivnsl und Kurnpc.
Thuonly lino running through
I . Ill, I llll
1. 1 . 'IV. ..!
1 II '"rmU
Seo Mr. W. V. SIHiincr ngenlnt S,.m
.million, or uddresH
rorthind, Oregon
M u
nrouT, -rttiK stuKiiui.K. ,,,,.,
inn Kimn Pot Kami ""'w
P. J. w. v
t'atvm (Jamp So. lis Meets en-ry Friday nvei.
ra. 7. 10, In A O l W hall mate Ini, Mil
r X. Ilnulllrnl, r C It A. Moores, clert,
roo "i, Moorea lilk
Change. Mail Slenmship Line
In .In pan nnd China.
Cmindinti nnd Auslriilinii
Steamship Lino to
a p. in,
i ot no
in u
Court Hhcrwoo.1 Korot Ha. 111. Mceti trlilny
nlglila In Turner Llock. John il. Cliao, ('. Il A,
U llrown 8ecy. 1 117-1) r
Bicycle Repairing"
For nitesHiiil luforuuilion
apply (n
Agent SiilcimOri1.
II. AIhiK, Agent I'ort Iniitl.
J.t'oylp. A (I PA, ViHifiiincr II C
Rp hi,
8 ii. m
ex. Hun
10 p, oi
toll Itku, Denver It. tturlh
Oinalia. Kalians. City, Ht
,' I. pin
W,itl WmIU M,w.l..i,rt li....
............, ..(..n.iuv , ..iiiiik... ,...
HNilis, Mt. Paul, llnliitli, .Mil.' h,
wnuLeel hli-aKiiNint eilt t
line is a cue uf a very charming joung
woman of central Ohio, who tiatl truce,
beauty and wit tu commend lier Juit as
she wna budding Into wunianliuod a cloud
came to darken her life Her troubles
weighed ao tieavll) upon her that for a
loiiKtliiir sue would not-could not lcate
her Iimne blie ined to recelte tier friends
stretched on couch ur leaning back in an
Invalid chair And her friends were many,
hhe m as quoted aa an example of ChrintUn
Ur Ilull'a Couch ayrun u the aifest nml
ltrnstCUrtforthosi dilliiforiinsiiffi'tiniia
of tho little onoa eroiiu. uliooniin..
tsmghnnil iiioosIm' ciiukIi, Physicians
prosoriho It, children like it, nml don's
nroainnll. l'rlco'inc
Tlio itnderslgneil lime lilted up
a mneblno nml repair simp with
now machines, now tools, mid
hnto iKiMornnd cctcriciHowiHi
which todoflrat-clnsswork. Alii
ehlno work and blciclesrepaiied
nt abort notice, nt fair prnes
Your p.itionngeHilieitod 1
I If h
I'or bin rrBiielsoo,
Hall every llteilaja.
i in in in i iiii-i.-ii i.
HrKAMI.KS. ' Wkm,
In .talorjn nml way ijindliiKs,!
I'lirllaiid, howlHTi; suit wnri
iJtiiiilOKa. ,
! p. n.
1 . . "Still l
ti'".M,BriV"i"ri,,!ay "'..''"'"'rdsyalC.rju ,
Jloiiilny Wiilnowluy iiml Irldayat 10,00. in.
And uayiKilhla Inemlsy, Tliinsilsy and Kaiur
iility,.i..Op in, ' ,ul
Edgar Bros 63 Slate Si
Meals at all Hours.
Itesldenta of Snlem know where thoy
enn oblnlu tbo Uut dinner for tbo money
und t labors nro recommended to imlnui
IreThobt. i:imo itostnttrant.
Buntu Tba Knd Yon Haw Almts Bct
Bit'Ur. t S&f.
