JOURNAL Latest Aaaooiataa prosa ioio rrame, Fresh Looat news and Llvo 1JJJ It's Business" not Politics, ' tto duu'ttollclt)k)urdtiUtiKbMMM Editorials maKo too uauy jour tat , i " of jmt jiilUlc or outs, bat Lvchm Journal Advertising Paya SALEtt, OREGOtf TUESDAY JANUARY 3u 1900.- NO. 25 DAILY wif . - J yod oe?d. ClofbiD or Shoes Don't wait 'till noxt fall to buy thoin. Wholesale prices oro advancing Si every lino of merchandise. You'll Bave money by buying your BiipplJcs for tho coralnir vear. before wo are compelled to pay higher prices for our goods. '.Wo can fit you out in almost any line. V i Shoes, clothing, noslory, unuerwear, "lall kinds ol lndle8rnnd genta furnlflhing Special Reductions Mackintoshes on That all wool tricot box toat at :.V25 nil zp and nl orndos. rci urea tner lino oi ruDnors. - V. ----- ---- o 1 -.i-w.tmw am ?HENEW YORK IjvIDhBE ($M'l (4 SMIbbbbbbVC BJv W 'UbbbbbbbbbVS. AVYnx. tjca fj bbbbbbbbMY U V $ fBBHlfc' l tw" r "-' 'caaaaaWHii r RAUSSB PROS ft DOCTORS!!!!!:: IPLEY AND OLINGER, f eft & ft MbF' WALL PAPER FOR 1900 to ELL1NG how to paper and showing interiors with col ored piate. A nanasome ana useiui neiper to uu who hnv rnnms tn mner. Enter vour name on our list and you will receive one by mail free of cost to yourself. We have just received 3300 rolls of the latest papers of Jhe largest wallpaper concern in the world. The patterns are truly up-to-date and our prices are still the lowest in the val ley, we have paper .from 10 cents up. BURBN HAMILTON . i .,,,.,, . ,, , , nam, snirm, uuuivvuiiis, 3iilhuib,uiiu goods. Is u huiuinor. Men's long rubber to Close out. hub noes not upniy 10 RACKET I If Don't Work ADVERTISING GOODS AT COST AND20 PER CENT, DIS COUNT, ETC. .UNLESS YOU DO IT. PEOPLE SOON CATCH ON. OUR FORCE OF CLERKS HAS NOf BEEN REDUCED, WE HAVE WORK FOR THEM. Our regular prices are as low, and lower than the fake pales now going on. People have found it out, hence wo do tho lion's ehare of the slew trndu In Salorn : : SEE US FOR NEW STYLES AND LOW PRICES. -wi qxJSNS' &iSfiXX'SZ'XKZXKS5 DENTISTS ROOMS 27 AND "29 I'OSTOFFICE BLOCK. I lit $3ook jfcee! IBULLER STILL IN GREAT DANGER Boers May Cut- Him olf From His Base at Prere BRITISH SUFFER SEVERE Rumored Destruction ol the hannesburg Dr. Leyds Knows Nothing of Either Macrum's or Davis' Missions and Sas There is no Move on Foot to Induce McKinley to Intervene . General White May Make a Dash From Ladysmith May Break for Liberty.. Ur AaaooUted Vtern to tho Journal. New Yokk, Jan. 30. Adtlces from London Indicate that tho military -asuo-clntos of Gcnerol White are of tho opinion that ho will mako a deapcrato attempt fo break through the Uoer lines and escape from Ladysmith ; that although such a movement would cost a tremendous sacrifico of life, It would bo preferable to n surrender to tho Boers. No Intervention, Ukrun, Jan. ao. To a correspondent of tho Associated Tress, Dr. I.eyds mado tho following statement: 'I know nothing about the roported missions of cither Mncrum or Webster Davis. Nor to the best of my knowl edge Is cither tho bearer of a message of neaco. There nro no movements unUor way on our part to Induce Prcsldont Mc Klnloy to Intervene betweon Great Brit aln and tho Ttnnavoal." Bullet's Arrny In Danger. New York. Jan. 80. A London dis patch to the Evening World saya : liul let's danger hi now forcing Itsolf on the mllltorv exports. Tho committee of national defenso is gravely considering It. Lord Roberts, It Is reported, cabled tho committee that unless Duller nud his forces arrive aafely from tho present position tp. (ho south of tho Little Tugela river they will bo In Immlnont danger of having communications cut