BB-. .il Ii - Sf I" rv I ' ." We have Bf3 SII.K SATEEN S1LK0LINE MERCERIZED FLANNEL KNIT serge CREPON CHEVIOT MIXED Overskirfs NEW PLAIDJ tiic wuouiiin rniCR o ail ruvc miteiu4.m,y adtancxd BUT FOR THE REST OF FEBRUARY WE WILL SACRIFICE PROFITS AND LET THEM GO AT PRICES THAT MAKES EACH ONE A BARGAIN. rz IHOLUERSON'SI 20O unci OOO COMMItBOIAL T. IDA I'AtTKRJfS A DRIVE IN NEW SPRING Sreae (Boobs ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT SERGES. 44 INCHES WIDE, FINE QUALITY, NEW SHADES. A REGULAR 75C VALUE. 5 YOU WANT A BLACK DRESS? SHOW SOME GREAT VALUES. vc d. 1. DALRVMPLE 4 COMPANY 10 MORE THAN EVER Wo Intro now U-cn hero long enough tinioiulotlin ikh nlui.f IhlaitiininunllV that Mcdoonl) lltil-ilass wink andglvo the riant itocu ir rcns-innine prim, am diijliig tho rnlio of d.ffcient limit (( f inln mid woik. va have maintained Ibe old prlii eslabllil-rd Ly mo. Win m imi want a ihinporllnu wuiih ixtitiit before burlnir: wumii taveyunuioiiuy on every tbIiigdo. HA mil OLE NINO 7Jc. MAIN HPHl.NUB 76c. And warranted. C-JH. HINGES WATCIIM4KKK AMU OPTICIAN. IRArOMMKDOlAb BT K WHATHBR RBPOI1T. Tonight mow and colder. Tomorrow lair and cotiltuuitt i-old. Lots of store. Ilovtcr batkoliatTIin PA I It 8 IS Hi Hocol. A social will bo pin ii at Iho W C T. U. ii mii. on Haiunlay riming Feb )7llml. Ttii). Pipcndi IoImi given In tho " fiiml." Aduiliilnii 111, Lunch will Imi Kfrvtii. 9 15 at 7 HOTEL ARRIVALS. J wiLUMirrc. Bjih 8 UoMinilili. IVrllnn.t , Jolm Ftcyinin, ban FiMiichco. J U Deny. Portland i Mrs 1' U Wakomau, Miss Claw Wakrman. V Davit, Sllier tf.nihrJuiln.JM Lriidnii, run Frmi W T Lkhter, Chlwgo; W U IWuur, I'hlla., Til. LOST OK 8TOI.i:Si:W7'Vre.l Iruti fcVtlcr. My name aii'i llcvnw "No. IS on foliar A tollable- reward fnrlnfm iiiatlon leading tohltltxeiciry. T. H Bmt. 8 10 3t DAlUYMliN-ri.!) wLhlng to roll lo crcaii cry. now being built iroruuri.o. jukiikiii.i, will iiio im call on or write bjwrnaiy II. II I hid Miutf lb CNiimIhh ot Conumtree, mm arrangi wmu oaumti I arrangi mmla oanmtt U inaili . IjUMlliTt Uy iiama, wu Imvul locwllcct Uy Icaim. vru villi have It Hilpoa by boat wr rail. T 8. Ilow.x iuii. !l-l(Md Mtl, WANTRU-vtllioOik. Canllal ilri a HiimWr y( JifOrt.ttHg by. Ad.lrvn oraru Pranlc Bionu. 'i 10 3t JflDTH & GRABER, ipf lWetU.t.dulMlB 4acUliln COFFEES U'M-anrona ( IM MtyMt Utm W toffifa In tU 4iy. frvnt i Iilk.a tV.- . la a . . inmi turn ai.naiiLkf . yiivi. w nr4OMBi wt w jwIIm ivr HI I WAT ft, 11 vl i.l. UlHPM-IKMIPWOIIMtW r.,w ""Dt i pxeW. put up in duo rim ' fti... in, nni. IifCoffDW, 1V miM lUkln WJw , Jj. iV rarrv a m I in m wb iu.j I'iy of 0 iniuBr.a Vfgtablca. qgpruicc AnuuiQUT. Stfi!1' ClJ,, MP M P In 123 State Street. a big line of Underskirts tailor Made TRUNKS VAI.MIM TUVKMSO DA08 CENTS THE YARD. Sumpter Mines, Tlrkrlaloall mlnlnir towm Pnokane, Baker City, Moscow, Ban Frnnrbco ami iill ol bus tiollili. JtntarARf checkid iliroiiuh mi ok money. cjuy it. Power's which iuui irauo street. 