The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 03, 1900, Image 1

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' Latoot Assoolatod Proes 1010- a
grams, Frosli Local nowo nnd Llvo f
jJxxlJLi l
i It'o "BUslnooa" not Politics f
a 1 W don't lollclt your lulYertlMugboeauw A
p " of your polltlca or outi, but becauis r
4 Journal Advertising Pnye. t
Editorials mnko Tho Dally Jour- f
OL.. X
NO 2.
fUi lllUi 111 1CJ!
In men's and boys'
Those 54.75 all wool brown covert cloth coats reduced :
to 53.85. Mens all wool black tricot box coat mackin-
toshes, resrulur price 3.65; we have too many of this -
special coat, and vou can have them for 52,25. Don't -
:; wait long, if you want one. They'll soon go at this price. ;
;, If you wears long rubber boots in sizes 10 or 11 we have :
:. some hnnrains for veu: Too manv of these I a ore sizes
I u J .... ., lrtm iK aiiI Af-n ziUnn M
;i unit yuu tint iuivc iiit-iu caiui Liicap.
We want to close
' Them all out!
J $h
See our Ladies' Sorosis
shoes, they are gieat, also our
QueeivQualily the best 53.00
shoe in the World. Aen's late
styles in Patent -Leathers, Tan
and Black goods all at the low
est prices.
Brisk Fighting at Molteno is Now in
British Reports Say the Boers are Gradually Retreating
British Wounded
The Canadian and Australian
Troop Praised s The Occu
pation of Colesburg By Brit
ish Has Not Materialized
British Supply Train Captur
cd By the Boers A Rescue
Train Driven Back v Eng
lish Loss at Colesburg 26
Wounded and 6 Killed
ish advance will not bo lung delayed.
It la reported at Durban that tho cap
tured German steamer Bundesruth had
on board flvo big gnus GO tons of sIicIIm
and 180 trained artillerymen.
Our prices on first-class Dental work
'I'ittJII 44nn-in4-t oo iUfrr o-h fr c chnft timp.
.Will 1 VllldUJl ua VHV-y HIV J.W w w x ,.-
i s s v'" X "s 4n
Onlyi 4s 4'J -aV C 49 A
, ".
Teeth 56.00 up.
Gold filling $1.50 and up.
G, & P. fillings $1.00.
m" V
II r Aaaoelnteil I'rtn la the Juurnal.
Stkiikntiiom, Jan. I!. Tho Boors at
tacked the town of Molteno this morn
ing. A brisk action is now in progress.
Naauwi-okt, Jan. 3. Thoro was brisk
lighting today In tho hills around Coles
burg. The Boors stubbornly mslsted
the llrillsh at every )oliit, but gradually
retreated. The British held the extreme
position to the South and the Hast,
overlooking the town. The hills around
Colesburg are In groups, making It very
dillleult to hunt tlie Doers out. Sixteen
wounded British have arrived at Arundel.
tutB. jjgfc w-ST
wwlm ,f(li
PHONE 2813.
.WW.V.KWWWWVYh-K'"'-W'fc,'-tK''AA"kKrtl"1 fl I
London', .Ian. 3. British public is
making tho most ol Col, Pitcher's
mlulatuie battle. An unbounded
tributo is paid to tho prow
ess of tho Canadians and
Australian,,, mid graphic accounts
of tho scenes at Douglas as the victorious
troops entered that placo. Tho inhab
itants were overjoyed, and crowded
about tho soldiers shaking hands with
them, and when thoy learned that their
deliverers were Canadians and Aus
tralians their enthusiasm becamo
A representative of tho the Associated
Press with tho Hying column says:
"Tho immediate result of Pitcher's tuc
cess is tho entiro dispersal of the rebels
who have been governing tho country
tho past six weoks."
Tho latest advices from tho Colesburg
district tend to modify tho estimate
of General French's success. The pro
dieted occupation of Colesburg had not
been accomplished last evening, while
tho Uoor guns announced to have been
silenced wero still active.
Duller continues the nigho bombard
ment and patrol surprises.
Ah Tugola river is again fordable.thoro
is n disposition to bellovo that tho Brit-
London, .Ion. !!. Nothing further has
been heard from Moltcnc, which was.
rciorted was attacked by tho Boers this
morning. Ah far as known, there is
only a small foreo there. A dispatch
from Storkstrom announces that fjwnnc-
Transvaal Agent Well Treated.
Or loclnted 1'reaa to the Juurnnl.
