The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 09, 1900, Image 3

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    I "
Don't tall to try I
It when mufferlntr from liny bntl
oonallion or ino ocomuuii
oi Llvor.
. V i ..... , .. a, llMtM
,4V, iiciiib nnuw "" ""' "
O. C. T. Co's
Ialvexrct't Sunday at 8 a. in, I
DocMMwren Btale ami Court Bt, I
M..P HAI.OWIN, Annt. I
Lamp Globes!
Special wxlo on globes for the noxt ton
- iIiivh. Anv Imnn with n. round humor
tordoublo wick can ba Uteri, ns wohitvo
Ktlio tripods. Como, ns yon can not n
cheap lamp globe. Coffou roasted twice
la week.
FYokahaina TcaStore
' Tolophono2a9l Froo Dollvory
ormlilltlunal loicul Nvacu Fourth Page,
L. T. Iteynolds went to Portland last
Mrs. W.'ll. Downing went to Port
and tills morning.
Ex-County Treasurer Cleo L. Ilrown
was In this city yesterday.
M. 1'elky was u passenger on tlio
niornlny boat for Oregon City.
M. .T. Todhiinter left tills morning on
tho steamer Altoim for linker City.
Freeman Van l'atlon, tlio contractor,
returned tills uiorninc; from Monmouth.
Frank Hmltfkin, uflitr n few ilays in
Salem returned to Portland thin mom-
Mayor C. P. Ilmliou was at his post to
day almost fully recovered from his re
cent illness.
lieo. Harris, tlio barber, has gone to
I Seattle, and will .probably go to Capo
Home latur.
Mm. Charles 8. Kelly and MIhs Susie.
h Fennel! wont to Portland this luernhu:
to spond the day.
If Hermann Pohlo started East today to
visit St. Louis, Chicago and other points
on business and pleasure.
Fred It. Waters was among tlio Sa-
Blomltes who took in tlio great Poach-
'maim piano concert, at Portland, lust
Mln Alma Forbos and Mrs. W I..
;Lonuils, of Tacuinn, are uticsts oi lliuir
.patent", Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. r'orlnf, in
Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, returned to
her homo in Portland this morning; afluF
L spending a few days with tlio families of
wf Aiiwurid. lliirrltf nnil ljli li.nri.
t "-""
) Mrs. John Adams, of Pot timid, and
Mrs. K. A builthi of riuicvillo, wJio
r were hero on a visit the Moicrilth
f, family, went to PoitUmd hint evening.
,Ur. Uull's Coujjh Syrup Prevents
mnmiuioiila or lill iiuuiatlon of tlio
mnirs. Tih ceiouruiod remedy win
iimro a couuh or cold nroiiiDllv It Is
Im he bet iiiedlcliif Mr nil Kinds oi lung
'trouble unci etts but ih els. u bottle.
The modern cure fur constipation
nhe fimious little pllN known s Uu
Witt's Llttlo Kiirly Klsors. Slonus
Drug Mores.
'Sometimes I find," nborvod tlio
footpad, that In order to hold a man
."llti It t lii...iiutnr. In lintil him ilnvi 11 "
.", - - ..........J .
To-NIgM and To-Morrow Night,
'And each day unci night during this
week you can get ut any druggist's
KemrvH Hulstini for tho Throat and
f. Lungs, acknowledged to be'lho most
sttccessrul remedy over sold tor
IViliitliu f 'r..ttr It lu A it limit
Iantf Consumption. (Jot a Iklllo to.
Sony una Keep li always in ino House
ss'iyoiicun ciipck your coin ut once
UTicew ami ouo. isauipionouio tree,
rKUe doesn't Indicate qinllty. Po
mm micii tiitci ainvo isiiiu oniy
riulnnl. An lufulllblouure for nllos
tori all skin (IIkcuhp.s. .Stones DriM
A solid stock company, known as tlio
lOallfornla Furniture Company has U'on
Ibrganlzetl in California for tho puroso
of putting in a largo furniture factory
I'ln Mils country tells tlio Myrtle Point
Ling trotiblcs, sttcli aa pleurisy or
acuta Inflammation of tho lungs,
should bo carofUlly treated to aold
eerlous consequences. ThesouilmenU
ato quickly overcoroo by tho prompt
USO of Dr. lltilPa Couch Svriin. a won
fderful remedv. whleh ntivnvs crives
'relief at onnf. pn.w ronr-hlnc. nllnva
all Inilainmatton. nnd by its iiealinc
influenco soon eflecta a tliorough cure.
