T -7 - UliWI 'TKI- -rF-1fllW'1? fW" ' p"WPiVIJ l WWWP F t. GfHURENSSUITS (i arr s - - S3 C New and Nobby, Reefers, Reeferets, $1.50 to $7,50, Vestees, Josies. Nothing Newer, We guarantee these 10 per cent lower Than anything on the coast. vn era tiS G. w. Johnson & go. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. TUB DAIL1 JOURNAL BV HOPUR BHOTHBHB TUKBDAY, NOV. 7, 1890. D.lly, OnoYcar 813.00,111 Advance) Daily, Tout Montbs $1 00, U &dvanoo Weekly, Oue Year 01.00, In Advaiico WHAT THE HOP aROWEFVS ORGANIZATION CAN ACCOM PLISH. There 1b nothing to bo gained ly tho hop growor ..busing tlio buyer, or tho hanker, or tillndty ensuing trtiBts in gen eral, including combinations of browcra or commission men. Tlio thing to do Ih to maintain tho hop growers' organiza tion nml uiidorlako what can bo reason nbly accomplished. Tlio growor haa Interests to protect. A great many growers aro not ho situ ated no to Ik) entirely Itidopondoiit. Tor that very reason those who am inde pendent muni organize to protect them selves agaliiRt abuses that grow out ol UiIh Miry condition ot things. They must help ouo another to protect them wives, and Incidentally will help the man who Is not independent. Tliero nrc moral feature to tho situ ation, that mako It illlllcult to accom plish any gloat Immediate result. Tlie Unit evils to combat urn tlio customs of advanro contracts and advance consign ments, Thore In no doubt hut that con tractu reaching into future deliveries oKirate as a powerful wcoKnof organUa ttonamong dealers. Connlgumouts Aer ate to plaeo the grow or absolutely at tho mercy of tho consignee. Tho Oregon association has ucolaivdagalnstcoiiBlgn tnents, hut they will contiuuo to ho made, as men will continue to be found to buy gold bricks. Another feature that appears as n dis turbing factor Is the largo growor who Is also n dealer. Ills Interest will bo a divided oue. Ho will llsMso of his own product first and is interested In con trolling tho situation both as a producer and a dealer. Tho largo hop dealer w ho Is alto a money-lender is another factor. Ho advances money to make tho crop, and it generally falls duo at tho most critical tlmo in tlio market. 0 row em are conielled to sell their crop at 5 to 7 cents, when their neighbor gets K to 10 cents for the sumo Identical article, The banker who lends money vn a hop crop has no Intercut in forcing a grower to sell him the crop at a ruin ous figure. Wo aro only stullng this ease lo show bow it can bu made to work. It is Hot assumed that a dealer who lends money to mako u crop has uny real Interest In ruining u growor, unless ho already has control of a largo hop oeroago and wants to see hppyanls closed down. Ono effective way to accomplish results will 1k for tho OrOHora' Association to form a ool of as many llrslelass hops as possible. For the nest four mouths there will bo demand for tlio best hoiva. Tho demand comes from a thousand cannot siiiuily their orders they must draw upon tho association. Tho prob lem then is this: 'Can tlio association f jrni a jkkiI of any amount, such as ten or twenty thousand hales of hops? Can they finance such a pool for sixty days or four months? Can thoy secure the business talent, tho legal talent, tlio hanking talent and the capital required to hold tho pool? Tho Grower's association must compete with tho keenest business ability, tho shrewdest financial skill, tho almost unlimited banking resources of the combined dealers. Against these tho Individual growor can not success fully contend. Tlio association can sociiro as good talent to act for its inter ests as tlio dealer can. Hut it will he osKiusive. Tliore is no doubt but that it will pay the growers in tho association to do this. Thoy will )mj