, .vxmx v&w-'-a-wvwtiwwwnwMftKts s DAILY JOURNAL. t vox., x , oiite .... ..j SALEM GON THURSDAY JFEBKTJAIiY 15 1900. . XO 38 "" E APOLOGY AP EXPLANATION 1 THE THE ELM ARE SATISFIED X tmM'L , SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED "- AT THE A X X X X Nett)'York Ra(k?f LACES, TABLE EMBROIDERY, RIBBON, LINEN, CRASH AND A FULL SUPPLY OF AND HOSIERY. New line of ladies' tics, They're beauties, two yards long. Sec our new line of gents' summer shirts. Neatest styles you can find, Don't buy lace curtains 'till you sec our line, Wc s?.vc you money on everything you buy, Salem's "one price" cash store. X X & X X ( E. T. BARNES, Proprietor, i Our storo Olosos at 6 o'clock Evory avonlntroxoopt Saturday ftWn II vC4"' r9m9J KRAUSSB RROS " i-" "" v""" w x rw""' i utXineeHre! K A 2sr n T JO P U T It i o i i i L-- CJ t WE CARRY COMPANY'S THE SIMONDS 6R0SS6UTSAWS THESE ARE THE ONLY SAWS USED BY THE LARGE LOGf.ERS OF WASHINGTON AND THE COLUMBIA RIVER- X X XXX dur largely increaHlnc sales are an Indication of tho worth of tho goods RA x Cor. .Stato and Libort it. yJ PHBaE MSI 1 10 VaL I A BURBN HAMILTON K i i ALL NOTIONS X X X Cornnr Commercial and cjhomokota stroma Special s- 1 J J '.in oraer to close out a few lines of ladies' heavy box calf ihocs wc will offer the ! 3 00 high cut nt $2.25. it) regular cut at !.' 00. See shoes in our wiiv dow, say y r" W M A T T t a trtl eX akAH MANUFAC1 UR1NU v v c Sis. Salnm, Ore. Tj , o 1 , I N i 1. () Jj O U O 1 ; '1' II BROS H Ufe0t3e IP ottrait IS EXTRAVAGANC 'gp IF YOU HAVE T FOR A FRAME WE SELL A 16x20 SOLID OAK OR WHITE ENAMEL FRAAE FOR S1.50, WITH GLASS. CORD AND HOOK FOR HANGING. O THESE FRAMES ARE JUST THE KIND rOR LIFE SIZE FORTA1TS. ALL FRAMES bOLD AT CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES. O O That General Roberts Needed CHAMBERLAIN ADVOCATES THE NATIVES OP ZULULAB ,i Intense Satisfaction in England at Gen Roberts' Pl& ol Operation 1 Itr Associated Pre to tha Journal. London, Feb. 15. Intense satisfaction continues to bo dominant In conseqnenco of Lord Hobort'd plan of oporatlon os ro caled by tho dispatches published this morning. There's uo further news of any advance into tlio Orango Free Stato or of activity nt Moddcr river, but tlio feeling of quiet confidence provalls, that tlio strong bands of "Bobs" of Budahur. and tlio hero of Khartoum, arc shaping matters towards n much-needed victory. London, Feb. 10. In tlio houso of commons, relativo to tlio probablo Boer invasion of Zululand, Chamborlnln said the government had decided that if the unlive territory is invaded by Boors, tlio natives will bo onconrok-cd, and assisted . la defending themselves. London, Feb. 15 Tho fears regard lug tbo Boer atenck on Zululand aro somowlint allayed by a dispatch from Durban, which says that a column of colonial scouts, after a forced march, ar rived at Eicliowo in splendid lighting form. Thoy wore pumicd soveral times fines during tho march by tho Boers, but succeeded in escaping them. ANTI-TRUST CONFERENCE Adopto Soma Irnqortant nosolu tlnoo at Chloaoo and Ad Mr AM'lnll I'rcus Ciucaoo, Feb. 15 I'onferoiico concluded to h JnurnoL -Tho antl'trust its boss ions and i adjourned. 'flic platform, as agreed upon, Is pre- enled by a long nddreifs to tho voters of I the country. This address urges tho people to organizo at orico to deprive j tructs of their power. It recites the ini'lliods pursued by thu trusts, and tho effects of their operation upon tho pco v p'o at largo, and clUs as particularly ' awresslve tlio standard oil trust, the beef trurt, the elevator trust, the nnthra ( cite coal trust, the sugar trust, the steel unci tho paper trust. l Tlio resolutions ask tlio government to own and operate interstate railway?, lo eslubllali tclephnno and tolegmjh cyctems, repeal of national banking laws, repeal all tariff laws that foster trusts. Tliey advoeato direct legislation, do uouiico tho pending fluanco bill, and demand passage of tbo free honieotertd bill before congress. FULL ATTENDANCE Meeting of County Judges and Assessors " in Portland Tuesday. Ilr ' otflMlril l'rf In Ihr Journal. AsToniA, Feb. 15. Judgo uray, chair, man of the convention of county Judges and assessors, which will meet in Port land next Tuesday, lias received notifl- Jfree 4 pvicce MM Will Win a Much Victory i ARMING I cation that nearly every county Judgo and assessor in the stato, as well as many of the commissioners, will be pros cut. Governor Qeer, Stato Treasurer Moore and Secretary of Stato Dunbar liavo also written that thoy will attend. Tlio primary object of tho meeting fi to deviso soma plan for making a tadro cquitablo valuation of the assessable property, so that each county will pay a ltd f it af nrnnnpltnn rtf tlin aftitn tnv ' " jw MW'wiivii w uw dmw . 