The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 26, 1900, Image 3

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iffirTiriTTr1'-3 SirTjii
liifirniiM iitmr-i
HMIl mmta
mis i M
wru .N
,l,l'W INfcVH. .J ","'
of Cm Bm Warswr,
of Bristol, Vt.. loft It, mnrkonhlm In what
physicians calloil a "lionelc. ciuo" cf heart
Ulscaao. Ho tolls how iili llfo was spared.
"In '96 two physicians pronounced my
case hopeless, and said I had heart dis
ease in Its worst form) that it was use
less to doctor, nothing would cure me.
In March, '97, 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure and have not had a symptom of
the disease since. It saved my life."
, Cure
li sold by all (IruirnhU on suaranteo
first uutllu tmnt'lln or money back.
Hook on licnrt and nerves sunt free,
Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
O. C. T Go's
Dally nxceiit Snnilnv at 8' 'm
Dnckllwtwcou Blnto nnd Cnart'Bti.
M..P. BALDWIN, Aucnt.
'or additional LouilNowseco Fonrlli l'aijo
Harry Young spent Sunday in Port
land. llnrry Cuslckof Allmny, spent Sunday
in tlita city.
J. D. SIiiiiiioiih, of Monitor, was in tho
city Suturday.
Mrs. 0. E. Spray has rotumed from u
visit in Polk county.
Dun Turp'oy returned Irani visit In
Albany this moiiiiiiK.
Prof. K. T. Moores, of Woodbttrn, un
a Salem visitor Saturday.
Miss A. K. Dunn, of CorvnlllH, in
visiting Iter sister Mrs. II, L. Pratt.
Mrs. B. K, Jackson of Brownsville, is
visiting at tlio homo of bur hoii J. W,
Mrs. J. A. Chiulwick started for Col
fax, Wn., this morning for a visit lth
Iior sons.
Miss Margatot Ilodgklu camu ui) from
Portland Saturday ovonlng to visit Mits
llortha Kay.
J. W. Mlnto and ifo of Portland who
spent Sunday with his parouts returned
tills morning.
Hoy. G. F. West, John Hotan and A,
L. Drown, uoro passengers for Portland
this morning.
J. M. Hahcrly and 0. F. Itoberts f
Portland, who spent Sunday with friends
hero, returned this morning.
lames Boss, fonncrlly; city marshal of
this city, but now eheriff of Lincoln
county, was in tlio city Saturday on
official business.
Miss l-.tta Williamson, wlio Holds a
position In a mlllnary establishment in
llosoburg, camo down on tho California
express this morning to pay her mother
Mrs, Ilolcomb a short visit, on bur way
to Portlaud on business.
Dr. Bull's Cough ayrup is a Orand
old remeily, used for many yearn, and
still in public fuor. It iawitliout doubt
tho best medicine, for all pulmonary af
fections. It always cures. All drug
gists coll it for 26 cents.
Try Allen' Foot tease.
A Kwler to bo shaken into tho shoes.
Your feet (eel swollen, uervaim and hot,
and get tired easily. II you hnvo smart'
Ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Eato. It cools the feet and makos walk
ing easv. Cures swollen, sweating feut.
ingrowing nails, blisters and callous
spots. Believes corns and bunions of
all pain and ghos rest and comfort. Try
it today. Sold bv.dl druggists and flioo
stores for iiSe, 'Trial package 1'HHK.
Addres Allen S. Olmsted, I.oltoy, X. Y.
The Eugene r-chool board bold n meot
Ing and passed a rosolution urging tho
vaccination of all the school children of
tho district
spepsia Cure,
Digests what you cat.
It artificially digests tho food and aids
Nature lu strengthening and recon
structlnRthe extiaiuued digestive or
gans. It Is the latest 3ibcoered digest
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach It In eMciency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Draneiwla. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, nausea,
ill other results of Imperfect digestion.
3-tpardby E.C DWIU 4 Co., Cbleogo.
Summary of Events Transptrng Fib 24
Captain W. H, Abercromblo, head of
tho government exploration party which
last season did much work in tho Cop
per river country and began opening
up a military road from Port Vnldcs to
Fort Egbert on tho Yukon, left for
A'aska today with a corps of engineers.
