fSJM-t HJllilti.',i7"i'tiTlTUr"Vvt-u aI-f SUNSTROKE In Battle. -rniumwj JiJ.,. ' i .. . j " T " - " ' " FOR THE WWW TRANSVAAL, Two Able Defenses of the Boer Civilization. A b'elf-Suslalmng Christian Wluto Fully Capable. of Self. Go , ernment. Race trmrtMMMnii I havo found tho Rocrs ns thorn here. TIicto might tfons, but very few. Some mcKingin one thing theio fa no sucli a tbii n ininl.amnii.i !)...- " piiwu jjwr, iney tnljli w-w-geiiiuioeyesof the Cughsh ;.!, uut bo uiu tno Americans in I describe j lie ixcep-l miifht bo1 or (Mother, but' ngin Transvaal is iiiey miilit oolc ol the the M ni,,IO'U mnkl"S fSu,1' Africa mo white man's grave. , '' isiion, it is my oiiinloii Tho following urticlo on "The Fiitnro Urf !... i ,c?Jier & S Bout.. African" fa an oxtn,, ffler'of'.NllTS? teVVS "A Transvaal View of the South Afri. Africa. eves nf il... rn:..i " .. . '" ti.. i "1'iiiua mm uie t. uoans f. .r?.r i 8 VIcl,t' of "win for colonies Lit. -"K"i"i to mako Homes for her Mir. BESTFORTHE BOWELS i&sipbsbbss ' - - """" ' - i.. - - A SATISFIED CUSTOMER BUSINESS UAMS. c tear 5l --? 'SSSMa . i.. SPENDER, vviE..t,t?T,!le-.W1V 'ormerly of Co. 0. 37th J?rJlM",fMa d'VrM - e "'" lory "5? tlio good ot other veteran, Uo sayst 1VH ?etf f,1. 7 "olffek and carried oif the field for dead. Later rheumatism of my heart developed at a result and physicians failed to benefit n xi ! ,""P"nt - begin using Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and Dr. Miles' Nervine and now my health is better than for 30 years before." OR, MfflES' Heart Cure Is i o!J by all UruBiIt- on Kuarantea flrat bottle bcucllts or money back. Hook on licurt hiiU nerves sent freol Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Co's l'ASSKNGKlt BTKAa.KIl pOMONA A Ami -jr- altonA LKAVK8 FOIlll'OltTIiAND QUH'K TlMU 'AND I'llKAl' 11ATK8. Dock betweatCitit- mil Cotm'btj. M. V. IIAtDVYIN, Age it. can lluestioti," by Dr. F. V. Knelen- burg, editor of the Pretoria Volkwtem, published in tilf North Amnrintn f,.- ucioecr: ''Hut with the industrious European colonist, schooled and disciplined by hi- or, can South Africa not produce what Is necessary for his support? Tlio white insulation of this n.trt of tlm u-n-i.i amounts, in round numbers, to 2,000,000 ii-iy Kem'ruus esiIIliaU! lllliabitlllg a vast extent of country, larger than trance, Uermany and Italy together. illis HOIHllntion in iliMinnilmit ., tl,.. outside world, not, nujroly for the pro- .u.io ui iui.iiMn.ii luiuiMry, uut also tor those of agriculture. Wo import pota toes and frozen input from Anatrnlln wood from Canada and Norway, ejtgH imtl butter from Kuroio,meal ami mules from America. Tlio sugar and tea grown in Natal cannot compete with tlio irouucis oi .Mauritius ami Levlon, with out the utd of protection. In order that theeo 3.000.000 of whit t.mv ! !. iiureiiiiiy nccesMuio to tno outskle world, and that this hugo Import trade may Ihj tiraeticalile, more than XCO.OOO.. 1)00 sterling, have been devoted to rail w ay construction, livery w eek sees nu merous steaniern arriving from all parts of the world, laden with every coneeiv nblo kind of goods, to Mipply the limit eil South African community with many necoesaries of life. Should this means ot supply ever be out oil, a largo portion ui our wiiunni opinion that in South lie the South MARKED Very, very low the prices on Lamps during Special Sale Lome select one even if you are not ready, and have us set it aside for you before sale is over. Good many Lamp's set aside of last week's sale. We want room for fancy holiday goods. Next week will be special sale on a different line. You are invited to our store. YOKOHAMA TEA I'lION'i: 2(101. ' 4personaland local For a MlUonal I, rani N wi iCo Fo irlh rase, r New York Life has this good imtured exposure of the fallacy of the lJrltii.li IKisitlon. I)nl Itooehtire. In n .