Cough Syrup
t Cures all Lung and Throat Trouble.
f uan ate aiuau aua pitaaani 10 late inxxora
I touiiucut U. l'rlc tj ctal. At aU druggtMn.
Tells of His Experiences Whilo a Pris
oner of tho Philipinos,
Aguinaldo Treated the Captives Well,
ButO;nera Fino OrdereJ
Them Shot.
Il aaovlnleil I'rcaa In Ihe JournnL
Manila, Jan. 0., 8 p m. Lieutenant
J C. Ollmoro, of tho United States gun
boat Yorktown, who was captured by
tlio insurgents last April near Ilaler, on
tho coast of Luzon, and rcecued a few
days ago by Cololiel Luther R. Hare, ol
tho Thirty-third volunteer infantry, tells
a remarkable story of his eight months
in captivity, ending with his dramatic
deliverance from a death that seemed
Tho steamer Venus caino Into tho
harbor from Vigan, province of South
Ilocos, with Lleutonant Giltnoro and 10
other American prisoners, Including
several of his sailors, from tho Yorktown.
Although tanned and ruddy from ox-
posure, hois weak and nervous, show
ing the results of long hardships. Ho
speaks warmly of Agulnaldo, and very
bitterly against General Tiuo, declaring
that while lit tho formor's jurisdiction
ho was treated splendidly, butthat af
ter ho fell Into Tino's hands, lie suffered
Colonel Hnre and Lieutciinnt-Cnloucl
ilowse, tlio latter of tho Thirty-fourth
volunteer Infantry, rescued Qllmnry'H
party on DccemlK-r 18, near the head
waters of tho Abalut river, after tlioy
had been abandoned .by tho Filipinos.
Lieutenant Ollmoro made tho follow
ing statement to u correspondent of tlio
Associated .Press:
"Tho Filipinos abandoned us oti tlio
night of December 10. Wo liad reached
tho Abalut river, near its source that
morning, and tlio Filipinos rafted us
nor. Wo then m nt down tlio stream
along a rough trail, guaided by a com
pany of Filipinos. That night wo wore
sop.trated from Ihis guard, and another
company, armed with Manners, was put
In charge of uh. I suspected something
and questioned tho lieutenant in com
mand. Ho said:
" 'I liavo orders ir.oui (ieneral Tino to
shoot you all, but my conscience for
bids. I shall leave you hero."
"I begged him for two rllles to protect
us from eavnges, adding that I would
glvo him letters to tho Americans, who
would pay him well and keep him from
all harm. Ho refused tills, however.
saying ho would not dare to comply.
Soon afterwards ho left with Ills com
pany. "Wo liud seen some savages in wor
paint around us, and wo propared to
fight them with cobblestones, the only
weapons that were nvallablo to us. Tho
noxt morning wo followed tho trail of
tlio Filipino soldiers, feeling that it was
better to stick to them than ho mur
dered by savagos, but wo could not
catch up with them. Then 1 ordered
tho men to build rafts, in tho hope of
floating down the rher. It was a for
lorn hope, but I knew tho river must
empty Into tlio sea somow hero. I was
so weak myself that I did not expect to
get out, but I thought some of the men
On tho morning of December 18, while
wo wero working on tlio rafts, tho Amer
icans cumo toward us, yelling. Ouo of
my men sheuted: 'They aro on us.'
Ho was lushing a raft of bamboos, f,
however, knew it was not tlio yell of
suvagos, but the yell of Americans. Tho
rescuing troops thought wo had Filipino
guards and called to us in Kngllsh to lio
down so that they could shoot tlio Fili
pinos. Tliat was tho finest liody of
officers and men I over saw."
Lieutenant Ollmoro could not speiik
outhusiastlcally enough about tho 110
picked moil who had rescued him and
his party.