It is tho purpose of tho government to
construct 2.40O miles of telegraph lino
in AiaBlta and completo tho military
road. Ilo returns this jcar with lu
creased responsibility, Tlio road ho
saya will bo completed during tho season
from its present terminus, eighty milo s
Inland to Tana, about two thirds of tho
distance to tlio Yukon. Tho telegraph
lino will bo built from Port Valdee along
tho road to Fort Hubert and thenco
down the Yukon to St. Mlclmol.
Among other northern improvements,
no soys a largo government wharf at
Valdcs has been decided upon. An
eastern syndicate headed by Henry
Villard Is now having surveys inado
along tho general course of tho military
road with a view to building n line. In
May a company of troops will follow.
Antonio Forrnro, tlio Italian murderer
awaiting death at Sing Sing will go to
tho electric chair this week, tho supremo
court having refused a now trial.
Although tho decision was mado in
January, Forraro was not madeawaro of
ills fato until ten days ago. This was
done to prevent worry.
Tlio coming of Admiral and Mrc.
Dewey lias uroutcd even a greater in
terest limn usual in tlio Phllopatrinn
ball which will bo held nt tlio Academy
of music Philadelphia. The most elabo
rate preparations hayo been made. Tho
llorol decorations aro lavish and mag
niilcent to that tlio ball room represents
n sceno of tropical grandeur.
Chairman John McLaren, of tho citi
zens, educational commission of 100 hns
called a mass mcctlmr to be hotel nt Cen
tral music hall Chicago. Needed re
forms for Chicago's public Bchool system
will bo considered. Tlio commission is
composed of taxpayers, parents and
teachers, and was organized by tho
Civic federation to study tho public
school system with a view of recom
mending to tho proper authorities tho
legislative and tlio administrative ro
forms deemed desirable. Among those
who will address tho gathering nro tlio
follewing: Charles W. Klllut, president
of Harvard university; llonj.unin Ide
Wheeler, president ofCal., University
Win. Maxwell, superlntendentof sclioth,
Now York City j Nicholas Murray Hut
ler, professor of philosophy and educa
tion at tlio Columbia University.
Tlio delegates to the National Editorial
Association arrived at Now Orleans for
their fifteenth annual meeting during
'MardlUras week. Heiiorts Indicate that
tho meeting will ho ouo of tho largest in
tho history of tho association. Action
will piobably bo taken to get congress to
repeal iho tariff on wood pulp and nil
material entering Into tho manufacture
of -white print papsr.
Upon tho request of Major Ofcar F.
Long, quartermaster U. S. Volunteers,
depot quartermaster in San Francisco, a
bya id of survey met in ills otllce, to ox
amino Into, report upon and II x the re
sponsibility for an alleged deficiency of
clothing and cqulppiigohip)cd by Major
Long to tho quariormaster at Manila,
P. I., and for dellciency and damage of
quartermaster's stores required at tliu
depot in this city from various posts.
Maudo Gonno, tlio famous lemalo
lecturer and modern Jean of Arc, who
has been travoliug In Ireland and Is now
making a tour lu tills country In the in
terest of tho Hoors, will lecture at Cin
cinnati tonight.
Tlio Mononguhola tin plato works and
tho Star tin plate works, both owned by
tho American tin plato company, which
have been closed two mouths, resumed
opcratiouH today. Tho two employ 1000
An extra dividend of 25 per cent was
declared by the Home Stake mining
company today.
Tho United StatcH supremo court,
which adjourned February 5th until to
day, took up tho "Chattanooga" Inter
state commerce case. Amotion will bo
paseod upon today in tlio case of tho
Slntoof Illinois vs. Tho Illinois Central
Hall wa, on tho question of the occu
pancy of the inado land along tho lake
front An effort is being mado to gt
the case before tho United States
supremo court.
At Now York, Fobruary 7th, Sousa,
Gllmore, Padoreweki and nil thu orches
tral stars, condenswl Into one, will no
doubt bo overshadowed by tho playing
of the big banjo orahoatrn of 100 pieces,
nt tlio concert -to be gion under tho
management of JaniCM II. Phipjtf at
Cluokerlngthall this oening. Tho fact
that the banjo has lieen coiisidotod a
limited iiibtruiueut by many has been
the cause of tocuring tlio nervals
of Frod. Sterner. He Is a positive vir
tuoso, who managed to got niusio out of
its strings, and who can Interpret tho
exalted spirit of the elasic nuuters in a
wav that is astonishing. In the hands
ol Miss Holnlino the banjo assume an
unsuspected importance.