off. Duller' main force Is now about 22 miles from tho baso at Froro and Chovu ley. It will take dayB for Bullera' army to get back to Its buso. In tho mean time the Doers are in forco at Coleneo, only a few mllet away from that base. Should they hurl an oerwholming force over the Tugela and crush tho British at Cheyeley thoy would havo Duller In a trap. Fighting at Colesberg. PitETOiiu, Jan. 27. A dispatch from Coleabcrg says Commandant Delaroy re ports that a largo body of Drlttsh ad vanced January 25th, and ho attacked them, causing tho British to retiro after suffering a severe loss. The Door casual ties were two men slightly wounded. General Greoblor reports heavy firing since daybreak, The Drltlsh In great forco aro endeavoring to surround tho Doer positions. Gonoral Schoeumau hastened to their assistance. Schoeumau reports the Urltlah repulsed. Tho Door loss Is four slightly and one aotorely wounded Tho Drltlsh loss must bo I severe. Tho bombardment of Klmlwrly continue Tho Hoerforcoa are reported quiet Uoer Arsnel Desuoed London, Jan. 30. A dispatch from 1 J 1 3300 IRolls t ' LOSS NEAR COLESBURG Boer Shell Factory at Jo Durban aaya a refugee from Johanuct burg reports tho destruction of tbo Doer sholl factoty in that place. The Iocs, it is added, is Irreparable. Still North or Tugela. London, Jnn. 30. Thore is almost a complete absencoof news from Drltlsh sources in South Africa today. Tho As soclated Press learns that I.yttloton's brigade ia still in the original position at Potglctor's Drift, showing that a part oMjullors force Is still north of tho Tugela river. In Parliament, All of tho section of tho Irish nation alists wcro absent from tho opening ses sion of parliament, owing to tholr nt tondanco at a meotlng In their commit- too room, timothy Harrington pro- sided, John Redmond doscrlbcd tho prestige of Great Britain as practically shattered. He moved a resolution, de claring at end tho division of tho Irish nationalist representatives, and that henceforth thoy should act together oi ono united party. Tho resolution was carried unanimously. Great Britain's Resource, London, Jan. 30. History pausoi for a tlmo in South Africa. It is ono of thoeo unsatisfactory pauses that are nearly as trying to uritien nerves m a sequence of reverses, nnd apparent y it will tcrminato only when Lord Rob erta gites tho word for tho forward movement into tho Frco State, which, according to tho most cheerful view, ho wiUbo unable to do torn fortnight. Whether ho will permit General Duller to mako another attempt to relievo Ladysmith U quite outido tho knowl edge even ot those cloucly connecttd with tho war ollico. With tho troops due to arrive next month ho may think himself strong enough to try two large operations. Combining tho forces un dor Generals Methuon, French and Gatacre, and adding to them the arriv ing troops, Lord Roberts would have 70,000 for the invasion of tho Frco Stato, with 40,000 to 60,000 guarding communi cations, and 10,000 trying to rescue Ladysmith. Tho public burns with impatience that something should be done, but there Is nothing to do but wait on tho prepara tions. Oceana ot ink oro poured out in advice. Orators aro at work In tho provinces, telling the people that Eng land hafl set hor teeth In grim deter mination to eeo it through. The government's declarations In parliament, tho coiinter-doclaratlona ot those outalde tho government, and tho consequent discussion in tho prens and on the platform, will immediately en thrall thei public interest. Tho thing on which evorybody ueeuia agreed ia that more men must go. Twenty thousand two hundred and twenty-two men nnd 165 guns are at aca. Eloven thousand