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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1899)
(M'W- 'VHJI fWflBWIB u-wmfW-mp K' B,l MMMMiMl BARGAIN TllVlB OK JACKETS Monday opens our Big Winter Sale of Jackets, Capes and Mackintoshes! "Don't pot "off till tomorrow what you can do today." Tomorrow your size or style may be gone, v v Twenty-five per cent discount means 1-4 off flvJO-w toih will cotl jrou only IO.0 20.00 iFJUkifSP ot mMk' 515.00 15.00 ftttW BucV", 511.25 CASH STORE HOLVERSON'S QOl COMMERCIAL OT, r p t 1 1 1 r On the counter near the door we have placed remnants of Dress Goods, Outings, Linings Ribbons, etc. You know our REMNANT SALE! f r 1 t f Aeans a saving of choosers get the best Have you looked at Gloves?. f r J.J. DALRYMPLE . V. V KKVKKKVKKk.K.W. SATfSFACTIOM Is (bo principle thing when you want to buy something or repairing dono. Sat isfaction is my principle motto. I do only first-class work, and every part warranted If it is only a 10 cent job. 1 use only first class material and with skillful workmanship applied my work tho bost and my prices tho cheapest in the city. Watches cleaned 75c Mainsprings 75c CH-HINGBS UBS OOMMKHOIAl. BT, WBATHBR RHPOHT. Ferecast: occasional ruin. Holiday Goods All kinds of silk embroidery, baud kerchiefs, oriiamonlv, silk screens China ware, Japanese fancy goods, etc Wpera house block 112 Court St. Huh Wing Bang Co. 11-21 1 mow. MONEY TO LOAN) Furniture. Pianos. Organs, Wag ons, or other articles of value. GF.0, F. SMITH 101 Htato st. 10.20-lm Mrs. K. Churchill, Berlin. Vl nays, "Onrbnby was covorod with running sores. DoWItt' Witch llnzel Halve cured her," Bowitro of worthless rountcrfelts. Kto.ics Drug blores. A Contented Man Will be ho, who after eating his Thanks-giving dinner, has bis pocket filled with Ix Corona a to smoko. Thanksgiving Time Is a Busy One In our fancy grocery doiwrtmont, wheru ou win una uveryuuug in delicacies tor he table, as well as choice canuetl fruits, vegetables, cmuberrles and Jel lies ot the best quality. Our extra large layer figs, layer table raisins, assorted nuts, plum pudding, mince meat, extra quality pumpkin In cans, choice blend of fancy coffees and teas at lowest prices and Al quality, at SonnemanN, thk anooRit UM HU t Talspaana 3) TWO STORES THE LEADED I l WWm iln tllrl tiont Kw Vwk, T mlha maA i u ua a iwujm nuf wv uiiifiofeDuisitaitrouDioi 'k on. .. wm m txi wu mini uu m u iu. m msmh vtos id cioin uik iii y. w w--w mhi cotrn. viyut mui, jwi ana m unw with lie, llfciv, r ha lu uroiHirtliiU Till ul 4t thi'iu. Ihv in luimant vln. tass wtwiitt. 4iatkHb M miiiK. AUJ Ml 111 UWI lu .i adnifi nn1 nnr ginli llnT lut aii.l MRb. m- E. PRASBR 265-271 Commercial St I'M Lw "! WmW to Ub.t for It ( . JUmmSSSTiMii f- H, tod . V U roru In si) ihvUi tut tn. f..f ih 'q tu v i, MM a-aj. . - to," - 510 fin Jacket, cpflormcin w toil 25 pr cent dlfcount 7.50 3.75 I rv Jwkei! cp ormictlii )W loh, Hslo piles CASH STORE about 1-2 and first piece. those 60c and 51.00 &. COMPANY GOLD DUST FLOUR, MacIo by Sidney Power Co. Every sack guaranteed. X Atade from old wheat. In quire of your grocer,or tele- pnone no. 51. 