n. Utbel fAsSBelatod rross tela X grama, Fresh Local news and Live I EtHtorlMB rriltko ThG Dallv Jour. al. n THE vol. x DAILY JOURNAL. 'h 'HHHflunnfmtnmmtvvmmmimmimumrw If It's Not what You Want E Bring it back You don't have to keep anything that doesn't suit you, when you buy at THE NEW YORK RACKETJ We return your money if you want it. Fair dealing and low prices for honest roods have increased our trade to its present pro portions. We have di-ovpH Hmf !, c,w J..u mIom nf Ktlr!Ar.n ?- man ui uuamcii is a success. uur nne or siioes at present is the best that we have ever had on our shelves: nn n cnno nianrw tn-i ....i:i.. r -.. -..ww nuuu uwi ijumiiy. i ms iau we have an eztragood assortment of men's boys' and children s clothing. Neat, servicable goods at lowest cash prices. Atockintoshes lor men and boys. You need one for this rainy weather. Thev don't cost nmrli whn vou buy of us. Best values in hosiery and 3 underwear on the coast. Duck coats, slickers and everything vou need for the rninvspnsnn 'HUHUWUHW 4 SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY .NOVEMBER 2C 1899. $ it,-i3usinoB,"nfet polities X JX "Onn'toliclt)o(.f!(ntu!iWiW f I Of JOUf politics M 0M, btH iilM Journal Advertising Py. f ; H4 success. ffl SOUTH AFRICA Boers and English Drawing Closer and Heavy Fighting Soon Expected. . The English Victory Over the Dervishes Received With Glad Hearts and is Welcome Set-off to SouthAfrican Situation" The American Consul at Pretoria InstructcdvEngagcmcnt at Willow Grange Much More Severe Than at First CablcdBritish Losses Heavier Than Told. SCHOOL SAVINGS BANK. There are several thousbnd of those nnd as they were Ailed by nearly fifty differ ent persons, there Is a lnck uniformity which rentiers me utmost care neves- j i ni n j The work will probably bo finish! lm QJslm l W lliatlfCrated 111 the tfO 7S. JL the first part of the coming week. TODAY'S FOOT BALL GAMES iiNivfi-hrtYS ( ilbl WwEfflil rHE KRAUSSB NOVEABER 30, THE LAST DAY WE GIVE RUBBERS FREE WITH LADIES SHOES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LAST OPPORTUNITY. Soo Our lYion'a Button Shoos 'I ho Lntoat. m'iHMWM;HWl'WW'l''''llW'lwW SALEM DENTAL PARLORS. cS Drs. Or Atvoclnttd l'reu to tbe Journal. Loxno.v, Nov. News of tho death Khalifa and final defeat of tho Dervishes una received with great Joy as well as a welcome set off to the serious situation in South Africa. A dlsnatch from Queenstown, Capo Colony, announces four hundred colonial rebels, including the Kx-Mnglstr.tta as having tho enemy at Lamar place nnd reported marching on Donlecht, whencu can operate to in tempt Qataeres' advance to reoccupy tho Stormlwrg junction. Hefugees from Qncenstovv n assert that Lady Grey Iibh been occupied by colon ial farmers nnd It is feared there will be a general moement in favor of tho Hours. Adlces from Uclmont continu ing the treacherous use of tho white Hag by tho Jloors h arousing indignation. All accounts confirm tho splendid charg lug of tho Ilritlsh Infantry, the Scots and guards entering tho tight with drums beating nnd llfcs playing. Tho guards advanced steadily, many cooly smoking. DtmiiAV, Natal, Nov. 2". An olllclai message from General White, at Lady- smith, dated November, 22, says: "Sltmttliin, unchanged. Troop well and cheerful.'' "Kivo thousand Ilritlsh left llstcoitrt WVdnesdity afternoon for reconnoiss- anco. lliey siirprlsctl the Hours nt .1 o'clock Thursday morning, and occupied tho ltoer position, bayouettlng SO of the enemy. At daybreak the Hncis opened witli ipiick-llrers. "Tho llrltish artillery was unable to reach the lloers and the Ilritlsh position therefore became uutcn.uiabie and was evacuated. Subsequently tho artillery was brought Into action, and tho lloers full back. Their object having been at tained, tho Uritlsh retured to I'stcourt." Willow Grange affair as three killed and and 44 wounded. This is tho first news of such heavy loss, and, if