Farmer's scales, chords,
mass of intricate music.
third ami a
llruuty In llliioil Deep.
fHean blood meaina a rlesn skin
bauty without it. C'ascareU, Candy Calhar
tie olwn jour blood ,and kettii it cleuii, I
ttirring up tue ) liveraiw unraumi i
ntied from thu body. ltmin
today to
sli pi.nnlea uoiu, owwimmi, umikumu.
toil, kUtkbead.
and that sickly biliou eompiaxiou uy taaiiBC
CascaretN, bcuuty for ten eenU. All drug
guts, satisfaction guaranteed, joe.aoc.oyc
Tongue, of Oroeon, Is among the Ite
publnans in the Iwuse reHKU-U to Iw in
opiKcilton to me rmra unti wiiiiu
Itou't Toliarat ofii null Mu Unrllft atuj. .
To quit toimivo cully awl lorwtor. t !
a(i. tulloT life uriniu.J vmor. taka H To
ll. tlM wiMiJwr wortwr. Ut Hmlie h
Mw6 AH dniiu,orll. Ourua
leed llooklwt a-J aple frs. AtMrM
Sterling lleiaotr C&. Ohlaga or Www Ywlc.
KAY.S ToJIr. and Mrs. D. C. Kays
Ftb. 20 Ihflti, at their home on
Twent) fifth fclreet a sn, Claire Do-Witt
Yout Lewes
Will bo routed lo Its natural duties
and your blllousnest, luadailio and
constipation bo cured If you take
Sold by all druggists. 25 cents.
Poiituni), Feb. 20. Wheat, valley 63
QMM. Walla Walla, C455.
Flour Portland best grades $2.70 to
T3.00 Superfine J2.10 perbbl. Whito 3530c, grey 33 to 31.
Hay Timothy flOtjJill per ton.
Hops 70 10c; old crop BQOc.
Wool Valley, 12 13c j Eastern Oro
gon, 814c; Mohair, i!730.
Millstuff llran, $13; shorts, $15.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 00 to
4 00; heiiH. $4 to 4.60: turkevs
fs, llvo
r.ggs uregon, n$ to :ocpcr Uoz.
Hides Green, salted 00 lbs, 89c;
under GO lbs. 7'fl8 : sheen nolts. lfifiS
, - . . S . ' .
Onions $L502.00 per 'cental.
Uutter llest dairy. 30SI37J6: fnncv
creamery, 60 to 55c; store, 22 to 27jjC.
Potatoes 55 to 84c per contal.
Hogs Heavy dressed 5 to Oc.
Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7c per pound.
Heef Steers, $l4.50; cows,$3.50 ij
dressed beef, 0U to 7?.fc.
Veal Dressed, 7 Q 8c.
Wheat 58 pounds and over, 43c.
Wool, 10c, Mohair, 30c.
Hops 5 to 7,'ijC
Uarlej 35 to 38c.
Oats-28 to 30c.
Hay Baled, cheat, $8; timothy, $9
Eggs 12 cash. 14c trade.
Flour In wholesale lots, $2.50; retail,
Millstuffs llran, $13; shorts, $14.
Hogs Dressed, Ojsc
Li vo cattle Steers, 3 $ ; cows, 2? to
Shceiv $2.5003.
Dressed Venl U)$c.
Butter Dairy. 15c ; creamery, 25c.
Poultry Chickens, 7 to 8; tnrkoys,
10 to 12c.
Potatoes 25c to 35c.
$ioo Reward, Sioo.
The readers of this paper will be
pleaded to learn that there Is ut least
one dreaded disease that 'scJeuco has
been able to cure In all ltn stages, and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
It the only positive cure known to tho fraternity. Catarrh being a
cons Itutlunal dlsoase, requires n con
ttlttHloniil treatment, Hull's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting di
rectly tipontlie blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation of tho disease, and
giving tlio patient strength by build
ing up tho constitution mid assisting
nature In doing Its work Tlio pro
prietors have bo much faith In lis cur
ative powers, that thev offor Ono
Hundred Dollars for any ease that It
fulls to cure, bund for list or testi
monials. , Address, F.J. Ciin.vnv, & Co., To
cdo, O,
hold by Druggists, 70c.
