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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1899)
SSfrWgpnt a ft - W- vtt irt' pytwy jjw' ' .LWW '' V1 '",,W"T'' ' Bit I Irj If I&. If I -A. mmmUmm dUWHiiiS2iwiiMMBMaMniMtoi tfnl.i w&S&l&M UmummHM4m i niiiTnirr' tiarfiwd mi -n-YiTiii'iiir 'n 'm inManriittTni i HMi r-1. rv,- HWUlllSlHIMaii BROKEN LOT SALE OF AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS PRICES qpHIS WBBK! NOT ALL SIZES IN BUT ALL SIZES IN ALL KINDS, SOME KIND. A blrtfls cnpo coat, extra good length n good scrvicable coat, and CO 15 ' rcau!arf3 vnlno uxv Ail all-wool Tricot, doubles breasted, box coats with volvct rollar, or CI OCT capocont, regular B,60 valued wJtJJ Al fdw Irg left In tan, brown and cheeked, double breasted lox contis vef yet ' collar and extra length coaw, are uargainsnt jmwbimi o, our rrg- Lk s ular prices for them J now going at ""' v G. IK. Johnson & 60. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. Feeble Kidneys In health the kidneys strain all Im purities from tlic blood. Diseased, they allow the poiontt to accumulate. Weak kldne?H conic from weak stom ache. Rulld up tho stomach with Ilrwtetter's Stoniucli Hitters, and the kidneys will bo us wood as new. The Hilton also cUres constipation, ucstlnn, dyspopsln, biliousness, tie v ousness and gcdcrul debility. Sec that n PiuvATK Rbvknuk Stamp covers the neck of the bottle Has Hostcttcr's No Stomach Equal Bitters TOE DAILK JOURNAL BY HOHBR BHOTMBRS FltlDAY, NOV. 21, 1809. Daily, One Tear 93.00, In Advanoe , Dully, Tout MouUi $1.00. L a dvanoo "Weeklr, One Year $1.00, In Advance OE TINQ 80METHINO FOR NOTHING. A ptomlr.ont editor was rocontly asked what bu considered tho evil of thu ago, whon bo replied, "Tho mania to -J- gut Homctblng for nothing." That re ply contains more truth than tho aver ago reader Is willing to credit it with. In fact, when sifted to tho lottom It Is tho motivo for too many of our acts. It 1h In moat cases tho first moving cause that prompts tho actions of all, from tho man who shirks at his work to thu mer chant who charges cxtortlouato prices for lib warow ; from tho man who lies to ,;( .Justlfy shortcomings to tho murderer ' - wl'" toy I''8 victim low in cold blood to got his filthy dollars. Tho school boy who would copy his problums from tho ' - ' jilnlu of mi associate as well as the lawyer who eloquently pleads to help his client dishonestly tukohis tiulghlsir's chattels, Is guilty of this short coming. A parent may promise his child a certain rowan! for u certain work, and fall to keep his word. An employer may ask "an over-worked eniiloyo to render a llttlo additional service und never allow him uxtra pay. A thief may outer your house In tho night and tuku all your " "valuables. The' wrong In euult caso Is of the sa'me iiuturo, and differs only in a mutter of degree. Many of these things are done unconsciously, somo with small compunctions of conscience ,whllo others are done knowingly and dollbor lolyk and tho sinner Is probably guilty -.only in proportion to his "Intent." lint there Is another variety of this mania "to gut something for nothing," uud consists iu so-called respectable )eo plo Inducing others to Indulge In quos tjouahlo traiisactluim for gain merely mIUi a view to taking u share of their luso profits to get u part of their 'Something tor nothing." Ono of the most striking Illustrations hi ont is an organisation t iwlut out to people with a III tin money bow to double it or make vast profits without giving value re ceived. A few adverturers band them solves togethor under noma high sound ing iianio and propose to unsuspect ing Investor! that If they will pay a "membership foo" of t5.00, and n weekly payment of (1.60 per wCok for fifty weeks (making a total of (80) tho manipulators of tho schotno will at tho and of that time pay back to tho I lives ors (120, or over 50 per cent, profit. These p -oposltioiiB are adroitly sent to pcoplo who aro