A-J9ir'iVJTW'i' ","iTIW" 'm& jacket GossiF! . ' JOHNAMSFIKLDACOSJACKKTHAItE A8 NOTED AS TIFFANY'S DIAMONDS. Good LookersvPef feet Fitter sProper Styles ANY SIZE. ALL PRICES. Popular Colers: Modes, Castors and Tans, ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS, Tlio W. C. C, Corset giinrnntc8 tlio wenrer Comfort, Perfect Fit nnil I'orfivt Form, COc to fl. T1IK DOWAUKU - Tim bent llttlmf, most ilurublo nml most coinfortiilik' cored niniln for Btout figure, Sinus 2 J to !J0, t2. Biwu 31 to OT, f 2 2.'. Perfect Fit or Money Refunded! I HOLVERSON'S I JjT AN OLD SETTLER GONE Capt. L. B. Pratt Passes Away Sunday Morning. Manager of the First Woolen Mill and Pioneer on tlie River Death's Harvest at Jefferson. CASH STORE CASH STORE OOI COMMlKCIAL ST, t U" " 1& PS""" I toe buy Ibem back! Tho rullnbllity of tills Rtoro nml its methods of iloliiR business aro no welt nnilorntooil by its patrons thnt It Is, pcrlmim, unucopwiry tx call Attention to our manner of dealing with koo1s that may bo returned (o ub on nccount of boln unsatisfactory to tho nurclmnor. If lor any reason you aro dissatisfied with any purchase mado In this store, you linvo but to briiiK it back and exchatiBe for other kooUh or get tlio nmount of money ald therefor, In other wools, we "buy thorn back" and do not haggle over tin price. k Golf Capes $7.00 to S15.00 A largo range of colors and kinds. Umbrellas, 50, 75, $1.00 $2,00, $.600 Excellent values. Mackintoshes $1'75 to $15.00 For men, women and children. Plush and Fur Capes Boo our assortment. It's complete. J. J.DALRYMPLE COMPANY k.KWW.h.kKU.K.tkVB.k.WW S4TISHC Is tho principle thing when you want to buy something or repairing done. Hut isfaction Is my prlnciplo motto. I do only llrnt-rliiwi work, and every part warranted if It Ib only n 10 cent ion. i itMionly first class material and with skillful workmanship applied my work the best and my prices tho cheapest in the city. Watches cleaned "fa Main springs 7fc: C-H.HINOJB3 tlOO COMMICHOIAL ST. Tonight rain. WEATHER REPORT. and Sunday occasional Ice Not Given Away. I can not afford to glvo Icouway, but am selling a pure article at a price that is within thu reach of all. ClIVSTAI. ICK N'OIIKH. J. Magulro, Prop. (I 15 tf CAPITAL URUWEKY UliEK. UOTTLKD Kllnerft Heck.Successors to SouthSaleiu JJottlir.jr Works, All orders for Iwttloil boor will bo filled At tho brewery, Kent on cold storage. Froo city delivery. Tolophono i!i:jl. PERSONAL. The Bon Bon lias n now proprietress who will rontln no to Htrva all patrons with tho freshest stock of best confectionery and fruits. A refrralilug drink of nodn or elder and tlio lcst of t-igars at 1!M State Blreet. U II lm Mas. A. Uuiitis. Thanksslvlng live. You should by all iiiuhiis have your suit made In readiueiis for Thnnkcgrvlng mid lu lenviiiir your order do not over look 0, H. Iane, the well known mor. chain tailor who is wen prepnrca to give you thu latest on stylo and lit. (live him u call. 18 i" Something to Bo thankful For. As you iriuro t , entertain your friends on Thanksgiing day your pious lire will bo greatly enhanced if you Know that you are to have your table deenr nloil with one of tho bountiful dliiuoi BiUtlmt can Ihi purcbueeil at Bunna. (nanus. With suuh ehiuii IIIKmI with fat roast turkov ; crisp celery and frh vegutAblus in tlio front und supported by plum pudding und delicious fruits on all nM being tlio product of our fertile valley u kiinplM liy Konnonmn tho grocer, your InxirtH will lw filled with thanksgiving. SonnemanN, Till OKOOElt 12 Suto at Telentio is 