-qWi?3$A(. or id Ah Yeter&n W. Stoncg Anita, Iowa, sorrect lila country during the litoirtratthooxpftnso of Ills lienlili. Tho itory concerning, hU rcstorntlou to hoalib It Irca below In bis owu worths "When I returned from Hie army my constitution was broken down. I ml fsrrd extreme nervousncn, and indi gestion. Physicians did not help me until one prescribed Dr. Miles' Nerv ine, and today I am In better health than I have been for thirty years." HI?. WHILES' NerwsnB li sold by all druggists on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart und nerves sent tree. Pr. Miles Modlcal Company, Elkhart, Ind O. C. T. Co's PA88KN(1ER BTKAMSIt POMONA . altonA LEAVK8 I'OHirOltrMNO Pallv nxrent ""nnilftv nt R a Tin. (JUICK 'riMi; AND CHEAP HATES. Ponlc hatwoou Btnto "ml (mrft)t. M..P HALDWIN, Agonr. j PERSONAL AND LOCAL ' or additional Local Nans see fourth I'axr r Richard Cloy wont to Portland yester day afternoon. 8. A. McCull has gonoont to hia farm for a few drys. J. II. Arkerman camo homo on the Shasln cxp'ross yesterday. Dr. E. M. Ilunl lectured to tho dental students at Portland, yesterday. R. A. OioRFon, tho hop buyer, ha gono to North Yuklmn, Wash., ou bust lies. Miss Corn Bloa'or'of Hubbard, 'j vie, ting at, tho Jioinu, ol her unulo, G. Stclufcr., Mrs. D. It. N. Blurkhurn and son arc homo again after visiting ut Albany nud .Brownsville. John Quirk went to Portland this morning to attend tho funeral of.Mrt. Victor Julien. J. Nenl ol tho Asylum forco went to Portland to, attend tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Victor Julien. , - '" i ' Rev. Edward Olttons, of Turner, has returned to his home, after taking pint la tltu reviul meetings, liold at tliu IILjhland church. Superintendent J. L. Cartor, of the blind school, has gouu to Vancouver, Wash!, 'where ho will flt tho Waahliq: ton atuto blind school. II. E. Drako went to Portland tin morning, on his way to I oyton, lelng culled there ou account of the cuvefo ill uess of has eon, M. E. Drake. A. WL'racoatt, ia noy local corres ponderitfi?torejjdjifan Jdepb Heellr who hua been serving in thut onpacil), having retunud to l'ortlund. Air l'reecott ia a newspaper man of ability and energy. A. E. Pook wa;l tor, who haaibcen nt Gem, Iduho, foTtJTu hint six months, in home for a abort visit. He will return to Idaho In a few days, whero lip is uui ployed, as Jhe- niuchiulet of tho Mane mouthjrulne. Thq,"inIue emplpja nearly 300 men anu produced largo quuutluoj of illvor", lead and gold. lit, Uull's Cougn syrup U tho Uemady n which out'un depend fur tt.o turn I u protruded cough or lung ulrtte .iiu, brounht juif bt?tpi)titlio to cold It I the iiioilexctjiluiit'UiKdjcliia nuld h'Jtilo coijjnlya cents. D-Witt's Witch Il.ail Slve N ur- qimlitil for pile, und slcn aieuiies. lttiro of all cuuntirttlis. bUiim Drugstores. , Jt Iajwultthatil3.tiiubr olaima lw leen fHeljn tlLOoflko, within the pat SO diya, for laud in the Klaumth tim ber beltf ""p ' " mm I ' ' I . I l w -J I """" Dreadful CROUP Mothore, when your children nre at tacked by the "dreadful croup, you need nob despair Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup vrfll relievo and euro thivdiseasaatonce. You can always depend on this marvelous remedy; it Hover falls to cure. For whooping cough and measle-cough it la the bet remedy la the, land. Children like it. Dr.Bulls Cough Syrup ; Will ours Croup without Tail, -Martaaian''iand?easaiieto'Uke, "oc,0' Mccmmandit. rie ij ceuls. M aU drusjuu. L. WHAT OF UNEMPLOYED Pilgrim Brotherhood Discusses the Problem of Enforced Idleness Should the Oeneial Government Provide ' Employment for Those Shut Out of Other Aycnuea. Tho