mfe. ii Ifi.snAi'.iTaTW. nrrr iufmeMiilivmaiiMttliMiiltmuikimmiu j?tmwTt?WH!?rinnnnmwfMrwmwwi, AN INTELLIGEN'I MAN IS ONE WHO HAS GOOD UNDERSTANDING! fXacg's Sboee! FURNISH THE BEST KNOWN UNDERSTANDING THEREFORE THE INTELLIGENT MAN Z IS ONE WHO WEARS Shoes. WILLIAM 0. MAGERS IS HONG. Continued from Fourth I'ane- eX Ybe"tA' kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkikikkkkkkkkkkkkkkl iee milt i BY HOFIR BHOlHBnd "FRIDAY, FKBHUAUY 2, 1900. Dally, OnoYcar 93.00, In Advance Da, rout Montti SLOO. U fcdtranoo WMklr, Oao roar 181.00, In; Advance WORTHILY BESTOWED. Fartland Tltrunl An Albany, Or., paper ays that ex- Senator Corbett, of Portland, lias offered to give Oio Albany college $1000 If tlio pcoplo of that city will raieo tlio balance of what is required to pay off the debt of that inatUutfon. 'J hit is only ono of many worthy nets of public or private beneficence of judicious chanty that have been jHirforuied by Mr. Corbett. The flourishing financial condition of 1'aclflc university, at Forest Grove, Is largely duo to his liberality, and ho has helped to put othor educational and re llgious Institutions on solid ground, and given them the moat substantial kind of encourageraont when they needed it most, and when they looked oliowhoro In vain. As to his moro privato net, of charity, it Is well known that they aro numorous, and that many families liavo had cause to bless him as n friend In need, and thorefore a friend Indeed, This sort of comment about u man in usually made only nflor ho is dead, and Mr. Oo'bolt craves nono of it during his lifetime, yet in the mid it of such selfishness and avarico, it Is agreeable to bo able to speak thus of a rich uiuu who Is yet activo amoiiK the living. i- i JOURNAL "X.RAYB." nnd tho ltockcfcllcrs. Aro the wrong and sins tlirouijh which they Moro ac cumulated to bo compounded by ocens sional dcnotlons to this charity or Hint? These extraordinary fortunes, gained in ovory caso through tho favor of govern ment in ono way or another, cannot be cleared of the infnmy of thn methods of their acquisition by any beggarly plan of partial restitution. This wealth would hotter liavo been left in tho hands of its rightful owners." t ; i In a leading editorial on Judge Kohl saat's decision against tho antitrust law, tho Bilker City Itepubllcan, Col II V Alloy's paper, Bays : "How often has tho snprmno court sot aside tho oxprcsod wish of this nntlon by its decisions I If tlio ballot box Is not a relief for a frco peoplo Bgalnut many, what Is? Tlio only rcaourco of slaves, revolutions." That's pretty free talk to como from a slave. A Snlom lawyer Insists that tho arrest of Weston waa a worked up Job to bleed tho county for fees. That can't bo the cisp, been in o such things are novordonr, und tho beat our present city govern ment could do was to reduce sucll fees from 3O30 a year to nothing. Nobody wants fees, not oven lawyers I At the ojieru liuuro Inst nfght Mann gor l'atton announced that "since tlio roast given ua by the Diar Journal be ginning late, wo shall horeafler rate the curtnln at all entertainments in this opera houso promptly at 8 o'clock " The Sclcm public fools duly griiteful. r t This is blauk Kriduy nt IMIIus. Win. O. lingers was hungnt 10 o'clock for llioiiiiirilor of Itny Kink. Oregon is herrolf iignln. It rains. t ! t Wanen "koppod" the Knp, hut It was loo warm u iwnltlon to hold. ' "Hold tho Kop," said John Hull, but Mr. Joubort's orders va souuditl llrst. . ThoHalem women proK to Imvu a ojoklng school. Wlmthave tliolr liur bands done now? f i There's J. Hull and General llulli.r, but the Hoors appear to be tho bulllett Iki.V" of the lot as far as hoard from. I While Halom mb rptlng moltiit tho Tenth grado fn'her public school, Kit teno was 'voting a Twelfth grade. At. Vany IMniocrat. If Tiik Jouiuut. could gel h law passed to prevent peoplo from borrow ing a newspaper, wn'd mirely liavo to have a now pro-, f t With Butler's wonderful plurk, mur age and perservanco Iie7 would le a oeman worthy tho Boor's Ix-st stool