II ill's Family Pills arc the best.
Be&rstlie ) KM YoflHairsAlwars Courrht
ltonert Crossan tho
leturucd this morning
trip to Washington.
bop merchant,
from n business
nriiiriWo Ymr mmrli M'ltli Cuarnr(n.
Canity Oitlinrtlr, cure conmlpallon forerer.
tOc.vSc. It G C. O, full. rtruHltrcriincl inouey.
McGiogor & Normllo, of Astoria, have
sued George Taj lor, of Portland, for $1,
637.60, lor a breach of contract in furn
ishing cement for the North Yamhill
To Nlgnt and To-Morrow Night,
And each day aim night during this
week you can uot at any druggist's
Kcuip'b lialsam for the Throat and
Lungs, acknowledged to be the most
sHccuosfiil remedy ever sold for
Coughs. Croup. Bronchitis, Asthmu
and Consumption. Get u Ixtlle to
day and lecop Itulwuys In tho house
s'jjoucan check your cold at once
Price 2.1c and 60c. Snioplobottlo free,
Tho third annual meeting of tho Pa
cific Northwost Wool Growers' Associa
tion will bo held In Boise City, Idaho,
March 0, 7 and 8, 1000.
Half Crowor and Scnla Cfeaner.
r 111 on' rrltrtioD that will rtlorlhhftlr
itaoriffiDtl n'ftitnr condition. Aiaiiarucsmt
.. swe'WHwsaasai
Ex-Secretary of War Alger and Cap
tain Bliss are planning to operate their
extensive lumbering interests on Pugot
Sound, and will orectn large sawmill at
Falrhaven. General Algor was lu Seat
tle tills week.
It rcitf with Toa wbathtr yoa cMBtlfto tb
p.rTr.iiuni iuimwcu ukw n vui,a.
rimuTti liiaavairviortooaoco.
lino, purtaao too blooj, r
piki too tlrooc
tobcalib ntrToor : a tMraaaarurtU Uur
anopoai-v mm jx NO'IO-IIAOfrom
P9. fl I M LKrAcr ova dnivrlat. bi
III vouch for ua. Taka II with
.Dalln,tlr.Lralttantlr Ono
in. ti. uiubii, .vvin.tfp
n&ranteail to eura, or ralubd inonar.
I aioHf v,t iumi, tatnai. . lata.
Tlio Hev. Uearge H. Wallace, who was
formerly paitor of the First Congruga- nliurah. in Portland, is now frastor
of U'8 Westininstor Presbyterian cliurch
at SK)kano
A hocking cough Is a grave-yard
t-ougti j tho eooner you get rid of It tlio
butter. Don't wait until it dovelona
into consumption, but uso tho cclo
tirated Dr. JonnW. Hull'a Cough Syrup
nt oura It is a wonderful remedy for
ull throat and lung affections, and; will
cure a deep-Mated cough or cold in a
few days. Ooodfor old and young.
Sough Syrup
Will cure a Hacking Cough.
Daao arc (mall and plrauot to take. Utxtota
rcuuuiDau JTicunl- At all dniffUU.
nicov . m m tmr.
t-w 1 1 k misii
.JtM 1 1 mWmvm
ft lom
Conta That I,nt n Cntnrr
To wear your grandfather's coal
would not seem much of nil honor, but
to John Chlunmnn it Is the greatest
felicity. Not only Is the common look
lug, shapeless blue blouso of his an
cestor prized because It Is his ances
tor's, hut because of Its Intrinsic value.
The clothing usually worn by tho Chi
nese Is of the purest silk and costs any
where from $100 to $250 n suit.
As a nation the Chinese object to
Wearing clothing of any other kind, and
centuries of experiment have taught
them how best to mnke up the costly
caterpillar thread Into tho most dura
ble form. On this account the Chinese
dress, though of purer material, has
none of the sheen usually associated
with silk, n peculiarity which tins re
i ulted In the erioucous Ideas as to their
composition. Alt the garments nro
made In China mid tiro only exported
for tho personal use of Celestials lu
foreign countries.
Owing to their cost, however, they
nro only purchased nt long Interval,
each garment being of so durnblo a
character that they nro handed down
to tho third and even the fourth gener
ation. Wear appears to rather Improve
them than otherwise, with tho result
that the coat of tho father or grandfa
ther often has more Intrinsic value
than the newer and less worn articles.
