$eifsss; t - THE DAILY JOURNAL. Lttist Aaaooiaioa i-ross ioiu Mrns, Frosh Loonl nows and Llvo , lt'8 Buslnesn" not PoJIUcb, r Vo dou'uollclt jouttdmllilniibectim " of jour politic or cutu, but beou Journal Advortlsmsr PdyB kl wnotrw. mw M i." ' IfW - I fOXj,y wlBnTwoo Home Made Goods Best in the Market SpecialsA very large line of cassimere suits for men and boys'. ' ' All sizes of Boys' black hose our own brand, the Granite try them- BqRHk 4 ppVERCOATS--Kerseys in all shades and. T ITrinces. also in Tan Coverts. Giay and' wrv ' black clays. drtJ nil ji Fancy Back Covert overcoats our own V affijl Pfliake, the swellest of all. 00&H W stow JWXj 1 n" "r -" C25S -RAvTJSB gROS IMBlfMfr 1JKoCTORS:i:i;:: iPirv iU3l l.L ! f AND OLINGER eft WALL PAPER FOR 1900 per 'ELL1NG how to paper and. showing interiors with col ored plates. A handsome and useful helper to all who have rooms to oarer. Enter vour name on our land you will receive one by wc nave just received 3300 roils or tne latest papers 01 : largest wall paper concern in the world. The patterns are ily up-to-date and our prices we nave paper trom 10 URBN HAMILTON ill 60 WW r"Jf Vf.ff ft"? If Dod'I Work ADVERTISING GOODS AT COST AND?20 PER CENT. DIS COUNT, ETC. .UNLESS YOU DO IT. PEOPLE SOON CATCH ON. OUR FORCE OF CLERKS HAS NOT BEEN REDUCED, WE HAVE WORK FOR THEM. Our regular prices aro 114 low, and lower tlinu tlio fnko snles now going on. Peoplo linvo found it out, hence vu do tin) lion's Klinru of tlio shoo trade In S.ilum : : : ; SEE US FOR NEW STYLES AND LOW PRICES. &&& CEAs5'SS' 2SZB DENTIST ROOMS 27 AND 29 POST OFFICE BLCCK. Ut JSooh j ice; mail free of cost to yourself. are still the lowest in the val- cents - up. A MURDEROUS POLITICAL PLOT Attempted Assassination of Gooel Proves to Be Nothing More GOV TAYLOR ADJOURNS THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION And Gobel Members are Driven Through the Streets By Armed Political Prejudice Run3 Riot and the Worst is Feared Court of Appeals Adjourns Indefinitely, Its Members Have Been , Threatened Ir Anaovlnled Preu to tlie Juarnnl. FnASKroRT, Jau. 31. Gov. Taylor this morning isauod a proclamation nd Journing tlio legislature and calling It to moot in London, Ky., Fob. 0. Ho gives as a reason for this action tlio state of Insurrection prevailing in Kontucky,and especially In Frankfort. Tlio Demo orotic members of the legislaturo hnve declined to accept tho adjourn munt, and not being permittod to assomhlo at tho cipltol then decided to meet in tho o.iera houses. Ths was thon prevented by tho troops, who also chased members through tho streets, and also prevented ihcm from meeting at tho court house. Tho ltepublican members of tho legis lature will lcavo at onco for London, pursuant to Governor Taylor's instruc tions for tho legislaturo to meet there noxt Tuesday. Tho court of appeals tins Indefinitely adjourned refusing to sit while tho mili tia is hero. Ono reason Is the fuel that letters have been received from Mlddlcsboro stating that Appelate Judge JHazlorigg and flobson wero also to have been killed yesterday. It is not expected that Goobcl will survive tho aftornoon. Ills fovor has increased, and tho doctors havo about giveo up all hopes. Martial law has been declared In Frankfort, to begin at 0 o'clock this morning, and tho session of tho ilegis lituro,.nt which tlio Democrats aro de termined to fat Goebel, us governor, will bo stopped by tho military, Ono ot tho highest olllcars with tho troops said: "Tho legislaturo says it is going to moot at 10 o'clock. Maybe it will, but whether it docs or riot, it will not unseat Governor Taylor today." That tho attempt to kill Goobol was deliberate admits of no doubt whatever, and tho only wonder is that it (ailed. Tho bullet which struck Goobel was fired from a window in tho centor ot tho third story of the oilico blldlng jUBt cast of the capital. That window was raised about eight inches from the sill to per mit an unobstructed pastago for tho bul let, when Goebcl should come within rango. Both Chlnn and Lllllard assort that, while the first shot cutno from tho direction of a window In tho-thlrd story, thero were other shots fired from differ out portions of tho same building. Tho window in the third story was left open, no effort having beon made to close it by the would-bo assassin, while, not an other window in tho building was open ed, nor were there any places where bullots had been fired through them. As soon as it was known that the bul. let which struck down Goobel had como from thoimilding to tlio east a croup of 3300 IRolle J 4 Troops men gathered in front of the door on tho east side. Others ran around to the door on tho west side to prevent tho es cape