The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, December 18, 1899, Image 3

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L. W. SUnm.
Anltn, lows. BcrTod hit country during the
latewarattheexnenso of his health. The
atory concerning ills rrstornttou to health
li given below In bis own word a
"When I returned from the army my
constitution was broken down. I suf
fered extreme nervousness, and Indi
gestion. Physicians did not help me
until one prescribed Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and today I am in better health
than I have been for thirty years."
is sold by nil druggtels on guarantee,
first battle henelits or money back.
Hook on heart and nerves sent free.
Or. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
O. C T. Co's
Dailrnxi-vplHiin.UvatSa m
I)ickhlwfn Bum n.l ('nnrt Hta.
M. 1' UALIiWlN. Agent.
Vm fclilltlnnal Local Nw to Fourth Page. 9
II. Thomas, am! W. 1). Wheeler,
this morning on horse-hick for
south-western Oregon to look up tlio
eatllo nml sheep lnihliiffH nod to suo
how prices compare with prices hero.
They oxpect to lx) gone tovcisil weeks.
IMocataYour itowsla 'Willi t'mraretn.
Cnmly Cathartic, cure conillputlon forover.
I0c,to. If C C. O. fall, dramrlits reluna money.
Mlssldn Mi-Inlosli of Horkoly, Cal.
nrrlqed Friday morning for short visit
with her sister Mm. J. ().
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you eat.
Nature In strengthening1 ami recon
structing tho exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest jiscou'red digest
uutand tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in e.llclency. It In
Dtantly rellnvej and trnianent1y cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
oleic Headache.Qastralgla.Cramps.and
ill other resultsoflmncrfectdlRestlon.
"'(pared by E. C OtWltt A Co, Chicago.
A Dish always useful.
Our stock of holiday goods is so large that you surely will And something that
will suit you, and lie useful and the prices as low as Portland prices Wo taught
direct from the factorv last spring, therefore wo can sell cheaper than our com
iKitltois. And you will Him! the Mock now of this years. Very little left of
last year , and It is marked at cost price, biil low price wo offer on dinner
sets: 111 patterns to reject from.
Our lino Is too largo to mention it nil in a sMce like this.
Wo Invite you to tho store and you will not find it misrepresented In this ad.
Plenty of help to wait on you.
$ Better Come at Once
5 And yet what you want out of our stock, the a
p goods are going out rapidly and you may miss H
J getting what you want. B
Q Of Mens Fine Hioes
We have a good assortment yet; We can save you
money on any oi tnem. iNeison s snow camim uc
beat for fit. style and suying qualities.
Our Dress Goods and Lining
Line is complete yet. but will not be long the way
they are going out.
500 Pairs
Ladies' Button $hpe$, small sizes and narrow
widths at $1.00 a pair,
, , , , , r- ,. lv
A good chanrc for country merchants, bvcrytlung a
at first COSt.
TT7'1 1 T O " !?
sA1II1S Df OS. OZ! LO, K
Conclusion of the Debate Saturday Over
Gold Standard Law. "
Democrats Cut OIT From Offering
Silver Amendment Lcntx's
Severe Strictuies.
J)o' Armond (Dcm. Mo.) cIos.hI t
debate on the Democratic side. 1
called nttentlon to the fact that only one
section of the bill had been rvad and no
opiKirtunity given to amend It. Hode tt ....... ..... f..t .. .. .
"""iwicicuiiuiiun oi mo minor.
ity side that the bill was designed to
create n huge, far-reaching and ull-pcr
vntling l)ank trust. lie had Intended to
offer nn amendment, but tho section to
which would apply had not been reached.
no nan it read at the clerk's desk. It
provided that It should Imj unlawful for
any bank, under Ita provisions, to com
bine with any other bank for tho nur
pose of Increasing or restricting tho coin
in circulation, credit or interest. Thnt
amendment, Do Armond said, if adopted
might help to prevent the fruition of tho
scheme in this bill. In this hill the
government would Issue no more luonev.
Its Issue was to lw turned over by it to
the banks so long as they oenited tho
power in the Interest of themselves and
tho Ilepublihan party.
The scenes attending the close of tho
debate wre exciting mid dramatic.
When Do Armond concluded, but
-M minutes remained before tho debatu
was to close under the rule.
