V "tfjl m 1 1 i, ' ; !. it K gflftP I'M- if, tit I ' III? 3t& K&fe fl IMII I II 11 6l6arah66 feii&CtfifthftJMM if h mMinMlafcw Bargains 6Q DAYS SALE. Dress Goods and Cloakings. Jackets .and Furs Mackintoshes and Umbrellas Comforts and Blankets, Table Linens and Napkins, Skirts and Corsets Underwear and Hosiery CLEARANCE S.ALJ3 JPRICJ3S FOR 60 DAYS CASH STORE HOLVERSON'S OOI COMMERCIAL. ST. CASH STORE 4 1:1 n nil. ii n 5 flifeiy liem iiiioicd is a Money Saver $ Fancy Silks I ' A lot of choice patterns sold regular at 1.50 the yard. aalc Price 95c yard Some 75c and 1.00 val ues to close at - 63c the yard Fur Collarettes Our big cuts are mov ing them fast. From 2 io 6 saved on each garment. i 1 1 XXikVkTwU. DEEP PRICECuts on all Men's Clothe ing. A reduction of 25 per cent given to January Buyers $ Pay you to look through, LITTLE TELEGRAMS. Senator John II. Gear, of Iowa, Ih ic nominated to succeed himself. Wasco lma a piimllptix scare, but tho case Ih believed by some to bo koiiio milder disease At a mass meeting liald in Seattle lust evening, strong resolutions bitterly de nouncing Ihu Hritiali for their course In South Africa, woro passed. Tho executive committee of tho Inter national 1'enco Society has sent a tele gram to President McKlnloy, asking him to intervene with n view of ending tho war in South Africa. Latest advices from India aer that the situation there grows darker every week. Three millions aro working on government relief works. Tim sale of children by starving parents is becoming common. In Sacramento Mayor Land has no tilled nil the city departments that he Is still mayor, and claims Hint he shall excreta1 the prerogatives of olllco until the suit brought against Clark by a eltl ston named llradley, to prevent his tak ing olllce, because of tho alleged viola tion of the purity of election law, Is determined. J. J. DALRYMPLE k COMPANY Wi"'VPM I '-r? $0K Old Eyes Can Be Made Young by properly fitted glasrfos, and when they aro ground on our lino French erys ni, they improved tho appearance in stead of dotrai'tlmr from it. It is our pualncBJ to make lenses for defective Higm iiKn sclentllle principles and wo test tho night free and lit it it with glnsaoa that rouow tho vision. Wo are opticians in ovory kciiso of tho word, having u largo stock wo can replace a broken part on short order repair bows and mako them same in new. C.H.HINGES WATCIIMAKKIl ANO OITICIAN. DOU COMM1CKOIA.L MT LOSSES IN THE SPANISH WAR. Grand Total of the Volunteer Force Was 3,35 Total Losses Wero3a,ag6. Nkw loitK, Jan. 0. A special to tho Times from Washington saya: A pamphlet has Just been issued by tho adjutant-general's ofllco under tho title of "Statistical exhibit of tho strength of the volunteer forces called into service during tho war with Spain, with losses, from all causes." Tho volunteer force consisted of 1017 olllcers and 12111,218 en listed men, a total of 223,'J35 who were engaged in tho war. Tho deaths num bered 118 olllcers and I3C0 men. Tho desertions numbered 3,0Gfl. The total losses hi the volunteer forces were 1,718 olllcers, Includlnfl eight dismissed, besides resignations and discharges, and 30,683 men, including 23,303 discharged for disability by court-martial and bv order. American Bowlers. IUi.timoiik, Sid., Jan. 0. Tim Ameri can Howling Congress is in session here today and will elect ofllcers for tho en suing year. There Is a largo