meeting of the Pilgrim Brother hood, In tho pnrlora of tho Congrega tional church, Tuci-dny ovening, wai ono 01 tno most intero9ting and profitable .ethold. It In ono of tho enrournging Blgns of tho lime?, wiicn men llko tho-o compo- Ing thiH now eoclcty, nre feon eoreni8tl Ihcusdng tho living problems of the 'tiinr, problema which so Intimately af fect both tho physical and moral well- wing of humanity. And efpecially ia it i-ncoiirauiiig to observe tho liberality and ifiilr-iiilndednuM which the nifmhors dlHplay, in eiulonvoriiig to lay aside all prejudice nud ctudy theo que? tionawith n view only to llndlng the 1 1 nt It. It seems nlso that the plan of discus sion, la to bo commended in eonsldora tion if the piirpoo in low. Two 1 ndcrsnmt other cnkprnaronppatnU'il, but aro not nllutid to cither fide of the liicsttoii, and are freo tn ailvocutu their real conlctioiia on thn subject. Tho quoi-tinn Tucadiiy evening, was: "What .Should tho Uovernmont do for tho Unuuiplojcd?" Tho lenderd were A. W. Donnia and G ly Powers. A. W. Dennii oiienod tho discussion with n very inteiestliig paper in favor of iMioiiuneiitnl employment on public norks being given to nil laborera unable lorecuio einploynu'iit in private lues of industry, llu Biiggcsted the building of public roads leading to tho capital o' ach atale and tho employment of tnoiifttiids on irrigation ditches in arid regions of which thero were hundreds of thousands of acres on which happy lioines would cpring up and expulsion In the true cplrit of American libcrt) would bonchiuved, G. M. J'owera followed with a pappr along similar lines laying down the I nronosltlon that God demanded more of nil men than merely incepting condi tions as they found them and conduct ing their biininojs nloug rec guided Ihioi of monthly In tho commercial world with occasional acta of charity toward the poor. If Christian would "srek ilmt the kingdom of God" and not their own foltUli nittiorlal prosperity they would Kek to dUphtco the present wasteful InduHtr al system that permits fruit tn decay on tho trees, corn burn ioi fuel and wheat selling bulow the cost of production, whllo men women and children starved slosOyto death in the great cities of tho country. An In dustrial army orgau'red on tho plan ot the regular army should bo enlisted taking in nil tint Mirp'ua labor of tho cmntrytobo employed building roads and under (killed engineers forming artificial reservoirs or lakes In the mountains to restrain the surplus water now Hooding stieame and deatrojiuj millions of property. Frou thoo lakes fjulld irrigation ditches carrying water to the arid lauds which could bo platted Into unall farms and Fold to actual tettler nt cot on'oasy tonus. lie declared honest labor demanded not charily but justlco and thoso who would not work should be compelled tn dOkO. It. B. Duncan, the noxt speaker, did not favor government -employment for tho Idle becnuno it would not be lu lit keeping with tho dignity of labor, llu believed tint all Intelligent laborers oould secure employment except utoo cisiomil tlnias of depression and ho be 1 evitl that the government governed biHit that governed least. A. T. Gilbert said his views woro ex actly thoi of Pro. Duncan and If labor ers vvero idlo they could go takd up pub lic land, as was done in the couutr) years ago. II, II. Branson favored some method to alst honeit lalior to earn an honest livlhg, as nNo did Mr. Howard. Rev. Kautnsr ouiild not express posi tive oouvictioni but Ida sympathies were with those unublo to stcuro em ployment ami ho 'ell bomething ehogld Ijd dune. N. J. Jndah bslng present was Invited to speak and gave the Urolherhood