. -Trqyij- tf K (rf iS Tr3 yfiftf?TifffffUiFrnr?ffTftTfrfff ffffffffffffv-j 20 per cent Discoiinl I SHOE SflLEIf i . r C ra?4's4' Mmm IS to ho for f 4 00 mj unoe mr 4 Cti Bitot tor 8 W Hhoe for 3 co aboe for 2 CO Shoo for I 00 rbo for I 76 8 boa for 1 W Bhot for 1 V Flic for 1 00 Shoe for 3 30 2BU 340 2 0U 1 60 1 40 20 1 00 M LflCY'S fillOK HTOKK. 94 Hlnto Bl. Hand Turn Dresa Shoo, fl 00 for ri 4. TliaUUAJlil44AAUlililililiAliiUiAH4iUUiAi ml Ihoy hnvo to come nt ub 6v6r" our own fortified position!-, tbdy will need a quar ter of a million men to do tho work. Counting tiiose we have In the field, those at Pretoria and around, and the men who havo come from Europe In two months, wo can count up almost a hundred thousand men ; and we have supplies to last two years. Our people aro nil over the colony, and we get all the news there is to be had. The ac counts sent out by tho English come back to us, and the fellow that runs their Intelligence department and sends out the nows is a star the noblest liar of them all. You want to take no stock whatever In him ; wo aro all right. The only thing wn aro short of Is doctor anil modiclnes; wo ought to liavo a better staff of physicians and an ambulance corps, and I suppopo they will he organ ized soon, as Ihnso things aro to nrrivo from Europe. Tho siege of the town drgg along und it may be two months before it sur renders. We are going to move down toward Colcnso in a couple of days leav ing about 600 of our brigade ns a sup port for tho siege train. The lloer com mandos and recruits from Natal will be put on duty here to watch White, for wo can hold them with green men, while the teosoncd fellows go down toward the Togela. Tho German Mourner sails in a couple of days, and this letter will go to by that; If it catches tho Hrindlsl boat in season you ought to get It by tho New Year. I don't know when I'll gut u chance to writo again. Address mo at Pretoria, Cassidy's company of Colonel Blake's commando, and I'll got it In good time, If I'm alive. a ijj. . f" -rc '" . .'J nygMiiiMi injL-Lli1 ' !MJ1J! LI U ' nnnnimtnVlt. tV blUUiiiiuimu in' STRENGTH OF THE BOERS Have Foree'nf "100,000 Men and Two Years' Provisions. Letter From an American Who Is Fight Ing for Kruger English Not Likely to Win In the End, James F. Dunn, of Lowell, who is fighting with tho Boors, has written the following Interesting letter, dated No vember 29, from tho Transvaal to a friend in this city, says a special to the Boston Globe, from Lowell, Mass: My 'Dau Dillon:! don't know whether you have heard any nows from hero siuco tho war started, and I ought to glvo you somo of the real facts of what Is occurring. This letter will reach you via Louronco Marques, by tho Ger mon mail lino. No tetter can go out of the Boer Ropublics through British sources, as tho letters aro opened, read and destroyed. Tho English control the cables, and 1 hnvo no doubt from what we hear in our ramps that tho real con dition of things nevur reaches the out side world. When tho war broko out most of tho inino owners, speculators, tnanagars, and oven paid ofllclals of tho Ithodes clique, ran oft to tho Capo Just as quick ly as tho trains could carry them. The foreigners, Gorman, French, Irish, Scotch, and oven English, who are called outlandcrs, have Joined tho Boer army. You must rcmomlor that these aro tho men the British pretended they wishod to help, to rescue, from tyrauy and all that, and yot they aro in arms against tho so-called liberators. The fuel Is that all the nousonsu about thu wrongs of tho outlandcrs was cooked up by tho Ithodes' gang for tho English papers. I havo lived hero for two years and I havo yot to learn that wu havo any wrongs political, religious, commercial or any other. The men who wronged and threatened and bulldozed tho minors I mean the working miners wore tho Ithodes' crowd fellows of tho Hammond stamp, who were getting fat salaries for working the mines und tho papers for their English 1kiho. It was a great pity as far ns humanity und