Two holms hnto Ih-oii arrostixl in In
imtlltMimto In awli ruHmi mHnds. Tlw ; Inltiif for iHtiMMiiig oHiutcrroit .iiwr-
imtklng up ol ii ixniHli-titktt in Jlurhw IW-, A ",lli -'iiilor.feiHng mil-lli
....... Il.. l. .11 ......... . . I """ """ "Til IUIIIII
-iiiij umi wmn inwtnn ui putipionmi i
iruivwet Hibllc buaHhaaa ennnnt lm Ml
Tu Curo it Hold in Una Dny
lk IdlallM IIM4UU (hi Ulna 'IVlJ-i All
.., .1 . 11.11 I. . I itf.lMMl . I 1.1 I .1... ....-..,. m T." T ',
t mo jiciiwi. nmnwm or nny Mm ' t.Wtttu i&l&7. , ""
nwJilw. Tlw uimowHhk of HiU trk-k I ... rr
.. ..!.. i n. .. . , . I A Wg wmiWiwlloii of Iron nnd steo
aowrly imlm ,Hm iy rfk h lmurt,la ttlU, tl.0O0.(XX).Urmi tlr"
tmWM nt H iM-inmry, Imi I foriuiMg i Host in West Mmintu.
wttMt la tu
litmi 4ii aocb
MMMt'itlitMi, nnd
KUt Uh, imm,
joi lM II .-..HwaHtiw, I
i . "i
"The NuUlet Miud
luMl uunlriiitiiiniii. lino " v...
i... . . . . -. :-. '.
iinnator uiiow in uiinii, no mutt ur
wihikih okh lint porfeot riMitenliuenl
(IMlit i i-
ol II
- I il i
m croH i,,ui;:, csrsyajj'a
aw iiigMuve iirgMiii lii Ltssl urdor.
llm bl mtMiis ftr this purpose If.
. .'!ud s. r-"JI""M- H promptly
oiuimuII tilooil tiuHMtta and 'runt Ions
1 he Besf
Washing Powder.
AjfeyoMfUwdrcwtf to Try ..
kmshc mi um ysstr drmiihI? OiH UiIhx
will 0 It, 1IKKAK TIIU tllUKT AT
allK. UoallleHf tllhlMHiotlyufUi.
u imUUwI (ju.Wim-tiy
"H-rU- Uh. pnw u mtM iim num
.lAfciua l latM Mwtr ilmi l-i. .. ...
.. ..-.. m.
mo po.4.1., (.tat aa a,,, xim
nml tuiiiH up tlw system
urn tatorlto culharii
lmr in
1 1 nod's
Tlw Nsti,.i, J riMl x X,,MI
Hlllih l IM MM, , , ,.y n,tilll,
iswnyl ru.dii,.i,N ii,;iiiI IriLl l.v a
rt- ! II t -i.
KltiaU4luHi hi pt QiMtnii
H.i-1. i, , (, nHiMry .it. 1
tul. .....! ,1,. , tt.l.. Us. U i,,,, .(
IUll.l.fl,(M.ll, III Mll luk, , I
-pn. .11. r,u.t,. ml, 4 ,
''i 1 in . ..m, 1U1 Wlt,,, H, u
.. ih ..i, (,,. Uhi ci, v..!,,,.!
Ji'iuiai'i a r M.UmI .kui.
imiiU i.U. it. 1 ww un Ml,
.il!k"i"i,h:" f 'Ml Uasil .Nil ...
1 tlw
I A Cata.
. llWofc. tana U-.t I.. Uta ijMHr
WMtOatHMiiit! U il,i AM ,1M,
I W' "
j)p U a matter of choke Any j(
& won an may rue ft r &he
takes th trouble M
courage Site referred to her condition as
Iter croaa " and ctcryonc tliouglit bow
brat e ami good ahe na to liear her burden
with such fortitude One bv one lii-r s,l
frleiida were Joined lo the men ur their
choice She sent them all presents and
tecelted from each a piece of wedding
cake, which she rrlnl m.r llm. .....1
didn't put under her pillow because it
wasn't any good for her lo dream No
man could marry her A life of aolitary
suiletlnir as bets Yet ber wd amlle only
not brighter as ber crona Kol beat ier One
day a young man found his way Into that
borne, looking upon Ibis gill, he loted
ber And ao be came often and she grew
to look for him, and learned to lean on
Iilni, und dieamed the pretty dreams that
come to pure women whoac beatta Ood has
la.hlotied for happy lute Hut oter all the
proipect was the ahadow of ber croaa
"Itcoiildneierbe never tie1' She said
i .er "".'i1 ovcr lo herclf many u
night at Ibe Icata llppel down ber face
Then she got to saying If it only could
oei u u only could be " And she said
Ibis many times day and night One day
shall I bV".11" of uml ,"t" ,0 r, "
" I'll break Una cr 01 tu nlrm ... nn .11.