his Vhtws ou tho labor question in his usual f irciblo and euruet manner. lie tiutly denied iliet-tatemout that honest, Intel lg nt labor could always secure employ ment, lluknw from personal exper ience that it wna not true. He had for tlftron jenrs Ixwn giving the quo-lion earnest thought, from every ronceiveable slaiiUpoiutuml wna positive Ihu present iuduirivtl 8)slem wrong and a chance must sooner or later be mads, lie showBv) the admirable working of the Postal department to b an example o' the ability of the government to mors I ably ami eoflnowictdly owidnst ynat i line of butliMM tlMii iMMklbls under pinate ownerliip. G A. llMh follovvwl, eariiHitly up- rportiug the idea jtovermnsnt aid to 1 ,t)or and denying Um wilbllity of our I present Ht(m of doing justice to all hoiieat labor. H knw it waa not poe sible to always or evn whh isgularity .c ne employ roent in private employ. Mr, hhtrwood camf iwxt. ill an sar in -t aigniuent slraigiit from the hart in favor of goiruiuut UkaiatancK toward the common man. lie said ImiK the remarks of some- of the t.Mhera thtre waa no dignity In any l.i.eof governinwit employ, xeept that rwnot srirw nor IrrMate the allmw larr cauT Ttwy act wntty yC prorapiiy, c4eaoM etfuctually ana Give Comfort Sold by ail dresslits. 25 cents. OESTFORTHE BOWELS If rou tmeti'tn regular, hcalihr motement of the bono crorr Sar..Iua ro slck.or will boTIfwp Voir 5?o"cit iffi-V!!? ,bRi w.01! ." in tho ibp Si J..?1 .?,. I'."'1 , C I'1" llon. It dmigoroQt. 'fh hni!!'-!1 ciui' ,"ot irroct war of kwulnt ibe boncli clear and clean la lotuko ! " CANDY CATHARTIC THADf MASK RSOISTTHtO Ploasant I'alatablo Potent. TmtoOood DoOnfi.1 f 'or'o plo ana booklet on hcaltn AodrctV ttr TUUK ULUUU ULbAft of shooting cold lead Into our brothers Tho dignity of labor was a delusion; wo nre all beggars, each begging others to buy our goods or employ ua; oven tho preacher waa a bfggar, passing tho hat for a living, John Bayno closed tho discussion with nn endorsement of governmental action. Thought tho Idlo rich wore moro liable logo wrongthan tho poor, and should bo taken care of In some way, for their bad example was moro wldoly felt than that ot t Iiu common man. lie had no sug gestion to offer as to this class, but thought human wisdom would solve tho problem for nil classes, if Christians would earnestly strive for truth nnd light. Tho Brotherhood meets February 27th tn the First Congregational parlors, to discuss tho question. "Is the Influence of tho lodges detrimental to tho interest of thech'irch." Every body Invited. It ia expected many will lako part in this occasion, $too Reword, $ioo. The rcudeiH of this p.iper will lie pleaded to leuru thul there Isut least one dreaded dl-eus-u Hint science lias been able to cure In nil Its btuges, uud i hut In Catarrh. IIiiII'k Catarrh Cute II the only positive euro ktiuwn to the inealenl Irulcrnliy. Catarrh being u iioris liullnnul diceuie, rmul'eaucon tiltuiloiiiil treut.neut, Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intornuliy, act Iiu dl rcutly upnutlie blood und mucous stir faces of ill? system, thereby dvotniy lug tlm foundation of tho diecuHe, und giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution uud agisting nut titu lu doing its work Tho pro prietors Inive so much rnl tli In Its cur at Ivo poweis, tlmt thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any case Una It tails in cure. Send fur list, of teatl uioniulii. Addics9,F. J. Ciir.NKY, & Co,, To cdo, O, jviid by DruggMi, 75c. Hill's Faintly PUN arc the best. Tho Jacksonville Times, edited by Charles Nickell, says tho Btato Ropubli can Editorial Association is