compelled to employ talent to match tho talent that Is now employed by tho growor if thoy would hold their own. In tin unorgan- ired state tho grower is no match for the dealer. Tho Oregon Association Is In tho hands of able men, and If thoy aro projMirly backed by tho growers much can bu accomplished. Tho Association has another lino of work, and that is issuing reliable infor mation to tho grower. Kducatlotml assistance now comes to the grower almost entirety from the dealer. An other lniKrtunt work the association can jHirforiii Istho purchase and dlslrlbti lion of supplies at wholesale. This alone ought to save all tho oxonoof tho organization. Tho Uost Proao ripuonr or Mnlnrln ClillU Mini I'over ltt Ixittlu ol (ItiiivKsTAHris Lxas (lllll.l. Ionic II la .Imply 1 1 on unl Uiiliilnutii a liMteltw form No nire, mi iir, iWsfaV. 7-17 if A.W m Minstrels for the Indium. Monday night the Dig Tour Minstrel troops gave an entertainment at Chum aw a. They enjoyed a Hue house, taking in about T0. Thoy left this morning for llutteville, where they will glvo an entertainment. To Curo n Coltl In Ono Day Vk Iviiatlvo llromo Onlitliie ThIjIi'I II II 111-. . 'jtm' NiKKlat iffilud tho inminvlflt K. V. (lnivo'a ItfiMtura la mi acli All ft! I in i urn li Seventh Day Meeting House. A priming coat has boon given tho now Soumth Day Advent church on Mill street and we ore informed the en tire building will Iw tlulslioil In the near future. That Joyful Peeling. Willi tliooxhilurutliiiMeiisouf renew ed houltli .ml strength ami luturual alouiilliiusx, which follows the utu til Hyrun of Figs, Is unknown to thu row who imvo nob progressed bewmd the old-tluio medicines unit llio cheap sub sUtutca sometimes olTorcd bub uuvor uccoptcd by the vull-iiifuriuctl. liuy llio ueiiulno. .MtimiraoMircU by tho Cullforulu Kig Syrup Co, Dr. II. II. Hatlou, Summit, Ala,, sj)H, "l think Kodol Dyspepsia Uiuo It a splendid uicOluiue," lb illgusts what you oat unci quickly cures ilys popslu ami ludlgusiloi), Stunoa Drm! ritoro. I AFOUND THE EVENING i Far Wf Rfrii llcflecttona on tlie Newt'at Hooka nml MSKfttlnv. rTimUUUUA.UmWUWWilUiiiLUUll)ii,t. Tlio Century for No vorabcr begin ning of vol, CO haa thu first install ment of John Morloy'a llfoof cromwoll Tho Historical school that set tho Great English Common beforo tho world as a hypocrito and usurbcr lias had its day and wo ore now to have a closo study of tho real man and his political signifi cance. Tho Btylo of Morloy ensures great readability to this blogrophv, and tho illustrations on semi-tints are very beautiful. Tho Century is thu only inagasmio that still adheres to the .15 cent price at retail, HarerM has comu down to 25 cents. A Local Habitation, by Waller Leon Sawyer, Small, Maynard t Company, Publishers, Iloston. I'rlco )1.25. This is a conscientious study from a lltorary standpoint of lfoin tho board log liouso district of a largo city in this case tho back-bay region or Iloston. Tlio jieople are depleted as they really foem to exist to the perception of tho writer who Is n young reporter. Our feelings nro Intensely favorable to his marrying tlio girl ho seems very properly to liavo fallen in love with, and wo aro not rf little taken aback when ho is refused after conscientiously going back to tho ol scuro region to carry her off in his arms or rather in a hack. She tells him what is true that sho lias como to tho conclusion ho only camo amonir BEECH AM S gjgg M gfkOureftHffttoatfMiA m m mimmnmm' Matt lioailasha. 