earning small salaries to enablo them to pay for a time at least. Tho printed matter of such robhir on corns boldly talks nlwut "moral hazard" and uses other Juggling phrases, and oven explains that tho way tho profit If made by tho fact that only -'0 per cent, of those who enter this raco for wealth aro ablo to payto tho end, and that ns all who drop out mint Iujo what thoy have paid In, tho remaining members profit by the misfortunes of their fel fel eows: This is sot up as "scientific financier ing," whereas It is dellhoiulu robbery of tho unsuspecting, of tho Ignorant, weak uud unfortunate. It is a deliber ate system of a fow preying off their confidantes. Of course, salaries are paid olllclals with high-sounding titles, and while a few of thu more fortunate may in tho start gut what was promised them, In tho end tho whole structuro must go to pieces. Tho men who help wouty men rob eighty victims will ultimately Improve upon their "sclontl lie financiering" and prove that a few olllcorH can by only a slightly luerensrl stretch of tho conscience rob tho remain, lug twenty. These processes of "gutting something for nothing" aro undoubtedly tho great est evil of the age, and as the mania spreads It is building up a Boclal struc ture that must prove the ruin and down fall of our modern system. It is simply thu "sure thing" of the iileklo-ln-lhc-slot machine clothed with the garment of respectability, While ono Is acknow ledged to be a gambling machine, the other is legalised robber)' of thu tiusus iiectliig. To Curo LnQrlpuo In Two Days Take Iuitlte llruuio Qiilnliis TaliluU, All rofimil tiio money It II falls in euro r- . iiiin.iKii.uirn H on win loi Is self-government by tho p. .ple myth, an Utopian abstraction, or Is It p i accomplished verity? Is "vox Popull vox DeP'lo Ihi abandoned for tho divine right of kings to rule through a beef-fed cabinet of a top-heavy monarchy? That Ib the question at stake. Public men In this country, odueators, preachers, edit ors, will imvo to tako Bides on Hint issue beforo Booth Afiica Is subjugated. The success of tho Roor Republicans in tho battle fluid thus far would Indi cate that frea Institutions iu South Africa, as In North America breed freo men who will not sell their Indepcud once for flattery or under compulsion They are tho aggressors throughout tho Transvaal war and provo by their nets that they regard with contempt the proud military array of tho greatest civilized monarchy. That is the true estimate in tho heart and brain of ovory thinking man toward ovary monarchy in existence. Tho huinllatlou of (that Rrltnin is great at having tho integrity of thu im perial domain threatened by a puny Re p lbllo of cattlt punchers. Tho sacred soil of thu umpire is stained with the hloc.l of Its choicest troops shot down by Iho uifiiniuformed hiighcr sharp-shoot era, Tholrlirmored trains urocnptural, their limit's aro stampsdol, several thousand llrltlsh are prisoners, their garrisons are laisicg 1, tholr relieving parties are threatened. Tho degradation of England will not ceaco with successor falluro In tho Trans vaal war. Her humiliation will proo-ed from assailing a principle us deeply rooted hi humanity as tho belief iu morality, or the hope of Immortality tho belief hi self-government being thu only just government. Whoro ti race, ho it white, black or yellow, have grasp ed that idea (Irmly mid aro nminutcd by it, they will shed their blood like water In Its defence. That Is what the Trausvaalers of Houth Africa are doing. That principle is what thu American ltopuhlic stands for. Iu tho Island of Nugros tho other day thu Americans established civil govornmont. Over GOO votes were east to elect the olllcurs of tho little lie public. That will be done iu Culm, Porto Rice, Hawaii, tho Philippines, as rapidly us peace, order ami h ?unty to lifo and property nro estubllshed. That Is thu trend of thing hi all thu llrltlsh colonics and If Great Ilritain projKwod an extension of civil liberty hi South Africa she would command rostn'ot. Vaccinated, from New York Life: Vaccination is so generally accepted In J this part of tho world ns olio of tho crrpfitnnL Imnna ui mvn fn nimltnlAn Hint. I n great many persons nro wholly Igno rant of its idanircra and -winiinin tlmt. tvltrtt IWtln nntinaltlui tltn.