attendance, representatives being present from u number of Stales. It is thought thoro will he several changes mutlo In the existing and many disputes will be letlled. breakfast Cereals That make an appetising and delicious meal wo iiiue In all Kinds of j.iepnra lions from oats, wlumt. mm I :. ,,.,,1 oatlhikes, whenten grits, and combined wan our iwiinino sugar-cured haunt, Imcnit orauitirn. ninfii mm nt ..nff.i,. . . ". i . ----. -'i " " . inane iroiu oxijnteilolv flavored and high grade coffees, or our lino Kngllnh break tea, Is u treat foi tho gods. SonnemanN, THIS OKOCBIl l!M flrntn nt Tolonhnne 51 WEATHER REPORT. Tonight and rain. Warmer. tomorrow oocniionnl Out 178 Days, Tho good ship Crisslo has Just arrived with a cargo of tho colebratod Giant Portland Cement. Plenty on hand and for sale. Also 20,000 feet drain tile at reasonable prices. D, S. BENTLEY fc COMPANY, 310 Front Struct1 TOUAY'a MARKET. Poistlani), Jan. 8. Wheat 01 5fi2 Walla Walla. M. Flour Portland, $2.06 to 3.1X1. lino 2.15 per bbl. Oat White JMeMOe, grev 33. to 31 liny Timothy fll.fiOwf 11.0.) per t nupi oismtj oiu crop f c? (Us. Wool ViiIIbv. I2fji:k: Kastorn Or ogon. Bfcjt ie jtioiinir, 2 & 30. valloy Super- II lull. 1.50 Steamers Seized, And food conllseated by tho lirltUli, but wo In Oregon have u iUietor way. wo Just uso our money and Mteuro ntentv of ilrkt class grocerlos from Jlruiiin iV Itagan, 1 8lHHl IIool Itiver's puhliu whool has 212 pnplln, an incrtmsu of !W over last year. Victory at Oicat Cost Home victories aro won nt grant cost but tiny ono can win a victory over a n ilrt class meal for a Mimll eot at The White IIoum) llestauraut. Sllllstuff llran, $17; shorts, $18, Poultrv Chiukuns. mlxwl. finir. -i II . ' -n-"""n Minim in i.ou.iiirkoys, live, I3c. Hags Oregon,20o per don. Hides Grueu.nltodli0lb'M.8ia0c iiiui.. i't it mrtniy i 'f w--- mi iiw, x,(imx; sneop pelts, in20o. Onions 1 to lle. llutter Host dairy, 30(837 : fancy orwunery, COo to 65c store 22 4e 2"jc. PotatooM 65 to 76o per cental. Hogs Heavy dressed 1,0 to6)c. Mutton Drosnedjlle to 7c per pound. lleof-Steors. 3.B0(al.lH); eows, 3.1H) (?3.60 dreseed, Iwof 0 ti 7ki Veal droiwd, (ii8o. iiALKM MAKKCT. luat 6S iMHinds and over !(). Wool Kin, Slohuir3l)li. " Hops tl to 10c Karley 86 to 38o. Oats 20 jc. J'y lllwl, ohuat $8.00., Timothy Kggs-17l8o. Flour In wholesale loU $2.70 retnl $3 00 Sllllfltuffi bran fl.l.UO tdiorU $15.00 Hogs ilruHHl, 6o. Liveonttle Steors Slfwiwii tM to 3. Sliwip f.60ffl$a. DroMiNl Vonl tlVjo, llutter IJairy 18 ccrouun'rv Sfto. Poultry Cliicktini (i to 7e, Turkeys H) lo!2iiii. P.iiatoes 26 to !WV. A I'enlnn lloniiince. A Persian pliujuo In tliu South Ken sington museum, Loudon, bears by means of clever relief and brilliant col or n roriimitlc tale, part legend and part history. Nobody knows tho pro pot tlon of each. At nil events, It Is declared to bo nu Incident In the life of llnliaram V of the Sassnnlaii, dynasty. Ualinraui, ac cording to legend and plaque, was a wonderful nrchcr. During ono of his hunting expeditions, on which his fa vorite wire hnd accompanied him, ho Nhot n sleeping nutolopo with such pro olslon as to grnzo tho nulmnl's car. The nntolopo nwoko and, bellovlug himself annoyed by a Uy, put Ills hind hoof to bis ear to strike off tho fly. A t-eeond nrrow sent by the rovnl hand tlxed the nutelopo's hoof to his horn. Tho king's wlfo merely said, "Prac tice mnkes