The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 30, 1899, Image 1

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4 Latoat Associated Prose tote- 5
5 grams, Fruah Local mows and Llvo "
f Editorials mako Tho Dally Jour- i
4 nal. m
In men's and boys'
I Thrvcp 4.7 nil wnnt hrnvvn rnvrf Hntli pnafc raAA -
to $3.85. Men's all wool black tricot box coat mackin- -'
Irishes, lemilur nrirp 553.A1;? wn lwv inn mimr nt tw.o Z
. special coat, and you can have them for $2,25. Don't
: wait long, if you want one, They'll soon go at this price. :
: If you wears long rubber boots in sizes 10 or 1 1 we have -
some Bargains loryeu: loo many of these large sizes :
nnH Vnil i"in llHVfl illoni ovlrn elinnr
fc -... jw. .. .., ,..... wrtUU i-ni-up.
We want to close
Them all out!
See our Ladies' Sorosis
shoes, they are gieat, also our
Queen Quality the best $3.00
shoe in the World. Aen's late
styles in Patent Leathers, Tan
and Black goods all at ihe low
est prices.
British Loss 109 Men in a Sortie at
K . r. . . s v '
uuf prices on iirsfciass uentai worK :
jjwill remain as they are for a short time ;
only, , -
t x.
Teeth 56.00 up.
Gold filling 51.50 and up.
G, & P. fillings 51.00.
rt V l-
f PHONE 2813.
Only Seven Boers Killed and
Wounded , Two British
Captains Taken Prisoners rv
Two Hour Artillery Duel
at Moddcr River ev British
Prize With Boer Recruits.
Ilr AaaoclnteU i'reaa in the Journal.
Lorbxzo Marqurz, Doc. 30. Advices
from Pretoria under date of tliu-27tli say
nn ollloiiil dispatch from Mafoking an
nounces that, In a Hortlo which the llrit
lh Hindu December 2,'ith attacking
ono oK the Doer form with minimi.
Maxims and au armored train so per
slstently that fighting raged up to tho
walls of tho fort, tho llritlsh lot 100
killed and wounded, while tho lloorn
lost only two killed and seven
wounded. Tho dispatch adds that
Captains Klrkwood nud Orenfoll wcro
captured by Boor scouts near Colcnso.
Ton unloaded shells Inscribed "Sen
sons greeting" have Ikwii ilred at Ijidy
smith. Ten South African medical students
from Kdlnbnrg lmve arrived nt Pretoria
with five tons ol medical stores.
A dispatch from tho lloer camp on
Moddor rlvor, tho 33th roiorta nn artill
ery duel lasting au hour. A lirltMi
rpcoiinullcrlng party mndoa sortie, but
did not come within thu Hour rango.
Tho llrltish commenced a steady bom-
hardmunt of the Ilouj osltlon.
Doers Uepulsed.
Capb Town, Dec. .!. The. nrllish
camp Victoria turned out last night to
rcMd un attempt of llocrs to cut tho rail
ro ill near tho station. Tho llrltish re
plied and thu Hoers retired, tho attempt
having turnod out a failure.
At Ladystnlth.
London, I Km. 30. Tlio reported sorlln
from Ladysmlth resulting In thecapturu
ot a ltocr iosition is not continued.
The I!or Mnitlou eastward of Ohovuly
was rt'iHinnoitered Dec. S3 williout
Iran lug out tlio enemy.
Naval guns iingngo In dally priu'tluu,
and it Is said thirty or forty Moors were
killed during tuo days. A dispatch from
Durban predicts I-ndysmith will I hi ro.
Moved alxiut Jnnuary 7. Thoro is a dU
iwisltion to believe that lien. Holler is
preparing nn iittompt to advance.
thero was no contraband o! war on
board, nud tho GcrniHU foreign ofllco
hns promised Interposition with tho
llrltish government.
London, Dtc. 30. It is learned thnt
thero wero threo officers and 20 nien In
tending to serve, with tho Hocrs on
board tho Huudrsrath, which explains
tho capture.
A Uucsl Appointment.
Lasix), Dim. . 30. Queen lias ap
proved tho appointment of tho Dnko of
Counnugh us romninuder In chief of the
llrltish forces in Ireland.
Steamer Stranded.