Tlio comauaiid 8Kaiit the day in mak
ing rafts. Co'onol Haro thought Liui
tenant Ollmoro loo wo.ik to live tlirogh
tho trip, but theru was no alternative.
They shot many rapids, tho men losing
all their effects, and Lieutenant Oil
more valuable) paers. Only 14 out of
37 rafts survived tlio first night's ex
P'rience, und 80 men wero practically
unable to wulk a lieu Vigan was
roaclied. Liutanant Gilmoro said:
I did not litno n full meal from De
cember 7 until I reached Yig'au. Indee-I,
the rescuing party lived largely uicu
rico without tall. There was one riity
when I was reduced to uhewiug grass
ami bark.
"Whilo wo were in the hands of (Jen
oral Tino's men ho lsuod nu order
that any perum aiding an American
by food or money should lw treated as
a criminal. One citizen of Vigan, Senor
Vera, was probably killed for befriend
ing us. We would have starved but for
the kinduoss of fcome of the residents
of the towns ami some of the Filipino
colonels, but others treated us brutally.
Wherever there was a prison we wero
is nt the roots. Clipping
tho ends of tho hnlr is
liketreatlng llicbrandies
of a tree with rotten
root-?. You must strike
ut the source.
nrepti rations strikedeep.
They invigorate the
roots feed them. Tills
Rives life, beauty grace
to the hair. Lvcryone
should use them.
kept there. Whcro thoro was no pris
on thoy would lodgo us in a convent.
Wo suffered greatly from want of ex
orcise as well as from lack of food."
When the Filipinos found tho Ameri
cans wero approaching, tlio treatment
became hotter. Tliero was a signpalntcr
in tho party and ho painted advertise
ments on tho rocks, throughout tlio ro
treat with other emblems, llko a skull
and tho wonl, "Vongeonco," by means
of which the Americans wero able to
"Tho Filipino treatment of tho
Spanish," said Lieutenant Gilmoro,
"was brutal In tho extreme Tiio in
surgents had old grudges to wipo out
against theui. Many talk ulxiut tho
rcconcentrados in Cuba, but I have seen
Spaniards dying at tho rate of two or
th reo per day of starvation in tlio hos
pitals at Vigan. I liavo k-cu Tagal of
ficers strike Spaniards In the face with
vvhjiw and revolvers."
. Lieutenant Gilmoro declined to speak
regarding political conditions, oxcept to
say that ho thought tho Insurrection
would last as long as tliero were any
Tagals left.
Among the prisoners arriving with
Lieutenant Gilmoro were: F, J. Hill
bort, Kriwarri llurko and .1. ,T. I'nrloy,
sailors from thu Urdeuetaj Von Galen,
of the llaltlmore; A. II. Gordon and
Geoige Sackett, of tho Third infantry;
Iceland Smith and Frank Stone, of the
signal corps, Harry Hubert, of tlio hos
pital corpBj William llriico and Kdward
Hoiieymau, of tlio Nevada cavalry;
Martin llrcnnan nnd .Tames Currau, of
the Sixteenth Infantry; Aubert Bishop,
of tho Third artillery, and John O'Brien
and David Ilrown, civilians. Drown,
who was formerly a preacher In Hono
lulu, twice revealed to tho insurgents
plots of the Americans to escape, in the
hope of gaining tho good will of tho
Filipinos. Tho rest of tho party oXii)y
accuse him of treachery, and entertain
tho bitterest feeling toward him.
Charles linker, of the Third mtlllery,
was formorly ouo of tlio prisoners, but
he became too weak to travel, and the
Filllplno guards bayoneted liim'iti the
last Might through tho mountains. Tho
prisoners of Lieutenant Gilmore's party,
who eecaped after leavfng Vigan, were:
MacDonald, of tho Twenty-first Infan
try; Von Galen, of the Baltimore, and
Farley of tlio Oregon. Thoy were cap
tured by savagos, recaptured by tlio in
8iirgonts,vvlio had stripped and prepared
to bcut theui, and ultimately were rer-
'cued by the Americans.
I Tho Yorktown's men, who wero rot-
cued witli Lieutenant Gilmoro, wore W.
Walton, chief quarlormaster j Vnndolt,
s.illmakcr's mate; J Ellsworth, cox
swain ; L. P. P.riwurrir, landsman ; A. J.