-..., ...i o. ...... .1. Mid, "I do not know why we sluxilii attract so much ill feellng., His Lonlshlpappearsto boa singularly simple person which lie Is not. Hut If ilia ixmlsliln will ilmn In ni. iliiu iiiiio.i mo i urninif wnen we are not too busy, we will explain to him why It is that a big buy loses popularity wlieu he picks a iiuarrcl with n ery little lxiy for pur- uBuoiumniniiig u10 latter's. propertv, bo it jnckinfo or marbles, cold or tfl amonds. In f,,ct this war with the Hoors seems to bring the Hrltish Govern ment eomowiuirn in ltlu i.ltl. Il. ....... tiescribed by David Hanim. wlm , "about as popular as a skunk in a hen house." If our brethren in Great Uritaln think the Americans aro entirely on their Mile in their light with tho Hoers, they ileluile theniseUes. Woconfevs that w hen tho Hoers succeed In tiulllngono f t" of the Ton's teeth ns they did at Lik ysmlth. though it interests us mightily, we feel neither anguish nor ex tilatlon, but regard it iluip'y as a strong argument advanced by Hoers in sup iwrt of their claim that they ought to bo allowed to run their country in their own way. When the British win some coiiKidorablo advantage, aH they doubt wo ni ru?cuiiy, wesuau rcgani thai as an argument on their side. Surely wo aro entitled to watcli the debate lie foro reaching our conclusion, on- over we susiiect that a considerable con- ol tho iliscusslon may not be CANDY CATHARTIC tacoJuita TBADI MUD MdKttatO KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Will advertise us And our wares. The Atkins Cross Cut Saws H. ffiAOK Senttet, ri! ,0 Dr' 1 H'DCetne, old Whiu rtdhir;m " m"7 "tnc " WANTED py VMhiy oqytniMinu tat; tom r as ot, 9 cte k Kjuiiia An ovs 'r' amorate. taTKD--A reiJbla rf lot sjh lionsa vrork ArfdrcfHiVrij, MwiTT ---4.. w. vH-jMiivofc tfo-rrnn vbcv ALBERT A. JESSUP. SEGMENT. GFOUND. Never fails to please; We keep a full line of them. R. M. Wade i Co. Hardware. a imu tiling though it involves a largo Shut Down Canals, Amusv. N.ov. 2. Superintendent of l'ublio Works rnrtridgo has utiunuiiced that the canals of tho state would close on Friday, December 1, except Hit Hlaek Itlver eiiiml, which will elo toilay. This MmMiu has been a pronperous one. Ilon'tTuliarrOAiitaiiJ Kiuole loarUIV Anij, To quit tubarco eually abJ forcrer, be mag netlc. lull of life, nere ami Igor, talis NoTo flac, tlio wnniler-worlirr, llmt iiialics ue-ak men strong. All drugKlsts.eouorll. Curouuoran teed llooklet aii'l samplo free AOdress Sterling ItemeJj Co , Chicago or New York. John Johnson, pontenoed to serve 10 years for criminal iiswnult on n 12-year-old girl, and James Floyd, for stealing sheep, to serve six mouths, havo been committed to the penitintiary. Kodol SDBDsia Cure. Dy Dinests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlgesUtliofoodandaldj Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. ltlsthelatestJiscooreddige8t ant and tonic. No other preparation cau approach It In saiclcncr. It In stantly rellev&j and irinanently cures Dyspepsia, Indlgeatlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 3lckHeadaclie,Gastralgla,Cranins,and ill other resultaoflmperfectdlgestlon. rpartd by E. C DaWItt A Co.. Cblcoqo. bTONES DUL'G STOHK. ) and other nomtlat on wouM simply starve, or at any rate bo de prived of the comforts ot life. "Only the-Hoers, who eke out a frugal oxistiincoon their secluded farms, and have not yet becomo dciiendcnt on frozen meat, Kurocaii butter, American meal and Australian potatoes only the Hoers, who, with rare endurance, the lieritagoof their hardy race, boldly faco years of drought, rindercst, locusts and lever, could survive such a collapse of the economic machinery of a country so severely iieau witu i.y nature. I no re maining Europeans would gradually disappear, lust as tho Phoenicians ami the Arabs uiNippnared in tlio days long passed. Am long as the gold mines and liamond