THE JOURNAL. itait Assoolatod Proas tolo imB, Frosh LooaUnows nnd Live It's Business" not Pnimn. KUItorlala mako The Dally Jour- X JrUM li,ui,mJ?Jr,?t,n,,J0 anal Journal Advertising Pays. A fcTOIi. x SAUHmOBMQOH SATURDAY FEBRUARY 3 1900, jih, XO. 20 I 1 1-1 '- Tll1,l'lflll I I I I III ' tf & ,w;. 4 " ' tv56J .- .-r-r, eW York Rack?! mrnnTTnmTmTTTnmnmmTTTnnnTTTnma i-l I V . . . .!-. vuiuy w w..... They'll 25 oer clothing, hosiery, underwear i shirts, hats and all kinds of 2 furnishing goods and notions E You'll be treated right jf you trade with them. X ., iuiiUliUliiiillUlUUUUUiiUlilillUilUUiLU li E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. 4 I'fS.,,, .,, ninnnn nt a o'clock 3ff2vory Svonlna "xoept Saturday f ass 1 i P ssss RAUSSB PROS HV IRbw Carpets Just received a full line of new carpets, includ ing Axministers, Moquetts, Velvets, Brussels, and Ingrain. Improve the opportunity and se lect a new carpet from a 1900 stock. From our 1900 patterns of wall paper, you can select those that will blend with the new carpet. A Full Assortment of Furniture, !LW. MOLLIS &CO. .$nWfi .. uIMH First Door North of PostofKcc. AT 6 P. M. liral CLOSE J xr "j WE CARRY THE SIMONDS MANUFACTURING companys x x mm gut sflws THESE ARE THE ONLY SAWS USED BY THE LARGE LOGGERS OP WASHINGTON AND THE COLUMBIA RIVER. X X X X X Our largely increasing sales nro an Indication of the worth of tho goods SaSRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. WALL PAPER FOR 1900 'ELLING how to paper and ored plates. A handsome and useful helper to all who have rooms to Daner. Enter vour name on our and VOU will rpcpvf nn hv We have just received 3300 ' largest Wall Danpr rnnrm in guly up-to-date and our prices ty. wc nave paper trom 10 BURBN M-ipnn tnr rnsh. , . save you 15 to 5 cent on shoes, Corner Commercial and I Chomoketa Btroots J If Don't Work ADVERTISING GOODS AT COST ANDf20 PER CENT. DIS COUNT, ETC. .UNLESS YOU DOIT. PEOPLE SOON CATCH H ON. OUR FORCE OF CLERKS H HAS NOT BEEN REDUCED, WE HAVE WORK FOR THEM. Our regular prices aro ns low, nnil lower tlinn tliu fnko Rnlen now going on. People linvo found it out, licnco wo do tlio lion'i sharo of tlio shoo trado In Salem : : SEE US FOR NEW STYLES AND LOW PRICES. 'VSAZA5D5 X x : fe v v ur J3ook jfree! showing interiors with col mnll (Vpp nf rntt in vnnr:lf rolls of the latest papers of tliA vtnrlrl Thp nnttornc. iro are still the lowest in the val- cents ud. fiAMIL,TON TAYLOR Judge Cantrill Says He Must Not vent Legislative Session BLACKBURN COUNSELS Goebel Improving But Had a Sinking Spell Tills Hord ing Republican Members Go to London lly Aaaoolateil I'rcaa to the Journal. FiiANKronT, Fob. 3. Judgo Cantrill, of tlio clrcultcourt, this morning granted a temporary Injunction restraining Tay lor from Interfering with tlio meeting of the legislature and from removing tlio legislature to London. Tlio temporary injunction la to remain binding until February 8th, when a hearing to mnko it permanent will tako place beforo Judgo Cantrill at Georgetown. No attempt will bo made to securo personal servico on Taylor. Judge Cantrill instructed Sheriff Suter to mnka no effort to present tho order of tlio court. Tho judgo directed that it bo allowed to lemaln binding williout sor tie, bocauso of tho danger threatening any man who should undertake tho task and tho results that might ansuo, owing to Uio excited stnto of tho public mind. Qoeb:l Worse. FRANKronT, Feb. 3. Goobcl suffered from a sovero sinking spoil this morn, ing. Ilia condition 1b considered n'arnilng. Ho had a good night and ato