Richardson, the minority leader, pro
tested against what he assumed to bo
tho purpose of the Republicans to tnko
that time to close thu debate. Ho de
manded tho regular order. Thereupon,
Grosvcnor got thu lloor for five minutes,
which he occupied In taunting the Dem
ocrats for their evident realm to aban
don freo silver at 111 to 1. During tho
day's debate, ho wild the house had
heard no arguments for freo silver, and
he humorously hailed it us n sign of the
coming regeneration of the party. In
conclusion, he said that out of thu do
bate had como and settled rorevlct jou on
Ikjth sides of tho house that thu 'enact
niunt of the ponding measure would put
Into law the jioliey which had governed
and guided the country for nearly HO
Free Silver Substitute.
Ilich.inlson Indignantly denied Gros
venor's assertion of tho proposed
abandonment of tho Issue of freo silver,
llo said that if tho gentlemen from Ohio
had followed the debate ho must havo
heard some strong Hpeeches In favor of
freoBilver. Ho called uttontlon to the
fact that but one section of the bill had
been read, and charged that tho special
onler, which did not permit thu offering
of a substitute or a motion to (recommit,
had leen framed for the especial pur
posoof preventing tho offering of a frc
silver substitute.
"Does the gentleman denlro to offer
such a substitute?" asked Ovortreot
(rep. I ml.)
"The rule was framed to prevent one
from doing so, and the delate has liecn
deliberately conducted with the same
end In vicw" resiiuiidvd Hlchanlsou.
Thu Republicans laughed derisvely as
Rlchunlson went on to characterize
Grosvenor's coxert charge as a cheap
attompt at iwllth-al capital, which was
beneath the dignity of a great party.
llo inveighed against tho hypocrisy of
the other side. "You tied our hands,"
8.ild he, "in tho beginning. This hill is
a hill to establish the gold standanl ami
break down bimetalism forever, The
freo coinage of silver is not involved."
Then Ihlrelt ,Rep l'u.) took the lloor.
and hi half a minute the house was in a
(j ,
Otl. V Hunt fcs IUl.,1 at ..
,L '""" raiaiama. l-otfnt Tail Good no
)l .Nomsicttn Wtaitn or Ori Itot ?
..".,' .C4RE CONSTIPATION. ...
furore, llu pointed out that any Dem
ocrat could havo demanded tho reading
of tho hill, and, alluding to Itlcliarxl'a
ehargo of hyjiocrisy, ho waked tho
echoes ns he said: "I hurl back the
charge. You do not dare," ho shouted,
shaking his linger defiantly nt tho other
sido, "not one of you dares or would
dare, if you had tho opportunity, to
offer n free-coinago amendment and
risk a vote ution It. Xo gontleman on
the other sido Is such a leader that ho
would daro expect to rally his cohorts
upon that proposition."
A dozen Democrats Jumped to their
feet as Dazcll concluded, ltalley, ltlch
anlon, Sulzor, and Williams, of Missis
sippi, wero nil clamoring for recogni
tion, but Hepburn (Hep., In.) wliowas
In tho chair', recognized Dolliver ( Hep.,
la.) The Ion mi looked acroxs tho ttlsio
when onler had been restored.
"Hoforo I begin," satd he, blandly. "I
will agree to yield tho lloor to any gon
tleinnn on tho other side desiring to
offer n freo-sllvcramondment."
Almost half tho Democratic side
seemed to riso en masse. Hailey was
foremost. "I ask It," said Hailey, "I
ask it," shouted others amid wild cheoni
on tho Democratic side. ''Dozens of us
ask tho prlvclego," cried Williams.
"We Challenge you for tho opporttnitty."
Gold Democrats Objected.
Hushing down nno of the slilo aisles
came Drlggs (Dem X. Y.) flioutuig,
"I object, I objoct."
"Does tho gentleman want any fur
ther uvidenco?" called Williams.
Tho confusion was Indoscriblo. Hep
burn pounded his gavel, while the He
publicans seem to enjoy tho scone of
discord Dolliver hud aroused. Whon or
der was restored, Dolliver yielded 1 1
lUlloy, who preferred tho request for
unanimous consent.
"Tlie gentleman from Texas," said
Hepburn from the chair, "woll knows
that hi commltteo It Is not competent
to entertain a request to change, the or
der under which tho house Is operat
ing." "Your bluff la called," shouted Wil
liams, his Index linger pointing at Dolli
ver, while tho Democrats cheered lust
ily. Meantime the hour of 0 o'clock arrived
and tho commltteo rose and reported tho
bill to tho house without amendment.