minus can bo worked and made to pay, so long will the abnormal econ omy of bouth Africa prosorvo itH bal- nice; but as soon as South Africa lias swallowed up its capital to the very last bit of gold, the Uillauder will liavfi to Neck for fresh fields for the exercise of Ills nervous energy, and the Afrikander will bo abandoned to Ills struggle witli the inimical elements, as has ever been his lot in tho ir.iit. Hy the sweat of his brow ho will have to lead his carefully storcd-up water to the Ileitis continu ously threatened by locusts, he will hive to shield his Hocks from plaguo and theft, he will have to prci-orvo continual rtatcli against the inroads of the ever increasing blacks. The Hoer that Is the agriculturist Is destined to be the Alpha ami Omega of South Africa's white culture; he alone, In this quarter of tlio globe, can citvo civilization from tho ultimate gulf of bankruptcy. I It, P. Van llagit'iilof San Francisco, ox-clerk to tho ocrotury of the Volks- mail, S. A. It. ex-seoond clerk Head Do partment of Mines, Pretoria, contribute following to the San Francisco Kxaiuiner of Nov. 20, in reply to the article re printed from the Iowa State Register: Tho Hoers are not seini-savages They are Christians. I have lived amongst the Hoers and have bten In every part of Transvaal and have never won or heard of a savage or semi-savage Hoar. Tliey rosjiect their parents. A young Hoer never sits dow u in tho house be fore tho old folks are routed. They always say their prayers Iniforo every meal and prav and read a chapter from the Hlblo before retiring. You very ssldom hear mi oath from n Hoer and never In his house. I havu always seen thorn wash More retiring and after rising. They look dusty or unclean when tliey aro on uie rou.i win t ir, f, I(,,)V rmflHll-. transports, or when they are attending ' to the r cattle, but I have never jeen a Hoer unclean In liU house. A Hoer likes company, likes to go vtmiing uuu en joys nothing more than a dunce, and most ol Ilium aro goon mincere um saxago ilancing, uui jusi iiko muy uaiiee Iiere. A Hoer is noi lazy, inn utes iiko tluiiancu lor iiiobo coiHvrneil, even -ire exuoiiitlliirii of energy nnd many details of pain and loss that we deplore. There aro results that Otiullt not to Ih nchinvnl Imi eanv, even though they aro good. This combat In the Transvaal is proceeding according to tho rules for such disputes riiero has been no gouging or brutality, and such constancy ami courairo lias iioen shown on both sides as to make us proud to remember that between both disputants and ourselves there exists a tie of blood. Indeed, tlioy may be well proud of one anothoer, and ft may be they are. It is truo that the P.ngllsh newspaiiers" attributo the Hoer coop at Ladysnilth to the treach ery of the Hritlsh mules and believe that these obstinate creatures have a natural sympathy with Dutchmen, hut wo must not pay too much rcsitoct to that, for stampeding tho other fellow's mules is part of the game of war. . An exceptionally instructive editorial has just appeared in the Chicago Trib une; Says tho Tribune. Some Englishmen aro surprised by the fact that American sympathies are with tho Hoers and against the Hrit lsh. It would bo a cause for surprise If Americans felt otherwise in the matter The sympathies of the people of tlio United Slates always go .out toward a weaker eoiilo struggling for Indccnd euce. In tlio eyes of Americans there Is a good deal of resemblance between the iirn.Hoiit nlluht of the Hoers and the status of the American colonists in 176, ex cent that the Hoers have more IndoDcud- euce at the start than the Americans had. Our colonists look up arms for the protection of their freedom mid were successful. The Hoors aro taking uii arms for exactly the Mine canco. How can Americans help siding with them ami show lug a "lack of sympathy1' toward the HritbJi movements to coerce them? Cattetvllle Riot Cases. Vircm, III., Nov. 2I.