jSmWvi"1 iwM"5Jj0!"iMWK WWpp-'- jj . Mte ,yftl sgy "'iV' MniMiknL jtjBhrrn iffiTmirii ijiii'r ,-T -. .' nsrii jswft'Us kMri VTi mi'wiii i rt'wli&'tfutMh'tii i a.' VOTERS DO NOT SLEEP ON YOUR RIGHTS. BUT VOTE! Endorse Non-partisan Municipal Administration next Monday By Voting for the Citizens Nominees for Aldermenand NO OTHERS 'fa i. A ti n 'ift !' f.' CfTlZEN'S TICKET, dlty 'Ejection In Snlomi Monday, Deoembar 4, 1890. For Councilman, First Wnnl, TfiOS. BURROWS.. Frtr'Conncllmnh, Second Wnnl, A. B. BURGN. For Councilman, Third Word, I. E. ALLEN. Fr Councilman, Fourth Wnnl, P. J. LARSEN. CITIZENS' NOAUNEES. "7"a INTERVIEWS. Below aro given short Interviews with many of Salem' best business men, citizens and taxpayors, with refcrcneo to the present ndminlstratlon of city affairs, all of which apeak woll for alio baric, Among them arc not n few who did not support the movoinont a year ago, but after tho showing that haH heen made they cannot refuse to accept tho resulti. Many more who nro timid about publishing mallow, endorse what Km been done and givo their unqualified support, but donotcaro to bo quoted. The plain truth Is tho sentiment for good city government is almost unani mous. A, N. Moorcs Wo should linvo a tlcitet that will bo a guarantee of con HhhIm the good methods of tho present administration. Tho present regime has given oxccllont satisfaction, espec ially to tto taxpayers. R J. Flomtng I think considerable money lias been saved tho past year, and that tho city's affairs linvo twen carefully handled. N. J. Damon Tho Ulsliop administra tion has been the cleanest, most progres sive, economical and business-like that Saloui has had within my knowledge A. Bush I favor non-partisan ad ministration of municipal affairs. It cannort bo denied that Us trial In Sa lem has been successful. F. T. Carey, lnanaizcr for tho Salem lirancl) 01 tne Mil CO It has been n success First ward Tt BURROWS, ftscomj wnnl A. B. BURHN. Third wnnl-I. K. ALLEN. Fourth wanl-P. .T. LARSEN. Lewis ox Stavor financially, and any man who lias tuxes to pay ought to ondorso tho present council with his vote J. Q. Wilson 1 favor tho administra tion us far it keeps within its Income. What wa can't pay for wo should do without. Don't favor selling pnrtoftho park for n ost oilico site. 8, T.'Nofthcuttl think It's all right. We,wattt mora of tho same kind of men. T(w present ndminlstratlon should be sustained. CITIZENS' NOMINEES. Writ ward-T. BUIU10W8. SccomPwanl-A. B. BUB EN". fhlnfffurd-I. E. ALLEN. Fourth wanl-l'.J. LAR8KN. U. Stelncr It Is Perfectly satisfac tory, mid nm willing to trust tho city' uffaira In the Mine hands again. A. M. Humphrey I don't know how to bettor it. Cnroy F. Martin Tho ndminlstratlon of local affairs should not be political. Tho past year's work of tin1 non-partisan council has been an unqualified suc cess, 8. Fnrrar A groat Improvement on tho past. Wu aro living within our menus now and mo omdit to continue to io so. BarrA IVtzel We haven't much to say. but wo want to see tho trood work continue. J. M. Wallace-Fully satisfied will tho management of city finances. W. A. Cuslck Notwithstanding I am and always havo been and oxticct to be unqualifiedly a Republican, where their principals nro at stake. I feel amr justified in upholding tho business-llko metnoiis employed by tlio present non partisan city government. 