THE DAILY JOURNAL. K Litoat Assoolatod Prosa tole- It's Business" not Politics. LKrnTis. Froeh L.ooai nowa ana uivu L Wo doo'l rollclt jout dvcitutiift bccu of i,ur toliuca or ouh. but iiu jedltorlaia mano mo uny .lum inal I Journal Advertising Pnys. iTOIi. X SALEM, OEEGrOJTPRrbAY. JFEBRTTATIY 2 1900. NO. 28 mil. ! if mil 4 J k. J5a HBB Fy'-J. ttjMN ilium woolen Mills Home Made Goods Best in the Mat ket SPEC1ALS--A very large line.of cassi mere suits for men and boys . . .; e ' All sizes of Boys' black hose our own brand, the Granite try them KWERCOATS--Kerseys in all onces. also in Tan Coverts. J . S? Fancy Back Covert overcoats;our own "!IT ""' " -' make, the swellest ot all. WOOUE gcv5& 3 If V ' jdaaKL ?oA, i Jflinnnf HVVTfW . iK M Tri.o'-p 1 RAUSSB 3ROS New Carpets Just received a full line of new carpets, includ ing: Axministers, Moquetts, Velvets, Brussels, and Ingrain. Improve the opportunity and se lect a new carpet from a 1900 stock. From our 1900 patterns of wall paper, you can select those that will blend with the new carpet. A Full Assortment of Furniture, bM iW.HOLLIS&CO. First Door North WECLOSE AT 6 P. M. WE CARRY THE SIMONDS AUNUFACTURING COMPANY'S X X X X X A X THESE ARE THE ONLY LARGE LOGGERS OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER. Our largely Increasing sales are an indication of tho worth of tho goods (SRAY Oor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. WnLL . 'ELL1NG how to paper and orea .plates, a nancisome ana useuu ;neiper to an wno nave rooms to paper, enter your nameon our and VOU will xeeAv one hv mail free of cost to vourself. We have just received 3300 rolls of the latest papers of : largest wall DiDer concern in the world. The Datterns are jruly up-to-date and ounprces are still the lowest in the val ty. We have pap6r from .1 6 cents up. f r X " T BURlBiN: & HAMILTON U shades and Giay and whr r hn0mm0mmNt Ipf"- ' - . M $OWE. ! IWi'f Wnpfc 11 UJU I II UJ IV..,.. ADVERTISING GOODS AT COST ANDJ20.PER CENT, DIS COUNT, ETC. .UNLESS YOU DO IT. PEOPLE SOON CATCH ON. OUR FORCE OF CLERKS HAS NOT BEEN REDUCED, WE HAVE WORK FOR THEM. Our regular prices nro nit low, and Ion or tlinu tho fake sales now going on. l'eoplo linvo found it out, "1 1 unco wo do tho lion's share o( tho shoo trudti in Salem : : SEE US FOR NEW STYLES AND LOW PRICES. ZK&&D' of Postofficc. 6UT SAWS SAWS USED BY THE WASHINGTON AND X X X X X "BROS PAPER FOR 1900 ut Book fveel showing interiors with col- ' ROBERTS WANTS 90,000 MORE Ml TWs Will Make the Biggest Army oi Modern. Times. REPORTED FRENCH HAS Rumored That Conscription Law Will Bo Placed in Force February 14th llr Aaauelated 1'fen lo th Journal. London, Fob. 2. There is no ofllclal nows from Bullor's headquarters, and tho only information supporting tho re ports that he has rccrosscd tho Tugela s found in tho Associate! Press ula patches announcing Lord Dundonald's reronni8nnco, which is taken to indicate a prelude to ronowed activity. As that dispatcli is threo days old, it is not inl posslblo that Bailor may havo moved in the Interim, and public anxiety is again concentrated on tho Upper Tugela. Dispatches from cleowhoro morcly toll of soma desultory shell fires and tho movements of patrols, though Capo-Town mentions n rumor that Gen. French'hns captured eight hundred Doors, whero and how not bolng announced. Bcnsatlonal rumors aro current that tho militia ballot account act will bo put in forco February 14, and that General Roberts has cabled for 00,000 additional men, which, It is added, tho government has promised to givo him, seeding CO, 000 militia and volunteers nnd 10,000 re serves. Tho militia ballot act makes overy unmarried man between 18 and 30 years of ago liable