-.v mn., t.i n tl ' comes exclusively from cranks. The City of Jfowberg, N. Y., on tho Hudson, sccniB to bo on tiio rood to fuller know'- ocgo. A newspaper Uispatcli from tlie. 1 OctoW 24 told of tho death of a ''did from lockjaw succeeding vacclm lion. Another on October27 told of four more children dangerously ill from jwie oning resulting from vaccinotion. All theso children wore vaccinated to com ply with tho requirements of tiio school trustees. Vaccination may boa good tiling, for thoso who want it, and aro willing to take their own risks, but It is hazardous enough to make tho compul sory vaccination of school children in ordinary times, witli fatal results, a fit matter for consideration by coroners' Juries. Electing An Executive. Ci.KVKr.tai, 0., Nov. 21. Tho Inter Htatu Ilaso Hall 1-cagiio will meet here today to elect a successor to Charles II. Power, of Pittsburg, its present oxecu five. Candidates in thu field are Presi dont Power of Pitsburg, William Meyer of Fort Wayne nnd Hurt Howard f Mauslleld. Harry Weldon, sporting editor of tho Cincinnati Kmpiircr, is alio montloncd ns a possibility. However, Power has at tho present time tho in side tract, uud if lie consents to continue iu tho racu tho probabilities uro that he will be re-elected. I 1 i A A .-. i W? !i til iSCT- Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup Is the Safest and mircHt cure fur llmto dangerous iilTectlomt of lliu little ones cioup, wtioonlng-couuh und measles' cough. Phy4chins prescribe It, children like It, and doses are small. Price 25i'. Oeorgo W. Weeks, of Klk creek, an employe of thu salmon hatchery located there, says tho hatchery is a grand sue cess and that there are now -100,030 young salmon almut u month old and In n month more they will l.o turned 0'it Into tho streams to rustle for them- salves, lloiv Are Your K!neya f Dr lloblit' Hfuraiiui l'llltcurrsll kldnor llli. Pirn Oloirea. AIU Htcrilm Itnoixirtu-.tlilc-aKUorH. V (loats are born rustlers, aro never sick. live on tin cans, oak arubs and moH any old thing; aro eaiily fattened, weigh more than sheep, and their wool is worth twice ns much. Tho n?op!o who aro going Into the goat business iu Western Oregon will nil ho plutocrats hi n few years, asserts tho Itoscburg Plain dealer. To Cure VmiMliiutlini Vornvrr. TakoCiiBi-uiets Cunilv Catlmrlla. lOo orSSo. It C. O. C inll to cure, lirupniM refund muncjr. According to the predictions of an old Indian on thu Umatilla mscrvutlou here, there will ho no winter weather this season, ami, In fact, during thu oo'iilug 10 years. I-nxt fprlug, he sa d, in talking of the Into spring) 'No Niimmer this summer, Nnwlntei for 10 winters." Wlififl a man falls" headlong" front a roof, wc think only of the hazardous cnaracicr ot nis cinpioynirni. It docs not occur to us that thousands of men at sea or ou land are hourly climbing to dizzy heights without a fear auu wuuoui n tan, ami mui the real danger is not In the employment but iu the weakening oi me nerves and giving way of the mus cles. That danger is just as great to the man on the sidewalk or in the office as to tlie mail on the roof. When the stomach and the organs of digestion and nutrition arc Uls ased the blood becomes impoverished, and nerves and muscles grow weak for lack of nutrition. More fatal diseases probably bigin with 'weak stomach" than with any other cause. The first symptom of disordered stomach cnlls foi prompt use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. It is a vegetable medi cine, absolutely non-alcoholic and noin narcotic, ami iiunequalcd for the strength it gives to blood, nerves and muscles. ' During Hie