1 would feel that I was fall nit short of done inv duty If I did otherwise. Tills is purely u nusincss tranraction anil wnoiiv nevoid of political siunlllcunco. present best our city has had for D. B. Sleoves Am well satisfied with miTtf flTfPT7PMQ TJ A WW tho present ndminlstratlon. Ills tlie , 1 IlXU OIiJ.M'()J ft All Mi only one wo havo have run on bnsiness I tirllirlllloa Tl lina linnn fnl- llin luinnflt I of tlio peoplo nnd not a few rlngstcrs. Jodeo It. P. Boise t consider tho ndminlstratiou of affairs the over twenty years. If our city over expects capital tofomo in our taxes must Ira reduced, and tho present council has made a good start in that direction. T. Conner I nnnrovo of the iirescnt ' policy and feel confident that It will lie still fiirthor Improved. M. W. Hunt Tho administration has mailo a very favorable showing, ,nnd thero Is no -eason why any worse should bo mnilo. . CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First wnnl T. BURROW.S. Second wnrd-A. B. BUR EN'. Third wnrd-I. E. ALLEN. Foiirtli ward-P. J LARSEN. 0. E. Kmusso Tho iidmlnlstrntiou generally Ion big Improvement on what wo huvo hod in the past, T. Holverson Wo can't do uny liettor than keep tho sniuo kind of men In of fice. It's tlio best administration wo have had. F. A. Wiggins I nm opened to par tisan politics. Wo should elect men on merit only. Tho present administra tion has demonstrated thut they know what they aro alrout, and should ho up hold. Stcusloff Bros. It Is strictly all right, and a few years more of tho same medi cine will fix our city nil right. J. 0. Wright Financially the liest administration wo have hud for years, but It Is time to licglu Improving our (Ire department. W. A. Moores Fully satisfied with present management. P. J. I-arsen Woll satisfied with tho past year's work, and favor tho plan of living wiuiiii our means. W, F. Boothby Present ndminlstra tiou Is a llimncinl success nnd I liom to see R continued. V aro in bolter shnpo limn wo havo been for years. Keep politics out. Ashley White Vory much in favor of present business-like udmiulstmtluu. II. fitnpluton I endorse what this council is doing for tho taxpayers. 0. Marsh F.lect more men of tho same kind. W. II. Holmes Am In favor of pn's outmothod8. It is the lost city irovern- ment wo have had forn number of years. F. A. Turner The showing made by tho present city management Is some thing that our citizens should be proud of Irresjwctlvo of party. 0. W. Johnson Very well satisfied with tho present management of affairs. J. II, Alliert Am satisfied with pres ent financial management In saving the credit of tho oily, especially in funding tlio oitv debt, which wns tho paramount financial question. J J. Dttlrymplo Always pleased to see good business management, and I bellovo wo now linvo It. We should linvo n little better protection against transcleut auctioneers. Guv M. Powers, ngont for tho 0. R. A. N. Co. Thoi Citizens' administration tins Ix-eu n financial success, nnd should be retained In power, but I think the lire department should he strengthened. II. 8. Olio Intensoly pleased with showing that has been made. II. M. Branson Aro woll satisfied with our trial of nonolltlnil city gov ernment. It's a success. 1). S. Bentloy Fnvor tho present sound financial policy. L. II, McCluluo Tho best administra tion wo have ever had within my mem ory. J. Q Humes Arofullv satisfied with present financial management, showing n good surplus instead of a deficit. C L. Dulloy A very good showing has been made in tho way of sound financiering. Geo. J. Poareo Am so well satisfied that I would like to see tho non-partisan administration continued. Gilbert Bros. Wo heartily approve of the present method and tho luipmvo- ment of our financial A, II. Forstner It is to my notion. Kolng nil right O. P., Dabney I think tho present niothods uro nil right, nnd Iiojmi that they wilt bo