to servico for Hvo years. The Doer Strength. London, Feb. 2. A lottor appears today from a Hanovertian olllcor, form- .rely of tho Twenty-Second German In fantry, but now among tho military advisers of tho Doors, which says nearly 10,000 trained European soldiers, in cluding quite 300 ofllcers, nro among tho Doors, Hofor'rlng to tho military sit uation at Ladysmlth, tho odlcer says: "Owing to tho strength of our position on tho circlo of heights liko Sedan, wo ain't bo brushed asido except by a re lluf column outnumlrarlng us 2 to 1." Shelling Ladysmlth. Hook LA.taKii, Ladysmlth, Tuesday, Jan. 30. All is quiet hero, Tho J" Long Tom" occasionally (Ires on Lndysmith. Tho deaths iu Ladysmlth from fovor and other causes must bo ouormous, as wo can clearly see them burying corpses daily. General Joubort went to tho Upper Tugela yesterday. England's Strength. London, Fob. 2. Wyndham, parli muntary secretary for tho war otllco, said, as regards the forces engaged, that ox clusUe of tlio eighth division and tho fourth cavalry brigade, Great Britain had 142,000 foot nnd artillery; 3700 cav alry; 30 sicgo guns; 33 naval guns; 3d howitzers ; 54 batteries of horse artillery, and 234 field guns, while tho combined forces of tho two republics were esti mated In 1898 at 09,000 mou. Tlio par liamentary sec rotary of.the war ofllco also said that ho would have to ask the house for larger financial means in order that tho war might be brought to tlio only posslblo conclusion, and that the' system of homo defense bo put on a sound foot ing. a 4 1 3300 IRolls E A V 'yrwW CAPTURED 800 BOERS Mr. Wynham's remarkable declaration In the house of commons, that Great Britain will have in a fortnight U0.OC0 regulars in South Africa, 7000 Canadians and Australians and 20,000 South African volunteers, is recolvcd with wottdormont. Of this total of 213,000 troops, with 452 guns, all aro now thoro with tho exeep tion of tlio 18,000 that nro afloat. Do yond comparison this is tho largest force Great Dritnln 1ms over put in tho field. At tho end of tho Crimean war bIio bad Bcraped together 80,000. Wellington, at Waterloo, had 25,000. Lack of transports aud organization will not oxplaln adequately why, when gonorals at tho front request reinforce ments, tlioy get thorn In rather small numbers. Knowledge Is slowly penetrating to Loudon that largo garrisons must bo kopt in Cajw Colony to hold down tlio Capo Dutch, who, as every ono knows outnumber the British residents thoro 3 to 2. Cable scraps received during the lflHt 12 hours dn not further lllumlnato the military operations. Various Independent correspondents eon Arm tho 'report that General Duller told his troops January 28 that ho hoped to reliovo I-adysmllh within n week. It Is bellevod in somo trustworthy quarters that ho is again assailing tho Doer linos. A further list of casualties published by tho war otllco brings tho total from tho crossing of tho Tugela to tho aban donment of Splonkop to 1085 ofllcers and men. Exceptional activity at tho navy yards continues, but a correspondent of tho Associated Press learns that this is chiefly now construction nnd red t ting work. Three ships will be commissioned at Davenport this month. Somo unpleasant criticism of tho war ofllco has been caused by tho dlscovory that thu sights of Lco-Enllold carbines aro defective. Old carbines havo been supplied to tho outgoing Fourth brigade of cavalry. Tho only .announenmont regarding fresh military preparations Is the for mation of threo additional batteries Dig Scouting Party. London, Fob. 2. Tho Daily Tolegraph publishes tlio following dispatch from Spearman's Camp, dated January 30 1 "Colonel Wynne has taken command of General Woodgato's