The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 28, 1900, Image 3

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At Bull Run.
pmraao Ohas. Elms, of Mochsnlcavlllg.
N.Y., was struck bynploco of shell which
later caused sovore heart trouble Ho saysi
"At second Bull Run a piece of shell
lodged In my shoulder, and later
rheumatism tet In, which in turn af
fected my heart to tuch extent that
several doctors pronounced my case
incurable. Dr. Miles' New Heart
Cure relieved my pains, shortness of
breath and enabled me to work also to
xkep soundly, and prolonged my life,"
la sold by nil tlrticglsts on guarantee
tint bottlo benefits or money back,
llook on heart and norvos sent free
Dr. Miles Modlcal Company, Elkhart, Ind.
O. C. T Co's
Daily except Bunilay at 8'a ,'m.
Docklbetween Btato and Conrt'Bts.
M..P. BALDWIN, Agent
A jot aJdlllonaLLocal Nowssco Funrttt Page V
Miss Edith Fnwk hits returned from
J (.Hereon.
A. N. ailbort wont to Portland yestor
day afternoon.
.Mrs. H. O. Thomas, of Turner, was
in the city yesterday.
L. L. Swan, nn Albany attorney, vis
ited this city yesterday.
Mrs. 11. T. Bruce went to 1'orUand
on a visit this morning.
Mr. and MrB. E. 0. Cross are home
from a visit in Portland.
Captain J. T. Apporson, of Oregon
City wns In Saloin yestorday.
Roy. G. F. West went to Portland this
morning with his whole family.
A. K. Sauvain returned to Roseburg
this morning after a week's visit with
his parents.
Henry Downing wont to Wultsburg,
Dayton uul Walla Walla, Kastern Wn.,
on a ptcasuro trip.
E. P. McCornnck, A. N. Bush and
wife and Stato Printer Leeds were pas
wingers for Portland this morning.
Mrs. Rosa Scribner was a passenger
last night for Portland, where she will
spend a few days visiting with friends.
Dr. J. IN'. Smith went toShodds station
on last night's express, whoro ho was
called to Bee his father, who is seriously
Mrs. Alice Carter, of Arhland, who
was hero on a visit with Mrs. Hatch,
weut homo last night on the California
Mrs. A. M. Gaston of Wallowa, who
has been in the city visiting Mr. and
Mrs. George Jacobs of North Salem,
was h pasranger homo yesterday
Slow Ait Tour Kldnejra t
Dr. lloblw' 8paraK fill cure all kidney Ilia.
olafreV. Add.tUcrUM Itemed Co , or
Miss Kathorino Munkers, who has
beeuin this city visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munkers, returned
tocher homo in Portland last night.
To Core Constipation Foreter.
Ta'UeCascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo orSSc.
If C. C. O. fall to cure, drucirlat refund money
Mies Gertrude Hibhard returned to
Portland yesterday afternoon, being
accompanied by her brother, Dr. h. I
Hibbard, who goes to his home at
Burns, Or.
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you eat.
Nature In strengthening and recoD
structiuKtue exhausted digestive or
gan "it is the latest ilscot ered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in saiclency. It In
Btant y rellfiTea and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
FlVtulenc. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Tiih aiiitof IrnDerfeU digestion.
A-iporid by E- C- DsWilt Co., Cb
ra i i
Stars tie
liad Yw Km Atari Beuifet
Contributions for this Department aro
reipcctfully solicited from our readers
11Y MILTON' L. MtinnOCK.
Slio cavo the best years of her life
iVith lov for me.
And robbed herself, with
loylng heart,
For me with willing hands she toiled
From day to day.
For nio she prayed when headstrong
.Would lmvo its way.
Her gcntlo arms, my cradlo once,
Aro weary now;
And Time has set the seal of caro
Upon her brow.
And, though no other eyes than mine
Their meaning trace.
I read my history in the lines
Of her dear faco.
And, 'mid Ills gems, who showers gifts
As shining sands,
I count her days an pearls that fall
From His kiwi hands.
The Christian Advocate.
The Club Meeting.
At tho last session uf tho Home TopicB
club, In tho informal talk before tho
regular progiam was digested, tho Into
cooking school was nibbled at in a gos
sipy way. Tho question was, what had
that Innovation into the social quietus
of the town dono for Its fair Inhabitants?
Some thought It had done wonders,
whilo others were not so sanguine as to
its benefactions. One woman feared it
had swelled their family grocery bills to
such au extent that tho wliolo tribe
would bo compelled to begin fasting a
week beforo lent. Tho Madam Mala
prop ol tho company suggested that "if
It had such n dcharmonii'.lng effect tho
first week how would itfulminato in tho
whole year's accounts?" This aroused
tho suspicion that If tho subject wero
allowed to drift tho rules of tho society
might bo strained beyond tho point ol
good form, nnd tho president suddenly
called tho meeting to order.