'B tin anADUATiNa exnnciBES Public School at the Optra Houaa 'I lila Evening, At Urn opera limma tbls avenltiir tnunly-onn puplliof tliu Hxii-m publlo orliuoumil occupy tbo tio,oii tbu nCt-anlon of tbi-lr KraiInatliiixorclai. A fluo progrutu mn )ri.i nrrnnuctl uml tliatoniii villi lw nppiaprlati'lyilccuratiil. A niinll uiliuitilon fuo of 10 I'fliitD will iioclmrgvi, to roviT tbo vxH)iica luol-It-lit lo tint iim of tlioopcru Monro. l'rof. J. II, Aukorinau will dullvvr tlu mlilrrti of itulctunt. lullowliigaro tbo name of tliogruil UlltOKt Mlrrnlitnl.llllan Towne, IitllnLnvo JunlAii, ItuMa Dunilliy MIobucN. Ikrjlia Amy Lluk, Jebi Wnnn. tier rnila Klli Kwk, Wimilfrtnl lliril, Annlo Carolluo I'Ulor, ami 7m Mill Mao Million : llmiui nu.L.iv Cbannci-y Holn-rt llclioit. Ik-rbort Wll. bur I-rtwk. Ctrl Aulmi Uloi Willluiu rmiik truwforil. (.'IikiUp Mili..ri',.v I'lllTiiliI Wvrnor IWnviii. Ilamlil KMwIi', IS'IIwhhI, Hubert Kiirli-y Mofrla. Wilbv ;iiriilin Hi-oil, Clyilrt John Curltou an Clydu Hliiou Joliux a. r I 'Ibri proKruiu It at followi- Miulo Orrlioitra. Ittvocatlou ICuv. V. 0. Kanlner, llor of ths Mnt Conirrikr.itlonul uliurab. IthUt Drill-In obarxo of MIm Myrllo Jiiirmi. I'ri'iuntAtion of olau. Knay, 'aii'iiiilnu Stonw" Annla (Xirolluo I'lijlor. Hcclttttlon, "Marcli of Mind" Her bert Fawk. Muilc, quartet .Vina Uimlmull and Vina Sherman, loprunoci lWilu ("or nellui and Kulio Janoi, allot Oram Our it, accenipAiil. Hllalgu,"Tlw Uamly Fifth"-Wlnl frcil Muruvl llyrd. Muilc, mlg. "Uno Sonic" William PrentlM l)ro. pr(Hur of (hwk and Utm, Wtllauitttu Uiit)nty, Iwy, "Uoldtin QpporUiiltHia" Wll bur Augmui. 8wU. Mink, dual, MfiUumnw Klgbf nrvaHi"-WUilld MuiW Jlyrtl. Qiu CLirtw. AddrM ta tbo lv-Hon. I. II. Ark atrium, iuHKUttidtU at pubUo tttr lion. 1'ffinn'atteHeMlpVMWM-tl. 1 llmei elulrmaH IxMnl nl diratr. MAHION COUNTY MATTBHa Duijm llMcg TrciJ al (h Oeun llouit lH flLKll. S.T. llebitt and K. F. Ilnbir, to A. P. lUUirt, 10) acrw In l ft , r 1 w.. U.J. QlftjH awl CVrolW 0vn Uw tnjotm AiValtui, 1Q aajw. Ih Mttwi ?1.t4 i.rl wH ml, u Otiai, W. g.rilr amI Urv J Vw,Imi ! W. A. llmwiuvJ, kitd tn Um, a. d. ft 0.W. trlbt, Mai) J. aWn. m, v. iiviimvn hu tm tMMiWNl, u. th WHh wttwwwi of Kwnay u tu Geo. 11. Jowm adiUUoM to taleai. hU t'tllKt.. Km. Hay PaliuM jV km nbt , "rHlai Utwivk on rt. o lW.,, UU wbl UMH wdl U Hki Ortt ftf Hftf." Tliwi mUI not b amwlt$uunl,y MbiB, Wut tii will i.-MonSiB44yau4 tiutil fur thtr bo (m. TIIC FAUt iiurv kw cWirr b.;u. va1 ST. ANTHONY WOMEN Hold Their First Successful Blowout At Salem. iynopili of the apeecbei Movement to Oiganue a Womon'a tlub la. Started. 8nnn It. Anthony ebo Whk only eluhlcc. All tliu allium wero Young m young could bo. It uniu brilliant ai-cuililngo of Oro vton'a fiilrnml best woman, and tt cr..