10 cents aad 35 cats, at all dror stores. iJ.iBii'if'mii'mjmtfmjag A Gentloman Player, by Nelson Steph ens', author of An Hnemy to tho Kiny, L. C. Page and Company, publishers, Iloston. This is another of tho great successes of this author in the field of histoiical interest. Tho story is laid in the days of Queen Elisabeth and Will Slmkespear and his motley crow of actors of tho Globe thcatio aro 1oon companions ot tho hero, who is wed to tho heroine In fine old romantic faihion, after execut ing the mission of tlio Queen. The writer has the magic oer to transport tho reatler Into tho tliiieB bo is so rarely familiar with, some three-hundred yea-s ago. Hiiglaml Is described as Iximg still In tho llrst thrill of tho greatest rejuv enescence tho worltl over knew. New comforts, new luxuries, new thoughts now itopslbilitlcs, ami new means of pleasure, had given Englishmen a mad anil holBtcrotm zest for life. Gentlemen strut tod about with curiously shaped forked beards, brilliant doublets, silk stockings nnd laco rufTs, velvet cloaks and plumed hats. Ladies woro stiff silk nnd satin corscU spangled with gold and braided with silver outside their dreescs. They had vast puffed sleeves with laco IkkIIccs lo show as much of their necks and bosoms as it was judicious to expose anil their robes were open in front them to tako notes nnd llnd material to I to H'10"' their petticoats, which was then work up into his novel which has been l thought to bo aut fait, and even woro published and mailo him a name. In farthingales to mako the petticoats that sho is inndoto cunningly exjioso ! 8ttt,u' 0,lt na mr M possible. Tho men the sham of a man from the educated and women painted tlieir faces and wore walks of life living among ami protend-' false hair. Both boxcr shone witli jew ing to bo Interested In tho working ' els and gold ami I.ondon folks were the classes, whom lie Is In fact only "work i richest and host dreaded people in tho lug" for literary material that after all world. Theso wcro tho days when fir Tlie hearty looking man who thumpi his chest and says he's sound as a dollar, noes not take into consideration the ca Urrh which bothers him occasionally. "Uin every body ' has more or less catarrh. That's noth ing," he says. Hut he is mis taken. What begins in ca tarrh may end in con sumption. It is a foul dis ease at its bet and a fa tal disease at its worst when it in volves the lung tissues. For catarrh and for dis eases of the throat and lungs in gen eral the standard medicine is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It U recommended by physicians who have tested its efficacy and wondered nt its cures. It not only destroys the disease, but it purifies the blood and strengthens the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition. "Tor twelve years 1 waa a uffr from catarrh and waa treated by one of the beat phyalclana In the itate of North Carolina, who aald the trouble had reached my lunga," wrttea Mr J, M. Patlon, or Clotho. Tranaylranla Co , N C "I grew worae every day until I tried Dr Pierce'a medl cine Wilt aay, one bottle or Dr. ricrce'a tOoldtn Medical Dlicovery with Dr Bage'a Ca tarrh Remedy aired me and to-day I am well and hearty and I will aay further that my former phyiidau, Dr W M tyday, recommenda Dr. Herce'a medldue to me and to otbera. I am lire your medicine will cure any caae of ca tarrh that exitta. I recommend them to all," A Gift. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, looS pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Send n one-cent stamps for the paper covered edition, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. V j 111 I III III II III IJIw gnnnnTTnmmmw nrfminnnnminnnnnnnnnnrm imrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnq Bosfoi fo lb? Bo?ps. VVrllltm liy Jnnqutii Miller st rriHiMt ( the President lilt! Axoi'Ulloii. of tho llivlnu Hunker ThoHivord of Gideon, Sword of 0m! Ho with ye, lloers. Hriivu men of poacn Yo hewed tho path, yo lirako tho cod, Ye fctl white