The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, February 14, 1900, Image 2

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    tfffin W!?HnwNWinMiiwrwmrnrwm.i
r Special for
I oSLw,
i i -
Dally, OuoTcat 3.O0,ln Advene
0ny, Tom Mouths $1.00. f kdvance
Wldr, OnaYaar SLOO, lit JidTMiCS
EditorfaI Revieu)
A suffrage apcakor from Oregon at
the nntionul convention mid that If thoy
woro allvo tlio powerful voices of J. N.
Dolpli, W. 8. Ladd, .T. 11. Monlgnmory,
Ilvdtry Falllutf nnd M. I'. Dcady would
tn lifted in botialf of the amendment to
tlw constitution to glvo women a vote
In Orctfon after next Juno.
At a Republican banquet nt Peoria.
III., Chat. O, Davtc, uiwl tlio following
m rji arijument for retaining tlio Plilll
pise: ''Tlio Philippine imputation js
largelyMalay. It Is Indolent and lie
loaders aro unscrupulous and corrupt.
It numbers among It member naked
tAVMei and even cannibals." Ilia
argument was I lint such n icopla are
Incapablo of self-government, llo fa
quito correct but till statement li alia
an argumout against anuoxlng the
President McKlnloy rejected the peti
tion of 800,000 W. 0. T. U. women ask
lug lilm () tot arldu the ilcclilon uf Mi
attorney general In ktipiiortof what I
known as tho urmy eniitci-ii, lie nald
9 opinion ot tho attornoy general
must bo accepted astlnal. II congress
would act In tlio matter of prohibiting
tho eoldieri in tlio regular army from
conducting a club homo, whoro unld
liquor am gold at coot, I in pledged to
enforce tho law.
Tho storytbat tho lloors aro Irreligious
and haters of the Cuthnlla lollglon has
received a ihock by tlio rcort in an
English Mir that a lloo'r soldier who
had trlpx)d the corpsoof an enemy
who was killed lit battle, when ho came
upon a gulden croaa, restored all the
valuables and covered tho rr main. The
Hocr la atrongly opM)ed lo Catholicism
but ha ovidiintly respoct the wlLilon
faith oflhow who differ from him.
Mr. McCuilocli, prominent among
the National Women HutTraglsIa at the
Waililngton convention, It encumbered
with a U-monlhs1 old babe, and as It li a
boy ho seomt to bo making all the
trouble ho can, probably employing ob
frtrpclivo tactics nn I hampering tlio con.
vdritton In many way. Tho ladles aro
working u ahlfta taking caru of tho
youngster. At last account! ha wax
keeping thvm busy but telcgraiua an
nouncing relntorceratnU rnruuto fur
Waihltigton ruvived tho rplrlti of the
Bf nator Wolcolt doe not mako him
wit very clear on tho financial Imm In
hit eocli on the aonatu lubttltute for
tho pending tlnancUl bill, Uu may
xpren hit (mrioiul vlnw and that of
other itrandol toIltlclai uf tho Kepub
Ijcan atrlpa who were lormer:y bimetal
tits, In demaudingtliattha Hepublican
party reaRlrm tho 8t IauIs platform
with it pledge to pntmota lnternation
al blmelallsm. It would help neither
Doctors Can't
Cure It!
Contagious blood lon laabsolutel;
berond th skill of Urn doetur. The;
.lay dot a patient tot vin ui their
mercurial ami tsh reiiiedlM, but he
will never be rid of tho dlMMM on the
other hand, his condltian will grow
steadily wor. fl 8. fl. thn tnly cure
fur this terrible aflllaUnn, beauM It Is
th only remedy which gw direct tu
tho eauso of tho dlietw and fore It
froea tlio sjotem.
tjsi aretttwi iu ni4 rotwo. ri u
lMi l U4 W B9 nui. ItuHmk I took
IbHf trrttmtut lilik
Mir U iMt, I tmm
i xet vir til hi
whll. I uh Inatl
tr ult4 Ijlopd
liJr, uuhaut nut
u la xii Uu ,tu.
mm J ttmi Ik tSwl
kt was Jit
fcrtiJM. rl ta,r4
llitl t w.mirf mi r
uml. AIH.t,llw4M
l4in.M.til ii
ra. I flHunl IM
il4 M ln)jf. tM.t
MVIitir lilthiinrt lnittlrr
Anh.uf)i iMs u yi (!.
I (U1
M4 t,a SliliiH IM Hitt to r Wra
U9Wt, Vs.
It k ,Wo MlWtruction w wiitiiu
mm mim aui niomiryi w-sulci
Mijr le4rofix tha diSMdon. tliet
r Msj marrow lu tho liones, pro-
m tisw ihj iwriiiPK oi me
s, Muaitic tho lialr tu fU out, and
Nf wrveaipgw 'J"1!'
, Purel VnsfijiLU. nJ :
i wij V4c4 wiJr lr fr th
-KHit t rn fc-j
wtmyvj, Aui.uitv
B sttattU&B4AMl
v m
$2.00 !
5bo? Store f
04 StAto Stroot.
I tho country nor lho party, though It
would be a nlco cushion for such no-
wtttalH mm ICnlxMI t ta lllinn mill (lift
as martyrs to a causo which no one bo
I loves tho Hepublican party any longer
espouses with a particle of sincerity. H
says that the provision of tho bill ru
qilrlii) tho payment of lho principal
and Interest of tho now bnnds in gpld
iso mistaken vlow of our national credit
and a departuro from tho terms hereto
fore used In governmental obligation.
