ftj'wpif W( vj ijTrTr -w- -- $44 HHUimioHUWUUU Lntost Associated Pross tolo- i trrams, Fresh Local nows and Llvo J Editorials mako Tho Dally Jour- 1 not. J ! THE VOli. x DAILY JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON MONDAY JTOVEMKEIt 20 1891). Ov vv llf ! fTlTTT A TT fiTTT t . ' --rrr Xrttf Willi ftM lll C A K. Y UATTMiHJ c : CJU Ulll IIUU U I rt r " u -lujivjli JJiiiiiJlUu It's "nunlnosit"' not forttta J ii ("Jiiuv vz ros Ml npp -uurnai AavortiaWar Py VVVVVV tMMMAAi NO SITS., Home Made Goods Best in the Market SpecialsA very large line of cassimere suits for men and boys'. All sizes of Boys black hose our own brand, the Granite try them. Reported to Have Been Fought at Ladysmitli-Town Surrounded, OVGRCOATS-Kerseys in all shades and prices, also in Tan Coverts, day and black clays. Fancy Back Covert overcoats our own make, the swellest ol all. Shelling of the Town and Desertion By the British November ick rt "tunas never Been Confirmed or DcnicdBocrs Have Surrounded EstcourtGcncral Joubcrt and His Forces Marching South to Intercept Britisn RclicMmpcrial Con. icrcncc at Windsor, i- there nrp EiWblUhed by the St. Joseph 's Society of mo salem Catholic Chunh House Warming, St. Joseph's society, an organisation oi inuioiic men, which hai tteen in ox Istcnco some years for literary purposes niul social enjoyment, and general church extension work at u recent meet' big decided to chntigo for something nf . I.I... n.i. . ... . . . 8 "mil ei-miu. iiin nill te. Ptv wn dissolved nnd in ita nlaco was nrmiii. Ued tho St. Joseph Library associ ation, inro which all members of tho congregation aro invited. Through kind remembrances hv tho lat Hev. J. S. White and ArchbMiop dross, tho nucleus of a linn library in already on hand and tho intention Is by n system of light dues, contributions and small-fee sociables to accumulate funds for ad- Only Ten More 4 Rubbers free with shoes only ten more days.- c P ine WQQYiEfi Vi STORE r llVJ. .- w t && .KX M Wiy, M j iaKe auvamaire oi me l -vv last oDDoriunitv. k x V - t J nm r,rt,.a:i c r v A .J V,UIIIIIItl lI.U Jl. t 1 Salem, Oregon. - ftifa 4 VS : t. - a n I T iL &k jt i i m mm . ' I ii ill i yhjfrm'W ' 1 1 J If a U MW(a"Hr5K V i Imperial Gonfcrence. Itr Aaaorlnlri! I'rvaa t 11,. , . Wis-DsKit, Nov. SO.-Tho Kmperor and ni.iprww oi uoriiinnrniid l.arlv u..r.. ,. ...-.t uj vjiicun ictona at-' jt. m. Estceurt Surteudered, tlr A..oolalr.l Prr die JonrriDl. I-OMMi.v, Xov. LU Tho present week, according to dispatches from tho front, oiigiii to wo acliatiKoin tho deieno lactics Hitherto maintained bv tho llrit isli in South Airlcn. Tlio lloeri aro devolopintr ufeat strength In tho neighborhood of KsU court, and Joubort Is rcimrtvd to bo moving southward himself In order to direct tho movomunt to ropell tho llrit. ish advance after attempting to isolato Ketcourt. Tho latter is already in iirogross. Tho lloors havo nmcticnllv surrounded tho town. Flgliting at Ladysmith. Lo.vik). Nov. 20. A disimteh from KHHiltrt. drttwl todav. kiivh n r.,iu,rt reached thuro of a.lmttlo at Lndysmltli.l Iirenzo Maiquez datel NiivctnlMir 18, . . i .... -.. . .... Mooiriter. If it Iwtruo that 10,1100 Hrors, under Joubcrt andRlener al Hatha, marching south to moot the llrltish relief forces, heavy llghthfg is in storo. Boers Take Colenburg. i Cai-k Town, Nov. 11). Thursdn, No. vember HI, a combined