The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 23, 1900, Image 3

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    -1 -
iA.i'Uli-ttumAaSttotnt t.Hrart Mil ,
irjipjpTT wpwTfwtuvfr T-t" '
CM. H. Belong,
of Bchuylcrvlllo, N. Y., who ervod In
Company E, Btli vormont Voluntrers, timl
other foe to bat tin with lifter lilt return
from tho latoar. Ho recently wrotet
"I have used Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine for nervousness brought on by
the we of tobacco and too close applica
tion to business. It gave me prompt
relief without leaving any unpleasant
effect. The result was beneficial and
lasting. I heartily endorse it."
an. miles'
. it sold by all druggists on guarantee,
first bottle benefits or money back.
Boole on heart and nerves sent free.
Or. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind
O. C. T. Go's
. altonA
lalv nieeptPiiti'luv atSn'm
Dot-UiltAlwrnn Utntn and Court HI.
l. V IIAI.OWIN. Aitont.
'.-or additional Local Nous eco Fourth I'nxc r
F. It. Anscn went to Fortlund tliis
Mr. John Jory returned from Tort
Innd. today. - , -
Silas Fletcher, w its 11 passongor for
Albany today.
Miss Helen Sottllnvick Is visiting
friends in Portland.
Goo. W. Week roturned homo last
night from Portland,
McICInly Mitchell camo tin from Gor
vols thls'tneriitnu: on business.
J. P. Jodes left today for dominie
whcrolio will remain fur a fuw weeks.
Mrs. I). H. Ilerrlek, jolt today for
Turner, where she will spend a few weeks
visiting her parents.
Mies Cecil Rampy, of Hnrrlsburg.
who has been in the city visiting, re
turned home this morning.
To Curo Conatlpiitlon lrorevrr.
Take Cuscarots Candy Catburtla JOo orlSo.
It U C. C. fall to euro, uruKuitU refund luouoy
Mr. N. J. Burford of Brnwnsvlllt ,
who has been In the city visiting iter
daughter Mrs. A. H. Gardner, returned
homo this morning.
Kilurnto Yuur nowcii Willi Onsrnrrta.
Cnndjr.Cntltarilr, curn 'constipation forever.
tOe.ffla. It C. a. 0. tall, druwtlKis refund money
Mrs. A. L. Ilussey, of Turner, who
lias been In tho city visiting at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Olliigor, ru
turned homo this morning.
Pon'l Tubseta iu unit nniole lour I Ire Ausr.
To quit tubaeco euslly unit foroter. bo man
netle, full of life, iicrra ami vluor, tube No-To-tlac,
tbennndor-mtrlirr. Hint iiiul:o- weak men
tronir. AlI'dritKRlsts, snoorll. Cureeuarnn.
Med. rtonklet mid ample frco. Address
filerllng- jtemody Co. Chicago or New York.
Miss Emily Henry aid Mies Ewt
Dlmmitt teachers at tho blind school
left lat night for a visit at the blind
chool at Vancover, Wash, Thoy hold
school yesterday and took their vacation
' To Curo a Cold In Uno Day
TakulDaiallte Dromo Unhttna TnhUta, All
druKitint iff und the mmtevlflt full t euro
:.V.flnTe's signal iirMaiiinTlt box. An.
tiL Titua'left tunt uvonlng for Los
Angeles" where ha will ro Into hnslnoss.
To Nignt and ro-Mjnow Night,
Ami each day una night during thU
wcelcyod can uut ut any druggist,
ICefiip'n Il.tKiui Tor tho Tli-nui afid
Lungs, acknowledged ' 11 he most
successful remedy oyer sold for
Coughs. Croup. rrniifliHK Atlimu
und Consumption. (Jet a b ttle to
day and keep Hhiwiv in the ir u-e
i you row -check your cold at micV
Prlc25c and Mas y-Minlcbotilo trou,
--- eod&w
Miss Ansa Kit hols in enjojinga vis
it from fler mother, Mrs. Gaoger, of
Puyaljup. Wn.
0o ir th" most uwtressinp sights, is
to sea n iluld almost looking with
thodronimi v.diooping-eough. Gtvo
tbech'lil Dr. Lali' Cough bj wp. tho
greatest ' - --y remedy, and re
lief will como nt once, tho coughing
pollir Will ro-occur loss frequently,
and, in a few days, tbo sufferer will bo
entirely cured. Ko other remedy can
boast of so ntanycutv.
Cough Syrup
Cures Whooping-cough qulokly,
Boats are ylmwut tjtaV Doctor
eoomtatnd It fruc 35 eti At aU dtuggitts.
Delivered at the First Baptist Church
Tuesday Evening,
Tho series of meetings at tho First
Baptist church are proving quite suc
cessful in tho ootoct aimed at. the
arousing of interest in religious matters.
., Ilev. Hay Palmer, preached Tuesday I
evening en: "Tho Yoar of Jubilee,"
Text: IVnlm, 8):15. '
"BlfSfed is tho people that know the '
Joyful sound."