composed In tho main of "hnmfattors" who uro deep ly concerned about ''tho sack." llou't Tobacco rjMiml BnioV Tour 1.1ft Amy, To quit tobacco eunlly und foreer, bo mag netle. full of life, iierro nnd vigor, taha No-To-Hue. the wnndervTiirlier. tlint mallei neali men strong.. All drusslita, Woorll. CuroKuararf teed linnlilot and sumpla free. Addresi Sterling Itemed Co.. Clilcaso or Now York. A nuinhcr of farmers on tho Upper Coqiiille river wero sadly beaten by a Portland apple-dealer rcenth, soya tlu Banilon Recorder. In soino cases, after contracting for tho apples, thoy were bhlpped without a payment being made. In other cases, checks wero given, which proved to bo worthless. To Nlgnt and To. Morrow Night, And each (lay nun night during till week you can vet ut any druggist' iCump'x liuhatii for tho Throat und Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho most snccu-isful remedy over sold foi Coughs. Croup, Itronchltls, Aalliimi and Consuiuplliin. Gut a b. tllo to day and keep It always In tho house s-i you can check your cold at once Price 25c und fiOu. Sxiiiplebolllo free, eodifcw O A m O? O 3Tt"Xj5k, . Bears the 1 Tbfl Kind Yctl lUffl Anvarj Bought Recently a Portland business Arm wnnted 1000 beehives manufactured, and a Dalles firm was the successful bidder for the ob Ilcnuty la Ulootl Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. Nt hMiitv without it. C'aicarcti. CandvCathar- I tic clean your blood and keep It closn. by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all La- ' puritiea from the body, Begin to day to banish pi.nplcs, bolls, blotchea. blackheads, i and that sickly bilious complexion by taking I Cascarets, beauty for ten cent. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. Tho Oregon WVokly ia tho title of a ' paper Issued at Euveno by tneinbeia of tho Eutaxlan, Laurt-an and Phdoloian , soch'tlea of the state university. 0. N. iMrArthur ia editor-In chiel j E. N. Blytho and Grace I Wold are aasoclate editors; and LIE. Hooker is business manager. Tho paper la neatly printed, and gives a variety of newa of interest to students of the university. It ruti with tou whdhtr too ooallaa tbBJB DM.kUlla(ou4walibll,MU-T UAOU H rmor ta dttr lor tob.. 4U- M IPJBJB out ntrTou.alif. anKiialco- C Mtt tint, purlo.. tt tiaad, rfTT 111 BLi'' itert lol mAabood.ifcd I BLIo9boiM maktt 70a uroaarfl I V I JVIMld. spo.000 labe4llb.nrTgrV " I PfJLPcul rur.J 114 andpocklKW MM LNOTp-BAOrrvn toot. r 9 an aVrwr own drvreat.k "tTH .wlllVaucbrarBl T&kllU Mjm K 1 1 lk UI, pil. ml j, pril.iull7 o lk m. M box si, uull7eurMi IIoim.MM, fKBj LBSirusraaiMd to r r sri rcfaad uont , tMtZr llWtUf mUj U., Ul0. SMUHk (Ml. Drovvsincs In dlsj-clled by Hkech- AM 8 I ILLS I Ca'l for City Warrants. Notice ia hereby given that there are funds on hand applicable to the pay innt of all w arrauts of the City of Salem drawn on tho general fund and endon-ed on or before Augnst 3 18W. Holdern of saal warrants will please pre Miit them for payment at Ladd & Huth'i bank, a iutarusl will cease from date o this notice. Joii.s Moia, City Troasu-er Salsm, Or.. Feb. Oih 1000. tf-lu O A. s rp O Xt X J. . , m KIM TM Hlrt alfirs D0tiU f U5V-SiV W. S. I'll 1 1 pot. AllMUtf, Od., MJ'8. "DeWltf Little E4rly Kier did ma more good than any ptila I ever uok.' blunes Drug btofc. STATE COriVENTlONS Republican state convention will bo held In Portland, Thursday, April 12, First congressional district, Republi can convention will bo held In McMlnn bllle, Tuesday, April 10. Second congressional district Repub lican convention w ill bo held in Portland Frldav, April 13. The following Is tho appor lonmcnt of delegates for tho