-The prisoners charged with murder during the Car torvllle initio strike are to bo brnm-lil here from Marlon toilay by tho military which has guarded the jail slnco tho outbreak. Their cases will be called fill lvt.ll H...I ... ...t . 1 .... .....i, mm im-ry precaution lin IH'CII taken to prevent Interference by friends of the nun. hTATu ok Onto, City of Tolkuo, Lucas County, i " l' HANK .1. CllKNKY UlUkCH Olltll tilllt Mo iss-eulur imrtner of tho linn or i). J. LtiKNKYiV Co., dotiig business In the City or Toledo, Couuty and Btato uforeMild, and that sitl.1 tlrui will pay tho Hum of ONK IIUNDHEI) DOL I. A Its for each and overy case of Cataiiiiii thai cannot bo cured by the u-enf IIai.l'h Cataiiiiii cuiik, Sworn to beroio me and subscribed In my presence, this Olh day or Dc cenibci, A, l. 1880. f - , A, W. GI.KAHON. 1i:ai.. Nutary Public, "itll'sCatitrrli Curols taken Inter, nally. and uclsdlrectlv on tlm iilmul and mucous surfaces or the system. Send for testimonial-., free. , F.J. Ciir.NKY.fc Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hill's Family I'tlls are the best. ' J D. HrldgcK, Editor "Democrat," Lancaster, IS. 11 , says "One Minute Cough Cure Is tho ocst rmncdy for croup I ever ucd. "(tiimcdlately re lluves and cures. It prevents con ttimptl.m. Stuncs Drugstore. A Texas Hanging, Austiv, Tex., Nov. 21. Samuel Wat tfotiB, one of the inurderera of U. W. Etigbergaml his wife, was hanged in the Jail yard hereon October 27. James Davidson, convicted of the same crlnir will lie hanged totlay. They Will Get it in the Neck, on Thanksgiving day from saw; edges on their collars, unless the men of Salem roioviiigli to take their linen to a llrat-alai-s laundry. If you want beauty nf color and in exquisite finish on your hirts, collars and cuiTs.Jand have them sent homo In erfecl condition, bring them to tho Salem Steam laundry, ns we guarantee satisfaction to ourpalrons, Salem Steam Laundry. , COLONEL J. OLMSTKD. l'ltOl'lt. Phono 411. 230 Liberty Street Phono 1071, H00M3 1 and a, niuv uut. osteopathT DU.GHACE ALBIUailT araduato of tho Amoriean School of Osteojia by at Kirksviiio. Mo? has ogont ofllce at Hush A Hreyman block! Commnr..in1 .!.... u.i... nil "'war, Ojllco days Monday, We.lnnly Mid 1,000 TO LOANAt kw tonus, on good security, tlresa U., Jcurnal ofllce. HlHiU iznzzrzih Call or atV II K lwO ays Ills Iriday. Dlsonses of women rcn asiieeialty. and child 10-17-Im Salem Water Co., omrE,.ctrv hallc rot water Miytcc jpi.u at cllice.t I Bd's i -yble monthly It W. MsVc omplalnts at trf r.0. HBATINGI STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATER, Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially and at honest prices.' Fruit and Mop Dryer work a specialty. T. S. BUBR0UGH9, 102 Stato St Phono I6II C. H. JLAK-El Merchant TailOp a .. J? 8TATK STItKCT. Oraults 13 mid tipwMda, IHutalBSatnl upward WANTLD-Mcntole Wber trtO-, ffip nioiithly positively. gurrttfee... after eight weeks' prsctieo, K'w ploy our twn graduates tad wrurttaH we can gel. Special dynts! to, Jiions from a tlistanee. No exieiM to learn If you will work for us. Writ for partfciifArs. Moicrilarbcr Collet. SanJranoKo, Col. U2Jfttt t'01lTRAlTFnA.MF.3-In lrge wkty , Artist cativa Tlio largest ad btwt ' stock of moulding. Pictures fraswil ' M wanted, at 03 i'ourt 8trcot. A. P. Smith. n.js.at 1IUMHUELMS--AII Uioso having urn ?' ll1lKl'!"iKer's place, OJ SUt street, w ill pieawcall before the 30th Inst., ns ho will poj.ttycly null btt ness on that date, 11 at at WANTEl). About oU butts of wniie oak. rocoml growth, from R t yowKj IN Inches 111 illnnihln-an.l t.n. n . i.a feet long-will give in cxchajiae w ems, buggies, Iwcks, carts, repiinM hor-p shooliig for prices and fortker particulars call at Balem Wftxi Km tory.