liberty were concerned that Jamo son, Hammond and tho rest of them were not strung up after the raid. When tho war broke out brigades of foreigners wore orgaulred at once. Tho Germans havo a brigade of 2000 men or more, nearly all mon trained in the army in Germany, and commanded by men of their own country trained ofH com, There U a mixed brigade of French, Scotch and English, who have their own olllcers, and they are doing good. Wo have an Irish brlgado of over 2600, the majority of whom aro men from California and tho Wust,with quite a sprlngling from tho old country and tho Capo, Our commander Is Colonel Make, a Wostpolntor, who tucd to bo in tuo regular army at home, and a Jim dandy, a fighter and a tactician that West Point may be proud of. We uro getting now mun every day , they como in from Loureiico Marques and aro from every country In EurojH Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema. Is wore than a skin disease, snd no skin remedies can cure It. The doctors aro unablo to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to tho most powerful constitution. The whole trouble Is In tho blood, and Swift's Specific Is the only remedy which can reach suohdoep-sested blood ilseasoi. JCctem trol oat ou mj lUmthur. ana ooo itnutd to spread until bar bead was aallrtlr sovtrtd. 8b waa Irtau4 br MYtrtl good doeton, bat grsw worn, and Ibo dreadful dltMM spread M her tun. Bhe ml Uka to two oIbrid kiKftltii sprlojs, but r S eelTOJOOUnant. Wur -4tnt mdtelnea ware taWn. W without time the Ant but v!c ui nalshtri, br bJ I, pan to beal. A dorn Uiiln cured her com lilsUlr and lift br.km (wrcuil, atnouth. Slit It now slate en mra old, and liaa t.iailflcnt T0 Lucas Avt . HI. LouU, He. JWt expect local applications of soap and wives to cure Eosouu Tlur reach only the surface, while the df- ootnes from within Bwlff ssjisgtwq HBfiQY.vZ&aKtTl mrjxwcjiaiM;- i cccror Th Blood only cure and will rf aah the most Me. it is iar ahead of all " MtMtlhM.becauaalt mirxa wseVsiiHlyond their reach. U.S. 8. Is ymsV Testable, and is tho only blood riwiiiy twwntee4 to contain no pot SMk. wismwsy or other mineral. Mrnkm wJM free by Swift SoecltS ,i4lBt,0Wfi. land tho states. The Americans aro 'mostly husky young follows from tho Middle West, who havo Borvcd in tho Spanish war and in tho regular army, and wo havo nulte a few from around Boston, Now York and Philadelphia. All theso fellows, Irish, German and Yank, got into our brlgado, for tlioy feel moro at homo with us, under ofllcers and men who have followed tho old ling, and tlioy are giving tho "Bed Necks," ns tho Boers call thorn, plenty of fun. It was our brlgado wo had about 1200 on the firing lino that day that scooped in tho Irish f usllllers at Dundee, and had tho Boer contingent boon moro oxpori- diced in military matters, wo could have got tho wliolo of Yulu's bunch, horse foot and wagons, for I nover saw a worse beaten, demoralized crowd than that same Brlrlsh army They aro rnostly pushing tho Scotch and Irish regiments against us, and we aro ablo to take care of them. They may have English regi ments, but they keop them back in reserve, for wo haven't seen them, though we nro red hot to get a crack nt thorn. General Joubert, is a foxy old chap, and refuses to let us take any chances that are uncortaln and he Is dead against any military grand-stand tactics. He won't allow any charges or attacks on fortified places; he makes tho British do that business, and then ho soaks them. Tho consequences is that tho English lose five men killed and wound ed where wo loso only one. Tho English artillery is fairly good, though their guns aro not up to ours, though their infantry and cavalry can't hit u Dock of barns. Wu aro now intrenched around Lady- iimlth with it strong force down at tho Tugela, Intrenching and waiting for that advance of the British wo are promised i and wo havo lots of commuudos chasing down through Natul to keep the HIoh off thu enemy. Wo havo White and nlxxil 10,000 men cookm1 up In Ladysiiiith, nnd