infantry nnd 9000 enq uiry, Including 6000 yoemen, aro practi cally ready to embark. Thorcforo, th government, without doing more, can place at the disnouil of Lord RoWta 40.000 additional men and 165 guns The further purjwses of the war ofllclala are supposed to embrace somewhere In the neighborhood of 60,000 men, Aa tho indication ia that candidates will be rather scarce, the war ollico will Issue orders for thooo reservista who wero found unfit at the provloua mobilization examinations to report for further ex amination. Applicants for cavalry for- vice are still freely offorlng aayoemnnry. ' General Buller'a operation has cost 012 men ao far officially roported within 10 days. Applying to tho 200 Splonkop WE CARRY THE COMPANY'S X SIMONDS GROSS 6UT SAWS THESE ARE THE ONLY LARGE LOGGERS OP WASHINGTON AND THE COLUMBIA RIVER. X X X X X Our largely increasing aales are an Indication ot the worth of the goods RAY Cor. State and Liberty 8U. Salem, Ore. casualties repotted today tho rule of proportion, tho loss of ofllcora indicates 600 casualties yet to come. Tho total cuaua'.ilos of tho war, compiled from official reports, nro 0,622 nearly a dl vision) Of these 2,480 ure killed, 4,811 wounded, and the rest are prisoners. The aggregate Drltlsh home troops in South Africa number 110,000, the Natal ians 6,1C8, and tho Cap Colonials 21,- 000. Mav Qet Delagoa Bay. ISdo.v, Jnn. 30. Tho Lisbon, corre spondent ot tho Standard Bays : "i hear that tho Idemnlty to bo awarded Great Britain in tho Delngon bay arbitration will bo so large that Por tugal will bo obliged to mako over tho railway and the port of, Louroneo Marques to the Drltlsh government." The Differing Accounts. London, Jan. 30. Thore la comment in London on tho discrepancy between till Doer account ol tho recapture of Sp'lonkop and that sent by Gonoral Bul lor. Tho lattor says not a word about the Doors sealing tho hill and attacking tho British trenchos, nnd capturing 150 men who hnd hoisted tho w hito ling, as at Mniuba hill. Instead, ho spoko of tho maintenance of "tho best traditions of tho Drltlsh nrmy." There la not much doubt tho Door account Ib correct. Jt Is by no means boastful, Tho London military critics hmo given up tho hopo ot saving Ladysmith, which ia undoubtedly abort of food and ammu nition, Tho garrison went on short ra tloiiH December 2. Can't Send Money to the Boers. New York, Jan. 30. A spfclnl to tho World from Washington says: Tho fear ot offending Great Britain nnd provok ing a profoet would causa tho admlnla tration to dccllno to comply with tho request of Dr. Proctorlus, of St. Louts, who, it Is said, has forwarded to Secre tary Hay money nnd a letter express ing sympathy with tho Doors, which ho naka to be sent to President Kruger through" tho American consul at Pre toria. It is Indicatod that tho stato de partment will tako tho ground that it would be n violation of the neutrality lawa for this government to give finan cial aid to a belligerent, It la pointed out that this request dif- tore from the request mRdo by tho American consul at Pretoria in behalf of Great Britain to bo permitted to f i r wurd money to ho usod by tho British elck nnd wounded In tho purchusoof dollcacioa, in that the latter request is made by ono belligerent ot unothor, using a neutral as means of communica tion. British Parliament Aatemea, London, Jn. 20. Anxiety exlsta as to tho results aa to tho luscmbling of Parliament today, tilr Charles Dilko will move an amendment to tho nddrcta In reply to tho Queen's speech, opening tho session. Tho amendment will ex presaa regot that tho mlnlstor failed to forseo tho probabdity of war with thu Transvaal and tho Orango