Tho speaker raid in part.
The old tftanu-nt is a shadow of the
I New. Its types and symbols, rlso like
' gleaming Mgn-boards out of tho dark
ness, pointing to tho glorious realities
of the gospel riispemctinn. So our test
hits Its primary meaning in the Old, but
its ultimate. In tho New. "Tho Year of
' uliileo," eomo once In fifty years Then
nil debts were cnneelled joytul wus the
dlyuhen thousands of the poor bur
dened to the enrth with "financial in-di-litediiesc,
lifted their heads In joy and
their hearts In song for now their di btn
were paid." A sublimer significance
nttnehes to fioo words. Tho human
race wns In debt to God and could nut
pay. Jesus cune to proclaim tho glor
ious year uf ppiritmil Jubilee. Behold
u fccny In Ilraven. Man had sinned
mid fnlleu. His ease was being tried In
tho eeles'hil court. Tho ho-ls of the
iiplrlt world uere asFombli d Itne.'s
i after witness was examined before the
great uhltu thrmie.
Tho "angel of holiness" camo for
.ware and said; "Without holiness no
'man fhnll tee tho I.oid" "Tiuth"
I testified against man, saj lug "error and
fidm tenehlngrnn never eomo Into tho
acred plnco." "Justice," ttlth mighty
ealcs mid gleaming puord, testified,
hu lug "I tipeak for the law ; It shall In)
vlndieitted; ItH.tith, the eoul that sin
nelh shall die."
And then there was a patiFoiu Ileavon,
not a harp was struck, nor was heard
the rustle of u wing. Behold a move
ment up near tho throne; and one like
unto the "sou of man" came forth. Ills
vestments were most royal; iion his
brow were many crowns, 1 1 i I o tho
clouds, intermingled with flie, rolled at
his feet. Every oje was upon him. Ho
rilxedhis hand ns though ho would
speak, "0 what will ho say; the Im
maculate ton uf God I" Ilisvolco rings
eleiirnnd string: "Lo I como in tho
volume of I ho book it Is wilticn, to do
i thy w 1110 God." "I will descend to
1 i-artli and purehase man's redemption,
I will praclaim tho glad year ol
Ho laid aside his garments royal, lo
placid beside them liisgliiterlng crowns;
he doeended to earth ; was born of tho
Virgin Mary, suffered in the- nVsli, died
and rove again, "leading captivity cap
tive: giving gilts unto men."
Tho gift of tho Holy Spirit; of tils
holy grave 5 of faith; of hope, for "ho
has brought life and Immortality to
bght I I"
Ho iiHcended to heaven, "wlieie ho
'ever llvetli to make intercession nir
j O'slnner. thy debt is paid, thy soul
has been ransomed; tho glorious year of
I Jubilee is come!"
"JeMipaId It all," "All tlio UeDl 1
owe, 'Sin had left it crimson slain, 'He
washed it w hito us snow "
"lllceted is the people that know the
joyful touud."
How may one know the 'Joyful
1 sound?" by tho heart "
I t.. i .. .1. ..... illli..r.iin ivmiinii ivlinta
lilMI NIV UUI 1,111. IM.W .W....... ...... V
soul Im pure before God, whose heart, Is
iu harmony with God, and she Is u mnro
competent Judge of truth, than the tin-
devout reiuntUt, tho' ho may bo over so
"For with the honrt man liellevetli
untorlglitiousiicss." '
' hath lot teen nor ear heard,
nuithei hath It entered Into the heart of
man, the thlnua that God h.itli re-ervd
for those who love him, but Iio litis re-
vvahd them unto us by his spirit."
Years ago, a number of children wero
stolen from their parents by the In-
dlans. Twentv years, nfterw aril, onoof
tiiM.fhU uiih rofciiLilt many mothers
came logolher to find out wlieie diitigh- h ghor meanlugs of the art. Tho pro
tershewas. It seemed tdinoit ini0htd. jtrum was In a soneo heavy, yot ita
hie to tell, she hail furgottuirfnlinujt nil pealed aliko to tho trained and tho mi
of hor nutlo tongue. At last one of the trained ear. These recitals are a fort
motheis recollected that, slw was wont nightly feature, and are given free to the
to puttier darling to sleep when n child, musio-lovhig public of Saiom.
hy singing: "Jesus l.over ol jiv soui
Let Me to Thy Botoin Fly, etc" She
began to sing it. Tho girl looked up'
wilhnstrango, wild look; she j-eemed
lost in thought, and then an effulgence,
like the sun, overspread her faro, and
with a cry of delight, she flew Into the
arms of the rejoicing mother. 0 let us
blow thogoliliti trumpet of tho gospel,
lot us preach and sing the toug of
"Moses and the Lamb," and all devout
so lis-, all oariiett souls, will tlee to
the arms of our Lord Juug Christ I
"Ulitw jo the l rump. t b'ow,
The pi id and (Mtlfinu sound,
! t all the iiuIumis know,
To OiuhV remotest iMiind,
T..e juur of Jubilee is come,
The year of J ubda Is cimi),
liuturu, ye rausuniud sinner home."