under conditions favorable to his stylo of warfare. tienator uoelwl is no angel, and he was probably pursuing rank method dictated by selfish moves,' ho may have been unfair In tho oxtroino; buthis com bined multitude of sins will never Jus tify what has been done. . Under ordinary circumstances the prtaonco of a thousand armed jwraons who belong to no military organlMtlon would be galled a state of insurrection, but In Kentucky it's considered a plonlo, and a would-be- governor banquets them, t t t Whilu Btletu has deeded agaiini a high school, It might Merest our road trs to know that In uisny ituto Is not only a high school maintainor in dory town of over 1,000 inhabitant, Uit fr-e text books aro furnish!, and they art good, .law-abiding, protM,(Bu column nltles, too. i u buru biiuniipa in I wo uuytt Tske IamII-s llruino (Jiil-iln Taliloli. All jjri;';li ref-ind Ilia wiinur if It rail in .Mlrr c. W. OroiH lutnr -ii nidi ot ae Christian lnumvui Day. NkwYohk, Feb. 2. The Society t.r Christian Endeavor throughout the world Is 111 years old, and the anniver sary of tho occasion will lx' celebrated today. Tho llrst Boclety of Christian Endoavor wns firmed February 2. 1881, in tlio Wllliston church, Portland, Mo by Itev. F. K. Clftrk, pastor, for tlio puriKMuof training of converts for (lie duties of church membership 'Micro aro now over 10,000 member in thn Christian Kndenvor Tenth l-oglim of tlthers. Thu comindort of Quiet Hour, oniollod by tho Pulled Boclety of .Chris tian Kndenvor, now number nearly 11KW. for tlio llrst tlnni In u quarter of a ecu tury, tlirough the ufforts of the Ivu dravorors the First Presbyterian ohuroh of Columbus, Ua., observed thu week of prayer. Wombloy Park Is to lie uhmI uv mo unuon hnictiun in which to mien mo Anion an uiiristiau Kndeavor imu mr wo coming world's Christian Kndeavor convention, July I MB. Hoy. F. Jj. Mover, the president of the Biitish section of Christian Kndoavor, refers to the convention id to and plans as tho London's white city. It h tilicoriiig to noto that Christian Kndeuvor moves on undauutcd In fnco of thudepiessing war in South Africa. Thoro ai eiideiivnri-ni In both nrmhia. T Cnr Cuiitllpatlon rorvr, i.'ftkoSlVl!r!u 04'Cisrilft IDo ort3x l( U. a a (all la our. dtutKl.u re f una muiic- Chnst's Second Coming llov. Mr. Copeland will lectuie in I.nity church Sunday night next on tho riio beiHiml Coming of Clirlst nnd thu Kndof tho World." Crippled by Rheumatism. Thwe who liavo Bhouinotitm tlnd t honuolves Kjowlng steadily worae all tlio whllo. Ono rvuson or this Is that tho remodlea proscribed by thu dooton contain moruury und pota.h, which ul timately Intensify Uiodismuo by esus Inff tho Jolnu to swell and tnr.. IjroduelngBsevenjaohlnKofthobone. a. a. 0. ha boon nuriinr liiiniim.ii..,, a A....a.. . r "- -ill m iHomjr jrears oven tlio worst ou.oi I lOioumailsm which seomed almost inourablu cui o. X, IIuiUm, ib ..( Kuaft laara lia aiii ....a -. - curfuriliH-ilufiil(iu CKIIIilUetur. llf Oaliimf.l. n"W,."'.",..r"lv0 ; vuh Ju.uw.tuui wfciou" SSr.iSoljWA III getting a Jury I 4 I t'he balem Hviiiiin;! Imr sairi-.r roai wus- l.un.l. Tl.- ...... ........ ... -" ?" "" ,n,.v.n, ,v ,.ww iMifiiiviura. iiiiirvmiii.t i im jrars. im I 1 COUlJ ll nd Miller, anuounco that hHrear the I i&il&h policy of tho Mwi will 1 Demoerattr ! ruiiTiuJ!u,VjrSby,0u Halem people ought t. m MtWilwl. ,lW ! u-i of ,uur s. TJl .d l))uy!iaaaIloiiublluiilui...r. .. i.. ! "W.J . "I - - - - i ,-"-, .