Tun Haouk, Jan. 3. 'Dr. Loyds dl
plomatic agent Transvaal attended Now
Years ball at palace. lie was received
by foreign minister.
Russians Arrest A Ortisher.
Ur Aaaoclnted I'rea to liie Juurnnl
Bkiilin, Jan. 3. It is reported Hritish
enrolling agent has been arrested at
Korbhcta, Russia.
Sentenced for Conspiring.
II r Aiaorlntril Vrrns In the Janrnnl.
Paris, Jan. 3. Tho high court itlio
senate) today decided that M. Do Houldo
was guilty of conspiracy, ond decided on
extenuating circumstances.
Come to Life.
II r Aaaorliiteil I'reaa In the Juurnnl.
Wai.lAci:, Ida., Jan. 3. John t Mc-Kco-reported
killed in a Frisco inliio,
this morning came homo from Chico
Page it Son, of Portland are being
prosecuted on a charge of selling adul
terated food. State and Dairy Comniis
sloiie'r Italley has the cuie In hand.
Health Officers Find a Case in the Walled
Two Major Generals and Five Brigadier Generals aro Named By President
California Earthquake Awakens Volcanoes
and Gas Wells, . .
Ur Aaaoclutrd Prcaa lu the JourunL
II r Anxnelillril I'rcaa In the Jnurtiiil
JIanila, Jan. 3. Tho health olllcors
have found a native with all thn sym
ptoms of the bubonic iilnguo In tho
walled city, where two pusplclous doaths
have occurred.
Wamiiinoton, Jan. 3. The president
has sent the following nominations to
the senate:
Brlgadicr-Oenornl J. C. Hates to be
major-general of volunteers J Brigadier
Oenornl Lloyd Whcaton to be major
general of volunteers, by brevet. To be
brigadier generals: Colonel S. 1!. M.
Young, Lieut. Col. Arthur MncArthur,
Lieut. Col. Win. Ludlow.
Sponkor Hondurson Sltlo-Tracks n
RnsolutlonOn OiiKa's Uank
San Diaoo, Cal., Jan. 3. Uoports from hack rountles .show that tho recent
earthquake was tho causo of a number -of strnngoliappenlngs. M(id volcanoes on
the desert near the Colorado river have become actlvetand are spouting mud
again. Natural gas wells near Vumu are also in working order since the earthquake.
11 GflRPETS sal
Number of Men in the Philippines to Be
Ur AasaulHtrd I'rraa to tbe Juurnnl.
New York, Jan. 3. A special to tho Horald from Washington says:
Thoro will probably bo no reduction In the military forco in tho Philippines for
At least six months There are now in the Islands sixty-live thousand soldiers in
addition to 1200 marines at Cavite and 5,000 soldiers on the warships.
Indianapolis County Treasurer Swipes His
Books and $125,000,
111' Aaanoliiteil I'rcii tn Hie Journal.
Washington, Jan. 3. Tho senate ro
suiued its sittings today with a general
attendance tl senators, and with u small
Hood of bilh, ro!olutlnng mid petition.
of this city, who lias acted for tho Copen
hagen government in tho negotiations
for tho salo of tho Danish- West Indian
Islands to tho United States for $3,000,
000, started for Washington tonight to
confer with I'rosident McKinlcy.
Tho Groat Ropubllcnn Party Doss
to Bo Contlnuocl at tho
In the Haute.
WAiiiiNuro.v, Jan. 3. When the
houso assembled today several mem
bers, Including Sulzer, u Democrat, of
N'ew York, were prepared to offer reso
Unions to inquire into the course of Sec
retary Gago, in regard to tho deports of
public funds in the New York Imnks
and to make n demand for Its immadi
ate consideration.
Tho speaker ruled that tho Sulzor
resolution under rules must go llrst to
the committee, and it was not privuleg
ed. At 12:10 the house adjouruod.
Ilillu fur tho reorganization of the
army and for u Hawaiian government
will become important measured at an
early date. In regard to the latter:
A few senators aro urging that tho
measure be amended so as to leuvu the
customs laws applying to the islands
as thoy now stand, to omit the provis
ion for a delegate in conureas for tho
present, because of tlie iolblo effect of
this provision on tlie constitution in
tho interest of Puerto Kico, and poulbly
in the Interest of the Philippine, to suy
nothing of Culm.
Ur Aaaoclitlril 1'rraa to the .tunrnnl.