perfect," which touched tho prldo of her roynl spouse. Indeed, ni the penalty for her plain speaking, sho was sent out Into the mountains to perish, but Instead found shelter In a vlllauo. Hero sho lodireil In an upper room nsconded by 20 steps and, having bought n calf, carried It up and down every day. Tho king, passing by four yenrs later, was nmaz ed at seeing n young woman cnrrylng a cow up n lllght of 20 steps. Tho Indy again toel: occasion to remark, "Prac tice mnkes perfect," whereupon sho unveiled, was recognized nnd restored to favor. NEW ROAD DISTRICTS. Laid Out By the County Court Their Size increased, Tho county commissioners court still continues its sittings, and will probably finish tomorrow. It may bo necessary to leave tho tax lovy for an adjourned meeting, as nothing can bo done until the stato levy is on hand and that is not yet rccelvrd. Tho appointment of Judges and clerks of election was the work with which tho court was engaged this afternoon. No friction is expected to develop In this mnttcr. In each precinct two judges and ono clerk of the Ilepublican tier suasion will be aptiointed, nnd ono Judge and n clerk of tho opposition, Demo crats, Populists or Silver Republicans. At tho suggestion of tho court, commit tees from tho different political organi zations navo submitted lists ot names, and from these lists tho appointments aro being made. The ro-arrangoment of tho road dis tricts has been a work of Fomo dllllculty, hut it is thought that tho result will he satisfactory. The number o' districts hns been cut down to 30, tanking them over twice tho si.oof tho old ones. It is thought that this will result in better work on the roads. Eacli supervisor will have a larger territory to cover, and will have to devote more tlmo and attention to the work. Ho will naturally have to dovote more thought to tho subject and syste matize his plan. it is also probable that the election of supervisors will causo them to feel more directly respon sible to tho peoplo of thoir districts. In two cases it wns found cccessary to put two road districts in ono voting pre cinct, which will glvo each voter in the precinct a ballot on two supervisors. No incorporated towns wero included except Stayton, in whoso charter thero is no provision touching county roads, which inado It neccssnry to include tho town In tho Stayton road district. As arranged tho districts nro as follews: No. 1, Aurora precinct, oxcept the In corporated town. No. 2, Hubbard, oxcont Incornorated town. No. 3, Uuttevillo. No, 4, Chnmpoeg. No. 5, St. Paul. No. II, Falrlleld. No. 7, Gervals, oxcept incorporated town. No. 8, Woodhurn, except incorporated town. No. 0, Monitor. No. 10, Sit. Angel, except ineorixiiaiiil town. No. 11, Sootts Slllls, north. No. 12, ScottH Slllls, routli. No. 13, North Silverton, west. No. U, North Silverton. cant. No. 15, South Silverton. No. 10. Howell. No. 17, Mrooks. No. 18, North Salem. No. 10, Kue,lewnnd. No. 20, Prosixvt. No. 21, l'ast Salem. No. 22, Slacleav. No. 23, Silver Falls. No. 21, Suhllmltv. No. 25, Auni8ville. No. 20, Turner. No. 27, Yew Park. No. 28, South Salem. No. 20, Sidney. No. 30, Jefferson, except Incorporated town. No.31,SIar!on. No. 32, Stayton. No 33, Srehama. No. 34, Klkheru. No. 35, Horeb. No. 30, leltonbnsh. BIDS FOR SUPPLIES. For Asylum and Penitentiary Opened Yesterday. Tho bids for nsylutn supplies for tho six months