11.21ml Ice Not Qlven Away, I cannotjiffonl to give ice away, but am seiiiug n puro article at a price unit h wiiiiui mo reacu 01 an. CltVtlTAI. lot WoilKR. J. Magulre, Prop. (I 16 tf CAPITAL UREWHUY HOTTLIJU UEKK. Winger Ueck,Succetors to HouthSalem Uoitlir. Works, All orders for bottled beer will be filled it the brewery. Kept on cold storage. rree city delivery, leiopnono zi;u. Holiday news, lots of it in Wiggins big ad, rend it, you'll know where to gel our nous, toys, unities etc. Lard In bulk at Kpploy's. 11 18 tf Dolls, games, handkerchiefs, purses, toys, Kinves eie iu iggins mutant. Sotivenirs r C t , regon Scenic souvenirs- Latest stjle. arguune oi pnoio alliums, latest thing In fancy UKX) calendars (her JoOO Xmas hooks to select from Sterling Library, 85e. Altenius series, 35o. Monty series, oOo. Otis, series, 75c. Utte twoks al 11, 11.38. (1 .50. Fancy bound books In Padded Morroco l.'.'o, sa.w Uatlier bound books, &V FRANK S, DEABORN'S Book Store, The Bon Bon Has a new proprietress who will contin ue to servo all patrons with the frostiest slock of iHWt confectionery and fruits. A refreshing drink ot soda or elder and the Ix-st of clgara at 133 State Street. 11 11 liu Mrs. A.Cuuns. A lilpmut of iyiic l fl t)l Uli wi"-r -v w Janlluten, iu, ua Uutiy vrsrvt. HiiirklnriuVia VMfln.JLi.l.u m.,1. a. ... A!, ., ' Jj ?.?., 1 lHiByBiH ifarirffiWiigririff' PERSONAL MOVEMENTS Pboplo lit the City From Othor To whb oh Business and Vis iting Frlonds. i Miss Minnie Luce, went to Portland this morning on a visit. O.F.Martin wont to Portland this morning on business (or the day. Miss Mabel Jones, ot Brooks oimo up todnv to bo the guest of Mies Claudia Gilbert. Clarence Baringer, of Corvallls, runie down to visit with J. V. Stalger at the Cottngo hotel. ' Goo. Buckingham left Thursday mornlniz to take a position in a caw mill at Astoria. Mrs. Anders, mother of Mrs. Frank Wlllman, arrived today from Baltimore, Md , for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller havo returned from visiting friends and rela tives In Portland. Nov. G. F. West, went to Portland this morning in the Interest of the Ore gon lllblo Society. J. 0. Slegmond of Gervais, who was heru on business yesterday, returned homo this morning. l).tn Volmcr, who spent Thanksgiving with tho family of Win. Anderson, re turned to Portland last evening. HaroIdGllbort, ot Moscow, Idaho, who has been visiting relatives at.Salom, re turned to school at Forest Grove. Mrs. Amanda McCarty, left this morning for Pendleton, where she will visit her sister during the winter MIm l-stelln Vun Avery, who visited with Miss Clara Churchill for a week, IVoturncd to Portland this morning. Mrs. Leeds, the Pennsylvania prison evangelist, arrived today to bo tho guest ot Supt. Leo's family. Mrs. Leeds is a inakeress and will preach at tho prison Sunday. V T. Judd, the Aumsvlllo Itoptibllcan warhorse, who has very quietly len looking after his dairy and Hocks and herds the past year, is In town attending the meeting of Ucpubllcan clubs. SUNDAY BERVICES, UNTK1) UIIKTIIIIKN', Preacbimtat I0:.10a. in. and 7 n. m morning sunlect, "Halation of Christ's Second Coming to Missions," evening unlit..,. t "I vlni ii nnmilnr Hill." Pililn Bible School meets nil 1:30 n. m. Mr, Corby Hiiporlntendont. Weekly meeting Thursday at 7:00 p. m. Grant prayer u. ii. Merrymaii, pastor. riltST CONUIIKUATIO.NAI.. Preaching at MtfO a. m., subject: "A Lost Prophet's Opinion of Itigliteous iiiinm." Siindav school at 12 in. Y. P. S. C. K. nt (l:!l6 p in. Kvenlng sorvlces nt 7i!U)p. in, subject: "i.iitett up to Lift Up.s' CKSTItAI. CONOIIWIATIOSAI. Corner, NlueteentlCund Ferry streets, 'p. ii. iiiuiiiirM(iii.iiiiHi(ir. I'rencliliiL' to morrow at the usual hours. Subject al 11 a. in. 