-dlt to the capital. Tliu Utnqui't hall nt hotel Wlllnmotto at tho 1iimii II. Anthony dinner was glorlnui In lie decorations of Oregon llr, Kngllili Ivy nnd oonncrvulory palms. Tho laet veitlgca of toclnbility Ola appeared about 2a. m. Long tables vieru net In tho form of a hollow Bo.u.iro mid Mrs. Curturlght held tho gavel with grace! and dignity. Bho oro a black and wbltoMtln, with jet onm incnta. ond with liur fresh complexion and enowy coiffure wn iiiuatdlotlnguiali- oJ looking. Tho display of gowrm wns very rlcli nilka ntidsuUna priNlominulIng but not tho iMlnlcat decolletto. Tliero aa a lurgo nltendunco of men cooling their hccla in tho loblilu.1 and but for tho well umlerMtixid proposition that It win purely a ooclul function, romu of them would havu been driven in deaparation U) join tho Portland "antra." Synopsla of Speeches, Mr. Florencn II. Cnrtn right held tho prodding ofllicr'ichnlr nnd opcncil tho program with greetings to all, announc ing tho toast, ''thu woman wo honor, Huinn II. Anthony," which was ably responded to by Mr. Kmlly L. Wake- ninn, of Bilvcrton, while Iho hundred Lidy guftta roiiinlne a'nndlnir. Tho rpeakor Is n pertonul friend of II. Anthony nndgavu a rambling talk about tho first nrimnlr.ntlou of women's clubs in tliu cast nnd what wonderful work they had arcompllthod, beluir herrelfu inenib r of the Horoils Ciub, tho pioneer (if Amcrka's wonivn'ai rgnnltiitlona, Mrs. Inn Condon Ihxiu rei.H)iidiil to 'tocli'ty," nnd gnvo n coiiiprelieuelvo lovlewof social wotk umniig women In l lie curly days In Iho eiiat, wiulh nnd wed. Iho Influcncoof lociety over tho public "mil, and ihtIiiIIv that of women, was d ruirsid In its larlous phnaos. Tlio iiiiker jolul fil out tlmt ilio rlo or full of nations bus lieen the result of tliu sk nl liifluviico, and i ocolallv dwelt iiion tho imwirlnnvu of n well buhincvd 8' fellowship nmong nien and women. 'Jhu sKHiker ruferrad to Iho present crisis of the mother conn rynsthu runilt hiiiut of the social lnllli, and sugguiled tho rlxc or mil of Kugliind today would deK'iid up- iii Iho elimination of tbu social n t whlih is now in nppaient to tho woild. "Our Country UueKts," by Harriet Chirko IKiucy, was nil unpreleulliui but pertinent talk on tho uliio of Iho rural element of the land. Tho ranker silnled out 1 lint nearly all ol our gtcst men and women huvo been Iho product of good rouulry luunes, and that their "iijHirlority of character, loyalty and putrlutlim wero tho result of olotur conluct with tbu nuturul laws of their untlroniuent. Her rufcrenco to tio "Man with Iho Hoc" brought n nund ofapphiuio, mid tliu rpwikur with her bright point ol pruellil wuillmuut was highly appreciated. Dr. Aiiulco Jeffieya roiionded withnn orlgliml kmiii on mffrngu that was to Ihu ptlut and won n round of npphiuse. Mrs. IKxhl coiitru.tiil the times of the S'ltoolnmilcr with tbo-oof MihiMilnm am and expriwiil tho thought that Ihu' i woman reboot t..elior win a sluphighar, Itxcmifo tho womiiii nppriMclio niHirer tbu iullueneo of tbo ninlhur and bus IntellMliinl ability wall men. In tho iiImwiico of Miss Laura Junin, ot Drain, "tlm Prtwi" was taken up by Miss Wukumnu, of SIKurton Tbit young lady Is roceutly (rum the onat, Ht Exact Coat WARM WOOLEN GOODS i jf J,,,M,1, wy P "ii vf warm wmln mlttwis, faMnativs. iHtMj-ry, kHlt Ni ru, aud lWe-llHv.t umlarwAtr, Hut all giMM at wet cot iu nit WsH g t'Ml Mitt. h. .0t,,;m',, wUrt wlwt )ihi hwI. Ii.fants Ux awl knit aacouct In piwi u--lHim Iftj in. in )., and tmm ! up Ih thn wwl midhm. i-ul i. ,f .""l- ,k " ''Wr IIvmi.HhiI h, l-: cblklrn'r 'i!?n.riV1M'.,:te i,',Vvry ') mWuwiM, ITsj wwl (uMiuMtora, ISo up. lWt.1 M oimr li.