of anybody from thore. Several men attempted to enter, tho doors from tho outside, but were proveutod by groups of mountaineers, who stood in doorways. Somo of these men held Winchesters In their hands, and pre sented an aspect 0 gonerally uninviting that no attempt was mado to search tho building, and hobody gained anontranco to It for several minutes after tho shoot had been dono and tho assassin had an amplo opportunity to escape. That tho shooting of Goobol was tho result of a carefully laid plan is without question. Tho man who did tho woik hud evidently taken his stand at 'a window, which had previously been raised In order to allow a froo passage 'of tho bullet, and waited until his victim was in full sight before firing. Ever sinco tho influx ot the moun taineers, last week, a largo number of thoin havo been sleeping in the upper part of the state house. It is not known however, that any of these mou did tho work or that thoy had any knowlodgo of tho premeditated crime. There has not, so far, beeu discovered tho slightest direct evidonco pointing to any man, uml It is not likely now that any will uvor bo found. The man who fired the shots took tho precaution to conceal his location by using smokeless powdir cartridges. Doth Chlnn and Lllllard aro men pf experiencoin affairs in which powdir smoke ia a moro or less prominent fea ture, and both declare that wl lie they could tell tho general direction from which tho bullets came, thoy could not guess the sot from which thoy were tired. Orders wcro Issued to companies throughout tho Btnto to make ready at onco to como to Frankfort, the entire stnto guard being culled into service. It was feared that the news of tho shoot ing would so inflame tho Democrats that they would como to Frankfort in swarms, whilo tho mountaineers would loose no tlmo In coming to the cupltol for tho purpose ot upholding their party principles. Senator-Elect Blackburn, who was In Washington, was iuformed of tho shoot ing through tho long-distance telephone, aud sent back a messago urging the Democrats to remain quiet and tako no rash action ot uny sort. While William Goebel lay at tho point of death lust night, tho contesting board, which tor two weeks had beeu listening to tho evidence iu his contest tor tho governor's chair, declared him entitled to tho seat. Tho selection of London as a meeting plaiefortho legislaturo Is signflcant. It is right in tho heart of tho country from which hail the mountaineers, who have como down to Frankfort. Tho county is ono ol tho strongest Republican counties intho state. Democrats say their lives would not bo safe ono day it they go into that county. None ot them will BO. No progress has been made toward apprehending tho party who shot Goe bel. Tlio police have practically aban doned the case. This morning a thou sand men with two galling guns wero stationed in tlio capltol building. At present the city is quiet and there are no surface indications ot trouble from any source It is largely due to the coiihcrvatiVa attitude Hummed by the leading 'politicians ot both parties that there lias not been fighting on the streets of Frankfort. Governor Taylor and his attorneys re WE CARRY COMPANY'S THE SIMONDS X X GROSS GUT S THESE ARE THE ONLY LARGE LOGGERS OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER. Our largely increasing sales are an indication of the worth of the goods GRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, SALEM, OREGON WED2TESD AT, JANUARY 31 1900. mained all night In the statu house. Threats havo been mado against all of them, and it was thought tho wisest tiling for them to remain whore they wero until tho excitement has some what abated. This morning not a member ot tho legislaturo know whether or not that body would bo pormltted to moot In tho capltol building. Thoy decided, how ever, to march in n body to tho capitol, Clerk Lee, of tho houao, with repre sentatives Kilday and Lewis, formed an advance guard aud presented themselves at tho south gato ot tho cupltol. No soldier was visible outstdo tho building, but insido long lines of Infantry wero drawn upon each side of tho hall, with bayonets fixed Col. Williams in command of the troops handed a copy of the governor's proclamation to each member ot tho house as they passed in. When tho main body of legislators camo tramping through the doorway they wore stopped by soldiers and not allowed to proceed upstairs. Loud cries and exclamations ailed tho air, and Col. Williams mount ng half way up stairs, read tho procla mation in a loud voice. Loud cries ot indignation from Demo crats followed tho reading ot tho procla matlon. Somo ono shouted : "Wo are dealing with n pack of heathons and