luinruer ml fall of iSA" wrtttf tiia n. Srgem. Ki. of Plain City. Madlaoii Co . Ohio " I lcame all 'run tlnwii ntrvr nnd itoin acli were out of order 1 wrote to fierce for mlvlce lie Mid r had gen Dr.l I fM R -L IkWl eral debility, mm nd vlned Dr Tiercc'a Golden Mcllral Dis covery. Olid, thanka to you for your nd vice, 1 ued nix lt Ilea; and since I stop ped tnUiiK It about one year a-o, f have not taken any medi cine of any Wind, and hvc bttn ablt to work nrrr ijr, My appe- t(f l trrM.1 I rati rat llnee unnare nicala a day, anl i do not feel that iiiI-tiiMc Imrnlnie In the ttomach atter callnu iliink I nm mow well." EDUCATIONAL Atu MfiSldAL. tmsmMrijs&wrjFMeJi&i INTBn-8TATB NSIf CD ETTA ANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Conseiva- toty, Kansas City, Vo , representing 9 the Inter-sta;c System, ai Salim. Ore. J Over Kirst Nallonnl Hanlr. Residence fa 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to Z to 5. XVNBVarJsVaWr I EVA P. CX)X, Teacher of Piano anil (rgan, CLASSES IN SIGHT ItE A DING. Studie: .HWFmntSl. 10-!7ml TerrnHjiensonablo AM. inTEBKSTID I OOOO MIMICAti 0BK MADC WILCOMB AT TUB HTUDIO. 0 0 B T H, HUBBARD Teacher of Piano and Accompanist. Salem, Oregon, f 3 Hludlo-D'Atfy nuliillnir, Itonm 10, lionra-9 to 12 a. m,. '2 to S p. in. BEATRICE SHElTON, Piano and Organ classes nnd Hlt'lit Iteadlng. Studio nt 478 Front st. MIm filicltnn linn studied with inn for two roar and ban boon rorr roimrlcullonn anil line- (Ofufulln horwork. HhoiaVxry talented an nn rxocutant and u a tonohor. Her pupils nro both looliiilcnlly andtbciirctlrally woll trained nnd it il With nlcaallrd and tiriclA that I recommend MIm Slicltoli iui n lonelier of piano music, 1011-Im KUIIjIj. WINKLKIt. Mua. Doutor Nellie Brown VJOLTNIST Is now prepared to recclvo a few more pupils. Sun No -117 Marlon st, I nils. ilKM jrABLIStD Stiff. H'.jTsturY'-PxHefiAi., (Jzauzeu' Jt rSf. Rdorntn Your llowela Willi 'iiraret, Candy Diilliuuk', euro i-onatlwllon foreter, tOc.VAo. If 0. 0.0 fall, Oruitslats refund money. 'tODAY'S MARKET PonTLAND, Nov. 2.1. Wheat vallov ' 61 5'J Walla Walla.5lc. to 51'. ' I Floui Vortland, (2.75 to 3.00. Super lino (2.1D pur bbl. Oat U'liito 3103130, grey 33 to 3h Hay Timothy t)3(n.t)0 er ton. Hops 7IOc; old crop 5 Q$ Oc. Wool Valley. 1213e: Kusturn Or-1 egon, 8Me Mohair, 27 30. Millstuff Ilrun, (17; shorts, (18, i Poultry Chickeii8,inixel,(.'l.00to 3.50 . liens 4 to 4.50, turkeys, live, 12)13o. EggsOregon, 27 to ,",0o per do.. Hides Green.saltedOO lbs. HGlllc.undo." IM) lbs, 73S4 ; sheep pelts, 15Q20c. unions l to iin ilutter llest tlulry. 2.'i3T): fancy ' creamery, 60c to 55c per roll, Btoro 37)jJ and 40u. ' I'otatoes 45 to GOo per cental. Hogs Heavy dressed 5c to He. ' .Mutton Dressed ,(!)ijc to 7c jier pound. Ileef Steers. (3.500(1.00; cows, $3.00 (3.60 drossetl, beef tt)i to 7'4 I Veal dressed, (lliQH'iSc. I SALIiM MAHKKT. Wheat 58 ounds and over 41c. Wool lic, Slohnir .'10c. Hops (I to 10c. Parley 35 to 38c. Oats 2(1 28c. Hay Haled, cheat (8.00., Timothy (8.0(10. ; Eggs 25c. I Flour In wholesale lots (3.00 retail i 3 40 Millstuffs bran (13.00 sboits (15.00 , Hogs lrcssed,6)e. i Live cattle Steers 3L'cnws 'ii to 3.1 Slieop-$2.50(3. i uresseil Veal iijfie.. Ilutter Dairy lftjjcr ' v r i s ttdn&bJ Lt? '& ?.. ..- ...". rtr0s rtjMiJj &yfattftrs ,c?w?it'?it&wlwdn4y''''n trtttcc sfftV rOK CATALOCUi? The best in the west: The Gniuersity College of Miisic now in session. Faculty of seven superior teachers. When you study muslo you should bnve the very best instruction obtainable, is a saving of time and money. Phone 21)10 for catalogue, or address, FRANCESCO SEI.EY, Dj.iii, Siloin, Oregon. It Salem Studio inter-state conservatory of music. Mrs. Effa finders Willman Over Flint National Hank. Classes in Piano F oe playing-, Harmony, Theory and Class Reading. i Studio lioiirs from 0 to 12 ami 2 to 5. 