Tho subject for tho afternoon's discus
sion was 'concerning tho "Educational
Dutlos of the Home." Tho presiding
nonius, known as a chairman ot meet
ings of men, is a genial, broad-minded
woman, whoso good sense serves ns a
pneumatic broko and Biifety valvo for
the deliberations of the skirted uwtngel
Istfl of overy-day knowledge.
After tho topic in hand hud been fully
launched, Mrs. Up-to-Dato presented
tho phase of tho parents taking part in
tho dully studies of the children, and
suggested tho necessity of keeping in
touch with their overy-day school work.
Times lmvo changed and methods nro
not what thoy wero in our girlhood
davH. so wo can't trust to luck and tho
school ma'am to do It all for our chil
dren, I believe that wo Bhould learn
every lesson with tho children, and thus
review our own educations and always
Imj up to or slightly in udvniice of our
children. Thus wo ran bo their guido
and cxamplo all through life, and give
them nn intellectual stuff that will feed
their minds nnd Inspire them in their
every undertaking.
Here Mrs. Short-Stop suggested the
dilemma of n family of a dozen children
with a dozen studies each, and as many
minds of their own.
Mrs. Home-Spun then ventured the
modest suggestion that tho children
didn't need to have ideas pounded into
thorn half so much as thoy needed a
little encouragement in drawing out
.. . ...
their own natlvo talent and ability. Sho
thought it was well enought to help n
youngster over a hard place hero nd
there and she even admitted t .at It,
wouldn't hurt the parents to brush up,
against a little real book learning once
in a while.
Mrs. Brilllantlno Insisted that
eseonco of tho wholo educational bind
nesgwas to make children presentable
to tho world, and to glvo thorn tho pol
ish that wns necessary to distinguish
them from tho common tieoplo
and tho vulgar classes. She believed
that every child was born, to distinguish
itself In eonio branch of education. Some
young people aro cut out for oratorst
others for siugors, and nono but can
shine in some respect, encourage thorn
to do their best all tho time, and you
aro sure that they will grow up to re'
spect their own iniortaiice in this world.
Buy them tho latest text books on all
subjects, help tho teacher all you can
to push them in thoir studios, and by
all means compel thorn to realize their
social responsibilities. Mrs. llrillinnt.
ino indulged in a flight of rhetorical ef
fusions concerning tho great importance
of education, and closod with the sug
gestion that it should bo given to the
rising generation in every form powlblo.
Mrs. Thoroughgood spoke up In a
mellow voice, in musical contrast with
tho previous speakor. Sho had long
aw given up keeping pace with all the
educational fads, and thought our chil
dren should bo inspired with a higher
motive than being at tho head of tho
class. They cannot till be flmt, except
In our hearts, and we must see to it
that they all fare alike in our affections.
She had long ago givun up the idea of
keeping up with the book Mine of
modern times, and preferred the homely
distinction of maintaining tho confident e
of her children above all things else
Ihere is a closer alllnity than books can
possibly bring, and a richer reward
than to bo able to tell the young folks
"I told you no." Lut ns be companions
i to our children and xharu their tribula
tions, their fun and. their joys aiiwe.
Carefully direct their hands and minds
as far as thoy are open to recolve help,
but try if possible to prevent their en
tering the hallueination that they are
smarter than their parents. Open the
home to their friends and chums. Fill
their stomachs as well as their minds
with the substantial of hie. Help them
plan their play as well as their work.
Head i&oil works in company with them,
and in the dUousaions that follow give
thein the benefit of your bast practical
thoughts. Dear mothers, do not de
nounce everything that you do not ap
prove of, don't antagonize yourchlldren,
hut bo firm, just and loving, and they
will never get beyond the influence of
tho mother love, which is alter all .the
greatest blessing that young people can
Be Not Fearful
Whatever our troubles, whelhor of
mind, body, or estate, let us not bo
fearful. There are moods in which,
whatovcr our circumstances, wo aro na
Bafo as tho angels In heaven. When wo
lovo, honor, and ndoro our heavenly
Father, wo aro of thoir spiritual com
pany tho company over whom dlsastor,
accident, chargo, lmvo no Impairing
powor. Let us not shudder, then, ns
though those external things which vox
us could lmvo influence permanently to
disturb our peaco. Fear ol them can
alono give them power over us, at all.