Freo 8tato, and notwithstanding tho oxisttneo of ample meana.of Information, erroneous ly estimated tho extent and nature of the military operations ncceury to tho success of the British farms. Another mattor which will cull for early at tention is tho further war credit which will bo asked. This sum will be f 100, 000,030. LADIES . nt. SOCIETY m 4fU who aro compelled by their osion In tho social world to 'attend patties, late dlnnora, opera, otc., often experience nvn trnublui. a lack of that healthful Ibrllllancv bo desired, and admired. This condition x,,,. ' results from V C Sirdlll ilmf fHll hit promptly rehoed byMUlUM-;. aiunno to a nocoasary accessory to the toilet of the elite. runes nuiir. r.rr.n rUHK8 IT( IIINO hYK. ttlllfHttATKHINOKVEfl. rUHKH IIKII KYKI ,,, 'I!I1KA(1I1ANII.ATKDLII'H. Murine la the pooplea remedy, We guarantee It will please you nr refund monoy. That show a our confidence lit Murine. For sale by HERMAN W, BARR, 18 Statu f-Tuurr. SciUfTinr f mciAN MANUFACTURING Mrt X X V -v SAWS USED BY THE MURINE BROS Bombardment of Kimbetlcy. London, Jan. 30 Tho Times has tho following heliograph message via Modder river, from Klmhcrley, dated Jnn. 20 : "The bombardment continues. It is now directed towardtho Inhabited por tiona of tho town, rather than tho fortl flcattons. Dotween midnight and 4 p m. yesterday 1 15 shells were fired. Tliev 8Cem to havo been of Transvaal mnnu factum; not bursting widely. Ono child was killed and tour peoplo woro Injured." WliFVisitSt. Petersburir. St. Peters nuna,ran. 30 Nowspapora announco that ur. JLcyus, tno uipio- matle representative of tho Transvaal will visit this city next week. . Possible Boer Movements, London, Jan, 30. Spencer Wilkinson, f n tho Morning Post aaya : "Defeat Is bittor, but it Is right to fnco It nnd tako reasonable moans for vic tory. It is wrong to try to conceal it from oursolvoB. Tho Initiative ia now again with tho Doer commander, nnd tho question Is what will he do next? Ho will either act against Ladysmith or ngalnst Uon oral Duller. In the hitter case pursuit would bo usoless, for when tho British force is om.3 across the river again it would bo Impracticable, ns n small rear guard could prevent pur suit. Much more piobably would bo an at tack on Cliooly betoro tho return of tho main body, Dithor that or a fresh as sault on Ladysmith may ho recorded In a day ot two." Clan-Na-Qaels to Aid Boers. Ciiicaco, Jan. 30. Col. Fiuorty, who commands tho Clau-Na-Gael Guards, has been busy for eovoral weokB organ ising a "hoKpltal corps" for Borvico in South Africa and Imc been aided ma terially tu his work by Aloxamlor Sul livan. Tho first installment fo tho corps leaves hero today nnd will Join tho volunteers from tho Ninth Mnesn chiiBotts ot Boston ami tho corps from South Frnmlngham nnd othor places. Tho entire corps will then leave for Antworp and remain subject to tho orders of Dr. Loyds. Only 60 men will bo Bant in n bodjvfrom Chicago, nnd It Is ci-tlmnlcd that It will coot nbout $225 to defray tho expeiiBcs of each member of the corps from tho tlmo ho leavoa Chi cago until arriving in Lorenzo Mnrqucs, Tho Clark Case. WAantNOTOS, Jnn. 30. J. II. Glcger waa tho first witness beforo tho commit tee Investigating tho election of Clurk, of Montana, When questioned regard ing tho money doposlted In tho tlrst National Bank of Kallspell, ho admitted u transaction amounting to twonty-flvo hundred dollars, nnd stated that he had won two thousand dollars at poker and faro, uYon wore a stato senator at that timet did you know it wna a misde meanor to play furo?" "Well, 1 waa about ns conscientious about that mutter as some of tho pother Montana