IonU asked whether it would bo In
onler for him to ask unanimous con
sent to'offi'r an amendment to tho 10th
section to provide that any individual,
as well as any hank, may deposit IkiiuIs
with the treasury and receive their par
value in currency. Tothlsthe iiienker
replied in tho negative.
Thereiiiou Overstreet asked unani
mous consent thut tho seclal order it ti -
our wiut'ii u.o ... usu M Qiwming, as ,... suusmuie proviu-
ing for the freo coinage of silver at HI to
. ki .j .mc.i-u. uifliuii.ijr 'lKn, """
nan nui reiiiupiifeiieu ins position on mo
right of the chair, sheuted: "I object.
Iivy ( Dem. N. Y.,) from the rear of the
hall, also objected.
"Objection is made," announced tho
speaker, amid n shriek of Republican
Ijitcr, U'Utz tl'in. O.) charged that
the pending hill had lieeu prepared by
the 3WX) national milks, a secret combi
nation that wielded more hilhlenco than
the Masonic fraternity, the. Odd Fellows
ami the Hed Men combined. The bill,
ho said, was intended to incrcaso llio
(towers of the national banks. All tho
rest that was in it was already hi the
law. As ho proceeded 1-enU' remarks
becamo sensational.
Lenu Is Sarcastic.
"Wo are In favor of nomliutlng
J. llryan," said he, "and we will put in
- ..i.,u ..,.1.,.. ir.i. ....I .. will ,..(
in a plank against Imperialism, and B
will put In a plank against the IMtUb
alliance, an alliauco Uiat is now open
,.,! .,narP..l. fAnnlauMon llio Dem.
rx-ratlcalde.) Tlieyare shooting down
III Arl U,IM vn,. r
shooting It down in the I'hllipplno
islands. (Applause on the Democratic
aide.) That Is evidence aulllclent that
Itl, xre, niMratlin? tlln
iKirallel lines.
mh.- ... i.i. i
iiin urav i.ufT.iiu if. i
liberty in the Orient to bo cut off by tb
IUpublkan utrty of tho United Mates,
the first substantial struggle for liberty
in Africa to lie mowed down in its lie
fancy by the .iiieen of England,
with '
the ear asking for a iieaee conferenre,
It things are not inilde nut, how can
the KeHihllcan (siriy stand impotent
and silent while England has been
shooting to death u republic in South
Africa, and while umler tho military and
imperialistic powers that pjirtiitage has
delivered to thd prestdant hri, the
crime of crimes I train; committed
under the Stars and .Strips of the
"The president at Madison, Wis., said
'On small fraatlon of one mull trlba re-
'B ,mal "Mlion oi one s.nau inw re-
slits wir autnoruy in me urieni. nj,
my (rteoJ, with an srwy thenrandon
the yf nfiOOmm lomMa on
swall frarlhw ototw smM ulna an
"v Urgr thin Schism needed U
. . Celed to uke ksburg elll
ly a year to subduo end small fraction of
one small tribe. Is that' tho source of
their prosperity? Is your Egan pension d
for being reduced, degraded and dishon
ored' Is your beef trust, that mur
dered 4.300 men. while th
Spaniards ouly killed 3o0? Is
that the source of your prosperity? (Ap
plause on tho Democratic side.) Is your
humiliation and subordination of the
man who won tho most magnlfleeut
naval victory that tho world lias ever
seen, Wlnllcld Scott Schley (applause
on tho Democratic side), Is that
tho source of youj prosperity?
Is your suhonlhintlon of llrooko
and Miles and Merritt, the men
who had been trained, together- with
their associates, at nn expense of mil
lions of dollars to this country and put
ting of politicians In tho army saddle, Is
that the cause of your prosperity? (Ap
plause on tho Democratic side.) You
will learn to bo ashamed ot your reconl."
Tho house was then, ot 5:05 o'clock,
declared adjourned until .Monday, uhdor
the terms of tho special order.
When You Ride Your Wheel,
Always shake into your shoes Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It
keeps ytiur feet cool, proyents sweat
lnt feet, and makes your endurance
ten-fold greater, Oyer ono million
wheel people are using Allen's Fool
Ease. They all praise It. It gives
rest and comfort to smarting, hot,
awolon, aching feet, and Is a certain
cureo for Ingrowing nulls. At all drug
KisiH ann snoo stores, 2.c, Sample
hukk i.y mall, Address, Allen S-
uiumcu, Lc Uoy, N. Y. 3
If the Itepubllcau papers think that
all that's necessary to win In 1000 u to
"give llryan h II," as some of them ex
press It, they underestimate tho Intelll
genco of tho voter. Tho Hopubllcan
party has a big rcsiwnslbllltyand an aw
ful load of mismanagement to carry.