Omaha World-Hernld.
The Wnlla Itnn Down.
Tho Irishman who went up In tlio ho
tel lift without knowing what it was
did not recover easily from tho sur
prise. Ho relates the story In this way:
"I wlut to the hotel, and, says I, 'Is
MIsther Smith In?'
" 'Yes,' said the man with the sojer
cap. 'Will yez step InV
"So 1 steps Into the closet, and all of
it suddlut he pulls tho rope, and Its
the truth I'ze telling yez the walls of
the building began running down to
tho cellar.
" 'Oeh, murtlierl says I. 'What'lt be
conio of llrldgct nnd tho children which
was left below there?'
"Says the sojer cap man: 'Ho nlsy,
sorr. They'll bo all right when yez
como down.'
"'Como down, Is It?' says I. 'And
It Is no closet nt nil, but n hnythcnlsh
balloon, that yez got me hit'
"And wld that tho walls stood stock
still, nnd ho opened tho door, nnd thcrn
I was wld tho roof Just over my head!
And, begorun, that's what saved mo
from going up to the hovlns Intlrelyl"
Irish Independent.
Dnlillna Tor rood.
It Is nn Interesting fact that when
the dahlia was Introduced Into Europe
it was not as a Dower that It was
valued, but as it vegetable. The plant
Is said to be really akin to the potato,
and It was thought that it would prove
nu Important addition to our food re
sources. Tho single variety seems to
have been Imported first, the Marchion
ess of Hutu haying Introduced It about
100 years ago. It came to us from
Madrid, the Spaniards having, It Is be
llcved, found It II rat In Mexico, and It
was Introduced Into France as well ns
A few daring adventurers appear to
have made trial of It ns an cdlblo root,
but It Is never nn easy matter to popu
larize a new nrtlcle of food, ami the
tuber of tho dahlia did not take on. If
It had done so, tho probability Is that
we should never liavo troubled much
about Its cultlMitiou ns a Howcr. Wo
never do grow things for fruit nnd
(lower, too, nnd If we had sacks of
dahlia bulbs In Co vent Garden wo
should have had no dahlia show ut the
Crystal Palace. London Correspond
ence. "After doctors failed to euro mo of
pneumonia I used One Mluuto Cough
Cure. It Is also tho best remedy on
earth for whooping cough, writes Jno.
Herry. Lncanton, Pa. Cutcs coughs,
colds, croup and throat iud lung
troubles, it prevents cinsumptinn.
Children ulway Ilka It. Mothers en
dorso It. Stones Drug Stores.
Tho Washington etuto coincntlon of
Woodmen of tho World camps will he
hold in Chelialis, in June, and the Che
ilitis camp in beginning to mako prepa
rations for tho event.
How Are Your Kldnrjra r
Dr Hobba'SparaKua I'llli cure all kMuer II!- ?")
Olatrco. Add HurllnslleuiedrCu.CblcaourM.V
John Dlrr, Poseyvlllo, Ind., says. "I
never used anything as good us One
Mluute'JoughCuic.'-Qulckly breaks up
coughs and colds. Prevent consump
tion. Pleasant to take, stones mug
Bean tU p ll Mna ion mw Ami
BUnatur. 1X - .ZSt zT
Ihi Kind You Hue Always Bought
cf -ari'y, -ei.&AttC
W. K. Phllpot, Albany, On., says:
"DoWltt's Llttlo Kariy Hlsers did
mo uinro good Uiuu any pills I oyer
took,1' Stones Drug blores,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
7 he Luxury of Living
isonlv or purloined lu our otn home,
vs hero ou all the mndsrn conveniences
n tile luithroom that is fitted up with
ok.ii sanitury plumbing ami porcelain
ltjthtubn, waehtubs and bain, and hav
ing hot and cold water ready for use.
We will make your home healthy, con
venient and up-to-date in all these at a
moderate cost. -
Telephone No. 2371
Atgclablc PreprjrationfbrAs
slmllallng llicFoodnndncdtila
ling ilieStoinachs and Dowels or
Promotes DigcslioivChecrful
ncssaruinest.Contalns ncilltcr
Ophim,Morpltinc tior'Miiicral,
Tfor KAnc OTIC .
Arrets oMjrswcztmvwt
Urpbrt Sent'
Apcrfccl Remedy rorConsllpa
Uon, Sour Stomach, Dlnrrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss nnd Loss of Slei;i.