-Jil Commercial street, Werner Sp""'- U-xt-t. CAPITAL CITV Express and Transfer M rets all mall ..! ....... ...i.. u.. An Important Uilfeience. To iiuiku It apparent Ui thotit-ands who think llieiusches III, that they ure not a 111 Ic ted with any dlscuhe, but the system (ilmply needs clsauslng, Is lc bring couiforl home to their hearts, as a costive condition Is easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, gentleman, and the dirty work is dune by Kamrs, wnogei wages aim ure uui slaves. They aro not semi-savages in their hunting, and I bate always seen thetn kill their game in as humane a wav as nossible. Tliey hate war, otm hate to talk about war, ou never hear them brag about their victories ovr the Kallirs or over tho Kngltli. The Hoer women are noi semi-savage. Tliey are modest, iuiot anil love tiiuir husbands. Tho voung gins nice io urw iiuitiiBHlviw fust llkeotlier young wmneii, and have gowl taste as a rule. Tliey are i ot so free, urn nave me "" im-mm ways as the California girls. ( u..mnn in Transvaal is never al lowed to do any rough work, for which they have Hottentot or Kalflr sen-ants, which are not allowed to enter the Immiw unless fur cleaning or H-rubbing. The Hoers in Transvaal and l're Hate are the same families; in faet, they are all n latum and they vUii one another all the time . In t'aii Culmiv I have rUtlvv my self, but I am not wwy . vu.ni'i"d tlre. The Hoefi Uwiw ni glil l P'1 tlordly I.twIWi, bt they s-em U to the Duteli language all tlw tune tiek rice, ume you we So'-ne Clothing Left yet that we are effering: at very low pric irood thinns in men's pants. If we can lit will almost let you name the price Men's Fine Shoes We carried Nelson & Son's line, than winch there are none better made A fiood line of -fees. left, and we can save you 31.00 to l.30 on every pair you buy. Our Capes and Jackets We are still pushing .them out and our cost puce make them very attractive. We are Positively fiointr out of business in Salem. We are not runnim; ??at?hpenny game, but are dohv exjetly as we atT- Willis Bios. & Company fe l-USr DOOR SOUTH OF I'Ob I OPflv-iv Opening the Odeon. St. Loi'is, Mo., Nov. 21. The new St. I.oii la theater to be known us thuOdeon, will be opened tonight witli a monster concert in which Mudamo Nevada will be thosnlolat. i) jMsTTTtTri, rt ,-l.v,- dsS Em &yjljtZ&J'Z-A)' Sfi.au hi anoyances ,1. , fret t:.d 5rry ' one. wTurtnik' over r.lft ; no mi'tora.'i lit!w IIIUM... , IIW ( crcan Kr l.;e N coffer ; ro ril.'.( (i fort'ettty. J SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' rtboDl-rtirfpBr(lonatliBtwlUrilArtlkhslr m orifinai n itny conaition. AtnildrnjtffUU BRONCHITIS Ilronchitle la very provalcnt It gen orally begins with n common cold, at tended with cough, hoarseness, sore ness of tho lungs, tightness of tho chest nnd dltllculty In breathing. If not at tended to,lt bocomos dangerous thou sands dlo from bronchitis annually. Dr. JohnW. Hull's Cough Syrup Is tho best remody for this dlsoaao; It relievos tho cough at once, effect an easy ox pcctoratlon, and cures la a few days. Dr.Bnlls Cough Syrup Will promptly eure Bronchitis. Dotra orcainall anil pt taunt to laac Doctor ccniuiiituil it JTlct i ctnu. At all dniKfl'l. L. M. KIRK I Mils all mall and natvenear tnlnw ps- aaa eiintn io x pails ot tin iviiil'l ICITICC Bic i.itt Jii'pt slc. Telephone No. Jo. DlSyUI!. it skipTxTnT R. D. GIBSON, H4. DO, .. OH Phono 071 Btntwtit GMin'Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, BuildingSMnterial. Lime, Cmcnt, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay nndJJtraw 8torcd Wagon'Scalcs. iitlciitlon given 'hi the delivery of goods to IH.