Peterson, apprentlcoj F. Anderson,
landsman, and S. llrisolez, seaman.
Dr. Uull's Cough Byrup Conquers
croup ul once, cure; the child, und
thus save many u life. Mo' hers need
not fear Unit dreadful dlceuse, If ihey
have tills reliable remedy ut hand. It
Is sold by all druggists for i'j cents.
HkkgiiaM's IMu.s will dl!pel the
To Whom it May Concern.
Salhm, Or., Dee. 2(1, 18SW.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to tho Snlom Truck A Dray Co.,
will please call at their olllco and sett,
immediately or tholr accounts will n.
placed with on attorney for collectlot.
G . (IrHwold It taeivur. 1-- '2 1-
Drowned at Oregon City,
Mr. James Soxsmith, formerly o South
Suleni, was Occident ly drowned n the
Wlllametto rivor nt Oregon City New
Vi.nru1 itnv. Kritttnlfi nrn Ki.iirililncr for
tho iKxly, but up to a late hour last I
niilit no trace of it could lie found. Mr. ;
.ScXbinith was a married man and leaves
famil) .
Dyspepsia Cure,,
n? rivets what vou eat.
' itartlflclallydigeststliefoodaDdaliLi
i Nature In strengthening and recou
, structlnj: tbe exbatii'ted digestive or
i mn. it is tholateat discovered digest-
int and tonic No other preparation
san approach It In eSlclency. It In
Uantly rellnTea and permanently cures
Dyspep9la, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
r-eparcd by E. C. OaWItt Co., Cblcaqo.
Tho Ordinary SleeperA
New Feature in "Western
'I ho Pullman Company now operates
two grades of Bleeping cars viathollio
GnAHOK WrsTBitN Kailway. Tho ordi
nary sleepers aro entirely now, and tho
berths, both upper and lower, nro
fitted up completo with mattresses,
blankets, sheets, pillows, curtains, etc.,
with stoves nrraugod for makllig tea,
coffee, etc., requiring nothing to bo
furnished by passengers. Uniformed
pullman porters nro lu charge of tho
cars, who aro required to keep them in
good order and attend to tlio wants and
comforts of passengers. Tho cars nro
erv handsome and commodious, and
whilo not so elegant, aro just as coin
fortgblo as standard or palaco sleepers.
Both first nnd second-clae? passengers
nro permitted to occupy theso cars on
payment of the Pullman bortn rates,
which aro less than half of tho rates
charged lu tho regular', palaco sleeping
Tho ordinary sleepers aro carried
dally on trains via Hio Ghandb West
khn Kailway between Denvor and San
Francisco and Portland. On fivo dnye
in eacli week tho Bleepers aro run
through between i-os Angeles nnd Sail
Francisco, or Portland and Denver.
Omaha, Chicago and Boston.
For additional details write for copy
of folder to .1. D. Mnnsfleld, 253 Wash
ington St. Portland : or Geo. W. Holntz,
Acting General Passenger Agout, Salt
Lake Cltv.
"I am Indebted to One MlnutcCougli
Cure for my health. It cured mo of
lung trouble following grippe."
Thousands owe their lives to this
never Tallin,; remedy. It cures coughs,
bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe und
throat troubles. Its curly uso pre
vents cutiHumntlon, It Is the only
harmless remedy that gl Yes Immediate
results. Stones Drugstores.
The Model Oregun Newspaper und Futully Journal.
Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, ftunclt jand Dairy
and Market News In attractive readublo form
Is issued Tliursdaytnoriiliig
of the state the same week.
The $1.00
u two partscoutulns nil
and State Mows.
Aii independent Associated Press Pupor-for the Peo
ple Send for samples freej
Thk Journal has the fullest report of the doings of
the legislature nnd state nillcluh), us vvclh ai indepen
dent, clear and concNe eminent on nil public mutters,
Send n trial Btitvcrlptlnn
J 13 C3 fcs vviy'i3 u
Tn Obinob Jroo Finixin (weilern Mltlon of American
Agriculturist) U Uie aldcwi. bwti, ana wwl pntcilrol
FARM FEATURES: ii'si-i. iirjinr. or-
runw rtwiunwi ticullur. I'oullrr. Market
carurnliiic. anil other topic written tjr rartlrl and
urrraarul farnrn, tlluMnttrd babls artUU.mata It
liifnluablBtoallln rurol trflUM. TbalalratAlarkeU
and Coiumerclal Aicrlcullure ata uneicolltxl featurea.