1'acSinulo Si'gnnlurc of
exact copy or wrapper.
Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially
and'at honest prices.
Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty.
T. S. BUBROUGHS, 102 Stato St, Phono I5II
ft mwmVSUr
mlMTX.-tr .. w
- -. ...... n(..nlJl.,Hl inu trnnilrrlul
rruiolyciiarantrnl locuirnll nervous iliKnaea, auclma Wcnk
Mtmory, !lrilnclir,UuUfullnciit,!.oit Munlioul, Nlhlly ltmlv
jlotn. Nervousness, loai of wwer In Ucncralhc Oruuns, cnnanl
byvoiitliful errors, encash c use of atlmulants wlilcli lend to
Infirmity or Insanity, Can lieeirrletlin vest imrkri t,,rr
tiox. 6 forfj, by mall prepaid Circular free. AUdrugKlst. Tnke iJ
no oilier. MauufaclurcU by the Teau Medicine Co., l'arl,l'rancc.
V.UHIi-IlllvlM Ilmi--rn..U.irlh.,tln.n,.
- -
The Daily and Weekly Journal lead all
competitors on getting the War News, from
all parts of the world. It prints the news firsl
and prints it most complete of all.
Is issued'iThursday morning in tim(f to reach
all parts of the state the same.week. '
In two parts contninsfrill Important Foreign
National and State News.
$3 AYR.
For Inf.tnts and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Tlircc of a Kind,
will boat two pair, but no hold n royal
Hush w hen it comes to beating auythini
hi Hue laundry work. Wu have u full
Iioupu al1 tho tlmu in coueui!iico, and
mo kept busy "doing up" thu linen of
every man in Ualeui that wauls hi
shirt, cellars, and cuffs huiudered with
smooth edges and an nxquMtu color and
lluixh. Vo nov or raise tho ante on su
perior work, hut you will Hud price nl
wti)H moderate.
Salem Laundry
J.K) Liberty Utreei
- e'Art.nti'MVciiow
nM ...WM..Ua, MftVfM,
The model Oregon
Hi v p ip er and
l:amily Journal
Uniting News, Fie
t ion. Literary,
Ranch and Dairy,
and AaiRet News
in attractive, rea,d
able form
A n Independent
Associated Press
Paper for the Peo
ple. Send for
sample Free.
lj afli'
I V fmVf
f. .ML .
ly T
Micoraser lo )i J M. Keene, old Whin
C lift.Sal.'m, Oi Parties desiring lurwrt"
furatl oni nl rrndr ! fce in any branch
n especial request.
e Repairing,
Umbrella making and
Gonornl repairing.
too Stnto btroot. 1-6 phono 2870
Old P. 0. Saloon
Successor to Prod Goulet.
Clioicest goods in all lines.
Opposito Hotel Wlllamotto. 2-10-tf
Capital Junk bhop. f
n . . .. 'J
Doalor In Cast Iron, Wrought iron j?
move piuios. copper, urass, rinc, J
lend rono. rubber. moa lildpn nittutr t
ami bones. y
130 Court St. Snlom Oro.
Telophono 201)6 2-1-11HX) I
No, 71 Chemckcta st,
J. II T. TUTHILL Assayer
Phono 1071.
Toledo, Oroiron.
Was Clerk of Circuit Court for slxlrpan andhas
an up-todato abstractor all proixirty In I.tnruln
county. li.wm
Salem later Co.,
For water forvleo nDply at olllc.
Hills payable monthly In ndvance.
Mako all com phi In It nt tho olllce.
Express and Transfei
tlecn, nil, mull and passengui ttalha 11
ge ami esiiiess lu all putt of lb i
Hiipi service IVIephmif No 7
KnlnigcinentH In Orayon amis Wutei
Color. I'lioto lluttons
Amateur tlovrlopltig and llnishlug
neatly ilonu. U. W. 1)1 HUMAN.
HucooNxir lu F J Drown.
U hound Klooii
Jl.'l Ooiiinierolal St., Halcin Orcgiin.
KorHilom aul rlolultjr. louro, orders at Uoo
Wlll'a Huilr Hioi.
Bottled Beer.
Klimjer ft Ueck.Suceeasora lo SoulhSa em
All erdera lor bottled beer wilt be AIIikI
At the brewery. Kent on cold stomal.