wo will got tho whole bunch as sure us shooting. Wu havo thu hills overlooking tho town, which Isdown In a hole, fortified, and wo sholl tho place occasionally to keep thorn guessing; but we placu reliance strongly on dirt, disease and hunger to capture them. The town doesn't amount to nnything, but tho Johnnies havo about 5,000,00!) worth of arms, munitions and supplies that will como handy. Whltois hi a tight place nnd his rump Is touch J heat, dust, rain, mud and anxiety anion r allies and they nro badly demoralized. riiey used to make aortic und rush hills but wu had orders tu drop back nnd let mom rush j and when tlioy got tired we occupied our old positions nnd Bonked them ns tlioy llmod back to camp. They wore wearing themselves out, A few days ago they rnmo out In strength, mid whim tho liters retired lllako hold to our position and wo waited for them, running (up thu g'eeu flag to mako them row. Tho Boors don't carry bayenets: the Irish lirlgndn does. Tlioy shelled our poiitlon for nn hour. t t uroppmg siietis over us and beyond us, hut doing no particular hnrm. Blake passed the word along the lino to wait and give them a good fight. A real English regiment came nt our position and their olllcers called and urged thorn ou. lam In Cassidy's coinpauyho Is an Arizona man and we have halt a dozen fellows from meson u no are dead shots. Wo lay low, Bqulutlng over tho breastworks while our Tusoon fellows tumbled nvur oiiicer ulter otllcer. When they reached tho foot of (ho hill lllako ordered us to cmsn flrin,. and told a few mon from each company to yell, Jump up nnd pretend to run waw. This encouraged tho Johnnies to oheor, and they oamouptho hill pant tug and shouting wildly. When about 100 feet from us wo let them havo it, from Mauser, Maunllcher und Mni,., and Bluko yelled "Now, Iwys give thum a taint oi l no real tli in- " Ti,- i.... ...... . .v viiirw men went tin wmkl lm l,.i.,l 0 ...iu..rt -- , . M tflllV f hiiu wo wont over the entrenchment at mem with tlio bayonet. mirpnjur von never m any thing iue u. a volley point blank und then the meteal We went at them In good JrUh fathtuu, and Mine 0( jl0 yanks ami lililu chaps wro ,lr thuii tliu rurks. The red omits wouldn't stand fur It. but went down (he hill on u brwk ami out int., the tixn, sprinting ui0 urayiiuniiiu ivn n.arehisl buck about ouo-slxth of tnem, a,l there was it badly umulvd lot lylnu amumi n,,i .... sent Into UnglUh lines that til,t, we preierru.1 t B( them have the ....v. u, uuuiuniig- iiiem. They won't be very hot lo rush u hill mM, gwn Hag over It again, I imagine. The regiment was Ulourestershlro or some other auoh naiue-I don't n-call it lut now, and if thoy don't B0t ,,,. i J,.., material than Unit to ili,t ., !..... Il.k -. i,i..... . r --'"""'B' ..... . ,.ium llMn (a luureh iiuiiaii ocean tiian Into I suppose thw k all the mtn they H g - Jfc. rcietruiijro:iclieci from our rciueri OMB TOPIC Contribution for thli Department ire respectfully solicited from our rcsden Health Guarantee llet it bottle of Ho'tetter's Slmuocli Bitters from any druggist. It wll cure your weak stomach, The bit lers Is for constipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia", biliousness, nervousness and all disease arising from weak di gestion. It has been known all ovar the country for the past fifty years as the Conquer of Dyspepsia. See that a PiiiVATB Kbvenuf. Stamp covets the neck of the iKittle. Hostcttcr's It makes S(om?.ch Rich Blood Bitters Nellie Brown VIOLINIST la now prepared to receive few more Ho 41 Marlon st. " A MOUSE TRAP Mr. Mousey mado a trap. Ho was so very handy; Mr. Mousey made a trap, And baited it with candy. Ho set It In a likely place; And shortly to his Joy, oh1 His little wifo raino running up To say he'd cauuht a boy, oh I "But what to do, dear Mr. Moil so? Wo cannot kill and oat him, Or lock him in our Iittlu houso. Or oven pinch and beat him I" Said Mr. Mouse, with puzzled air, "I never thought of that, dear; 'Twould bo no joy to keep it boy, Let's glvo him to