5) Geo. Weeks, went to Portland Sat urday to meet his father from White City, Kansas, whom he had not seen fori twenty years, Mr. W. T. Ikill and children left Satur day for Joneph, Or., where Mr. Dell has u positioa in a uierchautilo business where they will resldu In the future. Mrs, J. 1,. Murphy, and daughter, Miss Mary, of Monmouth, left today to visit her sou Chester V. Murphy, form erly a inenibur of tho Fourth Cavalry baud at Walla Wulla, at his homo In 'Frisco. Claude Taylor, formuilyof this city, ami who served on the vritlsor llultimoro during thu naval battle of Manila Day, under Admiral Dewey, Is now woi king lu Portland for the H. P. Co., in their ollloo there. Horace II. Weoks, fatlittr of Ooorgo W. Weeks, of this county, arrived in Oregon Monday, where he will reside in the futuiu with his sou the noted Marlon county dairyman. Mr., Weeks muiio from White City, Kan. "The death of Capt. h. E. Pratt oc curred at 10:30 a. in. Sunday. Nov. 10th, ut tho Salem Hospital, where ho was un der treatment for paralysis. Ho had beon a sufferer for a long time ond his caco wns a hopeless one, bo that his death was not uncxicct('d. I.ucinn K. Pratt was liorii In Douglas, Mites., Juno 18 1821. He resided in MassachiiFettsand Ithode Island until 1857. Ho was married to Nancy II. Lawrence nt Piltslleld, Mass,, In 1844. On May I, 1857, Mr. Pratt started for this coast, and ho urrlved in Salem Juno 7th of the fame year. Ho came in tho Interest of parties who, with himself, proposed to start a woolen mill hero. After looking over tho ground, he made his plans and went back east after machinery which ho brought out and put in operation, acting as manager for many years. This was tho old woolen mill on North Mill creek, Jwhlch afterward burned down, and hero Capt. Pratt's daughter, now Mrs. Mary E. Haas, wove the first pair of woolen blankets made on the coast, Tho deceased always took great pride lu tho fact that ho was a pioneer in this Industry which has since nttained such importance hero. A few years later he superintended thu building of tho woolen mills at Ore gon City, anil tho construction of tho llrfit basin almve thu falls. Ills hoii Win. E. Pratt has been suierlntendeut of tlieno mills for "bout tlilrty years, Later ho went into steamboating on tho Willamette, which ho followed for many years and here he got his title of Captain. His residence has been in Sa lem since his first arrival and he is well known to nil the older settlers. Since tho death of Mrs. Pratt in 181)1 ho has made his home wth his son-in-law, Henry Haas. Ho became a uiomlrar of t!iu,on!er of Odd Fellows before leaving the East, He was one of tho oldest members of Chemeketa No. 1, and the order has nobly fulllllod Its obligations since ill health took hold of tho old pioneer. Ho was deputy county clerk for ov oral years under F. J llabcock. About two years ago he was attacked by creeping paralysis and the disease Bteadily grew upon him until it resulted In Ills dentil. He has suffered u great deal, and only an Iron constitution and great will xvcr has kept him up so long. AlKiut live weeks ago he was taken to tho Salem liOHpital where ho could receive more skillful care than was potodhlo at the home. He leaves two daughters and ouo situ : Mrs. Mary I'!. Haas and .Mrs, Ida Hah cook, of Salem and Win. E. Pratt of Oregon City. There ore also tun grand children: ! rank r., uurrio iv. ami ma L. Haas, ami Win. P., Oracu M. and Mary II, llabcock, of Salem, mid Forbes II., N. Maria, llattie Mary and Char lotto A. Pratt, of Oregon