soma ico cream at midnight. Goebel has rallied a llttlo this after noon. Tho chances, however, nro that howill'dio before night. Kepubhcan Exodus, FiuNKFonr, Fob. 3. Thero was a goncral exodus of Republican sonators and leprosentativos this morning In the direction of London. Adjutant Gener al Collier has forwarded several caeca of rifles and a largo quantity of ammuni tion to London. Blackburn Counsels Peace. Frankfort, Fob. 3. Senator-elect Dlackburn arrived from Washington this morning and hold a conference with prominent Ucinocruts. Ho strongly urged tho necessity of preserving peaco at all hazards, and to allow all matters to proceed to conclusions in tho courts. Republicans Caucus. Fkankfout, Feb.? 3. Chairman Bar rett bus issued a call for a Republican caucus in London Monday. A leader of tho Republican party said: "Wo will elect all tho legislative officers and elect Governor Brndloy to tho United States scnato, thoroby getting a contest in tho senate, which will bring a decision from a compotont authority, Taylor Advised to Oive Way, Chicago, Fob. 3. A dispatch from Washington says : "Sonator Delloo, of Kentucky, has sent a telegram to Govornor Taylor, of Frankfort, advising him to allow tho legislature to meet of that point. Militia to London. Two companies of infantry left Frank fort yesterday for London, whero they will prosorvo the peaco during tlio session of the legislature that will, tin- 1 1 3300 IRoils 4,r'wrwww"w ' , ... i . i ENJOINED BY Prei PEACEFUL MEHTHODS 1 der tho proclamation ol Govornor Tay lor, begin in that place Tuesday next It is tho present intention of Govornor Taylor to go to London in person. 1 Insurrection Claimed. Tho Itopuhl'ca'is nro fixed in thoir lit tltudo that thero U nil Insurrectional!! the state; that tho actions of Beckham and the orders of hi adjutant-general nro thoso of jKopln acting In opposition to law. They bollove that they nlonoaro in tho right, and As tnero can bo but ono right and ell else wrong, those who show resistance to tho proclamations of Governor Taylor nio In rebellion against tho commonwealth. They will resist any attempt of itny kind to romovo them from their position around tho capitol, rcstst'ng force with force and that means civil war. Democrats Legislate. Tho Democratic members of tho lcgls laturo yesterday effected a regular organ izatlon. A secret session of tho menv bors of both housos, was held in one o( parlors of tho Capital hotel, at which tho election of Goebel as govornor, and ueckiiam as uoutcnant-govcrnor was reaffirmed, tint in soparato sessions of the'houeo and sonato, and afterward in joint session. No Truth In Ouaymas Story, Washington, Fob. 3. Sir. Darn oil, United States consul atNognlcs, Mexico, has telegraphed the state department that thero Is not a word of truth In tho story that six Americans were shot by ofdor of Gonoral Torros near Guaymas bo causo they were sound with tho hostilo Yarjul Indians. MAnKNCUNTY MATTKQS Business rieing Transacted at the Cour House, iiEKim riLKn. L. 1. Matcher and wifo, of Escoudldo, Ban Diacgo county, California, to W. L. Kicks, of Silverton, South $500 James McCouloy (unmarried) of Portland, .to Gus Drager, lot 20. Sunnysldo Fruit Farm No ft &I0. Tho "Sisters of Morcy,",a corporation, to'Andrew Godoll, block 02 of .St. Paul. 235. F. D. Thayer (widower) to E. A. Tliayer, 40 acres in 1 7 s, r 2 w. f 1 Death of Mrs. J.M.Osburn, of Corvallls, E. F. Osburn, of this city, received a U'legrara last night announcing the death of Mrs. J. M. Osburn, of Cor vallls, Mrs. Osburn, whose maiden namo was