'I'WO IN ISMS NEW PIANOS IN STUDIO JFOlP: US K OF L'ULMLS. Corvallls k Eastern Railroad timeoaud, 2 For YnqUlna: xrain icuvcs Albany Train leaves Corvallls' Tfalu arrives Yaqulna 1 Returning: Leaves Ycqulnii. ... l.puvnq f Yirvnllla Arrives Albany ForDetrolt: Leaves Albanv Arrives Detroit 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit Airlvna Allnn.. " OLeaves Albariy.'.'.'.'.;." ,3i'. Arrives Corvuflls. ,,,l)'lu- Arrives Albany! !'."'." 5ii?at! Ono and two connect, n't aiJ.. a lu Corvallls with HoAhernW &W Kly Ing direct service t)ntld f oin N "'' port, arid udjucont benches Aew" No. 0 runs from Albany tit!ur,iii onIondays, Wednesdaysnd Fnd "No. G runs from CorvnlllH tn am 'lra risrur the mountains arrit... Detroit at noon, giving uniin'; to reach caninlim trmu, ',,,etw art '-p.ia. 11:55 a. hj, '2:25 n.hl Atl. i HrcltcnbURh and Simii,.,., ,.'" same day. '" "- II. I WAI.UBN, KtlWIM m..- Albany, Ori.'""" T K. A l1. A. J.T0HNKII Aneilt, WII.UMKTTK IllVKIl DIVISION- STEAMER ALBANY, f?atilnl,i v., ....I. I Captain Zumalt Leaves Salctii at 7 a. tn. for lurUab,i and way landings every Tup.d,. Thursday nnd Saturday. C da'- Tho uttamer has beoii oiilpptd win. , VUuo ,wom,no,,"0. hielitilng a,, J,,?; p."."nBrc,r.!,C,, fr Try'"g U"'"'l'il M Dookr-Koot of Stale atn-f t. KH, N I.IH-SArot IlEl'AIITl TIMt StHKDUI-K. ilT.7.. Kon Krom l'ortlaml. "" i tmi 'I he Smallpox Scare Hus notliiiii! In do with the cut rates cunt over thu Northern Pacific railroad. Comu iu uud let us give you full informa tion, rates, etc. . Wo have the best tNpilpK'd train and best service of any railroad to all Missouri river pints'. Dining car and upholstered tourist sleepers on each trair.. Comu iu und see us. Thomas, Watt A Co. e o d Poultry Chickens li t to He. jiPolatoes25 to 30c. vainer v ti 7c, Tu mmII. rkeys 10 SALEM HOP BUYERS, The Orient Insurance Co., OK HAR'IKOKD, CONN, Assets '. $2,215,000. Liabilities 1,11)0,000. Surplus to Policy Holders 1,311,010. Will insure you against loss by fire; for terms enquire of l iiUMAb bULI ON, Resident Agent. Journal Ofike. Salem, Ore. Knat Mall S p. in Boci kanc nrer i.SOpta S p in, Bu. m ox mm Hatur-tiny iu p, m Ixave fnlciu Bait Lake, Kcnvcr Kl. jiinana. natuaa City, Uaila.OhtcatfO ami Knit, Uti4.Ur.ta U alia Walls, Hpokane, Minim aiHills, Ht. rul,l)tiliith, Jill, waukco Chicago auU wut. OCKAN HTKMUIIIIu For Han Kraiu' BaiiCTCrjr lOodays. COI.U.MHIA ltlVl'.lt,1. . To Aatorln anil wuy liiu'llnu.,!, ;Sp no, rim 1.30 a. m. I p. u WIM,A8IHTrK I1IVI 11 11...H 1 .T . " ." iiuimiiu, uwuvru ami wiu MU1II( lp. m. riDua. ArBa- Urn ,'UHrii li. m. Tuvwlar, Tliurwlar nml faturilay at CM ai. Miiiuluy UwlntKlny iunlltlil at 10.00 a. ni. WILLAME-.'lE RIVEH DIVISION -Daily boats to Poitlaud si above. Transfers to ureet car line at Oieg Oij if the steamers are delayed ihtic otud tnp tickets to all points in Oregon, WtiVv . ton, or California. Connection modest ("on land with all jail, ccean anr'rim linci. W.II.1IUKLUUK1. (itn'l I'll. Ant. Pnttl.n.l II. CM. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock 110ISE & 1IARKEK, Ciiy Accnt. The Isillor for the ltontlcKelly mw i mill, on Jlolmwk creek. woL'hs HI.IXX) ! , pounds, mid It took 21 horses to it. Iu u I I ?.... .1...... .. 1I.....I.....1 If. .. ....!..!.. . fllfWUll lint 11... It,u.,u .II.I....I .1... l..l.. "'" u''"" ."'"" "".,v yjK -'."'" - v """' vo.,...v .u ..,.. mml8 wm H, jhki.u m SQU1UJ' FAltUAK. No. 05 Statu st. 'Phono No. 1221. Rush lluilding, Commercial st. (ground Hour). Olllru teleihouu 1II, 1,HI, I 1 ""' England , 'r'0 can give them no political fieedom or. lies and mnlutit'n d lliem. Four of Ithe (Killers tire hi position, uud thu ill bu in u few days. religious libeity. She piooses to tear' ,, i. ....,... i . ,i incut uinvii, reinico ineiii to mere coi oi'lal dependencies, where her military may subjugiito and her aristocracy may L1LIENTJIAL JJ OS. II. J. OrrKMiKiMKU, Mnuuxer. Olllcu over ljuld A llush ii.iuk, Phono No. 401. - FAUER & NJ3IS. Albany A Salem. Salem nllice, H--- Commercial st. (ground lloorj r iSt-cKermuiY v liogers nhig. riiouo .tu, lr.'t. i ". York and I-ondon. Xo "" Catarrh is" Not Incurable Rut it can not bo cured by sprays, washes ami Inhaling mixtures whfoh rrunh only the surfuco Thu disease is In the blood, and can only bo reached through tho blood. 