City. Two sisters also reside In Salem : Mrs, Judge It. P. IIoIho and Mm. C. L. Par mentor. Chumokotu No. 1 will have charge if the funeral whlcliwill take place at the limiin, corner of Union and I.lburty streets, at l:ttO p. in. Tuesday, services iKilug conducted by Itev. P. S. Knight, and burial will he lit tho Odd Fellows' cometoryi Sunday, at her homo on the Garden Road after a lingering sickness of about ono year, aged 54 ycais. Tho maiden name of tho deceased was Neucnscliwuudcr, and alio was Irani In Polk Co., Iowa. 8ho was married to David. Walty In 1805, at Illuffton, Ohio. They came to Salem in 1803 from Huffalo, N. Y., where they had resided about 10 years. Mrs. Walty had lwon In very poor health forabout ouo year, though she was for a short time this fall apparently bettor ami was nblo to do her own wotk. Hor aged mother, Mrs, Klay, came from the East last spring to caro for her, anil bus since been with hor. Ono daughter survives, Mrs. Marj Graham, wife of Frank Graham. Mrs. Louis Lardou.of North Salem, is a sister of deceased. The funeral services will bo held at the German Methodist church at 1 p. in. Tuesday, conducted by Hov. Jahn and burial will take place hi City View cemetery. MIIS. IIAI.I.'h KATIIKIt. Mrs. J. O. Hall, who teaches tho West Salem school, received a telegram today, Irom Port'ltyron, Now York, an nouncing that her father who is about CO years old, is very ill. If there Is any chance for her to seu her father alive she will go east Tuesday. SONOMA COUNTY HOPS Nearly Two Thousand Bales California. Sold in The Highest Price Paid to Date is Twelve Cents Matket Notes. PERSONAL MOVEAENTS Pooplo In tho City Fro Towns on Buslnoss an Itlng Frlonds tnimi Othor 8- Geo. W. DavlM has gone to Portland. M. T. Foley went to Wheatland this Oreat Kvenis Demand great preparation. Tlio war in South Afrluu has ito own now In and the contestant In Sulom who o.pwt m Hiivutsl mutt ait tho limit ntnplo food uud fruit as void by llrumwu A Itttgiiu. ll0 cod Asuault on Watchman. Tummy Hill, aJackson county eouvlut who has been trausferrod to the asylum for treatment puwud his wayJihrtMighthe wooden door, and on being dscowrori ut S-In in tho morning by iilghtwutuh Juntos Sua), assaulted the olllcor with u 1 1 oho uoule, but was overpowered mid phietol under tirrust. Knights and Ladies of thu MacoulxhM, of Solum, Oregon, wtl please tako notieo that the lu'itatlout und programs for tho jolnt-ontortaiu-muni to lw given un Friday uvonlng iihxI, may Ihi hud by calling, after TuuJ. day noon (tomorrow), at thu ollieo of N J. ludtih, city lwill. Ho sure to gut thuiii and kih them on to your friends. Gi)U. O., say. ) Itooklund. nlloa forty yours, Wilt's Wltoll lluxel." ourad hor. H heal everything. Sloinw Drug Suiro Nolunit. My wlfolmu I) Pr Today is Hosiery Day At the Clean Sweep Clearance Sale, Notwithstandinjr the fact that all hosiery has advanced in price from 10 to 25 per cent, we olTere our entire stock of ladies Aiisses and Children s hosiery at tfreat sacrauces. Ladles' and children's wool bote. 15 cents M cent luiorted cHchmeie hone for US eeutii 10 cent heavy cotton hosm 4 puir for 'J5 omiU cent heavy lloeco lined hoiw fur U cant : ont uucy tripei nos lor m coins 60 cent SIUk's' plaid licwu for Jlft whU MII.IJNBHY AT ACTUAL COST K0KT1IK UAUNCK OFTII1SMONTII TO MAKE ItOOM FOE HOUJUY GOODS IIH.VTII AT JKl'niltSOS. Mrs. W. F. Hogg died at her homo lu Juffersou, Saturday, Nov. 18, at 7 p. m. Mrs. Hogg was a daughter of M, G. Otildwcll and was born in Jackson county, Oregon, August 111, 