Sjgg!!SB!SUw'"w- . "'m !WH)iM(ipwiwy)'7nfpip)jMp i m, - iiiifiiiiiniiiiatiiiiiiitiiiiifiiMiiMiiimtirtn(I KMmmmmamnmmcmmmmamm vnrf.4 ' .4 AH 4 44 wwrierewitnaii snail A! A' We be Clothed" 3C This quotation is centuries old, but a more vital issue today in the fashionable world than ever. This is a iM-TO-IIE SEASON Jackets,) papes, Mackintoshes, And Tailor Made Suits. Jackets Wo Jiavo implicit faith in our own good?, knowing our Jnckctfl and capes to Iki tlio latest stylos nnd ma terials. Wo invito inspection. Tlio largest stock of ladles' nml children's Jackets in Uio city. Ready to Wear .tuckets, Capes TnllonnlUi, Shirts Underskirts, Hosiery Muslin underwear Knit cotton or wool underwear Corsets, W.O-C. nnd It. & G. CASH STORE HOLVERSON'S CASH STORE Only 3 Weeks to Tkiiksgiving! ; I We are going to give you an opportunity to lay in a supply of fine Table Linen at prices as low as ever quoted, in the face of a rapid ly advancing market. Being able to antici pate wants we purchased largely before the advance, and in this sale you reap the benefit. 00 inch, full bleach, good tlio yard miallty; in several now pattern, 60c 00 inch full blench linen, n regular 11.00 valuo In neat pattern, "7IT-, tlio yard vJL- Ot Inch full bleach, flno quality, nnd good weight, Umiparo will nny you've lwiight at f 1.25; tlio yard. f,7 inch Turkey red damask; would make n good 40c seller but wo say tuo ynni NAPKIN UARGAINB CO dor. full bleached, warranted nil linen ; tlio best vnluo over offered ; per down . . . r f 1 h r r r $lr 30c f $1,25 r 1 TODAY'S ELECTIONS. Continued from flntpife. ial labor tickets, and the result depends very materially on whore most ot tno Jones vote will como from. It is cer tain cither Oconto K. Nash, rcputllcan, or John It. McLean, democrat, will bo elected. If Jones nulls more from Uio Demo crats than from the Republicans, the prediction of Chairman JJick that Nnsli will havo 60,000 plurality may be realized. Hut if Chairman Fowanl is correct in assuming Hint Jones will draw much mom linnvilv from thu rotmblicailH that! from tho democrats, then McLean will lw. nlprtml. Tho democratic managers have made much capital of tho fact thut Jones has latin a republican up to this campaign, nnd that lio was himself connected with a trust, and that ho would not pledge himself to vote for Uryan in 1000. As Ohio is normally a Itermblicuu nfutit. .Inni'fl could draw more heavily from tiio Republicans and still not alTecl tlio result, wero it not lor tno lacuumu feeling, wliich may alsoeoBt Judge NaBh some Kcpumicau votes. It is conceded thut all votes that can bo controlled bv Governor Ihishnoll, ex Chairman Kurtz and other iintl-llunna J. J. DALRYMPLE A. COMPANY. ; republican will bo cast for McLean, but tills factional work may not extend to others on tho republican stuto ticket. Meantime the gold Democrats, us well ns tho Uryan Democrats, are supporting McLean, and there is no factional funs among tlio Democrats. i no campaign lias ucen outer, uirty and full of chnrgos and counter charges. It is. of course, exjiected that this vicious tendency will continuo at tno pons to morrow, and that there will bo many arrests, especially in tlio cities. Kx-Clovernor Campbell says that Mc Lean's plurality will bo I0.00J if tho democrats keep united. Claims made for Nash vary from L'0,000 to 00,000 plurality, tho wido difference being caused by tho uncortulnity of tlio Jones vote. GEN. MILES AT PORTLAND llr Aanuelntrtl Preaa la Ilia Jimrunl. I'oiitiani), Nov. 7. Gen. Nelson A. Miles Is