(,ckm Cook, lul. aauav o!W' I'aae, etc, daks
Uua deparliuent ruai moeici ice iwi
a beluvr, axe rirnlil. immIuI(I, Him
icih aobicultcbut nu HOOK ana AUUKiO ror ivw. TliU
Kreatork la a CjclplUof FrogreM and Ktenta In tba
Whola World. A Market Culdri Complete Alraanuri A
Tnuurjr of ruaiuilm A llerrrrnrej Mark on Every
Bubjectof Timely Jntereetrertalulaa; to AB-rlCMUurt., la.
duelrr, roraiuarro. 1'ubllo AOalra, Hauaebsld Kducat.
tluu, llellalou, and l'ro-raa. It U alu an ALMANAC
orialradnr. tbe Weather, Antronouilcal Data. Uinta
fur Vuch Mouth, Datn, etc.
(IUMC nnV 0fTOraBaJud4-arBierwill
"""' MW U nulled to you
TIlUOIiAAUU Jl'UU fAltMKU.MmraueltallldcC'lUraca.Ill,
0ur SPECIAL Offer:
Weekly Journal One Year, or Daily 4 months $1.00 )
Orange Judd Farmer Weekly - - 1,00 $2.50
Year Book ano Almanac - - .50 )
Our Price for all. S1.35.
IVrsoiis prefeiring n f 1.00 Wall innp of Oregon, Conlnlniug nan tonuty q
Whouler und a Oaxullotir of all towns in the stuta, can liavo it in liuu of the Farm e,
ono year liook,
J. I. Ikyry, Lognnton, Pa., writes,
"I mis cured of pneumonia by the uso
of Ouo Mlnulo Cough Cure. It, til no
purer! ttilr f.illiln,ii tt tulitwinltii.
'cough." Quickly cures colds, croup
I and lung troubles. Jhlldren nil llko
It. Mothers endorse It. Stones Drug
Soo Pacific Line.
Lowest rates Beat service
To and from ail points
Kast nnd Kuropo.
Tlio only lino running through
Si. Paul,
Royal Mail Steamship Lino
to Japan nnd China.
Canadian and Australian
Steamship Line to
Honolulu andiustralia
For ratesnnd Information
apply to
Agent Salem Oro.
II. II, Abott, Agent Portland.
E. J.Coyle, A.G.P A, Vancouver B.C.
Canadian Paciuc Hy
wis Cars to
lu I lino to reach all-parts
Important Foreign, National
uoirisit Jiitos
wuuij papcra.
the Amiii-
by addreailntr
C. ti. (HACK
Sucocttvr lu Or. J, M. Keen., old What
Comei,Sabm, Or. I'aiUsi desiring u,rioi
ficratlorn at nrodetrte in Miiy braict
u especial leqitesl.
Phone 1071.1
Graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy at Kirksvillo, IIo, has
opened ofllco at Bush & Droyman hlock,
Commercial b tract Salem Oregon,
Olllcodays Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Diseases of women and child
ren a specialty. 10-17-lm
rut water icrvicejlAppiy st ofhee. Utl'i
iiayahle monthly in advance. Mire
omplnitits atthr nfft;,
Merchant 'TailOp
Cy-Bulta S15 and upwards,
Pauta S3 and upwards
Express and Transfei
Meets all mail and passenger train. tUg
age mid exprcu to all parts of 111- J li)
I'mmpt service Telepbone No. jo.
No, 71 Claemckcta st,
J. 11, T. TITTIIILLJ Assaytir
fcitilatgements InCrayontatid Wuter
Color. 1'lioto Muttons.
AinatcurJitlevelopliig nnd llnishlng
neatly done. U. W. DIEKMAN.
,U ti tincceiMnr to V. J. Ilrown. WV
243.Cotumorclal St., SiilcmOrcgun.