1880, coin ing with her parents to Jefferson in I8.S'., residing there since that time. Sho was married to W. I'". Hogg, De cember 28, 1808, at thu rosiduituo of the groom's sister Mrs. F. S. Shufer, at Solum, Oregon. Mrs. Hogg wus greatly beloved by the IHMiplo of Juffersou und her duath has nut u gloom over the entire community. The futierul wrvieivs wuro uontluutud at I o'eluak today by Esther Hiuo ixlge No 4, K. O. T. M., of which thu du- iHHtsnl was a vultiod mumlmr. Itev. tkeiisuf Oregon City, au old frtuml of Mru Ilogg'g purwitM nUtwl in eon. ltictlng the sorvioee. MAUION llNTV HAN VHUY 11.1. II. ll.tiuiUh uudvUtor, Mrs. J. It. Craig, tuft tMluy to vUlt tholr father, J. 1. Smith, tit New'iHirt, who U very ill, A telegram on Sunday night rehired In guixitaijce that lit wus not oxikmuh! to live. About u week uso hu fell on the strwt, but bin early reoorary was hojnd for, Mrs. W. II. Ilowd, of Slm , is also a daughter. Mr. Smith was born and ralccd In Marten county, beiiM a sou of Henry Smith, a ploueor of Aumsville and u brother of , II, Smith, of Turn- Mr, mid II, W. Smith, of Sublimity. MIIS. WAUTV DKAtl. Mr. Miirtlm Waltvdled ut 10 o'clock Yew Park Grocery. bee South Window for Prices- THE LEADER ME FRASER, 205-271 CommerdaTsi. U Fresh Orivou Puck- ft A wheat floury 10 lb sucks, S oiilyKOe. y U ('nuiborrtes. O A Maple syrun in bulk. S y Tuior's cole brut od V U butter always on hand, f) morning, W. P. Lord went this morning to I'oitland. II. J. MItithorn, went to Ntiivberg this morning, f- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray spent Sun day tu Portland. It. M. Thompson, of Portland, spent Sunday in Salem. Mr. nml Mrs. 11. O. Mllus "went to Nuwberg this morning. II. 0. Walker, left this morning for La Camas, Washington. J. H. Darrah went to Portland this morning to visit friunds. Landlord Phil Metschan spent Sunday with his family in Salem. John Ileldccker, the cement contrac tor, wont to Mtigono today. J, M. Stark the Independence hotel man was a ifalotn visitor today. General W. II. Ityurs nml Eddie Gilt. uer went to Portland Saturday. C. I). Emery went to Portland this morning on business via steamer. Mrs. T. 8. Reynolds bus returned from a visit with Portland friends. Miris Edith Hawk took thu Sunday train to vis.it friends lu Jefferson. W. II. lleHiimn.nf Miutn, came down and went to Portland via steamer. Levi Card spent Sunday In Salem and returned to Portland this morning. Miss Hayes, of linker City, is the guest of the Misces Messlck In this city. C. II. Mouller went to Turner and Mill CUy today to look over thecountry. II. W. Hutch spuut Sunday at home ami returned to Oregon City this morn ing. Frank Morgan went to Portland today where he will have u good time for a week. Miss Lucia Cochrnn is among those O'lwtcd as seriously III uud iwmfined to her lied. S. It. T. Jones, a guard ut thoO. S. Prison, 8Hnt Sunday with his family at Hubbard, Chas Morrison and his mother, Mrs. A. J. Morrison, have gone to visit frlcmlr at Ulddle, Oregon. Douglas McFurron, night foreman of tho Albany woolen mills, spuut Saturday and Sunday with Salum friends. W. Gray, of Klngllsher, Oklahoma, who has bfon smding thu whiter in Oregon left this morning for Portland. Hen Whlto returned to hishomo near Mill City. Horuiuirt Mrs. M. A. Mu riels and family all well uud prosperous, F. M. Simpson, of Sail Diego, Cali fornia, who 1ms hcou visiting Salem friends went to Oregon City this morn ing. Mhs Simlu Fennell, who visited her slstur Ella, uud tho Chat. S, ltiley family, returned to Portland