.. fS ?& ft ,.vj i ivij " "$ m iPt' In the Wai fomrade S. Mm BsiHis F'liOnliton, III., had somo thrilling ox- nenccs, out none fcomiu morn unnKorou antliosoothUlatolioarttrouulo. Ho says: J"l had severe palpitation of the heart lot years. My physicians said I was liable to drop dead any moment. r Puliation at times would be 5U a rrun- ,ii ftnrt T rnuM crarrMv hrMtfl. I ' OTr vnmr unAer rlnctnr' Af and f''. began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. it gave me prompt rciiel, ana looay i am In good health." DR MILES' Heart yr In hdiatV all drujiftlsta on guarantqo ttrBt Irvo boucflts or money buck. Uuilf nn tnnf find inrvna Unfit ftfl. Dr.Mllos Modljal Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Go's l'.VHUUN(KK BTKAH.lill OMOMA altonA I.KVVKB KOll I'UjmANl) fl.lta.Anl Dnmlnu ta 0 . rt . (QUICK TIMK AND ClIHAP 1IATKB. DonkluoUroon tfato anrt Conrt'Uts. M. I. UALDWIN, Agont opccial alc Sow on on nil Clilimwaro;20porrcnl eas tlinn regular prlcu, mid .15 to 10 per cent less tlmii you run buv tho goods ' . ..I I ..... ....... ...1.(1.. ..nn ,.,,.. UUJlb lull vfuiiiu null niiuu iuii i,.iii purchase ho much cheaper. The white china for jiaiuting also Included nt epecial sale prlcu. . Mlkoliaiiia Tea Store mo 2601. Froo Dollvory. JJa "TWf PERSONAL AND LOCALS I t addition.! fjuctil Now, sco Ponrth Pnlfo V i K. W. tftcusloff spent Sunday in Port land. IT. It. Benoit went to Portland UiIm I5brnlng. Mrs. J. M. Woodruff went to Portland this morning. UVni. Bennett roturnud from l'orthmd Saturday niter several weeks visit. Mrs. Frituklo Cornell, asylum matron, Spent fluidity with her people at Jeffor- Hon. kMrH. John Ablott, nee Kutie Rons, Ibas returned from Sibsons, Culi.", where Tier husband la locnted. S. J. Clmdwlck of Colfax-, Wash., who twos hero on a visit to his mother over Sunday returned this morning. Miss May Atkins of IUIlsboro, who Rrts liere on a visit with tier aunt Mrs. Will Skiff, returned home this morn- LnB- : C. II. Irvine und family have returned froiu u visit from Southern California, land will remain in Sniom for tho timu feeing. , Mrs. 0. !'. Koyul, of Kast Suluni, wlio has been visiting her duugliter, Mrs. W. fijkipworth at Lowiston, Idaho, has re- I turned. lion. John W. McCullocli Is in Hast- ii Oregon looking up a location for a llgy practice, when lie finds tho place IwMcui for he will return to Huleni for iim library und otlior belongings. K. I'. liuzicll, formerly of Morning- i, and who worked as a motorman, is ) unnniul lit a ou tit til at ffntj.ti vl6ubvl " " ' V U'tuiJf CI1. He recently had tho misfortune to havo tho end of his nose cut off, while working about u buzz-saw, but the mom- it was eewed back to its place, nnd will again be ou duty. Hacking OUGH hacking cough is a Brave-yard ne sooner you gee nu or it uio uon't. wait until it uoveio o consumption, but nso tho cefo xted Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup l-o. ir. is a wonuertui remeay ror iroat and lung aiTectlonfl, and will a deep-eeatod cough or cold In a uooa lor old ana young. .Ball's Cough Syrup Will cure a Hacklnn Counh. IDoacft are fttnftll and Mnuni ti tak. Iloctora LJecouimeoait, fr.ee nccnU. At all dnigiJU CHINESE WILL CELEBn ATE Annual New Years I'cstivers Will Begin In Salem Jan, ag. Thn Now Years' festival of tho Chinese said to bo tho most complete holiday season kept by any nation of tho earth, Is celebrated wherever n single Ulilna man Is found, whether In l'erklil or Palem. It is n movable festival, falHni? on any dnlo Iwtween January 21, and February 1!). Prcnarat ons for tlio great holiday bectn weeks beforo hnnd. Tlio nccifmulated dirt of many months disappears as if by magic. Kveti