'--yr-rfT i-f -p .-i iOk.-knfc.,kkHRm.,sw,ik . v Latest Associated Pross tolo- j f grams, Frash Looal nows and Llvo f j editorials make Tho Dally Jour- f 4 nal. THE DAILY JOURNAL. It's "Uualnass"' not Polltlos f Wo don't solicit your (iilvcrtlnlnjt lxetio 4 " of your politic or oura, but became r Journnl Advertising Pays. i VOjj. X SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY JANUA11Y i) 1900, NOT. ?rv r - -Br"-y nfj, i miimriHiiiriimimimmmmtTFTvmimiimnv In men's and boys' Mackintoshes, Those 4,75 all wool brown covert cloth coats reduced to $3.85. Men's all wool black tricot box coat mackin toshes, regular price $3.65; we have too many of this c special coat, and you can have them for 52,25. Don't E wait long, if you want one, They'll soon go at this price. E If you wears long rubber boots in sizes 10 or 11 we have sume uargams ior yeu: 100 many oi uiese large sizes and you can have them extra cheap. We want to close Them all out! ITHENEW YORK RACKET.! KRAUSSB BBQS wssVHTV'THHq'wHlW,l',t''iViW'''i 1 !Drs. Epley r f f r r r r BRIDGE AND V $tf wlm X f inf n lv.avjHB ,4 "jef. JWyTfiTJ M m - , --- . JS wk JflflA JHLtt Mt f 'VilV ri m ' OUR SPECIALTY. fc. A, W tS.WYtlifrhilhhwtK.KW.WWWVA.K Ll. . 1i. .tUfcth.-.tlUt, BURBN Si THE LOW PRICE 6tp61 fifw ETS Sunt We now have the FINEST LINE OF WETS ever shewn in Salemf and our Prices are below any other dealer in the valley, For Quality, Choice of Patterns We are in the lead. Burbn Si HAMiiyroivr 248 COMMERCIAL ST. 1M Wlew mxb Xate Stplee See our Ladies' Sorosis shoes, they are gieat, also our Queen Quality the best $3.00 shoe in I he World. Men's late styles in Patent Lealheis, Tan and Black goods all at the low est prices. & Olinger, oomH27niid'.8 lVstoillco block CROWN WORK HACniLTOTT FURNITURE HOUSE. X M. THE TRANSVAAL IN Ladysmith Hard Pushed Taten BOER TACTICS A MARVEL German and American Representatives Confer About Seizures General Duller Censured For Not Crossing tho Tugela River During the Ab sence of the Doers While They Were Bombarding at Ladysmith 111 AiMit'luteil l'rrii llir Juiirutil Stockade for Prisoners, Nkw Yoiik, .Inn. 0. A dispatch to llic Herald from IIiiih(Ih saws: A privuto letter from Pretoria says In order aeconi modulo the prisoners of thu war an im mense enclosure linH been constructed to the north of town. A Boer Joke. The Boers played an amusing trick on tlnrKngllsli at Ludysndth. Tito latter think that they destroyed tho Boers' Creoote cannun. The tiuth In, thu Boeis reiHOved the cannon and sulnti- tnted the trunk of a tree, which hiiiikIkiI by British shell-. wan No Utltlbli Representative Wanted. N'kw Voiik, .Ian. li. A special from Wahington says: Tho Transvaal gov ernment has Informed the United States that W. Stanley Hollls, thu American consul at Pretoria will not be permit lid tore)rcsent British Interests in the re public during the war, it being against the Transvaal's policy to permit tiny British ruprcsuntativu in It's torritory. Hollis will bo permitted to euro for Hritish prisoners of war confined in Pretoria, in a ersonal cjpaclty. London, .Ian. 0. Thu roiuarkablo revelation In Hour taclIcH has been an other complete surprise to the British, who had not reckoned on thu weakened garrison of Ladysmith being subjected to such a courageous assault. In some quarters it is considered tiuaccottntablu that Duller did not press tho paBage of tho Tugela river whilo thu Hours wero engaged to thu northward. The Casualties of tho Snffolks near Colosburg weru killed: Colonel Wat son, Limits. Wilkin, Caroy and White, and 23 men. Missing: Captains Brett, Thompson and flrown, Llouts. Allen, Woods, Martin and Butler and 107 men. Wounded Twenty-one. Queen's Congratulations, London- .fan H. Tlio queen tolo- But Not Yet TO THE MILITARY WORLD graphed congratulations to General While and his troops at Ladysinllh. German-American