Don'tTaUrrs Spi nil hmokt Iir I J ft Ant-,
To quit tuharco easily and foiet-jr. bstn.r
nelle, full ot life, berto and vlior, take No-To-
uac. ma wonder-worker, that make waah men
aironf. All. druulsta,(Ooorll. Curaauaran-
leed. nooklet and sample free. Address
merllng itemed Co., Chicago or New York.
The Northwest Herald Is no more.
Portland Democrats demanded a free
silver paper and a gold standard paper,
They fought Mr. Hutchlii from tho start,
and oucouraged two other iaperi. The
leaders dowu there nro mostly a hard
lot, and can generally be found grafting
Hepnbllcan boodle.
The Modern Mother
Has found that her llttlo ones aro Im
proved imiru by tho pleasant hyrupof
Figs, when In need of tho laxative
effect of a gentle remedy, than by any
other. Children enjoy It and It bene
UH tlioni. Tho truo remedy, Syrup
or Figs, Is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Next year tho East Halem school
bonds fall duo. There Is a 11(1,000
block of them, and as they aro drawing
8 per cent Interest, thero Is considerable
talk about fundliigthem, This could no
doubt Ik) done by means of a local liond
Issue at 4 per cent, the same a Halem
city council recently managed. The
district l in no condition to pay the
bonds, whlcli iiave run Wlcen years;
but a great saving iu interest could bo
made by selling thu Ikjii.U to our ho'ine
This matter must be carefully kept In
mind in electing a school director next
spring. This school district Is paying
so much interest it can not pay fairly
decent wages to tench its and has lost
somu of Its best teachers the pat five
Ilw An Vvar Kliiiri r
!r llobtx' 8iricu Pills rtir all kiau.r ItU. Sam.
olafrM Add Bwrllof itMucdfOunl'iilcxgerri.y
Senator. Simon li on tho public build
K-Uud grounds committee where ho
loo.. nf. . ..,.. IH,-,),,n,.0
' btllldiilg
To Night and To-Morrow Night,
And each day ana! night during this
week you can uet- at any druggist's
Kemp's Halsaui for the Throat and
Lungs, acknowledged to bo the most
successful remedy oyer sold for
Coughs. Croup. Hroncliltls, Asthma
and Consumption. Out a h ttle to.
day and keep It always In tho house
s'jyuucan check your cold at once
I'riCo 2Sc and Mo. Sample bottle free,
The Woodhuru liideiwiidunt, an able
Hepublicaii paper, Is booinlmc Claud
(latch, of Balem, for coiigressinau, to
Itaku tho place of Hon. Thomas II.
;i'ongtie. It Ualo throwing oold water
on Senator Joseph fJimon. A timu who
ran by his ow n efforts climb up to a l
tlon of honor and power in Oregon, anil
sustain himself with credit for years In a
wwniiBW po.ii.oi., win ran we., w. .,
I men oi similar in ..y ...
U nnloii or In any rami ry hi the
worI,, nl V Bm,er to '" '",
M'"J mo Mn a niatfli for llw asme
' cU" In older co.ninii.iltle..-KugenM
! Journal
TIlB WOOdbutH pIr
is relic of
parous Apa' and Prolbly SH,k.
' wHbout authority.
' Ta coaiiiMiiaa rr..r.
TakeOaitU Candy Cathartla. 19e orSS
1 III! fl n l.llln.itf. ...tftit. HMUf.
y "-. - . --
Tlie Jtoers have even dr velopf! abil.
Itvat writlnc war dlsiMtrliri. Thtrfr
I news rlalinwl only 00 men tout for
themselves and iVO for the HritUh l
All Millinery at actual
malnder of the scatou.
Ptate street.
ot the re-
?.. Smith,
Clean Streets,
All residents of Halemars hereby noli,
fled not to permit any old papr "'
dust, broken-glsiui, old bottles, crockery
palls or other substance, to throws
upon the public streU or alleys. Bes
tion 35 of City Onlinanc No. 803 Im
pose a fine of from $ to Su for socb
ffenest, arn! the sam will Us strictly
smforced, J- V. Fuxxtu,
m-1 tf StrMt CeMtaIssloar
"saka ,
Portusd, IVc 18. Wheat vallov
8061 Walla Walla.60e. tofil. J
Flour-rorlland, 2.75 to 3.00. Super
fine 2.16 per bbl.