various counties of tho state: Baker 9, Benton 8, Clackamas 15, j Clatsop 12, Columbia 0, Coos 7, Crook 6, Curry 3, Douglas 12, Gilliam 4, Grant 7, Harney 3, Jackson 10, Joephino 7, Klamath 4, Liko 4, Lane 14, Lincoln 4, 1.1 n n (4, Malheur, 4, Marlon 2, Morrow 5. Multnomah 70, Polk 0, Sherman 4, Tillamook C, Umnlill.i 13, Union 12, Wallowa 5, Wasco 10, Washington 13, Yamhill 12, Wheeler 4; total 338, It was recommended that primaries bo held March 21 and tho county con ventions March 20th. The Democrats hold their state con uc'ntlon in Portland tho same day the Republicans hold theirs. How Art "Sour l&ldncyi t Dr iiobbi'BparasuiPlllicureftUkldntrlllt Bn jle free Add Stcranf Itemed? Co .Cblcato or N. V Postponement. By reason of unnvoidablo circum stances, Mrs. F. L. Wilhnan has post poned her pupils' tnusicalo to tho regular night, Thursday, 22d,nt 8 p. m. in tho studio. Visitorri welcome. 2-15 2t uuuento Your ituweli Willi Cuacnrata. Candy Cutliurtlc, ours constipation fororer. tta.rso. If CO 0 full, drunRlstsrelund money. Outpost Driven In Tho Boers nro driving tho English in nearer their supplies, and Tub Psoplk aro drlvlni! their own teams in for tho best of provisions and groceries nt Branson & Pagans. 13-ocd OASVOIIXA. Essrs the " KinrJYOB Haw Alwrs BoujM "I had dyspepsia for years. Two bottles KodolDyHpcpslaCuro produced marvelous results. " L. II. Wurren. It digests what you cat. Stones Drug Stores. A Sealtlo horscdcalcr writes Tho Oro gonlnu that a recent report of tho eale at that place, for f 350, of a horse that had been bought for f 150 in Eastorn Oregon, waa incorrect; that tho liorso waa sold for 1 100. SEVEN SUTHERLAND - SISTERS' Half Crowe and Scalp Olamnmr. Ar tot onl j Drepantloni that will rt ton lh halt n Iti original healthy condition. At all drugaliti. 3V!9HMaBHMMHNaaBl John Dlrr, Poseyvlile, Ind., says. "I never used unvtlilng us good ut One .MltiuteCoughCuio. Quickly breaks up eiiuuht n ih) colds. 1'revcnt consump tion. Plcusutit to take. Stones Drug Stores. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of fe TOJAY'S MARKET. Portland, Feb. 10. Wheat, valley 62 6.1, Walla Walla, 03Q54. Flour Portland, best grades 2.70 to 3.00. Supcrdne f.'.lO ierbbl. Oat Whtto 3530c. grey 33 to 34. Hay Timothy I011 par ton. Hops 7QI0e; old crop 60c. Wool Valley. 12013c; Eastern Ore gon, HQHoj Mohair, 27:0. MIIIt,lffHriln I7. .Iinrtu 11H Poultry Chickens, mixed, (3.00 to 4.00; hens, $4 to 4. Ml; turkeys, live 13c. eggs uregon, lift to ;ocper uoz. Iliilo Oreen, cuited 00 lbs, 809c; under 00 lbs, 7K8) ; sheep pelta, 15 -Do. Onions $I.602.00 per cental. Tliltnrl(Mr il.ilru WMTh'VJUZ' lnni.ii creamery, 60 to 65c; atore, 'iii to 27Kc i utniouB ou in w ior coniui. lloga Heavy dressed 6 to Oc. Mutton Dressed, 7 to 7Jc per pound. Beef Steers. 4404.60; cowB,f3.60 Q. dressed beef, fl6 tn 7. Veal Dressed, 7 8c. SALEM MAIIK1T. Wheat 63 pounds and over, 42c. Wool, 10c, Mnhulr, 30c. Hops "J to 10c. Harie) 35 to 38c. OatB 28 to 30c. Hay Baled, cheat, $8; timothy, O0 Etrgs 12 cash. 14o trade. Flour In wholesale lota, 2.60 ; retail, Millstuffs-Bran. (13; shorts, f 14tf. Hogs Dressed, 6e. Live cattle rJlcera, 3f ; cowa, 2i to 3c. Sheen $2.6003. Dressed Veal flttfe. Butter Dairy. 16c; creamery, 25c. Poultry Chickeus, 7 to 8; turkeys, 10 to 12Kc Potatoes 26o to 35c. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlgesUthefoodaDduldi Nature la strengthening and recon itriictlnRthe exhausted digestive or-, ians. 1 1 U tho latest Jiacot ered digest in t and tonic. No other preparation an approach It In eaiclency. It In tantly rellarei and permanently curea Drspepalu, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 1 Jlcklleadache.GaJttralgla.Crampa.and; illotherreauluorimperfe.tdlgritloa, "spordbyE.C OtWltt A Co, Cblcooo. b'lONh'b' DRUG STORE. CURE Y0UHSELF! Um UifSi fei auataia iuibttft. loHauu,alLu IrriUlkilii vr ultMaUvU of uucutti iuul,rai)A, Irnioi. Mwa -aiiM, aa. avi hum- liJttr4jfniiM. "' """" mm mf a'mmm r Mat la slala vrir, 1 u,nu, irftpaM, i4 il ut, ot J UIIIM, ai.ia. (itcuUx mjI o iMiuaa ymWlmmmUmlM ''1mmmW'mt ViiIhUvi AWmW cMto4 S ff&V art M auUiAf Wa1 sjb eiasuxn s KJI ArcgclaulcPrcparationrorAs slmllatlng tlicroodaiulRcgula ting (IteStoinachs oMDcAvch of Promotes DigcslIotvChecrfut ncss jiikI RcsLContalns ncllhcr Ojnum.Morpliinc norluicral. Not "Naiic otic . jtoipsatoMn-SAXVZLmaiw AnyUvi Stnt- Mx Strut slnwStrd f sssikS MnpJXMf ntntmnttrrmttt Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUrvi Hon, Sour Stotnaclt.Diarriiocn Sleep. FacSimllo Signature or NEW YORK. i B exact copy or wrapper. HBATINGI STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATER Estimates lurnished, and work done promptly, substantially ix.and.at honest prices. TZt Fruit and Hop Dryer work'a specialty. T. S. BFBR0UGHSM102 Stato.St, Phone I6II MANHOOD RBSTUKBD XZritititi rrtncdyguarantrnj to cure all ncrVoua iliacaKa. inch as Wrote Memory, tailaclf,VnLcfullnci.Loit MaultouJ, NiKlUly l!mlv loin, Ncrvouancii, lm of owcr In Ccncratlte Organs, cnuirtl ty rout hful errors, rclvc use of itimulant which lead to Inurmllv or Inaanltv. (au Itecartieil In ml tuirlfrt. ti.,v. tMr box. 6 for 5, by mall tircpalil. no other Maaufjclurcd by the V.uuc-Dtivlrt Ilrae Co. distributing agents, Third amd Yamhill 8rs., foaTLAND, Okkoon. FOR SALE BY D. ,U PRV, SAL ISM. OREOON. WAR The Daily and Weekly Journal lead all competitors on getting the War News, from all parts of the world. It prints the news first ana prints it most complete of all. Salem Weekly Journal Is issued Thursday morning in time to reach all parts of the ;tate the same .week. 110 BKST IIRPN-VEERLy (! Ui U 1 w In. two parts containsall Important Foreign National and State News. T) A TT V - -r'x-x --' An I Independent T Associated Press OUKNAL ?& IIOFK lllllaM lllflll 1 ll'l Wl V .w For InfantB and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ii ftAI jv Ifl Worn IW TO WORM TMf CNTAUW ariiHT nw ibbb wii. Just Like New fc"aaa la tho verdict of well-dressed men who liitvo their fnncy shirta in Minima or per cale dono up at tho Huloin rjteam latin dry. "Ihu colors keep fresh nud bright, 1. . u n siaii lira nliitiiili nlst In fulls Utl HUTU U Bt WUVHin IM them, anil wo understand the sccrotof lutiiitlf ring coiura as wen an tiress Hiiirm and viittruxerv day linen. You can't bcat'our lino laundry work. Sa'em StRam Laundry COLONEL J. OLMNTKAD I'llOI'll IKTUIt. Phone 111, -M Liberty titrcel Circular free. AllUrun:lla Take l'tauIcJlclneCo.,l'ail,l'raiicc, NEWS The model Oregon News pap er and Family Journal. Uniting News, Fie tion, Literary, Ranch and Dairy, and Market .News in attractive, read able form ft BUOS.rSALEIU. Oft. Sf . BUSINESS CARDS. C. H. 0)ACK tuiOiMci iii Di I M. Keen,., ulil VMiik Cotn:i .tftl.in, Oi Pirn s iteming ,pitloi reratln nt wpilrn-o- feis In ait 1-r an. b mi in csprclnl request. G. A. ROBERTS, Bicycl e Repairing, Umbrolln making and Ueneral repairing. IPS Stnto btroet. t- Phono 2876 Saloon arid Fixtures For Sale Including bar, -and bar fixtures, billiard table, pictures, card tables, etc., also a ainidl stock liquors. Inquire for partlctil.trc of Sherman, Coudlt and l'ark, attorueya, in Gray block. Capital Junk Shop. Denier in Cast Iron, Wrought iron utes, copper, urasa, sine, , rubber, bugs hides pupei 130 Court St. Rntnm