Combine. Lo.nno.v, .Ian. (). There is reason to believe that tho I'nited Stales and Ger man embassies aro trying to find a conv mon basis on which thoy can co-oporato in pressing their respective demands against Great Britain for tho Delagoa bay sclstnros. A high oillcial of tho German embassy had a long conference today at thu American embassy. Hetzog Turned Over. DumiA.v, Jan. U. Tho seied German sleamer Her?og has been banded over to I he prize court. Thu I'oi luguuse gov urnor ol the Zanbesle was among thu paskengers. Thu British naval authori ties have offered him tho ship lo convey him to Delagoa hay. Cruiser fired Upon. ItONiios, .Ian. 0, A dispatch from Am sterdam says a rumor Is current there that a British cruiser fired tion tho Diitcli'crulFcr.Fricslnmliioar Delagoa bay and that a Dutch olllcor was killed. uller's Opportunity. N'kw Yoiik, Jan. 8. A dispatch to tho Tribune from Loudon savs: General Bailor's opportunity for an effectivo display of strategy has comti, and, It' Is to Ihj Import, not too late. Tho liusi-ars and tho battery of Held artlllory for which ho has been waiting while Lady smith was in deadly peril aro now at tho front, and ho has every available man, gun and horse and miilu. Gener al Joubert's army is making a belated and deserato attempt to carry I-uily-smith by incessant boinbarrtmntand a lelilterate anil iinrnlntiint ntnitr In (mitt according to tlio Intt .,-. irom ' Ladysmith. What tho emergency re quires is a cautious and rapid yet far sighted, plan of operations liku that adopted by Wellington in tho peninsula. There may bo another reverse If tho tactics of thu previous battle aro repeat ed. But a decisive victory may bo ex pected with confidence if General lluller does not attempt to do a week's work in II utntrltt tlill nttil liny tint iiiitl.innn n 'ni skill for maneuverlm. far I..M. ..ml..' the im,..,.v'- ,,nlllnn n.,,1 nHl,. nff t.l retreat iiorthwanl and westward. No British general since Waterloo 1 ni jav.tr hud so brilliant an opportunity or so pressing a need for delivering a series of rapid and effectivo blows by which tlio enemy may bo paralyzed and demoral ised in thu courbu of a single week. Yet the Kuglish public is so unaccustomed to campaigns with turning movements mid maneuvering on a large scale, that there will bo dejection and clumors if u complete victory is not announced as a result of thu first day's lighting. Ladysmllh'a Last Hope, Lovnov, Jan. 0. (Tuesday, 3:1ft a. Trouble WitU the Eyes Is often caused by carelessness and neglect. Tho uso of glassos lltted by HERMAN W. BARR. S 0. With tho aid of modern scientific in- trnments will rellove present anil pre vent future difficulties. Wo mako no charge for testing the sight. If it Is found deficient we can supply tho pror glasses cornoily made at a najonable pricu. When visiting our store do not negh-ct to examine the perspetttosoopa, an in struinent for viewing pictures at Barr's jewelry store, USStato street. mil STATU QUO in.) General Whilo still holds out, or did sixty hours ago when tho Boors, ousted from their foothold Insido tho works, suspended tholr assault at night fall. England has taken heart. Tho situation however, Is worso. Tho be leaguered forco must havo expended a largo amount of ammunition which can not bo replenished, and must havo lot n number of officers and men, which is counter-balanced, so far as tho garrison is concerned, by tho greater loss of tho Boers. Gonoral Whito still needs ro lief, and tho difficulties confronting Gunoral Boiler aro as great as before The formor's unadorned sentences, as read and re-read, suggest eloquently tho peril in which the town was for fourtoou hours, and how barely his 0,000 mon wero able to keep from being overcomo Tho chief concern for General Whlto js In respect of ammunition. Sixty- eight days ago at the beginning of tho nege, his small