correct, sug gests n repetition of General White's unfortunate action of October HO. Tho Ornntt Yale :and Prlncoton Onmo Is Playod In Flno Wonthor. Rumor That Mafeklng Has Surrendered r AaiorlMtril I'reaa to ttif Journal. Lo.miov, Nov. 25. It Is rumored in Glasgow today that Mafeklng surrender ed but tho war olllco olllclals declare they have nothing confirmatory or other wise. News from Niiiid Is no encouraging, llstiourt and Mind rier tire both hunt pressed. APPROACHINO COMPLETION. The Sunday School Census Work Nearly Done. Crown and Bridge Work! Our Specialty! TOOTH S5.00 AND PER UP. Eplev k Olinger. Rooms 27 and 29 P. O. Blk. r...kt.W.V.WVUWWk.vLkkVt.kHttkL.k.t.tk, Winter is here And your chickens want some of that nice Yelow Corn which has just been received bv & RBID. 322. 324 Commarolal street. A complete line of Feed and Seed always on hand. SAVAGB Washington, Nov. 24. United States Consul Mnrcuin, at Pretoria, has been Instructed by cable to Impress upon I'res-' Ident ICrugor that It Is the tlow of this government that the usai'O of all civil ized nations sanctions the ministration of a neutral representative In the inter est of citizens and capthes of one of the parties to tho war, and he must further insist upon performing tho sacred duty Imposed bv nil the conditions of human ity. This practically nu announcement of our government u kiu tho execution of tho trust which It assumed to look after tho Interests of llrltish cltircns in the South African Itopuhlie. Kngagcment Willow Orange. London, Nov. 25, 5 A. M, General White's dispatch of Wednesday effectu ally disposes of tilt rumors of another sortie from Ladysmith and of the defeat of the Itoets. The situation in Natal remains unchanged, the sorties from Kstcourt to Willow Grange having little effect. The position at Mafeklng is beglnnina to lx regarded w itli anxiety, In view of the impossibility of Lord Methucn he lug able to relieto the town for some time to come, (ionerul llullur'sdnstinutlou Is kept a strict secret ut Cnx Town, some report saying that he has gone north, and others that he has gone to Durban, as already cabled, A disisiti'h to tho Times from Mooi ruergiws the HrilUh casualties In the There was a meeting last evening, nt the Y .M. C. A. rooms, of the city branch of the Marion County Sunday S'hool Associtaton. The purM(e of (lie meeting was not to talk, but to work. The census of the city taken in Mialf of the Association, by some 1(1 volunteer workers, hnd been completed, but much work still remain ed to bo dnnu in tho way of segregating and tabulating tho statistics" obtained. Tho census was taken by means of printed blanks, one blank being used for each family. Some blanks contained only one utme, snipe many more. These wvro first separated according to the church denomination to which tho iHirson or family belonged, or for which ho or they had expressed a pref erence. When this wasdono the work of tabulation and systcmazatlou was hut just begun, for it was desired not only to furnish to each .church all tho data of interest to that denomination, but to presono in one mass all the information gathered, and in such shape as lobe readily utaluble. Much good is oxected to result from this work, in many ways. The pastors and members of the different denomin ation will bo 1io1mhI in (heir work, and wilt be directed to (lie olnts where their efforts urn! attention may most profitably Ih directed. Interest will bo aroused In tho Sunday school work. In fact, it If retried thut there Is an in- crcat-cd attendance lit Sunday school al ready as the natural result of the In terest Inspired merely by the lulls of thocanyassen. Any such work as this, which brings people closer together and enlarges the circle of nupiaintunce and human sym pathy, Is a good thing. Tho meal branch of the M. C. S. S. A. Is to Im com mended for the energy, and unselfish zeal with which it has tsken hold of the matter and carried it through. It is but just to ulso mention Mr. N. J. Damon, who formulated the plan nnd under wIiok siiNrvMou it has been carried out Seerul hours nl good roltd work were dtnoltil to the vtnrk nt the mtwtlng lust eunlig by N. .1. lUmon, J S. Foster, II. H. (.He, (i. A. It.