'Tooploof Different Worlds." At 7:!I0 p. in, tho pastor will lecture on "Hint iioy aim ins vigareue. Kiiur CIIIIISTIAN. J. J. lCvans, j)ii9 tor. Preaching nt 10:!I0 a. m. nt 7:!0p in. the ladles of thu missionary society will have elm rue of the services. Mrs. Albyn Ksson of .Monmouth, will HjH'ak iu tho Iiitetstol the educutlonnl work, of the organiza tion. Othor services of tho church at tho usual hours. OIIIUSTIAN SCIKSCK. Salem Church of Christ, Scientist, No. 201) Liberty street. Services ot KV.ilO n. in. aud7:!l0p. in. Subject of morning and uvenlnif sermon i "lioil the Pre servor of Man." Wwlnesday eenlng meeting nt 7 :!t0. UIKMKKKTA HTHKUT KVANOliLICAl.. Preachluuut 11 a. in. and 7:!t0 p. in. Sunday school at 10 n, in. Junior Y. P. A. tit 2 p. iu. Senior Y. P. A.at0:S0 p. m, Subject "Honest townrdGod." jiiiti.:i:tt-r.'. KVANUKUCAl, M'TllKiUX CIIU1ICII. Located in Meyers addition. Itov. Adolph F.berlo, pastor. Altar service 11 a. m. Sermon 11 :tt0. Sunday school 10. German parish school every Sun day fiom0lnl2. w. v. t. v. The Ituv. C. 11. Merrymaii will spenk at the W. C. T. U. hall at A p. in. HAITIST IIIUKCH. ltouald MuKillop, jiaator, Public worship at 10 :!!0 a. in. Sunday school at 12 m. Junior society nt :l p. in. Young Peoples' meeting led by Hose Moore, 0:80 p. in. Thanksgiving ser vice, 7 ISO p. in. Tho Ixml'a Supper al close ot morning service. Soclal music Sunday evening, UN1TV CIIUIIOII. Service at 10:!I0 a. in. and 7:110 p. m. Sunday School and Guild at 12. Boy. W. lVCopeland, pastor. Kvenlng topic "Christian Science." Miss Copelaud will slug at thu morning service "He was ulllleted," from Do Costa's Oratorio of St. Peter. MKTIIOUIST U'ISCOl'.U,. John Parsons, patdor. Services to morrow at 10:110 a, m. and 7:30 p.m. Subject of morning sermon, "The I-ord's Supper," and of thu evening sermon. "Ciiristat the Door." Sunday school at 12 m. and Kpworth Lcagun attlilS p, in. Geuenil class meeting at close ot morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. V. M. C. A. Ill place ot tho regular Men's Meut lug at tho Young Men's Christian Asm). elation, An open meeting ot the Sunday School Association wilt lw held at 3 p. iu. to hear reports front the city cunt ass nig committees. F.ach pastor and in l"orlntondent from the different cburehes vlllsiKnk from thrett to live minutes, riiu . M. O. A. orchestra will bt pres ent and then will be plenty of good ftlugiuu'. Everybody iuteresttxl lu bun day school work is urged to attend. Yew Park Grocery. VSvSN SvS 3Cv3V0CvSMa Allen & Bowersox.' i -iinnr-i ,aiiJi M Frb Oregon flack- M wheat flour. K y Cranberries. V N Manlo syrup In bulk. fl A Taylor's eel o bra tod y butter always on hand. 7 '' Jy.J.V.W.V MMfc MARION COUNTY MATTEFlS Business Being Transacted at Ine Cour House., r-ROIMTH. John Hughes has been appointed ad ministrator of tho estato of John C. Booth, deceased, which is valued nt 110,000. The heirs at law are two sons and two daughters of deceased : John L. Booth, of Los Angeles; Anrcl Booth, Manila; Jeanette and Georgia Belle Booth, of 8alcm. The petition of Jean ette Booth that sho be appointed ad ministratrix of her father's estate was denied and the above appointment made without petition. A. II, Damon has been appointed ad mlnUtrator of the estate of his deceased wife, Julia Damon, which is valued at 15000. Tho heirs nt law aro A. II. Damon, M. C. Damon, a son, and Pearl D.IIHOII, a daughter. Claud Gatclt, Jos. BtiiunKartncr and Oswald West were appointed appraisers of tho estate. in the matter of the estato of J. Mc Smith, deceased, the petition of thu ad ministration for an order authorizing tho sale of real property, was beard. Objections