beginning Jan 1, wero opened yesterday afternoon nt tho gov ernor's ofllco. A Inrgo number of bids woro received. In sotno cases whore no samples wero received tho awards wero tnado nt once. Where samples wero submitted, these woro turned over to Sttpt. Cnlbrcathnnd tho asylum olllclnls will carefully coin paro them nnd report results, when tho nwords will be made. The bids accepted yesterday wero as follows : Flour lUckrenll Milling Co , S00 bar rels, $2.52J. Graham Johnson t Phllllpps, Scln, CO barrels at $15; bran per ton, $11; shorts, $15, Sugar John Hughes. 15,000 pounds trran.. nt 5.1 cent: 20.000 notinds extra 0., 4.50 centi; total, $1071. Drugs Danl. J. Fry, $875 5(1. Plumbing Knox & Murphy, $82.03. Hardware Gray llros.. $200,38. Chloro Napthofeuin HarrittA Law rence $54. Stationery Pntton IJros., $00.00. lilnnkcts-Tho'. Kay Woolen Slllls, $5 a pair. Fish Stotner's market, chlnook, 8 cents; steelhead. 8,c; halibut, Oc. Hams John Hughes, 3000 pounds, nt at 13?ic. Oil and Cliiiia Pheasants Id a They are out of season now and we cannot have them on our tables, but we can all have the best things of the season just the same by taking our meals at the SI, Elmo Restaurant, 244 Commorolnl St.. Snlam GKO'KGIS UROS., Proprietors. turnenthiL 1). .1. Frv. gal. turiKmtinc, $110; 1 trnl. sperm 150 oil, brushes Welter Kros. iron ware It. SI, iwc; ouu gal. coal on, livi; 7-1:2 gross uintnoiul dyes, $5.2o; 1 box glass, 10x24, f.i.uu : iiuiui ungues, zuu pounds parni lino, $24; 300 pounds Acme chloride of umo, jL'li.2o; 2 boxes glass, 14x20, $7.14; 2 boxes glass. 10x20, $0.01. Leather Jlreyman Leather Company, Snlccs John Hughes, nutmeg, $1.80; venor iJros,, uiaok peppor, 38.7B. itrooins anil $172.05. Tin nnd grnulto Wado it Co , $50.55. Rolled oats John Hughes, $31; Gil berts Raker, $270 Wellor IJros., $200; Harrittit Lawrence, $70.73. Vinegar Weller IJros., $71. Soap Harritt t Lawrence, $175.50. koh tiii: im:v. At tho penitentiary tho bids wero opened yesterday afpirnoou for supplies for six montliB, but no awards will bo made for n few days. Tho bids wero as follews: Fish G. Stclner, chlnook SJsd; steel bends 8'fc: halibut flc. Leatlior llio lJreymnn Leather Co. submitted a prlco list, from which M'lec tlons will be inado. Sowing .Machine W. O. Claike offew a machine for $00 ensh, or $70 by in stallments. Blacksmith supplies It. Sf. Wndo .t Co., $20.8(1; Gray Bros., $30.20. Groceries John Hughes, $1333.18; Weller IJros., ; Harrltt iV l-nwronro, $1323.75; Ford A Stokos (Astnrla( Drill's llluniauer Frank Dnn? (ii.. (Portland) ; D. J. Fry, $512.10. Meats K. (3. Cross, $8.35 por 100 peunds: Steusloff Bros.. 18 37 ir 100 pounds. F.nglneor's supplies ICnnx A Slur phy, $130.6:1; Borna'dl A Dunsfoid, $154.07. Dry GoOiIh and Clothing Oregon City Manufacturing Company. 400 yards, Jl ;75 yards suiting, $1; llandon Woolen Slllls, 400 yards, 22 oz., $1.25; suiting, $1.37 ;T. Kay Woolen Slllls, 22 ' THE WILDER CONCERT. A Distinct Success and the Audience Qeta its Money's Worth. When n Snlem audience pays two bits a head to hear a concert, it pro poses to get its money's worth. This was illustrated nt tho concert last night at tho Bantist church, of tho Wilder Harp and String Quartette. There wero 8 numbers on tho program. That would havo been 3)6 Cents apiece; but by a systematic uso of persistent hand- clapping, tho number of pieces was raised to 14, making them