tho Chinnmau himself passes through tlio cleaning process, washing his clothes and bathiiiK his porson tho latter being a great event In tho lives of n few, bIiico it occurs but onco n vcar. Buildings of ovcry dlpcriptlon are elaborately decor ated. Flowers aro In great demand, tho favorlto belnn tlio Chlnceo narcissus. The prospect of happiness for tho year is believed to bo in proportion to tlio nuinberof (lower-stalks produced from n sinolo bulb. No diseraco is euual to being found on Now Year's morning wlili nn nnnaid debt. On tlio otlior hand, tho creditor who fails to collect debts nt tills time may not press tliom again for many months. Ho thereforo pursues his dobtor far into tlio nlglit. Dr. Cull's Cough Syrup, the People's friend, li.tt been In use over llfty years. It euros tlio severest attentions of tlio throat und lungs j such us, bron chitis, grippe, liiryngltliand Incipient consumption. 1'rlro only 25 cents u bottlo. linuoiiAM's Fills for Stomach unci Liver Ills. DON'T BE BUNCOED. Subscribers Are Not Compelled to Pay for Papers Not. Oidored. Tlio Oregon session laws of 1889 havo n law exemping persnim from being bilked by designing newspaier public! ore. It protects the subscriber from having a paper forced upon him longer than ho is willing to pay for it, and pre vents running up n hill against unsus pecting persons. It is as follows : . Section 1. That whenover nny per son, company or corporation owning or controlling any newspaper or periodical of any kind, or lyhonoyor nny editor or proprietor of nny such newspaper or periodical, shall mall or send nny such newspaper or periodical to any such person or persons in , this state without llrst receiving an order for said newspaper or periodi cal from such person or persons to whom said newsimiier or periodical is mailed or sent, shall bo deemed a gift, and nn debt or obligation shall accrue against such person or persons, whether -aid nowspaper or periodical is recoived by the person or persons to whom it is sent or not. Approved February 21, IKSit. tf Ilrnuty ! lllnoit liven. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Ciucarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all i:n nuiitius from tlio body. Begin to-day to imiilah pimples, boll, blotches. blacMicadi, and tlint sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, lOe, 25e,60c. UEE WHIZ! An Unbiassed Estimate of the Oiegonian by Itself. From tho Orreeiilur: Tho Oregonlau has tliu consciousness of being u wholly unselfish mid oven al truistic newspaper. It Is published without profit to Its owners, who havo passed their lives in arduous industry and close and enforced economy, in or der to publish It. Their motive lias sim ply been a desire of honorable participa tion in tho building of a commonwealth. i Th(j Oregouiau Is merely saying a word m vindication of itself as an unselfish and altruistic newspaper. Its owners havo 1oon accustomed thoso many years to a pursuit of tlio work thoy do, without pergonal emolument or ho of reward. Thoy never expect any. The work of thoir lives has gone Into tho hotly and strucfuro of the commonwealth. There it rests, for tho future to striko the balance of good and HI, Don't Tulmrro n and Muolo lour I ire A inf. To quit toliai'co cuHlly and forever, bo msK netlc. full of life, nerve and vlor, take No-To-Hac, tho "nndor-worlier. Hint makes weakmea strong. All druggists, COa or II. Cureuuaran teed. Ilooklct and sample frea Address Sterling itemed Co., Chicago or Ken York. More Delegates, S. II. Hughes, A. K. Strang, C. A. Murnliv. B. F. West. J. K. Allison and Oluis. E. llort were olectod delegates to tho stnto convention of tho Iteimbllcan