Fhebo Jones, was born in Ponnsylvansylvanla about 70 years ago. Hho was mairiedto J. M. Osburn CO years ago and ho was hor companion until death, Tho deceased leaves a husband and four grown children. They are: Cleaver Osburn, of Astoria; J. L. and D. A. Osburn, of Corvallls, and Mrs. Mary Houck, of Gold Hill. Tho funeral will tako place tomorrow at Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Osburn and Mrs. N. J. Damon loft today for Corvallls to attend the funeral. Newspaper enterprise. The Polk County Observcr,published at Dallas, showed a proper spirit of newspaper enterprise in getting out an extra on the day of Magors' execution. The extra contains portraits of Magcrs, his victim, Sink, and Sheriff J. G. Van Orsdel, p( Polk county, under whoso supervision the hanging took place jalso an account of the hanging and of the crime for which Magers was executed. The extra was on tho street within a few minutes after the body was cut down. Indeed, the extra was so well done that the matter has been appropriated bodily and republished by a Ralem dally paper, as its account of tho matter. Work Nearly Completed. Erbtfc Van Patton, the Salem me chanics who hayo the contract for build ing the new court house at Dallas, have their work nearly completed. Polk county will soon have a court house that Is a credit to any county In the state. Tho building is a beautiful struc ture made of native stono, A promi nent citizen ef Polk county says the tax payers of that county appreciate the work by Messrs Erb & Van Patton. The jostolnce department has directed a mall route to Cupe Nome all on American Territory that will shorten the distance several hundred miles, to go into effect next month, The Indian appropriation bill now before the house carries $83,600 for the education of 600 pupils at tho Salem In- iilsn aprinni. 100 rnnrn than U'era mn. Tided for In the last bill, and $000 for THE COURT tho erection of an Industrial building, with f 3000 for repairs, and $1227 for tho purchaso of a 12-ncro trnct. In Justice Johnson's Court. Goo. F. Smith, plaintiff, vs. Mrs. McGuiro, defendant, is tho titlo of n case that is being heard in Justice John son's court this afternoon, Tho plaintiff scoks to recover fl4 for goods furnished to tho defendant. Dairymen and Stock-Qreeders Ptotest. Hr Aurlalrd Preai to tha Jnaront. Chicago, Fob, 3. A meoting is to bo OREGON WANTS HEF DfeAD Gov, Geer Wants Unclaimed Volunteers Sent to Portland. Br Associated I'rwi to til Journal. Pobtland, Fob. 3. Gov. Geer has telegraphed Col. Long, of San Francisco, asking him to sepd all tho bodies of tho Second Oregon volunteers unclaimed by friends, to Portland ; that tho state of Oregon would boar tho expenses if tho governmont would not. Long roplied that ho had been ordered to bury all unclaimed bodies at tho Presidio. Gov. Geer has taken tho matter up with Secretary Root, at Washington. BULLER NOT HEARD PROM. But Believed to Be Moving to Relieve Lady smith. Hr Anaoctalril I'rea ta Ihn Jnnrnal. Londok, Feb. 3. Tho war ofllco is silent as regards l!ulor's whereabouts, but thoro is every reason to bcllovo that ho is continuing his movoment upon Ladysralth. Thoso in a position to know confirm his reported rccrosslng of tho Tugila river, nnd believe that he was engaged yesterday. A message from Ladysmith, Thurs day, saying that tho Boer forces wero leaving and that tho besieging forces is considerably diminished, tondi to con Arm this. Highlanders Prisoners, Lord Itolierts has notified the war of fice that forty Highlanders previously reported killed at