-"Htu-1 -, waiumjur l-tut " inst your m-JIoln. sursd ut.and I wvulil . "uiro-iinn uiu unriBf irontu- iratlc jiapor.ono Kir that Is lud.i-ji,l cm in nam; ana ami aimtliwr iihUix-ihI nt by nature. Ko us Hi,. imioJ.uiaii I aays, yon pay viur munuy huJ take v'ur choice. Hero's tiirctw to tin Unix rati, fntluel. IVopUwt' Vrxtw. art rti zErM tstsW fl' Jriimf 2RPswL CO UOlIUtfA4 Hero is h wnil III from tho Orvgonwn'i hveryUody knows that Ithoumatlsm Is n diiessM statu of tho blood, and only a blood wniedy u tho only proper IMatineot, but a vemedy ivntaluIiiB Htuh and lasrcury only aggravatoi tlio trouuls. lb, Mni.lill t tteerlal cnliiiuit wortliy i( Pdsw.lUt in llwlnndi "jsim ueieu ii0,,' l un xrt!llt.m jjsiwt woman ni.aBriuf wwtltli at i.,r -7 T" wiu MOl iinjuinuiat it, ttsK Inhorlted i ; and thoro Is im. dlsixj. """'.. "" "riTIHPW llftr. But )tu whfch ado r-os crates j( tlt, ,, slwctoi wrong ll would hotter liavo jilerti tho hands of tlHse from rnlierfalhorwrctel ft. iin are ( v-rt setmuUtlons -..f'Th; C e Gfor Hat?s)ljajsf The Blood SKVIEWOFTMieCASE, ' The orlino for which Magors ftas ecuted today, the murder of Bay Sink, was committed on the night of Sept. 14th. 1803, Pink's Iwdy was found in the Wlllniiietto river below tlio "tcel bridge, near the Polk county ride, bv some lxiys who wore nut In u I ion I, The body was houiiu and weighted In such manner Hint it stood untight with feet resting on tho bottom of the river. Tho body was brought to Hnlem nnd next day was idcntllied us that of Itny- maud Sink of Grants, Sherman county It was nlwi dltcovcrcd that tho lasl man seen with Sink was William O. Mngors and this led to the nrrest of Ma gers In Portland on Sept, 23rd. From furthor developments and tes timony Introduced nt tho trlnl of the nccufcd the facts of Iho rnii nro ns fol lews: liny mond Sink was an unmarried iiiim of German descent, 37 ) cars of ago and his homo was In Sherman county. He was In good financial circumstances, having n farm of nlmiit 000 ncros, nnd n bank nccounl. Win. G. Magers, alter serving n term In thu jionltentinry, went to Kasleni Oregon, nnd was employed by Sink to work on his farm, and became ac quainted with his circumstances. Leaving there, Mngers came to Port land nnd entered Into correspondence with Sink, and finally induced him b como to Portland In July 1808. Togeth or they took a trip to Tillamook oatensl bly to visit a young lady acquaintance ol Mngers, Sink nguin cnino down In September nnd boarded nt tho house of E. W. Man ning, Magers brothor in-law, In Gervnls, where Mngers also stayed. They were around togotfier und Mag ers seems to liavo been steering Sink ugalnst tho ladies, for whom Sink ap parently had n soft spot In his heart, it being probuhlo that he was looking foru wife. Magers tried to induce Sink to pur chnso a livery stnblo in Gervnls but the negotiations full through. Sink also spout somo timo in Sllverton where he contemplated buying a llvory stable. He was In Sulein several limes. Ho np. Hared to have plenty of money with him nnd Mngers of course know It. On tho morning of Sept. l.'ltli, when Sink hnd been nt the Mnunlng roslilonce In Gervnls for three or four days, und was about to leuu .Mngers praHised to take htm to Salem, and accordingly pro cured a buggy from Manning's livery stublu, nod together thoy drovn to Salem, arriving here nlxiut; 1(1 o'clock in tho forenoon. Thoy loft tliu (rum nt Keillor's feed yurd on Center street uv tho end of the steel hrldgo ucrofs the Willamette. Whom thoy spent tho day s not knowin but they called for the team about 7 o'clock in the evening und dmvn uwny together. Thnt wns the lnt coon of Buy Sink nllve In Snlcm. biter in tlio sumo oouing John f-imrr who lived throo miles north of Hnlom in Polk county, near thu Ilurrltt fnrm saw tho two moii, driving rapidly, turn off from the miilii road tnwurd llnrritt"s gate, riio niH's und weights from this guto were thu ono iinciI (u lnk the btnly In tho rlvor. ft is supiiobod thnt Mngors took Sink unaware, stunned him with a blow, and cheu lnlllctnl n wound, which mum found on tho neck of tho body. He thin brought tho body in tho buggy nnd dropped it off thu steel bridge into the river, bo-iud und weighted with thuropo and weights from Harrltt's gate. Illmxl. stnins wuro found on tho railing of the bridge. Alsmt II o'clock thut night Mugors, alone, drove the team Into Sklpton's stable, uliico burned, on tho corner ol Court mid High streuis, nnd loll them tlmru about half nu hour, after wliiih ho took Ilium out and drove off, nrrivinir nv .uunnings lu'i yurd, m-ur liorvnls. about 2 o'clock in thu