1 f" DIED IN PORTLAND. Mis. Jennie Jullen Passes Away Early This Morning. From Portland comes tho sad news of tho deuth in that city, at about 3 o'clock tlili mnpnlnrt et Tmhia tt t f I At , . ' , ,,. . ' , ,,.rS . '- -.v.., ..... U..U.W ..... ...., . this city. Deceased was a daughtor of Mrs. Mary Martin, ono of tho valued em ployees at tho asylum. Sho was about 20 years of ngo, and had spent a j:bod part of her llfo In this city, Sho was married flvo years ago to Vic tor Jullen, a member of tho grocery firm of Staneker & Jullen. Tlireo children aro left motherless, two boys and a girl. Slio lias been In falling health v for many months, spending somo time last nummor, at Meliaraa, lu hopes of benefit from tho change. Sho was a member of tho Catholic church, and was greatly beloved by all who know her. i For soveral weoks past sho has been very low and hor mother, Mrs. Martin, lina boenwith her.' Hit nlntvr. i!U Emma has also been living with her hImco Mrs. Jullen' health failed. An other sitter, Miss Ida, als6 resides in Portland, being employed as bookkeep er for Ben jclllus. Mrs. Jullon's father has been dead several years and tbo surviving mem bers of tho family aro those namod abovo. Burial will take placo in Portland, in accordance witli tho wishos of tho do ceased. SOLDIERS REMAINS Nine Oregon and Washington Volunteers on Their Way Home. Han Francisco, Feb. 15. Tho ro mains of flvo Oregon volunteers were shipped north from tho Presidio. The caskets contained tho bodies of tho foleowing: Fred J. Norton, private, company F. taxpayers of such expenditure, therefore Bert B.Chandlor, private company O. onMialfof tlio county court I horeby Herman !!. Adams, privato, company B submit a statemont of substantially the William M. Cook, privato, company D. wt of tlio now court houso. Guy Millard, private, company L.I A contract was entered Into for its ro Tho bodies of four members of tho building undr plans and specifications First Washington regiment wero also approved by tho county court for tho shipped to relatives of tho dead In that, .,.,., uoro mndo from the nlans state. Tlio names of theso are: Horry It. S. Stroud, corporal, com pany L. William O. Courtney, private, com pany B. Italnh E. Shearer, urlvato. company E. . Wilt..,, n Ilnr,.....l ... I.,..,,. ,m J vtiiiniu ji iiuivnuuu. ijiiirw. wui pany I). French Vessels Wrecked. Ilf AaauelMled I'rr'sa (a lb JuurmnU Paiiis, Feb. 15. Advices from French ports record wrecks and Injuries to sev eral ewels. An unknown railing es pel is stranded on the reefs outside cf Brest, and four bodies have come ashoro. Buiincee Eyes Defective vision producer irritation and nervousness, and In this condition no perron ! capable of giving to bu-I hods matters or oniinary affairs of life the attention iieces.iry to sucuss. Nothing is more iuiorUiit for the prM ent preKrvsllun of good health and clear business judvemvnt than tealous cara of the eyes. 1'eiftct filling glsifet will overcome nature's defects, and the place to get such glosses u of HERMAN W. BARR, Scientific Optician lib Stat St Wm v The Kentucky 'Cases. 