FriMi rlty delivery, Telephone 2III1.
Select School
The underHlisned will open a Oram
niarsclKKil lu the building adluiuiuKthe
IviilBcun"! church, corner ol Church and
Clieinuketa Hlrceta on Feb. 11),
S, C, STONE. M. D.
Stone's Drug; Stores
Tlio stcrea (two In numbcrj aro locatl a
No. 'jBi ami ssa Commercial stroet, ami aro
well stocked wllh a imiIeto lino olitnics and
intMllQlats, tollvt arllvlia, lerfutavrr. lirusha
elo., uUj., ito.
lias had sonioM years tMimrlwiilii Hie jiraiv
tUodt nii'illcliioand niiw ma boa no ohkrxt fur
coiiaullatlon, osainlnalloii or proaoril'llon.
A lilJiUfi SAVJ5D.
Dr. J. P, Cook, the UotanloalBpoo
nllit, Suooooclu Whoru Ottiur
To whom It may eonceru :
This In to certlly that llortha I'. Con
nor, of Mt. Angel privluot. .Marlon coun
ty. Orvirou. httH Htiffurel Iroin a cancer-
oiih growth In the left ear for about three
yearn. The growth wan cutout twice and
burned out onto by Albany 1'hyaleiaiiB,
but the uroHtb came back as bad
an ever, nnd pained her to badly thl
she had to be taken from school. Altfi
three weuk'a treatment by Ur. J I',
Cook, of Hal mn, Oregon, thu Ilotauical
Sxlallt, the Krowth entirely diwip
peared, and at thin date, ui mont(i
hi nee treatment was bouuu, the urov tli
ban not reappeared, and the ear linn n
tlrely healutl leaving only the sca n
flioted by the Albany doctors,
I hereby certify that the above ui-m
tnont in aiBoluteiy true, and that Ihir
lha I Conner, the (union niontiouwi
in the allldavit, baa rt-Hldod in myfaui
lly fbiro early cliildhood, bearing; (he n
latlomhlp lo me of niece.
II. O. Lonu.
Bubacribotl and sworn to before mt
tliis eighth day of June. 1S00. W. W
Hull, county clerk of Marlon count)
All disease nuccccsfully treated and
roi '
Ift1? times for B6o 60o wMsk.
9I.OO par month, All ovnr four iTtTm
at same rnto.
rneaauro. Perfect lit guaranteed,
2,000 stylos to select from. II. 8.
Bono, State strcoUcent Wannamaker
ABrowiv Philadelphia. 2211 in
''OSt-A Cinnamon Canary ; tho finder
will please return lo Dr. Annlco Jot
troy and rccolv ett liberal reward . 2-0 3t
aOODllOMKS-for"7alV or rent. L
havo sovoral eligiblo houses and I6U
for fnlo or rent. Jolin Jlolr, neut,
200 Oomniorcial street, 2 24 Ot
FOIt SALK.A lot of ilnrj carnation
blooms, at Avenue green housed,
2 213t
COME QUIOK-I havo been nuthorbed
to sell tickets to Nome on tho splen
did steamer Senator. If you have
mado up your mind to go. Cdmo
quick while the tiekots can bo had.
J. II. Flotcher, Indepcmdent olllce. Sa
lem, Or. 2 24tf
FOIt 8ALE Two bay riding or drir
Ing horses for sale cheap. Have been
handled and driven by ladies. Will
work single or doub'e. Will bo sold
separate if desired. Geo. O, Will,
machines. 21-3t.
'10 ItKNT. A good hop yard of 22 acres
hi lino condition with good buildings.
Wm. II. L'gan, Brooks. 2 21 1
WANTED Horses to shoe. Having se
cured tho servicesof a first-class black
smith wo aro prepared to shoo your
horses. Satisfaction guaranteed. 8a
luni Wagon and Carrlago Factory,
3ftl Commercial street. 21 Ot
AGENTT wanted for the best typewriter
on tho market, tho "Pittsburg Visi
ble;" writing In sight at all times;
exclusUo territory given. Address
Bindley Hardwaro Company, Pitts.
burg, Pa. 3t-Sat. 17 , 24, 3
DID YOU KNOW That $100 would
buy a block of nearly two acres with
improvements, costing about tho
price. Kunnlng water across one
corner nlco for poultry, with or with
out a small stotkof staplo goods. Box
41, Marlon, Or. 2 20 lm
FOIt SALE: An up to dulo Stock ot
groceries in ouo of tho.bcat towns lu
the Willamette- vnlloy. Good roason
for seeling. Address, O. J. Do Iis
bus, CotUgo Grove, Ore. 2 10 0t
TO TUADE.-Sinnll tracts of uninil
proved real estate In part payment for
woodcutting. Inquire room 0, over
Gilbert's bank. 2-15 tf
WANTED A load of looso hay for cow.