Orn. Telcphono JW5 2-1-1000 I 8 ASSA." OFFICE AND' LAUOflATORY No, 71 Chcmckcta st, J It T. rl U'l II ILL Aaaaynr ALBERT A. JESSUP. -fcTBtr WaTPrwTiTirCaTri 'hono 1071,1 II00M3 1 AND li, OltAY'llLlC. B. F. JONES, Attornoy-at-Unw Tolocto, OroKon, Was Clerk of Circuit Coiirl for sli years anilhxs an up-tuUalo aUtrxCl of all properijr m Lincoln Idtlllljf ll.lira OFFICE, CITY HALL. Fur water sorvlco nunlv :it nftlcr1. tlllta puyitblu iiiiiuthly In ndvauci. .MllKO till COUipiilllllH at tliu lllllCO. CAPITAL C1TV Express and Transfet Mktts all mill and passengor ira.-'.llaj age nd cxnteis to all aits ut ib mt 1'iompt seivicc. Telcpliotie No. 70. niSOUK SKII'TON PLATlNO HHOfOS, Enhifgenicnta In Crayon uud Wutcr Color. Plnilo liitltona Amateur developing und lliiHhlng neatly (iuno. C W. DIICKMAN. HnocMMir tu K J. llruwn. GlIOUND KLOOH 13 Cninuicroliil at., a'uleui Oregon. SOU LB 1HIOS. PIANO TUNERS AM KEI'AIRERS IOllTLAND ORB, Fnr bnlein nut vicinity tuavo orlor at Geo Will's MiialaHto 0. OLD HUNDRED Contlnuea tho samo tune, but has a new proprietor. I wish my friends and the nubile to know that 1 have bought Winter's variety store. If you want hniise furnishings and kitchen waro it will pay you to look over my stock. J F. SHOJP. 100 Court Pi not. UP-DEUItAFJ? liltOS. Collections and Loans Mnnoy to loan on acceptable real estate security at 0 iter cunt Interest. Itooiu 14, Bush bank building, Halo tn Oregon. I-IS I1111I.W, rjrsMsjpNM'atNvsarssMsBr-l INTim-aTATD nnni ni VH ETTAANDERS-WILKAN Astoclste'Tcaclter. Western Conseiva tory, Kansas City, Mo , representing the Inter-staie System, at Salem, Ore. Over First Nstional HanV. Uea'.lcoco 376 Church street. Studio Iiours 9 to 12, and 2 to6, OTNNaMaNaKjarvMvjrsJJI SALEM TILE FACTORY Ureal Hedtictlou in Drain Tile Wow is the time to eecuro bargains. 1'rlcua are lower now tiian ever before. Choice stock of the best tile uiauu in the atale- Following la tho reduced price lists 1 luob ut fiuu:tr iwcfwi. 4 HMiti tllo slaui 11 iviXi fiu s iuvU Ul rMue iwi iuw iiku niwi tji Mco ic ham titi. 7 tucti IIU swvu cr iwu ivu I HJim-ji Ula loUU) (r ItluO feat. Write for pecla! ratea by car load lota. Add read, J..E. 'aiLTRPIlY, Fairgrounds, Or. r. Mtovo pi i V lead mho, ii and bonas. Sata Water Co., fliivOL' ilf 1 ORY uuHowua WANT BID- ..Now today, advertisements TUr llnoH or loss In this aolumn lnnrtiet throe tlmesj for 2bo 6O0 a weak, Si Ou per month. All ovor four linos ai same rai? TO TltADE.Small traola of unim proved real cstute hi part payment for woodcutting, inquire room o over rim ., iuu . 1. . WAN I ED. At aByiiiiii, a work team, 6 in 7 years old, weighing from ISO to 1400 pounds. Horses ottered for eale will ho examined February 24i It, at the uxylum, at 2 p. ni. J, K Cal breath, Hupt. 2-l5-4t. WANTED A load of looi hay for cow feed. 15, JotiuAbollU-o. THOKOUOliimED-Cocterels, white I'lyuiouih Uocks, Whlio Leglmrns and Itlurk Minorca. Ega fur hatching fixim Plymiiuih Hocks nud Mtuorciia, T. II. Ulunilall, Mornlng-Mo 2-14 3t FOIl 8ALE. Young cow, half Jersoy, half Duilmm, fresii milk Call on Pat rick Teuley, 40J Center street, 'i H3tJ EIOIITEKN-OOl.LAU Oak extension table (or (12. $16 child's o.tk folding bed, with nmtlivss and springs (8. Itedrootn seta (ID and upwards. All kinds of household guoda. ,lamia Slianlz, 107 Court street. 2 14-lm FOR SALE Part cash, balauetf ort time, a two story eight room house with basement. All hard finished, good well and out build ings, full lot, corner of Eigh teenth and Chemcketa streets, ior further Information call nt Daniel' harbor shop, 244 Commercial street. I 12 lm FOH SALK Ouo Jersey cow and it 7 room hotiso fur rent. L'uqiiiro of Mrs. ,1 E. Oeiiuett, corner Liberty and Wll-on atrrt-t. 2 14 100 lw AiNThli. .Men to Iduru baiber trade. Wo haven grand offer 8iecial this inuntli. 