today Inspecting the fortlllcu tions at tho mouth of the Columbia rivor. llo will reach Portland this afternoon. A MONSTER TRUST - . . Inflation of Rubber Tire Vehicles on a Still Larger Scale The store to purchase your dry goods and clothi llr AnrlnlrI I'resii I., the Jiiurnnl. Nkw Voiik, Nov. 7. Tho Times says s A f-'OO.OOO.OOO combination ts projected. It Ib intended to combine all tho rub ber, bicycle and automobile, companies Into one great concern. PERSONAL MOVEMENTS Pooplo In tho City From Other Towns on Ouslnoss and VIs- Itlnsr Frlontls. D. T. I'itts has gone to Oregon City. Tom Livcsley, tho hop buyer, went to ,"5k con-fc" Ice Not Given Away. I cannot afford to give iroaway, but am soiling n puru article at a price that is within tho reach of all. Cuystai. Icie Women. J. Magulro, Prop. (I 15 tf CAPITAL UREWIJKY UEKK. UOTTLEU Kllnger A Beck,Successors to South3aem - Uotthr.i Works. All orders for bottled beor will ho filled At tho brewery, Kent on cold storage. Free city delivery. Toloplionu Still. valley Nature's Great Gift Of sluht. when It falls yon. tan bo ulaced bv second sight 0 ro- our flno French trough ii pair of crvstal or llnulllau or snectacIoH, when nebula eyeglasHes or spectacle, wui-n they uro properly adjusted and lltlod to tlio O.V0S. 1 tost, your riHiiw mu. hiuum nnd lilt it perfectly with glasse that will mnko your heart glad. All kinds of lenses duplicated on short notice, llo pair work done promptly at fair charges. aRHINGBS Optician BOO OOMMICWOIA.L. 8T. WEATHEn HEPOrtT. Tonight and Unlit ratlin. Wednesday occasional Oood Peed, (lood (iiil and cure is what your hor needs to nimblo him to carry you safely homo. This ami a good rig can bo had at tho old Pontollico stable. II (I rod Uilmam A UllOWII No tnortililno or iiulum'i Ir, riUiL uuaa All rlu. Mil... I'm Ouoci'H-t Utav" No One Can Pass it By. without un ndmlriuu uhtneo when they see tho oxouisito display of china, glass ware, crockery nml lamps at Sonne mnn's, whore you will ulwi find a full lino of fresh and dried fruits! Iieiiig nil the varieties that tho season has turn ished including gniMH, llgs ami ralHins from California. You itiu llml tho Ikm . of gmeerlo and fresh egotibles at SonnemanN, TIIKQHOCEU 124 8'nto at Teloprouff 5 I1ICYCLK IIAltOAIN.-Hriiud now llrst vlatis Indies' wheel nt n lxirunln for rash, liniulre of M., nt Jouii.n.m. olilco. II 7 t TODAY 'S MARKET. Poiitlani), Nov. 7. Wheat 61 (28 Wl Wnlla Walla.Clc. to 65. 1-Tour Portland, fi 1.00 to 3.25. 8iier flno '.'.15 per lib). Out Wlilto3l36o.Kroy 33 to ale. Huy Timothy fUQl 1.00 per ton. Hops 7 lie: old crop 6 lie. Wool Valley. 12 life: Kastcrn Or egon. Hlte Mohair, 27 Q 30. MJllstuff Itrnn, f 17; shorts, f 18, Poultry Chickens, mixed, J.iWOtot.OO Ileus I to 1.50, turkeys, live, 12)llu. Hggs Oregon, 21 to 22tfo iwr do. Hides Oreon.BaltedOOlbs.HfiiOc.unile (K) lbs, 7)i8i sheep pelts, 1620e. Onions 1 to Hj'e. Uuttor Ilest dairy, 23365 '""''y creamery, 60o to 55c per roll, store 37Jji and -iOe. Potntoes 60 to OOe imit cental. Hogs Heavy ilmssvil do to 0(Je Mutton DrosHed.OJijO to 7o sir pound. lteef Hleors. :i.60(if.00j cows, fil.OO a3.50 dresHwl, ImiiI (t to 1i veal dressed, Hti8io. HALKM MARKET Wheat II iKHindsand over Ule. Wool llle, Mohair i!0o. HopriOtoKM. Parley 'ito 660. Oats 25 mid 27o. liny Haled, cheat t7.00 Timothy 18.60 toll lCggs 25o. Flour In wholosalo lots fl.00 rutnll fit 10 MillstuffH-brau 1!UX) shot Is 15.00 Hogs drussiMl, 5J(ie. Livocattlo Steers iieows 2J to il. Hlu'oi-f2.60Qt!l. Drosseil Voal l)e. Uuttor