foreo of Free State and Transvaal burghers occupied Colesburg, Cato Colony, without 'opjio. sltion by tbo residents, and proclaimed tho district to lie LKreo Stale territory. Tho llritish troiHili .Manila has ar rived at Durban. Dutch Moving South. Cai'K Tows, Nov. 20. Tho lloori oc cupieil llnrgherndorf on Tuestlay, No vember II, and It Is believed tlnj tliev were then on the way to selro Storm berg Junction. ' London, Nov. 20 General Duller )ms telegraibiHl an follews: "Capo Town, Sunday, :i::t() p. m. A telegram from tho llrltish consul at Supreme Coutt Decisions. llio Supremo court totl'ay hod tied down tho following decisiens: Sain it. llronn npicllant vs. Southern Pacific lly. Co.. resnondam ln.t.M.iont oiinueiuri twiow reversed j opinion by II. A. Slnioiuls, repondent, vs. I'tank T. Wrightimtn, appellant, Judmnont of tbo lower court reversed; opinion by Mooro, J. S ol Hell, aniiuilant. vs. Win. Frailer, np)cllaut, judgment of tho lower court afllrmed; opinion by tienu, J. Thomas Osborne, apjicllant, vs. Geo. K. Stephenson ct al, respondent, judg ment of tho lower court alllrmcd opin ion by Hcan, J. F. G. Maletolt, lutuir. resKndont, vs. Simon S. Markliam et al appellants. judgment of tho lower court reversed; opinion by Wolverton, C. J. mnutata ilBSOiUKiylFBE r- Mokes Uio food more dn!?c?os ondwhofoaomo SrMl'.'ia0T"rV "'" " 'iMnm ina MIGHT ARMY Krausse Bros 4 Auvumliur. 10, List nit from dnvhrenL- inilll S o'clock in tho afternoon .Many ltieri aro miM to havo been killed ami roortwl taken riioiiors, llritish loxos are reportetl iiuiuh lees, Another battle in said to hawi invur reilon tho Kith which is described as tho heaviest jot fougld. Tho Iloer dead iiunibur hundreds, while tho llritish locoes aro comparatively small. SUNDAY CABLEOnAMS reiHirls that Wl prisoners eiiptilrisl fK.tn tho Ksoourt armored train, hao reachnl Pretoria. I 1h1Ioo Winston Churchill is missing, but iih tit havo Ixvn uiiablu to useertaiii for (vrluln. BRITISH ARMY DON'T FORGET WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK TO BE THE BEST AT THE LEAST POSSIBLE COST. Teeth, $6 and up, . Crowns, $5 and up. FOR A SHORT TOE ONLY. DRS. EPLEY & OLINGER, Rooms 27 and 29 P. 0. Blk. ..vKVvt..tVV.fct.t.vVHi.v,t.t..l.i...t.VJ. Uoets Reported to UeMovinr; South Vciy Unsatisfactory in Natal, AnKiK'liilrU l'rr lu llir Jiiartint. Uiimiv,C'ov. 20, 5 a. in Tills morn ing's news glvtw little that allors tho complexion of tlifsitualinu, Since tint light of NovuiiiIht t mat known, havo Imnmi mirlv iiuiet at IjhIv siiiith. It is not unlikely that (lie liners, lmdly informed as to tho imtiiro and ox tent of llritish treirutioiis to ndvaneu to tho relief of the town, may I hi hosl tilling regarding the npxt movement. The sitiMilon in Natal Is ery eompll cntwl, more MHM'illy if the reports be true that the great Tugttla bridge has Immmi destroyed. The biicewt) of the next move oil either side will depend more on strategy than on stiperlar hiihiWh. The Hours liuo three liuee of iiutlon ojmn. Tliey can hold the rullwnv with the forott they havo at Kunursilale, falb ing slightly back before tho llritish ad vance mid threatening it from Weeneu; or, in tho seeoud plotv, thuy can advance from Weeneu ami try tocarry Ktteourt; or, in the third place, they can adauce due south from Wecnen to Weston, cut the railway and blow tip the bridge over BEEF BAD 'r A Inlrit I'ri-i. in tlir Jnlirnnl. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 20. A dlf)atch to tho World from London says: There is Indication of a big scandal iibnuttlio meots supidiwl to tho troop, ships tent to South Africa, Many sol. dlers complain that.the meat furnished Is putrid. NO SMALLPOX IN SaLKM. REPUBLICAN SPEAKER Announces the Program for the Coming Session of Congress llr Aaanrlnlril 1'rra In tlir Jnuriml. Nuw York, Nov. 20. A special to the Herald from Washington says: " The adoption of the old Reed rules, the immediate passage of the caucus committee's financial reform bill, and reorganization of the committees along the old lines as far as possible, is the programme which Atr. Henderson, who is to be speaker, has marked out lor the house of representalives as the result of conference with the President, leading members of the house and other prominent Republicans. nn'iit ftiuiT nitj' " mtlor, so far ,, I Last Suspects Discharged by the Health y ciiilot at Lady- Hoard. llr Aunclntril Ma.niw, Nov eoris reach Manila, of oimmtlon. north, nhlch, when, the story Is fully known, will prove to bo tho most re. markablo campaign in tho Philippine, war. Uwton's division is spread thlnlv over a territory boyond San Jose where thu tolcgarph ends. Young's two riyimunls of cavalrv nro continuing their sweep Into tho new' country and tho Infantry is being shoved forward to hold tho towns while the cavalry takes, all In a country whoso natural dllllcullles are made Indescrib ably Morse by tropical rains. vuigon transiiortation is eupuisou to liaolieun prnntlcally nlxindonnl Am uricau troops are living on captured siiiplles and the little produce the In- iuaurgeiitshiuo left. iMajor Swlgeart'a detiiobmeiil of the Third Cavalry is ia Iorted to Is) ungnglng n greatly siiierlor force nl Poorruico, northeast of l)ngu pan, This fonv is covering the retreat of the insurgent leaders to tho Ilinguct tnouiituliis, and rcjwrts tha( only tho Insurgent's ndvnnco forco had passed Tnyug before American occuimtlon, tbo main body of Agulnuldo's army being Iwithinnur lines. General I.nwtm recently narrowly e cnHil drowning while fording n river. Captain Uonhnusor, with u battalion oi W. IL'llullmrtp-iieral iMtswugeragont O. It. A N. wannhUd nhalrmnnof t!?; " tweuiy-fllUi umniry, is on tlio rrny msI inuiinnnei iiiKoine iiiiurgeiu cartriihie lllliug works there. K K I i k k K r K 'ZZ&W Tlio Main Body ol AguinaWs Army Has Been Sur- , rounded By American Forces " General Lawton Had a Narrow escape From Drownbt w Hi. Division is Beyond Any Base of Supplies and Entir.lyO of Reach of Telegraph Communication CWuetfr a Remarkable Campaign. 'IWl ".' Jo"n"to1rrl"V''tdiy. 3ilIor.onh.xs. 20. Only fragmentary boat Cu.tiin. m.. ii.i . ' i " ---i-w 'wuiri tj aa. ii 1 inim iisia. sa uuiiiwesi extrem tr of tin. in .Mludanao, Conunandor Very lndol nn.l i mid although no details were rJv4, it appears ho found hf had a lre cm tract ou his hands and telegraphed Otki requesting tlio presence of troops. Th friendliness of tho .Mf.ros for tho Awr. leans I. Increasing .tinder lUtea's dfti matlc administration. Tlio Mindanao villagers seised a twsy. gllng whoonor bound from Ilo Ilo te . Zamlwango. Thar uiurdwtHl all tWa crow. RAILROAD MANAGERS. Unable to Agree On Rate CuttingvConfer' ence Held in Portland Today PnitTUtsn Nov. 20. Itoprcecntatlvcs