morning. This wus during hopiiloklng ecu-on. and Mngers seems to lone been on in tlimiio tonus w Ith u couple of girls from below Portland. The uuxt day ho, with a friend, mouuip.uilod tluwo girls to Portland and atopod at the Depot hotol wnero no rcgtstureil ono of tho eirU u his wKo and tho othor as his nlivo Theystaedthuro until Magers' nrrost ho paying tho oxpenaea and aouding oonslderablo money urouud tho olty, Huro hu mot Sink's brother und Ir'ed to avoid him, but finally told him that Bay had gone tu Now borg with u lady frlund, asking tho brother If he was anxious about Buy t'liEHipi. xsril Jlagers wu srrusitxl und taken to Dallus, whom ho uu IkjiiihI over to thd l)rcmbr term ..f tho circuit Com t. le was uiraigiiod un 1W 7ih. ism and the nmrl two days wuioroiituiued I'ho ensu wunt I., Irlnl on Kooviniwrtitli Ixifortt thu folhlug jury Win. Ulddoll, 11. s. Hut-., n. y. i-.i. n. v . Koyt. iiios. y, Itrunk. M. I l..rris.J W. Twists, Ksm lnor. I -Ik. Mclhtulul. Win. Knilsir, Win M MiiMott, Wilson Ayro-, Judge lU.rgo Burnett w Iht vnni jiuigv.tiio case was uroMViiiMl bv land with the salno result, n conviction of murder in the first degrco. Magors wns again sentenced and npiln u stay of proceedings was granted, and the caso.camt before the supreme court a second tlm on appeal. This ttmb tho decision of tho lower court was ntilrmed. Magers was ngulu sentencod to bo hung, nnd the date set for Feb. 2, 1000, today. Every effort was made to save tho life of the convicted murderer, hlsattoruoy, . II. Holmes, leaving no stone un-i turned. The governor wos appealed to for n commutation of pcnlencu, but after carefully investigating tho case, hu de clined to interfere, taking the ground thnt If Mngers was guilty nt nil, ho was i guilty of coldblooded piomeditnled mur der, for which Iho onalty Is death, and that there were no grounds for any mod ideation of the punishment. A respite of two weeks was then nuked at tlio governor's hands, and thu attor neys wore with Governor Geer until midnight Inst night, but ho was firm In his determination to lot the law tnko its con rno. Health Guarantee EDUCATION AL GOL it bottlo of Ho'tettcr'9 Htmnno h Bitters from nny druggist, It wll cure your weak Btomuch. The Hit iet Is for constipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia, blllnuineis, nervousness und nil fllscaac nrislng from weak di gestion. It Im been known all over theco.intry for the past fifty years a Ibn Conquer of Dyspepsia. Heo Hint n I'iiivati: Hevenue Stamp cover the neck of the bottle. Hosteller's Stom?.ch Bitters it makes Rich Blood kkktcii of maof.iis' urn. William G. Mngors was raised on a farm about n mile from Mt. Angol in this county, nnd there are people In Sn lcm who went to school with him. As n boy he wns quiet nnd Btudious, but soon dovolopcd n tasto for loud dress nnd ex pensive habits, lixtravagauconnd bad habits eventually got Magers Into trouble and ho wns tried for larceny nnd con victed In tho stato circuit court for Polk county, and sentenced to 18 months in tho penitentiary. Ho was discharged on Nov. 28, 1807. He was 23 years of age ut tho timo of his committment and has n record of being a quiet und well behaved prisoner After his ditchnrgo he went to Eastern Oregon and worked for Buy Sink, as re lated. At tho timo of his arrest for murder ho wns described as a compact, power fully built tnun, with a strong, passion ate looking face and a keen dark eye, smooth shaven nnd well-dressed ; not a bad looking man. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup furnishes most. subitutiMul comfort und relief to cnnuuiiipi Ives; It works most remark- lino cihcs. Uon'L destm r. Relief can certainly be hud; ncure l possible wiwi i in- wnnucnui remedy Yh Srnur of Tails, riuil tho Intensity of onu scuso Is Increased by thu action of other senses Is a fuel which Is well Illustrated by tho sense of tuste. A cold coin feels heavier thnii ouo that luis been slight ly wnrmed by being carried In tho pocket, nnd what Is true hero of touch Is Just ns true of taste. Wnrm vinegar, wnrni sugnr, wnrm solutions of salt inste less sour, sweet or snlty than when cold. If you put a slight solution of salt or quinine Into a augur solution of n certain sweetness, tho sweetness will seem much greater. Cooks nud confectioners nro well iiwnro of this foot, for they always mid to sweet con fections somo bitter substance, Just us the perfumers nut Into Derfnmpi nt nil kinds nt least a llttlo musk. Tho cook tries to "lift" or "till" tho tnHto, mm ilrvy nny, Just ns tlio perfumer tries to do with the scuso of smell, und ns In acoustics thu bass drum or buss viol forms u kind of background for the tone of colorlug. On thu other liiiud, If u mixture Is made too sweet, without uny contrnstluir elements, the uuiuii oi awcoincss is lost, somo- i tiling like Milton's "darkness from ex cess of light." The olTcct or cold In reducing tlio Intensity of sweetness Is well known to any ouo who tins iimiiii fuctured Ico cream at home. If you don't muko tho cream a llttlo too sweet before freezing. It will not be sweet enough uftor the freexlnir process Urown Writes Smith All About What, Happened to Jones. Chicago, lib, 10 Mv Disak Smith: Your pointer wui a peach. 1 left for Chicago Immedi ately after I saw you, nnd of course bough;, my ticket over the Wisconsin Central By. from St. Paul to Chicago. 1 hud plenty of timo In St. Paul to go up town and get my supper, as my train leaves St. Paul ul 7:10 n. rti, 1 returned to tho depot about 7:20. When pacing tnrougli the galea tlio gatcman sulds "There's your train to the right." 1 handed mv grip to tho gentlemanly jiorter, who placed It In my lierth. (You will notice I call this my train, while It. really belongs to the Wisconsin Central. 1 could not help but foci that I owned tho train, and even tho road, the employes arc so courteous.) I then prepared myself for the comforts In store Well, talk about traveling! 1 lnivc traveled nil over thi wide world, but never had n more delightful trip than this onu rrom St. Paul to (T.lcngo over the Wisconsin Central Hy 1 retired about 10 p. m , and enjoyed a good night's' rest In the Fulluiiin Paluco car; only woke up once during the night, und that wns when tho Dorter) punched mo and said: "mr. mown, don't snore so oud, you disturb the rest of the passengers." I ut onco foil asleep, and awoke ugnln about 7 a. in. and prepared myself for breakfast; went Into the dining car about 8 a. tu., and partook of u most sumptuous meal. All meals are tcned a la tnrtc, as you know. Mv entire trio was u delightful one. 1 will never enso to raise the Wisconsin Central By., and know your 6entluienta are the same. Our friend Jo&es reached Chicago via another route nnd was six hours late. Consequently he nil-sod connec tions for New York, und cannot make connection thorp with steamer for tho Paris Exposition. Hence hnsi given up his trip, und will return! Home via the Wisconsin Central Uy. Your friend. Bhown. P. S. Since you wore In Chicago, the Wisconsin Central Uy. have changed their terminals, und are now running Into tho Central Station, .it I'nrK Itow nnd mil st. This depot, Is also used by tlio Michigan C-ntral By.. Illinois Central and ( C C & St. L. 2-ltf Nellie Brown VIOLINIST imotr j reflated to receive a few mmt fuius. Ko4"Hsrionat German and French Taught grammatically and conversat ionally. , ., , , Mrs. Pennitbakor will rcceivo a limited nnimber of pupils, desiring instruction in theso lnmsuairos. nt her home, on Church street. Those languages were Hcquired abroad by this tenchor. 12-H-im AND MUSICAL SJfVSJ9V)SWSSTSWJW-l INTOn-STATC sssss: OONSBRTATOKY 'HUM ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Aaciate;ieAclier Western Conaciva wry, Knwa City, Mo, lepesentlng the Interstate Sytcm. i Salem. Ore. OvcrKiMt National UanK KeHidence 370 Church street .studio hours-11 to 12, and 2 loft. wwvsaxjavSAVsflh I SOUTH AND EAS1 THE SHASTA rqUTe OF THE Souta .We j;D TA Kn i EXPRESS TRAINS HUN IfiO V M 8.11 A M) Lv.....l'ortland.. Ar....RiOpm. Ar..8an F.ancltco! daily 5 no p m 7.