Lwiuue. by tlio N'orklngmeu's McKin- ley Club, at its meeting batunlay nlglit. Ilutv Are Your Kldnejri r Dr. HsbU'Swirairui I'lllieuresll kldnej Ills. Sra. (to f te. Af sr!ln Itemed; CU.,Uhteago or N. Y To Cure Cunitliutlon Furever. Tnke OUrota OatulrOutlmrtlc. lOo or Ma If C, C C. fall to cure, drugicUw refund money " Ceronei's Verdict. Tho coroner's Jury, wliioli iuquired into the circumstaiicos surrounding the doath of J. It. Wlllard in the county jail Katurduy, found a verdict in accordance with tho facts recited in Tim Journal, and exonerated tho sheriff and h ' ties from all blame. IMuciltoYour lioirela TVIIh Ouac Caniljr Cathartic, eure cont I potion lc. to It G.O.C. fail, druggists refund Mr nnd Mrs. I). J. Cooper family reunion at Tlio Dallus on the 1Mb inst., U cliildran and nine grand- childrrd leing present. - - ' i Tho Stato Poultry Asoiatlnn will hold its annual exhibition at Albany this week. Lewis Dennis, Sulem Ind., says. 'Kodol Dynpeplu Cure did me more t'oxl than anythlog I ever took," It digests what you eat and cures dys pepsia and xtoiuaali troubles. Stones Drugstores. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If jou ImTcn't n ti'UtiUr, health? moroinpnt cf lh bonulacrerTiln. yii'rolck,orwlll bo. Kocp T.nr boni'lH oiK'n mid bv well Korco.ln thotbapcol Tlolctil iihrtlo or I'M! iioliou. Ii daugcrvui. 1 lio nujiiotiivst cuilcit. inoaHtrectwyoi keeping Ibe boncln clcnr una ulc.ui ! to Uko CANDY ? w CATHARTIC CATHARTIC TSADI MASS RSaiSTtNtD rieitnnt. I'Mnt-ablc, i'olent.Tto(loo1. Do flood, NororMrkon. Wi'klien, orOtlpo. 10c. MM Write for free unmplc. unit lonklrton healtn Addrcs tlrrlliig Brmiir (;. Ultw, B.ilrt.l, Kl Irl. SUA KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Basket Ball. Tho Salem boys met tho Monmouth basket ball players on their own ground Saturday and did them up by a score of 20 to 17. Tho teams lined up as follews: Monmouth ,..,, Salem Bailey center Mnrquam Allen i luht forward Parsons Daloy left forward , Starr Strlnonr rinlit cuard Coulson Stringer. left guard Wilklna Tho ofllclals were: Heferce Prof. Wahn. 0. S. N. S., mid F. K. Brown, UMllnmnttn. Tho Salem team expects to piny tho Oregon City Y. M. U. A. nt uregon uuy, on Friday nlglit 01 tins wcck. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is a Remark nblo lucdlclnc, A dry, tickling, hack Im; cnnL'li. tlio vvurnlnu that con sumption lurks near, needs no other doctor hut Dr. Bull's Couu h Svrun It positively cures throat and lung trouble?. tfalcm Boys Defeated. The game of basket ball that took jilace in Oregon City Saturday, between tho Y. M. 0. A. team of tills city, and the Oregon City team, resulted In a vic tory for tho latter team by n scoro of 18 to C. Next Friday, a jjamo will bo played at Oregon City, between tho Salem college team of Salem and tho Y. M. 0. A. team of Oregon City. How's 1 his? We ullcr One Hundred Dollars lie ward lor any cuo of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Cutarrh Cure. F. .1. Oiibkky &Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, tlio undersigned, havo known L J Cheney Tor the hist 15 years, and I ml I eve him perfectly honorable In till business transactions und lluuuchilly able to curry out any obligations made hy their linn. West & Tiiuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. N'ALUJNCl, KtNNAN & MARVIN, Wll'.'le sale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly MPOH tlio blood and mucous surfuceu or tho system. Price 70c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hull's Family Pills arc tho best. Tho Columbia IJivor rose A feet nt Tlio Dalles in 12 hours on tho 15th Inst. an unlicnrd-ol rise for tho winter season. The