That Is exactly what was protested
sgalust In 1890 by tlioca opposed to Mr.
Mckinley, who predicted that tho adop
Hon of tho Kepublicau platform meant
that tho public debt and all forms of
debt would becomo imyublo In gold.
Mr. Wolcott knew that Itepublican sua
ess was predicated on tho defeat of bi
metatlsm for the time being, llo helped
that defeat of blmolalUm, and when he
went to Kuropu to promote International
agreement ho was not taken ecrlutinly.
Illmulalleni will never again bo taken
seriously until thero is a ruversal al
tho poll of tho Itopubllcaii party. If
Mr. U'otcott I slucero In his desiro to
promote blnielallim bo should ijiill
talking about securing It through the
only gold standard party In existence.
Ho should reslsn as senator for Col
orado nnd let tomo man lako his seal
who Is In harmony with the people of
that statu on that question and who
cin command reipcct for tho causo he
pretends to represent. II tho Hcpubll
cun paity owes any duly of consistency
to Itself It Is to onaut tho gold standard
fully Into law and mako all debts pub
llo and private pajnblo In gold. Tim I
Is what llslands for. 'tliat Is Its lion
est and sincere pnrporo, If It lias mi)
on lho money question, and If It has no
uciipurxtoll is llniu It liail n pur
IKsooflbat kind. That Is what the
eoile volel for in 181KI and It Is duo
to tlio Intcrosts of the country that It
bo fah ly tried.
Honator Elklns opiioted the bill on the
ground that It Is loaded down with n
pruobltlon foreign lo tho measure
funding tbu public dobt tlireo years Ikv
foru there Is any lo fund, llo said the
refunding of tlio public debt Is purely n
matlorof practical business, an adminis
trative question. It has no phicu In pol
I lies nml should not bu mado a rider to n
political nniiiiuro, Klklns unmaiks tho
senato llntuco bill when ho snyi It pro-
villi's that national banks shall bo the
mntt important factor In tlio refunding
rchemo llo declares tho publlo debt
iliould bo (undeil witlmut uny rrforenco
b) tho luteresls ol the national bunks
To quutii Iiltwonlsi "l tin govern
uient git (orwanl wlieu thu tlmu comes
and borruw inonoy for funding purposes
at as luw a rate of Intorcit as it can,
making such a rato as will Inauro the
bonds being maintained at par, without
deluding on the national banks, or on
any otitiMo agency, and without giving
any grounds for tho tmpresslnn that n
public debt I lo bo encouraged and fos
tored In onler to provide a sale our
ronoy." A financial bill that Is lo bo
made a moro wet nurm for the imlioual
hanks and found an lasuo ot currency on
a orpolual debt, and tho same bunks
given a monoH)ly of placing and manip
ulating that debt, Is not up to lho nver
ago staiuUnls of Intelllgeneo ot the
American people. It Is tho most porul
iiuiii luriu ui paieruaiism aim ats leg-
iiution. Auy refunding scheme may bu
looked iiH)ii as an u rtunlty for a hur
vest for tho banks and money syndicate
Holally tint iiatiuual banks. They
rv-ap the harvest by using thu Idhi d
IKxIts of the iicople tu hamlle tli iUbt nf
the oodo-l. o., t) tutloua 4)bt ami
all forma ul public debt, lly pUelug the
IwiuU sold under auy funalug sohtxao
lha)' reap auoihor harvMl by sating ns
agents to aitlert tlio IntwrMt for t,o
holder. This Is no iluibt on o( lho
legitlmato KmrtM n( revenue to tho
tanks. Hut It ft U n good thing fur the
nail uuil bauka and I'krnoiu MorrMU. nt
at., why Is It not Jim m gtio.1 fr tl o
friiiinion jie.ipT Why shall not lU
national debt ami ull imbllc debt lo rt.
tunded on tho popular loan plsu, and gn
lo mlllloiu of small hosiers uf uiwigH
lie.1 and unwnpteytxl eaplial lUprtuKs
ot lho banks wlu) got iHHhlng fur the ism
ct their iiMMtey. eicit Uio -ulrw 4
sat pUeo to Moro HT If Mr. Kill
will go forward a mak a fl jht to wt
UiU prlueipbi lulu oft. h vrilt roinli-r a
Hivat sorvtiM to the MwtiHHi w4u li
WOUkl tUIld t0 Stop tho OtNtfMtHMt n(
iwmey in tho hands ol tha Nnktwg vm
dk4iei. ItawwWUtrrttot.i,-t,i-rtW
bk lato the hands of )m vepW. It
wvuM land v tmlfcl u etrwit ml.UU-
e. who whiM Jwho t-kla4rrs
tn kMvemiunt. It womM bo n..aint.
tor lho oiJo uitad of for
Tlio nsllwal wowsn auftmgo au
Hon at Wathlngtou tlnf leather at
tho wplial all Uo xtw nirfwgk a, a
calls attention to tU fset that at u
4uotKHvluOitvii It will have v
U detlded wb.thr Old WeWool
shall taVo her stand with Colorado,
Idaho, Utah ud Wre4iIn. - av....i..
In. Ir nrtwffwidIiUu af iallit.-i i.,.J
(Mffotubu. Th onyeut. .., t0 bo
A Weak Stomach
will upset every oriitn In tlio txdy.