brigade. Colonel Miles has been appointed chief of Gen eral Bullor's staff. The Doers are still constructing defenslvo works opposito Potgietcr'a drift. A strong cavalry reconnolssaiico has proceeded to the westward In tho vicinity of Hongor's spruit." Object of Leyd'a Visit. DenuN, Feb. 2. It is strongly ru- inored in parliamentary circles that the chief object of Dr. Leyda In visiting Paris, Berlin and St. Petersburg is to induce France, Germany and Ituesla to intorveno if Great Britain should at tempt to boIio Delagoa bay. Candlemas Celebration. London, Fob. 2. Candlemus, the feast ofthe Purification of tho Blessed Virgin, so raited from being celebrated with prosesslons aud shows of candles, and also for the consecration of tho lighted candles to bo used in thu church during the your is still generally ob served as a holiday in England, as well as iu Scotland aud Irelaud. In B:ot land especially It Ih noted and contracts between landlord and tenant is often dated from Candlemas In the uchoohi, Candlemas , Crown Is conferred Umjii pupils' as a mark of distinction on him who gives the highest graturity to the rector, at the term of Candlemas. Reward for Helen Oouli? Nkw Yohic, Feb. 2. There will Iwde cided opposition, it Is stated lu Washing' ton, to giving Miss Helen (Jonld tho thanks of congress, as propoHod Iu a measure recently Introduced. Itepre sontatlvo Hull, of Iowa, chairman of the house committee on military affairs, and that he should oppose the measure. "Not on the ground that Miss Gould lias not been the exemplification of gen eosity and patriotism," said Mr. Hull, "hut I think tho thanks of congress is not a fitting way in which to reward. It is against all precedent. In my opinion, Miss Gould should have a medal of honor from congress." Uryan and the Populists, Dallas, Tex., Feb. 1. Milton Park, editor of the Southern Mercury and chairman of the national committee o. tho middle-of-the-road populists, has wired W. J. Drynn requesting a state ment In regard to his political position. Mr. Park's mossngo says: "Hon. W. J. Dryan, 1'rovidonco, R. I. :, Parties claiming to reprosent Nobraska, populists aro submitting Southorn populists this propesition: "First Populist national convention to raeot 30 days beforo Democrats, ro-lit uorto umana piauorm nnu mnKout-, recj. legislation leaning ibsuv. " 'Second Nominate you for president and a populist for vlco-prcsldent. "'Third You bo thoro and accent tho nomination on that platform In writing. " 'Fourth If Democrats fall to ratify tlili ticket, you to remain tho populiBt rtalttSilntn It tit.liMi ttwi nn tv nn Irvrt candidate throughout the campaign "Is this protxMitlon ndopted by your authority, and will you agree to auido by it7 Answor by wife at my expense "MILTON 1'AHK. "Managing Editor Southern Mercury and Chairman National Committee Populist Party." Up to ft late hour no reply to tho above telegram has been received TWO CRIMINALS f ARRESTED Aluany, Or., Fob. 2. A darkey and a white man, tramps, woro arrested whllo drunk in a saloon today, charged with holding up Chae. Dawson, of the Wells Fargo ofllco Into last night near tho depot and taking (10.35 from him. They had f 10, over tho division of which they had bean quarreling. ATLIN MINESS TURNED DOWN. British Contend That Aliens ate Not Treated Unfairly and ThatThey. Had Lost Nothing, Ciiicauo, Feb. 2.-A special to the Trib une from Ylctorln, ). 