Homeliest Man in Salem As well us tho handsomest, und others lire Invited to call on nny druggist und get freo u trial bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for tlio Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and believe nil Chronic and Ac mo Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion. Prlco 25c. and 50c. cod&w A. K. Voorhles lias purchased tlio in-ter-'st of Mr. Prico in tho Grant's Pass Courier, and is now its solo owner. Government buyers do not object to wild horses. Tho sea voyago makes thorn tractable hy tho time thoy reach Manila. II reiU villi yon whtttatr jna ronllaa tht-dHSJ DrT.klllln( (obMoo titbit; N O-TO-U kSLf M rtmof lb dttlr for lobteco. wlUf 0 SH oulntrrouiilUlrtKf.aiptUBleofl .' IIHRT tia, purlfl.i tti Llood, rftrT 1 1 B itSif torn loil manhood. sJL' ' I OLun ham mftita too lroDSVSJl I 3s isV"old. 400.DO0 tabcaltD.norrogyB w I BJBra,apur,il7uur nilpockaKW LJfOTU-HACfroia Lilll bwlllouehrorai.Tkltwilh ( JH " I ! wlll.pttl.otlr.lxr.l.lentlj. on BkT fcVA fMl.Sl. uiaallcurl SbolWtSlbO, nb IF" ra4rnia toeurt.orworofund moner. K lUrtuj luiJjCk.aiiiii, IhuiiI, Ink. News was received at Cairo last oven- imr that Osiiuin Dicim. nrincinal ceuoral of the lato Khalifa Abdullah, has been captured. "I nui Indebted to OnoMlnutoCotigh Cure for my health. It cured mo of I unc iruuo o loiiowing grinne." Thousands awo their lives to this never failing remedy. Itcurocuuglis, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat troubles. Its early uso pro venu consumntloti. It s tlio only harmless remedy that gives Immediate osults, atones Drug Mores. Archie K. Little was awarded damages of 1 1,000 in a suit against Frank Burn ay, iut North Yaquina, for defamation of the (character of Little's wife SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' . Half Orawor end Saala Cloanar. ra ill onlr p,rratioaa Ibst wl 11 railara tba balr I la oruiuallipaltlircfcrilition. At alldrufgiata I BZ!BrmT&iP!VV?Jli V. II. Itolx'rts, of Patton Valley, Washington county, was stabbed by Alec Hodehpyl, u neighlior. soverol times with a pocket knife. I Jre, Dinesis what you eat. Itartlflclallydlge.su thefood and aids Naturo In strengthening and recon itructlng the exhatifttd digestive or jans. It Is the latest Jiscovered dlgest tntand tonic. No other preparation uin approach It In efflclencjr. It In ttantly relieveiand pennaneDtly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, ilcklIeadache,Gastralgla,Cramps.and mother resultaof imperfect digestion. "spared by C. C. OsWitt A Co, Ctleoijo. STONE'S DHUO STORK, Osteopathy in Ualem, Dr. Grnco Albright, gradualo of tho American School of Osteopathy, Kirks vlllo, Mo., Is located in the Bush St Brey- man block, over Weller's grocery store. Tim fnllmvlncr U n imrtlnl Hit of the diseases which liaye been treated Ostct pathically with excellent success: Ner ous prostration, Liver, Heart, Stomach, Kidnoy anu spicnio trouoies, remnio ir regularities, Loucorrhea, Melancholia. Bestlessness, Bladder troubles, Spinal affections. Locomotor Ataxia, Gall Stones, Piles, Paralysis, Spinal Curva ture, Varlcoso VcInB, Ulcers, Sprains, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, all oyo af fections such as Granulated Lids, Ulcer nted Cornea, Cataract, etc., Throat and Lung troubles, Tic-louiourux,iieauacno, Indigestion, Goitro, Hip joint dlseaso, Constipation, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Kezcnia, etc. Olllco dayst Mondny, Wednesday, Friday. 