hounds, lot's go to tlio opera liouso." Shouts ot approval greeted the proposal nnd down tho broad steps streamed tho crowd. A few quick orders wcro given, and away toward tho opera houso rushed tho Soldiers. Every man went as though running to a flro. Thoy easily distanced the legislators. When tho law makers arrived at tho front of tho opera houso, it was occupied by u panting lino of soldiors witii fixed buyouets. Speaker Triinblodomandod entrance to tho hall. It was refused, Trimble then addressed tho crewd: ''Gentlemen: Wo are denied admission to tho ojiera houso. Wo will now ad journ to the court house." Away went tho crowd with good- natured yells ot derision nt tho soldiers who had orders to remain at the opera houso and could not leave. Tho triumph ot tho lawmakora was short lived. Before thoy had gono 100 fcot, around tho cor ner swung a second company of soldiors directly in their path. The second heat of the race was now on, aud away wont dignified senators and representatives down tho street in & cloud of dual yelling like a pack ot Indians. Alongside ran tho soldiers. It was tho saiuo story over again, aud tho legislators wore permitted to look at tlio outsldo of tho court house, while tho soldiers hold the path, Gonoral Collior hail arrived by this tlmo, and Speaker Trimble, advancing from the crowd, said : "Don't shoot, goneial." 'I am not going to create any trouble. I won't shoot unless I havo to," was tho reply. Trlmblo announced, "The legislaturo will now adjourn subject to my call." Tho crowd disported. It was decided by the military authorities that if an other attempt nt meeting was made, to arrest all concerned In tlio gathering. "Wo wish to bo admi ted to the court home," suid Trimble. LADIES OF who are compelled by their posl Ion In tho social world to attoud paities, late dinners, ojiera, etc., often experienct eye troubles, a lack of that healthful brilliancy so desired, and admired. This condition 1. results from CVC STfaill that cuu bo promptly relieved by Ml'HINK. Murine is u necessary accessory to the toilet of mo eiue. r-UKKfl HOHK KYKH lilt Wl I'KKH 1TI HIVJ t.r H WAThltlNO KVKS KH ItKli K KH CL'llKiKiUAKUI.ATKI) 1.11)3 Murine is thu eopIu remedy. We guarantee It will pleahe you or refund money. That shows our confidence in Murine. For sale by HERMAN W. BARR, 18 Stat: Bthkkt. SilBNTIflCUnillAN MANUFACIURINO bV t SAWS USED BY WASHINGTON X X X X society mm M -V 1 I u hv : 1 II m wsamm & THE . Kf AND . wf;i X UUfflA BROS AfP Ore. V "It cannot bo dono, gentlemen, "said Goneral Collier. Goobel is 'lowly sinking and may die any momont, Taylor Charging Conspiracy. Oinci.n.vati, Jan. 31. A Star special from Frankfort says Governor Taylor is having warrants prepared for tho arrest of every member of tho legisla ture who has allied himself with the Gocbelitcs, charging them with con spiracy. No Federal Interference. Wabiiinotox, Jan. 31. Secretary Hoot is authority for tho statement that thero is nothing iu the Kentucky situation calling for federal Interference. A Large Largo, II r Aimiivlntrd 1'rert In the Journnl San Fuancisco, Jan. 31. The big American ship Shenandoah has beon chartered to tako to Sydney tho largest c.ugo over sont to Australia from the Pu clllc coast. Sho will cirry 1,600,000 fict ot lumber and about 3000 tons of general cargo. Thero Is n great demand for ves sels in the Aurtrallan trade aud char ters aro high. LIEUT. SCHENECK KILLED Filipinos Ambush His Compel lly Anoorlntrit I'f- the Jciiirnnl. Manila, Jon 31. Mommy's ofloir near Subig resembled tho recent parK train ambush. Liout. Schoncck with a scouting party, forty men of tho Tvcnty-llfth infantry, ran Into n largo Schonerk fell at the first volley shot In thn head. Sergeant Singleton and threo privates wero also killed and llvo wounded. Tho Americans then rotreated. After wards a stronger force was sont to the scene, and the Insurgents departed. Philippine Commission, Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 31. A special to tho Herald from Washington suys: Presi dent McKInloy will coon aunounco tho appointment of tho commission to bo charged with tho establishment of civil government in tho Philippines. There will bo flvo members of tho commission, and Colonel Charles Donby will probably bo appointed chairman. BULLER CTILL THERE. May Rusume Fight to Relieve Ladysmith American Scouts Join British llr Aoclattil I'm, Iu lh Juurnnl. Cai-k Town, Jan. 31. Buller still holds tothoTugola drifts, and will possibly renew tho attack to furco his way through tho Boer dotontos before long. Ludy smith Is capable of holding out for a considerable tlmo. London, Jan. 31. A dispatch from who arrived there as muleteers havo enlisted