. icit'f ).:ou
For Ualeia and rlolnlty Uavo ordtits at Geo
Wl ll'i Duilc Hlo t.
Toledo, OroBon.
Wa ntark of Circuit Court for ill Toari nndhaa
an up to data abstract or all property In Lincoln
couuiy, ii.iiui
Ureal Ileduclion in
Drain Tile
Now is tlio time to secure liargalus.
Prices aro low cr now than over hefore.
Clioico stock of the Iwst tilo mado in the
Follow lug Is the reduced prlco list :
a Inch tlio III) 00 per loco feet.
4 Inch tlio IIS 00 ixr 10UO reel.
S,Iik1i tile rJUOO pr luuo fuel
0 lUCll tllO 1100 KT lmo roet,
7-,1iicli tile tiooo cr 1000 fiit.
8 Inch tile KdU) r KWU reel,
Write for social rates hy car load lots.
Add 1 ess,
J. K. MUttl'JIY,
Fairgrounds, Or.
Saloon and
Fixtures For Sale
Including bai, and bar tlxturos.
hilllard table, pictures, card
tallies, utc, also a small stock
liquors, incpilro for particttlarc
of Sherman, Condit and I'aik,
attorneys, In (Srny block
-..... r)
capital junk ahop.
IValur in Cust Iron, Wrought iron $
Stovo iilnltiH. ccniHir, brnfs, zinc, V
lead ropo, rttblHT, Imgs liidos paper y
and bones. S
. fr II. Proprietor.
130 Court St. Salem Oro. M
Telephony 1V.5
12 20 tf.
The Bon Bon
Hits u now proprietress who will contin
ue ta serve all patrons with tlio frostiest
stock of bout confectionery und fruits.
A refreshing drink of soda or eider and
tho best or cigars st 138 Stato Street.
11 14 lm Mrs. A. Conns
,' .G. A, ROBERTS"
Bicycle Repairing,
Umbrella making and
General repairing.
I05 State btreet. l-c
xnr 2srawe:p.AJE,:Hi:RS
Call on or WrIU
64 & 6s Merchants Exchange
Salem Water Go.,
Vpfj ' ' ' ' ir-KW
Fillings and Appliances for the
lavatory, closot and ns well as for tho
kitchen, you will find in all the new im
provements and convenience in our stock
of supplies. We will' fit up your bath
room with anything required, as well
as doing till (kinds of repairs, g.ts nnd
steam fitting and in nu expert manner,
and at reasonable prices.
Telephone No. 2371
Dailv Stage Line to
For 1'asaengers nnd liaggago ; also
parcels and orders promptly at
tended to. Salem ofllco
0!d Postoffico Stables,
J. H. Woolloy, Prop. HWOml
Oilers travelers choice of the follow
log routes east. They tiro all fuiuutis
O. H, & N , via Odgcn and Denvcr-
Shitsta Rotito via Sacramento, Og
den and Denver.
Shasta Rotito via Sacramento,
Major E. Alborqucniuc.
A dully line of through PULLMAN
ERS, Snti Francisco and Los Ange
les to Chicago this Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East,
Apply to the agents of tho O. 11.
& N., O. S. L., Southern Pacltlc. or
the undersigned, for folders and
descriptive literature.
Oen'l Agt Worcester. Rldg.
Oregon JShoiilLino Kailroail
; The Direct notite: c
llAnlnnA ITInn VPavlAHAilA
muuiaud. uiau.ivuiuiauu
aod'aH'Eastern Points
OireiCrlioIre ol tno larorlto routes, via" the
U'lilon Pacific Fast Mall Mile, or tho
Itlo Oramle Ucctilo I.Iihik..
Look at the titiic
H Days to Salt Luke
i!i Days to Denvor
31 Days to Chicago!!
41 Days to New York .
Free IIocIIiiIiik Chair Cars. Upholstered Ton.
1st SloepliiR Cars, anil ''unman Palaco
Slcepvrs oporatiM on all trains.
For further Information applyito
IIOIHK & HAUKKIt, AKtnls.falem.