If yiu arc rons'loutcd, jlllou. ncrv
oils, sleepless or easily fatlirued, try
HmleUcr's Sfnuiach Hitters, li
uulctUhc nerves, Improves the ap
petite and makes rich pure blood. Ji
cure all forms of stomach dlordcr
aurh as Indigestion, constipation and
dyspcp-dsi. I' been riolnir tblsfot
i hp paKi fifty yp'tr. 8c Hint, a Pm
vatk Rkvknijk Btamp covers tin
neck of the buttle.
It Nourishes Hostcttcrs
mado up of tho atrgrcsslve, fighting typ
of pqual rights agitators, and they an
aylng more than tho usual number ol
hard things about lho men, hitter thing
about Ihrimclvos, but dishing up conic
very cold facts In a rcdlmt, cayenne pop
ncry style. How much Impression thl-
wilt mako on lho country remains lo be
cecn. Thero is one determination on
the part of the women wo must applaud
to take up tho Industrial slilo of tin
question. One Bpenkcr raid 45 per ccnl
o' tho 8t. Ixiuls school teachers were
supporting their husbands, and she
argued Ihutsueh teachers ouglil to make
good recruits for tho cause of ballots foi
females, Bho clloil figures to prove thai
.lute, federal and municipal authorities
were, taking steps which will restrict oi
prohibit marriaifo among working
women. An nrgumont on a troxt
sltlon to keep niurrUil women out of the
uage-earning class will loso tlio causu as
many or moro voles than it w.ll gain, bo
eiuiio tho world has iciichcd that fwinl
whoro wo can deny to no man or wornnn
the right to enter uny fluid of Icgitlmati
employment they sco lit to undertake
Any jwllllcal movement that would re
strict thn right of freedom of contract, ol
freedom lo engngu In any IiuaIiicsh, in
dustry, enterprise or occupation, by nuy
man or woman would bo voted down.
Ho thu argument bated on lho propor
tion that married women should not
teach or work, regardless of whether
their husbands are employed or net, h ill
lose moru voles tlmu it will gain foi
suffragu rxlciisloii. If It can bo shown
thut woman suffrago would promote In
dustrial reforms, would nbollsh sweat
shop labor In lho cities, clilld labor In
lho factories and dfartmont stores;
would tend tu wipe out tho foul atalusnn
our civilisation found in tlio congested
slum iiopuhitions of largo cities; would
Improve public morals and elcviilo tin
standards ot publln service and purl f,
IKilltlct such arguments would upfienl
to llioo who nro nowdoublful about the
net gain from sexless suffrage. Until
lho proMjiit system of nominating caudl
date by corrupted conventions of delu
gates who limo been sent up from the
primaries by tho use of money through
the political iiMCldnos has Itcuu changed,
and all nominations aro iniulu direct bj
lho ieople, tho women would get l.o
callsfactlun from participating In polities,
t'hey nro tho water on lho mill ot the
rorruptinnists lu Wyoming and elto
lnghind's military prestige has re
ceived ii black eyo In Souili Africa, from
which sho will not easily reoovcr, I lei
laterinen aro engaged In exploiting hei
prowess at sea, as tho hut safe rewri
forsophmorlo dltersiou. Tho cliauco
aro that Kngland has no vessels in her
navy Hint could stand before an equal
milliner ot .imericau wnri-lilps ol our
bott Mitiuru It oily awaits nn opor
lunlty to prove the futility of her bo.iil
that she Is mislrOHof lliosoan. This U
not wild lu any desiro to liumillato a na
tion (rum which tho American iwiplc
havo reeelved many niaumucos ot good
will, and to whom wo aro under many
obligations forsymNithy, and to wIkiiu
wo oiu related hy many tlrsoteom
inerco and oonsangululty. It Is sold
lisoauso wo nro iv linn I ul lover In the
theory that Demoarnlle Institutions pro-diie-j
u suiKirlor tyo of an nversgo clit
n.a moro self lnlpIul.sotf-rolUiit mat
ot people "lui ilitrr1-liullt." Wo bellow
that A rcglmsutiifau. '-mis taken at
random any whoro from the great lod
of tho American people, iiuywherc
within lho borders of tho states, would
prove moru than equals (or a regiment
taken from tlio body of any KuroiHMii
Monarchy, at builnets, agriculture,
warfare-by laud or khi, or in any oilier
capacity. Haying this U nut a retleetlon
on ltngllrhmen orcilliwiof any other
country ns such. It is not swylug tlmt
limy would not I Just ns oMvb if do-
vuloxal umlrr DMwoerwtle Institutkms.
but II is saying that ho iiKMuirehy, or
......i ....i.... ..i... .d...i-i ..... ...
rcirii-imntuiviij lwli-lt(WfWiy IIKt-
Itngland oau hope to eo ihi m
terms on trie netu ot unite against men
burn ami reared undwr a HetniWc-l'e
moorwey like ours, or that even of the
Trsnsvaal or Orango l-'reo Slate llepub
IUm. TIm rebtiU to Itmikwd's nrtxtkM
will do KngUiMl grwai m, HlHi ,.i
Miton tkaUditioM of hor Mnwrahy,
thi rwrvl)nWHr h.uoof lonU t,i
liwtM wf wautlswwbio swKwrstliioiM, ami
1 1 ebttlowuww uf Ur wrld-lo4uUwting
arwtuiMMey. Sh will eullar frouv l.i,
mlllatioii of her milium- ndaau. tun
that h not a toath irt of tho igutuulny
Uwp.l cm Ur hrwd 1-ev.vunt of the h t
twek glveu to elau pnvilvsjea now iw.
la ktMrilt Uhlr. Ivr! Iuiib (
ST oS.-. uTXS
Miki,., .,, ,, , u-kOr
l.-,i kvrilir
okv W i
' aa 4 -i.j n,tx
Taaat uu aiin
... OUI1E enwnTioATlMT""
- m '- vuT.v;.k."4,
no.To - iAo SttirtWMeaittSF
uo)ollzed by the Uritich ariflocracy.and
xi rid mired and worshipped by tho toady
-idrit in all nations. Unchecked In Its
agressions, Kngllsh aristocracy would
havo exerted a demoralizing influence
on all American Institutions. The rush
ol American millionaires to form alli
ances with felons of British awell society
will not bo accolorated by the demon
strations on South African 1fittIo fields.