of tho Northern Pacific, Great Northern, Canadian Paclllc, 0. H. A N, and Southern Pacific mot in this city tfslay for tho purpose of adjusting passenger rates from Puget Bound to tho Hast. For several weeks brokers have been selling tickets tij Chicago for 25 and the meeting today Aits called for tho purpose of putting a stop to tills rate cutting, BURBN HOUSE & HACDILTOTsJ FURNISHERS. JLNL Health OlIlcerDr. K. A. Pierce t.slay iliebargi')! from quarantine the Ilauier child hi South Fiilem, Mrs. lUttersby and baby and .Mrs. Perkins sunt baby, who wore quarantined as patients and suspects of siniillpox. There now re mains no ease In tbo city. The .Muser house ou Front street where these oo. pie iiave Ik-oii nonfilled, has been pIohsI, and will within a week lw fiimigaleil by the use of formullue gas generator, when the last vestige and genu of the dkoase will have Is-on rouiovetl from our city. OJJ Fellows Take No'lc. The memlHirs of Chemeketii and Olive lodge nod all sojourning brothers are requested to meet at the I. 0. O. P. hall In the lloiman block, nt 1 p. in. tomor row (luuMlay) to arrange for utteiiilln the luueral of Hir Into brother, L. Pratt. W. T. Kiiiiiow. Noble (irand, Chemeketa Islge No. 1 'B! a c a look Pur Windows and if ! you like the goods i walk inside and see fariwiii In ouifwindows some of the richest Parlor Furniture ever brought to the city. It is th very best goods of the kind on this market, and is just the thing for useful holiday gifts. I ll rrj nS K a l 1 U ' ' All jcolors r55fe- "-'-- i r others just as fine We do not urge you to buy We like to show goods to people who are "just looking' They are buyers i some day. lis arc going Fast and our stock is still well up on all the different patterns in the several principal kinds: MOQUET, AXAtlNSTER, SMYRNIA and FUR. bright, warm, cheerful Kihauition am, 'men down follow! OrJit ftctcat it br uitng Dr. MlleV Wcnlne. meeting. A general discussion of rates took place, but no conclusion was reatihcd and tho meeting adjourned until tomorrow. 9 -nm3te. ffflxm.? o iMMW EV. 5 r l M,t, i Friend, Sweetheart, Wife whs thu IwuHtllul sentiment eltosen by a wall known voumr man lo lw inscribed wltliln nu naneee s ring, rrwmi, sweet. Iiart, wlk, eomMmi the Uirt-e, or cluxM) one from among them, ami we will show yaw tin ring fur presentation. Dainty solftair (or the wshmmi wli U sntislMsl with nothlHX Utt tlw "wfreet thing," A fife Hint at riitiM for mn. MU. ubtAHUi, emaomlcwl rUiM Uh tlw : Utys awl girb. '-BvttryUsly's riOis ' llui i.lil ivasmJUl aaMaal nr lia Saul mw wmmm pfvm vf i BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, U8TATKBT. ding choice lnxiks from time to time and building up a lino literary and histori cal ela'iilnlliig library. Hev. W. A. Daly, A. HnckeJtcIn, T. K. Ford and Frank D.vvey, form a committee on by laws, to rejiort Thursday evening, when a go.Kl program will lie presented under tho direction of a committee appointed (or that purM)se. The rector of Ht. JiHHiph'M church Ims built hluiKilfu kitchen awl stHollslHhl n more Mrfcolly tpiliiiel home. Lust Thursday evening aliout seventy five members of his church assembled at St. Jonepli's hall ami then proceeded to the rector's resldeuue, taking reverend W. A. Daly by surprise and loading down tbo dining room tables with pMk ages of luxuries nisi suMtuntltils. A siNikosmuii for