Oat-JVhlte 3530c, gry 33.
Hay Tlmothy--9a$n.()0 per ton.
JJW-S He old crop 6 Oc. .
Wool Vtli-v. IQravt. L... n.
egon, 8QHe Mohair, 27 Q 30.
jMiiisiuii Uran, f 17; shorts, $18,
Poultry Chickens, mixed,. 3.00 to 3.60
Hens 4 to 4.60, turkoys, llvo, 13c.
f-ws Oregon,a')c tier dot.
Mlls, 738J' sheep polls', 13020c.
uiiiuun 1 HI lK.
llutter Ileal .lair. -iTlzjn. (.,..
creamery, 60o to 66c store 2.o :c pr
. uuiiu- io ouc or cental,
lings Heavy dressed 5o to Oc
Mutton Dresseil,(lic to 7c tier pound.
Heel Htenra. 13 Wiil no. A.... tn mi
(SW.60 dressed, beat 0W to 7t4' '
c.ii itresscti, nSjc.
Wheal 58 pounds and over 40c.
Wool 10c, Mohair 30c.
HopsO tolOc
Parley 35 to 38c.
Oats 20 28c.
Hay Haled, cheat f8.00., Timothy
Eggs 22c.
Flour In wholesalo lots 2.70 retail
Millstitfla bran I3.00 shorts $15.00
nmB itrcsmxi, uc. cattle Steers 3jTcows 2f to 3
Dressed Veal (IJc.
Unlter Dairy 18 ccreamery 25c.
Poultry Chickens tl to 7c, Turkoys 1
Potatoes 25 to 30c.
"I wi nearly dend wltn dspsla,
tiled doc nrs, visited mineral springs,
itiidnrew worse. I used Kodol Dys
rslu Cure. That cured inc." It
digests what you eat. Cures Indiges
tion, sour stomach, heartburn and all
forms of dyspepsia. Stones Orug
Lace Work.
When making your Xmas purchases
bo sura and secure a piece of that beauti
ful hand mado Hcnnalsonca llatteuborg
now on display at Joseph Meyers &
Kons, very nicely made, no bad stitches,
prices very low, 30a up to f 10. Mats,
tablecovers, cushion covors, ten cloths,
etc. Entire lino of braids, threads, but
tons, pearling, etc., constantly kept on
hand. 12-H cod tl
It lakes hut a mlntilo to overcome
tickling In the throat and to stop a
cough bv the usu of UnoMlntito Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures all
all funds of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It
prevents consumption. A ruinous
specific for grippe und Its after effects.
Humes Drug Sturcs.
The Smallpox Scare
Has nothing to do wllh the cut rates
eastovor tho Northern Pneltlo railroad.
Como In and let usgi vo you full Informa
tion, rates, etc. Wo havo the best
equip)).! train ami best xervlco of any
railroad tn all Mlwourl river (xilnts.
Dining car and upholstered tourist
sleepers on each trait.. Como In and
eeo us. Thomas, Watt A Co.
e o d
"Ono Minute Cough Cure Is the best
remedy 1 ever used for couuhs and
colds. It la unequalled for whooping
cough. Children all like It," writes
II. N. Williams, (Icntryvlllc, Ind
Never rails. It Is the only harmless
remedy that gives Immediate results.
Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, oroiip,
nneuiiiniila. hroncliltls und all throat
and lung troubles. Its early use pre
vents consumption. .Stones Drug
Mrs. Liuiilu .Smith, of Corvallis Is
Is In the city tho guest of Mrs. V. K.
Half aVoMrai ai Scmlti Oaaiav.
r. Ui.eli.r.p.,.ll..n,lh.lllll..l.U.blrI
ll4ortlii.ll...l1blldill... A. .IIJIUI ....
Constant coughing Is not only very
niinoy Highlit llio contliiuoiishackliig
und Irrllutlon wIiIsim. intliickiiiidln
jimithu dellcnto lining ol thothniat
nnd air pniwjigcs, A simple cough Is
bad enough, hut n chronic cough is
really dangerous Take mlvlco and
iiso tho ('clchriiU-d Dr Hull's Cough
Byrup at onco and be curisl,
Cough Syrup
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
IkMT. ,n I . I .11 1
!." I I" '!' IkKtofl
. A i.d"S(ltU
$?- fab 4tK
Barrfs Holiday Excursion
To San Francisco, December 26th.