When American women buy a title It
will not boeonpt loboono from a na
tion where the most that can be said Is
that tho private soldiers fought bravely,
but hat for officers nn aristocracy that
could only lead thero to dofcat or re
treat. Use Dr. Bulls Cough Uyrup at Once
i yuur child Inm croup or bronchitis
Wtsio ru lime: delay umy be danger
ous. Dr. IJullV Cough Syrup cures at
nice. It Is ii safe and Inf.ililb c rem
Jy. All druggists sell It for 25 cents
In tho course of some remarks on the
-ubjwt of direct election of senators, the
HKjkosmnn Itevlew makes ktlils Dutis-
The country hears now a great outcry
against tlio seating of Clark from Mori
una. His cafe is treated ns exceptional.
It is alleged that ho bought his way Into
ilio senile, and Hint Ills crimo was so
unumial that all tho other senators
-hotild draw cloier their togaa from tlio
contaminating touch of tho Montana
oiileelHiit. lho truth is llint. ns n rule,
enatorlul wats nro won by bribery
True, lho direct consideration Is not al
aya In gold and greenlrucks, ns alleged
,n thn caro from Molilalia, but it Is
ciither money or olflco. Often It Is olllco.
I'ho senatorial aspirant buys votes with
'.ho pubiic scrvlco and tho public moiiev,
nstead uf liuvlug them with his Indi
vidual refourcs, ns Is alleged in tlio case
il Chirk of Montana. Instead of passing
)er0OOO or 10,000, ho passes over a
federal appointment which is worth
ihnl or moro to lho bribed member. In
either cavo tho offeiisu is bribery and
tho practice demoralizing.
Tho whole system of trading and traf
licking in olllces, "Influence" and
''patronage" is bribery, nothing eleu.
It Is not con II ued, either, to senatorial
contest, but runs through our whole
system ol nomination and election ornp
lolntment. Tho man who gets Into any
olllco no matter how Inilgnllicant with
out making any promises to his
"friends," to bo redeemed nt public ex
pense, is n ruru exception.
The man who, like Clark, goes down
In his pocket and buys men with
his coin Is morally no more reprehensi
ble than tho ouo who buys thum with
promises that they shall havo fat pick
ing at thu publlo crib after lie is in
stalled in olllco. Tho latter Is as much
ii brlbu-glver us the former, nnd his
friends as guilty of taking bribes. The
differenco is In method, not In kind nor
Unfortunately lho "smoothor" nnd
less duugerous method has become so
common that our sensibilities have bo-
uomo blunted and wo do not reo-gnizu
it lor w hut It Is. Tlio congressman or
senator who doea not begin, as soon us
elected, tu build his political fences, by
tho distribution ot whatever patronugo
comes in his way In tlio quarters "whuru
ft will do tho iiioal good," is consider
ed lucking in political acumen
Thutnmu is truo ull tbu way up and
down lho lino from tho presidential
chulr tu thu smallest precinct olllces
Is thero no remedy for this diseased
condition ol tho lxxly p-litlcT Thero
must bo. Tlio weak point in the armor
uf tho would-bo liouot olllce-holder,
who fully desires to survu tlio people to
thu bust of his ability, it tlio fact that Im
has an honorable umbitton toaguln run
for olllco. Tils weak joint Is rendered
vulnerable to tho bow and sxar ot thu
IKilitical bos by tho prorenl system of
nomination by thu boss ridden conven
tion. Thero Is where tho wholn syntoni
brocks down and become tho helpless
prey of polli politics. You must "do
ximethlug" for tho boss or your naino
will never go ukiu anotherslato. Theio
you are: what are you going to do
about it? How many men cun succeed
In ixilllio against lhooppoitlon of tho
prohMlonal convention manipulators
otthulrown party? Thuqueition ans
wer itself.
Tho only eflectual remedy, then, for
all this direct and bvivlnir of
olllces, Is to put thu whole elective ma-
uhluery in tlio hands of the people at
largo. mnluatlou Is as much a part of
rilling lho utile as I election. No man
ami bo olectod until ho Is nominated.
Tho otAeo must bo tlllod from the nomi
nated ouudidatos. Than if tho oaudl.
ditMi ii ro all Humiliated by tho bosses,
tho ottlcora will owe tliulr otl1Mto tho
b hmkw, uml to them allagiaueo mutt bu
Put the nomination In tho bands of
all t io people, and to all tho HHnlo lho
o ttvur will ItHik (or tuturo luvors. uml he
will laugh in the face of tho political
b ms, if any am Irlt, w bo trios to tempt
him Into betrayal of his trust by promise
ol iHHittoal law. proiilorprMpotlvo.
11 l H 1 -
To Curo a Oold In Una Day
lii,,li,JiI".,i,,M" Wl ruu. AU
plPfJ? T"tl ,M 'utjr "" 'sHi sure
Drowslik-M Is dUielte by IUiwii
Aii'd 11LIJJ.