Dairy lfo creamery 22c. Poultry Ileus 7 to 8 cents. Potatoes 25e. GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE. Still contiiuie.s. We will sell you for $ 90 what others ask you $2.50 lur, nnd for 52.20 regular 53.00, and for 52.80 regular 53.50 Shoes or boots. Rubber at cut prices also. SALEM SHOE STORE R, II. LiiAUQ.Manager, Rfl Ktato M. Udd A ltuuli Hank ltldg. Salem's Leading Store I TWO THE LEADER TWO 8TOHKB1 JlasnfolviHl a very largo ltliiment of Indies ullor-mnd wJU ttt JI prlcw from 16,00 up. Tho finest lino t tno eawm. Atw u lino new Ifno rhlrlfi and Wfi1'v.ini alo of Mackintoshes and L'mbrolla today. fcuKr Vtovk is now complote. IaW long riravd IImcmI, from Ik ente p Jinwo( jrtCkvu mid Oolf caeu thafje)plo ho been Matting for lmi WNriid. A E. Fraser, 265-271 Comrnercia! st. LnQtlppe, ilostrnys IIkiumiiiiN of people. Il iiiiiv tie quickly rilled by Olio Minute Cough Cure, Unit pro duce Imiuedluto results In cough, colds and throat ami lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. HtouoV Drug Htoru. in justice pourrr Two llcplevin Coses Uefoie Justice John son Involving Some Huy. Jiutioe Johnson was Imsy Monday with tlio ouso of S. It, Ormshy vs George llowo, In which phiintlff smvs defoudnnt for tho reeovory of to tons of Imy, nl logwl to lx purl of tho erop rulced on phiintlfl's ftirm near ArKontl.mid wronis fully withheld hy dofeudaut, or for its vnluo, fW, nnd for f 10 dnmiiKO. Tho testimony wits till taken nnd argil' intuitu ill homnde, uttliueonolusionof tho tiMtimony in tho hiho of S. I), Ormshy vs. I'orey Hrown, which Is on tilid title afternoon mid is n shuilnr ease in all rvwpeots oxcepi that tho amount of hay, Involved la ono and ouo half tons. lloth oasos wilt Ik) urued at oneo. biinriuiin, Condlt nnd 1'iirk nroattor n)T8 for tho plaintiff, and U II. Me.Ma luin fur dufuudaut. m U1BO. UOMSTOCK. At tho Oreirou insane ftsi'liiin, Salwn, Or., 51ouday, Novein Iwr 0, 1800, at 0 p. in., A.J. Comstovlc, uijrtl !tr yuara, of Kuuonil paresis. leeiteii was a limthor-ln-luw of A. 1). Charlton, of l'ortlaud. I HI A Man Hanging To an idea U genurully a happy man. Tlio man who tjangx to tho notion thai ho want a biH)rh siuoVo, and thou Rett Ia Corona olgura to gratify his dolfght, if onrtainly a linppy people Dallas today W. W. Whltodrovo to Dallas on husl ness Tuesday, Al Sauvaln of Silverton was in town today on business. State Supt, of Schools Ackcrmann went to Astoria this morning. Mr. amlMra. John Craig and Heniv Crnlg, of Mncleay, wero Salem visitors Tueeday. .Mrs. A. M. Williams, of Portland, and Mrs. Clarke, ol Chicago, arrived today to Iw tho guests of Mrs. . F. Moody. Mis. A. Wondell nnddaughtorTliolma of Asylum uvonuc, left today for Can yon City, Col., to visit her mother, Mrs. McCluro. Hon. U. II. FhigK, a nativo-lwrn of tho stuhborn Dutch, who nro holding tho fort in South Africa, wont to Hills horo this morning. Mrs. C. K. Drown of Itosetlalo ramo up . i if iii .. irom loruami lonay irom attending tier daughter .Mrs. C. F. Smith, formerly of Salem, who is very 111. Mrs. Alico Klnndors, for some time nlifht cook at tho Whito House rostnu. rant, nnd daughter, lmvo gono to linker City to mako their futuro homo. 0. F. V. Browne, who had tho govern ment contract for painting tho now government building nt Siiotz for l'ugli & dray, has completed his work nnd returned homo with ills assistants. Presiding Klder nnd Mrs. P. It. WIN linms, of tho L'nltod Brethren church, nro homo from Southern Oregon. Miss ,Cora Mills, of Wcddorhtirn, accompan