Matter and hate can novcr usurp tho
lordship of spirit and love. Lot us bo
patient, then, resting quietly in tho
everlasting arms, assured that tho gen
tlo and trUstlul, in vlrtuo of the very
nature with which thoy aro endowed,
must triumph over ndverso circumstan
ces and unholy bosetnients. The Ex
aminer (Daptist.
Chicken With Spaghetti.
Slngo, clean mid truss a nice, fat
chicken. Lay it on a trivet, or a per
forated tin in a stew pan and add boil
ing water to half cover, and one level
tabWspoon of salt. Let it cook very
slowly, till tender, from ono hour to ono
and n half, according to tho ago of the
chicken. When tender pour off ono
pint of the water, and set asido to cool.
Cover the chicken and let itBtnnd where
it will keep warm but not cook longer.
into another stowpan put ono tnblospoon
0 butter and cook in it. without brown
ing, one small onion sliced, then pour in
the pint of chicken Huuor freed from
oil, nnd when boiling add one cup of
niacarronl broken in inch pieces, or
about a dozen long sticks of spaghetti!
colling them in as the boiling brotli
softens them. Let it boil until tho brotli
is nearly absorbed, then add one cup of
milk or thin cream and cook slowly un
til tho spaghetti is tender nnd has ab
sorbed the liquor. Sprinkle half n cup
of grated cheeso over It and cook n few
minutes longer. When this is nearly
done draw tho chicken forward and lot
it become lxtiling hot agaiu. Remove
the chicken to a platter and cut It In
convenient pieces for serving. Lot tho
llquoi boil down to ono pint, skim off
tho fat, and then stir the liquor grad
ually into two tablespoons of flour,
which have been cooked In two table
poons of hot butter. Add celery salt
and paprika. Turn tho spaghetti out
over tho chicken nnd pour tho sauco
lover the wholo. Garnish witli parsley.
Mauv J. Lincoln.
Prune Whip.
A most dainty mid delicious dessort
for this lime of tho your is a prune
whip. Soak a quart of prunes over
night, cook slowly in n little water until
soft; put through n potato rlcor, sweoton
and beat hi u woll beaton white of an
egg, flavor with n little vanila and servo
with whipped cream Jailer it has been
thoroughly chilled.
Indian Pudding,
For dinner, a most delicious pudding
may bo made from cemment: One quart
llt l.nlln.l I.. (..In. (...III.. llM.n..
,.,. nillI . flli,lpnnnnf..l. nf n
, . , ,
I I...V.. ..w.., V w.. ..... Hw, ...... ....
tcool; then add tho yolks of four well-
ncateu eggs, ono iiiuiespouiiiiu i muter
and a teasnoonlul ol salt. .Make n
meringue of tho whites. Hake the pud
ding a delicate browu, spread over it tho
moringue, placing tho wholo In tho oven
a moment to brown.
Pretty Table Decoration.
Two pretty Ideas in table decoration
come to us fresh from aboard,. and aro
woll worth copying. Ono is u delight
fully novel decoration, formed by rib
bon twlstod in and out, forming n link
between tiny nosegays laid simply on
tho cloth. When flowers are plentiful,
.vhy not carry out tho same Idea with
chains of (lowers?
Mis truss: "Why .were you dismissed
from your last place?" Up-to-I)ato
Servant Girl: "Woll, I like your inquls
itivoncssl Did I ask you why your last
girl loft you?"
Tho artistic standards of beauty re
quire that the walbt of a woman should
b twico tho size of the throat. There
fore, if ono's throat measures 12.'4
Inches, one's waixt ought tomcaHiire 25.
The Venus do Medici, supposed to boa
perfect tppo of feininino beauty, la only
five feet two inches high. She has a
wulst of 27 Inches. The wasp waist is
not only unpleasant to look at, but it la
nccountahld for many of the ailments of
Mother, when your children aro at
tacked by tho dreadAtl croup, you
neod not despair Dr John W Bull'
Couch Syrup will relievo and cure
tlds Uiseasa at once. You can alwaya
depend on this marvelous remedy; it
never fails to cure. For whooping
cough and measle-couch it Is the beat
remedy In the land. Children like it.
Dough Syrup
Will cure Croup without fail.
Huh trc nDkll in4 pleut to Ukt
Smwd 1 it Pru ceuu. At .11 dniifts.
woman, which result In impaired diges
tion, circulation nnd respiration for life.
No woman can have n good comploxlon
whoro tho vital organs aro packed nway
insldo ot n corset four or flo Inches too
smnll for Iior.
A Bhrewd old lady cautioned her mar
ried daughter against worrying her hus
band too much, and concluded by say
Ing! My child, a mania like an egg.
Kept in hot water u little while, ho may
boll soft; but keep him there too long,
and he hardens."
What Is Worth While.