were mnde by tho heirs, and ordered that the prayer of the petitioner be not granted and that tho adminis trator pay the costs of tho heirn in the mutter. The final account of Cyrus Stewart, administrator pf the estate of Jane Stewart, deceased has lioen approved and the administrator discharged. Charles L. Welter, John Q. Wilson and Tln.iins Burrows filed their report as appraisers of the estate ot N' Jl. Pratt, deceased. Theestnto is valued at $2,000. J. Henry Hans is adminis trator of the estate. HERDS KIl.KII. Aniiifa B. Wood In and wife to II. .S. Warner, the east half the northeast quarter of section 21, and tho west half of tho northwest quarter of section 22 In 1 0 s, r 4 o., 100 acres, w. d., toOO. Sunday Dinner. Notwithstanding you had such a hearty dinner on Thanksgiving day, wo expect you will want a good Sunday dinner, which will bo ready nt The ouiler Hcsbiurnnt. SOCIAL DANCE. Foresters Make a Ten-Strike With a Popular Price. Court Sheru.iod Forest No. 19, For esters of America, gave ono of tho tnorit successful dances of the reason at their hall, in the Turner block, Friday night. It was n good old-fiishloneb social dance, with n (opular prlcn of admis sion, and tho hall was crowded; loo crowded at first for Ideal (lancing, but K'oplo went lu for a good time and had it. About 120 couples wero profit, and ovoryliody danced with exorybody, and a jollier or more sociable gathering Ir seldom seen. Dancing was commenced about 8 o'clock and continued until tho small hour. Good music was furnished by Prof. Mann's orchestra, and u forco of efficient iloor managers was under tho lead of Cluis Williams. For those who did not dance other o clal cntortalnment was provided In tin adjoining hall. Thto Foresters and their committee of arrangements, Grccubaiim, Ch.iso and Hofer, aro to becongratulated on their succes'. 20 per cent reduction on nil uiuniii' toshes for men women mid children. Best goods, at racket prices oilginally makes them unusually inw. iviir gins Bazaar, 1107. Cominericnl street. It takelmt. n minnto to overcome a cnugti by tho iiho or Ono Mlnulo Ct uali Cure, quickly cures nil forms of throutnnd lung troubles, A famous specific fur grippe and Itaafter itllents BloneH Drugstores. Oood Hot Dinner Is what you need these chilly dues. Your order will bo promptly Tho Wonder ltestaurant. tilled 'at De-Witt' Little K-irly Itlfcrs "purify tho blood. Fa pious little pills for cou nt Inutlnn nnd liver trouble, Stones Drug Biorei. HOLIDAY GOODS We are opening and marking the largest stock of holiday goods we have ever shown, almost twice as many as we had last season. Immense lines of dolls, games, books, blocks, sub stantial iron toys, plenty of toy trunks, drums, etc for all the children besides a beautiful assortment of purses, handkerchiefs, wool and silk mittens, men's lined and unlined gloves of all sorts, fine mirrors, toilet sets, chinaware, guaranteed knives and razors, good hair brushes etc,, and a fine line of men's holiday slippers. We will have the whole stock arranged next week. Our ZC Doll Display Wo seldom make a mistake In our promises, but when Friday noon cumunud wo had failed to gut our doll tables arranged wo were cliagriuucd, Tho bu.y morning trade had occupied our attention to that it was 4 o'clock when wo finally had them out. So from now on you may come down and iuspect them Bring tho children and the liable, they will Im pleased. There aro dolls (or every one. Our Handkerchief Disp'ay Is attracting m many' vi-rftors that we will