ied thoiu to attend school at Salem. Col, A. Chadwlck and daughtor, Mrs. Klla Osboino, nnd Miss Hart, of St. Paul, Minn,, nro in Portland and nro exjectcd to bo tho guests of their nieco and coiihIii, Mrs. David Matheny, of West Salem. II. S. Commissioner C. A. Sholbrede, direct from Skngway, Alaska, nrrlvod in tho city today . Ho says thoro Is not much travel out or into tho mines via rikagway at present, and will not bo un til tho rivers and lakes are frozen. Tlio railroad company is huildlng)siiowshcds and expects to keep IU forty miles of track open all winter. Mr. ami Mrs. K, Skipton of Corvallis returned last night from n visit to Ohio ami eastern cities. They stopped over to visit Will mid James Skipton, tho Salem liverymen, and Miss Ollio Skip ton, their uieco, ami went homo today llo says eastern Ohio suffered a terrlblo drouth the past summer nnd nlmoxt no crops are grown except by fertilization. MARION COUNTY MATTERS Business Being Transacted at the Couit House. rKOHATK. Mrs. Martha Porter, widow of Win Porter, deceased, has been granted nn allowance of f 100 for maintniuanco, out of tho fund of tho estate. Edward T. Murphy has been author ized to tell n horse belonging to the estate of Andrew Murphy, deceased. Tlio final account of Wm. FaW, ad ministrator of tlio estate of John C. Bauer, deceased, has been allowed and tho administrator discharged. J. (I A. IJowlby, administrator of tlio estate of Elizabeth ltrown, deceased, ro' ported thosalo of a tract of land be longing to tho estnto. The sale was ap proved. Grant Corby, ifdminlstrntor of tlio Herman Fricskin estate, reported tho enlo of n qunntlty of ixireonnl proporty, and the same wns approved by the court. In tho matter of tho estate of Herman Fricskin, deceased, Grant Corby, admin istrator, has petitioned for nn order to sell certoln real property of tho estnte, and citation has been issued to tho heirs to nppenr nt 10 n. m. Dec. 9, to show cnusoifony why tho order should not bo made. DEEDS FILED. C. W. nnd L. C. Dicknian to Fred J. Drown, part of lot No. 1, block No. 62, University addition to Salem, nlso 10 ncies in t 7 s r 3 w, w d, f800. II. E. and 0. S. Drown to Charles W, Dickmnn, lots No. 7 nnd S, in block No! 11, Southwest nddltlon to Pnlem, wd, $r00. U. W. nnd L. O. Dickmnn to C. L. Wntt, lots No. 7 nml 8, in block No. 11. Southwest addition to Salem, w (l.llLT,, HOTKL ARRIVALS. WILLAMETTE. II. M. Grant, Portland, Ore.. F. A. Collins, Mrs. F. A.Collins, Dallas; E. C. IjiniRon, Chicago; J. C. Hanson. Hochestor; O. L. Warden, Addis Gal lagher, Portland; Harry Saunders, Seattle ; M. I.. JoneB, Drooks; Tilman Fonl, City; .1. D. Deed, Portland; II. (I. Church, Chicago; Dell G. Lnshler, I.. W. Cnnmhnn, A. Muzzurclla, Port- m m GOODS tlft JBST mi KAIKI WASH SILKS, assorted colors, 25c per yard. BLANKETS, all wool, from 52.50 a pair up, Also cheap ones in stock. MACKINTOSHES for ladies and gents, girls and boys, a large assortment at extremely l0 CAPES AND JACKETS; nice, new and nobby; going at 60c on the dollar, be sure , i see them, ' anJ MEN'S SUITS from 54.00 up. Boys' 51-25 up. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS, lowest prices prevail. DRESS GOODS aud linings, outing flannels and flannels. Immense assortment, prices fh 1 lowest. ,nt1 TRUNKS AND VALISISES; we are headquarters for bargains in these goods. HATS AND CAPS in latest styles. UMBRELLAS, we carry a great variety from 50c up. REMEAtBER, for anything in dry goods or clothing go to Friedman's New Racket, Cor, Com, and State sts, A hot time Tnat's what they hnvo in tho Old Town occasionally, nnd its only enjoyed by ft few, but everyliody enjoys tho Hot Meals Served in tho liest of Home Cook ing nt tlio St. Elmo Restaurant, George Dros., Props. Football, Menday: University o- team, i; Allmuy tol Glltl. WANTEI)-for general house work, ('nil at 1115 Court street, corner Hummer. 