0., Seya: Pre mier Semlln today presented to the ltgislature the answer of his govern ment to tho petition of tlio American miners In Atlln to Picsldent McKlnloy against the alien exclusion act, Iho prounors letter to tho secretary of stato says the statement lu tho petition that four-Ilfths of the claims in Atlin wcrp prosectcil and located by Americans, and that citizens of tho United Rtutes lost millions through tho passage of tho act, aro exaggerations and misstate ments. Tho government holds that men tak Ing out miners' licciitfs did not acqulio vested right. BI(j STRIKE IMMINENT Groat Northorn Labor Troubles Growing Worso Conforonco Hold Today. St. Paul, Feb. 2. Tho Great North ern labor situation Is critical today. A conference will bo hold latu this after noon, but uelthor sldo Be,ems to hope for peace. Tho railroad otllclaU contluuo preparations to fill tho places of all who may Icavo their employment. Oold Democrats, Washinoton, Jan, 2. Tho Oregon ian'a special corretaondent says: Hokebmith, who was In tho cabinet of President Cleveland today tnkes oc casion to talk strongly against expan sion and to assert that tho South is prac tically n unit against thu president's policy. It is an unfortunate thing that tho Cleveland Democrat", tho only Demo crats that havo been able to gain tho confidence of tho country, are nearly all now Joining Dryan und urging anti-expansion as an issue, Thoy uru lauriflc ing their opposition to silver and mak ing it apparent to the Kopubllcans that they will not support tho policies of tho Republican party, as long as there Is no danger of going to a silver basis. Thvso anti-expansion Cleveland Domociuts aro giving color to tho assertion of certain Republicans that as soon as tho gold standard bill becomes u law thu gold standard Democrats will duscrt tho Republican party and gft user to Bryan. whouro coiiH)llixi by their al Ion in thu social world to attend patties, lata dinners, onera, etc., often oxorIeiico eye troubles, a lack of that healthful brilliancy so desired, and admired. This condition i' result, from eVC STfain that can bo promptly relieved by MI'RINK. Mnrlm Is a necessary accessory to the toilet of the elite, i uiir. mine kyks. CTIlKU ITCIIINd KVK-t. CI'IIU WATKHINU KVK3. CI'KKHIIKD KVKrf. ftUKErfUKANULAYEDLID' Murine Is tho peoples remedy. Wt guarantee it will please you or refund money. That shows our confidence in Murlrif, For sale by HERMAN W, BURR, 18 BTATr Strest. ScuNTiric Optician LADIES 8b SOCIETY JBffi MURINE EMBEZZLER RETURNED. Wilson. Who Hns $0,000 Express Monoy Is Tnkon In Custody. II jr Aaaoclnled Preia tn lbs Junrnal San Fhkncibco, Feb. 1. R. V. Wil son, accused of tho embezzlement of $0,000 from the Great Northern Express Company, at Franklin, Wash., has start cd back to tho econo of tho alleged crime in tho custody of Special Agent Hunt, of the Express Company. Soudanese War. Or Aaaoclnteil l'r tn the Journal Paius, Feb. 2. A dispatcli from Cairo conllrnis tho roport that a rebellion oc curred nmong tho Soudnncso troops In Katrhum. Kentucky Delegation Protests. Washinoton, Fob. 2. A delegation of Kentucky Democrats, consisting of Sen ator-elect Blackburn and representatives Rhea, Wheeler, Smith, Allen uml Gil bjrt nnd Colonel Thompson, called upon tho president today to protest against fedornl Interference in Kentucky, A FUNERAL TRANSPORT Tho Ohio Arrives, Havlnrr on Board Ono Hundrod nnd Fifty Dodloo. San Fkancihco, Feb. 2, Thu tram- port Ohio, from Manila arrived today. The Ohio brought 150 bodies anil (wo passengers. HAL. HIBBARD'S FUNERAL Dody Will Arrive on Tomorrow Morn ing's Overland, King L, Hlbbard hist night received n totegrnm from Dopt. Quartermaster Long, worded as follows t "Remains of Into Harry G. Hlbbard, corporal Company K, Second Oregon volunteers, sent your enro 0 o'clock to night, via Wells Fargo express." Tho train should arrive at 0:15 tomor row morning. Thu body will bo taken iu chnrgu by Worrlck Camp of 8panlsh War Veterans. A guard of honor, consisting of