-w. to mini. r to hifhiIhii. all at 'xat eM. H.w aUtit a waiM Ih tut lU Uttlo Wks, whll tb'ru at wt. I am closing out to quit busi ness at once, and I mean business, I am trying to tinish by March first, M"!JirrJrr!!!-t wy im i ... ' ST..'"T. i'i "S'wr il. MansciinrHt " ' ,,:,WH' 'WN' l- . ShrlduM wit m what a Cbrtatlaa papr J.ouU be. I. .....nil, I'lHtllur I. WIGGINS' BflZflflR 307 Commercial Street nnd snoko of tho wrslcrn liullcs In tie highest terms, hut thought thn men did not compare wj favorably with thoao if tho east. Tho absenro of male report ers made the fair speaker seem quite brave. "Shall wo havo a Woman's Club?" was discussed by Mrs. Cuoke M.- Jones, who favored the work and valiie of such orifsntiatlohs. She dwelt upon the great convenience of a club for out-of own ladles when they como to tho city, nnd especially upon Iho great value of the soc In! Intercourse fostered by clul. Jitsii A. Davis, of Sllverton, talked of "The Doctor" nnd especially woman work in that profession. The matter of hospltnl work and that of army nurres was touched upon in a practical man ner. "Tho Business Woman" was taken up by Mrs. Anna A. NIchol, a bright ht. lem woman who demonstrates dally the value and Importance of her subject. Sho pointed out tho strong fact that woman can do tho work of n man suc cessfully and not detract from tho huh Ilka qualities, be-ldes wielding a broad refining influence upon tho business world. "Literature," by Irene flmlth Cal breath, of MuMinnvllle, covered tliu broad rangy of inflnenco exerted by woman In all ages and walks of life. Tho siKMiker referred especially to the social nnd political (ufluenco of woman in literature, tuning up mo iiucraunx ui slaves bv tho pen of Harriot Dcpcher 8towo, In our own country and time, as an Illustration oi tuo wonucriui power of tho fern I ii I no mind. "Tho Lady Maccabees" was presented by Anna Junk, who reviewed tbo vast possibilities of woman's Influence for good, In tbu world of lodge work She showed that the social and political In lluenco of tho organization she ropic senls had made Itself felt in many ways In tialern nnd oilier Oregon cities. Tim Juuhxal was represented by three reporters, of courte wearing gowns, nnd will have fur roforenco a full set of notes of the rp eches made. Another repot t of Iho speeches, written for this paper, will appear "in our next, A Legal Point. Hon. K. It. Bklpworth addresses the following letter to the L'ugeno Daily Guard: In your Is'uo of yesterday you say, In effect, that two young womtn were being mentioned in connection with the Hopubllcan nomination for superintend ent of schools In Lnno county, but owing to n recent decision of tho Oregm supreme court (State ex