11 7 at At Allkinv Oregon, second lege, 0. Salem ienplo should encourage tlio homo team In its llrst Intercollegiate contest with Forest Grove at the State Fair Ground next Saturday. Nation's Dispute Aud war for trade; but all citizens have an equal chance for good eating at Tho White Houho Itostauruut. Elections Necessary To determine who may go to cougrcf s but all who need u good dinner can go to Tho Wonder Destnurnnt. Breton Mm Studio. Wiggings has re-opened her Art Studio, in tho Ilolninn houso corner Court and Cottneo nnd WedneS' streets, Studio hours Monday clay '-'::S0 ando:30 p. ni., nml Sat urdny t) n. m. to I p. m. For terms nnd information call nt studio. Via Itors always welcomo. jfootball Pacific University vs. Willamette University, Of Kurcl (IroYe. At the State Fair Grounds, Saturday, November 11th, Game to be called at 2t30 p. m. Yew Park Grocery. rt2 t2v3NCJV2v5N2v2! (4 Fresh Orecm Iturk fl vlieai ticmr.'iu id sacks, s uiitv Wo. V ('mnlKirrios. Manlo syrup in bulk. Taylor' co 1 o b r at o d V butter always on hand ) UNSS3rAC&'s5S50 Allen & Boworsox This Is tho tlrst Championship (lame In tho Iutor-Collcgl.ito Series for IftK). Things You Ought to See Our men's black mack w itli ch f 2.00 Our num's wool tricot mack with capo 8.76 Our ladles' blue mack witli doublo velvet collar, :IX0 Our girls' mack, tan, double capo velvet collar 2.60 Our fast black umbrella -10 Our ladles' or genu steel rod gloria silk umbrella 1.00 Our men's riblHtl fleeced union suits 1.00 Hotter ouch at t'.'.OO and $2.70. Our big special purchase In men's rlhlied tlctved hlrts or junta MVi goods. 35.C That window full of men's wear, north side. That window full ofkluK's, south side. WIGGINS' BAZAAR, 307 Com. RACKBT PRICES. Keep your eyo on us for ChrUtin&d goods. JOURNAL "X RAY'." Here's to tho United States of South Africa with somo good man for president. . The Senttlo Post-Intelligences has been sold to a now combine of politici Fish Lnthorp says: An Oregon man is realy not well advertised until he lies been X Hayed a few times. Wonder if those telegrams sent out Monday about tho Immediate capture of Aguinaldo and his army were campaign thunder? Tho Hop Uocr8 of Oregon have sent their ultimatum to tho Dealers. Tho question now is, which side hai tho heaviest artillery? Tho first reliable now sot the elections will appear in Wednesday evening's Jouk.sai. and will probably be of a char actor to suit all tastes. a man sometimes lias trouhio in gov erning one wife, but wo notice the Sul tan of Sulii hai no dilllculty in uoveru ing a whole lot of them. . Solf.govoinmont under tho American Hag has been given to Negros Island. All friars opposed to American reforms will bo furnished free tnuisnortitisn to Spain. . . Sam Itlcliardson seems to know how to run a law school. With proper facili ties Salem could Just us well have n law school with two or three hundred stu dents as with thirty or forty. . Tho local report says that nt tho Al bany dedication of tho Workmen tem ple at n certain stage of tho program "nil tho guests retired to tho nrmory." That must be nn up-to-date temple. Aftr generously sending Infected peo ple to tho