ammunition was vaguely PULITZER'S HOME BURNS Two Servants Perish and the Loss About $300,000, fly Amtnclnted I'rcii to tlir Journnl. Xew Yoiik, Jan. 1). Tiio dwelling of .Joseph l'ulitzur, proprietor of tho World was destroyed by flro today. Tho bodies of two women havo been found badly burned. One is bolleved to bo Klizaboth Montgomery, governess, and tho other Is idontilled as tho housekeeper, Mrs. .lellott. The loss Is three hundred thou-nand. THE MONEY RAISED Santo Domingo Will and Have Peace 111' Aaaix'llltril I'm lu llir Juarnill. Xkw Yoiik, Jan. I). A dispatcli to president Jlnilnez, who has been superintending tho raising of a popular subscrip tion to pay tho French claim, has secured to 280,000 francs. described as 'plenty."!!! artillury then had '.100 rounds per gun. So mo of thu battorics havo been in action frequently since then, and nil wero probably en gaged last Saturday. His stock of shells consequently, must bo low, and this will make it difficult for General White to co-operato in tho movement by General Biillcr. Tlio entrenchments at Ladysmith, as ' dc7crlhcd lu thu messago that left a day 'or two before tho fight and has just conio through, aro fortilled hills, well 'covered with rlllu pits and trenches, down which thu infantry move In a I single illu to various posts in absolute I safuty. Full rations aro still served but no whiskey or tobacco. There Is one division only at Chcveloy another at Fruruand a third at Ustcourt. I As Chovely is seven miles from Colenso, the second division would havu bad to march l'J miles to get Into action, and siugiu uiu 10 various tho third division 'Jl' miles. Gen. Bui ler's 3,000 men and 70 guns wrre, there fore, almost iuactlvo Saturday and when (io,ierftl W,,lto loKraplietI, Gen Bui- ler COl,1(1 teMy make no move but an ineffective demonstration. W l.'....! 1 I ....... !.... .......... ..nn.-i -II, I jiibiuiim ,d l'li'l'.illii til .iiii.iici.io, tun. .'.' transports win oeon mu way 10 oumii ' Africa during the present mouth. Ac ' cording to thu program, 25,000 additional troops and 72 guns will 8Xn bo nlloat. I A corrusjwndent says: "A largo quantity of quick-firing ammunition goes to Has JIImmiUI, from which point it Is conveyed by dhows along thu coast or transshipped to vessels bound for I'ortugtiesu ports in Hast Africa, French steamers touching at Has Jibeutil before ! reaching Aden contrive to avoid tearch by transshipping at Madagascar to ' utreimnrM n,m.irfiillv not ftiiniifetert with Kiiropcan hues. In tills way they es- ciio suspicion. " j Home From Sumpter. I W. II. Hobsen, ono of our stalwart drygoods dealers, has just returned liomu from Sumpter. He reports plenty of Icoatid snow. All travel at this season after vou lemo tho railway train is on rnminrH. Similiter Is a brisk town cf about 1800 people, has flno water works and electric light, Is the supply town for the uold mines some ot wiiicli are situated altout ft miles away in tho hills Six stage lines lo-vled with passengurs arrive and depart dally from Sump'er. A lino saw mill cutting about one hundred thousand feet of luuibor er day, is unable to supply the demand for building. I Mr, Hobson thinks tho prospect ' koo1 for business, and may locate there later. Dixon nd MeQvern Kight Tonight. Nkw Youk, Jan- i). Perhaps no light between featherweights has oyer attrac ted the attention of the sporting publio as the one between George Dixon of Boston and Terry McGovorn of Brook lyn at the Broadway Athletic Club to night. George Dixon has been In the ring continuously for the jast 13 years for Oof which he has held the ehanip lonsphlp He has fought over 100 set battles, not tospeak of hundreds of mun he has put to sleep, when mooting all comers on theatrical tours. Tho fight is for tho foathorweight championship of tho world and a purse off 10,000. Both aro oxtromoly confi dent of