Round Trip $17.50, FIrat Class.
Wll leave Salem for San Francisco
Tuesday evening,
ton. Salem, or write to
...,--....-., T'. a, .,..
On the regular Overland. Good for 0 days in the city, 12
days from litre or return on any regular train. Plenty time
to see everything. Tickets and information of Hal D. Pat-
Ttckits MrT U purrhsaed 3 days Uforo
Th sscursioft starts. t)FB l'OKTKHH,
OQU Comm.rcl-J St, 9trn Or.
Holiday Goods
AH kinds of silk embroidery, baud
kerchiefs, ornaments, silk screens.
.w. "-. i..vbo inncy goons, etc.
UKrniouso block 112 Omrt Bt. llnle
W Ing ang Co. u-'ii i moa,
I awwrawrMNl
Furniture. Pianos. Organs, Wag
ons, orolhorartlclesolTalue.
OEO. F.SMITH 101 Stato st.
II. K, Kl)
Edwards ri Matthews,
New Firm I
New Shopj
Hest Meats!
Scar Tar Pain,
I'-mi Stalest
Ilnino-mado confectionary, pound
cake, rich fruit cako and other kinds
fresh-bi ked, ready for your holiday
feist, at tho Iloviu lUkniv,
12 0 327 Commercial Street.
Tho annual mooting of tho sharehold
ers of the Capital National Hank of Sa
lem, for thu election of directors, will no
held at its banking house Tuosday, Jan
nary tl, HHX). at 3 o'clock p. in.
,l0S. ll.Al.lUERT,
Saloon and
Fixtures For Sale
Including Ink, and bar fixtures,
billiard table, pictures, cant
tables, etc., alio a small stock
liipiors. Iiupilro for partlctilsre
ol Sherman, Condlt and Park,
attorneys, hi (Iray block.
Offers travelers cholcn of the . follow
Ing routes cast. They aro all famous
O. U, k N . via Odgen and Donter'
Shasta Iluiito via Sacramento, Og
den and Denver.
tihasta Hon to via fJacramrnlo,
Major v., Aioortpjcmiio,
A dallv llnnnrthn.iigh PULLMAN
EHS, (fan Franclsri and Los Auge
Icstn Chicago ttiU Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
tn I ho agents of tho O. It.
I.IIU UllllCia.KIILt, .III .... I.e. 9
Ia aj.ea r.ljl
descriptive literature.
J. J. i)kvkrei;x,:
Oen'l Agt Wiircciter. Ilhlg,
Oregon ShoniLino Ilailroail
VDirtJlrcl Kuulr;iu
Moolam, Utib, Colorado
and ill Mm lomLs
ntfr rbolr nl twu Ufnrlla foutu, via tl.r
union -ar.Ba f mi Mail uu, or u
HloOruJrkiile IJa...
Iok at the tune
II Days Ui Halt Lake
2 Days to Denver
3 Days to Chlcain
' 4i Days to New York
I ffM IU)lls Cart. Hi.hoWUM.1 Tmi
I U4)II OMtr Cart. ll.hnUUr.l
lit Slr4. Can. an.1 Hilluian I'ala
SlMtwri uM.atxl ox all Irali.i,
rsntn. ani
tH y-mtmltl l
Fur fa.tlier Infurmatino atiplftio
W. K COMAN, ()u'l Akil
O.TKBKV.Trav. Paat. A'
llllllld H I will. J
Our Christmas
Latindry Work
WHI please tho mnt hiitidkm as It
dww at Hiiythm', ami those who sr. the
arilstM work un a collar, shirt or etiR
from iwr UhlUhmsnt ran i w.t hav
ing It fatal on thflr linen kkium nsll4a.
Perfect saUsfjisthm is slwaya gusrsn
twxl In flolor. loluli and tho iMtrfis't iviii
iIHIhii Ih whluh yuur lliwn Is rIHrnl
by IheHutMlil Strain laundry.
Salern Bteam Laundry,
cotjosy.i.JOuuHrnu ntoi'it.
I'll mo 4!!. 230 Liberty .Street
j f a 1
December 26th,
C W. UAKK, Manager, LeDanon, ure.
- .. a a a "X
U. . n . .. .. .... .
Corns i,tljm1 Or. pwtiei deilring iufri
petatloni at rmxl,..i ftti my Uancla r?
ill fanolnl ,u,Mm.l '
.-- .vt..a..
Phone 1071.