To live content with small means;
To seek olcsanco rather than luxury,
ltcflncnicnt rather than fashion;
To bo worthy, not simply respectablo ;
And wealthy, not simply rich;
To study hard, think nuictly ;
Talk gently, act frankly;
To listen witli open heart to birds and
To bear nil cheerfully, do all beavely ;
Await occasions, nover hurry
In a word, to lot tho spiritual life
Grow up through and above tho com
mon Thnt is nly "symphony of life."
v. E.CiUNNi.Na.
Best ot All
Toclenso tho syBtem in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
Spriiigtlmo conies, use tho true nnd per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Uuy tho
gonulno. Manurnctured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
by nil druggists, at 60 cents ier bottlo.
Social Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Uockwell, were
given a very pleasant surpriso party at
their homo, by a number of their fellow
members of tho Presbyterian church,
tho occasion being the birthday of Mrs.
Mrs. J. A. Morrison entertained n fow
frlonds Tuesday evening hi honor ot n
friend from Seattle, Miss Dean, who left
for a visit to Sail Francisco this morning.
Mrs. Chas. Gray entertained a few
lady friends at tho home of Mrs. G. W.
Gray this afternoon.
On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. S.
Fnrntr, assisted by Miss Forstner, en
tertained tho Dupllcato Whist Club at
thoir homo corner ot Commercial and
Union strcots. The club will bo enter
tained nt its meeting, on March 11, by
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gilbert.
llrmity I llliioit Deep.
Clcnn blood means a clean akin. No
beauty without It. Cascarcts, Candy Cathar
tic clean vour hi noil ntul keen it clean, hi
stirring up tho luzy liver and driving all Im
Iiuntics iroin tne nouy. jirgin to nay to
lanish pi.niilci. bolls, blotches, blackheads.
and that ulckly bilious complexion by taking
Lascaretn, beauty lor ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,23c,SOc.
Hop Sates.
It Is roortcd thnt four lots of hops ag
gregating 30!) bales were recently bought
at Shorldan by Portland parties at prices
ranging from 3 to 5)6 cents per pound.
Theso hops wero not handled by tho
0, H. G. A., which probably accounts
(or tho low prices. Othor sales at
IndopendoiKO and Kugono nro reported
but prices aro not given.
Educate Your iowl tVlth Cmeeret.
Cnrnljr Cathartic, oure constipation forerer,
10c, rsa. If a O. O. full, (Img-glsts refund money.
Shorlff J. A. Fronch, of Wallowa
county, went to Idaho last week to pro
euro a warrant of extradition for a man
recently arrested at Lowlston on a chargo
ot horse stealing in Wallowa county.
No Gripe, Pain
Or discomfort, no Irritation ot the In-tcstlnes-but
gentle, prompt, thorouKb
healthful cleansing, when you take
Hood's Pills
Sold by nil druggists. 29 cents.
Badly Hurt.
K. M. Learned was badly injured on
Tuesday by tho lever ot a stump puller
breaking and striking him a severo
blow on tho loft groin, dislocating his
ami badly bruising nun.
The machino has been in uso about a
year, nnd nt tho tlmo of the accident no
ono was present besides Mr. Learned
and his son, Wlllord. Tho old gentle
man showed irrent nerve under Ills in
jury. Dr. Cartwrlght wns the attending
surpcon. Tho veteran dairyman will
bo conllncd to his bed for a while.
Don't ToUff spit and timeks loir Mrs Ansjr.
To quit tobacco euslljr and forerer, to ma;
netle, lull ot lite, norte and vlvor, tulio No-To-Ilae,
the wonderworker, tlist make weak men
strong;. M druggists, too or II, Cure guaran
teed. Ilootilet and sample free. Address
Sterling Ileinedy Co, Onlcago or New York.
When dizzy ordrowey take Hckciiam'h
Mrs. Harriet ICvans, Hinsdale, III.,
wrltfto '! tinl'np full tn rnlt.iL-n till- f.lill
dren from croup at once by using One
Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel
sate without it." tjuicKiy cures cougus,
colds, grippe anh all throat and lung
iltiiAnBr.ti Kfftnna llpltff Klnrna
Tho question of enlarging the publlo
schools ot New Whatcom is to he left to
a voto ot the leoplo.
To secure the original witch hazel
salve, ask for DoWitt'a Witch Hazel
Sulve, well known as n certain euro for
piles and skin diseases. Iluwaro ot
worthless counterfeits. They are dan
gerous. Stones Drug Storer.
A party of nine homeseekers arrived
at La Grande on tho 23d, from Utah.
They expect to settle in the Grand Hondo
Try Allen Foot Base.
A powder to bo shaken into the shoes.
Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot,
and get tired easily. If you have smart
ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Haws. It cools tho feet and makes walk
ing easy. Curei swollen, sweating feet,
ingrowing nails, blisters and callous
spots. Helioses corns uud humous of
ull pain and gives reit and comfort, iry
It today, hold by all druggists und shoo
stores for JJ5 Trial jiackage FKKK.
Address Allen K Olmsted, IHoy, N. V.
Petty larceny thieve are making life
mltierablu for the miners and settlers
along tho 8nako and Ininaha rivers
Uf t kUlilj tobMco ktbll. M IKTU-ll AIL
It. alt ,lfh vm Mtalkff A AOfttiaO i
rev oira ,or ieco. '
ftUI Brvou oiw, ai pu
UU, (UUH "? I
uru leit huIum.
.ai-.d. Una
I air nlr"a
I.BAll&tI..ear.llaAtir Oaa
I. SI. uaaily auraai . SIM,
kla J I.Mr..r. raiaJM uwuf.
U 1 jta.lMaM, lrail,Sar.
r.w v - iuft
wor g l a. rPa.
rs aSt". at I av
s -m lavwu.
aarra r m mmr- caaaa
tm4 botiafc. -bm aBH a Mrvi-f k
" r ' am i
alal 111 a7alll
am. aVWo
f SfAliilil 1 F1 1
Tho Kind You llnvo Always
lit uso for over SO yonra
IRgy-z- Kotml Biiporvislou sinco Its hinuicy.
f-&Ci4fti Allmir no nun to df-i'nlvn volt lit this.
All Counterfeit!, Imitations nnd " JuRt-ns-prood" nro lmfc
Experiments that trlllo with and endanger tho Iienlth oL
Infants nnd Children Expcrlcnco against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitutes for Castor OH, Paro
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotto
tmbstnuco. Its ago Is Us guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhooa and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy und natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Soars tho
(&&& AcM4M
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially
and'at honest prices.
Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty.
T. S. BURROUGHS, 102 State St, Phono IOII
jgv&:&- A'
remeilyKiuranttnltocurenll nervous iImciikii, uclim WenU
Blemory, llea.lflehf.NVskcrullness.Ujt MouliooJ. Nlnlilly Uml
tlons. Nervousnesi. lou 0r wer in Oenerallic Orirons, cnuinl
by vou hful errors, oculye ute of ttltuulants wlilili lcit.1 to
iSzrHL ?! ',nw,n".r Csn le carried in vest nocktl. f i.ii per
box. 6 for f i. by mall prepaid. Circular free. All druigll. Take
nooUier Mauufaclured by the feau Medicine Co., liriM'rancc.
v.autUiivla DrtiBCo.dlstrtbutuigagenU,
Tnixo and YAMiiru. Bts., lORTLArD, Oaaooi
Prof. L. O. Cochian'a Family Meet With
From Willamette Colletflan.
The following Is a part ot a letter re
cently rreived by a friend In thin city
from Prof. L. 0. Cochran, who occupied
tho chair of Science in this tchool last
"I left 011 January Ut for Colorado
and returned January 18lh. Mm. Coch
ran fell and broke her thigh bono. Wo
thought sho would dlu, but hIiu Iihh Imi
gun to get better. Monday afternoon
Ilarrold fell from tho fourth floor bal.
cony clear to tho sidewalk below forty
feet. lie had hold of u pulley rope which
sliding through the wheel, somewhat
checked his dcecent, othurwive he would
havo beon killed. As It I he Ih quite
stck and had had 1111 attack of cougus
tion of the lungs, but la recovering. Kv
erybody thinks It Ih a wonderful escape,
itemember us to nil friends who may
To Nlgnt and To-Morrow Night.
And each day and night during this
week you cun vol nt any druggist'
Kemp1 Halsiiin for tliu Throat und
Lungs, acknowledged to ho tho most
RucceMful remedy ever Mild for
CoiighH. Croup, HroncliltK Asthma
and (JonHtimption. Get it u. tllo to
day and keep It always In the Iiouho
s'j you can check your cold at onco
Prlco SKo and 60c. Kumplo bottlo free,
V C. Wllley, of Khelton, Ih going to
Maine In a short time to get 100 loggorH
to work In W'uelilngton locging rumps.