continued. J. A. Jeffrey Tlio nlalni'st principles of good business plead the strongest for tho continuation of tho present city mnnagemeut. That system of govern ment which gives Its people nil elllcieut public service, jvith nu economical ex penditure of money, Is the best system. It commends itself to tho piudeut tax payer. It Is In harmony with the pro gressive spirit of the age. CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First ward-T. BURROWS. Second ward A. B. BUREN. Third ward-I. E.ALLEN. Fourth ward. P. J. LAItHEN. Candidates for the Non-Partisan Ticket Endorsed and Approved. Petitions Head, Acceptances Published, Speeches Mads and Campaign liegun. REDUCED MORE THAN HALF, Citvllghtlng expense for 18(18 r. 100 00 Ulty lighting expense for 180(1 . II 003 88 1 Reduction for 1RIM). 3 XW 12 The reduction for 1000 when tho new contract will have heen In force for tho entire year, will be J2J00 (loo. J. Pr.irec wns made chairman and N. J Judah secretary, lie stated the object of the meeting to bo to ratify tlio nominees of the non-partisan Citi zens movement. Tlio secretary read tho petitions and names of tho candidates, which nro headed ns follews: "We tho undersigned votors of tho city of Salem respectfully request that you consent to again lccome a candidate for ulderman from said wnnl. Your record for the past year lias lioen most commendable. You having kept every pledge contained In tho platform on which you run when elected, and it is our desire that you continuo the work and would spring some now tricks. Thero win not much danger of the city being colonized nt this coming election. The Cillrens' movement should be mndo n success again nnd ngnin nnd we would double and treble tho value of tho property of ever; householder Every voter should get out nnd supjKirt these candidates, u bother there wns nn opposition ticket or not. Do not cease your efforts until the votes aro cast and counted. Put the Push in n coffin, nnd nail it tight, to the animal will not get out for awhile. Judge N. J. Judah was called and stated that nil the figures published In Tin: Jouiivai. was as nearly accurate as could be furnished, estimating the re- rciptn and expenses for December He reviewed the savings of this administra tion in the different departments: Salaries $1000 Criminal business 2000 Lighting ttMX) Reductions i(20rt He gave following slntemeuts of tlio year's finances: Income . . f 22,037 Exieiises, approximating Dee. 15,777 Kept within Income ,:8i llesnokoof the Indefatigable labors you havo so far so well performed. of tho mayor and council. They had .Mayor Bishop moved that tho accept- M-rntliiled every item of excuse, nnd nnces nnd nomlnntlons Iks duly ratified u worked zealously for tho good of by this meeting. Carried. I.tlso whole pcoJle. HPKKcum wkhk maiik. I His remarks and Dr. Cuslck's were Dr. W. A. Cuslck was called out mid i warmly applauded. declined to wax eloquent nt anyone's expense. He said tlio only charge that could he brought against those present was that they were benefitting every taxpayer, oven tlio opposition. Tho record of Citlzou's administration wai n conclusive argument to anyone who could rend. Thoy were told tho city could not be run otlierwiso than nlMut ten thousand a year liehlud. This had been demonstrated to be a fallacy. Bankruptcy was not tho inevitable destiny of this fair city. No man of In telligence wanteil to go back o the old regime. Ho wanteil an administration that would mnko it Hslho to live in this city. It wns a cold tiny when tho Push could not even find candidates, Hut they were not asleep. Thoy were sleek mavoii