let it remain a few days longer. Be suns to anno soon n big window full, and a big table full inside. You're Welome. WIGGINS' BAZAAR, 307 Com. !"TV 1 "TlMIMIirfTf WPBK OF A BUSYBODY. Whd Turns Traitor to Every Cause That He Cannot Push to His Own Purposes. - Ono Win. Cherrlngton, who has in tho past few years gained an unenviable reputation as a trickster in politics, Is making somo promiscuous statements that are in line with his past record, tho source and animus of which need only to bo known to give them tho lie. First, ho states that of the 119 citl-ens who signed the petition to havo A. B. Bnren stand for re-election as a candi date of tho Citizens in the Second ward, qply 78 nro prepared to stand by tho pe tition, and that many of the other 41 disclaim having signed the petition and pledge themselves to vote for Dr. J. N. Smith for councilman. Messrs. W. F. Boothby and George J. Pearco circu lated the petition nnd their word in this matter will receive credenco where Mr. Chorrlngton's will not. Second, Cherrlngton says that Dr. Smith did not autliorlzo the withdrawal of his name. In reply to this It Is only necessary to state lliat he did authorise Tub Jouhkai. to say that ho would not run, and that he proposed to write a let ter of declination to thu committee Furthermore, that he would never bo a candidate- for either councilman or school director. The author l these persistent petty personal attacks, on one of tho best men who 1ms ever sat in tho city council, Is a perpetual erlpatetic political sorehead and olllco-seeker. lie has sought office under the last two state administrations nnd is now trying to graft himself lt the attitude of a loyal partisan for future pap-sucklng purposes. TiiUmnn Cliiirrlniftoii huq ffoiifl ImipJ, nils man t-lierrlngton lias gone back on every ciiuBo no our mipjioriwi. nu supported tljo Citizen's movement last year and now turns traitor to an admin istration lie pretended to help put in KiWcr, His oposition to Alderman Bnren ought to removo tho objections of the voters in that ward who aro not fdr Bnren if there are any besides Cherrlng ton. No ticket or candidate or cnitso ought to be jiermlttcd to succeed now or in future that has the suportof such an unstablonconsiatcnt inconsequential marplot. Cherrington's frantic effort to do something to defeat Huron will come to nothing. The business men of Salem aro back lug the citizen's administration and re gard Mr. Burcu as u friend ot a bust nets government of this city. They know him to lie a careful manager of bis own affairs, u man who is not In tolerant and bigoted In' his political views, a llrst-elass, succcsiful business mm. If Cherrlngton has any busi ness, it is not at Salem. His time is emploed nt Portland when ho is not trying to manage public affairs at Snlem. This busy body's attempted Inter - fcrtinco in tho citizen's campaign and bis misrepresentations of the petition for Alderman Buren's re-election should be stnm)eit with the disapproval of all friends of good govem ernment nt Salem. A B. Buren ought to receive every vote in tho second word, except Cherrington's, and he ought to ln compelled to glvo that to himself as tho stigma it carries with it ought to belong to no ono but its owner. "One Minute Cough Curb is the liest remedy ' ever used for coughs undcnliN. -WrltcR II. X. Williams, (lentryvllle, Ind It Is the only harm less remedy thai given Immediate re sults Cures crniiD, pneumonia, bron chitis and lung trouble!. Its early mo pr.