come nt only t 11-14 cents apiece. It would have been reduced still lower, but townrd the last, Sir. Wilder evidently tired of tho cold-blooded way in which ho was being worked. Ho therefore transposed tho 0th and 7th numbers, making two quartette pieces cunio together at the end. Then, when the llrst was encored the performers simply kept their seals, played tho last piece and quit. The entertainment, however, wnsn distinct success. Tho Wilder Harp and String Qunrtctto pleased tho music lovers immensely. Tho local singers Sirs. Soley nnd Sirs. Holland, each scored n success and received heaity appreciation. The violin solo bySIIss eniplo was very line. Tho auditorium of the church wus well filled, fcheru be ing very few empty seats left. Tho local management, tho Baptist Sunday school choir, aro much pleased at tho success of tho entertainment, which netted a noitt sum for it worthy object, tho payment of tho church debt. Both financially and artistically thev tcored n triumph, nnd aro to he congrat ulated on their double success. If nRdsf b? disposed Our immense stock of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothi, We are going to sell off every article in this department going East for an entire new stock in the spring. So kn gees: Slen's lino suits actually worth $10.50, wo will sell for Sinn's nil wool cashmere suits formerly Sfen's lino suits our former prieo f 12.50, wo will sell for... rivnu.w. wo win se Slen's nil wool eiiBbmero suits formerly 3.00, wo will sell for wo will sell for DM . 7.R Slen's suits (good durable goods) formerly $1 .IH) wo will sell for 5M incus stilts special o.uu 1 " '" HU" """ "" 4,V) We do not intend to carry any of these garments over prices will move them, these will certainly go, See here: ' Slen's ulsters well worth $7.50, wo will tell for ,$-,oq Jloy's nnd Young men's Ulsters, regular jo.uu, our prico now is t 4$ Slon's overcoats worth fO.OO our prico now Is jjj Slen's overcoats, our former prico $0.00, our prloo now Is o.50 Slen's overcoats, our former price $12.50, our price now is 9 Who said clothing was going up? Our prices are down Slen's pnnts, former prlco $1.00, now "U Men's pnnia, former price fi.io, now .$1,251 Slen's pants, former prico $2.60, now l,;$l Slen's pnnts, former prlce$3.25, now 2,55 1 Seeing is believing. Come and see them. Boy's suits splendid values nt $2.00, now Boy's suits, can't bo beat for $2.75, now Boy's suits, our former prico $3.50, now Boy's suits, tho best jxissiblo at $5,00, our price now is. Boy's mackintoshes for Slen's mnckintoshes for Every garment quoted in the above list is a snap. ,2.fO . Vi n 1.! MO FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKE1 COR. STATE AND COMMERCIAL STS. FRIENDSHIP But our low price- makf Of. . $1.25. Hour Salem Flouring Slllls, $2 55 per barrel: Rlckreall Milling Co., $2.52J(?; Red Star Flourinir Slllls, $2,48; Knger Flouring .Mills, $2.50. O. H.a. ANNUAL MEETING Auction Sale to Close. Beginning Thursday afternoon An Inault Well Handled. You can always trust the American woman to take cure of herself. The friends of n girl who lives In night eontli street nro telling thesodays of an adventure which befell her ono nft ornoon within tho fortnight. She wns UlflllilllK- tlila T.'l1. .,.,.. ..I. ....... .... .. I 'huii-i-iuii Biruui Bin, ill I tho corner of F nnd L'loventh streets 1 waiting for a girl friend. A very dap