Ca'l fot City Watisnts.
Notko u Iwroby uivw tuat ttVio are
lutwitioti taawl uiiiduKhlo tu ik ..
wmil ot all warniHU ot tlMoCity ot SoVain
drawn on lho mr HWl BMa
osidorMHt on r Moro Atwu.t .1 lSO-i.
IluhtoM of n(M wwrrwHts wdl A) uny
out tlaom htr jmymom at Ladd A Buili'a
iiT ' "T ,",'M " w irvHw ilate ul
.,. imn. jultx Jlosil,
SjIoim. OrM t'sjb. th 1WXJ.
Notno w tht Public.
II. I). Vrnxivr al lho P...i. c... ..
diroa lo Inh.riii lho Hiblve tltat he tsln
Ail lo . vr with A. Kruus, thir repr.
hwl tho wty. I Jvo w ,,0 j
lUircmvaw work, awl Uav not m,J
iwyw-lialvn on anv iJmm .!..,, 1.1?:".
euv va ,ui... ti. ..Yi T.," r. ""' Vf
". JT -"'". c."uiiw
inuriivrr. CtHSUW Ihuvouiitd mill
W4rrrh.tasi pImmuvS
ar nail
wHTtbiii."141 lh,'N T.WK
Iiilaii s
Tlio undersigned are now occupy
ing "Uuffman's Stable" nnd are
ready to hire you a nice rig or
feed and caro for yotii tea-n
when in Salem. Horses Twarded
by tho week. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Your patronage solid
Ited. 2 12 tf.
Harold Reynolds,
The Journal Leads the Van as In the
Wo'notonlygivo the Weekly Jocr-
jtal, the best local and and general
uocklv In tho Willamette valley for U
per year, but at great cost have made
MrranKements by which wo now notoniy
furnish the best general pajier, but also
tho best farm Journal on the I'acilic
coast. Hereafter The Jook.val and tho
Pacific Farmer can bo furnished nt f 1.2.5
per year, each being a first-class Dollar
weekly of its kind. The Farmer lias
been the rrcognlzcd leader In agricult
ural matters in tho northwest for thirty
In these two papers you will get tho
latest Portland and local market reports.
Hortlculturo li sWeii tho prominence llint
llm great niduttr detcrrco
Dairymen tr Iher so' mo Information
iruiu lu culumiii (ban from anjr otucr
TUn n.nnna lift! flUtlmMlUtlMl H U their Of-
llilal oikii, and all farm onranlMlloii
kuow they can depend lo no tiuo iu
their Inlervit.
Hop Mon find many valuable points and iuj;-
Kitiioiu lull
Slioop, Ooat, nnd Oonornl Stock
Mon melt by ma lhotuuU for tbe lu
loimallcm coutaliitd Ibrrelu.
Poultry mon snow II to be. the only weekly
In int M-ilIon that make a fpeclilly v(
inn orancn or larruing,
Dee Mon hate found It lho only paper that
makei anr pretentions ol looking after
their lntereiU,
Attrlculturo Inalloriti broncbei la treated
byjrailkal wrllcri.
No offor like tills over appeared before.
Tho Weekly Joousal ono year, (or
the Daily 4 months) and tho Pad lie
Farmer only $1.2.. Address,
Koran linos.
Snlem Ore.
Osteopathy In Salem.
Ur. Ornco Alljriglit, gruduuto of the
American School of Osteopathy. Kirks
ville, Mo., Is located in thultush & liruy
man block, over Welter's groce-v store.
The following Is a luirtl il list of the
dlsi'iices wliicli linvo been treated Ooteo-
pathiciilly with excellent success! Aerv
oils prontrntinn, l.lver, Heart, btomiich,
Kidney and Splenic troubles, Femidu Ir
regularities, l-eiicorrlii'ii, Melancholia.
Ituftlcefliu'cs, Itladder truubies, bpimii
affections. Ixxunotor Ataxia, (iull
titonc. Piles, Paralysis, Spinal Cuivn
lure, Varicose Veins, Ulcers, Sprains,
Cough, Asthma, llrouehitis, all eyo uf
lections sucli n Granulated Lids, Ulcer
ated Cornea. Cittaruct, etc., Throat mid
l.ung troubles, Tic-doulourux, Headache,
llidlgeatiou, Uoitro, llip Joint discuru,
Constipation, Neuralgia, Kliuumutism,
Uyspepsiu. Fcsema. etc.
Olllco days: Monday, Wednesday,
Friday. 1 1(1 lino d Aw
Urown Writes Smith All About What
Happened to Jones,
My Dear Smith: Your pulutcr wits
u pcucli. 1 lull lor CIHcugo ImiueUI
utclv after I saw you, und uf course
txiuglr. my ticket over li c Wisconsin
Ccnirul lty, from St. Puul InCulcugu.
1 hud nluiity of tlmu lu St. Puul to uo
up town and get my supper, us my
train leuveabt. Paul ut7:iu t. in.
I rt'turucii in thu debut about 7:20.