W ll Be Ready to Opfate by April
T. S Tottnseod, wlio will ostablisli a
rr.miiri' in this eitv. in Hm rooms for
mally oH.rdl by the Crystal Ice Com.
puny, as a works, will soon le
n adv for busllie'.
arriving and M.HHlay work will U-gin on
.1. i...:i.i... . .ni.l in u fnvir .IrtVH trill LJ
mo ihiiimiii.i -m -rf- --
rMlr for,hem,hi.Wry. T e arm,.
in thiswtmi.iunltyarurgd to rejtort to
tecreiary Tltilou of tl Sulein
Chttinb.TofComnfro. the amount of
. ,. tltav will kw able to supply the
plant. 'llw company epwts
to bo
ruady for buslns by April 1.
iw null's Couch avrUD Is net a Com
nin evcrvilHj iittign inixiurc.
tg imutavi.ttl m llieiuao, lllfwt,
cheat or iuuki.
bold fur2j us
"Hotli my vviro nml nivftrlriiave been
Uilliit CASCAKET3 iind they are the best
lucuiuue wo nare oyer naa in the house List
weelimywUe was (rootle with heodacbe for
iwoaaji, jne irieu somoor Torn TASCARETS.
and they relieved the pnln in her head rimost
Immediately We bothreconimf nrtCcarete.
.. , ClIAS STCDKrollli
Pittsburg Sufe & Deposit t Kitubnr, l'a
.,'I?l?"' I'a'alaW. I'otfnt Tte OnnA rtf
uood, Noirrslenen Weaken or Omi or c Uw
... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lltmti t
HQiTfl. B&O sf'M IMJ VJ"ntee1 hr all rttuf
Two Bright Salem Artists Score a
Success in Music.
Recital at tho First Congregational
Church by a Variety of
Pei formers,
A full house greeted Misses Beatrice
Shelton, pianist and Miss Nellie Brown,
violinist, assisted by Jos. Albert and
Will Ketchttm, two young men arll'ts
of equal renown. The students partici
pating In tho numbers on tho program
were: Misses M-tta D.tvls, Myrtle
Marsh, Bertha Foster, Jauetio Mere
dith, A nut Strong, Nltia Bushncll, Una
Chirk, Ruth Leeds, Gertrudo Iliddell,
Edith Ketchum, Lillto Stcgo, Grnco
Carter and ilalllo Watsnu. Earl Sharp
played a violin fantaIa that was very
fine, as did A mn Strong, they also ap
pealing together In a lovo'y duo. Miss
Siege appeared to great advantago In an
air hy Uanela. A great feature of the
evening wns tho artist's trio by Misses
Drown and Shelton on violin and organ,
w-'tli p'auo accompaniment by MIbs
Kitchum. Mrs. Bertha Darby assisted
ut an eight-hand piano plt-co. Tho trio
of Mr. Albert at the bass viol, Mr.
Ketchum on tho viola and Miss Brown
on the violin was very well rcndeied.
Tho performers wero all heartily op
plauded and Misses Brown and Shelton
wero ttnanlmouly congratulated on their
success us players and skill In drawing
foith tho best powers of their students.
The Non-Irritating
Easy to take, easy to operate-
Hood's Pills
Provisions Captured.
Although tho Boe,rs may havoeap
tured wugonsot provisions, you can pro
cure all tho first class grw cries, fruit
and dairy products you need from Bian
co n & Itugan.
Fortnightly Program Rendered by Mrs.
Wlllman's Musical Pupils.
Last evening occurred one of the reg
ular muslcales given by tho students of
Mrs. Etta Anders-Willinan at her
studio, A pleasing program was rn
dend to an appreciative audience:
Mrs. Wlllman's pupils aro a credit to
a tincliir who Is cvrtnlnlv n rrrellt In
- . J -.-...- vv
her profesiion and to therommu.ilty as
well. Tho playlnir done by these young
people expresses u meaning and a pur-
noso, and thoir application to their
chosen work must surely ultimate In a
fortuna'o career for them, at least so far
' pertains to music. While tho pro-
gram was mostly selections from the
Makers, the execution and keon Inter-
prelotlon brought its wonderful hor-
monies within the comprehension of tho
unliiltlattd as well as tho trained ault-
or. Mn. Willman Is untiring in giving
her students not only tho best technical
work known to trio profession, out a
broad comprehensive Insight Into the
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Pol
ton can not know what a desperate con
dlllon it can produce. This terrible
disease which the doctors are totally
unable to cure, Is communicated from
one generation to another, inflicting its
taint upon countless Innocent ones.