twelve members of that organization, will meet tho train and escort thu remains to thu First Methodist church, whero thoy will Ho until Sunday morning. Tlio casket Is too heavy to tnko up stairs to tho armory, as It weighs over 400 pounds. On Sunday morning tho funural cor tego will start from the church mid pro ceed in carriages to tho Warren cemetery in the Waldo hills, whero it Is hoped to arrive at about 1 o'clock. Religious services will bo conducted bv llov. Geo. W. Grannls, after which Worrlck Camp will give their decerned comrado thohanorsof n military funeral. Bugler Elwood Chirk, of Corvalls, will take pnrt and It Is Imped Cnphiin Gil bert, ot tho Second Oregon, nlso. Lieut. Murphy will bo in chargo of thu firing squad. A large number of tho comrades nnd friends ot tho young man, who wns nn universal favorite, will bo present. Qood Show. Tho Richards and Prluglo Minstrels drew a good houso last evening, thu gallery being crowded,- Thoy gave an excellent erformanco cscclally tho acrobatic nets. Mnnagor Hal Patton inndo his maiden speech beforo tho public last evening an nounclng that after thu roast glvun him by Tub Jouhnal ho had '.determined to reform, and tlio curtain would here after go up 'promptly at 8:15 If thoin wasn't two pcoplo in tho houso. There wfll bu another performance this evening by tho samo company with a chiingu ot songs and specialties. This is probably as uood it minstrel troupo us was ever seen in Salem. Iho street pnrado is exceptionally line. TIE SALE 75 and 50 cents, puff Ties 99 Tin1 roam ol our Neckwear in fuel all of our 10 and 76u PufI 'lies urn Included lu this wild. COMli UAIU.Y. 20c Hose An till wool hose for luditM hut and seamlttih'. 50c Corsets Only rmall Uus left. Thty aro worth L60 and f'.'.OQ, 39c Suspenders President surpondw cold every where at Mo. j'ee Our Veiling Specials AiSee Our Clothing RESISTS INJU1TM - . ... i Gov, Taylor Excludes the State TO PREVENT PAPERS FROM 'BEING SEVED ON' HIM President and Cabinet Decline to Interfere Think There Isn't Sufficient Cause for Intervention llr 4aaoctaleil 1'reaa In tlio Junrnal. FiMSKrorcr, Ky , Feb. 2. Goobol passed a comfortablo night, and was somewhat better this morning. Tavlor Kesists Injunction. FitANKronT, Feb. 2. Taylor this morning ordered that nobody bo admit ted to tho grounds ot tho capttol undor any circumstances, and passes which heretofore entitled holders to go through tho lines woro tnkon up. Tho object is to prevent any civilian from eorying legal papers upon him. It Is the intention ot tho Democrats to secure an Injunction restraining Taylor from interfering with meetings ot tho legislature, and enjoin ing him and Lieutenant Governor Mar shall from oxorclsing the functions of state ofllcers. Democrats will make a demand for admission to tho legislative halls ovory day. Thuykwlll bo denied admission by tlio inillta. Taylor gives no Intimation ot abrogating his procla inatlon calling for tho legislature kto as sumblo at London. Many Republicans went home, all Intending to go to Lon don on Monday, Will Not Interfere. Washington, Fob. 2. Alter a cabinet meeting this afternoon the following statement was made: "Thu president and cabinet decides that no cause has yet arisen to justify thu Intervention ot tho national govern ment in Kentucky, nnd so informed the Governor." tiigulllciinco may attach to the use of tho word "governor" in this Btnlumeut, ns thu reply wns dlrectod to Taylor. Asking for Injunction l'ltANKFOUT, Fob, 2. Democratic mum burs ot thu legislature today tiled a lengthy petition In thu Franklin county circuit court, asking tor an immedlato injunction enjoining and restraining Taylor and all others from romovlng the legislative