Wlicu parsing ttimugh tlio gates llm
gulcmuii alu: "There's yuur train lo
the right," 1 bunded ui, grip to thu
geiitlcuiauly porter, who nluced II lu
my berth. (Vim will nolliu 1 cull this
my t ruin, wlillo lb really belongs m
ihu Wlscuusin Centrul. 1 could nut
help but feel that 1 owned tho train,
und even tlio road, tlio employes uru
so courteous.) 1 then prepared myself
for the comforts In hi uru. Well, talk
ubuut traveling! 1 huyc traveled ull
over Him wide world, but never hud a
more delightful trip ttiun this ouu
(mm ht. 1-uul to t.l.lcugo over lho
Wisconsin Central Ry 1 retired
auuut 10 p. m , und enjoyed a good
nlglit'ri rest In Ihu J uilinun Puluco
cur; only wuko un once durlmr thu
ti lull t , and thut was whun thu purler
punctica mu uml sun); "Mr. liiuwu.
don't smira so 'oud, you dlsiurb tho
reht or too pusscngcrs." i at onco rcll
ntleep, and nwuku utiuln about 7 a. iu.
und prepared niynelf for brcukrust:
vxi'ib into inou niiii.' car auuut a a. iu
a ..-. a. 1 . T . .. '
ami partix.K or u luo-t sumptuous
iiie.ti. ah uit'uis uru t-crved u a turte.
as you kiinvv. My cntlru trip was it
Qciigimui one. l win never oiso '.u
tirulMJ the WiscotMln Centrul Ry., uml
I know your sentlmcnta are tlio sumc.
Our friend Jones reached Chicago
vlu another route and was six hours
late. Consequently he lulled connec
tions tor Now York, und cannot tmiko
comical liin there with steamer rur
the Paris Exposition. Hence hits
ulven up his trip, und will return
huuie vlu lho Wlt-conslu Centrul Ry.
Your friend.
' S. Since you were In uncugo,
the Wlsonnsln Central Ry. have
changed their terminals, and are now
running into tlio Central Malluu, at
Park Row und litli st. Thu it.-iu.r u
alio used by thn Michigan Cdiilral
Ry.. Illinois Central and C 0 0. &
at, L. i.m
Notice of Dissolution ol Partnership.
iNotU-ola Urwliy given that tlio part
nerahlp heretofore euctatlng boiweoen
B, t. ParkhurHandLwMrGrew, umlor
till) I rm na.Hoot K. P. Parkhursl Co.,
. .. ! ti.'Uy ,,l",v,t t'X WUt(Wl OOMSOHt.
All liIJIs, netM urasooHuts duo tskl Hrra
are amlgnevl tu K. F. Parkhurst. who
aurnvdn to tU bualmas-ioi B,
hunt V Oo.
t. Park-
LKl: M'lllIKU'
Salem Or., Jn 17, woo.
i. Tf "" '"K "y '" lliyaiewna.
It's Not What Yu fay Uut tUw tou'rl'Lii' BV,H ' ,t.w Uwk baul
Sivlt l!k,Trl!",f iiauwt '' badly tli
3ly " 'l t l Uk..n from h-IwoI. Aft
IHO JOVUNAL WlHlkl Httl l.nk.1 .,11 il...
Tri "",.rV m ''w " .rtltrw
u,li i ii , .. -?"r""".."" ""'i
lawue liaiiway tmUM, si a swan ot
t.?.. .. l". '"
flrsl-olaMi Htir, aarwrs (1m rsiii,uh
Rata aro as luva a Lv au- nL. u....
Tuvvus, Watt A (X. TiA Aftmii
MOSt CmwW.St.
"Aftnrdoclurs fullMl t . ..
pnf umni? I u Oao Minm iC.
Ourv. IVISS to tlie IkVM r-ji!f
earllt fur wtHsiRlinrttv:h, writo iL
i V "'""'("; wwn, uriloa J no.
Ouiw '
f",dt', c,ou.p an(1 ,u"wt it $i
(jiliiarcnalwar liku it. Mmi,.
dursolu Jjtooei D:uitHiut.
Edwards & Mitthews,
MKA.T nnd
rsilroad. Freihtstane
St.te itnet, near
bt meitJ. My pa'-ro0'
rrtatsin town
seep ine ikv
The German Market
Will be found nil kinds of meat
and tho best of sausage, r Ithb
DEUVKUY. All bills due the
lato firm of Wolt & Miescko
must bo paid.
171 Commercial St.
' 'wholesale Fruits, Produco, etc
Salem, Oregon. Olllco J Insur
ance block. 'Phone HOI. Wure
house, ut Wallnco wnrohouso.
P. J. w. w.
Salem Camp No. 118. Mectaerery KrMay over.
rt.1SO. in A. O. U. W- liall, Stale Im.
K v. uouuirra, i;. u.; . a. .xiajii-, .iv,,
roo. 'siuorearira
i',,n.i MhcruiHI Forcil No. III. Meet! Klldnl'
lilnhu III Turner block. John M. Clia, r. It A,
L.lironn secj, .......
A complete stock of Grass nnd
Seed. VF Send for Cutuloguo.
Phono 178. 01 Court S t., Sulcm Or
S,,C, STONE. M. D.
Proprietor ol
Stone's Drue Stores!
TnuKlcrea (two III liunibur; uru liK'ntfl
So. tt and SM Coinnicrclal arrect, ami an
wellaluckeil wl'.n aeon pt'lo llun ofdruiraaiid
medlcluea, toilet iirtlclw, orfiiincrr, liruthca
lloiliail aotno3rmrIcicrleii(H);in tho irao-
llcenf medial ii and now niakwt no I'liarxv for
eoiiMiliailnii, etaiiiliiatlnu or proxcrlrdlnn.
Oregon Sliou Lido Railroad
The Direct llouio to
Montana, Utah. Colorado
aoii all Eastern I'oiiih
OlTea! cliulce ol two lavorlto milieu, via the
Unlun I'aelttc Kant Mall Line, or Ilio
KloOramld tkcnlu Unci.