Soma years ago I was Inoculated with poison
by a uuro who Infected mj lU with blood
taint. Tbellllle one was
unequal toine siruKKie,
and Its lift waa yielded
uu lo the fearful poison
Sr sUloitK jearal suf
fered untold ml wry. 1
was covered with aores
and ulcer from head to
foot, and no language
tan express inr freJInK
of woe during tliose long
yer. I nan tne
medical treatmeut. 8er
ral nhvatAlana auccea
lively treated ma, but all'
lonopurpuae ma itr
eurr and pn'aab ssemed to add fuel to tni
awful Waaif which was derourtng me I wa
advUed hy friends who bad sen wonderfu
.ft.&.'ifi WSh'5.
r Swiff Speclflo
again r
revive lo
nd baDDlnrsi
ajaln. Ilmn'oved from theaurt. anua com.
nlpte am) perfect cure wa.s the result H B.H
U the only blood remedy whleb reaehea dss
Montgumery, Ala.
. , mj..- a a a
eated T,lent cuel, jt neTer M tc
oure perfectly and permanently the
most deiperat cases which are beyond
the reach of other remedies
is ruBRtr veobtabl, and If the only
'",'i"y;,.n Atlanta. Q-orffia.
Bpeclflc Ocmpuy, AtlanU, Qsorgla.
State Blind School.
Thursday at tho Oregon school for the
blind ait entertainment was given by
the pupils, which was highly pleasing to
all the spectators, Tho exerlclscs were
held one day earlier than usual, being a
regular bi-monthly feature which tho
pupils look forward to with a great deal
of pleasure.
The school is considerable larger this
season than for several years and all
those employed in educating tho blind
of nno statoaro enthusiastic at tho rapid
progress being made by tho enttro school
this term.
Under tho n.anagcmcut of Supt. and
Mrs. Carter this state institution seems
to bo running ulong very smoothly.
Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at Once
for bronchitis mid grippe, it tm
itond the test and In positively u re
liable remedy. Life Is luosliurt to ex
perlmnot with new sn-rulled "sure
e.ures." Bull's Cough Syrup costit but
23 cts.
Geo. W. Weeks returned last night
from attendance at tho meeting oi the
Populist stato central community.
llenntjr la lllood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean akin. Ki
beauty without it. Cascarcta, Candy Cathar
tic clean votir tilood nml Itpen it ch'nn. h
stirring up the laiy liver and driving all La
purities from the body. Begin to day to
banish pi.nplcs. bolls, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by takine;
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, COc.
Rubber Qood Keduced.
Mackintoshes and mens' long rubbor
boots at greatly nduced priees, also
mens' and boyiT overcoats, at the New
York Itai-ket. These aro snecial bar
gains to close them out. Please call and
see them. 10 2d lw
liev. N. Shupp went to Oregon City
tills morning to hold quarterly meeting.
Itrattawtth too whtthtr yon eoatlana thBjajj
ntm-klllllia'Ubtcco habit. NO-TO-UAUa S11H
rmoTt tb drt ir for lobicro, wHb-aTT m BJja
oniDtrTousautrott.asptlinleofH ,7 ft VISJIKt
tlot. pariots tbo blooa, r-TC 1 1 olT.mb.
torsi Ion mtnhoed. fatV ' S I IfVweboiM
mak.f too iroorB I !m 1 av'-'iold. 400.000
lnh.ltb,Brrsa2B J I Mum rurtiT hur
jjdpK;m gJU-'jIOTO-BAqfroii.
SJs--Tw sJBM WTJ-your own dnirtlai.wlto
"yC J 11 &-wlllVonehrorni.Takltwlth
oaSH Kllat'lU.patiintlr.iwrfUiantljr On
BJJS SB umallycurait Sboioa.SSM,
HV) lb narautosd to cur, or wo rofnnd montr,
mZS fUrttoi Kmm4i Co., curat. aMInol, If Itrt.
O j3L J "X Z 3TII j!5u .
Bssrs ths 1 M WflB YOU Hare AIOTIS BOtlght
John Dlrr, Poseyvllle, Ind., snys, "I
never used anvtlilng us good us One
Mltiutc'JoughCuic."Qulckly breaks up
coughs mid colds. Prevent'cnnsuiup
thin. Pleasant to take. Stones Drug
Mrs. J. II Lunn and son Jamlo wont
to Portland yesterday evening.
"I hod dysnepslu for years. Two
boltlea Kndi'lIlyspcpsluOuro produced
uiurveliius results." L. 11. Warren
It digests what you cut. Stones Drug
Rev. W. E. Copeland went to Portland
pesterday ovenlng to organize a templo
of tho Cooperative Brotherhood,
"Tho Better Patt
Of valor IsdlHcretlun," and the net tor
pirtofthe treatment of disease, is
prevention. Disease orluloules ii,
liuDurltlestn the blood Hood's Sa r
sapurlllu purities tho blood People
whit tuKe it ut this season suy liiey
uru kept healthy tho ycur round. It
Is because this medicine expels Impur
ities und inukes tho blood rich utid
Health glvinu'.