50 positions at $00 monthly open sotn, new Held, eight week' torui qualities. Complete oultit of tmiN presented each student. Our graduates au -ceaa tiicreaaea tho di uiaiiU for Itelpaud they nro authorized to work in a iv state. Can earn tui tion working for its. Illustrated cata logue explaining our tiutv liidncement niuihil free. Muler Barber College,' Sail Francisco, Cat. ;'-120iB THE ELU'E aiUUlU iiuikea a b;icc- laity ot piattiio pnoios, oiuaigeineuts in croyon and water color, photo buttoiia, fur fun photon, auuieur de veloping and tin ielilng Cor. statu nud Couttnorclul atrueta. 2 0-lino, WAN TI1D Wnltrcsaca for banquet, evening 15th Feb., Willamette hotel. Apply at unto. 2titf l7iN I) UUYIUtS ATTENTION - A rttr"cluiiicu to buy one ollhti beat grain, stock or dairy Inrma in l'.dk county, 7 nilleo-fnun Salein, nearly 400 acres. To bo uold March 7th, by order of court. Cull and examine Zena, Polk Co. J UstiKPAno, dAw2-8ml Kefeico. fijR BALE. l-orty aen s, llrtciaa nut- llvnted lurtit laml two miles oast ot Hiilcin. Utxxl stand of cltncr. Apply to Uertrudo Suvugo, half tnllu cant ot , asylum. 1 20 lmo BARItED PLYMOTII HOCK.-Cock. erelM fnun tho choieert stock of Mill ford Hiiylurs, celebrated li. P. U poul try farm al iNuw Market, Ind. can bo hud ut (ruin $2,60 to f!i each. Thuso blrdrt niu true tou feather and uro equal lothu best In tliu state, at 470 Coin, street, Salem, Oregon, Mutt llroa. 1-SJ t. UlUYOLB PATH-lf your bicycle needs repairs bring It In, wo luve tho sltlll nnd atock to keep lt In tirst chtaa coudlilon Wo carry a full line ol sundries und niakou spechl Ity of enameling come and see ut. wo Bitllsfy ntir p.itrniis. Oardncr & While, 283 Liberty Btteet. Holm tn'a block, next door U. steam laundry. I'liono 2853. 1-20-1 inUHR CLEANERS- Reuiembei Unit tho bot uud cheapest curpot paper Ih tho heuvv felt paper wild nt. TiiK-lnuiiNAboiiirc. 20-tt Salt Lake City An Import ant Factor in Transcon tinental Travel. No ono crossing tho continent can af ford to cut Salt Luke City from his route. The attractions of tliu place, Including the Mormon Temple, Tabernacle and Church Institutions, the Great Salt I jtke deader ami denser than the Dead Sen hi tho Holy latint tho picturesque environment nud the Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs, nro greater to the square yard than any locality ou the American continent. The itio Giianok Wt-STicaf Railway, connecting ou tho Kust with the Denver AltloUrundound Colorado .Midl.tudUall ways and ou tho We it with the Southern I'uclllo tCeutral Route) and Oregon Short Line, (a tho only transcontinental lino passing directly through Salt Lake Uity. '1 ho rou to through Salt Lake City via tho Rto Uiunuk Wkstkiiv KiiLW.tr ia famous all tliu your round. Uu ac count of tho equable clunatu of Utah ami Colorado it is just as popular la winter as in mimmur. Send 2a to J. D, Haustiold, 26 1 Washington 8t.,l'ortlandi nrtJeo. W. Ilouitz, Acting Ociiurul I'ai neuger Agent, hall Lake City, for a cony if ''rjult Uko City the City of the Stlnta." Cleanliness blggSSJ IS N'ext to Codlioes" And in your kitchen Is absolutely lm; perative. When jour kitchen I nttwj up with all tht i-oiieniiicua furnUheu by uioderu Military plumbing you uava porcelain lined tuba and link, with ex losed plumbing, and all tho Improve ments that add to heulthfnne4 aud cleanlineas. Anything in this line will I-executed In the beat manner and at ioweat rates by BARR &. PETZEL su rOMMKKLlAL STREET. Tete.h No. a(7 ,0 11 ft.j a