on the I train. flAtits How nepubllcsn: Thursday and Friday wero active days in the local hop market, and many sales are credited to those dates. In all about 521 bales of Sonoma county hops chanced hands on Friday. Tho record for Thursday was 274 bales, and the footings in all these recent sides amount to about 1.002 bales. Thoitich it is estimated that this sea- son's yield exceeds tho yield of last sea son by about 5,000 bales, and the pro duct is on tho average of superior quali ty, this season's prices do not reach last season's figures. In November, 18118, 17 cents was paid for hops, though tho market went down consiileranly later, Tho hluhcst price paid this season is 12 cents received by Grace Urotbcrs for a small number of bales sold directly to a consumer. Uuycr C. C. Donovan has paid 11? cents for several hundred bales recently purchased from Mr. Peterson. Among those wiinto hops wero previously con tracted, Is James F. Hilrguss. who de livered 150 bales to Philip Wolf Co., of San Francisco. Tho balance of his crop, consisting of ulout200 bales, wero also taken by Wolf, through their buyer, Albert Meyer. Thursday's sales wero as follews: Gcorgo Hall to 0. 0. Donovan, 87 bales; Mrs. Peterson to the sumo buyer," .'100 ; C. and W. Legget, also to Donovan, 184. Friday sales were Solly Jones to Wolf & Co,', 2."0 bales; George Callahan to Nuvltis ,t Drescher of Sacramento, through their buyer, Nat Walturer, 100; George Boyd to Wolf & Co., 131 bales; Grace llros. recently distributed 38.') of this season's crop among tho several buyers. Wolf & Co , recolved 110 bales; O, C. Donovan, 60; Jacks, Carmlchaol Si Co., 200; n San Joso brewer, 25 bales. Mr. Hinckley of tho lagtma told 150 ImloH of hops to Jacks, Carmlchael A Co. Leggaot Ilros. and Harvey llrlttaln sold resHctlvely to C. C. Donovan 227 and 137 bales. Wolf A Co. bought 137 bales from Morris llrlttaln. A High Compliment The American nrmy complimented for its good iHiliavior at Vnkloliama is not more satisfactory than tho compliments tendered tho manufacturer of "Little Champion" cigars by his patrons. Bought Hops G. W, Hubbard the hop buyer was In Washington last week and while there ho pnrchai-eil about 1000 baled of hop at 8 and 10 cents. The Plain Truth is a hard niastor and so is a cood upiK-tllo. The latter can always , Imj satisfied by taking n meal nt tho St Elmo Restaurant, George Bros., Props. HOTEL ARRIVALS. wn.LAMnTTi:. EHKnapp. Boston; W A HIngei, Gervals, Or; Chas L Hunter, Albany; F E Yergin, Aurora, Or; Elbert Brown, Eugene; II STuthlll, I) Soils Cohen, O B Prael, A N Smith, II E Jackson, Port land; Harry Green, Thomas J Gavin, G W DeLapc, Chicago; F L Ncdhmner, St Paul; Oscar I HeTchenbach, San Fran cisco; I L Bevis. St Louis, Mo; II G Klrkpatrick.Colville, Wn. COTTAOK. C. G. Branch, St. Joeph, Mo.; Spencer, ltosedale. Or, It. J. Ed. Kate Fur- Mrs. Shields, C. II. Whiting, Miss Sprague, Hurrv W. Chirk, W. F. big, G. O. Graves, Portland hu.i:i. C I. Brown, A T Kelliacr, Oakland, Cal; II C Ulakety, Boy Williams, Silver ton; J J Cooke, Oregon Citv; J J Keller. P Olney, M Triemltheal. Portland ; T J Graves, McCoy; F II Itobortson, Turner; E P Morcum, Woodburn. rirnt P.inir Avi-rlpH While It may bo true that tho buying oi oouus oy inu uinieu minus iiveiieu t, ,nintf- It la i.rtntn flitil. n full Hlltitilv of LuCoromi cigars ensures contentment to many a man. bird In bulk at Eppley's. 11 18 tf Winter Soon Here, And thu weather will bo cool and oc casionally we, and you will need good warm clothing and waterproof gar ments. II