body from Frankfort, nnd also from preventing by forcu tho plaintiffs from entering the stntuliousu. Another Assassination, Midui.ksuoiio, Feb. 2.' It is reported that William Wright, an ex-mumburof tho Kentucky legislature, and n promi nent Democrat, was assassinated at Doouesfork. No particulars are to bu had. Papers Served. FuANKroitT, Feb. 2. Governor Tay lor hns been sorvod with u notice ot suit for Injunction to rostrniu him from in terfering witli tlio action ot the legUla turu aud to prevent him from holding sessions of tho legislature nt London. Service as secured duspltu tho strln. gent orders to thu suutrlos to allow nobody to pass. Alonzo Walker, n stenographer of tho Democratic attor neys, trained entrance to tlio grounds and pinned a copy ot thu notice on tho door (if thu executive mansion, which action constitutes a legal uotlco to Taylor. Special Session Rumor. Walker was placed under wrren. It Is announced that n speclnl session nt tho legislature will be hold in thu Cnpi- to Hotel, und there are' rumors atloat Cenls Special, Pop POSITIVELY "r""C' 35cyndrsl)irs Only tl?a shTrtj lejt In that 50j darby rtbbed fliflj. 65c Cloves Ladloa' linn k:Ma worth 11.00 mi if we havo your size. Jloi jfyyejib k, St All Persons From Grounds. that nil who tako part iu tho mooting will be placed under arrest and taken to London. Qov. Taylor Ignored. Ur Aaaoclniril I'rraa tn the Journal. Frankfort, Fob. 2. Governor Taylor yesterday Issued a pardon to Douglas Hayes, sent up for live years for five years for manslaughter. Warden Lil Hard, of tho penitentiary, refused to re leaso tho man nnd tho nenitontlary com. missionurs support him. When nskod if ho intended to offer re sistance to a detachmont of troops If one should bo Bent to release Hayes, tho war don roplicdt "Oh, no. It would not do for mu to attempt any such thing ns that. I have 14 guards only, nnd thoy could not do much against soldiers." When asked if ho did nut know nhere ho could obtain plenty of help, If he needed it, tho warden said: "When tho soldiers coma up hero and demand tho koys for tho purposo of tak ing out Hayes, I think they aro likely to get them. If convicts are taken out of lioro in that manner, tho responsibility will rest on tho men who tnko them nwny, and not upon mo." Thu Farmers' Dank of Kentucky, in this city, has alto refused to pay war rants tor tho pay of the militia, drawn by Governor Taylor. Legislature Resisted. llr Aaancliilril I'rraa tn III Journal. FiiANKroRT, Feb. 2. Whon tho mem bers ot tho leghlnture attempted to on ter tho stato house, lit 6 o'clock Inst ovo nlng In response to the call of Speaker Trimble, a double lino of soldiers with llxed bayonets met them at tho door and turned them back. Speaker Trim ble adjourned tho legislature again sub ject to his call. Bryan spoku at Ihroo points iq Now Hampshire yesterday, Portsmouth, Manchester and Concord, to mammoth nudionccs. JVJfS fsco M covered witli pimples? bur skin I rough and blotchy? It's your liver I I Ayer's nils are liver puis. They iev I cure constipation, biliousness, and I dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. .Waul jour mouilai ha or Mtril a biauutut hrnwti or rlrh bUrkr than lua BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Wer. 3- Q fil'' PI " . Ha.y A ft fc-. N M WllF.AT MARKET. San PniNrieco, Feb. 2. CubIiOS. Ciiicwo, Fob. 2 Muy 08),. 9. s'i '(Tfan Pilfe Look at yourself I Is vour Y LADIES WRAPP'RS On Special Sale. Una of ,1 00 and U .". WRAPPERS lm df Cenfs Each, TUESDAY ONLY. I9c Hose Hiaek eotum ho worth Mfo. Good valuta. 52; Underwear Men's ndtuml wool worth Tec. in i a.i m, i ii ." 75c Dress Shirts A tin ot faftoy boaanis worth 1.00 tel .IK). Window of Bargain