VV K. COM AN, (lin'l Aituiit
C O.TKltltY.Trnv. fass. Al
I'.sll 11 H. KitlalO
You Can Get
a Lower Berth,
Vvlth ono-oxcoptlmi the through
trains of the Uurllngton Route
uro almost Invariably 'well-tilled
The exception Is our St. Paul
Chicago Limited On the limited
tliero Is usuully room und to
Don't Infer that It Is ncltlior
so tiwn, nor so fust, us ANV train
of ANV other lino between St
Paul und Chlcugo On tho con
trary, there Is no iiuiro beautiful
train In Amorlcu. It has electric
light, hteiiii licit, wlduvastlliulos
tho 1110a suih-fucUiry dlnliu-ca
servlci n l!i ointlnen!,-in'l
lower berth 'or everybody.
fJrtt'l Aurnl, Porlhind O
ft pew interesting Facts
When tuwiile are coiitinvltlag a trip
whether on iiuonew or pleituie, lli'.y tutui
ally want the lx-t aetvicc oMalnahle so lai
ai ihJ, comfort ami Mfeiy it eoncemcU
IEnnloyeaol ihe Wlkconmn Ltnlial llneasr
pan) toterve the public und our Halm arc
opcrat J K a lu make clo v connaclin
with diverglnc line at nil juif It t poit.U
' I'nltman i'alacc Sir irg and Chan car
.on through trains
' Dining car service umxcIIiJ, Meal
a ia Carte.
In order to obtain this Tint-ilus mm vice
ask the .icket agent to sell ytnx a ticket ove
au.l )uu will make oiicit coiintlioni a
St Paul for Clilcag'. Milwaukee and id
tjotnlt Ef.
r'.ir any lutfcr Infoimallon call on ant
ticket auent or corrtKnd with
1 J.VJ. I1JND,
General I'aw, Aew
' Milwaukkk, Writ
o. JAa. A. tUXTK,
Otneral Agent,
z-ibBtam, btreet,
1'okti.ano. Okk.
New today navuiuieuteiuj lour 1IB
or less In this column M.acitrd 1
time for 25 eta. 50 cm. a week, f
per month AU over tour line1- at
,atuo lato.
COW FOR SAI.K.-Frosh cow, goml
tnllkor, at a bargain. Address I). C,
II , enre Journal. I (i Jt
near bupiness part of town. One six
looms, ouo reven rooms. (Jood stable
with each homo. Apply John Holm
back of Hotel Salam. l-S-31
FOR SALE. A llrst-clas organ in
good order can Ihj seen at fid Poutli
l.ibo'ty Btrcct. Jlrs. J. O Curd. 1 b 'It
ph'paro for any civil sorvico or census
examinations without seeing our cata
logue of informations, sent free. Co
lumbia Correspondence College,
Washington, 1). 0. 10 13
TAKEN UIV-A hog, black, weighs
nbotit 200 lbs. For particulars call on
isaimon mown, f.nsi saiem. 1 3 lm
FOR SALE Gooddriving horse, weight
nbotit 1000 pounds, good harness and
buggy, all for $50. Call at blacksmith
shop of W. , F. It. Smith. 1 3 Ot
CT)r8 WANTED Two fresh or soon
to bo fresh milkers wanted pooh. Call
on James McUuiro, at East Salem Ico
Aforks. 1-3-Ot.
FOR SALE At a bargain, a case of 28
Yalo lock postolllco boxes, 3 keys,
Suitable for village postolllco. L.
Jones, Salem. 1-0 3t
GIRL WANTED To learn tho print
ing trade. Apply nt Jouii.val olllce.
FDir"RlJNT-80 acresgoodoakgrul?
land. Terms (2.76 cash down or f3
after harvest, and 35ncres ofhop yards
with lioi-houso at f 10 per aero. M. J,
Egati, Brooks Oregon. 12 0 t(
FOR SALE CHEAP. Walnut marble
top bedroom set. Apply nt Gilbert
llros'. Rank. 12-U-tf-
TI0Y0lT:"TJARUA1N, irraniriuTw First
class ladies' wheel at a bargain fot
cash, liinuho of M., at Jouunai, olllce.
11 7 tf
RENT. Desirable rooms fur
nished or unfurnished for gentlemen.