LtMik at)lhe tunc
U-D'nyc to Salt Lake
-i Days to Denver
31 D.tya to Chicago
-ii Days to New York
r'rvo Itecllnliiir Chair Cara, Oiholtrl Tou
lal814liixCara,aiid "iiI1him.ii I'aluo J
tilevwraoiratvit on all tralna,
Kor.dirthcr liilormatlou
IIOISK: UVHKKK, Agvnta.kialem.
VV. K.COMAN,(leiriAnl,
U O.TEitUV.Trar. 1'iM At,
l.ClllioH .lilMld
Heal Estate Bargains
I have n cu-ttuner who wants an ho
aoro tract nut over 5 or 0 miles tun
with uihiiI Improvements ul ubout ?-'
per uurc. Whu has such a pluce.
I want a good 4 or 6 room hou
Good garden spot, barn, fruits, etc,
not to fur .uu ut about HO).
1 have some tine stock ranrhos to
trndu rot small tracts nut to far out
and give lime on any balance.
If you want to buy a irraln or stock
ranch cheap. (Cull.)
I have r-ome floe small fruit tracts
it big haigulux iiImi town property lo
sell or trade clieup.
I have good piopenles lu Nebrnka, j
Kansa, Colorado, Dikofis, mid Muti
liotM toexclmugo lur Oregon prop '
eity. v I
1( tou want a splendid mill with I
water Dower and nusturo nnrl r,-nn '
ground, etc.. or want an t -htvmiir. r.i
tihoppor, grain, ware huue. Splndld
Mcaiiunon nverata bargain 1 have
Ifyuu want to buy, soil, trade or
rent, I can suit you.
AImi havo two furtns to root.
Some splendid nurses fur Kilo.
If VUU Want H lixin nn r.uil Miimj .
havo uny miturlnl work lo do. Cit'l
and ee me ut Ul Oourt street, at tlie
the store of Ilruwstar k Wliiu.
l '8 tt ll , Ryan
Dr. J.F. Cook, tho UotanloniapoQ
list, Suooeods Whoro Other
Tki w hum it may concern .
ThU is to coriify tliat Rortlm P. Con
nor, trf Mt.Aiigol rvreoiuct. Marion conn
ty. Urvgoti, has suffered (ruui a ,,u.u,.
ous gruv th iu lite loftear (or aUi n.
jroars. 'IliogrowUi was cutout twice ami
inMtlllWlt Lv lr I C
v.o, m Maiem, Orogi, Uw rkktanieal
rvu - v. i ,. .. .: "".
- - ...-......-.. M,
-rriw, , Kruii( outiroly Uiniim
eaml, ami at U.ui dalo,.w(r mositrir '
neo treatment wtuUvun, Uh growth!
""I I'lf'. and tbooHr b
I ayi i i ,ttvi8 ly tho swu-iu
I kosotty wrttly tliat Uw iwve lUte
mosit aomoy true, and uwt IW-.
r.iL. ? .wtkuul,
kitkomliiptawo Hwe- 6 "D ,,r
All dtMaaea iiuhuJ.ii. iu. . , ,
Kd. " ;-vmwi
The Orient Insurance Co.,
, , $2,215,000.
?!,, ... 199000.
Will insure vou aeainst loss by fire; for terms enquire of
Will insure you mf& B0LT0Nt Resldent Aenh
Journal Office. Jaiem' u
Growers canmake big money out ofnew Strawberries.
100 strong Plants will produce 5000 plants if put out
now besides about half a crop. I have plants of
Send for free catalogldescriptive of varieties and culture
K, Hofer, Salem Ore
TJifeM tr.ivelur.iuu rlcnf the', follow
Ing routes cust. They uro ull famous
ccnlc uttrnctlnr
O. It, & N . via Odgcn and Denver-
Shasta Ihiuto vlu iSacratuenlo, Og.
den and Denver.
Slinsia Ituuic via faacramente,
Major E Aiberquerquo. rr., AV
A dally lliiunrtliriiugli PULLMAJ.
EltS, San FrancNco and Los Ango
los to Chicago tills Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East,
Apply to Ilio agents of tlio O. R.
&N., O S. L., Southern Pacific ot
the uriderslinied, for folders and
dcM-rlptlvo literature.
Oen'l Agt Worcc-iter. Bldg.
You Can Get
a Lower Berth.
i Itli ono cxccntlnn tlio throuuh
,i. ,, .., fi,,.ii ,.,, i,. r,
tMlnS iur Hie UUrlltlgtOtl Route
T.U teUoTWr VSCt"'K'
n , J8 .ih.?.?,"1;
Chicago Limited. On. the limited
thero .is usually room and to
Don't Infer that IfWa neither
so Unn. nor so fast, as ANY tralL
of ANY other line between St.
Paul and Chicago. On tho con
trary, thero Is no mora beautiful
train In America, It has electric
light, stenu heat, vvldo vestibules
tho most s ttlsfactory dlnlng-ca
servlco mi tin omlnjit iml
lower-berth for everyhndy,
(cri'l Aucnl, PortlundO
Denver k Kbi Grande It. II.
The t'arorl.e Tranacoutiiiental Itouto llelwum
the Norlliwe.t and all I'olnta Kail.
Choloa ot Two II lutea riirinii ihaPinnu
And Four Koutea Eat of.'
I'uebloand Denver.