All liver Ills uro cured by Hood's
Pills. 2oo. '2
Mr, and Mrs. Mel Hamilton went to
Portland thh morning.
m. m-mm mmmm M
llmtf emwer and &ealp CUmaar.
V ro tho ontr prtporatlont that will rottor tho hair
i Ita ordinal h.allhr condition. Atalldroaalata.
Try Alien'a foot Ease.
A powder to le shaken Into tho shoes.
Your feet foe) swollen, nervous and hot.
and g-t tired easily. If you havo smart
ing lect or tigni suocs, try Aliens t'oot
Easo. It cools tho ft-et and makes walk
ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet,
Ingrowing nails, bhstors and eallous
snots. Helieves corns and bunions of
all pain und gives re-t ami comfort. Try
t today. Hold by all druggists anil shoe
stores for i.'fc, 'Trial package FIIEE.
Address Allen d. Olmsted, Leltuy, N. Y.
W. S. Pliilpot, AHmnv, On., says:
DeWltt's Lltllo Early Ulsers did
me tuoro good than any pills I ever
took," Stones Drugstores,
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Deara the
Slunaturo of
"Aftflr doctor? fulled to euro me nf
nnpiimonlii I used One Minute Cuigh
Cure. It Is also the best remedy on
earth for whooping coukIi, wrlle J no.
Kerry, Lofrutiton, l'a. Cuica couk'tio,
old", croup and throat ind lung
troubles. It prevent omsumpttnn.
Cutldrenalwuy like It. Mothers en
JofM; It. bioues Drug Stores.
MIsa Kva L. Plmmltt and Miss Em
Uy A Henry of tho Blind school force
have gone to .Vancouver, Wn, to visit
the Wind school there.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
ItartiDcIftllydlBOsUthefood arid aid ,
Mature to ttrenatbenlng nnd jecon-'
tructingtne exnausieu uigcsiiva uj
ans. ltlsthetateJitJibCoveffJdlgest
ntand tonic Wo other preparation
an approach It lo sOlclency. It in
tantfy reHTeand permanently curca
)Tspeiala, Indlgeatlon, Ileartburo,
'fatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
,11 other reaulu of Imperfw.t dlgettlon.
sparsdbyCC OsWIU C, Cblcaqa.
AYerjclablc Prepnralionror As
similating UicFoodandllcUula
ling thcStoioachs ntulDowcls or
Promotes DigC3llon.Cliccrrnr
HC33 andllest.Conlalns ncilttcr
Oplum.Morphinc nor Iiticral.
rvv tfOUrSWELmClim
Jtx Smtut
Jjmrnmt' .
Apcrfccl Remedy forConstlpa
Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .CoiTvulsioits .Fcvcnsh
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
sse :
Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially
and at honest prices.
Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specially.
T. S. BUBROUGHS, 102 Stato St, Phono I5II
Memory, IIfaiHcltr,eakcrplncs,!t Manhood, Nlijlilly l!itilv
alons. Ncrvouincsa. Iom or (tower In Oenerathe Oruann.
box. 6 hr U, by mall prep.i.1. cireitar free. Taki
no otlier tfaiiufaclureU by the feau MedlclneCo., , lFraacc.
SMUC-Uavlst Urns Co. distributing uetnU,
Nopcc of Dissolution ol fattneislilp.
Nollcols hereby glcn that thu part
nership heretofore existing botweeon
K. F. rArkliurstandUeMi(irew, iiuilur
Uu Arm uauiuof IC F. l'arkhurst & Co.,
Is this day dissolved by liiuiual consent.
All bills, notes oriu-cnunts dm) said linn
aro assigned to K. F. l'arkhurst, who
surceeds to tho busliiesiol U.K. l'ark
hurst & Co.
1.KU M'dHKW.
Salem Or., Jan 17, 11)00 1-18-tf
OiroM tr 1 v.iinr-4 n't uu 1 of the! follow
lug routes eat They uro ull fumoiH
scenic uttriiftlot'
O. It, & N , vlu Odgon and Denver-
HliHstu Kttuto vlu bauruuiuiiU), Og
den and Denver,
SIiiikIu Ilmiiu via Hacrauiento,
Major B Aiberq'jernuu.
. A dullvlltiunrthri.imli PULLMAN
LHS, Han Franultnt -tml Lot Antil
les to Chicago llllh Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the ugenlsor :the O It.
&N., O H. L., Southern Pdcllle. nr
Hie undersigned, for foldt-rt and
descrlptlvo litoruturo.
Ouii'l Agt U'oreoitur. lildg
Portia .
Corvallis & Faslcni Railroad
'2 For Ytiniilnn-
Train lea vea Albany
'irum Ita vts (Jorvalll.