succoass. McGovorn Is tho favorite in betting, at two to one. THE ELECTION OF A SENATOR The First Formal Ballot In Ken tucky Instiroa tho Election of Blackburn llr Aiauclntrd Pre to the Juurnnl. FitASKFonT, Jan, 0. In tho Houso tho ballot for United States senator stood, Blackburn, (Doin.) 67, Bradley, Rep.) 42. Absent 1. Thosenato ballot stood, Blackburn 22; Bradley 12. Tho joint ossembly will ballot tomorrow. To be Hanged In England, Losnov, Jan. 9. This is tho day set for tho execution of Mile. Louise Masset, a French governess, for tho murder of her illegitinatu son, a child of three years, whoso existence was an Pay the French Claim tho Herald from Santo Domingo says: !)00,000 francs; the claims amount obstacle to the marriage that she had in view. Aituougu ino crime is so uorriuio in every detail that no excuse is even possible, thu Instinct of feminine solid arity and tho sentluioiit of horror in spired by capital punishment, together with the feeling that, while guilty of an abominable offence against society, Louise Mussel Is not alone responsible, as thu unharmed father of thu child is allowed logo unpunished, havu induced thu Frondu, thu standard bearer of thu feminist movement In Franco, to circu late a petition to Queen Victoria inking that thu sentence of death bo commuted to one of penal servitude. Tho pctitior is signed by most of tho leading peoplo in educational circles in France, and others. Wm. C. McKinley Will Hang a Msn. i'lTTsnuito. Jan. 0. Death warrant lias been issued for tho execution of Win. Weeks today, Sheriff William C. McKinley, just installed, will officiate. Major John MuBrlde, orgauler of the Transvaal Irish brigado, will bu a candi date for a seat in tlio houso of commons from South Mayo, vacated by Davitt, and probably will not bo opposed. A WE EAN UBueineee And if you wll you come Into our store I soon be convinced that a: a: WE APE DOING JSueineee We are happy with the GRBAT SALB U want a Come to our great sale and see the values we are offering at every hand, ladies' 2ftc hose 19c pr. U want a Corset. Certainly. Well we have a lot of THOAtPSON'S glove fitting and leather bone cor sets worth $1.50 to $2, to close 50c each PHILIPPINE TALK Senator Beveridge Advocates Their Per manent Holding CASH ENVELOPES SHOWN Senators Petligrow of South Dakota Treachery in Fighting llr Aanuclntnl l'rrii tn the Jntirnnl. Washington, Jan. 0. At tho con clusion of routlno business, Huverldgo (Ind.) was recognized. Tho text of his address was n resolution which ho of fered a few days agy, which declares "that tho Philippine Islands aro terri tory belonging to tno United States; that it Is the attention of tho United States to retain them as such and to establish and maintain such govern ment and control throughout the arch ipelago as situation may demand,', A brilliant audienco greeted Beverldgo when bo began to speak. Kvery gallery was crowded. Beveridge" concluded as follews: "Mr. President and Senaters: Adopt tho resolution offered, that peace may quickly como and that we may begin tho savinit regenerating and uplifting work. Adopt It, and this bloodshed will cease when these deluded ehildien of our Islands learn that this Is thu Html action of thu rupiesuntatlves of the American people hi congress assembled. Re ject It, and tho world, history and American people look well whom to forever fix thu awful responsibility for consequences that will surely follow ich failure to do our manifest duty." Hoar followed Beveridge. "It would bo a baso thing." ho said, "for this country to strlko down a young te- public In thu Philippines Hoar taid ho could prove from Otis and Duwey that there was n Filipino government. Hoar said that Agiiiualdo was brought over and placed at thy head of .'10,000 peoplo w ho desired Independ ence, and who wero furnished nrms by the United Stntes (government. The Clark