Clkvki,axd, Jan. 3. According to the
Cleveland Leader, information received
by it from n sourco second only to Pres
ident McKInloy and Senator Ilanna, Is
to tho effect (hat not only will Senator
Ilanna be the chairman of tho next He
publican national committee, but ho will
bo both temporary nnd permanontchalr
limn of I ho Itopublicnn national conven
tion. This statement may, perhaps,
ho explained upon tho hypothesis that
such Is thooxprorfsed wish of President
.McKInloy, nnd that tho president will
lie the only candidate before tho con
vention. The statement Is made that
tho only question which lias over existed
as to tho continuation of Senator Han-
iia'd leadership in the coming campaign
was that regarding his health. Ho has
now nunouncod his willingness to under
take the now task next year, and tho
president's wish In that rospect Is to bo
Returned to School.
Tho Ruth on her trip up tho river last
ovoning carried a largo party of students
on their way buck to school at Corvullls
after spending the holidays at home,
llosides tlie Salem young people there
wore many moro who gathorOd nt this
cunt nil point to take tlie boat.
nbout 175 of the best slngors In tho Wil
lamotto valley.
Two oratorios, "Tho Creation," and
'St Paul," will bo provided. Frances
co Soloy, of Salem won chosen festival
director, nnd will direct tho chorus In
St. Paul." "Tho Creation" will bo
directed by W. Gifford Nash, of Eugene.
Tho oratorios will bo produced with
soloists, chorus and orchestra.
Rehearsals will begin next wcclc and
tho May festival will bo of great edu
cational value,
Vacancies in tho union woro filled at
tho meeting In Albany, Saturday by tho
election of H. S. Gilo nnd H. W. Swaf
ford, both of Salem, president and vice
president, respectively.
Tho membership of tho Salem Choral
Society, which took part in tho Christ
mas exercites, and which forms tho Sa
lem motnber of the Union is as follows.
Sopranes: Mrs. O. W. Bonfchon, Mrs.
Scott. Bozorth, Mrs. Hay Fanner, Miss
Agues Gilbert, Mrs. G. W. Grnimls.
Mrs. lather Ilall-MeNary, Miss Ethel
Raymond, Miss Mattia Southwick, Miss
Nellie Sou tli wick, Mrs. Emma Walker.
Altes: Miss Annie D. At wood, Mrs.
W. P. Ilabcock, Mrs. J. P. Beckett, Mis
Ethel Hughes, Miss Lillian Itobllu, Mrs.
Etta Squler Scley.
Teners: George Aschcnbreuuor, J.
F. Hughes, E. J. Swafford, Francisco
Basses: W. P. Babcock, Arthur
Booschen, C. W. Bocschon, J. W. Hick
ford, Scott Boz.irth, W. P. Drew, Frank
Grunnis. W. J. Lehman, II. W. Stafford.
Organist: MissGenevievo Hughes.
Choir Master: Fraiicesco Soloy.
Horticultural Meeting.
Tho annual meeting of the Union Co.
Horticultural society will bo held in tho
court houso nt Salem Jan. Othat 10 a.
m. All fruit growors aro invited, as the
oltjitlon of olllcors occurs.
More Colonies.
ill- Aaaoclnlcil I'reaa m tlie Juurnnl.
Nijw Yoiik, Jon. 3. The World uys:
Carl l'lH'her-IIauson, a Danish lawyer
To a Better Market.
Win. Sklptou went down on the Ruth
this morning with n carload of draft
hordes, which he is taking to Seattle,
just now tho bust available murket for
such stock. The horses were procured
at Corvallli, Albany and Salem.
Willamette Valley Choral Union Holds
May Meeting in Salem.
Tho next meeting of tho Willamette
Valley Choral Union will bo hold In Sa
eom next May, and promises to bo a
musical event of unusual Intercut.
The union consists of tho chorusos of
Salem, Eugene, Albany and Corvullls,
and the united chorus wll consist of
The gold yield for 1899 in Now
South Wales was 609,413 ouncos, an in
crease of 103,025 ounces over 1BU3.
A n-ovoro storm ragod nt San Francisco
yesterday, and hoavy rains prevailed In
tho northorn countlojof California,
Tho United States transport Logan,
from New York, November 10, lias ar
rived ut Singapore, on her way to Ma
nila. T,uo work of distributing the Internal
rovouuo receipts as recently outlinod by
Secretary Gago U being carried Into
A sea wall at Muro Island took a land
slide into the so.i yettonluy. The loss
will bo f75,000, and 23J feet of tho wall
is ruined.