Terms reasonable. Call 011 F. Gou
let, 1DU Commercial street. 10-11-tf
U1UYULE PATH If your bicycle
needs repairs bring It in, wo have
tho skill und stock to keep it In first
class condition. Wo curry a full
lltiont sundries und make a speciui
lly of cnumellug cuwound see ub.
wc satisfy nur patrons. Gardner &
White, 23 Llbutty sticct. Holmun'H
'i block, next door ti. steam laundry.
Phono 2t)35. l-20-t
that the best and cheapest carpet
paper Is tho heavy folt paper sold
ut The Jouunai. oihce. 20-tf
;S, C, STONE. M. D.
froprlelotjof ;
Stone's Druff Stores
Tno ncros (two In miinbor; nro locatod a
No. 295 and 3.13 Commorelal strcft, and arv
ucll stocked with aroinplote lino ofdrugsand
mcillcliics, tollot articles, porlnmctr, brushes
etc., 0 to., etc,
llnshad lomo 23 years ci)orlcnec la tho prao
tlcootrnrdlcliioanduow makes no cliarzo tor
oonsiiltiitlnn.ezamlnatlnn or prescription.
Salt Lake City An Import
ant Factor in Transcon
tinental Travel.
No 0110 crossing tlio continent can af
ford to cut Salt Lake City from ills route.
The attractions of tho place, including
tho Mormon Temple, Tabernacle and
Church Institutions, tlio Great Salt
Ijiko deader and denser than the Dead
Sea in tho Holy Land the picturesque
environment and tho Wurm bulpliur
und Hot Springs, nro greater to tlio
square yard than any locality on tho
American continent,
Tlio Rio Gka.nuu Wi:sti:ii.v Railway,
connecting on tlio East with tho Denvor
A: KioGraiidoaud Colorado. Midland Rail
ways and on tho Wst witli tho Southern
l'aclllc (Central Routo) nnd Orcitou
Short Line, Is tho only transcontinental
lino passing directly through Salt I.uku
City. '1 ho routo through Salt Lake City
YHl UIU Ihiu UKA.1IIK tf nniKUl ItAll.ltAl
is famous all tho year round. On ac
count of tho tiiiublo climate of Utah
ami Colorado it Is just as popular 111
whiter as In summer. Send 2c to J. 1),
Mansfield, 2o.'( Washington St., Portland ,
or Geo. W. Holntz, Acting (ieneral Pas
senger Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy
of 7,SaIt Uku City tho City of tho
Kcfojin School bupplles,
Henlcd proiwisaN aro hereby Invited
for furnUliluir the Orcuou Stule IU
form Kuhnol with supplies for the
tiuurtorendliitf March 31, 1000, it list
or which will bo fin dished upon ap
plication to the tiiporlnteiiduut. All
nldsiiiust bo In by 1 o'clock January
IS, 1000.
12-11) tf fciupt. OroBon ltcforui .School
Hop Growers
Wo have opened an olllcti and sample
room, in tho room at rtxir of Olllx-rt
ilios. Hank, at Salam, Orvcou, vtU
James Winstaiiloy in charKS.
Hop Urovvurs should nowsond hi their
samples, so that they cun hu arranged
for inspection, lluyors dealrlnK to bid
on thoHo sumpluH aro iuvitod to consult
JituicM Wiiislanloy us to Htrlii'ulurs.
Other oflliKts will beopnul in ihfh r
out localltios in the nwir future, of hi h
duo notice will m dvm.
I'or furthor iiiformutioii Maidroaathi
secretary, IIhwhv U Hhts,
Miiltoviilu, OretfMi. ia.'7 2'A
Call for City Warrant.
Notltia U hereby aJvwi that tlnie .no
funds on hand Hpf3liW to tho pav
uiHiit of all warrant of tho City of hai. in
drown on tha Kauaml fund a 1
ajidortxjd on or Intfwa Juna Slat W'
Holders of vakl warmuts will jiktaas V'
sunt thum fur imymtuittt J-adU A. Jlu.h's
bank, as Intersil will cuiso from duto
lids notice. John Moih,
City Traufr
Salum, Or fan oihlHoti. I n Jur
In Ilbavtllr OfaVT
tlr to itt VoutUfui CaTor
tt tctip m ittt U u(
tot aniliuua !nirX'J