8r Asaoclntcil I'm lo the Journal FnNKronT, Feb. 15. Tho caso can vosslng board took up tho cases of tho minor officers on tho stato ticket this morning. It Is not expected any de cisions will bo rendered ins ido of tlireo or four days. Flour Mill Burned. Eliknbbuiio, Wash., Feb. 15. Tho largo flouring mill of It. P. Tjossen A Son, tlireo miles south of town, was totally destroyed by flro. Besldo fino machinery, tho building contained 1300 barrels of flour, and between 0,000 and 7,000 bushels of grain. Tho loss is $17, 000 insurance (5,000. Tho origin of tho flro is a mystery. LINN COUNTY'S WAY, With Reduced Taxes the Populists Dulld a New Court House for Cash. County Judgo Barton has mado pub lic tho following statoment of tho way A $100,000 BRIBE OFFERED But Scorned by a Montana Supreme Court Justice Br Anioctittrd rM In 4b Journal. Washington, Feb. 15 At tho Clark Investigation tochy two justices of tho Montana supremo court woro prctont. Justlco Hunt's testimony created a pro found impression. Ho detailed four conversations with Dr. Tracy of Helena, in two of theso ho believed tho Doctor attompted to lay beforo him n proposition to bribe him in tho Wellcnmo caso. The Doctor had said: "Thoro Is a party hero who had f 100,000 who wants to put it tip 11 tlmt caso ctn bo thrown outof court." Tho Witness States could not indiico him to sacrillco additional tlmo In tho Wellcome or any SULZER A If His Party Sees Fit to Nominate Him for the ViccPresidency Hr Amcm-IpiIhI Pr tn Ihr Juurnnl. CiiiCAao,Tob 15 Congressman William SuUer, of Now' York,.whon asked about his candidacy for vice-president, said : "lam not a candidate hi tho sonse of 'erotic soldier I will always obey tho mandates of my party." TROUBLES IN FORMOSA Rebels Raid the Japanese and Carry off Large Sum Ar Anaiwlatrl Vrrm tn the Juumnl. Tacoma, Fob. 16. Formosa Is again unquiet, according to advices brought 1 y the steamer Btlrnko. A rebel baud last mouth raided tho Japanese olllues ut Mttto, carrying off 3,000 yet. tho now court home, at Albany, was built; Bcllovlng it Is tho duty of thoro char od with tho expending of tho put I Ho funds to make an accounting to tho Changes wero durlna construction In several particu lars and tho increased coat of thebo changes, together with tlio purchase of furniture, fixtures, painting, clock, etc., U as follews: I Contract prico H,775 00 Chauw from wooden to stool Chniie rOOI 3'-5 00 Vault doors, framos. etc .... 400 00 Painting 100 00 Window shades 200 0X1 Clock cnmplote 500 00 Cominlsiou as per contract to architect for plans, sx-clfl-catlonx, and of pereonal su lrviaius 000 00 Furniture and incidentals... 300 00 Total H7.C00 CO The present building should accomo date the county with room lo transact I tho public business for the next forty years at least, with the only expense of , occasional painting. Every olllcial lias a well lighted, ventilated room. Five ' largo fireproof vaults. The circuit court has a seating capacity of over 300; two Urge rpaclou'j Jury rooms, witness room and a circuit court library. Luit but n it by any means the least, Is a fine d iv KbIIi Thomas clock, located 100 fm t hUh in tho largo tower audit strikes1 out the merry chimes hourly on tho 1200 1 pound bell donated to the county by tlio city of Albany. There are many people in whoo judgment this building compared favor able with any court house in tho valley. There Is also one feature of its building In which tho court, In common witli all other people, tako much satisfaction, and that is that every dollar of its con struction Is paid for, and that out of the ' , levy of 1HW, and hot one warrant! BumiiTU, nur uuotuuv ui imvitjo. ('"im by tlie county. I l will suuum tne cost oi purcuseeoi the noor-fann and erecting of staiiiial building next wwdc. OW. D. Bauto.-. Or Associated Press lo the Jonrnnl. Washington, Feb. 16. In tho houso Wheeler, of Kentucky, introduced the follewing: "Retolved, That tho secretary of slnto be and la hereby directed to Inform the house if Charles E. Macrum, as consul of the Amorlcan government, informed tho state department that bis official mall hud been opened and read by a British censor at Durban, and what stops woro taken to obtain an explana tion and apology from tho .British gov eminent. "lie is further diroctcd to inform the houso what truth thera Is In tho eharvo that a cecrot nllianco exists between tbo United States and Great Britain." Tho resolution was reforod to tho foreign affairs committee MACRUM'S STATEMENT. Followirg Is tho signed statement glvon out by Charlos E. Macrum, ox United States consul at Preteria: "Tho situation in Pretoria was such replied that all tlio money In tlm United his conscience to tlio extent oi granting other case. CANDIDATE recking that office. As a good Demo. of hilver. that, first, as an