trying " And .be looked around for
belp And by ilum-e or ptovidrme there
came Into ber bands a book the IxHik
wlliHMt title and coulenta me lefeitrtl to
beUiw It uppeale.1 to ber Common
snic was what -.hi needed hbe lealiaed
how Hut abe bad e,r. band., tngau.,
ilimeiialaiM like ber gul fnud. vUuie
matron, and mother, she rraliied that it
... ni nmioiim rir mat .He should lie
iMirn tu In- t'luahed by Uci cio
IJfe. Hbeity and the piM,it 0f bapplaeaa
her iiufleitable light, und she Vaml
the full tight, of her wouumIwoiI 1 wi,
csimmon aeiue abe needed Sbe bad tilt
all the uncommon ealtaotdinary jud .
tratagant fotm. of trealiuem, how she
wanted lew medicine and twuie cuiuiuaa
MH.e It w tUtM ahe b,gaH u, u
l)r W-fict'a 1'ato.itc PieMft-aitoH The
last of Ibe Mart Miuud like a fturv -Hory
Hu it la only file a fair) aioiv H ,&, .
ed amid ibe weiry claag of tau.rriiir
It Meuied a luirarl tn k ..-.... ...
litis mat yr. ihU imiUui on. br, 7
up fioin her wfa ami bgiH u, (v ,
uwre klimigr when klw iwik to gaf aud
the whet I. ami Intnl.. wills all ktJ4Z
of ue ... log ruluded frow cm &Z
enjymem A ad Miauge.t o , thai",!.
....... , B my awry 11 ,
Oi'tgon SI1011 Lino Kafir nail
The Hired lloule lo
Molilalia, Utah, Colorado
ano all Eastern Points-
(llveaolioYo of (wo '.itoritemiiliw.'iiu
tbo I'NION I'ACIl-IC Fnat .Mail 1. ne,
erlliiilllOdltAXDi: Pwnlc Linos.
No Change of Cars,
On Iho i'orlland.Clihwgo Selnl, ".
Iltiest Inlho West."
EqulDDoil win.
Elegant Standard Sleepers
Fine New Ordinary Tourist
Superb library-Buffet Cars
Splendid Dinners, Meals
a la carte
Free Reclining Cliair Cars
Comfortablo (Joachos and
WILLAMKI'TK ItlVKIl l)l'lftl()t
! Dtlly boats to Porllmid ns nixm-
J rausrors Ut utreet cur line ut Oregon
ll'IIV If Ibu NleninerNiiri. loliivi.fl 11.
Oir'rstMtclerseii urn if i,.. ruihiw titititl trip llckoU to nil pninis hi
lug routes cist I'licy aronll ruinous iJ'W". Wiislilniftnti ur Cilirurnla.
scenic nttrncl lor uitinccllons iniido nt, P.irlland with
O. it, A, N , via Odgen und Donver-i "" r,1" 0(;,i!l,l "- river Hues.
Sliustii Uoulo vln Jh-icriiineiilo, Og ' . W. II. IIUKLHURT,
don ami Denier. i Oen. I'ass. At., Porblitnrl, Or.
a 111-111 Kouto tin Sacramento, f.i.ruvvKii's, Auont, Tnule Street
Milinr K, Alboriiueriiin. ' (lock. Salem.
..iVWiV. Ilnooftliroimli I'lTLLMAN UOKSIO & HARKEU, City Agents.
1 I :lfw Li. ii l.'i. . ..1.... 1 t . ,"
,"" .'"'" iaiiuisi-1, anil i.ns Aiiec
in hi 1 iiicngo nils is
(The Short Line
from southern ('alirnrnhi
. In thfi FQt
I -Apply 10 1 n,, ,,,, r.10 0i 11. , y 0 u Cfi n G fit
..V iN., OS. L., Soul born IMellle. nr! ' v '-, VIA! I UUl
Entire Tr.nln P.nmnlnln'i,
Vestibulcd '
SI ..... I . ---- "Villi, in 5
i 1 I. lr'w u,r 10 (Crs and 'I f . i
IwiTlptho literatim.. Q niiaP DonfU
ii.m- .inrcosior. iiuig
Coi'vallis k Mm
I'or further inf.,ri.,ui;.... ..... 1.. ,
I nl V- I "il la9 list tt aa.