Lazy Liver
With u UirpiJ liter, wIik 11 pruOiuw niiaiti
va naiTfl mccii irotiuicu icrrnt unai
lion 1 iomiiu 1 Anv.'itr.i'A ioiea.i jouruiai
(or them kil secured ik-u relmt tint flrai liiul
that I puruliMed aootlitruiii itnd ui rmn-
pieuiyturea isoaii tiny u 100 tiiaa vt tee
uiomend I aicarols whenever !' opixrtuiiiiy
U pri-nid J A KMim
2M Havjueluuna A 1'ulutdelpnia l'a
' llut I'auiabla i'oui.i (.) IH
! Qood. NTrblkaa Wraten vt Cilia Ik U K
U.rU.1 ttmUf (MU, (Sla.t K..U.U. .. Mt
mo ji-iao ivnwrswiB"
ln ryrftli dtr
Boupht, nnd which lins hecn.
lias homo tho Bltrnntnro of
lins been urndo under his pcr-
Signaturo of
It's Higli Time
thiitweiynnu In Salem knew w hero they
can get their linen laundered in tho best
stylo of the nrt of laundry work, but
there may bo home who have been in
tho hahltof having their oblrtH, collars,
nnd cuffs done up at homo that would
like to know whero they can have them
laundered ust like now In color and
UiiIbIi. uud that Ih at tho Halem Steam
Salem Laundry.
riionolll, 10 Liberty til reel
Business Uelng Transacted at the Court
K. A. Turnur has been appointed ad
inlnlatrntor do Ixuils non of tho estate ni
Mary Ann Avort, deceaHcd.
neiiPH riLKii.
Tho deeds filed nnd rcconled worm
Joshua II. Smith and Mary K. Smith
to J. W. llewley, Kl.lil acres, being part
of U I 0 of Cyrus Pitney, hi t 7 8, r 2 w,
w il, 12000.
Mahetella llrauiilng and John llranti
lug to Q. Q. Wol, Iota No. 1, 2, M, -1 and
12, In block No, 1 1, amended plat of
Ilrooklyn addition to Salem, w d, $VJ5,
Or. Bull's Cough oyiup la a drond
old remedy, iihw! for muny years, nnd
still hi public favor. Il is without doubt
the best medicine for all pulmonary af
fections'. It alunyH eiirux. All drug
gists 80II it forUn cents.
liven if 0110 general has Hiirruudcred
you need not bo dlrcouragitl, uh there Is
plenty of the best provlslona n-id
grocerioH for nulu nt fair prices by
2 27('0( IlllANMAN fi itAOAN.
Lewis Ackermau. Oosliou, Ind., mye,
"DoWltt'H Little Harly ItlseiH always
bring certain relief, euro my headache
and never gripe " They gently elwiuso
and luvigoruto the bowels uud liver.
Stones Drug Stones.
a 11
The Klgh Itcconltir talks of organizing
a "neiik-tle" xirty, uh there ban been a
great deal of cattle atwillng near Klgln of
$100 Howard, 8100.
The roe dorn of this paper will be
pleaocd to learn that thuru Ih ut leuHt
one diuudt'd douso that miIoiico Iiuh
been able to cute In ull Uh btugtw, und
that m Catarrh. 1 1 nil's I'olarrh Cure
It tho only positive cure known to the
meolcal Iruluniliy. Catarrh btdng a
coim'lli'lloiiul dlMi.iso, riiiiiruHucon
ritltutlooul treut.iieiit. llnll'ttUuturrh
Cure In taken Internally, aetliu di
rectly uponthe blood und mucoiia mr
fucesof the syBtem, thereby destroy
ing thu foundation of the dlcuse, and
giving the patient Htrength by build
ing up the constitution und umlstlng
nutuio In doing Its work. The pro
prietor! havtt so iiiuuh faith In Its our
uilvo powertt, tliut tlicv offer Ono
Hundred Dollars for any onw thnt It
fulU uiouie. bund for llt of teitl
uiomuls. Address,!'. J. OiiWHY, & Co., To
Hold by DrUL'glsls, 76c
IlillVFumlly Pills urc tho bent.
vt nrfcM l Of. I M Keene, old Vill
' omei.tbl.-ni Dr l'r 1 s desiring uperiot
, erau o;u nt moJ-nte (e s in any Irrsneh sr'
lit especial request.
Umbrella making and
General repairing.
tOB Stnto btroot 1-0 Phono 2870
Old P. 0. Saloon
Successor to Fred (lonlet.
Choicest goods in nil linen.
Oppouito Hotel Wlllnmctto. 2-10-tt
u Capital Junk Shop. cj
(4 Dealer in Cast Iron, Wrought iron H
fc Stovo plntos. copper, brnsa, sine, &
paper !
nnd bonos.
Vj Tclophono 2095 2-MP00 8
. llfl fVillrff Kt Hrtlntll llMt
No, 71 Chcmckcta st,
J. II T. TPTH1LL Assayoi
Phono 1071.1
Toledo, OroRon.
it.. f'tA.i. nf rrtii.l fnr al Tara atlrlhaa
sn up-todato abstractor all properly In Lincoln
county. ..-..u.