-vents consumption. Stones Drug Stores Voice of the People, At and near Salem is, that when they want to enjoy a good cigar they buy tho "LaCorona.1' Breton Studio. Mrs. Wiggins has ru-oened her Art Studio, In the Dolman house corner Court and Cottngo streets. Studio hours Monday and Wednes day 2:30 nnd 5:30 p. m,, and Sat urday 9 n. iu. to 1 p. m. For terms nnd information rail at studio. Vis itors always welcome. 20 Pep Gent Clif on Macintoshes Holiday trade is crowding us for room. We have a goodly number of excellent garments, remaining and must reduce stock. Mea's, Women's, Children's All go at 2U Kr cent cut ; got one lor thu school iMrl Hint . he school irl, that $2.50 tan Is now only is. Tim ladies' f.l blue $2.40, Hie men's 13.10 tan only f i.TJ. Step lively. .. - .vKvv, - ' )DW C'TK Rain orshlno, holiday, Sunday or weekdays makes no dlfforcnco to a man's nppetlto. Ho wants the best to bo had at all times and that's why so many patronize the While House Restaurant, lOO State St., Salem, nd St. Elmo Restaurant, 244 Commercial st, Salem GKOUGK I1UOB.; Proprietors. HOTEL ARRIVALS. COTTAOK. Allan, J BItecd. Sanderson Heed, v.... n,... I r rtoina Itmii-v A xv v .mil Townsend h' A aVtiUMi ivirtliltllf. II K Cary, Chicago; F W Palgo, San I-ran-elsco.Cal; N Eastman, Forest, Ont; John Krlckson, Bulu, S Dj Jay King, Bretton, S D; C K Stewart, Canby, Or. WILLAMKTTE. J. L. Beckett, It. G. A W. By.; J. M. flerry, Lotilsvlllo. Kv.; K. J. Harris, J. F. Calef, Geo. K. Burton, Sam C. Bovd, G. L. Field, W. II. Carroll, San Francisco; A. J. Koborts, St. Paul, Jfinn.;ILGotthelb, Chicago, III.; fc. O. Hacklev. Clilcago; II. B. Jennings, Tacomn, Wash.; F, IP Page, A. I'. Lowry, Portland; Kd. Sclfort, Now York; Tilmon Fonl, City; Frank J. Morrison, 1is Angeles, Cal. Tonight's Performance. Tonight tho great Elcctro-Magno-graph will bo seen nt the Oiern house itiliiAillliilnrt tirt tnnul ttfttl.l nllll fnfl llBt If ! rorxliiRtIon of tho Krcat "Dewey Par- nde" exactly as It occ.ured iu New York City. In connection with tho Phantom Play "Man In tho Moon," and Spanish . Bu) FlR,t T(j jIlgtrumcnt la tho 0I1y one 0l its kind III America today, so don't confuse tills production with other inferior picture machine. Patton Bros. hnvn gone to a great deal of exponso to got tho entertainment for their patrons and should be nccorded a good house. Popular prices, 25 and 50c. The Tobacco Trust is Mild to be eobblliiR up thu Cuban leaf 'tobacco, alio 'prices of good cigai iirs will increase, no wise aim my in n stock of "Little Champions' good TODAY'S MARKET. Portland, Dec. .2 Wheat 51 r62 Walla Walla.51c. to 52. valley Flour Portland, $2.75 to 3.00. Super flno $2.15 per bbl. Oat White 31.15c, grey 33 to 31c. Hay Timothy $9$U.O0 per u,i,. Hops 7l0e; old crop 5 flc, Wool-Vulle; iy. 12i:m': Kaitern Up egon. ni'inc mouair, w " 8014c Mohair, 27 .'10. .Millstiilt uran, f 17; snorts, flH, Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 to 3.50 Hens 4 to 4.50, turkeys, live, 12k13o ens i to !.), Kggs Oregon '.Kits Union. "ti& to lioc ikt iloz. Hides-Greeu.saltedlKllhs.HCiitlc.uude .')AUa. 74S$; sheep pells, lofijaie. ttoulk 0$, a'.flM; faurv 1 creamery, 50c to 55c per toll, store :i7i ' and 40c. roiaiocs 10 to iijuc per cental Horn Heavy dressed 5c to He Mutton Dressed .flbfe to 7c ier pound. Beef Steers. $3.50$4.00; cows, $3.00 (u:i.ou dressed, beef u to 7' Veal dressed, KHic. SALEM MARKET. Wheat 58 pounds umPov or He. Wool Mc, Mohair 30c. Hops Oto 10c. Barley 35 to 38c. Oats 2(1 28c. Hay Baled, cheat $8.00., Timothy $8.0$ 10. Kggs 