1 10 lmo dAw Hop Growers Attention! Wo havo oponcd an ofllco and sample room, In tho room at rear of Gilbert Bros. Bank, at Salem, Oregon, Tilth James Wlnstanloy In charge. Hop Growors should now send in their samples, bo that they can ho arranged for inspection. Buyers desiring to hid on these samples aro invited to consult James Winstanloy as to particulars. Other ofllces will be opened In differ ent localities in tho near future, of which due notice will bo given. For further Information address tho secretary, Hknrv L. Bb.nth, BiittevlIIe, Oregon. 12 27 2w WAR The Daily and Weekly Journal lead all competitors on getting the War News, from all parts of the world. It prints the news firsl and prints it most complete of all. Salem Wbbkly Journal Is issued Thursday morning in time to reach all parts of the state the same week. Qf) DEST OREGON WKIJKLV ;; In two parts contains all Important Foreign, National and State News. Daily Journal S3 a yr. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL -s l?rtrA,irtRt??t .III nn, 1 J?0 VCi5xIj KfiMffic1StM xvjj i3-n" r iai8VKV7a -jit :- mir&wi w far zzSBbi-rr V A, THrOniNOrtJrriol'iriitii'w.kloniKllllnnof Arprlc-n rliiiltuniiii i. to wiui.i. I.ii. Ljid iot urwctlvdl I jMHrsiii4Util I FARM FEATUfiFS: U morL, ralrrtnr. Unr. I rnnw rrHiunr.j. m-uj,,,,,., tuunr, tiituu l.urdMiliiK, aU'l otliar topic. wrtlUn I'X prnrllral and urrrwrul fnmirra. Illuairulra li 'e BrtUta, nuke It Intnluitlilet.i til lit rural arrtluna. 'J lis laical Mnrl.cU and I'aiuwrrrlul Asrlrulturo ate unouullnd f eaturu. FAMILY FEATURES: i"".':"!!?: ! pmk Salli.' I'bsp. UiU dowrlwetit ruat moat or tca.xciai FREE YEAH IQOK am ALHAKAC. at Ixluw, aro irenlwl. jioaipulil, witu Uia Avail. IciMAomccLTriiu-rVttallooaandAiJiiSiofor IMW. This trrft,rk la a Crrlvtwdlaof lrtrra and KvauU la fb. Who) World A Irt.t Culdni Coviplela Almauaci A Trraaur of Mtailallrai A llrlVrriira Vork on Erarr HaljMtofTluclIuUnatl'erlaliiliistoArrlriilturr, lu ttualry, CaairrM, lbbllo Atralra, lfuaail4 SduA Hun, IIMIilon, and I'rva-maa. It It alao an A VMAMAO ofCalrudan, the Weather, AatrououiU'al Bt, IllnU for Kata Mwatn, ValM, etc. fj59"A SAMN.E C0IY f'T,l,?r","'""r",,M,ririii TIIHUllAliUHJt'lJUS'AIUIt:u,Maruelelllda'.,Ckl4ai(,. Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly Journal One Year, or Daily 4 months $1.00 Orange Judd Farmer Weekly - 00 Year Book ano Almanac 50 Qur Prieejfor all SL35, Persons preferring a 1.00 VI1 map of Oregon,' ContainhiK new county of Wheeler and a Q'arSiber of all towns'ln'the state, can have ii in lieu of the Orange Judd Farmer and the yir book. IIOFER 1ITIOS.. SALEM, ORl rFUEGRAFF BKOS. Collections and Loans Money to loan ou gilt edge real estate security at 0 per cent interest. Hoom 14, Busli bank building, Salem, Oregon. 1-18 2w tl&w CanadianPacitic Ry Soo Pacific Line. Lowest rates Beat service To and from all points Kast and Europe. Tho only lino running through SL Paul, m ouristGars to 1 Toronto. Montrcal, Without Change. Royal Mall Steamship Lino to Japan nnd China. Canadian and Australian Steamship Lino to (IIKI For rates and information apply to C. M. LOCK WOOD Agont Sftlem Oro, 11. II. A hntt. A uont Portland oni i E. J.Coyle, A.O.P.A, Vuncouvor B.C. NEWS The model Oregon Newspaper and Family Journal. Uniting News, Fic tion, Literary, Ranch and Dairy, and Ahrket News in attractive, read able form, A n Independent Associated Press Paper for the Peo ple. Send for sample Free. Honolulu Australia , IIOVEK HROS., SiMjEr Oil. mmtri .e3.i.T! elo., tnake lauiu papcia. $2.50 BUSINESS OAR1W. O. H. OlAOK S)entt0t , oquci ikiockter to Dr. J. M. Keene, old Whit Coraei,!Utjm, Or. I'attictdeiirUigsdreiiO' e aerations t moder'Mr leoi in any brancli r n especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071. ItOOMS 1 AND 3, OR AY IU.K. OSTEOPATH. DR. GRAOJD ALBRIGHT Graduate of tho Amoricnn School of Osteopathy at Kirksvillo. Mo. has ononed olllco at Bush A llroyman block, (..h. MAMlnl a,M..n, UnlnH. Ilv........ vuiiiuiuiumi oviiwb uniuiii VIVUII. Olllco days Mqnuay, yyodnQaiioy and Friday. Dleenses of women and child ren a specialty. 