per young man, a stranger iloubtless In tho town for most Wnshlngtonlnns aro too well nwnro of tho girl's social emi nence to venture on any Impertinence to hor-stepped up, bowed nnd said nlrlly: "Wnltlng for somebody?" Tho girl turned to look nt blm. "Guess you'vo forgotten me," he wout on with growing familiarity. "I miw you at n dinner last week." The girl looked at him steadily for n moment. "Oh, I romemhor now," she said. "It wns nt Colouel Blank's. You are Colo nol Blank's butler, of course. No, 1 don't know of anybody who wnuts a butler. Hnve you tried the employ ment agencies?" And then, slowly nnd calmly, she walked away, Washington Post. PERSONALS Judge It. I. Uoiso was a pansenger lor Linn County on this morning's train. Our enterprising grain buyer, A. SI. Humphrey, Is homo from a business trip to Portland. .urs. anna .ticcaii was a passenger south for Kingston to visit hor sister who is quite sick. Sirs. A. J. Bishop left todav for Plain- view, Linn, Co. to visit her mother who Is dangerously III, Sliss Hdith Hawk, of Jefferson, who is hero attending college, was a passenger home this morning for a few days visit. Sliss Delia Richard, daughtor of Sher iff Richard, of Benton county, returned to hor homo in Corvnllis today, after spending a few weeks in the city. Sir. and Mrs. Daniel Vollmar form erly of this city, passed through on tho morning train enrouto for California, whore they will make thoir future homo. Sir. Jas. S. Pntton the general nxent of "tho .Mutual W'arehouso Co.," of luruuiui is in tno ctiy. this comtny has storage capacity for nearly a million bushels of grain and offers producers another fluidity for storing their wheat at a point convenient for hbipmtiut and Fale. MARRIED. -N'KWBY-SCOTTT-At the udlllldl y if 111, at 2 p. in. and continuing each Tuesday, Thursday and baturday afternoon and Saturday night, until all is closed out. No fake sale no byvbidding, everything wm De soia wnnout reserve lor cash. J Some Prices Aluminum Thimbloa . Mustard spoons I.oad iHinulls Childrun'swool mittens Slotnl back combs.. . Childs' good tootn brushes , .1c Io 3c jr iloz . 10o up . . ..10c 10c " ' -0 Dry goods, Shoes, Furnishing goods, etc. at your own pi ice. De on hand, do not miss it. WILLIS BROS. & CO. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF POS I OFFICE FRIEDAtAN & GREENBAUW. Auctioneer. J Fine French tooth brushes 23o Aluminum hair Dins . .faiwnlnz Shell hair plus Scjierdoz Small poniul tablets . ic Kxtru thick Ink tablets.. 6c Miie ink tablets, unruled lOo And everything olso in proportion. dot u dull from us while tho price is iuw, you win navo mem tor a mini oil. Some very oholeo thing yet to sell. On our big center display table. county 0. V. Scott and Elizabeth New by. County Judge Terrell ofllciating. court house In Salem, Tuesduv. Jan. I.nl....l. rvV... 1 . ' Officers Re-Blected, At a meeting of the Marion County lloiticulturnl Society, the following olll. ocra were re-elected for the ensuing year: President, John Reynolds; vice president, OHveaJory ; secretary, Sirs. Wands. WIGGINS' BAZAAR U07 COMMBRCIA1, ST German Diet Meets. Beru.v, Jan. 0. All glens indicatn 11 Sharp fight In the Prussian diet which as- einbiea toaay, against Prince Hohcn lobe, whom tho conservatives are de termined to oust. The agrarians are be coming more outspoken thnn ever against the government In demanding wereaseu protection