The school board of Lead, S. D., has
ordered compulsary vocclnution of alt
pupils, and us some parents are opposed
to it, the matter Is llablo to go into tho
The United States board ot naval con
struction has recommended that tho
steamship Badgor, lately tho Yumlre,
shall be sold. Tho ship is at Maro
island, O.tltfornt.1,
State Treasurer Moire In. flloJ his
somi-anual report showing cash on hand
July 1, 1899, tOJ.'.MO. 7 J ; receipts,
$801,011 83; total, $ 1, 7J 1,713.07. Dis
purseinonts, 9JJ, IM.U. Bulunco on
hand January 1, $7U,31t).I3.
Sec the Kid Gloves wc
arc offering at the Great
Sale Price of
By Aaaoclutrd I'reaa ta tbe Journal
Ciiiuaoo,' Jon. 3. A special to tho Times Herald from Indianapolis says: With
the retirement of County Treasurer Wilson and tho installation of his successor,
all tho books of the olllco for four ycarj are missing, It is said f 12.5,000 nro tin
counted for.
We now have the Finest Line of Carpets
ever shown in Salem, and our Prices
are below any other dealer in the valley
For Quality,
Price, and
Choice of Patterns
We are in the lead.
leaf, the Boor 'commandant at Storm
berg has died of wounds.
A dispatch from Rensberg says a sup
ply train ran Into a broken culvert and
was wrecked. The Boers begnn looting
it and another train was disiiatched to
rocover tho provisions. Tho Boera
opened fire forcing tho second train to
retreat alter several natives were killed,
The total British casualties about
Colesburg in two days are six killed 20
Wardo Coming.
The story of The Lion's Mouth which
will he presented by Frederick Warde
together with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M.
Krone at the opera house, Saturday
evening, is undoubtedly an important
piece of dramatic writing. It is of really
line literary quality, the diction being
rich and smooth, while tho metaphors
and similies with which it abounds
sparkle with the true lustre of a master
creation. It is even claimed that the
play is actually perfect in construction.
Each turn of the plot windings its coils
firmer and tighter around the hero and
heroine, until a climax is gradually
reached at which there cornea a sus
pense that has been growing from the
beginning of the play and is powerful in
its intensity
To cute La (inpp. Keep warm, especial
AW (ut. nd take ut. MUeV Nerrine.
From Eyeglasses to Glasseyes
We can supply you witli anythlnc in
the Optical lino Seal If not so clearly as
with your eves of former years, some
thing is wrong with those delicate orbs of
vision. Don't hesitate to have them ex
amined. Will candidly tell their condi
tion for nothing. A pair of our rlmlwa
spectacles or eyeglasces will add dignity
to your appearance, give you a learned
look, and really improve your face.
ji a. nl&ym k, Sc
Children's ?Jlwool hose
worth 25c, Great Sale
A pair;
20 and 'Jfifl fancy skirt lining. Uicat !
Salol'rU ,
12 l'2c a yd
35o fast blauk Iknm for uulhtt, guaran
teed swimietM and sUinlee.
19c a pr,
A few AOc eowt wniiU for children to
25c each
Drew goods, Mil, a line wortn
LOO to fLafttt yard tlim Iiniiorled nov
84c a yd
Another Hut ot 80 to 78c value. Great
Stile I'rktt
Ladkjg axtru Itanvy tUe ribtml panU
worth 60c (Jrautiwhi i'rktt
A hgaviur and letter Him oi vmU to
close at
Sojb.stific Opticus
A line of all wool mU to oIom at
75c worth, $1,00
Ladies' Suits
and Jackets and
capes must all
be sold during
A lino of 60; derby ribbed and natural
wool shirts. Great Salo Trice
A lino of men's umbrellas at Great
Sale I'rico
$20 jackets S12.50
We onlv havo a fow left and don't
"iniml loosing a few dollars in getting rid
ot tneiii.
Other Jackets and
Capes priced in pre
Fur Collarettes
90.00 eollarettoa for 21.05. '
f 14.00 oolluruttus for tD.M.
f 11.00 collarette- for f7.40.
$8.00 collarettes for f 0.20.
8.00 coli i ut tee for (LBS.
A lino of men's brown, blue and black
cocks with white dots. Great Sale
10c pr,
Don't fail to io tlwt ilJ t(nt m
nun's units and ooat which we o&r ut
Great Sale Prices,
$5,60 and up,
A line of drew hats worth I WO, Grei.t
Come to a legitimate dealer in first-class goods for your New
Year bargains, fcvery thing marked in plain hgures