rel. vs. Stovenr) n woman iiinnot hold oillco the court holding that a woman Is not a citizen. It is true that the court did hold, under Art 0, ice. 8, and Ait. 2, sec. 2 of tho constitution of Oregon, that women are liicll'glblo to tho oillco of suorln tcndeiit of schools, for tho reason that that oillco nt tho time of tho adoption i of tho constitution was a constitutional oillco and that under article 2, section 2, supra, only male cltlmns nro eligible to county oillccs. To haio held that a woman was not a citizen would have been utterly absurd and made tbo court ridiculous In tho eyesol tho wholo world. No court in this country ever pronounced any such Judgment, no text writer ever suggested a iroonion to contrary to all eeiite of rcaion. Aelllzenlsdefliiedtobe: "Any natlic bom or naturalltid perron of either sex, who la entitled to full protection iu tho x"tc'M m,a enjoyment of the ic-callcd private rights;' U Am. and hng, Kncy, of Law, 312. Mrs. William Southwell, of Wntco county, stooped to pull a weed in her gcrdnn. Tliu weed broke, alio lot her balance, fell on her lull arm, and broke her wrist. ' tor lW ' Caniial Sheklrti I ltV. Clu.r .- M Si),l ehargoul this paper (oi SuWiptMM prkv for o wk '- VKtiiuiuaiv ii d t t . e: FIRST GUN FIRED. High Taxes Starts a Citizens Mofe ment At Eugene Saturday. Lane County Tax Payers Are Trying 'to Formulate a Non-Partisan County Ticket. Under partisan administration Lane county lias accumulated a debt of f 100.- 000 and n tax levy of 21.6 miles to wind I up the century with. A conference of delegates from all parties will be held nt Eugene Saturday and formation o a pmctically imposalblc, or nt least tin-non-partisan citlsen's movement. is tl,e , rnflub0t t0 Bell adulterated duity Tho Inlenllon is to construct a ticket of tho rigni Kinu oi men on uiu .. - partisan plan and pledged to n purely business administration. This Idea has gained a strong foothold In Lane county. DAIRYMEN AT ALBANY Two IJays' Convention Well Attended and a Oieat Success. The two days' seision of the dairy men's convention, jutt closed at Albany, was a pronounced success, and Marlon county dairymen who attended are I enthusiastic in thoir praises of tho man- j auemrnl. Thero were three sessions on tho last ij mnrnlng, afternoon and evening, and a number of Interesting and Instruc tive addresses were delivered. Ainonu Hie rcolutlons adopted wero i10 follewing: Urging the Oregon dele- ciitinn ii u'uru urn lenceni iva un uicu- . . . . .1 inargcrlno, asking that dairymen d.i not shape of butter substitute, and the best consign their product tocouimlsslon men manner of overcoming these evils, wliodeul In process butter and oleomar-1 C. II. Markluini, general traveling gerino; commending State Food Coin- freight nnd passenger agent of the miasloncr Bailey for his excellent work; Southern Pacific railroad, gavo n prnflln thanking the Albany creamery for their bio talk on tho transportation of daiiy hospitality In arranging for nnd during products. tbu mcotlngs; thanking