10-17-1 m OFFICE, CITY HAIiL For water service ipply at otlice. Ud'i payable monthly In advance. Make complaints a.ttbe offi'. O. H. LANE Merchant jTailOr 07 BTATR BTRKKT. PfBulta $15 and upwards, Pants $3 and upward CAriTALC CITY Express and Transfet Meets all mail and ai:ngor tralht. Bar;. tnge and eipteit to all patls of the jell) Prompt service. Telephone No, 70. IMSQUK. & BKIPTONJ ASSAY OFFICE AND XiAQOltATORY. No, 71 Chemcketa si, J, D, T. TUTIIILL Assoyor PLATINO PHOTOS. KnliifKcmcnta In Crayon mud Water Color. Photo UuttonB. Aiuuteur duvcloplnu nnd llnishlnu neatly dono. O. W. DIEKMAN. Haccosaor to F, J. llrown. QltOUNU FI.OOH 243 Coiiiinerolul St., Balcni Orcon, ISOULE BROS. PIANO TONERS AND REPAIRERS I'MCU), i)t ForaloutanJ rlotutty, Ioavo orders at Uco Wl Il'a uil( Hlo r. SALEM TILE FACTORY Great Reduction in Drain Tile Now is tlio timo to secure bargains. Prices aro Inwor now than ever beforo. Choice stock of tlio best tlio iniulo in tho state. Following is tho reduced prico list: 8 Inch tils lio 00 per loui foet. 4 Inch tils tl&uu r 100a tttt. fVncli tils r.'ooo per luuo fuel. 0 Inch tile (30.00 per louo feet, 7nlnch Ilia 110.00 per 10U0 feel, s Inch Ills U0U0;per louo feet, Write for special rates by car load lots. Address, J. .13. MURPHY, Fairgrounds, Or. Saloon and Fixtures For Sale Including bur, and bar fixtures, billiard table, plcturtin. card tables, etc., also a small stock liquors, Inquire for particularu of Sherman, Condlt and Park, attorneys, in Gray block, Capital Junk Shop. Dealer in Cast Iron, Wrought Iron Stovo plates, copKr, brass, zinc, lead ropo, rubber, bugs hides paper and bones. It. 8. II. Proprietor,; isu uourt t. Baiom uro. Telephony '.WS 12 0 tf. Proposals for Wool Sealed bids will hn received for SC00 cords of Mood us follows; 1000 cords good split second growth II r. 1000 cords good split luro lady fir cut from live trees, To bo delivered beforo .lulr, 1000. Mids received until Januury 20, 10C0. ltliflit reserved to reject uny or nil bids. Successful bidder to deposit 6 iwrccntof iimmintof hid for faithful perfnriuanco of contract. Cah paid on delivery of M cord lots, Wood bsnkrd on trood roads or delivered In Hiilcin will bo considered. No bids for less than UTi cords uc cepted, D. S. IIKNTLKV & CO. 12-20 tf 310 Front. Street, Balem, Or, OLD HUNDRED Continues the eaino tune, hut has a new proprietor. I wish my friends and the jiiibllo to know that I have bought Winter's variety storo. If you want house-furnishings und kitchen ware It will pay you to Took over my stock, J F. SHOUT, 100 Court Strset. en water Co., Don't Let This Heppcn, - .-w ...uUW ww IVOVIUWUlin Vllttly YUU byioplncinK your old plumbing with tho noweat ideas in Military open plumbing, nnd you will bo rid of tlio annoyance of leaking plpoa and flooded (InnMi mm mi1 . J.i.l I til a. liuuis, no nciira uutor a UlllS, Y0 Will furnish estimates for plumbing, gns fit ting and and satisfaction Is guaranteed as to workmanship and charges. BARR & PETZEL 314 COMMERCIAL STKEET. Telephone No, 3371 Dallv Stage Lino to M'COY AND PERRYDALE- For Fasacngors and Uaggage ; also parcels and orders promptly nt tended to. Snlcin ofllco Old Postofflco Stables, J. H. Woolley, Prop. 10-30ral Oregon Shori Lino Railroad Tlio Direct Itouto to Monhni, Dlab, Colorado and all EastcrQ;Point.t QUta; elinltc at two tarorlto routes, vis; the ,1101011 1'aclfio Kut Mall Line, or tlio mo uramiej Dceiuu uuei., Look at tho tituo J' H Dayp to Salt Lake 2 Days to Donvor 3i DaystoChlcaaol! 