Train urrlvea Vuriilnn
I Iteiuriiiiig:
leaves Ymiulrwi
Leaves GorvnlllR
Arrtvi-H Albany
3 For Detroit
1-euvek Altianv
Arrives Del nut
ZM p. 111.
I '& p til.
TrtSft p 111
ii-PO a. 111
11 sSOii. 111
IS:16 p. 111
7:00 a. 10
IliaOu. in.
l-SOn 111.
Ai-IF. n tn
4 Keiurmng:
Leaves Dftridt
Atrlvea Alluny
(I'll mill twt f.nnfif.1 tit Aliuinu niifl
CorvallU wild Southern Puelji'tiulns
tflvlng fllnei H-rvIpe ttund 'runf No
H,rt and udjuecnt hcucliPH.
Trains for the mountain arrive lit
Ikoi.j.i. ........; t..i.... ......i .1....
asv.iii avriiti;.!! Ktvi'K j,liti lion ,
to reach i-aiiipltig&iriiundf)fi tin-1
HrelientiUkh and Sanllum rlvttr ill 1
-amcilav. I
it. t. WAIIlKK. KUVU.N ftTONK, ,
T V. A I'. A. Uaiwior '
i.TVUMISH AkvuI. AlUur.OlB,
For Infants and Ohildron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Three of a Kind,
will beat two pair, but mo hold a royal
iliifh when It comes to beating anything
in Hue laundry wurk. We luivo a full
hour-oal thu tlinu In coii-eqiienre, and
are kept busy "doing up" tiiu linen of
every man fit Salem that wants hN
shirts, cellars, and cuffs 1 Hindered with
smooth edges ami an exqtiUlto color and
liiiifh. Wo uuvur raise thu ante on su
perior work, biityuti will llnd prices al
ways moderate.
Sa'em StRam Laundry
Phone -til, !M0 Liberty tilreul
Wholesale Fruits, I'rrxlueo, etc.
Balum, Oregon. Olllcu; Insur
ante block. 'I'hono 1KJ1. Ware
house, at Wullaco warehouse.
I-. J. w. w.
. Palvm Camp No, lis. JleeUururr Krlday eret.
Ir, 7KJ. 111 A. U. U. W- Imll, Htalu Ilia. LI.Ik.
f X. Iloulllrrtl, 0. 0. W. A. Uuutvs, clvrt,
roo" ' Jlutresblk
k. nicariciia of amkkiua
Court rihurHooi) Kore.t N'ti, IV. Slt-vca KniUy
iiImIiuIii riiriterlilovk. Jultn II. Ctuuv, t'. II A,
L. Urnwu nvujr. III7-1),
' 0
111 mi
lug ''iluffuiuu'sKtublu" and uro
reatly to lure you it uicu riu or
feed and eaiu for you, teit't
w Inn in riulum. Ilorto boarded
bv tho wuok, Kalirfuutiou guar
niitied. Your patruimgo hoIIcI
ltd. 2 1'.' tf.
Harold Reynolds
A completo stock of Crass and Clove
beed. aVguud for Catalogue.
Phono 178. 01 Court tit., Bulem Or
di'igon hlioi'i Lino Kiiilroail
The 1'lrcct ftouu. In
MouttDi, liuli. Col-rail 1
to I all Eastern I'oioU
!! obolw of two isror t touWa, via; Ibe
Ualou I'aultlo Kajl M . I I. lie, or lh
lllo Urande tt eu 0 L aes.
Look at.the timu
lllu)s to Suit Luke
2 I ays to li over
3) iJayn lo CMcago
sJJllmys to N w York
frev,BaliulUK Clta r ()tt, Upholstered Tou
UlUI,u,uKCa -inl 'ulllitau ralaeu.
t)Iw j ers ou t-l 1 11 all lulu.
KorJ uilbtr tnlor n tloa apply, to
UOIBKI4 HA tKK , Astnta, Halem.
' W.JK. CUl'AN.Odt'l Annul.
i- UTKUitir.Tlt.T.a't. Al.
UiliillQ t .UltlaUd
fW ama
tmatwaawai ajmw
itiitssri to t)i I M Krcii, (it I White
Ciiniei ,Sal.m, Ui I'arli s lc-'ltlig iutriol
"ertitl ons "t mods i fess In any 1-ianrlt an
in especial request.
Bicycle Repairing,.
Umbrella making and
I General repairing.
105 Stato btroot. ! Phono 2876
jOld P. 0. Saloon
j snectssor to Fred Ootilel.
Choicest trotals In all Hues.
Opposlto iiulel Willamette. "MO-tf
ft . 8
u Capital Junk Shop. 5
ft Dealer In Cast Iron, Wrought Iron f
A Stove plates. ccpur, brat-s, sine, X
V lead rooo, rubber, baits hides paper V
ttlltl IX) 1 1 us. K
13d Court St. Salem Ore. 5
Telophono LVJ5 2-1-IPOO
No. 71 Chcmckcta st,
J 11 T. TUTUILL Assuyer
Phono 1071.
itOOMS 1 AND ll, OKAY'llLlt.