In the British forces. , lly AMonliilcil I'rena Iu the JouroHl. London, Jan. 31. When tlio nation had almost resigned itself to thu fall of Ladysmith, thero comes from nil quar ters today un indication that Buller will nniko uuotlior attempt to believe tho bo biged place If tho Daily Mail reports Buller's statement, that he hopes to be In Lady. smith within n week, can bo lolled on, uows of further serious lighting may lie oxpectcd shortly. But the puers aro loth to belsuvo what the St. James Ga zette cliuractorltoi rts an "unwurrantu bio boasting,'' if true, Tho war olllco throws cold water on thu dispatch this afternoon by Issuing a xtatoment that it bus no news confirma tory of such a move as Buller's roported speech Indicates. A dicpatch from Spearman's farm, dated Juiiuury "5th, describing tho light und retirement from Sploukop. says; Wu (lied down in perfect ordor. The oii'iny is holding thanksgiving services tonight. Our surgeons who aicendod the hilt wuru allowed to remove tho Aouudcd, The scene at the top of thu hill wus fuurful, and a terrible witness jf the destructlvcness of artillery." SEE OUR 52c UNDERWEAR WORTH 75c. p A GREAT SPECIAL IN LADiaS' ALL WOOL HOSE 20c Olc - WKVr C flHtVt Reductions than ever on all our ladies' capes jackets and suits HM ROYAL The Absolutely Pure Baking Powder Made from Grape Cream of Tartar. Baking powders made from alum and other harsh, caustic acids are lower in price, but inferior in work and injurious to the stomach. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. Party Near Subig and Retreat forcoot insurgents in n mountain defile. ft Cape Town suys that 1C0 American scouts Uoer Casualties. I'jiKTOiiiA, Jan. 31, It is officially an nounced that thu Boor casualties ut Spinnkop were C3 killed aud 110 wounded. Webster Davis, assisting tec rotary of the Interior of U uhington,accompaulcd by United States Consul Hullls und thu stutu attoruoy sturted today for thu Boer head laager ut Ladysmith in the presi dent's saloon carriago. Strange Drl ih Movements. London, Jan. 31. It is now known that tho cabinet devoted much of its dltcusslons Saturday to the moblllza tlou of the fleet Nothing was setthd, excopt that until further security to thu home coasts hud been obta'ned by naval preparations, tho Kighth division shall nil bo sent to South Africa, Monday, the admiralty Issued orders that the channel Miuiulron, Instead of ' leaving Portland this week fur Gibrnl 1 tar, as previously directed, shall ossein !ble, Februury 6, of Kddystono, nnd proceed to Bantry, fur u fortnight exorcise off the Irish coast, thus keopltig in home waters for a time. This decision to dulpy the Eighth division at u time when reinforcement i k S.m m All Colors in Wool Fascinators NrVe especially ask you to See this Line, Yotirs for Bargains! in our NO. 2G i- aro so urgently required, may mean only that more troops aro not yet available, and that tho division will embark when tho shipping Is rcadv. THE PLAGUE IN HAWAII Forty-one Donth9 Have Ooourrert. nnd Flfty-eevon Cases Roported. Ilr Antnclnttd I'm ta the Journal. San Fiunciscx), Jan. 31. Tho Btcamor Australia, which arrived today, reports that up to the tlmo of her departure from Honolulu, 41 deaths from the plague had occurred and a total of 57 cases. Hawaiian Dill Completed, Washington, Jan. 31. Tho Hawaiian bill has been practically complotcd. Tho chief charges aro tho striking out of any and all property qualifications for electors to the senate. This elimin ates tho supervision given to tho su premo court of Hawaii over the election in tho eonato and houso, which makes each tho Judge of IU own olections. The omission of tho property qualifications forolectom is in the interosts ot tho nt tlves. Tho Clark Case. Wabiiinoto.v, Jan. 31. The investi gating rommlttou in thu Clark cato has adjourned until Friday. Tlio Bepublican loaders ot tho house havo practically agreed agulnsta free trade policy in Porto Rice nnd tho Philippines. Thero will bo no river and harbor bill presented ut this session ot congress. PW) pm DUry? Then your liver Isn't ictlnewell. You sutferfrom bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act tirrrttv nn the liver. For 00 vein Hie Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. 25c. All druggists. Wut your mouiiMcha or bMrd bMuUful n mi ini Tho rwr for th en nitcKT -jnio m DUUMnunftlTlO UI Whisker jqssjisssxi.v .v".v ft ."VJ'sai WtlBAT MARKET Ouioaoo, January 31. May OSVf, ush 70. 8k Kiumumw. Jan 31. Cash. 100. SEE OUR 35c UNDERWEAR WORTH 50c GOOD lATI ERNS IN MEN'S FANCY DRESS SI UR'IS, WORTH St. 50, $1.25, 51 005 75c each 20 c We invite comparison both quality and price on fine clothing' see clothing window Jf i xi i 1