obson has a full Hue ornhese. Including beaver overcoot, wuterpioof wool coats, wool lined and warm, ludies' men's ami children s wool umlerware all si.es, I have a line of ladies' and misses' shoes offered at a bargain to closo out thu lot. Everything else that yon need in dry goods. I buy for cash, sell for cash and give my customers bargains. Please call in and inspect the stock. W. II. Ilonsos, 207 Commercial street. The Palace Market Will fill your order font roast, broil or fry of lieef, mutton, pork or sausage. Corned beef, nicely cooked, boned ami pressed ready to slice for your lunch. Wo nave our own ileliverv man. our patronage solitited MOVER Phonfjoai. & EDWARDS, 138 State St. rzr-vO Some of the bargains at Friedman's New Racket Jewel pompadour combs lfic. Best quality children's rubbers ? Largo assortment of outing flannels at 5c a yard. A good cloth brushf,,,. inT''' good shoo briiBh for 10c. A box of nlco purfumod toilet soap for ioc p A heavy cotton socks for 6c a pair. A largo pleco of tar soap for 5c. ,,0, , ing comb for 5c. A good pair of warm mittens for 15o n pair. Pencil tablet i"' 1 cent. A box of paper and envelopes for 5c. Memorandum lwoks for 2C ' ?' Indelible pencils for 6c each. Day books,, largo size, for 5c. Klbbon remnaT" largo pleco for 10c. Cotton batting, n good grade for 10c a lb. Underwear . i ' heavy, only 25 a garment. ' x ' Blankets Immense quantities of all wool from 5250 pair up. We guarantee to save you at least one-third hi purchasing these goods 01 us. - SlLKS--25c a yard. Large assortment of colors from. Overcoats $5. Good warm material. Capes and Jackets At 60c on the dollar. All nc. new goods. CLOTHING For bovs and men. Prices lower than other house in Salem. We carry all grades of clothing the cheapest to the best. Hats New shipment just in. We are sure to please AUckintosiies To fit everyone. Dress Goods Linings andtrimmings in great vartetyat FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET, Corner Commercial and State Sts. third by to select any you, New Strawberries. To close our Urown'a In Ton. An ununded laugh Is thu wav the the mauagement of "Brown's in Town" describes the newest farco which will In die attraction at thu oora house Satur day nlulit. It Is replete with humorous complications and is said to brim over with wittv iiirtisiH nnuiiciiuicuBuiiviioii of catchy musical numbers. The action of tho farco all takes place during one summers's day lu thecountry Home oi a man supposed to bo Mr. Brown but in reality Is tho voting hero. Tho plot hinges on the desires of a young man who marries at the age of 23 against tho wishes of his father and takes his bride to tho country place to concoct u scheme whereby ho can break the news to his irate dad. I Io wishes to bo alone, but lil friends and relatives happen lu, and to keep Ids marriage u secret, causes unite a nuinberof complications to arise. Three acts aro used lu which to tell tho story, tho first being morning, the sec ond afternoon, and tho third night. Clean Streets, All residents of Saleinaro hereby noti fied not to permit any old paper, ww- dttst, broken glass, old Isittles, crockery, mills or other substance to 1st thrown upon tho public streets or alleys. Sec tion G of City Ordinance No. 203 lm ih)e u lino of from ffi to M for bucIi offence, ami the wmo will lo strictly unforced. J- P. Fkimhm., 20 21 tf Slreot Commissioner, Breton Studio. Mi. Wiggins has ru-opeiud her Art Studio, in the llolmuii lionst uoruer Court and Cottage streets Studio hours Monday and Wedues day 