It'iir water fcorvlco imply at oltlc
lllllH paynhto monthly In mlvunco.
Muko ull coinplaliilH ut tho ollico.
iress and Tf ansfet
Mwli all malt anil naitencAf lialha. liar.
wge and express to all putts ol the ,cll)
numpl service Telephone No. 70.
Enhugotuciiti In Ornyon und Witter
Uolnr. Photo Uuttons
Amatour itoveloplnu and llnishlng
nrutly dono. U. W. DIKKMAN.
HnocfWMir to K J. Drown.
flUOUNU Flook
213 Coiuiiiorclul tit., tialum Oregon.
S, C, STONE. M. D.
I'roprie tor of
Stone's Drue Stores
Tns steras (two In nitmben are located a
No, 2U and B33 Commorelal street, and an
well stocked with acotnpluta line ot drugs and
medicines, toilet articles, pertinnory, brushes
.U-... to., etc. DH.BTONK
llashadsomo3JIreArs:oxpertenca';in tho prac
tice of medicine and novr makes no'charite (or
oonsultaUoD, examination or prescription.
Raising the Ante
Is whul n defective water back lu your
range is liable to do nt any tlmo, ns )t Is
a great courcn of danger. If your range
or nluinblnir needs over) aullnir. and de
fective pliHis repaired or new onos laid,
you will tlnd the Viork done by uh to be
of the best, aud our prices ulways fair
aim rcusonanie.
Telephone No. 3371
Bottled Beer,
Kllnf;cr& Ueck.tiuccessors to BouthSalem
Uottlir. Works.
All orders for bottled beer will bo filled
at the brewery. Kent on cold storage,
Kmt city dollvnry. roliiphoiiw 21.11.
The huluoM men of Siimmurville
want a creamery nt that plate, and a
meeting to consider the mutter will be
held next Thursday.
lltfr Ctrower tun Sttmttt Gletnf.
Aia tba uolr vraparaucoa ttiat williaatoattia blr
il. uinco.l h.altli' condition. I all dtuss lata.
"I used Kodol DvsDonsla Cure in my
family with wonderful results. ItgUe)
iminediato relief. Is nleasaut to take and
is truly tho dyspeptlo's best friends."
'says !'. liartgeriuck, Overlsel, Mich.
uigosts wnat you cat. wanuoi tan to
10 oure. otones urtig otorea.
Bsarstli lRMYlbAlw.iJBHIB-t
Sata later Co.,
KlAtir 4
nne or
nt same rnto.
!nnFro'. l'er'-, IH, guaranteed.
2.000 styles to select (roin.r-II. 8.
Polio, Stntd streot.ngent Waiiilamaker
& Brown, Philadelphia. 2 241 in
' ' ' 1 . 11 1 1 1. 1 1 . - ,
L0?!'"T'V ci,ina"on Canoiy ; the Under
111 please roturn toJJr. Annlco Jef
frey and recolvoa liberal reward. 2-263t
GOOD IlOMKS-for sale or rent, t
havo sovoral eligible houses and lolq
for salo or rent. John Stolr, ngoht,
21)0 Commercial street. 224 tit
COME QUIOK I havo been authorized
to will tlrkntu In Nmnn nn 4 t.i nli.
did steamer Senator. If jou havo
mado up your mind to go. Coma
quick while tho tickehj can be had.
.1. II. Fletcher, Independent oflice, Sa
lem, Or.
10 RENT. A good hop yard ol 22 acres
in flno condition with good buildings.
Win, II. Egan, Brooks. 2 21 It
DID YOU KNOW That $100 would
buy n block of nearly two acres with
Improvements, costing nbout the
price. Running water across one
corner nice for poultry, with or with
out n small stotkof Btnplo goods. Box
41, Marion, Or. 2 20 ltn
TO TRADE. Small tracts of unlm
proved real cBtnte in part payment for
woodcutting, Inqulro room 0, over
Gllbort's bank. 2-15 tf
ElGllWEN"D67.LAI-Oair extension
tablo for 12. 15-child'fl oak folding
bed, with mattress and springs $8.
Bedroom sets f 10 and upwards. All
kinds of household goods. James
Sliantr,, 107 Court street. 2-li-lm
FOR SALE Part cash, balance on
timo, a two story eight room
houso with basement. All hard
finished, good well and Out build
ings, full lot, corner of Eigh
teenth and Chemokcta strcots. For
furthor information call at Daniels'
barber shop, 244 Commercial street.
rarochance to buy ono of tho best grain,
stock or dairy farms in Polk county, 7
111 Ilea from Salem, nearly 400 acres. To
do soul .Muren 7111, by order ot court.