the cat, dear I" -Casscll's J.lttlo Folk. MUaMses Cookies, Cream up one-half ound of butter and one-half pound of BUgar. Add one pint molasses, one-half pint milk, ono teaspoonful saleratus water, ono table spoon fill salt, two tablcspoonfuls ground ginger, ono teaspoonful ground cinna mon and ono-hulf teaspoonful ground cloves. Work in flour nufDcicnt to mako a thick batter. Mold Into small cakes nnd bako in a slow oven. The Chef. "If you cannot in tho conflict, Prove to yourself a soldier true ; If whero lire and smoke aro thickest, Thero's no work for you to do, You can cheer the broken hearted, Strengthen those with courage lied, You can bear away the wounded, You can rover up the dead." better literaturo than is tho library of tho average man in the city. In conclu sion Mrs. Smith says: "Lastly, lot mo say to the girl of tho period, who may sometime contemplato marriage, let not tho hackneyed cry of 'drudgery and no society' deter her from accepting her lover beennso ho happens to J hi a farmer. Itcmcmbcr that life any- ' uriinrn to tv'linf vnn tnnln ft Ttrftir- tn tho farm your own ideals. We aro told tho ideal is tho bread of the soul. Bo ' waro of being deluded into Imitating your sister In tho city or vlllngo or on tho neighboring farm, In tmo you can glvo seven times seven good reasons why you aro glad you choso as you did, real izing that an all-round growth of man hood and womanhood has continued. And your life in dopending upon His laws and His creatures has mado you feel that you have scon Uod. And with Edwin Markham you will count it good fortune to a man to draw into his mind the calm sanity of thu rocks nnd to dis till into his heart tho color and odor of orchard bloom. As ho walks over tho great fields the strength of tho ground arises into his body and the glory of tho sun descends Into his soul." Tliuro Is much wisdom In what Mrs, Smith says, and wo doubt if anyone can rcfuto her statements, Of course tho farmer and his wife havo their burdens, hut who In all tho world has not? iioii.En hick roa a connv. Pick over nnd wash one cup of rlit and put it into a kottlo in which is n largo quantity of boiling water, two quarts at least. Let it bolt rapidly, un covered and without stirring until the water hns boiled away and tho surface of tho rico Is full of holes. Draw tho kottlebnck, und let It stand thereuntil the rico Is dry and the grains separate. ft.. .... .1 tt An.lA Iahii tlin iiilmlA sMtt ITy UIIU mill ll 11:11111:1 lui-n mu niwiiuuij on tlio pinttor wiuioui pressing 1110 grains together. First M. D.-What a lotoi things have been found In tho vermiform ap pendix. Second M. D. And look nt tho money that's leen taken out of HI Life. Dr. Cull's Cough Syrup Furnishes most substantial comfort nnd relief to consumptives; It works most remark able cures, Don't despair. Belief can certainly be had; ucuro Is possible with this wonderful remedy. German and French Taught grammatically and convcrent ionnlly. Mrs. Pcnnebnker will receive n limited nuimbcr of pupils, desiring instruction in these languages, nt her home, on Church street. Theso languages were acquired nbrond by this teacher. 12-8-3m MUSICAL.- BTjrvVV4tflKaxBTNYB'BM INTBrt-STATB E1TAANDERS-WILMAN AsoclteTeaclier Weitem Conwivn- toty, Kna City, Mo., representing 1 the Inter.staie System, Salem. Ore. j Over First National Hank. Residence , 6 Church street. Studio liours-Q tn 12, and 2 too. SOUTH THE ANDVak? ROUTE SHASTA OF THE Southern Pacific k nviiiiTsnii tmr a tviu . uAi-uuoa AivAina UUN DAtTv 70 rji 8:15 A Mj Lv.....l'ortlainl....i Ar..Btn Francisco.. iy i-M PSI 7.00 A M ACQ l',M 023 l it -Loi Antelci., ...r.i 1'iun.. Now Orlcnni l.fJ --! Mot. 1. 'it 7o ; - s.w i ! 10.M A Lt... Portland, tinlem.. - -T s,w x 5 Salem Studio, INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Mrs. Effa Anders Willntao , 7.45 V M ' A.4& A M 120 V M 6.00 V M 1 020 I M Ar Ar. Ar.. .Ar I.T .I,T ' I) U.if5 Ar....Ban Kranelmn. Ar...... OkiIcii ...... Now Orleans..:: f DINING OAItH, OMSBIIVATION UAHs Classes in Piano TWO FINJ5 Pi of. man tlrst-clusH and Umrlst At cura iiiLiiciipii in 11 .1... -i- Over First National Bank. Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class 'tmioe. Prompt connections aft. Keadmu. ;.:;'..ri ,;.;, Vi.."5" wlw io Htudio hours from 0 to 12 nnd 2 to 6. NEW" I'lANOS IN STUD JO FOJ? USJfl OF PUPILS. for oilier ciistcrn cities. 1 . WEST dIDE DIVISION1. HKTVVKKN HOKTLAND AND COUVaLIii Mull trulns dally except ljundsii isnnniniffinnffiiiiniffriiniiiiiiir vj . 1 . Mnninmi nminnnnnnminiiniiniiniiii ROGERS, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' Chicken Curry. ; Carefully remove nil tho pin feather 1 and singe nil tho hnirs. Itombve tho j oil bag, then cut off tho legs und wings scparato the back from tho breast by cutting through tho llesh from tho sldo limift fi. tli.. .... .....1 l....l.t.. . II... Il.,l I... ....... I., ill- I....I. I.. ; """ " ' "II" UH.UMIIK III IIIO ""'- "",""'.',"""""'' Joint in tho back, then remove the in- lor, no one would tuko pictures very ,.lt.i .., ... ... !. , In..,, ulll.m.f nf.nn ,.,,.nl... !( ,.l,.t """' ",'," ,,,,v ""KU'K "'" '""B HI ".. ........... " ... ...- ."Ill ,,.,. l.l. f The Camera u Community Educator In the formation of n photographic art club tlo urtistlo instinct of those con nected with it vtould bo (mickeued. A higher degree of culture would bo at- with Nature and her teachings, toncl Ings which nro huueath nil systems philosophy nnd religion mid science. And this culture would assist In ac complishing that higher community pulturo for which nil loyal cltieiiN are constantly hoping and striving. It Is the higher culture that comes to ntowu that holds the best ulemeutH there. In all young cities, the mm characteristic is the unsettled feeling uveryune tins, it feeling that often prompts the remark that ono does not intend to remain here or there only m long as it Is necessary to make n com eteiicy, alter which to move to some- older plnce, seems In he the common de- siro. All thu social elements of value that lend attraction to the life of n town are so ninny binding forcos tending to pre vent tho going away of jhtsoiis who hnvo made money in sulllcleut amount to live In proper stylo In n largo city. Absolutely unlmportnnl as n photo-j graphic club may Iki, and, taken by it nelf, surely is yet when considered as ono of thu many elements necessary to , thu permanent life of n town, hh it is ' worthy consideration. East Orogonlan tho hollow of the ribs, und tho kidneys ! If. tllll ullllk I1AII11 ti...w.n.. ,1... !.... Of' 1 .-.HW "I" "- hiiu viiik 111 mu juiuis iiiiu rumovu tne ineiit from tho breast liones. 'w with a clean, wet cloth, nnd senson each piece with Hilt and popiwr, nnd dredge with Hour. Put two tivbh'Hpoons of butter in n frying pan nnd brown tho chicken del lentely in the hot butter, turning tho , pieces till nil are uniformly browned, Uiy tuo buck, Inside down, In n stew pan nnd nrrungo tho other pieces around so that no hii of thu skin will touch tho bottom ami belli dnngerof sticking on. In thu butter left In the Htewpnn fry one largo onion cut in thin slices, using more butter if needed. j When colored, but not burned, skim mom out aim put with tlio c li Ickon. MARION COUNTY MATTERS Business Being Transacted al the Coutt House UKEDH riLF.n. City of Balem to tho United States land in Wilson Avonuo as recorded in Volumo 3 at pngo 76, Town Plats of the county of Marlon, $7,600. Frances A. QUI nnd J. K. Gill, of Poit land, Or., Kato L. Dillingham, of linn- gor, flialno. and Laura Iloll Wythe, of Oakland, Callfornln, to City of Salem, land In Wilson Avonuo, q c d, 3,760. J. It. Miller, widower to W. M. Cald well, undivided half of tract of land to 1 0 s r 1 w w d. (500. Geo. W. Johnson and M. P. Johnson to K. L. Lcmmon, lot No 9, bloak No. 0, Yow ParK annex, Salem, f5C0. J. It. Sillier, widower, to W. M. Cald well undivided half of tract of land, 21) s r 1 wqcd, fl. Fine Wines, LiQooRb, CiGflRsi 218 COMMERCIAL STREET, r 160 STATE STREET, Courteous