All aMiijrri vranted a day atop-orer lu the
Mormon Capital or anywhere teiwteu Udeu
and Denver t'enonally conducted Tourlat E
vuraloiia thri-e day a a Heek to
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis,
Ciucaqo and the East.
For tleseu and any mardlnu
rotrt, route, t to. . or I
iiM rliiilvti a.! BMri uii, u
rnaiter, call on anl or Orauon Itallwar .v
n'jif'A"" "" t On-tfoik bhon tine or Bouiiicru I
. win, iwmihiuiWi
0, V. i T. Ant., IVuver.Col.
Uwi, Ast., 1 VVaab. bu, hnUand Or
Soo Pacific Line. ,
Lowest rates Best service!
To ami from all points
Kt and Kurope.
Tho ouly line running through
SL Paul,
Tor ulo
Rol Mail Stoamshlp Line
t" Japan ami Cliina.
Cwiwuliau ami Australian
tUaHu4ui 1-ine to
Par retoa ami informatios
aptsly to
II n x,. ...A'lie'uOro.
I .16pm
Canadian Pacifc Rv S
, day
ry ia n m
; Cars to
1 I i ! "!S
Southern Pacific Co,
700 PM) t.T .rortland.Ar 18.16 AM
WI'MV Ar Batcm Ar -:45A M
s.15 AM) Ar..?an hranctaco.. Lv Is.-OS M
6.30 P M
700 A M
Ar. Ar..
.....Oaden.. .
...Lo4 Ai Role..
.....El l'MO.
New Orlcnna..
1:10 V M
7.-00 V X
s;o a ii
M A Jl
600 1' M
tiU P M
8.W A M I
10.55 A M
.. Ualcm
Ull I" M
1.U V il Ar.8an KrancIeco.I.r 7.-00 A 11
t.U A M Ar....Ogden ..... Lt 1:40 A M
'jo I' M Ar Los Aiigelea Lt 12.30 ji
b.-OO ! M Ar.. Kl Paao....LT 70 A 11
WM V JI Ar New Orleans Lt 8A A M
Pullman first class and tourist keep
ing curs uttuclicd to ull Mirougii
trains. Prompt connections at Den
ver, Omaha and Chicago with trains
for other eastern cities.
Mall trains dully except Sunday
7:30 A M
Ml Ly i'orlland..Ar 16.60 I'M
M Ar.Corvallli..LT 1.-20 I' M
I1M I'
M Albany and Corvallls connects
will) trams or tlio 0. & E, Ity.
ExprtsH tram dally uxcept Sunday.
(.60 i1
toy ji,
.30 I' i
30 f il)
Lt fortUnd .Ar ( 3i A U
Lr...M,MtnuTllle. ..Lt tk)l
Ar...dciuiidcnce...Lr i M KVl
Dlro :t connections at Sun Francis
co wit i sicum-nln Hues Tor HAWAII
' kuiuukii tiuAuus uiui rates citiiuu
W.W SKINNRIl Dnnnr Airpnl nr
I U AB wI&S "City"" TIuVol'
AL'ctit12.t2Cou.u.orclulSt. Salem Or.
tor through tickets and rates call on
0. MARKHAM, G K&P A. Portland.
Corvallis & Eastern Itailroad
i For Ynqulna:
Trulu leaves Albany 12:45 p. in.
, Train leaves Corvallls.... 1:65 p. ui.
Ttutn arrives Ynnnlnn
7:25 p. m
Leaves Yuqulna
Leaves Corvallls
.. O'OOa. ui.
...11:30 a. tu.
..12:15 p. iu.
... 7:00a. iu
...11:30a. ui.
...12:20 p.m.
Arrives Albany
J For Detreit:
Leave Albany
Arrives Dotrolt,
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany
One and twoconnesi nt Albany arid
Corvallls with Southern Pacific Mains,
irlylng direct servlco t) and fronj New
port and adjacent benohes.
Trulnsfor tlio mountains arrive at
Detroit ut noon, kIvIok ample lime
to reach camping grounds on the
oho p. ni.
iireiicnDusn and Santlam rlvor tin-
Albany, Oro.
T K. V. A.
J.T0U.NKR Asetit.
rrom I'ortlaud.
Salt Lake, .Denver it. "v7orth
yoians, nauaaa Ultv. ntc:(3rio
"man nuaaa City,
l.ouia,IJh.-ifO ud aat.
Walla Walla, 8pokan Minna
a(olla, at. f aal. Duluth, Wit.
waakee Chicago and eaalHi
. aaoe
u. CD.
ockan arKAiiaitiiu.
tor San Frauclaou.
Hall every Uve daya,
I P. m
4 d. m.
To Aatorla and wy Landlngt,
I'orlland, Kowbertf and waj' p. m
anumn, ,.n.
Ian Frl
SS?T1,'i.Tnr nU 8aorIajrt .0
Moudaj wedaeadayand Friday at JO.OO a. m.
dayj's.xfp d'0" Tue,dr. Tbunday and Satur
Dally boats to Portland as above
'!er8 to street car line at Oreon
wty If the steaniersare delayed there.
Round trip tickets to all points In
Otekfon, Washlnirton or California.
ijonections made at Portland with
i all rail, oceao und river lines.
n u unV; AKt" Portland. Or.
O.M. POWERS, AKent, Trade ytreel
, dock. Salem.
UOISE HARKER, City Acenla.
Bottled Beer.
I KIinj5er4 Bcck.Succcteus, to BouthSalem
I Routtr.; Work.
, A tl ordera for bottled beer will b filled
er B.0. 1 Freo city delivery Telephone 3l