-knell, .).- Allert and others. Alxnit half if the lenflets on w Iim d the census was taken were irorkitl up. Ilr Ai.orUtnl I'tm (a (be Jonrnnl. Nkw II vk, Nov. 2o. Finest Noem bcr weutli"r greeted tho foot ball en thulats who have coino to witness tho conlet between Yale and l'rincoton. Tho few waiters that hao been posted wcroat odds of live to three on Yale. First half of the tramo is ns follews: Yale 10 j Princeton, (1. Nnv Uunv, Nov. 2r Himl ici.ro. I'riueelm 11; Yule 10. Mnco the mrprbing lie plajtsl by Yale with Harvard tho feeling Is general that Yale will reeat Its record of 18117, when it tied Hanard and later defeated 1'rinceton. Paul Dashiel umpired and ex-Caplaln Wrlghtlngton f Ilortanl refereeil the game. NOTW. The V, of 0. football learn met the Mullnoinah team today in Portland. Coralll8 s. Cheniawa fisilliall team, play today at Corvallls. Tim Indians will play tho Salems at tho Fair Grounds next Thursday. GREAT STORAt ON TEXAS COAST Salem Schools. The Children Will Have an Opportunity 10 save Their Pennies and Leant Valuable Ltsion, RO SOIUKLVURE Makes tho food moro delicious ond svhoto som igiiiiwaumn f o , m tom. Ilr Akaiii'lntrU I'rr.i la thr Juilriml. I)Mi.As,Tex., Nov. 2.V Alarming re mrts come from the lower gulf coast of Texas, whent a severe storm Is raging A mlmlicr of small vessels lost and hundred of cattle were drowned, havinir lieeu driven into theuulf livtlin great force of tho wind. Many houses were destroved and I Is feared some lives were lost. PEACE T3E TO "I IIS ASHES. I'atfiison, N. J., Nov. 2fi. Tho earth ly remains of the late Vice-President Garrett A. Ilobart were consigned tou temporary resting place In Cedar Lawn cemetery, today. A brief funeral service was .held at Into the residence, the emul ating clergyman being HuvJJCi lugle rrcsiucm .iioiiniey, cauinet oiiicerannu over sixty memiMirs of the senate niiil n great many congressmen attended the service at the house. navy7ard conflagration Ilr Aclnld I'rtia to lite JuurniiL ItosTox, No. 'J5. lire broke out at tho Clmrlestoii navy yanl this morning. Tho vonding shod was destroyed, en- tailing a loss estlmuted at (100,1)00. Marines and sailors on the Miichlas mid Wabash assisted In lighting the flames and the adjoining procrty w us saved. DERVISHES DEFEATED Principal Oflkeis Killed and Many Thousand Taken Prinoneis. Br Aoollnt I'ltH l lb Journal. Oaiko, Nov. 3rt. I-ord Cromer re- teived the following from Gen. Kllclui. iiertmlay. Wiugute's forte fMiight ii) with Gen. Khalifa's force, 77 miles KOiitlicuHt of Godid. After a tliarii light ho took the poni.lon, Khulifii wns klllwl and nil thu prineiil eiulra killed nr captunsl exwpl Otuiun Iigna. The Dsr- visiles iiriilillerly defmtnl himI Hkhi- sauds have surroiMorcd Tho supplies recehod on Friday by Gilbert Ilros. forthouso of tho Salem public schools In Introducing tho School Savings Bank System, Include every thing necessary for carrving out that lamlablo enterprise j everything oxcopt tho pennies and ntckles, and they w HI lie furnished by tho joung depositors. There nro printed blanks for every transaction, incliidlnir n little l.tok fnr tho child, a doposlt slip to go with his deposit, an envelope in which to Beal the sum sent to the bank from each room, a deposit slip to go with It, a bank liook for each room, In which In enter Its deposit in tho bank, a blank check to use In withdrawing deposits, which are kopt In the name of tho room, or the number of Its book. There are also larger liooks, In which each teacher will keep an account witli each young depositor. All this would Indicate much work in iwll.ui..llr... .. I.I. .1... . i .... """'"" nun iiiu sviiem. imtiini Itooks and blanks uro ruled and printed In such a way as to reduce this work to a minimum. For Instance, each llttlo book for tho child's use lis arranged and printed to Includon tinted space for each Monday from Oct. 2, 18IW to Juno 30, 1P00, so that the teacher need only enter the amount In its pnor place nnd hand the liook back to the child. The regulations tiro in part ns fol lows : fflwFlorom z Filipinos Satisfied With tho Present Form of Goyers inont Which is Working Fine. - - Insurgents Make Another Feint on ImuThrcc American. Wounded and Two Filipinos Captured and Two W "Aguinaldo Left Tarlac on the I3th, Escaping Between Young and Whea.on's Brigade Wfteaton is Pumitn HinwAgu.naldos Mother and. Child Captured and "With Whcatcn's Troops, IVisislts will lie reeulted every Monday only, at the morning session, b tho teachers of each ehiM)l, The aiiiount will lo dellveri-d to the Principal, who will dcoslt In Gllliert Ilros. Ilank In wio name oi eucn iioKisitor, One cent orupwanl can be received by the teacher. When a iiiinil Inm n deiioslt of one dollar or more, n bank oookwiii do given, iriHiot charge, from the bank. DeH)ilts of three dollars and over will licar Interest ut !l iter cent, tier annum. The bank liooks of tho voplls are kept iy tlio Priuclnal or Teacher an Iiuil? as they attend school, If they leave the school, or at vacation, the hook will bo elven to tliem, and they can withdraw tneir money, but tlioy will rwpilre the iiresciico oi tiieir lather or mother ami the signature of the Principal or teacher. Durlnir tho summer vacation nl tlm school, deiKislts may bo made or tuoneV withdrawn (nun tho bank di rect, the Cashier acting during Ml.... It..... ..- .1... I I...-- I.... 1 .1 ...i. i.iuti ii. i urn iiHiriiui i iruw II IliUI'Jl illc3iit Is unknown to the ('ashler ho must be Indeutllled In'fore revolving the money. After consultation betwcin Prof. Yodcrnud A. T. Gilbert it may be said that the system will prol nbly be put In operation Immediately after the holidays. i llv toelnlril I'm h JonrnirfSi,.. .i v-"iM II r.... WsiiiMiroN, Nov. !i'i. The .folio win u Dr. Hull's Couxh Byrun la Hie Safest and suroHi cure for tlmsu (liingainus infectious of tho llitlo ones croup, whooping-cough ami measles' eouuli. Pliyslulnus nrcscrllm It, children like It, n ml doses uru small. Price 2ki. cahlo wos revelvixl from Gen, Otlstodayt ".Manila, Tho Insurgents made n feint on Iimis last night. Three en listed men were wounded. Tliuir loss was two killed, two captured. Thev quickly withdrew. Additional Iroojw w era sent from Manila today. The In surgents will Im driven soiilh. Hearts from Negros nro oueonmgliig The chief Insurgent leader north of the Is land surrendered voluntarily. More planting is being done, more sugar mills are at work than at nnv' time since the revolution, against Hpain began. OMeur rojMirt the ikoi!o nppamntly eheerfui undliopedil, that thu formofguverniiieiit put In oHiralloii Is well sillied til their conditions mul working smoothly." WASiil.iuroN, Nov. , The follow lug Is from Otis: "Manila A vessel from Llngajen gulf, with dispatches from Wheiilou to 2!lrd Inst., brought In Iluencamlue, the insurgent secretary of state captured. Ho says that Agulnaldo and party left Tarlae on the lllth( to lie escorted North by 2,000 troops, from Hii)oinbong and Daguupan. With these troops Wheaton struck San Jacinto and Young eastward. Agulnaldo with a part of hTs family has escncd north with 'M men paaslug Iwttreou Young ami heutiiu Yitiiujr Is still In pursuit. AguluaMo, mother mid oldest child, am with Iliieiiciiuilno, Nipiittcl from tlm party, the mother was Iuhi In the woods undu child four ykirfsold lire with Wheaton tnxijwi. Two thousand ilol lurs In gold, Moiling, lo Hie mothwr, ns captured, now Is In thu Manila treasury. A heavy storm at Llngaon has pre-1 vented the loading trooui for thu