LoNHov, Dec. 30. Tho slcamshlp
1'elotns, from Santos for Hamburg,' is
stuck on the sands on the east sldo of
Dungencss in tho midst of a torrid c
Rale. Tho coast guardsmen put ti rocket
apparatus In operation, thus suvliif thu
crow.- inero wero no passengers
voitlgatliiR the eao of Hoborts, says
tho caoti will notcomoupfor notion In
tho houe Wforo tho middlo of .tnnunry.
i .
Ilr Auoclnteil Trm to the Journal.
Mkuuhjiink, l.Vc. 30. Advices from
Noumea, New Caledonia, say tho llvo
whites linvo been nttneked by thoplnguo
ono dying. I'lfleen Kanakas nud Chinese
have died from tho plnguo.
Consul Hay Hails.
Ilr .tMoclnled l'rr to the Jnurnnl.
Loniion, Dec. :W. Adelbort 8. Hay
tho new United States council to Pre
toria, left this morning enroute for
Cnim Tow n.
Military and Civil Officials of Manila
I.OHUN7.0, Mnrquox, IVe, SO. Thu
Steamer UmuliMratli, of tho German
East Africa line has bcHin captured as u
prize nud taken to Durban.
IIajiiiuwi, Dim. 30. Tho ilirectors of
tho (iormaii Kast African lino receive.!
nnira nt llm tlrrt.flt nf llu, tfillmrlnl llfnlt
I steamer llundosratli. It Is declared
mm GflRPETS m
Alert Portugese Republicans,'
Paius, Dec. 30. Advices in diplo
matic circles says tho Kepubllcans of
Portugal 'hao sotted on tho afed
Anglo-Qorman.PortugQso treaty ns n
wemon to attack tho monarchy, f
Doer Resolutions.
New York, Dee. 30. At a mooting of
tlio Now York city council tho resolu
tions of symiMthy for the Hours, which
wero offered last Tuesday, wuru adj)U'd
with hut ono dissenting vote.
Uombsrtllng Again.
I.aiiVsmitii, Dee. 21, via PiutcrumrlU
burg. The Itoer shell 11 ro has lieon very
damnuiiii! rccuntlv. On PrlduvV nuu
shell killed six men nud wounded nine.
Tho same missile killed fourteen hotsos.
Annthur Just missel the 1'ifUi lancer
ll.... alt..l.l1.. .. . it.... ..t ..m?...vd
Several shells lmve fallen cIojo to gen
eral White's lioiife, couiHilllng tlio re
moval ot tlio heaiiqnurters in nputiier
Own, Whlto lias been 111 with fiAur,
but is now rouvalcKMiit.
It Is reported that Ocnoral JouUift Is
H7AII1 In lYiiniiinnil of tlio iMMrii lieru.
Thu military authorities appear iiiitjhl.
eot, but they are very reticent.
Russians Klghting Under Joubett.
Uinimiv, DtM. 30. The Marseilles cor
reiKiudent to tho DailvMull. teleurniih-
Imr the HiiliHtniien of un Intervluu with
" n ' ........... .... ,iw.iii.iififa tiuitu, IllllliT
the Uusfiau. Oenernl Oourko. uldost sou mmi minil! ..i...r,.ii.. v..... v.,.i.
t " W"" .-'v ....... If. ..111. I'll.
of tho famous flourko, who Is now alxiut Tuwuluy, nnd Is reported ns dying,
to start for Pretoria, says that the Hum- i.'r.fim. i ,,.,... i. -....,. i.m
slnnolllcer Hindu tho following state- (.rB1, frm , ,,, ,,.,.., ,.,.''.
"'""V , , . .'sold his sawmill ton Wisconsin (Inn.
'I linvo Immii oftonsl tlio iMinmand oi , ., , . ., , ...
a IKKir army corps. Inmy.Mlnd I ' Im -"n, 1 ' " ."
am absolutely confident of tho hkwhi . . ...,...,..,.., . f,,,wvA,,wnf
, .... . i bonds, for school Ihmiimw. hoonlta Is.
wmcrs mid (Hirks.
President Cole, of thu (llolie Hank,
Native Men and Women Pay Their
Respects to the Qeneral's
Ilr ' nclnteil I'reaa l h. JnurnaL
Manila. Dec. 30. Tho funeral of Gen
eral Uwton was held today with Im
pressive ceremonies. Tho remains
wcro conveyed to the transport Thomas,
wnicli sails this nfternoon.
The funeral processl in Included flcn
orals Wheeler, llstes. Porsytho, Kobbe
and Hchwnu, Admiral Watson, Goner!
Otis and staff, foreign consuls ami mem
IfOrsoflhu Philippine supremo court.