Call and oxamlno.
Zena, Polk Co.
J R SiiRPAnn.
d & w 2-8ml
THE ELITE 8TUDIO-makca a hi-
lany 01 piatino pnoios, enlargements
in crayon and wntor colors, photo
buttons, for fun photos, amateur de
veloping and finishing Cor. State and
Commercial streets. 2-U-lmo.
from thu choicest stock of Mill
ford Saylors, celebrated B. P. R. poul
try farm at New Market, Ind. can be
had at from 2,C0 to f 5 each. These
birds are true to a feather and are
equal to tho best in tho state, at 470
Com. street, Salem, Oregon. Mott
Bros. 1-23-t.
IUUYOLK PATU-ir yuur blcyplo
needs repairs bring lb In, wo huvu
tho skill and stock to keep it lu tlrst
cluso condition. Wo carry a full
lino in sundries und uiako a special
ity of enameling cotuo and sco us.
wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner &
White, 288 Liberty Bticot. llolnmn's
block, next door tc atcuui laundry.
. Phono 2855. 1-atH,
thut tho beat aud cheapub carpet
paper Ik tho heavy felt paper sold
abTueJouiiNALolhcc. 20-tf
Keaiou 11.00 spot cath. One block north or
Kt Balem bcliool.
u-ivtr iikowh a son.
Dr.J.F, Cook, tho Uotanloal Spec
nllst, Suoooeds Where Other
To whom it may concern t
This is to certify that Bertha P. Con
nor, of Mt. Angel precinct. Marion coun
ty, Oregon, has suffered from a cancel
ous growth in thu leftear for about three
years. The growth was cutout twice nnd
burnod out once by Albany Physicians,
but tho growth camo back as bad
as ever, and painod her so badly that
she hail to be taken from school. After
threo week's treatment by Dr. J. F.
Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Botanical
Specialist, tho growtli entirely disap
peared, and at this date, fnui months
sinco trentmont was begun, tho growth
lias not reappeared, and too car lias rn
tiroly healed leaving only tho Bears in
dieted by the Albany doctors.
I hereby certify that tho abovo state
ment is aooolutely true, and that Ber
tha P Conner, tho poreon mentioned
In thu atlidavit, has resided in myfam
ily since early childhood, bearing the re
lationship to moot niece.
II. 0. Loxo.
Suliscrilicd and sworn to before me
this eighth day of June, 18W. W. W.
Hall, county clerk ot Marion county,
All diseases puccoasfully treatod and
Portia !. Feb. 28 Wheat, valley 62
(ttM, Walht Walla, 63(36!.
Flour Portland, best gradt 12.70 to
W.tA). EuiHirnno$2.10 perbbl.
Oat White SSaaOc, grey 33 to 3L
Hay Timothy 10011 jxtr ton.
Hoiis 7Q10OJ old crop o0c
Wool Valley, 12013c t Eastern Ore
gon, 8 Me: Mohair, '-'30.
.MllUtuff Uran, 13 shorts, $15.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 3.00 (0
t uuj nens, ft to; turKoys, nro im.
Eggs Oregon, 12 to -W l10' uo-'
Hides-Green, sailed 00 lbs, 8g0c;
under 00 lbs. 78' i slieop pelts, 160
' Oulon-I.502.60 per cental.
lluttur-Utat dairy, 30tj:i7ii fancy
creamery, 50 to 65o; store, S3)i to 27'c.
C Potatons 60 lo BOc ier cental.
Hogs Heavy dreso'l 3 to tie.
Mutton-Drewed, 7 to 7,4o jmr pound.
llwf Steers. fiei.&Oj cowa,3.60 (3- J
ilressed bucf, 0 to 7Kc.
Veal -Dressed, 7 .
Wheat 53 pnund. and over, 42c
ptlay nrtvrtlamnta four
, les In this eoIurftTntortati
rff SLVSte'lZ aft!.52s J. ?i
i... .( u,.i iur nnvB
wool, ltic, aioitair, w. -m
II,,.,- ft In TUh pi
lUrlo) J5 to 3io.
Oat-28 to 30c. a , ,
Hay-Baled, cheat, 8; timothy, W
Ears U cash. 12)c trade.
Flour In witoiwaie ipis, sj.ooi rswu.
Mlllsluffs-Uran, I13 shorts, fUK-
LlvocatUe-Steew.SMi cow, S,V
Butter Dairy, 16o; creamery, 9c,
I'ouitry unicxens, oj mraoy, vi
101.. T V
'-ffJl'...r...,QiC 5V.
l ymvHrr"-W yiuv