niHimi' si-hakx. 0. P. Bishop was called ont and ex pressed his renewed confidence in tint non-partisan method of city government. Ho had been approached by many in regard to how tills city should be run. lie hud told nil that the present system was liest for tlio city's welfare If we continued ns wo had begun in a few years ue would linvo the best financed and liest governed city on tho Pacific coast. He thanked all for their good will and nsslstunco manifested in so many wnyii during tho past year. Peter I-arscn was received with np pl.iuso when culled out and said ho i-nuM mnko nn better pledge than to arco to follow In tho example that had been set tho past year, A. It. Huron got a round of appluuse when ho renewed his pledges to con tiuno tho good work. Tout Burrows snld tie would try to do ns well ns ho tlid last year, but like Sir. Buren he wns no speech mnker and begged to bo excused, lie wns given hearty applause. Judgo Ilolse was called out. He gave Citizens' movement n cflrdinl support last year and the veteran Jniist got n rousing reception. Tlio only account rendered by partisan ofllcinls to n party wns In the nntunj of n campaign nssess ment. Before this movement begun a year ago It wns seriously tnlkcd that tho city would default on Its Interest nnd bonded debt. That danger point was passed. The pracllco of tlio past wns to run the city In debt. This council wns running it out of debt. Soon It would become desirable to own property and capital would seek our city to Invest in enterprises. It was encouraging to learn that wo wero getting to lie able to see our way out. I.ot us not go back. Wo havo tho elements that will mako us prosperous. All we have to do Is to go In tho direction we havo started. John A Jeffrey was called out nnd said the people of Salem sucmed to know what they want and knew how to get It nnd tho majority on Monday would show that thoy huvo got It. It was notimeforrhctorioorcloqtiencc. When taxes got down so that n business man found it safe to invest, they would prefer to come to the Capital City of tho state. Dr. J.W.Mero litis and John M Payne heartily endorsed tho movement. On motion of Dr. Cusick tho convention thanked the ofikinls for the honest and economical management of city affairs for the past year. Tho chair uppointed a committee of three on literature with full owcr to act, that shall be placed In tlio hands of voters as follews: N. J. Judah, R. P. linlie, Jr., and A mni Strong. Adjourned. - 1 BROKEN LOTU SALE OF MACINTOSH E AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS PRICES THIS WBBK! NOT BUT ALL SIZES ALL SIZES IN IN ALL KINDS, SOME KIND. A black cape coat, extra good length regular W value a good sorvlcnblo coat, and (fl r v0ilb An all-wool Tricot, double breasted, box coats with velvet collar, or CO or capo coat, regular fi.oO values , , . , U005 A few sizes left In ton, brown nnd cheeked, double breasted liox coats n,. collar and extra length Jconts, nro bargains nt 7M nnd $8, our reg- CC "7P ulnr prices for them; now going nt 3J5 . w. Johnson & 60. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First wiinlT. HURROWS. Second wnnl-A. It IIUREN. Third ward-l. E. ALLEN. Fourth ward-P. J. LARSEN. Eugene llreymnn Fnvor tho proont uncllns tlio Ix'st wo huvo had for . Wu can't n to push again. comic years. o enn't ulTonl to eluingn off ior in CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First wnnl T. HURROWS. Second wnnlA. B. HURltN, Tlilnl ward-I. E. AI.I.HN. Fourth wnnl P. J. I.VItSEN. H. A. Tlioimis I am a Republican to ino nuokuono, tuil I supKrted tho clti A. U. I'nhnor A tax payor who does not liko