flocks of fat increase Whore Haxon foot Intel never trod ; Where Saxon foot unto tills day Hail measured not, had never known - Had yo not bravely letl the way Ami Hindu Ftich happy home your own. I think GixI'h liouso must bo such homo. Tho prlestees mothers choristers Who spin and weave nor euro to roam lleyond this white God's liouso of hers, Hut spinning sing nnd spin again. I think such silent shephoni men j Most like that few tho prophet sings Mont like that few stout Ahram drew Tritunphanto'er the slaughtered Kings. j Defend God's house! Ixit fall tho crook. Dntw forth tho plowshare from thu tn Ami trust, as in tho holy Hook The Sword of Geidou and of God : God and the right! enough to light : A million icgtmonts of wrong, : I Wend I nor count what comes of it. ; God's battle bld-'H not with tlio Htrongt : Her pride must fall. Ui.it is writ! llergohl, her grace, how staunch sho fares I I Euino's wlno cup pressing her proud lips : Her chcckorhoanl of Imlllo suaros I Iliinincd round by steel built battle ship! : Ami yet meauwhlles ten thousand miles E HI10 ceeks yo out. Well, welcome her! E Give her such welcome with such will E As Norton gave lit battle's whir E That red, dread day at Hunker Hill. E Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuiiuuuuuuuu uuuimuuuujmiimniuuuc I tliH's not becomo llteiatur.Tho skctelms Walter Kalelgh was a gallant, Marlowe ami analysis or subjects lions Is very clover. ami rela- ami I'lotchor were rivals of Bhakespoar. Sir Kranois Drako was circumnavigating tho glolw and tho greatest statesmen of hiigland vvero plotting Ireawn against each other to determine which should Mrrr tli.. IV.i.M.nl .... ... .1 . . ous. Ilimi-liloi .Mllllln Comimny, ; "' ," V TV,." " w , " ' ,nwi Iversldo Press, Hostonand New Vorl o-0"""-y "tbe privacy of her n.aj- .n,, Dm-,n,miimivi, iniu inis world ol tho ni't tlie Mgoa of A Gentleman in.. ,... ..... .... ..., ... , , . ,Vi, ,t..,j us uiiu u no not OhCttpO its nowerful laselimtlnii fr... .1,., i... tmm of emtKilllshinent sliould Ik) In tlio j ,,nK (0 ,l0 ustf ,, yut , n llotuw, 111 such clean wiioIomiiio English that it can lw read to a gmup of school chll- Jamos Kussoll Uiwell ami his friends, by Edward Everett Hale, with or traits, mosimiios, ami oilier iiiusira ttous. 1 tstni, This solid siuglo volume of octavo, with gilt top, and many largo treaB- Mill Running Again. The Capital Lumbering Oo's started up again Monday morning, after being shut down for a couple of vvcukr. Foity to fifty men aro employed about , tho mill ami tho sound of the saws Is sources at homo and abroad. If dealers therefore pretty gixxl music. Th& Kitchen Sink Should not breed diseases like typhoid fever or Malaria. It will not if yow use Gold Dust regularly, 1W K. K. rAMWANK CAHANY X-Uota KVfa HWI 1 Hh IKbv'virF library of every American gentleman of lottors. liOvvell comus nearest to being the ditstiiiutlvcly Amurican man of let ters. Ho called hlmtelf a Uxikman. Prom Ids youth ho was a itoet. Hu np proxlmates so nearly tho life dedicated to a literary career that was so lHirfcctly i rounded out in Goollia that wo must Im mill trite, porlmpi, and call him tho lAmurl- can Goethe, piet, ossitylst, jurist, diplo mat, reformer, statesman, novelist ami critic. Ho is our groatoat all-round man of culture and action combined. As tlio master of antl-elavery burhtsipiouud satire, ho shono as brilli.tntly as an alter dli.iur orator at the court of St. James. A scholarly lecturer uud life I long student of literature and editor ot j the Atlantic Monthly and North Amort Jean ltevlew, ho bus loft a larger impress mi tho literature of his ago than alino.it lanymaiiwlio wielded tho English Ian 1 gouge. His association with his con 1 temporaries and with