Nntlo delegations from the towns whore
l.uwton estnbllsliutl olvll governments
held wreath Women from tlio name
towns wnllwl uihiii Mrs. Ijtwtnn nmt
presented condolences nud iltmers.
Congressman Moulellf Is reported as
improving somewhat.
Gov. Touuur, of Illinois is not a ran.
dldato for nmomlnatiou,
Thtinllcgod AimloOyriiMiii mirroiiimil
iiInhiI Dulsgui ll.iy remains a mystery.
Ilrysn strike yesterdnv nt 8nn Anto.
nlutotlio largest nudloneo over tri(th
oral In thnt city
Labor Atbltrstlon.
Mr Aaaoclnted ITtaa to the Journal
ClIICAOO. IVc 30. A Mrmmi.l t.t.
tratlon bonnl to settlo all thu labor
unions and contractors and averting tho
chnucos of labor was nractlrjillv .kp.ui
lodny. nt n mooting of tho bulldliur
irnues connoil and tlio building con
trnctors' council, bv ronnn nt nti
conforsneo oonunittu'.
Natives Uolnjf SUsRostod for Mom
bora of the Now dovorn-
.. moot
Ilr Aaauclnlra l'rri to the Journal
IIaVANNA. Doc 30. Thu nnvv.iull..r.
mid tho names of Unix ltlvnm n.t
Alejandro Itodrlcuos to tho 1lt nlm.i.K.
mentioned us Ilkoly to rccelvo cabinet
positions. If Is sate to say that no man
will bo Included m tho cabinet who Is
not prominent In Cuban national poll
tics, and tho nublio is confident that
General Wood's selections will bom.
'optionally strong.
f Wu Business'" riot PolKtei
d X don'tKllpHrauranrartfcsWbM-lawf
f " of joor politica or mitt, baf imSBtW
4 Journal Atlv6rtlln(f Pay: t
i immm
Insurgents are HarassiiiOurMen at
Nino Firemen Injured By a Chicago
Thllly-eigrit Hnglnes and Two
Tur Have the Wholesale
III Aaaoelnleil Weae to the Jonraal
OillCAOo, Dec 30. A tiro toilnv com.
pletcly gutted tho buildings from 210 to
U .Monroe streets, mul bndly damagoil
tho bulluliig at '.'12 3U Monroe street,
causing n lots ot tiWl.OOO, and resulting
In Injuries to nine firemen, two tciloutly.
The Injiireil nro Capt. Robt. O'Connor
nnd James Wooley, serious; Wllllsm
Poddon, Mlclmcl U'llnra. Cant. Evans.
dipt. Carey, Cnpt. Thomas O'Connor,
Luke Hayes, Lieut Oswald.
In spltoof tons of water thrown Into
tho buildings by 33 engines nud two lira
tugs, tho wind nnd bitter cold so hln-
dorcrt thnllrcumu that for soniu tlmo
thu wholesale ditrlcl wns In danger.
ContlnuoB to Threaten tho Pooplo
Supply Cut
Ilr Aaulalel I'iru la the Jntarnal.
8an Pkasoisoii, IKm. 30. The coal
" vt. a n.uinti mrt irv iivs l,un
The Ikmrs jhieateh to put Itngllsh famlno in this nity is becoming serious,
prisoners on half rations If Kuulnnd euta
off provisions from IKilngou Hay.
Itoland Itccd, tho famous actor, under
of tho Hoers. You may tnku my word
for It that thousands of Itustluus are
now fighting under Go nerul Jouberl."
fir Aaauelated I'reaa la Ihe Journal
Wasiiinothv, Dee. 80. Tho Chinowe
Milliliter received a dliifltcli from China
staling Hint LI Hung Chang has been
appointed setlug viceroy for two pro
vlnres kjiiIIi of CIiIim.
Or Aaaoelated I'reaa In the Juuraal-
WASiiiNflTOK, Dee. 30. Hepresonwitlva
Taylor, elwlrman of the eommlttM in -
Hontoii, hns been nrrostod In California,
ehurged with etnlmullng fOOO.000. Tho
order for arrest uuiiiu fmui (T. H. attor
ney gunornl.
Tho Itoslyu conipiuiy refuses to supply
tho local trade ns all coal Its Isiats can
bring Is needed to Oil contrasts ul ready
on hniid. Thero is more con I to bo had
ut the mines hut lioltoms cnntiot be
fniind to bring II here.