noilli. Mac Arthur hits iMptiuod the lusurgwil illreetor of the nillrixii), who etidwivoted lHtmi Iim .ll.....! ... t r..... i y. :"v "" ."" "' iMgunan, him Z;i. i?l J i:nglishinan, who ?., ifl S""Itl nrtlllery. Tin 'nerrertly'rrnUS(X) i)JU "r"- 4HE KENTUCKY ELECTION MUDDLE FiivNKixjHT. Ky., Nov. 23. Tho court ?!B.,i,!IS,,i"5,H',,Jr rl,n,''l Taylor's right to jllis .Nelson county votes. The court, all jiiilges concurring, refused to dissolve the injunction, asked liy Goebal's- at torneys (iVIVllUWIfMIHIIBIIHIfMi j A Snow-storm i : in Summer i Kirrsoar Tv nstrrilldi bat ! I luTon-flnihacliilhtuifiULUUro ! llAtlilouknlaalf It had tmn oat In J a rrguUr nuw t.iriu. 4 Nu ncnl at this tnaw-tria. P As tlm uiuuxir sua uwlu lha laH- log tuaw, a Ayer's Hair Vipr b, raeiit that tuksi of ujiulruft la tha k wli It rnvi lurtlirr I Kill IhU IIS fvTvu.a iiH.il- luiimiion 1 C ll ! rMtarM Bitar in grsjr hat, k AfnllllfJintiwHirUHlhnits pi ma luir tbia nuir wm-uuku ibdk luir. mi inori luir mvuidcs hinc luir. lJWtolll AlldfuMUU l( y i not nbUU til k Ntnifiu ma tiMitit rrm lli of llw VUr, vrllalk .IfiMp .Unit it teiiil.H K AdifMi, lit J, C. ATKR. K Umtll. MM. """"" "Tinimi WHEAT MAflKBT. Nov. OiurAoo, ms.Ii M, Han Phixdisco, Nov, - .May 3S,-cas!i 100. 70i IMS IS MAKING SL'ASON VOU HOLIDAY TnnTTinmiTTmTTTTinTTrTiTnTtmtTTni JTcOUR ;c ffimT . nnnniiiinniiffFfinT rnrifninnnnTiTiiTTniffiTfnTno s,i &s "" "- fs s y "V m ups " j.. Fi loll ILC) ".::a ""' NbV MIDAS Ai'KICO'l NI-UGAI LUSTAHUCHOf.OI.AIIS COCOANUI HON UUS- IIII.DIUilUS MOI.AbSLS 1'iiPI'HK.MINI Ull V A I ELLIS & ZINiNS 164 Btutf. til Phono 2704. C0vHAMj IU5D OD wSSP ssi a.i i ' JiNvi!vS5fXrfjLe,t5. i &m&urxauT'aGjf' VOUNC MAN DON'T HOKGBT THE GIRLS, CHRISTMAS IS SOON A r HAND. Honey DfjflS Man? Van Ldbe Vou X All 0m I 'Hi'. Alike to Ate Mdinmt n I Htlc I' nrctl 0jii. impkin Co!- EUREN HAMILTON, House Furnishers, UVtut - ...iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll. illliiiiiiiiiiiiiHiyilllllllliiiiiilill'iliiiiiiiiiiriiuiiiymyi'ii in iiiiinu LUiiiiLUJJJl rage term nu iut( uim II m Atonl rni5 Clot to P'ay x iif Time. mHUiUI 111 aprv' Friend, Sweetheart, Wife vtm tlielxjsutifiil seuiiHittat ehon by a wall ku own yotiiy nmn Ui bo iitsertbeil within Ids fUiKwit ring Friend, swset I. tart, wife, omliliio the ftree, or choose one from smoog them, ami we will show you the ring lor jinMrnbitleii. Ihvintv solltairM for thu HOimtfi lw) Is Mtisflul with rHithlng but tlie ' thing." A nic lino of rings fur mwi, subUntul, ciiioiiiUhiI rhu buys and girls. ''Everybody's" tlio soitii gold orsi or imihi. BARR-S JEWELRY STORE, HSHTATKHT C This is the makingup Reason for the holidays, ttattcmqctg and Point Lace, Braids, Thread-., Buttons, Pearling, etc, Hand" made Battenbui Embroidery, on earth! wUWVr, Uk UlUO UIJVIIU'I U-tUi,JI i vut ltH I VlVU IA4UU' tiburg,' Rcnnaisencc B.ttcnburgfl Battenburg Patterns, r, Knitting and Crochet Mlks Corticelli brand best 'MwriMt Soikl, for Uh rill Art Linens Wm lave Um most coiuphile lm ol twmlbort'husf Mini mu Um-iu iu sll Down Cushion jLTicks tii very bt liitjh Kradk.wu lflhy lit aiMl l bjr IS Cushions Galore We 1mv hi usual sn iiMMn lUw of WhUy eMsliloM, KM, -, lfl. iM'm' Hftu Ho Uay j Ktrrlilefj X . . .'.irfitlk I -t ,r mi iairsff I . Imtt ww ,mu w .uU. laiuffnUM isiiMW Whl'" Will inxritiOM In i'4nltiwti' k i r i Iim4 li' and ui. quality Qfimm hMsxsfcuf sJ4. tHOutVriMi fci ity vhoLv , my IIW H HPMSIVU iw "" rowri-.. i wimxi it $m fa I9ffk.fi fi.Xh i i jj.ivr'KW i IVLVifA I WMir w UI r.UJliJIY I ISI III ISS-wfc VH, Usrnnss luiMril auads in wwi fi f t" JU n nArSMsM my ' ' KiyUt frwa. OdUlidKSi iftW v) ' gooiW Pcnjcniber the Boy& f JK-y n Hf W mNi smui dav a iu! tlirr.thy:rlUv (tie in bur ypa. :miil!vj leakiw w'-nrtisnt or - touku a a wir aU of irfolhMl wo liav VrjTjJO0.1 lW "lyai -i , , ,, t-r JvVe intend to start you to thinkipg about VtfuP holiday dulkiA And also to keep you thinking ol us( I