-00 A M COO I'lM 63& I II Ar Ar il Ar j 0157 1.M f j, -Ogrtcn..... , 1-0" "aolCB.. ,y 84 s It Ar (-.Kri'mo...... j . .Now Orlenn ..ii .A . .1U P M a.u 1 z W)aJ Salem Studio, INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. "" s no A Mi Lv7 lWtTaiid Ar ,,s" .- 10:M A MJ Lv fnlom... i?v J".Ji Mrs. Ella finders Willman !fl.i: am 1:20 V M , 6:00 p t 1 A p t Ar San Krnnclco. Ar.-..0s(lcn...... Ar. .l)i Angoloj... Ar.. Kl ram Ar. .NowOrlnana., I.T l.r ri Ovor Firat National Malik Classes in Piano Forte playinf, Harmony Keaaiii,r. Stuillo hours from 0 to li! nnd i.' toft. TWO ETNIfl SEW PIANOS 12sT STUJ)L USE OF PUPILS. heoiv and Class von 'IA! I in 1 ? i.v nainJ '20 a 3 aia3 I.T ...I.v DINING nA nu oiiariitVA TION (MRU Ptilltuati llrbt-clnss and tourist lMh Imr riiira iittnnlinil in nit .u 'P trains. ing curs uuuciieu to nil thm..v LiIMninfrMlI I J. Jr. Kysst WHOLESALE AND RGTAII IFine Wines, LiQOORb.CiGflRsi j 218 COMMERCIAL STREET, 160 STATE STREET, 3 Courtoous troatmont ntatl tlmos. ,IV6 v-UUKl 3IKCCI. 3 r:iijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu)iiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniunuiiiiin?i DON'T PEEL POTATOES. BUY A Hem's Fruit Press! ProniDt coancetlm.. n ,J vor, Omulia nod Chlcnuo with i..i.d. for other eastern cities. '" " WEST dIDE DIVISION. nETWEBN PORTLAND AND OOKVAtltir Mail trulns dally except Stitidai Ar 1 b.'io f Lt ilSOI'J 7:30 A t I 11:M I1 M I.T. Ar... ...I'ortlnnd.., ...Cornlll(... At Albany nnd Cnrvullls conned "" i vi niu v. iv xi. uy. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER ExurtBa train dally except .Sunday, JM P Mj l.v .Portland.. Ar .30 l Jl Lv MrWlnDTlllc. ..I v Mi'ai 7, .) ArUepBiiik'nct. Lv A atrikonmontt tho (irunl .Noithuru umployoa la imminent, and otlicinlH of tho rond nt fit. l'nul nro preparing for it. IMornteYour ixmeli Willi CuararfU. Conily Ontliiutlc. cure cotiHtlpatlon (oreiar, "'"- "itiu ii.aruBKinrfiiina money Baptist MeetinBH. Ann rcmilt of tint oiutiimnl miftinus IwIiir hold by llov. MeKillop, there uip olKht uililltloiiH to thn momlx'rahlp nf tho church last nltzlit. Tonlht tho n-r. vico will be for young pi-oplo niiiinl). but appropriate for all ngc. NO MORE PEELING and POUNDING POTATOES. y'l' Ll A F-RUII, VEOElAULb. JELLY PRESS, COLAN DER, STRAINER, LEM ON SQUEEZER AMI 1 POTATO MASHER. w 1 - n 1 T V) '! l" --raj l-jrW rii. z? rV-'i. Ltfaft. R. M. Wade &, Co. Hardware. ;1 L M K.IR.K. Dire it connections at San iVran.i7 eo wit i eleuiii-diln Hues for Hawaii JAPAiVI'HE PHILII'P NEs an. AUSTltALlA. Afl" for iliniuuli tlckot9 and ratcacallet W. W. SKINNER, Depot AKent. . ' U. D UABRIELSON Ulty Tick A if cut, ":ii Coniinoruhtl St .S.ilem Or R. KOEIILKR. .Vr O. MARKHAM, G K&P A. l'ria Corvallis & Eastern Railrom) 1 TIME ()AT?T). 2 l'or Vuiiulnu: Train leaves Albany . I Train leaves Uorvallla. I Tinln arrives Yiiqnlnn I Hcturnluu: Lcitvps Ynqiiliia . . . LenvcsCorvnlllh Anlvei Albany .1 For Detrnlt: Leave Albany . .. Arrlvos Del ml 1 I IloliirtiltiL': Leaves Di'luili I2:n 11 m A. rives Albany 5:lfin. m One ami two connect utAloanyand Corvallis with HoutliernPuelllctialnf. itlvinu direct ticrvlco Mnnti from Nci putt. nnd aojucctu Denclicn. , irainsrur tlio iiiountali.i urrlvu at Detroit at ntnti. Klvlrif hhihIc tlur to reach oainnlni? umumls on tw Hroltr-iibiisli and Siinilnm river ih saino duy. II I. WM.HKN, lllWIN SlOSk. WTt iW l-.l.' p. lu 1:55 p. tu . 7:25 p. in ti-GOa tii .Ili.Wa.m 12:15 p, di "HJOii ui 1 1 :) 11. ti. m& T 1 A l A J.TI-HNKK AKtllt, l II 114 Pi Altinuy,Oii- rw. 54.50. Si 58 Phono U7i; J Statu St Gram Hay, Flour, Mi'l Feed, Building Mnlcrial. Lime, Cmcnl, Plaster etc, - f -" "" aiw -u wagon Scales. (MWgswmi Obl 0B&N nrpAiiT. ion " rook out 1" criwl the caiitnin, ns tin; caua.ioatwasnai!iineiiiidcrn low hridL'e. I.'iau Hluntiirmeliir. ih ir ,.r n ' "... VV. """", """ ?"eiy put HU head ninn.i.. . ....;.. " .:..:. ".: "'" " '" wmuow to 10. ...... ....... ...v . iimijvi, wim 1 a Revere mow l'io....i amluirofu nilPiillnii irivn,, to ,l(, ,(livory of Kon,U lo olthetitv. imrt li-H-tf aiiv A Cnnnrtl, WW OO I;, anil Ofl UnlOWiwtf tU l...i " &' hi; Crir,:. "Why .to these YmiUen call look out when they menu look in? " -.