4 Days to Mew York Freo Rocllttlnit Chair Cars. Upholatered Tou lit siaepintt uacs, anu 'uuman raiaco; Bloepers operated ou all trains. For furthnr Information apptjrito IIOISK A IIAKKEIl, Agents, Balom. W.;k. COMAN, Oen'l Axenl, a O. TERUY, Trav. laia. Agl, IJnMiJrt.loillmd Olfors travolnru choice ofltho follow Inif routes cast Thcv aro ull famous sconlo nt tract loc O. It, & N , via OdKon nnd Donvor tihastn Itouto via Sacramento. On dan and Dcnvor. Sliastu Houto via Sacramento, Mnor E Alborquerquo. a naiiy iinooruirnuuu 1'ul.IjMan PALACE and TOIJUI8T HLEEP EUS, Kan Francisco nnd Los Anno IcstoChlcaKO tlilb Is The Short. Line from southern Callfornl 1 To the East, Apply to tho nuontsof tho O. H. & n O S. h., Southern ruclllc. or tho miderslKiicd, for folders und descriptive lltcnituro. J. J, DBVEnEDX. (iuiri adl worcesier. uiaj. Portland. You Can Get a Lower Berth,!. With oiieoxcoptlontho through trains lot tlio Illurllngton Route aro almost Invariably wolMllled, Tho exception Is our St. Paul ChKvik'o Limited. On the llmlto then Is usually room and 13 spurn. Don't Infer that It "Is neither so line, nor so fust, us ANY trait of ANY other lluo between bt. Paul and Chicago. On tho con trary, thoro Is no moro bcnullfui train In America, It has olectni light, stc'iiii heat, wide vestibule the most satisfactory dlnlug-cn servlcu -n thn oontl'iorit-aiid lower bertli 'or everybody, A. O. SHELDON, (lon'l A went, PoithiudO A LIFE SAVED. Or.J.F, Cook, tho Uotanloal Snno allut, SuooooUa Whero .Other Fall. To whom It may concern! Tins is to certify Unit JJortlia 1'. Uou nor, of Mt. Angel precinct. Marion coun tv. Oreuon. has Buffered from a cancer ous growth in tlio loftrar for about three years. 1 lie growth was cutout twice nml burned out once hy Albany Physicians, hut tho growth came hack us bad uou, vi. nut, jiaiui, iivi ou imiiii iiii she had to lie taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J, F. uooK. 01 nuiein. uroeon. too iwtanieni Bpecisiist, tlio growtn entirely disap peared, ami at this date, four months since treatment was begun, tiingrowtli has not reappeared, and tho ear has en tirely healed leaving only tho scars in fhctod by the Albany doctors, I hereby certify that the above stato lnent Is absolutely true, and that her;. Ilia P Conner, tho person mentioned In tho atllduvit. has resided In myium ily since early childhood, bearing thu re lationship to mo of niece. II. O. Loxo. Koliserlh&d nnd sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 1809. V. W Hall, county clerk of Marion county Oregon. , All diseases succcgsfully treated aud red, WANJTPh "Jf Hew today Mrmeaskmaaata i -m ZLlf t2.tel ooltwm lnrtl , u per Month. All .-7.. 1??i. i soma rate. PLEASE UKAD.-TI.'d steam .Ivlur and cleanlmr sho., i, T ''if J7 some supnosa only cha.hs? mxMi PROPERTY WANTED-Will pay cast, for a anitalilu vnm. i, "' l'"' 55?? small house on It located 0 to 12 block! Prico. Address i'S A'?..C" 55?i ' A Iii 110 at Zll-y: j ip outh w..Tf I , UI . lo Bl 'nargaiB, imni. mr? ft.KOtKl m,lk.n1 chtcken j -" "" uiitu, ni mo jilace. 1-IB-lZt GOVERNMENT Pn.qiTinva n'1 nnn - .. -i.t '"r."" "" ,..,... ,. , UIV11 urvico or census axflininntlnn tvlll.m., .i.. ..'." , . ,,uu"i' owiiijj uur cAta loauo of information. Kent free. Columbian Correspondence, Washing ton' M5-S0 FOR SALE 02 acres of good land 45 .... tnV IU11U) Kooti nouse, ana barn, running wator on place, 80 rods from school storo and postofflco for J2260. JiaOO cash, balauco in 3 years. Call or address II. J. Bellarts Bt. Paul, Oregon. M0-lm. TAJ.l;CA J'?8. black, weighs .. .w ,uo, ror parwcuiars can on Salmon lirown. East Salem. 