2:30 and 6:30 p. m., and Sat unlay 0 a. in. to 1 p in. For terim and information cull ut studio. Vis Itors always wulcome. Allen & Bowersox, ) I Those Cork Soles X We are selling more and more of our men s, women's and children's welted shoes with invisible cork inner soles. If you appreciate a shoe that not only is made on latest lasts of good material, but will also positively keep your feet dry, we are the people to sell it to you, Hamilton & Brown are the makers and they warrant every pair. -Made of Vici or Highland calf. Ask to oo tho echool shoe. Ask tu mjo tho ladles' rhi-o. Atk to tee thu muii'a shoe. The School Mack For your boy or girl. Wo have them for f 1.0ft for the boy. A good ono with capo. A girl's double cmixi, tan with vtdvut collar at fS.60. A ladies' blue cushmeru double capo vuhot collar, f Jt.60. A man's black wool Tricot with ouh $8.60. Closing Out Our heavier notion UankoWf ami wuntarte. Closing Out and Ihiwrr poU ul JtirdtucrhhS about mm. X A Racket Prices X C WIGGINS' BAZAAR, 307 Com P?PftiER?ry - In order to make room for our Im mense Holiday Lines we have decided to eloso out our Linus of Fiench ami AiiiuriiMii Perfumes and Toilet Articles, such as CREAM L'A ROSES, CREAM LA ALMONDS For thu face and hands. TOOTH I'OWDER AND PASTE, SMELLING SALTS, VIOLET WATER, ETC. Those goods aro to he sold at onc-thlrd or one-half of the regular price lu order lo close out, FRANK S. DEABORN'S Book Store. Cyclone Cameras Tho Improved Magazine Cyclone In stock at all timet. We carry a full line ol Supplies Growers can make big money out of new Strawberries. 100 strong plants will produce 5000 plants if put out now besides about half a crop. 1 have plants of TENNESSEE, M'KINLEY, RUBY, IDEAL, DOUBLE CROI'PliK, DOWNINGS PRIDE, SAUNDERS, SHUCKLESS, CERVERA, DU MAURIER. Send for free catalog descriptive of varieties and culture S. H0FER, Salem, Oro. Great Rockers THE FINEST LINE OF ROCKERS AND FANCY CHAIRS EVER IN SALEM EX PECTED SOON. Framing Pictures g&iYVAS NEVER BETTER DONE THAN BY J&hk- US, AND OUR LINE OF .MOULDINGS e IS UP-TO-DATE. IFF F. W. Mollis & Company IFirst DoorNorth of Postofficc, NLW it STOVES FOR OLD! xt you want a nice, new steel range or a better stove than you have, -we will make liberal allowance for vour old one in exchange. -C13uy the "Home" Air Tight Stove, and the "Home" Steel Range made al Salem the best Heating and. Cooking Stoves on the market. - STEINER & BERGER. 130 State Street. irfJSiiil MM! Card Mounts Plates Papers Traya Developers Toners Willi LIY lcJ Wearesel'ing a good side lift Lantern, made of 1A tin, for 50c. This is a good lantern made of extra heavy tin and tirst-class in every respect, Other lanterns at :i nrnnnrtinnnlf nrirp RAY BROS Call and examine our line. A V BROS. Cameras and Fotographic Equipments, IB .Halo Stool. salEwoodyard Largo and email rlr. loiio ami kiuall oalc 0.001) AND T)KV fctiwwl in any longUi fut. I'rtaa raatflAaU D. S. nK.VTl.BY A CO. Ill 3 lU hrUUt. C4ir I'limtw.l,..!.. .-., .., wvm IR llll.li awl in Jtf lour Cor. State aud Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. HOP NOTCH T T I OF I'KHmtlON IS QOALITV AKD B -I LOW NOTOrl In limiwt price for l,nit goxls. Tlmfa our motto, ami uwti th rwuon we wll more goods ovory yt-ar. Don't lull to uta us. HARRITT St LACIIRBNCB OLD rOSTOPPIOK GKOCKKY, ininiiiuiMTiininiiinTniinn I TZD VbT M JL b ROGERS Sl'lVUihtiB To ECKERMN A R00KI18 Fine Wines, Liquor Cigars 218 COMMERCIAL STREET, I 160 STATE STREET. I I Courteous treatment at n AHO mi IRT TREtT. iiMMlii . .ti-iaim-A-ILr 11