tho present program shouldn't object to paying high tuxes. CITIZENS' NOMINEE'S. First wanl-T. BURROWS. Second wnl-A. B. RURP.N. Tlilnl yvanl-I. E. ALLEN. Fourth wanl-P. J. LARSEN'. Jf! Myers Am jHtrfoctly satlMled, mm) oven surprised ut tlio good results. Tlw public service is not imiulnsl and a MAvy saving has been effected. Clws. Wellor I bellovo that tho Mwiljorsof tho proseui city council In tfcttr for U to coutrol tho running ex tMMW and reduco tho Indebtedness of mm city are entitled to mid otieht to n- Umi KiipKrtof all who huvo tho . Mrvtaof tlio city nl heart, The ltt evervthlni! has not been ue- iklml is H poor oxeiibO for disiur- ;H effort In tho right direction. CITIZENS' NOMINEES. rife rd-T. JHWKOWfi. pswl warJ-A. U, BUREN. - .fiM vhI-I. K. ALLEN. : '- ;'fw J-P. J. LA IS FN. f " xeus' ticket and urn pnmd of the rexullH. Wo want mure of tho sumo deal, G. W. Watt I liko what wo nro get Hug In the way of economy in city M. llredemeler Am pleased with what has been done, mid Iioh to see the present methods continued and In tensified, Prosecuting Attorney S. L. llnyden nnunwn us iu uiu itintllS OI crilUIUUI matters tho jwst yeur. Ho referred to tlio iwonis, wlilch uliow that crime within tho city has deensi greatly tluriiig tho mil twelve months. J. 8. Cook, attorney Favorable to non-partlaii administration. H U a big Improveuieut on the past. E. F. Osbiirn Of courso 1 fnvor the acts mid reconl of tho present council. mu mini ii i-uiiiiuiH-u. D.J. Fry. Itegunl the present uib, iiilnlstration us a very gtHsl one, and hypo to see It continue. Werner Hroymun While I did not support tlio present administration, I am proud of their reconl and hope to see it continued. I nm very much In favor of eliminating w)tic from muni cipal ullnirs. Win. Brown Am really woll pleaiod with tho mummer in which the llnuncea id tho city huvo Uvu manngixl, so far us 1 can judge without going into details. J. I, Thompson Am satisfied with what bus hh!ii done. Saving $10,000 Uuls going In tho hole that much. CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First ward-T. BURROWS. Second ward-A. B. BUREN. Tldnl wanl-l. E.ALLEN. Fourth ward-P. J. LARSEN c: 7 ffi I I I & K i $ I (. cx SiJSSX5XX5SXSSX The Citizens' Reform Administration of the City of Salem, Oregon, for the first year of its existence 1899 has saved the following sums to the people; Net Income; 1899 $30,533 Net Expense, 1899 24,147 89 39 Surplus, 1899, Warrant Expense, 1898. .S 20,777 31 f.A 1 0xo Warrant Expense, 1899.. 15,777 00 J Credit, 1899 X Net Criminal Costs. 1898, S 3.047 35 0 . A 1Don Net Criminal Costs, 1899. 141 00 ) oaved to County, 1699 Reduction in Salaries, 1899' ' Street Lighting, 1898 $5,400 00 J)t ,QOO Street Lighting, 1899 3,103 87 Credit, lo99 ' Interest Saved by Home Loan Bonds Current expense account saving of $5,00031 would have been $6,600 31 but for the presence and cost of small pox in city in September, October and November, 18 99, S6,385 28 55,000 31 S2.906 35 51,000 00 S2,296 13 52,600 00 3 33 9 - w S s M 1 J CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First ward-T. HURROWS. Second ward A. H. BUREN. Third ward-I. E. ALLEN. Fourth ward P. J. LARSEN. 