'" tieni Agoiit.
Truv. l'nsa.
Kor Viiipiinu:
iniinieutekAllNiiiy ..
fru u louvoai Comillin.
I tiiln arrive Vniiilrm
J-avo Vrnjulim ..
UvebOorvallls . ..
A rr iiiui a Ilu.....
Hie Journal Leads the Van aa i lhei Wr Detreit:
Cast. I l-eate. Allmny
Nu,Ttfivr,,,w,u'"i- wttning'r0'1
M'E. K-SS"'"1 " moral! Utea Douolt.
ir i; .;,u 'Lzn, wl a ivi, A''
ia:l P. in. I
l:Mp in. I
7:25 p ut
H'OO 11 in.
Il:m. in '
l: p. in. ,
. 7:00 11.
in ,
in. 1
.12:20 n m
oua p in
V Itli one exuontlon the through
trains of the HurllngUio. Route
arc almost. Iiiyuriubly wgll-UHed
rbe exception la our St. I'ml
Chicago Limited. On the limited
thero-ln iisiinlly room .und to
Don't Infer thai It Is neither
" IIiip, nor ho fust, an ANY tralr
of ANY' othur line between Kl
Paul uml .Chicago. On the cot.
trary, there In no mora beaullfui
train In America. It bus electric
light, Dtciui beat, wide vestibules
the most, satisfactory dlulng-ei
ktvIco un the conllnont-iul
lower ImtIIi 'or everylKidy,
i.Vn'l A"cnl. I'liMhii'dO
;. .... it,,o...i ...".""' ouo 1
?.:s!.r.-" v "' . irs: 0.., ,;tt .1
ir7- r k?z wtl'e !':'i'-' -ri v mK,:!
rai matters in Uio nonl.u..... r. ".,." , 11 i u.f ..
1'wlni -., i.., iiiirivi ' - ".'"'
liiHiom (wo par-r von will m.i u, .
let Portland and 1.1 . L.i '. .",t ' '"
Horits?Miy!jxitr,,-wi ": ,
Hon Man And aua .i.uj ,
awHominii - -(""w ana wig
rooa.thm eonuliawmg" tar "'
1 r .
" KNUt tx. 1.1
IIWIN skim.
Mlii,,- o
SKB..' . I l.l ..-Wl
ck3if '
rr''ii - is ii)
- I'i. f. li.r ...... iiiHjiiiiikI,,
" ui'H.n.
1 ui. 1 u. Mnuii.rita.
" "' ""' " "trm
'I "I H.U..UU I,
S..I.. ... ...
"' "T.l,
tWVrM aBat aBBBBnrlll
iiowr HioGfamlii II. II.
llMlilava. JT TTT
.,-.. nuu ,
rnuir puimkh .. ..- a. .
loiibnadiorBuaiii.. " paaaui. n
OaaMsnaMtasniu t'k i -,.-. lh
. Iw llw Fatniritt 'liaiiwuiinneiilal lloule HiImi.i.
sm um rii I l"e -aribvttt and all Points hast.
-- -- , "'""'O' fwo'li'iUM rnrnul Uw Kaolins
" And I'oitr Itoulca Kat oil
li.w uiis u ,. 1'iiiblii and Henter.
.- -'iinmi, All liaaa.i.r. ..,.,. .. . ...
Ilic .tort of wHe penoti It i. the atorr J?