olllnals,"; Mirauthng Ynquls. AU8T,iiTox. Jan. 3. A dlnpntch from Ortiz, stato of Sonorn, Moxlco, onyx that a number of iparaiidiug bands of Yuqul Indiana are committing depredu-tor- within a few miles ot Gtinynms, and that tho people fear a concerted attack on t o town by tho ri'lrtls.i Thu Indiana altnrked tho Han Joie .ill aitltliiii Iiiih vitlfiM if flu Aifuina YTtWIIII IVMI tlMtltJ U VJllltJ IIIIIVi I buriu-d all tho ranch buildluua and i drooo(f nil thu livestock. Several other ranches nave ix'i.u atlacKiM, ino gov ernment troops, commanded by General Torres, have made no advance Into the Yuqul country since their recent victory. Transports Arrive San FiiANpiNCo, Jan. 30. The trans port Thomus bearing the bodies of tlen. Lawton Anil Major logan, arrived today. Notice. All uiciuImu-m of Valley ami Protec tion lodgcri and Hojournlnu Workmen am reueited to meet at Viilloy Hall, to morrow Juiumry illst, at 1I:.!0 n'eiix-k hnri) to attend tho funoral of our Into brother, I'd wan I Arnold. 1' uncial from the renldcnco of Clius. Arnold nt 12 o'clock. L. H. Hkklv, Master Workman. 2 Days sale ol taints Tuesday and Wednesday wc will make a strong attempt to close out all our remnants so we will wind up this month with a two days ROUSING REMNANT SALvE REMNANTS IN DRESS GOODS SILKS , .TOWING LACES EAU3ROIDERIES Remnants Must Go! BIG REDUCTION GOEBEL ASSASSINATED ;,Hot Political Strife tlie Governor-Elect. ,. - WILDEST EXCITEMENT PREVAILS IN KENTUCKY Five Shots Fired at Mol The Wounded Ur AMiiclnted l'riiaa tn the Jonrnnl. FnNKroitT, Ky., Jan. 30. William Goebcl was shot and vory seriously In jured this morning while passing through tho stato houso yard. Two shots wero fired from n rltlo, only ono taking effect. It struck Goobcl In tho right side. The ball paused through his body, coining out bolow tho right shoulder blade. It la not thought that the wound will prove fatal, unless aomo complications sot in, Harland Whlta- ker, n farmer, if Butler county, is un der arrest, but denies having fired tho shot. Col. Jack Chlnii nnd Warden Llllard, of tho penitentiary, who were with Goebel, Instantly seized him. While Chlnn was holding tho wounded man, four shots wore fired at both men. All of thorn struck close. Goebel was taken to n room in the capital hotel. When Goebel fell to thu pavement, Col. Clilnn immediately seized him, 8aylug: "I guess thoy have got you, Goebel." "Yes," replied the wounded man, "1 gucsa thoy havo got mo for Bure." Within three minutes after the shoot ing n lino of men was thrown around thu building from which tho shout were tired With tho intention ot preventing the escape ot anybody from tho struc ture John W. Miles, un aged cltlzon ol Frunkfort, was standing at thu foot of tho stairway lending from thu first Uoer when a inun, evidently n mountalncoi, cauio rushing down thu steps. Miles Instantly threw his arms around tho man and held him. Ho submittal to nrreet quietly, claiming hu had noth ing tu do with the shooting. That tho ut tempt to kill Uoebel waa dollborali admits of no doubt, and the only won dvr la that it tailed. Ending fjr Troops." Loutaruus, Jan. HO Orders have boot luutd for it hpeolal train presuimtbl fur the traiiortatlon of militia (run IVxlnglon to Frankfort. Niciiolabviue, Ky., Jan 30. Tin troops hero guaullug KuudaU'i have been ordered to Frankfort. Ooebel Is Worse. FjiANKroiiT. Jim. 30, 1:30 p. m. Goebol'sj condition is not to good, and grave feara ure entertained for his life. Fiiamki'ort, Ky., Jan. 30. Senntor Goebel waa shot and fatally wounded this morning, Uoebel waa walking up tho sidewalk ltuding to tho aenati chamber when n man in tho Becond story of n building east of thu capltoi