-V- - I'rompl and rarefu of the citv. any nrt V-B-tf SOUL15 KOS. . AN) MltEllS rOllTUNPOllli MANO TUNERS Kr Halnaai. tlrlnll- Iimib onlvn al Villi i ui. Km i tlrti Notico of Election, CONDENSED MILK Is always available. H-isxkI first for forty years. . f 1 f M twk M - EaWM." aar5 cflooaco mi k ca., .v. b&rts&ys&wzv&'.j&& rtei Nntlco is hereby given, that. In conformity with the charter of tho City of Haleiu, Oregon, an elec tion will bo huld In lliUcliy on Mori day, December I, IRfU, for Uie election of one alderman for each of tho four wards of said olty, on which day the ihiIIs will bo open from 10 o'clock a. in until urlu-k p. in Oiiealleriiiiin i- the fli-t ward, to ucceed Thtiiuiis llumiw; Un polling nla:e in bo at No .'!' I',iigln house, Nnrlli Liberty street Oiieuldoruiun In the ijccjri I ward, t.i succeed A II. Ihiren; tho rilling plate to bo HaMy's.llnry si;il.o on (Viurt street. Qnealdefiunn In the Third ward, to sucreeil ah McUrew. the polling place inueiit f ruciamrs Hiore. -.riunry building, HUte hlrcut. One alderman It. tho I'mirili ward, In succeed I" A. U-gg. Hie pulling place to beat the Ited I'nuit .table, comer Onmuierclal and Trade ktreet. Done by order of the Onmmou Conn tit haiciu, uregou, Dye Works. Steam No. IDS Commercial street, opposite Wllhimellu hotel. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed repaired and pressed. Kino blankets cleaned or dcd ind nlrely Mu lshed. Kid gloves cleaned. 10c: Daily Stago Lino to M'COY AND PERRYDALE. For l'aracugers and llaggngo i also parcels aim orders pro tended to, Halem ofllce 0 ti Postofllco Stables, J. II. Wuolltty, Prop. promptly at HKiOnil NEW MARKET FOltBALKOH RKNT.-Htock conlalning 'M0 acres : slttutW X a ii in,l) P0ee, -Sewsf depot, Willsell at a bar!, km4 m easyjtcrmsj or Ichss to rsspowslMs patty for a few years fur kvelm in present condition, SplendW eSs-. tuiilty tor man engftswd In stock nt s ln or dalryiiiB. For pArtkHW addriMi A. If, ttothby. Mill OtW "fegQ". ll-18-r"i Sf.te street, Near isilroa.W Freshen atul best meaU. My patent ay I keen ihe hrs neats In town a j ( Capital Junk Shop. ) Dealer In Cast Iron, Wrought Iron ft A Bloyo platoi, copper, brans, sine, s y lead,roM., rtiblwr, bags, hides, h V (4 per and Ikiiii's. ( .J. D. IIDHKNHTCIN, l'mprielor. 5J liXI Court Ht salim, Or. V ft 0 1 tf fi tjCIASvSsj5AjvxlSICAJEA3rCiB PLATINO PHOTOS. Knlitrgcuicnts In Crayon and Water Color, l'luito lliiltons. Amateur developing and llmshlng neatly dune. V. W. DIKKMAN. HuofMMir tu K. J. Ilrowu. flltOUM) FUKlll 2i:i Commercial Ht , Halem Oregon. fen HAH ODD RRSTlllIRn '"riV-",M vciiow -, ....... nuriv a-iiiH. ThU vniuilrtliil UMawi. auli as Weak reuititv iruatanlnl iornr ail iim. itruiciiv, Ur4tUi.l,(,WaUlulluru.L Manhuui.Mlitilly limit jiom. N'rvoin.-. i,, ur puwrr in Utnerailre UitfJni, .hum.I by voulhlul error ,.;t.iv- ue of .ilmulanta wlildi tta.l lu Jnliriiilty ur Imauiit Can liurilln ml iwrkcl liupr bu cfutf l.v null r-lti tlrculirltr AililruKiUU rake WW Uift. '.l.hi.l. ! -. .t I... !.. It-.... aa.ti.i . . . . auc-navi in!irCoiUtfibuU9rKcou tuihp Atin YAMiiru Hn., I'ohtlahd, Omtoow FOU SAM:. HV). ,f. VHV, SALI5M, OH ISO 0777" 1 tttv r .ill. Dated "-JikI day of t 1122 Id this November. IBM) N.J JCDAII. t'lty Iteconler. Llvor Uutiipialnts eured )' IlrKtii am'8 I'iu. Qm. Nuiand, ItireklaHd, O, forty year SHITS, V- i v wift luil nllsM fi WHL'n Witch Haul." owrwl her. It riitsiisuwrytiiinkf. amnt wruL- .-ie Clean Streets. All rwsbleetU of Stilewi n kefoby mill flsdwt to permit aHy M fr, vr 4it, Urk'glns, W btU-. erbekery. sjaDs or tHUw mjImUh to it thrown tnH tlw wM strwrfa r MJ- ? Um f f Olty OrtHMSttw So. XM ho hams a fine rf lr t -ersush sod the wUI I Mrwiiy awI. J. I'. FSIKWJ., J .'I If Salt Lake City An Import ant Factor inTransson tinental Travel. No one erossing the miititient ran nf ford lo cut Ball I .ake City from his route. The attraetfofts of the plme, uirludiu i lie Mormon TMile, Tabmarle sil t'burch inatitutfms, the Ureal Hall l.ako deader ami deiisfr tlisn the Dead Imki In the Holy I-aml the picturewiue Mtvlronuient ami the Warm riulpbur ami Hot Hprmjjf, are greater to the lusro yard tln any loealily on the "A minimi! uuiitinent. 