for agricultural products. At the opening of the diet today Prince Hohenlohe, the imperial chancel lor, rcAd his speech from tho throne where in it was shown that the finances of Prussia are in a satisfactosv winill. Hon. Tho speech concluded with promising the greatest possible attention, to the interest of agriculture To Be Held at Woouburn Next Satur day. The following clrculnr letter has lieen Font out by tho olllcers of tho Oregon Hop growers Association, nnd is pelf-explanatory. Wooniiuux. Oregon, January 0, 1000. Dlwii Snt: There will bo n meeting of tho Oregon Hop Growers Assoclntiou nt Woodburii, Oregon, Jnnunry 13, 1000. Tills will be tho annual mooting of the stockholders of tho O. II. O. Ass'n. I wish you to consider this an olllclal call for such meeting. If you nro a hop grower nnd aro not n stix-kholdor, wo hope you will immediately liecomo sucli by subscribing to the capital stock nnd thus Insure that nil stock of the Asso ciation, amounting to $ 100,000 bo fully subscribed. If you cannot bo present nt that meeting, sign tho enclosed bluiik proxy, inserting tho name of any stock holder satisfactory to yourself, and send the proxy to tho Secreaty of tho Asso ciation nt Woodhurn prior to ditto of tlio; meeting. Wo hope every hop grower in tho htate will bo present in person or by ropie sentativo. Wo hope also that the plans and purposes of tho Association ns well us its bonellts will .bo m fully demon strated that this will prove u great rati lleatlon meeting of one of tho most im portant advancements In the industrial line thnt has yet been made by the pro ducer and farmer. Wp wish to prevent In future the manipulation of supply and demand thnt has played such havoc with our market, and relievo tho consumer nnd the producer of the hops of tho many bitnlens imposed upon tho Indus try by the unscrupulous dealer. Wo hope at this meeting to tako actlvo steps towards pooling the crop of 1000. Lot all hop men come, nnd let us stand as ono mnn and the victory is ours. SI. L Jonbs, President. SOHOOLSAVINCS BANK. Deposits Show An Increase Oyer Laat Week. Monduy wns tho second day on which deposits havo been received at the Salem public school on tho new Schools Savings Bank system. The deposits made by tho pupils of tho different hohoolsweroas follews: East echool $41 u North school 0 02 Park school 7 Lincoln school 12 32 Central school 5 28 nUl.GI.AKS AT JKI--FKRSON. Wow Open Two Safes But Realise Small Wngen, Sunday nlu'ht burglars entered the store of F. II. Snekelt, at Jefferson, bv springing tho double doors ul the front of the stoie. They blow off the wife door snd secured between 5 and $10 in cash. Thuy 11U0 secitred'a now mackintosh from the stock, but nothing else was missed. Tho same, parties also entered the llouriug mill nnd blew- open the safe but found nothing hut papers therein. HOTh'L ARRIVALS. co-mo k. Henry Merger, Frank King F. A. Read, John S, Patterson, A. Krans, Portland; W. M. llilllery. Turner, Or.. .1.0. White, Crowley, Miss Tholl Rlcknrd, Mrs. Kininit llrown Corvnllis; S. O. Pier Dultith. Is sometimes easily gained nnd as easily lost and prcmnncnt friends. Tho following are n fow of our tradowiiining prices: Sugar, granulated, 20 lbs for Sugar (do) por bag, 100 lbs Mince Meat, best, per pkg . . . , Soda, Arm nnd Hammer, per ih 5c, (1 lbs for Peas, imported French ; very fine, per enn Comment, white or yellow, por bag , Mush food, fancy, wnent Hakes, por package Flour, best standard brands, tier sack Unking Powder Dr. Price's Cream, nnd thoro Is no better made, per lb Ruck wheat Hour very best puro, por sack Oolntino "Plymouth Rock;" extra lino Marmalade Peach, fancy quality, per can Apples, dried 18, good iitality, libs for Raisins :i Crown Museutels. I lbs for Lard pure leaf tho llnost wo over sold or saw, per lb 1. 