II red upon him. Five shots woro tired nnd Uoelxd fell to the ground fntall) wounded. A guard wiw liiHlautly throvwi around the building, from which the ahota were ll'cd, inurder to prevent the escape of thuassassiii. Men dashed into the building and up to thu room from t which the ahota wero II red, hut could llndno one. Tho guard was doubled, and Adjutant (leueral Collier, uu anient political opponent of Uoebel took charge nt it. Tho wildest excitement prevails "Thoy huu assassinated Senator Goebel waa slionti'd into the house door an Instant after thu ahota rang out Members rushed pell-mell over ono another down the steps to tho front ot tho building. Hundreds injured Into thu statu house yard, and it looked aa it RIBBONS OUTING FLANNELS PRINTS PERCALES .TICKINGS , DRAPERIES mK$ori Leads to Murder ol From an Upper Window Man May- Live n riot would result. Cooler headaad vised Burroundlng tho building from which thushota came, nnd In lesa than three mlnutea fifty special police sur rounded it. Qoebel May Live FitANKFortT. Ky.,Jan 30 Goebel U not fatally wounded. Tho ball struck hla right side, passed through his boly, coming out below the shoulder blado. At noon the report from Goebel's room Is that thu wounded man la resting cas ily John Whittak era farmer, of Butler county, has been a r re b ted on a charge of shooting Goebcl. The olllctala acted with' tho greatest promptitude. Adjutant Goneral Collier wna anting in ins omco wucii tno anota woro 111 cd. Hu Instani'y rushed out of i ho bulldlnu and whon hu, learned that Goubel hud been shot ho telephoned to tho armory, and with! t t vonty mluutts a company of militia thirty strong was drawn up in front of the Capital building. Them was talk ou every stde of placing under arrest every man who wna n thu building when thu ahota wero tlrxjd, oven Including Gov, Taylor, though nobody believed for a moment he hud any knowledgo of tho crime. Ho expressed hluuolf ns being ex tremely sorry that audi a thing had happened. Afjiooti ns it waa noised . around that Guobel had been shot. Membera ot tho legislature made a ,vlld rush for thu telegraph offico and lied voluminous messages to tholr con itituoiita, and within an hour replies witi to pour In. ... The general run ot them having but mo tenor, which was "we aro coming " It la expected that fullv 6000 men will trrho In Frankfort boforo tomorrow nornlng. All the military atrougth of h. siaio will bo called out and hurried to Frankfort. - , It wna reptrted thia afternoon that Jpoakor Trimble, of the houao. had de- nred that tho legislature could ba re moved to Covington, and that Goebel 4 0tild there bo declared governor. aaasaii ataaaawii aaajaj Stunted Hair Does your hair split at the end? Can you pull out a nanuiui oy running your lingers through It? Does it seem .Irv nii lifeless? Give your hair a chance, Feed It. The roots are not dead; they sre weak because they are starved that's ail. The best hair food l- If you don't want your balr to die. use Aver's Hair Vleoronce a day.Itmakes the hair grow, stops falling, and cures dsndrutf, It slwaya restores color to gray or fadeu nair. tl a WllJ. ah arii' ... . ltoppd rnr llr from falllnjr out, ad .tMlttngrowaplnnlc.. March :, 1(9). cnota, . Da. "Ajar'a Half Vigor cojnP'fl;' fnjj ma froro diiiclruir; wltti which i I wJ BreatlT aJOleUd. Tin RTOwthoC my lulr loc ftt uh bas ien oiaMhlnjr wondr- ipU15,J. MeirYork.N.y. If you da not obUln ll U S.l' iutl froro tin ot tM lUIr Yll. w,Kuttu. wjwj'a'isi iVlf. M.... i '- ,"" ODDS AND ENDS LACE CURTAINS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR CORSETS : ETC. ETC. BIG . REDUCTION BBBBBBBBBBaaVrtBVrBBBBBBBBBBBBBl' mm Ndkir vixm