the 0. A. 0. forj J. W Ilalloy, state food nnd dnlrycnm kindness, tlm nnwsnaiiera for their mlspioncr, rpoko of tlio work Hint is I reports and Professor Paryln's pupils for their excellent music. A motion by Mr. Townsend that f 35 bo sent to Wuahington to assist in se curing tho passage of tho olemargcrlnn tax bill was pustcd. C. II. Walker read a very interesting paier on "Ited Clover as a Factor In Dairying.', Dr. James WIthycombo, of tho 0. A. C , spoko on "Dairying and Its Helatlou to tho Fertility o( the Soil," following the lines ol tits reconi nddro uetoro,Mfln Arrested for Selline OoaJs Belonif the Furmcrs' Congress. Ing lo .ome One Else. Mr. West, of Scapiooso, ipoko briefly A man gIvn i ,mmo j, D, 0(v. on dairying In tumoral, and laid tliat by mnn .,, llkol , cll.t0(y by Chlnf of way of comparison between dairy herds police Gibson this forenoon, onachargo Unit he had nine cows last summer and 0 ;)rc0n-. old 77 60of butter fat in ono month,! Tio fellow had taken some house whilo a neighbor, who managed cows lmIJ good )C(ll,Kng l0 Dick Cnrlsen, under Iho, .Id way, had 65 cows, and ,VM0 lg .m,,i0yel ut tbu p-nltouthiry iiulymld $118 during tho lamutliuo.ouo frOM,0nool tho house near tho sawmill lourlh as muih jxir head. om,.0 nnd had thuui hauled nround to AmilSOOS SUftStOX. y,i...nniiL'K w.e.ind hand slnm In tl,., After tho meeting was culled to order, u memorial was read and adopted on, .nuiieimiu. ir,i. .la,ull, ,..0ii- .er dairyman and member ol theasso- clal,on I? f Unni iuuiiaIaiiI niaila m .tln1 , m. jiv.ii.r.i....., ....u ." IlllUiri 111 ! I I Bill IllI'M III Sill HIU'IHIV. 1 ll - present membership is about SO. Catli mi hand, $89.65. President Poulten read his annual ad- 11 11. MilUr'sawertioii, at the farm dress, stating that in part tho purposes era' comtress, that prune can be raited nnd alma of Iho Association were: To protlUbly In Oreaon ut IM cents ner counsel together and oxchango experi ence ; eduction and ths diffusion of dairy knowledge; to encourage dairy WHITE HOUSE RESTADIUKT What was you saying about tbosu meals? 1 said they wero the best I ever You will tlud them ut tho Whitu 11 eat lloiuu Itestauraut, which Is open all night and uualsieiivd ut all hours, Oystora n specialty. McKillopJc IIkhkiiaiit Proprietor, 100 Slato St. TWO RRRORS-A dav or two ago our ad. said : "Tribune rhaluless $ 80. ' It should have been $76. Twas our mlstakf, not the printers. It has 1m rvifNliHlly smM: '-her .lohnaon. hk-h-est grade ) 6. Thl is not an error, It U ii fact, But the ad. of her Johnson In Ihu last copy of the "Cule ,1m" was In error when it read tins way. "her lohnson bicycles medium grade $ A". All former ad lor month past Iwue I I.tlnotlv stateil, nuslium itrado $.'A. i.K.i xraiiu ao. lliaKO tins explau itlon In order to set right an apparent IIcnaiiei Mwi'eiioiir statement and iholr. We avo catalogue, ei.culars, itul other matter which are oonviiiving enough if you're interested. An ounce of Drop Forging ts wcrth a ton of otiaratHcc 1VER JOHNSON I TUIBUN'E