Oradiialo of tho American School of
Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. has
opened olllce at lliiih A Urcynian block,
Commercial street Salem On'gon.
Ortlcodsys Monday, Wednosday and
triilsy. Diseases of women and child
ren a specialty. 10-17-lm
Koj water lenlee pply at oil ce. 1 tltl.
payable monthly In adanee, Make
omplalnti at th ni.
Merchant TailOr
O Hulls BIS and upwards,
rants S3 and upwards
Express and Transfer
Meeti all mall ami ruuicrgtr trakt, )a .
iag and einrtu to all pans ot lli rli)
Pinmpt ictvlee. Telephone No. 70.
Pass away only too soon Hle's
item realities put linos where
once were dimples. What Is
prettier than the sweet Inno
cence of a little child?
A Hitlalir ti mails or rfhIMtin'i Work at
Mewl; reAitau en! only lha beat work lumJ mi
Cor.'.Corn and Court Ot.
No. 71 ClKmeketa M,
J, Il.T. TUTHILL Assiycr
Your Holiday Gutsts
Will rill llllra I tin laadllt U Sttsil atiltt. 4f.ll tlitliMaa
11 sis ii'Miiiiu mil iniMi sat iis .rii aissivsis-v
of your ii-to-date bath room when wo 11 up wiiii eijioKsi piuiNUing,
and tiorrelslu tub. Thero Is absolutely
no chance fur lurking disease germs
whero exposed plumbing put In sclcii-
ii.iia.iyni vaiuri iiinmirr,
Is In your homo. Wo are masturs of the
tiliiiiil.ini. IrMitj f.ii.1 ,l.k nil Lli. ta tt
plumbing, and at ressonnbla rates.
Teliphona No. JJ71
Daily Stage Line to
For Passengers and lUggsguialso
irreis ami orucrs Pro
Ujiided to, Kalem ofllco
tiroinpliy at-
0,'d PoslolTlco Stables,
J. II. Woolley, Prop.
EoUigciiifuU In Crayon and Water
Color. Photo lluttons.
Amateur devcloplmr and finiihln
neatly done ('. W. DIKKMA.N.
Huee-wuir tu X J. Unnto.
2(3 (Vniiinrreiitl Mt . Kaleui Oregon
BOUW, llllOS.
fjitriiVNii. out
rrrll.l ltllr ! anltra at l,eo
Villl'it'atu-ltiii r
Steam Dye Works
No 105 ('oinmsioial strwt, opposite
Willamette hotel. Udhw' and
gentlemen's ohitliliitr cleaned, died
repaired wid presstxT. Flue blankets
cleaned or dyed and ulccly 11 11
lilisd. Kid gloyea clesuwl, lec:
The German Market
Will h found all kinds of moat
and tha Itost of tauuge. FltKIt
DKLlVKia. All bills dua tha
lato fir ii of Wolt fi Mmcka
mint Iw pakl.
171 CooiinercUl St.
Tole.Io, Oregon.
iClifkoTCIfcollOwirl trf sis jaSrs sadkaa
uvloJl Uulp aU prorimUnroia
Huec4Mr t J, L, gaIlar.
106 Btat btrvet
Umbrella Maker
6neral Repairer.
i to r w jti s
at tot IrHU tu a4 im aow Wy k.Jrill
Sab Hater Co.,
- ii Wllll,llWMsMsWssllaiSSiiiseSs
new S9siy mHSMsasSMHIt)
"" "S SMI SWfcMN
- mm ow. mm
pw awa, ah
Wfl rv9t.
WANTED-Ulr! to W mmmnm Hs
Small family. Apply io . O. L. Js.
nal oiBro. jg
WANTED Men to Jern bartw amnV.
rtpeipensoif you wH work tot usw ,
Light weeks compfptes. JmitAepfA
plan that guarantees fw mZKSZ
riils proposition never md Most.
Only open to graduates. WrH tosfay
for particulars, Molcr Harber Okm,
Santraiicisco,CaI. 12 1J
FOR HENT.-fid acres good oak
liml. Terms J2.7B cash down, oc U
allcrharvest, and 30 acres ofhop yard
j Ith hon-lioute at $10 jwr acre. M, J,
t.gan, Ifrooks Oregon. 12 M
top bedroom set. Apply at OTteri
nros Hank. 12-4MI-
IHOY0U5 nARaAINlIdlrVH.l m fkst
class ladles' wheel at a bantjaM for
cash. Intijro of M., at JOcmxal .