treatmont at all times. ;IUii LUUKI SIKUtll. riiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiuiiiiiiyiif 7:80 A M 11:69 V Ml Lv. ..i'ortland.....Ar I Men Mf Ar Corvallls Lv Wv At Albany and Corvallls connl. with trains of thoC. & E. Ity. DON'T PEEL POTATOES. BUY A 1NDEPBNDBNOB PABSKNOEr," Express truln dully uxcept Stindi;. AM P Mi Lv rortlancf.7.Ar i mTTi 7.30 I'M J Lr...McMlnuvlllu.":i.y isSii Dire :t connections at San Pr.n? co wit l steuninh I p Hues for HAWAII $ JAPAN, THE PlllLIPIMflS ASb I AUTItALIA. aaU li'ur Llirnllull tlr.l(nt. ni.il c.t,,., ...... '.' W. W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, u jS C. D. UAUUIELSON City Atfcut, 2.12 Uoiinncrulul St .Sule.uOt "i U. KOEHLER. MnV U. MAKIUIAM, Q.F.&P.A. Purlnd Hen is Fruit Press! NO MORE PEELING and POUNDING POTATOES. 1 Corvallis k Eastern Rata TIME OAKI), The door tliat Dant5 saw had this Inscrip tion over it i "Despair of hope, all ye who enter here." When man despairs of hope he drains the very drees of despair, There are certain tortus of disease to which nii'iilcnl iKnomncc and popular an- Mix Iwo tnbloapooiiH of Hour, ono table- Thu Deuvor lWcrlpt'a man su'eets tho name. "Tho Hen House," for the proposed lOO.tXK) hotel for women In Now York. Should Many a Katmer. At h recent meeting ofuu lown Parm er's Iiutltutu held In Columbus Junc tion, Mrs. O. P. Smith of Wapello read a paper in which she uruod tho voiiiil' Klrls of today to marry a farmer, nnd tho truth and wisdom which she In stilled Into that address Is very pletsant after nil of the foolish tnlk ono hears of the bunions of thu farmer's wifo. Mrs. Smith is tho daughter of n farmer, and tho wife of a farmor, therefore none can say that she does not know what she is talking uhout. she goes Into details in tho matter und gives seven reasons for her position ou thu subject. Plrst, a' girl dwells fondly on the hope that elm ' will bo surrounded by an everlasting i love. Mrs. Smith claims that the com-' paratlvo (solution of the farmers and his ' wife mitkw thum grow more and more all tho world to oaeh other, and "tho loso commingling of tho household and lurm work knits their liw into an en diwring comradeship which meluphyhi oiansliaeanlyodasa rarer, liner de light than love's young dream." Sec ond, the girl p(uo (ora home of her own, und undoubtedly thu Ideal home exuta In thoeountry. Iluiuo lu the city may menu elegance and Ituurv. but in the ommtry It U solid coi'ufoit nud theru Is no sham about it Tii.ni tho country life brings one per set health, and without health there can bo no happiness and love eltlmr In married lire or out of a. Fourthly, there is tho oomfort of life on the farm, "for thu farmer is always at Iwst suroof his living If ho Is tt man of onergy," nd utile he is a man of energy you do not .waul htm for a hns band. The fifth rem , tiin. ,i. country it tlio bt place HM)ou of curry powder (or les if pre ferred) nnd ono tnbhaitooii of sugar nnd cook thorn In butter. Pour on gradually ouociipofhot water or stock nnd one cup of strained tomato. Stir till thick nud smooth, then add ono doeu rahlns seeded nnd halved, one tablespoon of minced parsley and a few gratings of lemon rind. Mix well and , cook live minutes, then add salt and i pepper tu taste iimi pour tliu situcoover tho chicken. Sot tho stowp.in back whero tho sauce will merely simmer and let It cook till the chicken' Is verv ten. . der, nliout ono hour. Then turn in one cup of hot cream, remove tho large bones, and dish tho meat in tho center of n large pluttor surrounded by a border ol rice cooked as follows : tierhtition have given the title of "Hope- iem. mat very tact imnuicnpa the auflcr era from audi dlstaic by rohblnir them of the courairc to try to repim health. Wi U particularly true of lutiir diseiMca. At soon ns disease fasten on the Ihhk, the vlctini aiti dnun. makci his will, and awaits his falc. fe wouldn't uct that wny If he were nuten liy n tnrati tula or n rattle snake, He'd fight then for liU life. Hut he U under Ihr Inllucncc