HinvriHsu'-k . flnler in for lb old faithful Piw. p. u aroineianialat jvar, $40 and lit I oiiii iii new riMltitoNi at $76. No w he. 1 1 ii the Tribune. I lwf the v whet ..f me,. .i..i iiavu inw woit everything. It fea 'Hki l"weu ! " Wcvt lie ladles like Tribunw be.a,w tUr pugiwea.y. Ak mr rM-r. J Plain Wack with Wick, rims, a dainty mount. J About Cooslcr Brakes We furnlh th-o Morrav lu...... l7.Wtr. We (uriiiiti the Nw De. iiua liuu fur $5 extra. n MOCK TURTLE WE ARE NOJLIVINGON THE GALLIPOLI ISLANDS. BUT WE E SERVE OUR paWiNS WITH RICH SOUPS As the first course ntmir regular dlnncra. M''fll at all hours at which nil the luxuries of the sea son can te nan ni THE ST ELMO RESTAURANT. - - '. nnd farmCrs institutes I nm, o (ccure legislation nnd tl. 'onr enforcement Hint will make it ' To e,econ of ofIlccrg rulled In Iho foowJng ben clioscni President, j.line,n. flrst vice president, C. u Walk,.r. gecon,i vc0, Mr. fh.'lllltwIlker. eCretaryflnd treasurer, F. L. Kent. Miss LIkIo Sedgwick sang very sweetly, accompanied on tho piano by IMiss Howard. Slato Veterinarian McLean, of Port land, spoke on "Milk fever and its causes." I Prof. Kent rend n paper on "Effect of feed on buttcrint." Acry praiseworthy paper. At tho evening: session excellent music was furnished by Professor Furvhi's music class. Profcs8orSh8W,of tho agricultural col Wire, delhered an nddrcM on "Ihitter Substitutes." It was n practical talk on .!. ..II. ...I.I..I. linen! I in tunrLMM n tho u.u u.i.o nm.. wb. .-v being dono to stop tho sale of adulter aled foods In this stalo, and especially to encour.iga tho marketing of uono but Iflrtt-class butter. Splendid work has been done along tho lino of shutting out adulterated fowls In Oiegon, nnd Mr. llnlley's address was ono of profit to all. Several of tho addresses wero followed by general discussion, in which many interesting points wero brought out. BOLD OPERTAOR. opvT.A )()ll(,u 1)lo,.k ,K, goM ,, n0 claimed that the goods belonged XoUla ",Mrtner.' who is now absent In 0regon City; but It seems that nil tho I title the iMMlier had win Unit .Mr. Onrl. ten nail glveiihiui Harnn8lnn to slop , there and use the stuff during his (Carl , sen') ubn'uce. pound, Is attracting much ultoutiou. FLOUR PEHFF.CTION GOLUKS CROWN Made from Highland Haul Wheat, equal to tbo bust In the market. Every suck guaranteed. Ak your grocer for it. Wholuwilooiily, I. a Wright 2-iitf Co, DOTY FISH AND GAME MARKET The undersigned is now the proprietor Of the Duly rlsli mil poultry depot. Poultry aiul King bothhi and sold. hiuh. est inisIi prien pud Your imtroiiaui iwlntiiMire solluJtHl. I horn having having iMMiltry fur salu will nnd it to their i call before wlliui:. auiautaue to J. A. TAYLOR, vt Court Mieut K13KDS OPKUA IK) USE t'VTtUSIIHUti., Ltwwsan.1 Maj.,,,, Febriiary 19, CHARITY MARTIN Grand Opera I Recital, and ELLIS BROOKS' Pirturesqtte Musical Spcctacltl w. GLORY! OLD On Land And Sea. lUOREAUSl IC SLEtNBS 100 CWrtUT ptkM, S, M, aad fa. h"10 .i Dry boom -- a For Less than wholesale cost, T