U 7 tf
FOR RENT.-Doirab!e rootas Inr
nlshed or unfurnished for ostkAii.
rorrns reasonable. Call on K. Gu-
Jct.lOU Commercial street. 10-U-tf
B1UYCLB PATH-H your blsyak
needt rapalrst bring It B,w rwv
the skill and stock to keep it In Inst
class condition. Wc carry a full
lino nr sundries and make a iptrfat
Ity of enameling com aasi dao m.
2RWt,.f'lJ,.rPalro, Oartlsssr
White, 28d LlUitty timt. MolsasMf
block, next door to steam tewsaln.
Phono 2855. iVi
, that tho best and chswipu
ladles Freo IU'ibIbm
Monthly W-
ulator. cannot fall. Mrs
K. 21 Milwaukee, Wis.
0. JtSNUI,
Stone's Drue Stores
Ttis itcraa ftno tu nuuibMi im 1ajj m
Ko. Vii a nt SSS OoranMrelal itrael, aait im
elllockr4 wtlh arouir-Ut tins o(dniia4
BteitUluea, toll.t anlclM. Mttuntirr. Knulwa.
Hllllill MM. 9A MUM ..M.I.I.M Ih .k a m.m-JL lafvllctita III A hAff Bi.W. nn )K.. kvw
rooulilun, t lamination or prgaertpUon.
Halt lake Oity-AH Imtsort
ant Factor in Truman
tinental Trawl.
No ono crossing tho continent can a
ford Io cut Halt Uko City from his rettfe.
Tho attractions uf the place, ic!tt4ia;
tho Mormon Temple, TaWraacss ttasi
Church Instltiitlotis, th Grsstt IWt
Uiko .lender and denser tfea t-t Tsssal
Sett In tho Holy Land tl )4s4mi-mjm
ei.vlronmoiit and tha Warm NKhmst
and Hot Hpruigr, are ttnft(r to th-s
sipiaro yard than any locality on Wm
American continent. I
'lliu llio (Ibandh WiNrrsay Um.wa,
roiuiKlliig on the East with tha. Rsmvtr
ii IlioUrandoaml ColonuioMltHaiwI sUU
Hays and on tho Wait with Uk. ttssrtW
('acin (Central Hfinte) and Ossajoai
Bhort Lino, Is tho only tiiscoMlswiaal
nun passing directly tnrougu twit Laka
City. The route through Salt jk OHy
via tho H10 GttAxna Wbttsbm Kailwai
Is famous all tho venr round. On ar-
cuiiiit of the oiiuhU climate of Ulah
ami lolora.10 It Is Just s popUr hi
Manaflold. 35.1 Washlnaton HL-lVirtlaU !
ortieo. W. llclnti, Actlne OeiwU Pas
scnger Agent. Halt Uke City, for a ossmt
of "Salt Lake Clty-the City of tk
Or-J. P. Cook, tha tJotanlcal !
nllst, Quoonada Whsrs Othr
To whom It may concern t
Tills is to certify that Hertha 1 Con
ner, of Mt, Angel precinct. Marion coun
ty. Orck-ou, has suffered Irow a eweer-
ous grow th In the left ear for abesH thtM
tear, tuogiowin was cilioul twice W
uritcl out ouco by Alluay Phytk'iasM.
but the growth caiuo back m Imm
as ever, anil palitnl her so badly that
she bait to be tatau from school. After
three wok's treatment by Dr, J. K.
Cook, ol Halem, On'gon, tho Uotanleal
Hpeciallit, tha growth entirely diaaw
pcared, and at this date, four moaVha
ilnce treatiuant was begun, IhogrowA
has not rMppcttrp.1, and tha ear has en
tirely healed leaving only tho scars I
(Hated by tho Albany doctors,
I hereby cattily that tha above ttatf
intuit la absolutely true, and that Mar
lha P Conner, tlie imrsoii aiKiitlonsU
in tha sttldavit. lias resided In mvlaw-
lly klnoa early childhood, iMiarlng tha rs
latUniihlp to me of niece.
II O. Loxa.
BulMcrlbeil and sworn to Mora
this eighth day of June. IStrj. W, W.
ilall, county clerk of Marlon county
EnfoyloK Xmm
Is wlwt eyeryoim la
iurwnru wii. hi
ship and i
our Moru i
-asyi ,
M t aaA v
IXXKXXXJKOSJLX 3sXXl 3.X3XXXJrsXCk X nt-. rtvta ..u .. J rt -M" i