-... .w. juui ucuiiii memiinnk lit what may bo termed-to put It mlldly a vlrno nnd held Mlwtsturmclcr In ah- solute aulijectlou. Tho lion tnmcr retui ly enravnn ono ov hilarity, which nindo him feel Hint he h.T.r'Sr.VTn.., E 1 "C?!?.i teSwV had woru on. IIo thereforo concluded I onnl health or to remblUh theln In'n not to sleep lu the family quarters. I healthy condition when they ure dU- uu uexi inoruiut; ins wire called 1 , 'V "'euicine is m ciiective ns Dr him to account, and he explained thnt ,? Golden .Medical Discovery It lie bad been havlujr a little Jollltlcntlon and did uot wish to disturb her slum bers ou his return. "Where did you sleepr she do manded. "In the cage with the llous," he re plied meekly. "CowanlP hissed Mrs. Hlnirstei meter, with a look as of one robbed of her Just dues. Llfa. HAHHOOD RESTOKED Jas : vnow rttncly Riwranttra tocurc alii rn MltH' .""tnilerful Mtrnory, eadaclir,Wakir.illni72St Sf?!l; S.'',Ln wk lom. tfrtvnn.r,.... , i.'l 'I "'innj.wt Manhood. Nlvhtiu wi. 1...... .it.. .-"" "! PCRcrin r.,.r..i V-"V' ' juilllllUI prrors. nrMi... .. .:.-."!- Infli box, no 01I1 T.r:V'?."?5;o'!tarttocw.u. -"' A I LLNN IrkD. iu - . LOBMLKHYI). ,1. FRY. SAL, OINOX. TIMK RdlKOIIIK. AllKlw Krom l'urtlmiil m Hll iJko, Dcuvi-r n. Won hi Slnll I Omslii. Kanuu City, Ht ti Kp.lii, Louls.Uhlcago anil Knit, I - !......... ..... . Up"- I ll)- ' ... kNno.WnlU Walln, bboknne, Mlnimt k ijijer aiMilli, Ht. I'anl.Diiliilli, Mil.' Fin' HApm Minkcc Chrcoti(l nt, I ia Phont3 OCKAN HrKAMHIIIIHl Rp in,KnrSn Kmnrliou, I Htl every nvs (1nj. r.a 8p. m. x Hun COLMMBIA IIIVKIt U p. B Butiir. I HTKASIKIW. 'nxm ilnylTo Aumrln iM wmy liindliWH,' 10 1, m. returned to tlio faint- 'or tnc "rcret of health is within yoti renin,; In a state of f S? ''V Z HR :J&J! nuo u m reel tnnt he , I- .. ..r.i ..""" : "" """" - iwv nun your sioujncli hOUtul tht purifies the blood, cleanses the system of w..iB.iu iwisonous suostances, increases the activity of the blood-making idands and invigorates the stomach uncf other organs of digestion and nutrition ,"' "y honeilly and cantliillv ihn or being Purely Vsgetablo, goes dlroct to th tmj oum of tht dUeiio una ft ,;er SIR'? 1 5I T'wwlti. It Is the OnlV blood iwrnmlv on.n.nt.1 ..-' 8UefeJ&aM0Ury0M,thW d": Books mailed froo by Swift Bpeclfl Dutrlut Aiuitiwy s. I. lltyuim, aMUtul U J i: sibl,ilvpui for 1'oJkiH.Hut,, nd I mi siutu. I)iint Atturm'o John Hull; and Mskois wns dufsmluil iy - ii. iiuiiiim, ,ii NtlHiu. ami DhIv HayUr. of Dallas Tim trwl Mm .immtntlwl on atunlay. Kh- HI. Mini (lltf Jury Hf,0. Ihjlugy,,! iiijilii linmuhl In a m,lint. Suidy nmriiiuK, n( nmrtlor In th tlrt dovn Awcrlran Natra VU London, Another case of aoluir ihru.i t. .,-. the news. A Londou paper said the other day. "Sow York Is on the ete of a fierce social struggle. The ikt slsteuce with yhlch 'llo' Croker Mayor Vau Wycknd the other mas' nates of Tammany Have been Ignored hy the Vauderbllta, the Ator. the .n8! t301"'' u,e MT-IUMtOiU ami tho other membera of New York', eicluslve Four Uuudred luis u railed ud Irrliuted the families of the hr uier that they have rv.olveU upon founding a new and still more txclu she society of their own. which is t take the sails out of Its rival." 1 ' ux tiiKi ana iei to tumt t COUld UOt w k. I irvn. mJZX .JL ?!.! I1.'1. wmsm Salei Ln12nNcV'i iun He Sees His Finish, i- Mlpm WIl.UMKTfU MIVKII 1 im nr'a p. b, I'liilliiiid, NewlK-rx lmi(tlnR Aitv itm After' led a sal Radloy. fully cac) i-emon8trit tho petit! 'Ifa vote Mr "id iinlea tho dff.irHii.-e between "nt laid on bv our perfect methixlg Hill Ulinl lin r,.... !.... t-. , !.... m lio lut n not mnilo nn art ofllndr1 rtork ns wo hnve, when a man takes ' ils linen to uny other laundry but ! iheStenm laundry. Don't bother' with reeoud clnes laundries and1 iinioyoiirfahrici rotted by chem icjis nnd your linen frayed, when! ou will rec.