Cine. Wahiiishtov, Jan. 0. -Kx-Sluto Sen ator Whiteside of Montana continues to testify lu thu Clark case. Ho was cross :aminod by Faulkner. Ho identified two envelopes exhibited which ho said had contained money given him to hold membeis of tho legislature. Washinoton, Jan. 0. During a dis cussion of a resolution of inquiry offered by Pottigrew, of South Dakota, somo a.MiPational statements wero made in tho sonato regarding tho attitude of the United States toward tho Filipino In surgents, Pottigrew declared that tho govern ment had attacked Its allies, and thereby had been guilty of thu grnshCBt trench tvy. This tlateiiienl has resented wnrmlv success of our U need a Comfort or white UhI spread we aro offering our line goods at sale prices 67c up U want a Head rust ut home we know you lo. We Iwvo nice onus for chair basks 19c each U need a Gown a night gown, made of outing 68c up U want Box of hair plus lOufor 3c a box vfmvsif JtoymJ( SwAp IN THE CLARK CASE and Hoar of Massachusetts Charges Our Philippine Allies by Lodge of Massachusetts, who declar ed that this government bad done nothing of tho kind, and that, not even remotely, had it recognized the so-culled, government of tho Filipinos. SAID TO BE ALUM POISONINd. Serious' Cases of Illness Repotted Fiom the Use of Impure Uaklng PowJer. JulmMomn, renn , Tribune. Tho poisoning of tho Thomas family, of Thomas' Mill, Somerset Co., four members of which wero reported to havo been mado dangerously ill by Impure baking powder used in mixing buck wheat cakes, has lieen further investi gated. Tho original can witli the remainder of tho baking powder left over after mix ing tho cakes was secured by Dr. Crltch Held. Tho powder had been bought ut a neighboring country store, and was ono of tlio low priced brands. Dr. Critchtlcld said that thu patients had tho symptoms of alum imlBoulng. As the sainu kind of baking powder is sold lu many city giocuries, as well as country stores, Dr. Critchlield thought it important that a chemical examina tion should be inadu to determine its in gredients. Ho tliuroforo transferred thu package f Kiwderto Dr. Schlll, of this city, for analysii. Dr. Schlll's report Is as follews: 1 certify that 1 havo oxamiued chem ically tho samploof baking powder forwarded to mo by Dr. Critch lield. Thu specimen contained nluiii. Dit. Fiia.ncIs Soiiim., Jiii, Analyst. Alum Is used in tho manufacture of tho lower priced baking pow dors. It is a mineral poison, and for this reason tho 8alo of baking powders containing it is In many cities prohibited. Eastern Dase Ball League. Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 0. Tho postponed Kasteru league meeting is scheduled for this afternoon and evening tit thu Fifth Avenue Hotel. They will include within their circuit any eastern cities dropped from tho National League This may include Baltimore and Washington. Boston may also havo a club In the Kaatorn l-eaguo. Tho most probablo makeup, however, is as follews: Prov idence, Worcester, Newark or Philadel phia, Baltiinoro, Washington, Roches ter Buffalo and Toronto. It is tho dcslro of tho magnates of thu National league to havu as strong an Kustorii league ns lssiblu and only the liest cities are wanted, and the league will bo given every assistance, and nil tlio encourage ment possible by the big league. WHEAT MARKET OiiiCAiio, January I). May fiS'a, ?ash 07. Sak Kkancisco, Jan. 0 Cash H8'. Home merchants keep busy attending to their competi tor's buiilliuss,'thus they get into With domestic trouble upon their shoulders mid creditors crying for a sottlonieut, linn wKin havo no bintlnu at all. Wo hau Plenty of business and no Creditors, Thanks to our KitrniiM. U need a Hat. So we sorted them up mid found a lot of oM tyltS warlh fl.GO to ft 50c each a worth U need a Few toweb per haps, if SO, come to us and 'get some 25c ones for 19c each raa