Capital City, tho nowsnapers of those towns still more generously ad vertise that Salem is "greatly excited" oyer new small-pox cases. Salem regu larly incurs tho generous envy of less prosperous towns like Albany and Port land, Journal. Another canital ioke. The sending, though has been tho other way. uemocrot. See here, that's u capital pun. For X X X X- witiire, Carpets, ff a 9, u At prices that are right, see F. W. Mollis & Company First Door North of Postoffice. Stoves Made To Order Xbuy the "Home" Air Tight Stove, and the "Home" Steel Range made at Salem the best Heating and Cooking Stoves on the market. SCCome and see them patronize home industry. and "tCLet us know just what you want, and if not in stock will have it made to order. STEINER & BERGER, 130 Stat? 51. LANTERN We are selling a good side lift Lantern, made of 1X tin, for 50c. This is a good lantern made of extra heavy tin and first-class in every respect, Other lanterns at a proportionate price. ORAY BROS Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. Winter Soon Heie. And tho weather will le cool and oc casionally wo, and you will need good warm clothing and waterproof gar ments. II obson has a full lino of these, including beaver overcoat, waterproof .wool coats, wool lined and warm, ladies' men's and children's wool underwaro nil sizes. I have a line of ladles' and misses' khoes offered nt a bargain to close out tho lot. KvervthiiiL' elwi that vou need in ilrv gcods. I buy for cash, sell (or cash and give my i customers bargains. I'leaso call in aud inspect tho stock. W. H. Honsox, 207 Commercial street. NEW BOOKS Farm lo Rent, Good farm in Linn county to tho proper person. Inquire of K. M. Cro ban, Implement dealer, Salem, Or. 10-SO-tf Prepare for a Siege, Youaro not surrounded by armed sol diers, but it will bo good policy to'pre iUW for the bad roads by buying a good supply of groceries from Branson A lta-Ba- U-O-eod The Palace Market Will fill your order for a roast, broil or fry of beei, mutton, pork or sautage. Corned beef, nicely cooked, boned and pressed ivadv to elico for your luuch. We have our own deliver? nun Your patronage solitlted. MOYER & EDWARDS. Phont202l. lS3 8tatoSl. x2?,J!.en,"" J. V'08'23 c6"18 each. 50c each b Mllm' M and 300 titles oftho Mershor 1G mos 25c each. AtXrSlh1.2 m0S ' Stnnd"J Olive Optic Series Juveniles 76c. The Hentv liookx fin.. ara Sailor Itoy with Dewey Series 75c. n b r bln"''-Americau War Juv enile Series 70c also Itichard Carval 25c David Hartim 25c to read. Hlack Douglas 25o to read. FRANK S. DEABORN'S Book Store. REEDS OPERA HOUSE I'ATrON Mt03., Uee p.l Msntgcn. Saturday, Nov 11, BEACH BOWERS MINSTRELS X FAMOUS And the finest uni' formed band in the world. XXX Sewer Pipe THIRTY FIVE DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS 35 A. VA8T ORGANIZATION BjTond question Teter. Utter end iuperiorlo all mlniutUo! Uie pmi and prcMOt.mUIC( It an Ideal and real mobilization of all Monnrcha of tho Mlnstrol World Watch for our grand Uniformed Bard Street Parade at 11 :30 a. m. lower Floer: 7Sc aelUrjr: 28,60 and lie. Our Champion Wins. Your Cliamnlon mav Imve ta knocked out in tli tnt dol.t but the "Little Champiorn" cigars made at ba lem furnish vou a (rood smoke eacb Just rwAii'.! ..v.i.-i n Pile with all Uio various conneo tions in More for Ralo bv "l,eo lt-llm - UTTLKY i'f1" '"roish yqn --" ! tur vnemeKe Cheuiekta tirae Asat'::.Ai. . nwiWdiMiili'Mft lir.. . .. ., ... rc-jr,.t.JwtM-'ji8a- fcm lfciltliiMllrif'jg?jfcNljii';ir f 4-trhMfrej''A-'---