Magerstontoiu aro prisoners at Protorla. Boer Meeting in Vienna, Vienna, Feb. 3. Undpr the auspices of the Gorman nationalists, eomo 3000 pooplo mot yesterday to express sympa thy for tho Boors. Tho Dutch minister, Von Herman, nnd sovnrnl Gorman radi cal members of tho rolchstrnth, with all tho Dutch residents of Vianna, partici pated. Intcnso enthusiasm was dis played, war pongs woro sung, ana a telegram was sunt to Dr, Leyds. English Movements. London, Feb. 3. Hollograms flashed from Ladysmith thrco days ago said that tho Boor investment lines then werethlnnlng,and that tho besiegers woro moving in forco toward tho Ttigcla, Indicating that n collision was expected thero. Tills Intelligence bears out other sign that General Bailor proposes an other attack. Tho war ofllro continues to reveal nothing of uhuthiiH happened In Natal. Without exception tho mill, tary critics regard with dismay tho pros pect of a rcnowal of tho nswuilt, unless Gonornl Duller has been heavily rein forco; and thero Is nothing to Indicate that this is tho case. Lord Kltchnor has boon travelling from army to army In Northern Capo Colony, and General French, by Instruc tions, Is now In Capo Town, consult ing with Lord Roberts. Tho largo en gineering constructions aro proceed. ing at Modder River, suggesting that Lord Mothuen's fortified camp has been selected as the base from which to lnvado tho Free Statu. Numerous sit) Ings, platforms and warehouses aro bo Ing built, and permanent railway bridge is well advanced, German strategists assert that tho LADIES OF who are compelled by their pomlon in the social world to attend patties, lata dinners, opera, etc., often ex-erlenco eye troubles, a lack of that healthful brilliancy so desired, and admired. ...V.M, HIIU OUIIIIICU. eye strain iius couuition results from that can be promptly relieved byML'HINK. Murine la a necessary accessory to the toilet of the elite. E CUKKl HOItE KYEK. cuitca itch in NO KVtW. CtlltW WATKHINQ KVEJ. CUKES ItEI) KYEd. CUItKJOIIANULATEI)LID9 Murlno Is the peoples remedy. Wo guarantee it will pleaso you or refund money. That shows our confidence In Murine. For sale by HERMAN W. BURR, l8 Bta" Stwkt' SciioiTiric OmeuH Jmmm society mm MURIN held at tho Rrlggs House today by a com mitteo of dairymen mid stock-breeders In Illinois In furtherancn of the pre test against tho alleged Injustice In tho application of tho recently enacted law requiring professional inspection of stock by tho board of llvo-stock com mi88loncrs. Tho right to apply tho tuberculin test to slock and to con do mn tho nnlmnls to slaughter nt a fraction of their vested in tho commissioners, and a number of tho farmers complain that tho power hn been used without wiso Judgment at clivers times by tho I ward, and that they aro all at tho mercy of tho vcttf nnry olllclals of the state without avail able redress in tho courts. Sovoral hundreds of shippers, dnlrymon, repre sentatives of tho Live Stock Exchange, medical advisers and others nro back of tho movement. topography of tho country would mako Invasion oaslor from Klmborloy nnd tho district northwaH than from tho moro ruggod region of Storkstrom or Coles burg. Therefore, thoy Infer that tho combined British forces will ovorwholm the Boors at Mngersfontelu and first rcllovo Klmborloy as an Incident of tho invasion. Short Rations at Mafcking. Mafkkino, Jan. 17. Solgo rations of broad and meat havo only now been en forced, Oats Intendod for horsos aro now saved to supply tho troopers, If needed. Tinned milk and matches aro commnudoorod. Lliiuor 1b scarco. Doer