of the Ig norant nnd auper stltlottH, that write ' Despair of hope " over the door of such tllneaea ua bv neglect or unnkllf ful treatment may cud fatally in con sumption, There l anew In scription for that doorwny of disease, made by rubbing out the firnt two words and leaving it: "Hone nil who enter Here." WlintJ Can there be hope for the aufferer with the constant coukIi, flttilied face, burdened brtathintr nnd emaciated Ixxly? The record says " yea." Nlnety-elRht out of every hundred canes In which Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diucovery haa been ucd have been pep roantly cured. ",(;olden Medical Dlacov- wcnlc lunRa, broir rWi$mMKL A 4 W(WVl '1 A FRUIT, VEGETABLE, JELLY PRESS, COLAN DER, STRAINER, LEM ON SQUEEZER AND POTATO MASHER. Z9U . ti;r. .. l:65p.t i'UOa.b .Il:.tOa. id 12:15 p. a 7:00 . nj 1 1 :.HJ s. is R. M. Wade A. Co. Hardware. -S M 34. 0O.:i,'6b;stJltOrbt r-iiunjirj i KIRK, Kor Yuiiulna: Truln leaves Albuuy . Truln leuves Curvullls. Truln arrlvcH Yuqulnn Iteturnlng: leaves Yuuulnu I Leaves Corvullls Arrives Albany. a For Detialt: Leave Albany Arrives Detroit,. I Ituturnlui!: Leaves Detroit , . ia:20n, AiMvcs Albany 5:45 d. in Oio aim twtj connect ut Albany sod Corvallls with Southern Pacltlc ttalii.; Kiviug uirect service n ana rroui Ne IKirt nnd utljucent beaches. ituiiisfnr the luountalps unite i; t no'in, wlvlnv nmDle tlo ciiinniiiu ifniiinii; nn K HreitcabiiRh and SanMam river it- .suiuedity. Z It U VVAUiKN, KliWIN rflOU i r. a r A. XlUf J.TIUINKU Au.Mit. AIUny.()t., Grain Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material. Lime, Cmcnt, PJaslcr etc, Grain. Hiy an J Stra,v sto.vi W4gD.i;5;alcs. iUlenliontMvt.il -to. the Jdolivery of gorxls to 0.R.&K $ I'riMiint ami of thu Cltv. I'art.fu any part D--tf obstinate llmrerinir cmiirli. litirillnf of the lung and kindred aliments, which. alcohol, wliliky or Working Women cry" positively curea emus, If neglected, find a fatal ending in consump- I, UK, II iiiiimiui! IIU other stimulant " Your mnllcf nt i thebrtt I have erer taken," write Mra. leunle Dlngraan or Vanbnren, Xa. kaika Ca. Mich. " U, .ptlni: I had a bad coughs got o bad I had to be lu bed all the time My hUtlMltld tllOUPht I ha.t mn.,imnllnn If. wanted me to gel a doctor, but I told Mm if It wat cotuutnptlon they could not help me. We thought we would try Dr. Wcrce-a Golden Medi cal l)lcovery and before I had taken one bottle the cough atonped and I have loc had no algn ofitarclurutug." Dr. Pierce's Pellets arc the beat for the bowels. Uie them with the " Dlacowrj." Size, doesn't Indicate qu-tllty. Do Wltt'8 Wltclt Hazel Sillvn U Mm nnlu original. Au Infulllblc cure for nlles und all skin dlxases. Stones Drtirf OWIICS MANHOOD RESTORED te';"?l?:'1vci,ow Ion.. ArvouinrM ,lifU.""tJ Manhood. Nightly Kmla- 'ythfureirofc,veI..rJl!rintrf,,ve0,lni' uo other '"..''? Cltcula-rrVerXlldn JntCo., nt, cnuMit lea.) tu i.u jer iki tanufa. ire j I vV.,."?.V. All UruKKl.li, lJim..ii.. V;: "",M ?". "M'rsncc. ," " "ruK io. autributlng agenti, nici'jivr ron f-ait" Mall it p. m.i tiilV- kane nror l.lapt TniRD and YAMliiuan.. luTL..n no .' FOltSALJS Y 1). .7. intY. SALMI, 01.J2t.OX. H p in, rr7m" ex Una Bauir. .. ,ulf IV l, to. TIME rUUKUULK. rrutu rnrttaml tn Halt lk, Denver Kt. Wtirthl yinana, nauaaa i;uy, ut i;l Uiiila.tJhlcucoandKaat, "" At. Walla Walla, Hpokane, Minna- h. -.-"-. r... I qi, IMIIIIU, Bl I If wankwChleagoandeint. I li at ffiyViT HTHV!ifMrrii;a- . .. "t; .. r. i rtirxan rrauclaco, U y . v.i-.jr uYoiin-B. ' "H"M.UIA II1VKK l tl.r.A0.r,M, fie Tu .Wlnrla and way iiiBdlniJ 111 till, l.nrl.l Into tin. fir ruarim; chll.lii.ii ..i n... .,1.1. .. nlnlo ,10 Traavaal.U,at tho farm life pnvwnt, uue.,ulleJ S ' . "M..rt,.,,,,l, fn 0,,w,u,1,,,w ,gr l""M lopment. we have our hack, to ,, U. S u p. W wi. ." Ind mr Imvttmd to write to Misa Pttkhftm for free jwvoe mkoui thmtr health. Mra. PUtkhmm Is a wo man. j you have painful periods, haakamhaa or any of the mere amrhtua Ills of waatma, wrHa to Mra. Phtkhantf aha has ! halaail