,nvnnu Ml nuHW 11 U a CttaSiklkUlv
Pdu,,J- I n ... " l"?"uf' .Kouile.1 a. lay atop In Ibe
towards it Mitt haws . a nllS.t.",lu, "r '!''" 11111 im.i.m
, - ''"gW5, and ljiiver IHirvonallyisiiiiluiltsI lonrUl I
kT,rul v f A " "lr'"ulbWH!ia)aawccklii
,i!UiL5,,lJ''"'i"'wai.i, -iv iviiXK.JiT ,j"iia. KA.S3AS Uitv. St. Louis.
v aV . M.te .! -,. , t-IIIOAQO AND TIIK KAbT.
ooirllk(lhkevrauaR.lh.j -m ai. tiv r'"0l IreJieaaw P llaeU and any Inrorraatlon lesardlug
h Daily I looaiaKr --jtir- or - i Sai t.'ii!.n,.on ,'Jl8e"u or U'Vn Hallway a.
II J.. I MM .nriYInn II.''- I ,1
. in,. iliu UG II llrlll UlrLQT l. l-
11 'I Iwf0liu. k-.n.l. .. -.
Nlh'i.i U,,.,
X- If. IM-KIiEIIMu, .....,. .,
i"tai..i:iKii, iu,iM.r .k ,
"I" I X s ,N v I
MUs Carrie Sparr. 2780
Crry Street Kjiuas Citv.
Mo Writ!' Sl IbU-lrv ..o, I k.n
'saart ,n mtou the 5cveu Sutherland Sisters'
ixalp Cleaner and Hnlr drawer.
My half su vry thKi. huvteg fahWn out
tronncarbtfciYyr. TklcJt. gtouy hair l
nv coming to. ami I am positive tho
tMMtfei hav gwaUy helped me. I
uiv VwyH to ue them."
They etJHB whsr other tail,
W lb
dual Sail wkirl. ,.,. LZ ,X
Mory of .me vuir iau but lb. .... . t ;Zl
lyjw Uuh irueala (iwlf g.efiio ,,
to Aw. t MiUm a. K Aweika
is ir ovk stoat
.Your alary eilbei m wkole or .
Tbeic Iumx far Yss Time'. brhSfW
Tu ll liriw I rannSr HiMmiai k. i
Cuied so tnanv oaara ukn. Ila. j7VA.Tr 1 l- u . ..
butdeu under whiofa th, -.-Tt- .TATL ..7.' Vf""" ''IM
ii.l th.. ) '..' ",,' "Howl
I'K.ikkY iTiTT".,,UKK
mi i I. ...., - Mitimfc..
u t.' ..m.L I.
A T Agt.. IKiihomW.
'"" sgl. Jam ml, t.L.IKlan.tOr
pKlu.e .it which mc enn tne bet bthhtd " A ?-.. aa. . .,
fe. ;-Ms i'sS I CASTOR A
of the Iligl & wkleaTuL Cr"S! ' For T..C..... .'T m ' ,- .1 '" lM-
5 ; M y. to Atoh, "? JrL, son
,m mm$m
my chil-
la I
I leans
1.!i",,i"iiLu'f f rnsa and Clo
-coil. -&ond for Catalogue,
Uutdeu under whioh ibe k and wiiri Uriusi 'iZ aVf1' ,.l,n1
lu.1. ......, .... ... . Tr" wary i "'.wsi, 1 utir tail t.. aiL.
bren.eodJo" J.' 'ro rroaib t ZZZTJ' e' . . ITT "f.w..U doi JS7" ! '
JZtt!!: &3iS "--rr.u tL.'taJPKte' ni5WSTEtt JbVniTB
r. r. nirL. 1 Uu. no ... ......
tu KSAUsaa ur ihh raaa u.
we wmi mm lite
w. w.v, .m H tes -.-
i . .
without i.'
Aduxr. me ne amL
frvVH4 of Iweulv.ou ii.. ou .
dtffay cuA ef waisag ouyv tf JT SmStJi
luuJwuicly aad pr,wakjy Uuajt, Sfr
u4 jl nan la rt.mufuTK HT Sjjf
saty Ulkxl Auxiatfea. Hvisa. Sy "
Dllk-kK i.. . i liiirai .k .'
." I'M Will all Ois-slaait In""
X iT.-ir---.. a-,
" 4 IM UH TN Hm Ikuat Baaau - . 1 C3 T,
" IH au Liu,.
lrk- IMhwo 178. Ill Uttrt St., Salem Or
rV'f Malvu, .l T cllllr ,,.,r .( ft
W'li. ..Ii fu, ,
-V-' i4mj Vfe.