'tlie Itlo tlKAJtua WastKHS lln way, nnrieetliigon the Hast with Ihe Denver A KloUraiMleaitil Colonulo Midland Hall wsyasiHion tlwWs.t with the SoulherH I'iverffUi (Central I ton to) and Oregon Sliart Line, is the only trsiiacontliientul line lajUMinirdircvtly through Halt IjkVe THE WEEKLY AND -'iit"au. lL ' " nmmmmirvvmJb 11 . T-0ni.JriDl'iJiawit)mlllnfmtUn 1' AiTkulmriaiil, u Mm, tw.1, aaa -mi .!. nl 1 i.trvriUkiLj. FAXM FEATURES! !. iiri.f. h-. I rw"i rtsiisMi iic.it.,, iurr, Mwii I uantolna, amt ullirr Wl'lct vntlaa Ly yr-llrl oJ I ,i.ril tmtmtt; Ht4irlMl If able artitU.uuk II I lt.tali.aklato.llln rural mvii.im. llialaiMIMarl.au I ajbltWwarc)alAnrallHraaiauDullMfaturM. FAMILY FEATIIIESi 'iJl I, aM4 t'-xk, "i...l, laanar lk Pa, tea., taaka fl lUafrluBrioliawli'''tbaiMUIlBHillytara. Srlit?. .laanaa. r W-r---pTtK3j Pgdfss ' '" Mlgy 1 FIlEEYEiUIIMKmllalUtAC. j I aa ihIuw, aa i.ra-vulr.1. iHMiintl.l, wns Urf Ann. I iCASAoaicvi.-T;BUfrYsialiMaaaaAlifaiMfurlNO. Ilia f Kraal wa,k la a If eUa4u.ur ttcer.xaadlffaalala Iba . Wlu.la Worlds A alarbal t-Miaai ComiUla Alaaaf A JOURNAL Trasaary at SUIIallfai A Htfftrur ifatk aa Ktarr DablMlofTlBal loUl laialala to AirUallurr, la. Swrtry, raaaMrr, BiibUAaralra, llMMkM SfAarax lUa, Hallalaa, and rmriw. II la alM an AUAAO arralaaSara, Iba MTMlSwr, AtrvaaiUal aU, WlaU lot Batai aiav vaiaa, ,K, Mtrtvt Cowmmoiooer nls.1 line passing illrwliy Uirousn tall JJtke lily. Tlie route thnUKh Salt Uko City via the HioOsasok Wmtkkx Kailwat U famous all Ihe tear round. On ae crtint of the equable eliiMate of Utah snd Colorado it is Juat as popular In inter as In summer. Btmd ze to J, D. Manafleid, 'Ji Washington l..l'orilwl ; or (ton. V. Heliiti. AsiliiK Oeueral l'as senxer Agent, Bait Uku Oily, for a eony of ?'Bslt Ijoiri City tlie City tA the EiasasasasasHfiHsiHelHHHiBall sssHZl?lllJssslH ' Ph otoeraohs You can get Just what you want at Till. KI.ITK STUDIO Nothing but first class w ork turned out Thoilnneat Knlsrged Work on the roast. LOANS ATOUlHtKNT HATH INBUHANOK, HIIAI. KBTATK HKOUIHTV liONDB. TJOzoitTit inios. UttU OoKtinarnlat HI Salim Ora 0-J-tf. d.V VT 0 VKHNM KNT POBIT10NB - IWt prejiaro for any civil service or eotwe examination without seeing our cafe loguo of inforuiatlon. Bent f-rre. toluinblan ..Correspondence Colleam, Wahliigton,-,l).iO. njT' UIjtL WANTKIWro leant theprlntiM trade. Apply at Journal onice. tf 0IO:ctcllTliOAlN,--Hrand new tfret class ladles' wheel at a baraala fef cash. Inquire of M., at JoeaAt. oMlee. 11 7 tf WANTFiD-Women to bind dress vbieMa at homo. SUndy work; distance illsAilvantage ask your dealer to show you hora Ulilelds and Kora Klup hot supporters. Kora shields snap o waist without sewing. Bend ll)o. for catalogue of work. Kora Shield Co., 6'il Hroome street, New York. Hotel and thrse hoiifieand iinlsi Kuthorford, Mavrioti. 1I4-1hwH. I'OH SA'.Kur rent, ouarters block, line eiieaii Ore. J. W. ASSAY OFFICE ANDJLAUOHATOIY. No. 71 Chemekcta st, J, II. T. 'H'THILL Aiiayer .t" -S-'i'v-. Open Sanitary Plumbing folllulnliill M-leillllli )irin iples. haaiuii ferreil on humanity one nf Its gnsitest hl'aliiifi ltsllmssfeguarii( betilih by bsnlahuig sewer gss from your dwell ing reeultlng from bad sewerage iuitr (Mtdrainsgo. Our work In this lino Is above roiuiwtltlon. We lit up yixir honie with pluiublng In any line, ssmJI as steam and gss tilling ami Im.I WHlr. (Jur prices give cmluaiit tlafsetl.H BARR&PETZEL M rOMMtl l.vl Telephui c N MKWtT. A LIFIC NAVHI). rwi SIMMF 1st Y 'T-''"-'--''-' " J V3J TVs y' u tualUJ 14 yl by a4Jaaale niHOSULSiAilSSlaiM '4SUsauNartaaaU4.,l-tilaa,U, Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly Journtl One Yoar. or Dally 4 months $1.00 Orange JuddFarmer Weekly - - 1,00 Year Book ano Almanac 50 Our Price for alL SL35, $2.50 Persons preferring