muitktHies. Yaur latter wMI ha amoradlv coafheatlal. Lydla E. Plakham'a Veeatahle Oontaoumd hi kaewn wharavar the Eng lish language la aaehan. Nothing alee eaamaaai- hly mesa aura le helm suf fering wemen. ha ether metHehte haa helmed ae wwwawnyg Rententher thla when aemethhtg alee la sug gested. Mra. flnkham'a ad dress la Lynn, Masa. Her hmlmhtg hand la alwaya euiatretehmd la suffering wemen Ulds for Lumber, WU will ho received at the oiueo of thu Hecorder of tho city of Salem, Ore koii, up to 5 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, rohruury 0, 1P00, for price per thou sand feet for furnishing said cltv with (timber for the four months following tho dato of this advertisement. The rlKlit is reserved to reject any and all uidd in tills behalf. Dono by order of mo common uouncu, una 23rd of Jan nary, 1WX). N J Jpdah, Hecorder. M7.101 fWvlSJ. - COWTRIft.l' He Sees His Finish. aiitl notes tho difference between that laid on ibv our imrfect methods and what he receives from others who linve not made nn urt of their work us wo hove, when a man lakes his linen to nny other laundry but the Steam Laundry. Don't bother with second clnes laundries nnd into your fabrics rotted by chem- luus mm your linen Iniyed, when ypuwill receive jxirfect satisfaction at tuo Safem Stp.am Laundry. Pl..w..t?MKL J' 0LMsT,"O I'UOWIICTOR. Phono 411, 230Libertv S.m iArBsJ I WILUMn-fE ltlVKll lA U'aveii'unianil, .Newhorx nj wB,a ikI 'ana iq Halem . i iTi 'iV i i aft 'urUyt 6.W r.w.H., ,.niu...Ajr nnti rricia Tuwdajr, ay at 10,(0 .o. TOR CORVALLIS day";' SO' ''ol"",T,le,1uy. Thuraday apl MKAT AND POULTRY. R, D. GIBSON, HBATINGT STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATEK, iKVoS&r1 workdone pro'"p' ""y Fruit and Hon Orvor u.nri o..-.--u.. T. 8. mrflRnTTntrci ,A;i: -r...cuuuy. . wwwio,,-, L-J& ocato Jit, WILLAMETTE RIVEB DIVISlOJ DilllV IxmlH In PnrflunH uu I1!I " Transferfi to lreet car line at OrfV Uty If tlio stenmersaro delayed tbeif iiouna trip tickets to all point OicKtin, U'ashlnKton or C-tllfortU Connect Ions made ut Portland "W all rail, ocean und river linen. W. II. IIURLUORT. lien. P.'iaa a .it n.xiunit f)t. O. M .POWERS, AKe'nt, TradeStW nock. Nitlom. HOISE & HARKER, City AucdU MICA.T r.a POUUTKY MARKET St .le lnet. mat iviliuid. he.iM . beat mcau. My a'rtvt u I keep th' U, veAtttnlown t The Orient Insurance Col OITers triivnlrdt.lininr. . .... riiU ln rogtea east Tliey uw all fsnx- ovvuiounnicntic - O. R, & N., via Odgeti and l)eof OIIIIHLII Itfilirn Ult UnnK.an n IKI I Ar. ----. , ,M MUl.iaill(,IH' " Phone I5II" snlZK., .Mujnr E Hacraiii!' HAU'l'lrORD, n. k. NinvARns i. c. nat;iikvs. Edwards & Mjtthows, FRESH m fllRBD UK4TS Will OR Assets Liabilities Surplus to Policy Holders.'.', Route, via AlbernnnrniiH i niVAV? ,lne 'fthrtitmli PULLMAJJ PALACE and TOURIST SLEtfl f'w. nan franolsco and Los aopj iesioutilc;n;ottil(,l8 CONN, .A2I5.0O0. 1,109,000 1.314.011 you against loss by tire: for terms mm., Ml k .( "'- Vi, Journal Office. """ DUUUN-lesl(,e"' "' orticui, ure. Line iiisuie ure ot Now Firm ' Now eihopi Boat Meats' .Nr liir Uaru. IjtH Suu St TlhoneM4 The German Market Will be found all kinds of moat ami the best of sausage. FREE DELIVERY. .All bills duo the late tirm of Welt Mlescke tniut.bo paid COOL, &. SON 171 Commercial St, New Strawberries. KjfSSSSKiSr 225'2'Sin.wlrrles.i iV -? K i l i e Figure ouuu pi;m s f put out k' besides about half a crop. I have plants of , S KINLEY, RUBY, IDEAL, DOUBLE CROPPER too now TENNESSEE The Short from southern CuUfornlu To the East. AtMllv U Mu. ........I., i.ft IhK O. , & N., O S. L , Snutliern Paciflc ' the undersigned, for fnldfr " dee.rlptlve literature. J. J. DEVEREUX (len'l At Woreester Illw' i luitniiu DOWNINGS PRIDE. SAUNDERS QHiirtri rcc CERVERA, DU MAURIER. cropper. Bottled Beer. Send for free catalogy escriptive ot varieties and culture -buHofer, Salem Ore. KlinfcrA Ucclc.Succeunra to SoulS" . All anlnn fn IvniiloJ l,ur will t-! t the brewery. Kept on cold t"1 Free city delivery, Tekphona !