1 W. W. Hall, the present ofilc'ent county clerk, was a class-mate at tho State Agricultural college of Ira E. Allen, the Citizens' candi date for councilman in tho Second ward, and s)cakH in the highest terms of his ability mid accom plishments. Ho gives his friend credit for having tho thieo ie qulsltos for n good councllnien, Ho Is honest. Ho is a good arliameiilarian and business man 4 viz: q purl r From Turner. Mr. John Williamson, who has been very low ns tho "result of vaccination, Is improvimr, and his friends now hope for his recovery. Our streets wero a scenoof excitemont Wednesday, caused by tlio roort that .Mcoiieiirist'fl house was afire. No domugo wns done. Frank Neal has returned from South ern Oregon. Fred Hammock Is homo from n visit In Washington, and looks woll. N. J. Howers, of Pleasant Point, was town Wcdncsdny. J. H. Underwood has bought tlio Lucas barn and will remodel it. J. F. Amend lllclo?o Ins saw mill tills week for n short time. IRA E. ALLEN. Tlio Citizens' nominee for alderman In tho Tlilnl wn'rd is Ira E. Allen, of tlie firm of Allen.A Bowersox. Mr. Allen is .'12 years of age. llu , t native son of Oregon, having been born in Corvalik Ho wns educated at tlie public schools of that city and at the Stuto Agricultural College, from which ho graduated iu 18110. For n ntimbor of years ho lived In Portland, being liook-kcoper in a whole sulu machinery establishment. In 181)2 ho Aits married to Miss Ad.lle Bowersox. Coming to Salem, he, with hi, brother-in-law, Mr. Bowersox, Iwught out tho store of J. M. Long, on State street, unit after successfully cotidactlnj it for some tlmo, they bought out the Yew Park grocery store of A. F. McAtee and huvo worked up tho business of both establishments. Mr. Allen Is quiet and gentlemanly In his manner, nttontivo and lollnble in Ills business, and has tho esteem of all his iicitiiiintanceri. Ho Is n life-long He publfcun, nnd n thorough business man. M CElEBnATEO 0 feci tlie CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First wnnl-T. HURROWS. Second wnnl A. II. HUREN. Thin! wnnl I. 14. AI.I.HN. lourth wunl.-P. J. LARSEN. $ao,ooo SAVED. By huti ng the 4 per cent. Homk Honps our oily is suved f'.VKXl.Ot) interust nmiunlly for ten yearn to coiuo, or a totul saving of J'.tl.OOO Interest. The New York Racket. Is Just now recolving and marking their holiday g.vod. Their line of dolls and haudkerc defri in i....i,iii.. in and well selected, and our stock of other iiiiiiay gumw in mi nnes will feel con "dent that wdcuii ploaso nlmoU tiny one. Gull and get everything at racket liri,,tH- . LI) 2t dw JITTERS If you tired In morning, try Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters. Your stomach is probably over worked and all clogged up. The Bitten cures CONSTIPATION, DYSPEPSIA, LIVKU AND K1I1NKY DISKASKS. It nets rromptly ami surely. SALEM HOP BUYERS Ponttiyely no Ktseive, Everything in tlio stock of mini itacKet More must 1 tlcully at your own price. the Oh- old prnc-ihVw ( Not a Fake Sale, The closing out of nil stock nt the Os'iurn Racket store means business (Ir-ut bargains to bo hud il-w. Oct n Bottle. Ell tlrlnuvs, Bachterlolcvist of- ths Iowa Stuto Honnl of Health, says that thero U no better disinfectant for ty phoid fever, diptherln, smnllitox or any oontugeotis dlmUK, than dldoio Nup tholemu, Roiikht Haswv, 11 UmldAw State Agent, Sulem.Or Men' Overcoat From a low price, to (I I. SO for an ex cellent grade, ut the New Yi rk Bucket, aiwiw tUU Wholesale Cost. All our kh1h nt wt. and somo as low half Mt Osbuili's Racket Sloiv. d A r Taxpayers of Salem! Is not this better than riinnin.vf be hind from six to ten thousand every year? Answer with your vote tor a Citizens candidate on next Monday! Don't stay in your home, otlice, store, or shop next Alon day and let your neighbor do the voting! Get out yourself and cast a vote to continue the sensible system of municipal economy here proven possible! If you who own property would perpetuate this system ol economy and practical saving of public moneys, get out and vote for Burrows, Buren, Allen