Losses, London, Fob. 3. An undated dispatch from Ladysmith says tho Boor losses In last weok's fighting wcro 1100. killed nnd 000 woundod, among tho former bolngflve flohl cornets. Hteyn Talks ta Ills Men. London, Fob. 3. Tho correspondent of tho Times ut Louronco Maripjex, telo graphing yesterday, sayst "President Utoyn, addressing the burghers at Natal, accused Great Ilrltntn of coercing tho Hours into war. Ho said that England had already drunk deeply of Hoor blood f but was still unsatisfied. Had not Sir Alfred Mllner, ho asked, Bald that thu Afrikanders must bo an nihilated? 'Thi.i is thu grand, llnnl object nf thu war," ho exclaimed, 'but God will never permit thu mibjectlon of tho Afrikanders. U't nut tho burghers Imltito thu Imrlmrlnn-lilu looting of which tho enemy are guilty, but let thorn struggle us Christians. If wu do so unitedly, our contest for Ufa and thu coslluy of our rare must end in vic tory.' " MtKACULOUS ESCAPE. Carried Around Revolving Mhafi Uut Escaped With His Life. Ily Aaaufilalcd I'rcaa In the Journal. Tacoma, Feb 3, Cal Watson, engi neer of the Olympla Iron Works, wan caught by a revolving shaft, and car ried around tho shaft sovorul hundred times, but not killed. Ills arm was broken, and his body badly bruised, and his escape from death Is regarded na miraculous. TIE SALE 75 end 50 cents, PUff Ties e)9 Tho cream of our Neckwear In fact all of our 60 and 76u Puff Ties aro Included In this sale. COME EARLY. 20c Hose An all wool hose for ladies fast and seamless. 50c Corsets Only small sUes left, worth $1.60 ami f'2.00. Thqjr aro 39c Suspenders President suspenders sold every, where at 60c. J" "" . See Our Veiling SpecialsXSee Our Clothing A CIVIL aOVERNMENT To Be Established in Philippines Without Act of Congress, VICTORIES REPORTED BY AMERICAN OFFICERS General Torres Killed With With the II r Aaaiwlaiftd Prraa in the Jonrnal. New York, Fob. 3. According to a Washington correspondent of tho Trib une, President McKInloy has decided not to wait for congress to act upon tho mutter of replacing tho military govern ment by a civil administration In tho Philippines. It has boon decided to send thrco or five commissioners to establish a provisional form of territor ial governmont recommended in the roport of tho Phlllppino commission. Americans Victory. Ily Aaaoclalcil I'rcaa ta tba Journal. Washington, Feb. 3. Tno following is from Otis: "Manilo Kobbo drovo tho .Insurgents under Gonoral Lubaninto the moun tains, capturing a largo arsenal, nnd powder houo, nnd tho Lukban'B -bag-gHgo and nil his monoy, also all his ar tlllory. Thu Insurgent loss Is killod 10. No casualties. Kobbo captured at all points thirty pieces of nrllllory. Largo quantities of hump woro soized, mer chant vessols transporting thu same to Cebuaud Manila." Islands Occupied. Manila Feb. 3. Gun. Kobbo has oc cupied the Islands of Samaar and Ley to. In a fight at Tacloban ten Insurgents wero killod, Tho Amorlcans captured flvo cannon with their artillerymen. THE CLARK BRIBERV CASE VVrlBht Offorod 910,000 to toatlfy In tho Disbarment Caao Ily Aaaorlatatl 1'raa ta Ilia Jonrnal. Washington, Fob. 3. L. L. Wright of Missoula, was thu first witness in the Clark rasa today. The witnesH declared to having ugrood to glvo an nfllidvit and testify In thu Wollcomo disbursement trial. IIu s.i 1 1 ho was tn receive 160 for tho afllduvlt and $10,000 for his ver bal testimony. Hill, of Missoula, was called. Ho said ho had been connected with Con gressman, Campbell and Mark Hewitt in working up tlio caso against Clark for thu pant eight