-ivo ierfect satisfaction vt. sua rK rj'P'lr,,;-I 'i'lrwlay an.1 .Ntunlayat 6.xi .. Monilny WmlpfMUy uml Friday at 10,'Oa, m "korcor1''allis lny"a so" l"""1 ' ""ly. '1'ii'iiMii.y snd riw WILLAMETTE RIVER DIYIalO.N IllllV till. 114 In I'.irt li.ti.l .iu .iljliv I MiiMers to Mroet car lino ut Oregon ;iiy If the 1-teamcrnaro Jelaycd there Round trip tickets to all points In Oieiron, Washington or C-illfuruli iMtn tNtvsa SktoTSBf aialwl fSLaj OlRam niinnrV ,"!nff:l,,, "'"fie nt Portland - v 1 a 1 jiii r.i lOLOS-KI. j, OLMSTKAII -IlOl'ltlKroIt. iU l.iborty Street paying doctors' bill l?, iS.J J? 'ry Dr. ,P,c., Vfr or two -.!. ...iiT.:.""''! SfflS-.skj r!.1? "d. :.Fon m The IVople's Common Sense Medical Auvtser. 1008 Dazes, fre. 5n,i . . cent stamps for the paper-covered edition ?,r v:J fiamP9 for e cloth bound, to Dr R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, HBATIN0T , ocean und rlvur lines. W II. HURLRURT. 0 t ?,n"su Aki" Portland, Ol V1.1 9YEIW. Agettl, TradeStrwl dock. Sdlnm. UOISE & HARKER, City Ageol.. .MKAT A STEAM HOT AIR HOT xAatlmd r.v. .......... . ,. . . . - ijtv, ggTWeaft. ' , ami arhnSSes"11 Awe pra"'"'V. i israll R. D. GIBSOft, market' T Q MBAT nnd I'OULTKY Orient Is 't'kai Muila.t ..u,.r. A lawjvr walked down the stre.'t t Ls ,,c ,lr ....... iu .i.i. i.i.i ... . belt mtiia. . .. . ' "' ' " '8l" or l'n w m 1 .,.r,B ",; hold a lot of law hooks. Pointing to the books, a friend Mid "Why. I thought you curried all that Muff In jour headf "I do." .julckly rep,Hl ttie lawyer Mill n knowing wluk. "Tlie are for the Judge." Iret. n?r mlros.1, ricjhe.t and My tion. tsy I keep ihe b , Insurance Co., Umii, Maemlllan. the great l-miou VooUaellora. lu their spacious, prviubuw I UUll). IK IK UlflllUl tlhalf a..... a. . ., IK. .........u....i .... ...... . '""I .. " ""r" ,w,u '"' .." "- .. iu. oHiiueii. inn it vw .,,..-. I - . Hi-nm. ... .up Miprnmu oou r I uf lliv ' Meir '"" Clu blood I lltl Lui.iL.iiL .1 at. I - iriessifi r, . KIIWAUl).. M. U VAT.IIKllK Ec'wards it Matthew, FRESH JND rtlRED HFA1S: Now Finn! Now t-hop; Itest .Meats! Niiir Car I am lvl8i.teai T!e'hoae;tm . .1... . . ' '..r ..l' .kdirl u.i m trlnl rir.ler.'.l TI... -.,. ..... . .. . . ....--. xma Had it ui M u U HM, hefothe sam.. lrw ,,,,1 is Hua ue. Mun a 1UU .1 1.. v "'.".f.f. Ca.ndy Csthtr is lie clan ur blioTSa kwn 11." snu that RUyWfcai ewplffi bywffii il, Mtftfietlon guaranteed, loiaJe.Me The German Market Will 1h found all kind of meal 'ii mil 001 01 aaimuto. HtKK DKIJVEKY. All hill, duo the latii Hrpi f Wolt .: Mteaekn miut Iki paid. moiZi st son 171 Commercial Sj. "fi- II HU 0 1... ...... ..11.. ir..','raYO,,',iinicoi)r the roiiuw, Prices. r J Jl,,"'"iiltiiy "K'"uie8ea8t. Tiny awll famoa n c. TY,rU,t lU1 "P ryer work a soeciallv ' kuHi &nN" v,a oaa ad Veuiet r 8. BURROUGHS, 102 State St. hoMlm4ySmw " . m.i.t? .'.r"410 v" Sacramento iirdAaA& ''no of throuKh PULLMAN pnoo06 r,and TOURIST BLEPP- lfeo.'n.a.nFraDCl8ct ""fi T.os An lestoClilcaRotlili.18 The Short Line from southern California To the East. typlX lP, li'e aeenta ofKtho O. R. M.".9iK'.L-. Southern Paclflc pr descriptive literature. J. J, DEVEKEUX "I amis Curo for n Iuiik, t(V TliiiUMud nuvef.fcill bronohltiH thriiitb tro ventn con liurmlcs r rati) Is, llldwlUj ,1iq Record, (on, up to I February 6, kind feeto unibur for .ho dato'pi 'kht is renj iii In.thi .he Con'i w.) aary, 10op syjn- Will insure 1 I 'Journal Olhcc. OK HAK'IKOKU Akaotli Liabilities Mirpliw t.. ll.v HhleISi ' ruTv a?s ' ,1,v: for terms c,Ulllle ""wnuo nui I UN, KesiJent Agent. CONN fU.iilMiuo I.ltiO.iXXi. 1 tii.nn. - alepi. On New Strawberries. fctooetja I ....... .. . JIUIVC SL 11: k li(r mmi. . .V IliUULIV I 111 I 111 1Y.... X.f ........ . I r - .. . -"- - V". ,.:ii ... 'i7:' " "' "VV Jiiawutl is, n eni Agt Worccstflf. UUiJ iuriiana. 5tSTas?a SS!-ci. CM.VBRA. DU AlAdluK i'--- ' .FHof''''Ullurc .'C-nofQr.balem Ore. Bottled Beer. j linger A Beck,Succwora Souths ta Betting Worn. All orders forbotttodbrwlll hi ttU1 at the .brewery. -Kpt oa cold nwW "ee city delivery, lephone?lSI