or Larsen, on Monday next. Don't sleep on your rights, Taxpayers Get out on next Monday and vote for the Citizens' nominee in your ward! It's all in the system of doing things and the men in charge, of the system! Which, will you have, Taxpayers, the old or the NEW? CITIZENS' NOMINEES. First wnnl T. HURROWS. Second wnnl A. 11. BUREN. Tlilnl ward-I. E. ALLEN. Fourth ward P. J. LARSEN, ii -Tmsnrra tw -nn- -. iVXvSvINCCvXvSvrvSIvC SV3Jv3Iv2v3Iv C2vCEvv2N3EvC The deficit of $7,000 in IG98, plus ihc surplus of $6,385 in 1899, means an actual saving by the citizens Reform Administration of 1899 of ' $13,385.00 Think of it and vote right on Monday! Drmnnnnnnrrnnimrmnnnnnnnrfna Jilt. UltHKN S ATOKHTANTl!. Ill accepting the Citisens' nomi nation, at tho ratltlcation meet ing Wednesday evening, p. J, Union of the Fourth wanl, said: "Mr. Chairman HiklGentlemon or the Convention, I am uot much given to spooohmaklng but I wish to My to you that I do ap preciate the honor on luuo con ferred. I also appreciate what tho ciUson' council has done in tho past year mid will do what I can to continue tho good work, if elected ; and I tntst neither the peoplo nor tlio council will bo miataleu nor disappointed in huvingselcctcd mo foralderman." I DIUlUUHllUUiiimuimutiiMUmiimg H.iNT.urKU,,,,, Dr H5;jwraullucarMUUMTlUiii.i. riw AdJ bwrfintKeoiMrCa'cSS'ioSillv" To Cure a Cold In (inn rv-... KSinK.iMa"!!L"l.T-rU. sLS rn':?,!'.. rii m -'w " ! II llHl U, There's nothing half so sweet in Ufe as love's young dream." It was meant to be so when woman was oniaineit man's help meet. But it was never meant that love's dream should have so wd an awaking. It ia due chiefly to ignorance that young women are so rudely awakened from the dream of love. They enter on the mar ried state without phys cal or mental prepara Hon. They are entirely unaware of the great physiological chanpe MkHJiir suK,e?!e by the one u marriaire " Every young woman should be prenVred arus mousands of women who en lereu in marriage unprepared ami tui. w,.S i ', M,eui !',?.!M"taUv '.' -...U.UU.UUII, ulcera tion and female weak ucia, Iwve been alto- Kncr ana absolutely cured by the use of ur. 11erc p,.... Prescription. This great medidne is not a cure-all. but Pccific for the chronic diseases peculiar to women. It does one thing perfectly; it makes "va woint-n ctH sick women well. "For two vp t l.j wa-trtr from chronic JiL.3T, wnkn.u !. v:.J"s and G-m.i. AU aKt'lS-J?-"" b hlahKCS omtntnd Dr. K. S.010- nf Ma tec atea. rKw ntOidno. toU UmluVly SQUIRE FATIRAR. No. C5 State at. 'Phono No 1221. AriS 3JRO"rNifc CO Bush Building, Commercial st (crotind lloor). Olllco teleplione No. iao. LLLIENTIIAJL 3JKOS. II. J. Ottk.nhkimek, Manager Ofllco over Ladd it Bush lkink, Phono No. -101. FA HER & NETS. Albany & Salem. Salem olllce, 222 Commercial st. (ground lloori Neckonnan, A Rogers' bldg, 'Phono No. 1121. Oillces: New York and I)ndon. LOUIS R. SEARLES & CO. Ollce t Burrows Block, Com mercial st. 'Phone 1771. r r A B Ml Ml CATLIN & LINN. Olllco over Weller's Kioccry storo. U'hono No. 211. VAYNE& TILLSON." One door west of Dalrymple's store (cround lloor). 'Pliono No. 2C0I. .JACKS, OARMIOIIAEL & nCO. Olllco over Johnson'a Clothing store, iu Bush-Breynian bldg. A LIVESLEY & CO Commercial st. Second stair south of Ladd A Bush bank; room 1 upstairs. 'Phone 1211. PRODUCE BUYERS. H. S. GILE rt CO Wholesale Fruits, Produce, etc Salem, Oregon. Onlce; Insur anco block. 'Phone POL Ware hoitse, at Wallace warehouse- A. M.HUMPHREY & CO. Iluyand Store wheat, oats and other grain. Buy potatoes. Al do chopping and cleaning. 270 Commercial st. Phono 27B. EELJI "wur