1 '"'V"1" 'iy HtutT called laid anywhere nt 10.'. Wo want you loseotlililr It Is packed by T. M. .Sinclair Co. Wry repeclfully, DACDON BROS ti.co 5.(0 Ik Ik IS 15 10 .7) i; 12'i 2) 10 EN J 0 YlEHi Klkton has shipped H,000 pounds of fiesh salmon this winter. 1? 12 E D'S OPERA IIO US IC I'ATTON 111103. MtnagOfK. ON IS jFoh't ONLY Monday-January to Fourth Am mil Tour, ruinous Musical Comedy, flf Gay Coney Island A HOME WELL FURNISHED ADDS .MUCH TO YOUR DAILY ENJOYMENT, ALL THE FURNITURE NECESSARY TO MAKE YOUR HOME AN EARTHLY PARADISE. CAN BE BOUGHT FROM F. W. Hollis & Compan rirsi uoor iNonn 01 rostomcc. WE CLOSE AT 6 P. M. JTUST REC3IVBII a fine Cine of 6HRVIN6 SET, SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Also Cutlery, Shears. Stssors. etc. GRAY BRO a Cor. Stato and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. Stock MtlSt G KLAIIORATK SCF.NF.UY PRRTTY (URLS Fl'NNY COMKWANS 22 X PLAYERS X 22 Orchestra "fie ParipietoOn (ialory 25i "'eatn now selling. 1st Il.tlcony 7ro 2nd Ualeony :().! REEDS OPERA HOUSE I'ATION nilOH., Ie- an.! Managcri. AT YOUR OWN PRICK. Our Immense Stock of Millinery and Dry Goods Must be Sold. Kyerylhlng it big mrrlllcc. All who ill J not attend the auction t week will I VO ..jinn ui uur iiiiu iwiiua aim Kiaainnru ul I M null Olltt llttll tllO rt'fflllar Itrice 1V ImVM kflll niillM Iutvm HriA .if wi.....'.. ni..,l.ki..n ...... , ,..' ..'. V WelmTBkimoillleii larKOllnoor nien'i funil.hliiK uooOi lefi. whii'li wa pan uvtrott- mi .llVHtll I (If Utliuil Alll n( axil! i,- I.. ..it.. i " ... ..".." -. -- . T. - . J ..... ...v.,......s ........ ....,.,.. vU,i...vi. 111 1 nun uKurei. ioiri inlM tliu oMiorlun.iy i" uvrer have uuollieriucli u chalice to u'cure barcaln. MRb. U5. B. PRASBR TWO SI0RES THE LEADER 208 nnd C7I Oommorolul Streot TWO STOP A IlETUHN' EN'GAGEMBNV : : : : : : : : : : BV SPECIAL REQUEST SATURDAY, JANUARY 3t Total This is a gain of nearly last week's deoslts. 78 28 3 to 1 over HUIM : Hearts OUT OR SIGHT A searchlight will not reveal what is truly out of sight. If you come to our store for GOOD GOOD a You will need no searchlight to find them, nor will they cost any more, but often less than elsewhere for the same goods. HARRITT St LAOIRBNC OLD POSTOFFICE'QKOCEIIV, u tun pi me Artamai biilt, A play that uce.1i uo Introduction to Saltm theatergoer. OuUerthe direction o( Wm. E, ittoiini New buildings aro begun hero almost daily, apparently IgnorinT the fact that we are io tho midst of winter, states the Sutnpter American. Note those Prlcesi Orehentra, 76o Flnt Ualeony. 75a rarnuet, we. becocd lUimnV rv. I an 9Bm .!T Gallery, 2C inmTTmTmnnmTTTMTmTmmimTiiniiriiiniirHinniiiHiiiniiiii 1 J. P. ROGERS, 1 Oo Not Mfss litis Uccided Tieat!l R WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fine Wines, LiQflorc, Cigar 11 218 COMMERCIAL STREET, 160 STATE STREET, Courteous treatment at all tlm. ?102 COURT ' -.... w. . n luiiuy iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiinii STREET- v v u h