Until. rViriiidiiiM. mil of ex-Countv
Judgo T. Cornelius, was found dead In
the woods near his home north ol (Hon
roe, Washington county. Heart failure
is thought to linvo been tho cauwi.
Tho Mluhlgnn legislaturo In spevlsl
smsIoii refiikoil to adjourn, but will
meotagidii uoxtTuesdriy.
Straigth of the Insurgents at Malabon'TsttOiukf. G&H
Surprise ;
Or Aaaoelatta Preaa In the Journal
New Yiuik, Dec SO. A dspatch to
Herald from Manila says:
Hh men ol tho signal corps wero nt
tacked Thursday at Taleroro, by 200 In
surgents, nud four wort, cither killed or
captured, tho dispatch stntlng that
tho Filipinos wcro linrraMtng the en
tire Llngaycn coast from Vlgan to San
Jscinlo In small hands, and that LlouU
Glltnoru and tho members of tho York
towns crow who nro prisoners had been
Mpamted nnd wero with tho Insurgent
bands In tho northern, mountains was
censored by Otis on tho ground that ho
had contrary information.
Tho strength of tho Insurants nt
Malnban has caused great surprlso to
Tho Msrrlage JJecrce,
Oils' recent docroo authorising civil
marriages makes no provision for
divorce. Only Cathollo reasons for
separation nro recognised In the ordor.
Girls of 12 years old and boys of U are
permitted to msrry with the consent of
parents but othorwlis they must bo SI
year old.
freight by Transports.
San Khancisco, Dec. 30. Tho trans
porus Tartar and Valentla will probably
bo sent back to Manila vitl freight.
There nro about -(0,000 tons of freight on
tho go eminent dockr and no ttoamor
tu tako It. Tho Hhorldan will go to
Seattle to lake forage from thero to Mn-
Capital street. Tho evening wR-sapeM
In progressive whist, prises wero give
to those making tho highest score, Wo
tho lowosl. The host nnd IigM-sm
proved tlioir efficiency t ent-ertk4j,
making tho orenlns one long to Imw
membcroJ by their Invltod guests. At
tho closo of the social game, refresh.
uiont wnro serred, which wore !fy
linmcnse. All Oils, Interspersed wUk
choico selections ol music, whUiri urns
theonlng almost too quickly, it
Into hour alt departed, wleMne; U ..
wriamers msuy such JoynM
ttupt. Calbiealh to Take Charge Hon.
John Q, Wright to He Buwsrd,
Dr. J. r. Calbroalh. the new sunerln-
tondunt of the Oregon asylum fur the
usniie. Is In the cltv. and will take
formal chnrgo next week. Ills family
will arrive from McMluiivlllo next week
and will mnke (heir home nt ' tho Insti
Tun Jouimi. is reliably lufonneil that
Hon. John U. Wright, of this city, has
btMti nniurd as stuitard. slid will iro oii
duty with tho doctor next week. TbU
iippolutiiient has not been ofllclally an
nouueed, but Mr. Wright's many friends
can feel f reo to extend congratulations,
privlhtfii which will please a large host
throughout Oregon.
. i i .
Whist J'atty,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I, HUloy enter
tallied Hlsnit SO of their friends last
evening at their cosy home, on South
Thu last of tho 1809 crop ot mrtla
licenses have been Ittued mM-Iosfs:
Collte J, Richardson and 0. F. Xj4f;
Alien 1'cart and K.W. Tucker; Usak
Kinio Carroll and John MIMir.
The groom In tho first ewe Wine meW
ago, his father's written consent wm
1 '
(School Savlnji Sn4c.
The blanks for Uie publlo khooIc
ssvlngs banks havo been placed lh 'Hte
hands of the teachers ot the dlfdmsit
schools, and tho first collection or uV
posit lll be taken Tuesday morolaf.
Let all be prepared to give the m
8qme Old Applet.
Joseph Hutsby, of 31111 City, send
this otHce tomo apples ot tho 1809 crop,
nlilcli nro still tuiind. They are o( the,
"grind stone" variety, and are still Im
proving In quality. They Iiato no worms
up In that region.
Swiped Tools.
Geo. Loyd was arrested today on a
chargo ot stealing some took fro Mm
rear ol tho Musacr house, the tool Itsis ,
found In his wesslon, His trM mi
set for 4 o'clock In Itecorder'e cwt.