a and year Uk, ti nrt ii'. ii ...... .i r..,... an. .a iiu Tiiii iiiai vi mv.i. wwmh.ii Wheeler and a uaxetleer of all towns in the slate, eah have It Ooiitajiiing now uuty ol iiieuei liter armer HOPEIt 1IIIO.S., HALKM, Oltt Or J f Cook, the UotunlcalBpso t allst, Huooeetle Where Other 1 Fall To whom it may eouswn - This is lo eetilfy thai I'xriha I'. Cwi ner ol M A ugtl preet wi larl'Hi soon ty. irV'"i hsaiufferud hud, a csneer OUI growth in the left par tr abotit thiev yiai ll.egrualh was vulout tnkeaud hi rned out vurv by Allwny I'hyaielans. but th- gxiMlh raniu btuk as bad asevir sod iuiil h-r j lodly that ' she lui t ) taksn frum aoliool. Alter thae week's Irwiluitiil by Dr. J. r. Corik, ol i-aliui, Dregen, the Hotanleal Bcciallsl, the growth enitrvly iIImim lmred. and at tltLa date, our months since lOMtnivUt was begun, tltf growth has not reappiunxl, and the ear has en tirely healed leaving ouly the scai in lilrirtl by the Albany doetors, I hereby certify that the above stats luent Uabsohitiy I rue, and that Her tha i'ConntT, the iornori mentioned hi the afndavlt. has resided in uiyfam. Hy w early thlldJiW).!, bearing the re lationship torn of uloce. II. 0. Loxo. BulMrlbel and swum to before, roe this eighth day! June. m. W. W Hall, etnuily rlerk of Marlon ewtt(ly Orrgon, WANTCD-ttt Willamette hotel, a itni class waitress. Wages Jta.9M tea. and room, 11-t-tt I'Oll HENT. Desirable roomsi fwf nlshcd or unfurnished for geuthwM. Terms reasynable. Call on F. k. let, 1U0 Commercial street. lfrll-g FAHM FOll BAI.K.-lOOacres, ht Yasa -hill county, 76 in ctiltlvatloti, jteee new buildings which cost about t-im. , Price $S:W, half down, balance at Mir cent, Addss T. T. Yookf, Whlteson, Oregon. 10 7 $m llt'YOajFTpATiT-ir your MevstVa needs rciulra brim It In. wa iaa the skill and stock to keep It l ssr-si cIum condlllou. We carry a fswV: line ni sumirica ami mako a siwisi ity or cnaiuellug-como ami see ih. wu satisfy our patrons. Uarauer Wluto, aJ Llbeity sticet. Hulmsvni block, next door tt. steam laundry. Phono sm. l-t I'JUSK CLKANhui- IteuwwWr that tho best and chciptit car-si paper la tho heavy felt paper toW atTiiK.lointNAi.crtice. n-U AOIi.NT'B "OUTFIT i'KBK.-.Krelsjtit paid, credit given for selling tha U-h set of Instructive, entertalnus ; I'liltlHTM.VB 1I0OK8, gra,ld fee ehlldren of all ages, at the lowest prices ever kiipwn. 60 rent itotk, itinUhiliig beautiful Illustrated poiti J of Mini's 1'raysr, only 15 ceafs;ft UxtU 35 rents; I.G0 hook 60 cents pit) book 7A cents, Libera! com miaalim lo agents, FKHOUBIOX 1'UISriNOCO. Itonmt(l, FergtwoM Huildlng, Cincinnati, Ohio. IMS last CKltrAIN builK-For (Mseuia in f worst form. Addrvss with stamp. ' Hox 05, Talhuan, Oregon. 10 31 liu A mslTlVF. CUllK-For all female trouble, free for stamp, Address , llos i9,rallHin, Orojwn, 1031 las " Peitunal liidies Frm HjimcA UIPM'I, ."Mllllifk IUII. It. 21 Mllwauluw, Wis. U-3I.J-HI if.intl.1 Ha.. ulalor, ntuiiot fall. Mrs,' II. Ilowawi Oet a Bonis; , Hm'lilerlokvlat of the J Ailof Health, aavnthatt iJ.!-; ..il.f.. .r?. . . i . i iwr uiaimrt-iaiii. lor iv. p'leW fevsTrvAlTidheria, smalhior; or any saalufll'Uae.ai.la llls.at.-S t tliiAsk 'lilna-.-t V...? -'rssav-cri-r msevw-v, sss JIIu i'Wl ibeteiim. HonsaT Hai-v. II IlielilAw Hta'e Agrnt, Fslem.Qr IT Stone's Drue Storet S. C, STONB, R a -roptlelorr HAMMf, ORROOM J iwtntsq to number) aro laaa4 a xu m stv4 to. Coaiaeielil atiaai, ss4 aaat aril a(4ki with a tilat U 4nw iWI-Ium, tll aitWu, (Mfjusaaaf, laa aata mtj " DR. UTOMK Ilea bail aomaMyaaft siysrlem MM Mr i( niaieliMai sow siss M eSssssM .... . .... ... ' v wuHiuiivO.ioiiotuus MsswaseajsraB. i 5 i. nuHiviiMLTAWi ran, M4kr$pcf)lll-M c lK Tils Q!sBsstsVas(sssst Tlie snn never shone est ritla than he grows, CateloejsttJ tn reuruary. rsfta poassu Mr .-1 tl l.lb .., U 11 A . -lliaju'l V l ! f.sfi iiSmae i, ft V,1 (I 'M ?v