8 H. 8. is tho only reiiu-ui THE PRINCIPLE INVOLVED INI THE TRANSVAAL WAR We print elsewhere arguments fur thu Transvaal Republic. None ot those ar ticles cover the real controversy tho i mI obtain relief after u real issue Involved, That Is, ns we sue it, whother freo Republican Institutions found'd ou thu lutlrcuk Idea ol the American Revolution, that tho psiplu are capable of sulf-goverumeiit, are to bu dlsplao-J by inoiiurchlcal aggression whether a successful Rupubllu shall ret rogrmlo into mere territorial dom'nitiu y which can Iimo any effect upon 1 0i A Vll., iQniwl,0 ImiHirlallsin. hj it euros tho disease peruiH-. ,. , . . . too tnrory ot tiio American novum- llraulx la llloml lluep. Clean IiIcmhI mraiia a ik-uu akin. Nt, beauty without it. Uaicarcts, LunUy Cathar tic clean your blood and krvn it clean, li) stirring up tiio luty liver and driving all Im nuiities from the body, llcgiu today to IlIIiImI, lltllltll. Iuld itlrt...tu l.tnnbl.MA.I batten and fatten off thu masses ot the land that sickly bilious complexion by taking iyniiti u'lutr.i aim ahull fnrov,,.- l (I... Caacarttii, beauty for ten i-ents. Alldruir ieopio, w Here alio shall lorevor, u the gists, satisfaction ijiuianteed, 10c, 23c, 60c. nauieof capitalism and the church of J - - England take the lion's share of the' Yu.i never know whut will fillnw .,. , ,,. , ., .cniisi paiion. ueep iio verceiin iiy earth und Its products. liming DoWltts Little Early llit-m CAT LIN & hlSN, land you will avoid trouble-. Thrvnroi Oillco over Weller's giocery Ur. UulPa Couch Syrup Cures the ! 'J'"0"' or UJ0T "l lxwll trniblcs. 'Phono No. 211. must stubborn coughs, colds and lung !"""" u"l"2zi infections. Even Inolplont consiimi) I Ruusom Wells, father of T. R. Wolls, Hon has licen succesHfu ly ourrd by lr Pendleton, dhnl In Milton nnd was by this iiuirve nus remedy Sutferera.lnirrlM there. Mr. Wells was ono of row tlues. I tho Pioneers of Eastern Oregon, nnd hus llni'ii u resident of Milton for many yenrs. Ulllccs: New LOUIS It. CO. Otllce: lucrclul st. SEA11LES & Rurrows Rlock, Com 'Pliono 1771. store. i lAYNJ3 & T1LLSON. One door west of Dalrymple's stoio (ground floor). 'Phouu No. 2001'. The 4,000,000 feet of logs being run down tho MoKenxle by Forest & Wood cock for tlie Cohurg saw mill have reached Huytleu's bridge, says thu O lo gon State Journal. tjuiurrni ir. euro tun maonan lun-m neiitly und forever rids tho system of ! every trace of the vile complaint Win Jotl Owau, ot MontwlUr. Ohio, vrtllrs: "I was f fllclut from Infancy with Catarrh, and nn one can know lb turreiiui; It products I i tr iliau I. Tiit fcprayt auil washes prrserlUJ by Hit doc- tori ralltted in only I ' temporarily, a nil thoush I Ulit tllrni "iiu; tor hu yrari, in uisrasa liaa a flrict r tola than tr I tried a nuniU-r of Hood rndls, hut llifir tnlnvral lnrrJltnta atttlod lu ai y bouts apd sie iu rhtuuiatltm. I was lu a UnierttabU conolllon. aud attr tiauatlngallrcaluitnl,wiueUretlnourabU. klngS, 8.S, adTerllsed at a ears (urUood IKasi, I dtalded to try II. As oou as m vfi var staiiaBCi m- PsBHBsHr4 i. m r sfi vKssn nil intf To-Nlgntand To-Mouow Night, And each day ana night during this week you can uet ut any druggist's ivump h tiaisaui (or vuu Tin rts wltS ti. wli.tb.r you rnllaur lb. ! i.tiB wmvw n.w.t. n . . ..-..'.ii i.buir.. iu.u..rt ioriuurv, w uj.nv-'.wu.uiiirv... aiia tin., puriatt IL bluoj, r . , r. IUt H..Q f ! you .in4.lln,n4 rjifls;4i '"Uf-1 M laajv j uvea. m bii ai asa tjat n"'j2i .'.111 ft VW 1'.aM II IVlPiutirui a hx '. .'jii-pi' v. ataswwiii KPSllH JACKS, CAIOIICILAEL & CO. Oillco over Johnson's Clothing store, iu Rush-Rreymaii Ma. New Strawberries. Growers can make big money out of new Strawberries. 