In this City, nt tlio Chatwlit Hewss,
IKm. SO, 1MW, by l(or. John rarsowiB.W
Mr. It. W. Tucker sud Mlsa Alia fW
both of Aumsvllle, 5f arlon Coynly.
New Proprietors. .
McKIMop A Ilurkhart. two Albastv
rettanrautcu., have bouulit out the
popular Whlto House Itestaurnnt, Mil
will continue It In good chape.
ihsmiion idu weak down follows r)k
OtllUOO. December 80. MsrML'i
cssh M(.
Bf Kbakhsco, Dec. 3D, CJ M'
Phone i!074.
104 State B
Remnants r (I
and Odd lots $ xf
Must Go, I
Kny ii 1 1 1 1 f y i 'i j ij 1 1 www
i Remnants r
j andOddlote
1 Must Go. I
V V S-
Tv aSv V V V C
We now have the Finest Line of Carpets
ever shown in Salem, and our Prices
are below any other dealer in the valley,
or Quality,
Price, and
Choice of Patterns
JW& are in the lead.
, :. Our
If- Holiday
Once more the closing lya of th year It-iMg with Umh lb mm of frteeMJIr
All vstwl tiunU eape with extra
afjwi tvmn vvit acsur Ihihl
pf oeeiar rHkir j lift) sjH.ilily
GltllAT SALIJ PltlCIJ P)62
IUlm (Ue Milk lslid omswi
AU mouI heurletU luniy trl
lining blue only fU.W value.
llrsxrii InvkiWe ssMfk, Itojrnl
Sajfie was fiOQ,
GKQ.T SAUi PltlCB 56.10
(mU smi valvtt Mtsrf worth
tuMte,tntllw,vM ' iCRKrTSAUjPniC& 33.66
Guuat Sai.ij Pricb 5taoo
Ulice luom iim cioeuiK iy ui un 7. .- "-w -
Breotmif and Joyful Iiuiimiii Mkwsliip. .
CllltlSTSI AS, the day ot i.lark ImsiW asvl Wrtot. fM
..ate a I Wl .- ft :.... .J itua tuM SftakAl U MrMMlHIf
A Uml ( nwy Isssli. solve the moIiUh A vi-it U usir stow will MUwiy . (4
FOR I;ATHER--nbony or iilver bnullW.
FOR A07HER-Silver plated ware.
FOR HUSBAND-Walch chain or locket.
FC;R WIFK-Sterlinir silver table.
FOR SWHETUUAR I -Diamond or opal broocli.
FOR LOVER- Opal stud or scarf pin.
FOR BROTHER-DumUell cufT but.toiis.
FOR SISTER-Pretly set rinf. N .
FOR SON-New small size thin gold watch.
FOR DAUGHTER-Diamond ring or gold watch.
FOR AUNT- Some si'ver novelty.
FOR UNCLE-Stamp box or pocket nail file.
FOR GRANDFATHER-Gold Spectacles.
FOR GRANDAtOTHER-Gold eyeglasses
gJTCw aJ essr Ibiiiiwmw t,lt U the (IfMsH ne w ffr4ifisl n baf
ite.Mil EARR'S JEWELRY STORE, m.i.n.
OohImW krlkvl I'riuect H
Vimt asMmtllM'l JftStK fHM'Mi
worth JtfiftJ.
lite all vmA ihsvi dvik ten
ia) svtra Taine i 1A)
Psnty wesive mtbtfl try
BK and jpfiil l'i kim w out
was a sjiewisd value kt f U).
GftBAT SaLB PUICIj 51.20
lHmWeeri fwvt W, tu
lllsok, all vool box (at, Duck
Grbat Salh Price $9.46
fcJ . . .
Very flrin henilstta eape eot ''
worth 110.00. '
Grhat Salg Price 7,20
Vlsunsinlxed bnz oval velvet
OilTar II0.0O.
Great Sale Price 6,99
' ' ' ' 1 1 1.
Tun covert box eeat worth 9&.SCI
Gbbat Sale Price 16.65
' )i . mi
AuMjier tui eorert ery riwIUr
ler 18,00.
UilHl eap eoat worth 7.KPBk,j
Great bAU Prjce
OttMT Sau Pbicb 57.93 Missed Gagnfs
AH VK l"1 sio!'- K tr I
ttOwf "' JWhiswM)!- sty j"
I laV.I2(kM'
1 Wm '"'Haffn
. d
' isSav-j
V t A
. IT-
1 'J Jr.
Wc make theVfc
f - ifk 1