official, I could not re main' there while my government a1 homo was apparently tu the dark as t thu oxHct conditions lu South Africa secondly as a man and citizen of tin United States, 1 could not remain in Pretoria while tho government lit home continual to leave me In tho position oi u British toimul. I want to say right ho e that there was not ouo single re quest made of mo through tho depart moiit of stato looking to the care of Brit ish Ink-rests lu Pretoria whlu'i I did nut fulfill and report upon according to my orders. On the other baud, American In terests In Bouth Africa were In tlmt con dition which demanded tlmt the depart ment of stato should be cOKiiuaiit of them. , "I iwuod tho statement received from 'the state department that Americans must remain neutral. In thu face of tills Americans wero continually going to the front and taking up arms lu tlio cause of tho Boers. I could not help but know that many of theso wero citi zens of the United tflates. 1 also knew that many of tliein, in utter despair ut the apparent attitude of our own gover ineut were taking thu oath ol ullegiauco to the Transvaal republic. When ulfmrs had reached that state that my vice co mill, Auiurlnguu, closed up his busi ness, took the oath of allegiance to the republic uud wont to tho front as a burgher. I thought tho time had come when I bhould make a roort on these conditions. "It wus ovor four weeks from tlio time the war opened before I received u single mail disputed from my government, or a iMjrsoiml Utter. The mull for the Tram- vaal had all been stoped ut Cupo Town by order of tho high coiiiuiirHluner. When litis mall was Dually forwarded lo me, after Colonel fa tow e, the coiuu geuerul at Cape Town, had secured its releato, I had the humiliation, as the representative of the American govern ment, of sitting In my olllce ut Pretoria and looking on ent elopes bearing the olllcial neat of thu American government, oned and olUdally sealed with a sticker, notifying mo Hut tlio content hud beeu read by thu censor at Durban, looked up international law, but failed to find anywhere that ouo military power wiuniwutii uunmivH itssub-.rruardliiir the oulclal dispatches of .'neutral iwverument to Its represent "'f"1 f V8rument tlve lu u besieged country. Demanded in Congress ol the British Got- eminent - I FOR HAVING OPENED THE OF- . .: FIOIAL MAIL OF CONSUL MACRUM Windy Warlike Governor of Soutli Dakota Talks' About a Hostile Policy Toward England Being Justified By Macrum's Letter - Resolutions Charging Existence of a Secret Alianco With England Department Denies That Consul Macrum's Mail Was i Tampered With. "Tlio mall sorvico from Delogoa bay in F.nrnnn was continually Interrupted by tho action of British men-of-war at that port. Macrum dotnlls many facts to show that tho official documonts woro. seized by the British, and that whllo tho 17m- palhy of nil Americans In South Africa la with tho Boors, hia correspondence and cables with Washington wero sub jected to censorship. Uuablo to got any i-ntisfactlnn, orto maintain himself as a noutral official, ho left for homo. In conclusion ho rays t My ono object was to lay tho Infor mation beforo thu department as to the mm stato of nffalrn In Soutli Africa. If tho departmont thought thceo facts woro of value sufllclent to warrant the cxpensoof tho trip 1 hl taken, lex peeled to bo remunerated and returned m Pnitnrlu. leavlnir tho department to uct as It saw lit upon tho facts which I laid beforo it. "Instcid of this. I find that Secretary Hay, whether acting upon tho roports In thu nowipapcrs or upon advice from tho British gosornmont, or somo ouior mo tive, 1 do not know, saw fit not to wult until I could present my reasons In person, and has been a silent or conniving partner to discrediting reports ol my nets. 1 come home to find au attempt has been mado to to tear down my person ul repututlon. I wish to statu right here tlmt when I accontcd impost as con sul I know nothing of any secret al liance between Amurlcunnd Great Brit ain, and that I had seen nothing In th e emulations which mado tho con 8 of tho Amersean republic! subject to tho whims and caprices ol an Eng lish military ceueor at Durban. I came to America with a motive 