100 strong plants will produce 5000 plants if put out now besides about half a crop. 1 have plants of TliNUKSSEE, M ICINLEY, RUBY, IDEAL, DOUBLE CROPPER, DOWNINGS P'tlDE, SAUNDERS, SHUCULESS, CERVERA, DU MAURIEU. Send for free catalog descriptive of varieties and culture E. H0FER, Salem, Ore. Great Rockers THE FINEST LINE OF ROCKERS AND FANCY CHAIRS EVER IN SALEM EX PECTED SOON. Framing Pictures WAS NEVER BETTER DONE THAN BY US, AND OUR LINE OF MOULDINGS IS UP-TO-DATE. SOUTH AND EAST VIA THE SrUSTA ROJTL THK Pacific Co, OF THK Southern VXVKf TRAINS RUN PAUY ll iuur iii L,v.,.,rortianu . ariimaas -15 rf Ar....aaiera .... Ar-fj.ij a 7-'4S AM) Ar. San Francisco Iv 16:05 rx Ar Mora Lv 645 m Ar 850AM Lv 6,to ru 9Sru 8.4O AD 5-00 ru 6:05 p u 6.43 A M U-I5 p m 2.00 A M IS PM 4.15 I'M 7-S5 A m Ar Ogden ... Ar uenver. Ar .... Omaha , Ar .... Chicaco , Ar. ..Los Anceles.. Ar At... El Paso... Ar Ar..,.Fort Worth.. ,Ar Ar.. New Orleans. .Ar DlNlNfJ CARS I OUSEKVATION CARS. Pullman tirst-clau and tourist Itein uit attached to all through traini. Toumtcut through to Chicago without change, ROSKBURQ MAIL. IIAILV. tUIal aSftfS? NOTOHAHtnui n ururniii who rnaL mui Wings, ucknuwlcdged lu be Hie most successful remedy ever sold fur Coughs. Croup, HronclillH. Asthmii uud Consumption. (Set u bottle tn day uud keep It always In the house s you can check ym.r t ltd at omv Price 25o ami 60c. Sample bottle free, ewlA-w our uurh wm.n&ti. .., ... ..van tuirii iimin 3 ujjjr.l u.., a.iiuu. t. ,urh for a T.k. II US kntlr.iwrtliicntly Out T A LIVESLEY & CO Commercial st. Second stair mm of ljuld A Rush bunk; room 18, upstairs, 'l'lioito l-ll. j!F. W. Hollis & Company First Door North of Postofficc. 9730 a Ml Lv... PoTtTftmr"..Ar iosSAMJ-Lv....8alem.... Lv 5.-Z0 r m 1 Ar. . . . Kosetnire. . Lv 4.Jor-a-1 50r 7-joau NvTTSlDUDTVlblON. IiKTWEKN rORTLANl) AND CORVAIXh. Mall tlains dally fescept bunday.l 7.0 a Ml Lv.... Portland.. AtSSotu ''55 PMf Ar.... Corvallls. Lvliaorn Corralfis con ect 11 At Albanv .and rains ot the C. & E. Rv INDEPENDENCE FASsENIjEK. KXPRRSs TRAIN DilLY RXCKIT SUMJAV, J if ; 4-'5o t m 1 Lv 730 P Ml-Lv. K30 p u ) Ar ...Portland... ...McMinnville Ind ependenw Ari o J5AM LvU joAH Lv) 4-50 AM PRODUCE BUYERS. t Ion. founded upon thu principle that a free eoplo are capable of bolf-govoin-meiit, Is not going dim 11 lieforo thu en croachments of commercialism w llhout n struggle. Tho obliterations of the Orange Kr.e State andTrausvaul Ilepub Ilea means turning back the hands of time, a denial of tho Republican prinoi- pie, an usr.iou of thu superiority of n ,", S Mr ft? Vi L .' "' via aaorawcnVo. Oe monarohy, and uut a eluiid uiurn comfort discovery pf tho tige. Cuie Shtistu Routn via r PUtC I .1... !....., .. avvo en feet. 1 .? '"V? .'.l""1.0 .rla haimiupnto. Lrl S L ..U(iB.iii..uc,u van in uiimiioii U.O A1iell.a KlM1,.Kaso l corral., m.r.Vf, r ,,-.'uI.ft..?',,"nlFnIMi. ' At rluhl of uxlfctoneo of anv nnw f I... Inurowlnir nails. awfiuLlnt... hot nnl.l.,,. ' .. i a.V.V. ,,".ur '"n.1!1"'1. '1'L1.M A N " ' "" i.T." ::-....!' .....7.:'..""i :.v:' -r Innlilln iftiir. AbaiKirugKisinauiisuottsuiro, illul)llc- '-ilu Trliil luinbiiun I.MIHH l.v ....if It li in t a question whether the Rears Address, Allen H. Olmsttfd, 1 Roy , Ladies Can Wear tihocs. ' Ono slxo smaller after using Allen's Foot-Kat-o, a uuwder Vi bo shaken luio the shoes. It makes tight ur new slioes feel easy; gives liisLiut roller t H.S.GILEAiCO Wholesale Fruits, Produce, eic. Salem, Oiegun. Oillco; Insur ance block. 'Phono fKR. Wun-, botuo, at Wullace vnivhouso. ' A aa UIIIIDUDCV I. On in2mu'traerJ!0,C-"r "If MU w '2""i & ori wheat, oats und i IZSltM'tU "Cy Ur U" ,amt",S , ?SS other grain, liny ,tatoo. AIh. . eMloiittriiitloi ' do chopping and cleaning. :T0 ' v. ,, t,v 41 tiu umiizuii .inn iktiiir. m r nK..t.i a iii....k oTfl ."