25c, Flour In $3.40 wholesale lots $3.00 retail Mlllstuffs bran $13.00 shorts $15.00 Hogs dressed, 6Ke. Live cattle Steers 3cowft2? to 3. Sheop-2.5O0$3. Dressed Veal llWc. Butter Dairy Uccrenmerv 22c. Poultry Chickens (1 to7e, Turkeys 10 tol Ic. Potatoes 25 to 30c. Not Sold Out The speculator did not conio up with tho cash, to buy out tho stock at thu Osburn Backet Stmo in bulk. Tho proprietor meant what he said and intends to retire from business. The whole stock, comprising boots, shoes, hosiery, underwear, clothing and a thousand useful articles, is offered nt cost. Come early, hae llrst choice and a bargain at TiikOsiu'hs Backet Stork 11-25 tin The Palace Market Will fill your order for a roast, broil or fry of beef, mutton, pork or sausage. Corned beef, nicely cooked, boned and pressed readv to slico for your luuch. We fiavo our own delivery man. Your patronage solllited. MOVER & EDWARDS, Pliont S0S1. 133 State St It BEDS OPERA HO USE P.V'rrON HU08.. kiwM au.l Ntru TONIGHT The Wonile ful Electa iiiop) 1 Tin. IWv li,M The SpiDish Bull h J Ihe mn in (he Mo.i! 23 50 IMIIUVM rmi m Popular Prices 25 i 50 7'r,rrr - 'ii;iL attafciaA Uis Bargains At Friedman's New Rl In steel rod-tlllibrelias yoll will saVe At least 25 iw cent, buying them itt per Friedman's New Racket It will pay you to buy the toshes at Rubber shoes, bools and bicycle capes, a specialty at '" Friedman's New Rackci The latest and lowest prices In clothing at Friedman's New Ra Great bargains in gloves and hats at Friedman's New Racket If you want a child's or ladies' jacket or cape, you are "" best suited at' Friedman's New Racket For staple Dry Goods, notions and fancy goods, blan kets, towels etc. . ci, Friedman's New Racket Is the boss place. Cor. Stale and Commercial St. Sa- "' lem Ore. Closing out the k M ill Everything in the store will be sold absolutely at first cost, not even freight added. Now is the time to get your pictures framed; your house papered fine new stock of wall paper. )l y i a. U Immense stock of Carpets. It will pay you to get them now, from 25c a yard up. Only a short lime left in which to dispose of this stock. All thoo Indebted to the firm of Botan it Irwin, or .1. A. Bolnu, for inerchandisu will lOeau call and settle immediately with Isadore Greenbaum Second Door South of the Postofiice. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF iacksmith's Goods IN THE VALLEY. CONSISTING OF IRON. STEEL, COAL, PMCENIX SHOES, CAPEWELL NAILS, ALSO CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIAL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, GRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. OUR STOCK Of picture frames, and framing is the most complete shown in the city. One of those water-colors, etching, or oil paintings that you have at home; framed in one of our up-to -date mouldings would make a reasonable as well as a beautiful present. HOLD YOUR ORDER For one of those line holiday rockers that are ex pected'soon. F. W. Hollis & Company First Door North of Postoffice. Auction sale of All property now ownpd Association and comprising the city and is suburbs, win Public auction Salem M Satorio. Beginning un Twelfth Street, near Leslie, in Yew PwMt of LmsA rWi'Sfe01, sa,e-tenns' etc- ca,! at the S" PniLK BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, & Ladjes' or Men's mackin- : Friedman's New Rackel cket I U STOCK, Y I U 6 hv tii za RiitiHino- nnd Loan first - class homes in every part of h vr,u of v re X Dec. 9! M BROS tsta B -...Ik,, OUCCl. mk.