the crowd explained 111 objeutof the visit and the bout reHiiHl- . I I.. t..t ..!.. .. I.I..I. Al. ...I- ttl III llllllIK ivruia niiw nniwi kmw. joiimment was taken im. .iitMipiis hull, for Mdting enwclty and there a session of MK'ial iltsHre wits eujujtsl, liitliutinit an liiinromptn progrum of songi, reeitallmi ami seakiiig, in which .Mis llenolt, Mr Kirk, A. Iluekestein, Win. Kai.r, Itev. Dly, llev. Curley, MUm .Merle Dsvey, nml others, ountrllHi. twtl apropfUte hhiiiWs. The HiwUr taking wm a grutwl mnum in every reciNMit, not only s a trtVwU to I ho liiimli Mtweuteil jMitor, but m a lituily wekoiiiH In his slttsr. Mis Kail Duly, rofontlv of 1'rlooB IMwanl lsuil who wns tfiiM broOKht into cordial 'iul rektioiM with Hie rUhlonri hihI made U feel at umx lltMl site was UMttttg iMMpituble frUnitU lit T N OA l8 HUI i: AfpolnlsJ Conftieoes IMJsx sih! May Heweve i IIImJ. Itev. N. Uliupp, u( thitsity has Imhmi upjlnteil wufuniM-e presUlog ehler ( Oregeu end WMbiugton of the ehurdHM of the ISvuMgelrfwl Aaauetatioti. ihrv. A. KriHt. of U-e Katt Htaa, wiw was dlstrwt eUi, r pmi, and Mr. Shupp was ap(oiHlal for the entire oulj ferenee. lie has a wide distrtrt, with Port land the oswler. Horses HsmoiUI tu Vktwy The KuitlMi Cwwailsr in Kwtli Af- tUi is wuitlng tor oavairy Itat the iMtstm) ms at Kilem who has U CAN VB IM.UASB? TRY US WliHAVB 200 KINDS OP CANDY. IK YOU CANNOT HIND WHAT YOU WANT SAY SO, AND WIJ WILL MAKB IT. ELLIS &ZINN 104 Btntn Hi. I'hono U7U'l. Sax Fiuncismi, Nov. 30. Four gov vriimcul traiisxirti will sail today with troops for the Philippines, tho Han cock, Duke of Fife, 8t. Paul and Oily of Pueblo. Has Pimncishi, Nov. 20-Ounersl Fmlurluk Fiiustou nnd wlfo, of Kansa, arrived at Oakland luit night. lie is on his way lo Manila, whore ho will report for duty to OeiiHrnl Otis. Admiral Watson has reoreivwl an ad dltlouul credible ruiort that IJont. (Id more and llvoof tlie mpttired sailors of the gunboat Yorktown were at Turlno Nov. 10. Thu iroirtT llaltimore stuns 1 1 A j No mditr wfwt ?' j you pay for R ickcmsctimi!: h the cheapest md. cine in tlw world for that coujjh of yours. WHEAT MARKBT. OnitAQO, Nov. ,-Ps. r, sli "t. Han Fhancwco, Nov. W.Msy l.iHJ am zjamvmit' i Y . . Thanksgiving Liner?s At Special Bile, Wc are lill hammering away at those Fine Liikipi. and we propose to continue this sale up to ilk very dy. Don t use your old Linens in servinf ymir I hauksgiviiijf Feast when you can fer new one at such prices as we offer. ULBACIIbU LINBNH. AT T NAI'KINb, ,l-'i-' :Avisa,. reduced.. t Mtef town ImmIhwii if u wants to make WNjHDtWM birtw hk Itssj from II 'JO SI' If you viant Great outino Flannel sale. NEXT WEDNESDAY Burbn st HAMiiyroivr 248 COMMERCIAL 3T. X X VLlCHES SEED, the greatest Hay producer on earth; Peach Pits for nursery stock; lulm. Hyacinth. Crocus and Lilly bulbs of all kinds, call on & RBID. 82a, 334 Gsmmarofttl street, Dealers in FeeJ. Seed. Hay. Straw and Grain. SAVAG3 Next Wednesday we will offer for sale 2,000 yards of extra heavy Outings w the regular lO cent lands, and sold everywhere at that price v Wednesday only at our store Come early for you know our sales are well patronized! fI Don't fail to see those elegant SILKS which we are offering SPECIAL J3r The very finest in the market at ilie very lowest possible pnee. Jgyr.TX&BBwrj j j'T3rBT$, WMI'i ll.ii. 'lM I. Quttn '. -i 4 '!' t