mouths, Washington, Fub. 3. Tho tlrst wit ness in the Clark investigation yesterday was Frank I'. Wright, rushlur of tho Hank of iAiwlstou, Montana. Wright was questioned concerning tho accounts of ltuprcseiitatlvu Long and SoimUr Uobsou, the latter being president of thu bank. Ho said that prior to tlio meeting of thu legislaluro Long owed the bunk f 100 and Hobson owed 122,000. Long had paid In April nnd Hobson In May last, both with checks. UENERAI. TORRES KILLED, H vy Losses by Mexicans In Dittle With tho YaquW, Chicago, Fub. 3, A special to tho Tribune from Illsliee, Ariz., says: A dispatch from Guaymas says Gonoral Lorenzo Torres, tho commander of tho Moxlrau forces in thu Yiuinl wur has been killed. Advices are nlso received that a battle was fought between thu Yaquis and Mexicans Jan. 27, In which Cents Special. Fop POSITIVELY 35c Undershirts Only tho shirts loft In that 60o derby ribbed lino, 65c Cloves Ladies' flno Kids north tl.00 boo If wo havo your size. JJM.Tfeym kSt Heavy Losses in Battle Yaquis Gonoral Torres bit 80 killed, 220 wounded ntid 60 uilsshig. Tho Yaquis loss Is 00 killed and wounded. 4 i "i i Mexican Comment, City ok Mexico, Feb. 3. Tho elec tion difllculties in Kontucky aro regard ed Ihero us indicating that tho section of tho American Union fa in a stato of civil war and Correo Espanol, tho organ of the Spanish colony, sarcastically re marks that tho United States Is giving a Ono examplo to Latin-America and adds thatitu similar stato of things wero ap parent In any Latin-American country, nowspapers and tho public of Yankee land would bo clamoring for American Intervention. Kontucky has In tho past fow days nttractod about as much attention na South Africa. Tho Lawton FUnoral. Washington, Fob. 3. After tele graphic corrospondonco with Mrs. Law ton, it has bcm finally arranged that that tho funeral services over the ro mains of tho lato Major-Gonoral Lawton shall bo held in tho Church of Coven ant (Presbyterian; in this city next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and that tho Interment shall bo In tho national cemetery at Arlington. tjtnke Off at Last, Philadrlpuia, Feb, 3. Tho atrlko at Cramp's ship yard which has bcon in progross since August has been dechuod off. Falling Hair Does this Illustrate your experience P And are you worried for fear you Biuauuiiivuo uamr iiiciivcaav c worrying for help Is at hand. You I ncca somciiung mat win put new llfo Into the hair bulbs. You need a hair food, such as It brlnns health to the hair, and the falling cesses. It always restore a color to erav hair. You need not look at thirty as If you wero fifty, for your gray hair may havo again all tbo dark, rich color of youtb. And there Is no remedy equal to It for curing dandruff. $1.09 betlU. AIUrW. 1 am a tarter ly tnuta soil tuts bi4 n treat dual to ilo wltU jour JUtr Xtror. 1 lure luuml that It will do ererytliinr, that you cUlia for It. It has g lieu mo tho mott eomjilcto aatUfactloa la mr tlUllDCM." IIK.1UY J, OtOROS, March , Itn. Kaoms City, Ho, Wrfla thaDootr. It you do nut obtain all lha tuaaflli job ictl (rem Ilia uta of lha Vigor, wrlta Ilia Doctor alwiH II. AJ.1ru. Va.i.K LowolLMiH. 1 WHKAT MARKET. San Fiiancisoo, Feb. 3. Cash OS. CmuAoo, Feb. 3 May 03,14. Aven Hair vigor LADIES WRAPP'RS On Special Sale, TUESDAY I,ext wo wiu offl,r gur entIro lino of 11.00 and 1 26 WRAPPERS Cents Eacb. TUESDAY ONLY. I9c Hose Mluek ccttoii laws wwth 'J5c. Good valtH.. 52c Underwear Men's rwluiul wool ortli 76o. 75c Dress Shirts A Hao of lunsj) bogouis toil. 60. worth 11.00 Window of Bargains 1