01 which . um .ml ftNhamed. There Is not ono soul who can point lo i single official act of mine wnteiuie parted from tlu strictest noutrallty. My onlldudontlul dispatches to the depart ment contained inforiuulluii which will ehuw my sympathy for tho llopublic, but which lime will prove to bo unbi ased as to actual facts. My acts as u public official nro all ro corded at tlio department. My nclh now as a privato man can In no way Invoho tlio public servlco, and I slmpl) maku this statemout in my own do fenso, us ugatust those which have come from the department, secretly and officially. Ciiaiuks E. Maciiuh." Ciucaoo, Feb. "War with England should be the policy this government", said Governor Lee, of South Dakota, "it tho facts set forth in ex-consul Macrum'k letter aro found to bo correct. Tho action of tho British authorities at Durban, in tampering with mall mattor addresses! to Macrum, Is damnably and an outrugi ugalnst tlio rights of thu noutral powora," STATE DEPARTMENT Donloa that Ex-Consul Maorum'o Mall Was Tamporod With. WAsnrNOTOS, Feb. 16. Stato depart mcntofllkilalsauthorltatlvuly slate thuta nearcli of thu records has failed to show that P.x-Cousul Macrum ever roporteu to tho department that his official mail was being tampered with by tho British authorities. Ho did in a general way report that b itli official and private mall of Ameri can citizens did not reach him punctual ly, Tlio department then investigated the mattor and learned that no unnec essary delay existed, and does not credit the statement that his or any corropondcuce, olllcial or otherwise, was opened, inspected and delayed by BritUh authorities. Ml lister U es. ilr Aulaftl l'r lo tltm Jfiurna Los ANatiKH, Feb. 15. Kov, Francl M. Mlnnock, a pioueerof Presbyterht. ism In tbo w 04 1 died today. . a SUt6 FIVE THOUSAND BOLOMEN Attack on Amorlcan Garrison In tho Phlllpplnos-Smnll Loss By Amorlcan. flr Anrlnlnl I'm lo Ihe Journal. Manila, Feb. 15. Insurgent forces estimated at flvo thousand, mostly Bolomon, attacked tho garrison in tho Convent at D.irraga, provinco of Albay, on Fob. 0th. Thoy woro repulsed. Ono 1 lieutenant was wounded, tho only loss ' ntlntnttlf(1 titf llin Amiirl.nt. REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS. Ilr Assnrlnlril I'rr.s la Ihe JnnrnnU PonrLAMD, Or., Feb. 15. Tho Rcpubll can Stato Central committee mot in this city today and decided to hold tho state convention In Portland April 12. Tho tlrt congressional dlstrtctconvcn lion was en' led to meet at Mc.MIdbvIIU April 10. The Second congressional dis trict convention was called to meet at Portland April 13. FINANCIAL BILL IS ADOPTED ilr Aisuclalcd I'rcss to tit Joaraal. WAtiitMOTOx, Feb. 15. The sonata at 5:15 passed tho financial bill by a vote of 4C to 20. Just beforo tho voto an amendment by Nelson, allowing national banks to oganlzo with a capital of (25,000 In cltka of 4000 population, was adopted. rtudyard Kipling, In his "Absent Minded Beggar" ays that Oora Paul and thu British must take Tommy At ktnsas they .find him. Wo can't speak for tho llrltlnh.Uut Oom Paul has un d mbtedly accepted tho advice. Ho la t tklng Tommy wherever and whenever he finds him. Exchango. Willis S. Dun I way, of Portland, or secretary to Gov. Lo'd, la a candidate for tho Alaska collcctorshlp, mado vacant by tho Irregularities of ono tba McUrido-Mitcholl gang appointees. Mtf'WMrtlMAM Hacking There Is nothing eo bad for q cough as coughing it tears tio tender mcrabrsno of the throat and lungs, and the wounds thus made attract the cenns of consumption. Stop your cough by using (he family remedy tbat has been curing coughs and colds of every kind for over slttv vears. You can't efford to b without It. Pectoral laoseni the mid of vour couch. I J The congestion of the throat and I iuqts 11 removcu. an inaamaia- 1 tlon Is subdued; and the cougtt drops away. Three sues: the one dollar cue Is the cheapest to keep on band; the 50c. size for couike you have had for some timet Mw 25c. l for an ordinary cold. , for 13 jean I bad a very a eotta. V. makw iini, I Oct. ,!. Cmm,K.Y. I , wWIWifc IS"S SWi , fcgiq,Swp WHBATM ARRET. Saw Fkascisco, Feb. 15. Cash lWJbf Cuicauo, Feb, 15 May o, Cah 71, saramB I I ill I -,-r - - -" r Wtin.1.