!, . a ---- --.. .... rifH .illllllIIIIIt.lallBta AllllIlU11al. Top NOTCH T T I OP PKIIPECTION IN qUALITV AND I I LyOW NOTC. In honest prices for honest goods. That's our motto, and that s tho reason mo sell mure goods every your. lWt full to see us. ' HARRITT St LAOIRBNCE OI.U PTSTOFKICB QltOCEllV, Direct connections at ban Prancuco wits steamship lines fi III WAR, lAI'AN. t-itiNA, JIIEPII LUPINES and AUb TRALU. For through tickets and rates call o W. )V. SKINNER, Depot Agent, cr C- U. CABRlhLSON City Ticket Agent, JJJ Com gcrclat , Salem Or. K. KUtlJU-.K, .Manage. C.MARKHAM G. F. St P. A. I'orUaa' IWLAUK and TO IIMSJ'P Ki.i-'tfi). Kits, Satt FrnnolK-o and Lo Angt lot to Chlcigu tills ta DAILEY Wullare warehouse Pnlum. lluvs driisl fruits and ixitutiwis fur eusli. :RED FRONT LIVERY '''"mr rnuf " ' wMieiMHW ,,, l0 cov,,ril leultorv one-ll.lnl n- 1, uraa ta HBproT. ana antr tavinf It for I " t Vwo wimUis I was aurad eniopleUly. the huge ui the Unlltsl States. It la not a Sl.!jrSto whether their la taxing N. V Qreat Events The Short Line- JsUuy have been taking local treat. tor years, and nnd themselves . Imaud great pronaratlons. The war',,, . moiioiailiM reiider Iho lilislieat coonomie bmitii .urica. lias lt own neetla and i""'" """ " "' weM kw VVia.ii ever. A trial of cc& IM ur tint ivklttttjatiility In Kulakiki nviLKit i.k i Justice. It is not aquestlou whether llie'suctH-eit must eat the Iwst staple fod' HooraluiNonbaeiinl the ouet letter of aud frulta as sold by Rransou fc Ragan. llritlsh Suieralnty, any more than It It j . ll M tHkl . question whether the llrltlsh gold I LaOrlntw, destroys thousands of1 Apply to tho ngentat.f Dm O, SALEM LODGES I. J. V. NV. a)uiCauinKo. IIS. alveti etery FrlJar vn- A. U V. nan, state In.. IU1:. w. A. Moorv. clerk, loom lac. r-ao. iu , K,.U lUuorllt. U O I la, UHt blk Boardirg ThiJDlUUll W9f It to Wo the right remedy 'commissioners are robbing the Aiiio.iR?ple. H "W quickly cured by N OVkMf. U will curo the most ol ,.. ,, ,,, ., '... ... .OnoMlouto OouU Cure, that pin- y,q fttoMM. tan inliters lii he Allln und KhmdlU! dune luimedlate results In coughs' 'eci To the East , KOUICSTttWa OK AMICKIOA. j ooutt Shroot rXxctt No. 19. VifCU Frid.y I l(hvt liiTuturr block. (.'. Mstlcu. C. K. A, ;ltwuScy, HlMr n. Hoakai uuiM nn 0mo ti trea to nr addraaa Lt mliihiB dLtrlcts. Tho micllon Is a fur'99la..a,5,, Uiroa'' u lu.K trouble. Oo AtluLa Q 1 .1 .. ., ,, lv win prevent coouiniil ou. Sstouo'i uMiwiH)ui, deeiier ouatbau any mutter t4 details DrugBtore. It ur . nuderalcned. for roldora muii' rlptlvcufltarature. I Pui t laud h, L, Southern l'ucltW. gnc te J. J. DKVHRKlI.V. Urni'l Agt Wiinvitiir. Rldg B. R. JONES, Attornoy-at-Lav Toledo. Orouon. Wast trs ut Cliuult ltu n lor x Jrais aa' 1. 1 u ,,. (44t aiw.ian w 1 t 1 a rt j iu Lil . u OM.UIJ II I lu First-Class ;eed and Stables, t COMMKKCIIAL'STUKKT. PAGE & STEPHENS Best Rigs Tor Commercial Men- guides lu Miaa block Hotel WUUmWtt. TSJ-Hfe tMtua atht eviulonalkle rUra sur nadirs ajul lamUr tlriUc a IecUlty. Uurkea hwl bj day.wtvk or ItumlU nftU Art ol auil. (wction zuarentr! -7-la No ntMtuiliu. ur uplu tiUM. Ctms AlFfalu. urn .1 Ur Mile' Vau. "Ouu ornt. U to." 'trsasrrxBvarva,,,,,, np .UOAEY TO LOAN, Furniture, Pianos. Oreans Wjl.. ons. or otherartiolV. nf . .?.'.." JB' lalF-WIIT"18l-tart. 10-20-lm I hft normnn Rr!i.j Zyy. I.11?' maiKbl . i . t ""'" a" "ids of meat AH bill. .1,,.. .1 .. . --- Mltu 1111 "olt Mi...ilt lato linn of niu.t b tiaul. UlOTz, Si SON UUomnierciallst. You CamGet a Lower Berth, With one exception the throigt trains of thu Iiurllogtun Route are almost inyanubly well-rllh'd-The exception Is our Kt- Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited thero Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that- It Is neither so line, nor so fus-t, as ANY train of ANY other line between bt Paul und Chicago. On the coa trary, there la no more beautiful train In America. It has electric light, stenu heal, widevesfbulr the most satisfactory duuog-ci service- on the continent -and lower b?rth for everybody. A. O. SHELDON. Ueu'l Aieut, Portland O -"&-" ""-llssWrtMiti