Toledo, Orouon.
Was Clerk of Circuit Court for six jroars aulhn
ait ti)-iouaie aoairaciui an proiHirty iu i.iiicoin
t-uuuiy. iiiQ
For water hcrvlco aoply at oUlce.
Dills payable tuiinthly In iidvuuce.
otiiKo an uuuipiainta ut tno omco.
Express and Transfct
Meets all,mall and passengnt ttaih.l Ha
i;age and cxpiets to all paita ol lie cii)
I'rompl service, lelcplioiie No 70.
Kiilaigctuenta In Crayon uiitls Water
Color. Photo liuilout)
Aiiutleur dtivelopliiK und tlnishlng
nnutiy tiouu. v, w. iui;
UnoccMor to K J llruwu.
213 Coiuiiiuruiul til, Salem Oregon.
soule unos.
Kiir,HHlia aitt vloliilly loato urlma at Oou
Will's Xbili htoi.
Bottled Beer.
KllngerA Ueck,Succcaort to.tfouthiJalcm
Uoillir. Wortts.
All ortlura (or bottled beer will Imi llllid
at thu brewury. Kent on cold storage
Krti eitv delivery. 'iVUmlniiia '.Mill.
Select School
The undersigned will open a Gram
mar school In thu building iitlloliiliig the
Kplt-coifl church, corner of Church and
CiiemeKuta streets oil Fub, 10.
216 tr j. a. Millwood.
S, C, STONE. M. D.
Proprietor of
Stone's Drue: Stores
Tnosteraa (two la number, are loratod a
So. IU and S33 Comintirela street, and ar
ell stocked wild arotiii-lete lln ofdniinaii
iiiollrtiiiia, toilet atllclei, tcrluuierr, bnuhr.
uu. oturtft
Uaaliattaoins'iJtyvKrierliiolii lltu rat
llfeol mnlli'lnsaiiil imw liialea no rltarx fm
i-on.ultatlou, examination orprerlitloii.
Dr.J.P, Cook, tho Uotanloal Bpoo
allot, Uuooueda Wltoro,.Ottior
To whom It may concern :
This Is to certify that liertlia P. Coo
nur, of Mt. Angel preclnut. Marlon conn
tv. Oreuon. has suffered from a uaticet
I oils growth In thu leftear (or about thre,
vt-urs. Theurowth was out out twice an
iiiirned out oiico by Alltauy l'hyslclau
but the irrowth came back ns hat
as ever, and pained her so lutlly tha1
the hail to bo taken from school. Aftei
three week's treatment by Dr. J. F.
'Cook, of Kalem. Oregon, tint ilotatnral
bpeeiallst, thu growth entirely Ulsap
ptti re I, ami at this datu, foui uionili,
since treatment waa begun, the growth
has not reappeared, and the ear ft us rn
tlrely htalttl leaving only tho scars in
dieted by the Albany doctors.
1 hereby enrtify that the. above, state
nient la aiMolutely true, anil that Her
Ilia I' Conner, the person meptltnetl
111 the allldavit. has retddrd iu nivtuni
it v c'm'-o early I'hildhootl. bearim; tl e re
I latlouslilp to mo of niece.
1 II. 0. Loao.
HulttMirlbed and 'worn to be010 m
this eighth day o( June, Wi. V. V
Hall, county clerk of Marion county
Oregon. i
All diseases ruccesstully treated and
bjik" ...v'
eui water Co.
.Now today, adYOrttsemstnt txntr
linos or Iobo In thin column lnwrtl
thrao tlmoH for 20o., Quo a wsmssi.
SI.OO per month. All over four lln
nt namo rato
WANTED. To rent 8 small eottasm!
f.tur or live rxims. Inquire Vll,
Fargo & Co'a oflleo. 2-l-3t
'10 KENT. A good hop yard of 22 ere
in lino condition with good buikHuM.
Win. 11. Egan, Urooks, itlH
WASTE IV-llorsea to shoe. Having sa- '
cured the services of a llrst-clasa black
smith we are prepared to pho yottr
hortfcs. fatUfartloii guaranteed. 8a
lain Wagon nml Carriage Factory,
304 Commercial street, 2l 01
WASTE D-Goodfarm hand $20 per
month to the right man, Addru-,, 0.