m closing out the fine drygoods and shoe stock formerly ing lots of goods for Bros Shoes to fit and suit everyonesome cost, Some at less than cost Fine drv goods silks velvets, ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, wear, etc Some at cost borne tor less than cost. Auction sale will continue Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 2 p m, Isadore Greenbaum 1st Door South of the Post Office. S. Friedman Auctioneer. OUT OF SIGHT A searchlight will not reveal what is truly out of sight. If you come to our store for You will need no searchlight to find them, nor will they cost any more, but often less than elsewhere for the same goods. HARRITT St LAfJJRJBNOB OLD P0ST0FF1CI2 QltOCKUY SUTTON'S Tho Wonderful Destroyer of all Forma of INFLAMMATION IN MAN OR Death on Rheumatism, Lime Back, Headache, Toothache, Earucho, Bums, Scalds, Corns nnd Bunions, Stiff Joints. PRICE, 60c PER BOTTLE. K. K. SUTTON, Ashland, Orejon. Threatened With La Grippe Piste nfOreinn, llt Jrlcm.ii i foiinty. J " Krsnk lUmraond. beln, .duly twora. dopoiM and MM: A ihort tlm h I limit .M-veracoH slid wsihrtaivlcd wltb l grlpi. 1 u.l Uulton'i Busp Bbot tr, and in KTeryihurt iliuo the ijrapwini wen all gnu. It has tlio curea (urns mi mjr feet sul iin.Mlsllyn sun ornillnl place on my font, csutdbrio much; lundtni iijult, mtiUilueiibliiibsiurarsllwytasilclrk. Uuespllctlloneu Jrvly cured th eora, 8ubicrlbednilworn to beforo me this S'h day of October. 189S. FUANK HAMMOND. UKO. W. TltKKltKN,.Vulfy Public fur Orrjon, W For wilu at Stono's Drug Store, Salem. 1-22II Salem INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. MRS. ETTA ANDERS WILLMAN Over First National Bank. Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class Readyig. Studio hours from 9 to 12 nnd 2 to 5. TWO FINE NEW PEANOS IK STUDIO TOH USE OJT PUPILS. OAU"lu xult sfiKiiiniiniiii TZ -X- m WHOLESALE IlllllliliiliiiliinlllllllllllllliliitiiifiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiniiiiniiiiniiniffl Fine Wines, LiQOORb.CiGflRsI p 218 COA1MERCIAL STREET, 160 STATE p courteous treatment nt all tlmoa. 102 COURT STREET. 3 gJlUMJMmililJllJUIlilllU Ollf -?- 66 Gream Have R. M. Wade &. Co. Hardware. m. gjL.&'lJO 4. 60, Sl'BQ rnuno lo n jL-j ram' Hay, Flour, Mill Fc:d, Building Material. Lme, Cmtnt, Plaster etc, Grain, Hiy and Straw stored .... I'wpt and carefu H thn rilv. WANTS TO SEE YOUI right, or If w, nftrtl Wined at line, it w"iii!rLHAr.k..ih'"''?.it .,,, , W you to call on F. E. SHA'ER, SALEM OREGCN. o 1106 Willis Bros I am sell less than it cost Willis corsets, hosiery, under, SNAP SHOT BEAST I Studio, AND RETAIL. STREET, '? Freezers kirk; Stalest GOODS F? OGBRS. M -- "- ' ' ii ii j, a Arrived .tt. . - wagon Scales '.etc. the delivery o! good to ny prt v w-a-it NOW Is the time for Garden ing. Drain tile all I Pow Fertlilxer. Garden Pand and Loim. Delivered on short notice. D. S. BENTLEY&COYPANY. sio Front Strt at l-.la4w WWWHaMs)B!)WWaMsTLi lilr.f ms-mm-.ui.. r,. irry ini ,),,,, lMiWWWHWfthi 15J Sute St.