1 3 lm FOR RENT. 80 acres good oak-Brut land. Terms $3.75 cash down or3 after harvest, and 36 acres of hop yards With hop-houso at $10 per acre. M. J. hgati, Brooks Oregon. 12 6 tf FOR RENT. Dosirablo rooms fur- mailed or unfurnished for gentlemen. Terms reasonable. Call on F. Gou lot, 109 Commercial street. lO-lMf U1UYULE PATIl-lf your bicycle needs repairs bring It In, wo have tho skill and stock to keep It In llrst class condition. We cany a full lluo of sundries und make a special ity of enameling ooiuo and see us. wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner & White, 238 Liberty atieet. Uolman's block, next door to steam laundry. Phono 2805. l-atH HOUSE CLEANERS Rcuiewbet that tho best und cheapest carpet papor Is tho heavy felt paper sold atTUKJOUUNAL othec. 20-tf To Whom it May Concern. Balkh, Or., Dec. 20. 1899. All poreons knowing themselves in dobted to tho 8alem Truck & Dray Co., will plcaso call ut their ollice and settle Immediately or their accounts will bo placed with an attorney for.Tcollection. Quo. Qrlswold Recolvor. ' 712- 29-tf IT S, C, STONE, M. D. Proptletorjof Stone's Drue Stores HALttlt, ORKGOK. Tno stores (two In number) are located a No. 23S and SS3 Commerelal street, sad are urall alfirlriwl lv(h a iw.M.1.1. Una m,m. i4 medicines, toilet articles, rorumerr. Lruahea oto., eto.,eto. vu. UTUnK Has had some 3S jroars ii4rlenoa;in the pruv tlceof ravdlclneand now makes no chargo for consultation, elimination orpreserlptloa. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership, Notlcois hereby givon tliat tho part nership herotoforo existing betwecon E. F. ParkhuratntulLouMcUrtsw, under tlio llrm name of E. F. Parkhurst it Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual content. All biliB, notes or accounts duo said llrm nro assigned to FJ. F. Parkhurst, who succeeds to tho bunnies?, of 12. F, Park hurst & Co. E.F. PARKIIIRBT, LEE M'UlimV. Balem Or,, Jan. 17, 1000. 1-18-tf Kefojm School buppller, Seulcd proposals uro hereby Invited for furnlslllnir thn fln-jnn Slum tin. form School with supplies for tho qtiurtor ending March 31, 1000, a list or which will be (urnlslitdupoti ap plication to tho superintendent. All oids must be In by 1 o'clock January 15, 1000. II. E. IllCKEIlU, 12 18 if supt. Oregon Reform fcchool The Bon Bon Has a now proprietress who wlllcoatin 110 to borvo ull patrons with tho freshest stock of best confectionery and fruits. A refreshiui! drink of soda or cider and tho best of cigars at 138 Stato Street. 1114 lm Mns. A. Cortis SALEM HOP BUYERS SQUI1U3 FAHHAlt. No. 5S State st. 'Phono No. 1221. PA 1 J Bit & NJiJl Albany nnd Salem. Sulem ofllce, 211 Commercial St. upstairs Nockerman A Rogers, big. Phvus No. 112.. Odlrost Now York aud London . VM JIU ."VN & CO Rush Building, Commercial et..,, (ground iloorh Olllco telephone 1 No. 130. ' '-1 JACKS. C.VinilCfl AJ2L A CO. Ofllce over Johnson's Clothing storo, In Dush-Uroyuiun hldg. T A LTV litiluliY & CO Commercial st. Second stair roulk of LaddA ltiifch bank room 18, upstairs. 'Phone 1211. PRODUCE BUYERS. H.S.GILEfV.CO Wholesale Fruits, Produce, etc. H Salem, Oregon. Ollice; lusur- , unco block. 'Phone Ml. Ware- house, at vallace warehouse. ArM7HUMPHRY &JC0. " Buy und sloru wheat, cats and other grain. Buy potato. Also da chopping and cleaning. 27Q Commercial st. 'Piiono 27n3. n SAhmt .OBES I, j w. v. wlew Camp Ko. US. MeiUsrerr Friday sfsH 1..M Vll. . 'ii., ?, ,u nt v.. A. U. u v, nau, ciain iuv utn4, r. a. mminrru, . nju IS, Uourps bIW l. ; W A. Moorea, elrk, ' fvKiriKt. o ambkioa; . fl.iirt rin.riaial fVirtal No. IS. UkU Kl4M iiUihulu Turner bloek. Jean W. Cuss, O.m.1, la iirowu etHir .,!. 1 J J