IJ. Wilson, Fox Valley, Oro. 2 2l-3t
DID YOU KNOW That $100 would
buy a block of nearly two ucres with
Improvement!, costing nbtut the
price. Ituuiitng m utor norths one
corner nice for poultry, with or with
out a small stotk of staple goods, itux
41, Marion, Or. 2 20 lm
FOIt SALE: An up to th. to Stock ol
giocenes In one uf thu bent towns in
tho Willamette mi ley. Uood reason
lor seeling. Address. O. J. Da Ltta
eus, Cottage Grove, Oro. 2 10 tit
TO TUADE.-SinalfTracta of uidm.
proved real estate In part payment for
wotxleuitlng. Inquire room ti, over
Gilbert's bank. L'lb tf
WANTED A load of loose hay for cow
"fed. JJ, Jooiikal oBJco.
table for 112. $16 child's oak folding
bed, with mattress und springs fa.
lietlroom sets flu and upwards. All
kinds of household goods, .dimes
Siiaul, 1U7 Court street. 2 H-lta
FOIt 8ALE-Part cash, balance on
time, 11 two story eight room
liuuoo with basement. All hard
Mulshed, good well and out build
ings, full lot, corner of Eigh
teenth and Chemoketa streets. For
further fuformatiou call ut Daniels'
barber shop, all Commercial street, -
L'12 1m
rarfchiiuco to buy one of thu best grain,
stock or dairy larins in Polk county, 7
miles from tjalem, nearly 100 acres. To
bo eold Miireh 7lh, hy order of court.
Call and 0111111110. Zena, Polk Co.
. . J ltollKI'AUO,
dAw2-8ml ltefutco.'
THE ELITE "SlUDIO makes a spe?
jally of platluo photos, eulaiguuiuiiti
in cruyuu utid water color, photo
buttons, for (un photos, amateur de
veloping and lliitahing tor. titnie and
Commercial atrueis. 2-U-lmo.
FOR bALE. Forty acres, flrsTclasseui
tivatud luriu laud two inlloa east of
Bait-in. ijuod stand of clover. Apply
to Gertrude aavMge, half mile eat of
asylum. 1 20 imo
erels from thu choicest stock of Mill
furd Waylurs, celubratetl B. P. It poul
try farm ut Now .Market, hid. cuii b
Imd nt from $i,60 to $6 eacli. Theo
birds uru true to a feather and uru
equal lu the best Iu thu suite, ut 470
Com. street, balum, Oregon. Mutt
R'os. i-aj t.
BIOYULE pATJl-ir yuur olo)cle
needs repairs bring it in, we u.ita
thu skill mid stock to keep a In Utht
clasa condition Wo curry ti lull
lined, sundries and mukuu special
ity of cuumclliig come utid seu us.
wo sutlsf y our" patniua. Gardner &
White, 23 Llbeti.y stieet. ilolluan'a
block, next door U. steam laundry.
PIlllllU iiOi. 2tf.L
inUHE UUETKIiRs - lleiuembof
that tho best und ulieupua curpot
putHirla the lieu vt felt paper wild
UtTllHdomtNALOIllCU. 20-lf
D-jWh.l'm wiifh it 1T..1.S .iu,. ij tTTT
tquahed for piles, una skin dleW.
iuwaro 01 uu couuturlelli. Stouts
Drug Mtures,
Blooded Stock TK1M.,AW.,.,."
BraHtii ll to ta.t tatb. Cltt, uoitn of
r.i salvia ecuuul.
Ileal state Bargains
I Inivo 11 ciiMoiuur who wants an hi)
ncre tract not over 6 nr 0 'lilies nut
with giNid liiipriivcmentH at about (JS
per acre. Who lias such a place.
I waul 11 uood 4 or 5 room houin.
GoikI garden spot, burn, fruits, etc,
not, in rur out ut uDtiui 9IUJ.
1 huvo some lino atock ranches to
trade foi small iruuts not m far out
tnd give lliiiuou uiiy bulaucc.
If you want to buy a urulu or stock
ranch cheap. (Cull,)
I tiitvui-ouio Hoe small fruit tracts
it big haigaliis 11 1st, town property to
ell or trade cheap.
I huvo good pittportlet In Nebraska,
Kansas, (Jnlnrado, D.tkutis, and Mau
lobatc w.augu for Oreguu nrup
ity. If "ou want a tplendld mill with
vater power und pusturo and feed
irnund, etc., or want an elevator, feed
linnner, grain, ware hiiue Snit-ndld
l"catlon on river at a bargain I liava
lfynu want to buy. sell, trade or
rent, 1 can suit you.
A Mi have two farms to rent.
Home splendid horses for sale.
If )nu want h loan mi real cta'e or
havu any noturlitl work to do. Call
t-d x'o me ui UI Ciurt sirt-et. ut too
he sturu uf Uruwsler & White,
v 1 18 It R It, RYAK
rzrMh'& w cintr
I he Luxury ol Living
m out v experienced in vnur own home,
here you ml tlm uinleiii conveniens a
11 tllebailtrooin thai is tit it ti up wl'h
pen sanitary plnntbiug and torietin
MtlhlutiH, waliiul,iaml ba In, aed hsv't
mt hot anil o, d water rein I v for iue.
Wo will makeour home- healthy, ron-
tenlenl aiel un-lo-dkto lit ull these at a
moiierate cost.
TtUii&ons u. 2371
t- wHtmmaBamxnnam
JH5-S J JTdmt'&i&Ta , I
l.f '
' V