Iced. B, Journal oillco.
KIG HTEEN-DOLLAB-daV oxtrniston
tablo for 12. flO-cliild'a oak folding
bed, with mattresn and springs 18.
Bedroom nets fit) nnd upwards. All
kinds of household goods. Jamca
ShanU, 107 Court street. 2-14-lm
FOK SALKPort rash, balance on
time, a two story eight room
house with basement. All haid
Uiiishcd, good well and out build
ings, full lot, cornor of Elch
teenth and Chemeketa streets. For
further information call at Daniels'
barber shop, 211 Commercial street.
rarechanco to buy oneof Urn best grain,
st(x:k or dairy farms In Polk county, 7
milcti from Halem, nearly 100 acres. To
lw uold March 7th, by order of co'r.
Cull and examine. Zena, Polk Co.
d A W 2-Hml Itefurco.
Tlfl'l ELITE BTUDIO makes a spec
ialty of platino photos, enlargements
lu crayon and water colors, photo
buttons, for fun photos, amateur de
veloping nun iinisiung uor, btate ana
Commercial streets.
FOIt SAI.E.-rForty acres, flrstclasa cul
tivated farm land two miles east of
Halem. Good stand of clovor. Apply
to Gertrude travuge, half mile east of
asylum, 1 20 lmo
from tho choicest stock ot .Mill
ford Baylors, celebrated B. P. It. poul
try farm at New .Market, Ind. can bo
had at from (2,50 to (5 each. These
birds are true to a feather and ate
equal lo thu best lu the state, at 470
Com. street, buleni, Oregon. Molt
Bros. l.l-t.
UlUYUbE PATU-lf your bicycle
needs repairs bring II lu, we havo
tho skill and a took to keep It In tlrst
claw condition Wu carry a full
Hue in Bundrlcti uud make a special
ity uf enameling comuutid hcu ut.
wo uutlttry our patrons. Gardner &
White, 'Mi Llueii.y stiect. lioliuun's
block, next door U Btcam laundry.
I'liuno &)55. l-2u-t
that thu best uud cheapest carpet
paper la the hcav felt paper sold
utTnKJot;uNAt.oihce 2U-tt
DdWltt's Witch Hazel balyu Is un
equalled fur plies, and skin diseases,
Buwuru ut ull counterfoil, atones
Drug Utoros
ninnrlVrl Itnr1r Tw0 OUlU-A DUU1U1I
Pmmii l Wl sixit cmIi. ono block nurln of
Real Estate Bargains
I havo a customer who wants an 80
ucro tract not over 5 or 0 miles out
with good Improvements ut about t2S
per iiure. Who baa such a place.
I wuut u good 4 or 6 room house.
Guod garden spot, baru, fruits, etc,
not to fur out ut about I00,
1 have home lino stock ranches to
trade rut tmmll tracts not to fur out
una give lltuoou any baluoce.
If ynu want to buy a grain or stock
ruutTi cheap. (Cell.)
I havo wjiiio Uoo small fruit tracts
at big Im.gKltw uUu town property to
ell or trade cheap.
I havo good piopertlos In Nebraska,
Kansas, Colorado, Dakol'in, and .Mao
mibittcc,''"augo for Oregon prop
rty. If vou want it splendid mill with
wntor power and pasjturo uod feed
ground, etc., or want an elevator, feed
chopper, tiniln, ware huue. Splendid
IiKvitioo on merata bargain I have
If you want to 'iuy, t3ll, trade or
rent, I cau suit you.
Also have two farms to rent
Some splendid horses for sale. '
If you want h loan ou real estate,
have any notarial work to Uo. 0l
ind teo uo at 01 Court street, ut In
liestoro of I)ruwtr & White.
v 1 18 tt U 11, liVAN