tho noted men j and women of his tlmo, and for u Hnod of over half a century aro ro corded In a delightful running common droit w ithout omitting a wonl, Phllotophio Nuggets: Selections from Ujrlyle, Ituskin, Amlol and Charles iNingsioy. uoinpiUhl Dy Jcanno G. Pei.nlngton. Portrait of Carlvle. Now Yerk: Fonls, Howard, A Hub iKirt. Handy volume. Cloth flexible, gilt top, 40 cents. Whether ono hail or has not reall certain authors, it rarely incurs to the average roador to mark and copy out Msagoa of striking import for later rcf oreneo. Even though ono might do so, the lalwr of copying and tho uncertainty of preserving mako tho actual doing of it vv.v rare. .Miss Jeanne G, Penning ton, tlie discriminating compiler of "Don't Worry Nuggets." from Epio tetus, Kmsrsou, George Eliot and Hrownlng, now offers another urounof maiked imssages, from Carlyle, Ituskin, ChsrlosLiugnloy ami Amlol, under tlie title of "Philosophic Nuggets" para graphs relating to thu higher realities of llfit. It is a singularly attractive collection helpful thinking. It completes, for the present, tho announced volumes of tho justly fovorito "Nugget Series." Tlio portrait of Carlylo that is given is ono of the most characteristic, and the at tractiveness of paper, print, and bind ing of tho Koklct is most alluring. Mr. Dooloy In tho Hearts of Ills Coun trymen, by V. P. Dunne, Small, May nard & Company, Pubs., Iloston, Mass., 189t);prico fl.25. Peace and War by the same author. As African raco Is supplying tlio world with Itag-timo music so the literature of tlio land is supplied by tho newspaper workers. Hero aro HO.OOO of these Irish dialect papors ordered prior to publica tion, and tho author P. P. Dunne, fa mous in two HomispherH. A year ngo ho was a reporter on a Chicago paor. This collection Is composed of short stories on popular subject", like Expan sion, Kipling, tho church Fair, 45 in nil, and five papers on tho Dreyfus Trial. Thore Is moro real humor in Dunno's stylo than tint of any writer who has apeared hi many years. A poem by Kipling on tho Transvaal crisis is, of course, thu first item to at tract attention in tlio November number of McCluro's Magar-lno. In England they aro placing tho poem oven above "Tho Itccosslonal, and certainly it is a very powerful ami inspiring utterance. In order to get It into tlie present mini bar, tho ulitors of McCluro's had to have the HX)in sent to them by cable from Loudon. Prom cpiito another quarter of tho world comes tho matter of nnother In teresting Illustrated article an account of thu breaking ot ull past records in railroad building by llussia's immense enterprise uud energy in constructing tho Chinese Eastern Hallway, which Ihj foro many months will have brought St. Petersburg Into complete railroad con nection with Pekin and tho Paciflc, Tho writer of the nrtlclo was himself nil ni'llr till, i.millul flita liiat Binnnmr ti.l fa able to tell exactly tlio present condition ' and promise of tho work. Ho also gives , much new information regarding tlie largo part taken in it by Americans, who have latterly furnished most ot tho material and equipment for the road, EDUCATIONAL AND 3IU8I0AL. lJBoTlsVnwaoJTJoJ INTDn-STATB .irmniTim COMSERYATORY ETTA ANDERS-WILMAN Asoclale Teacher Western Conseiva tory, Kinsat City, Mo , representing I the Inter-state System, at Saltm, Ore. Over First National Bank. Residence 376 Church street. Studio hours -9 to to 5. ardava, EYA F. COX, Tcaclicr of Piano anil Organ, CLASSES IN BIGHT HEADING. Studie: m Front St. lO-Hml' TcrmBllcasonablo AM, INTiaESTKD IH OOOI1 MtlSIOAI, WORK MAUX WKL00MK AT TUC BTCDtO. 0 0 BERTHA H D i Teacher of Piano and Accompanist. Salem, Oregon. Btiullo-D'Arcy nulldlnir. ltoom 10, Honra-t to U a. m, J 2 to 0 p, m. BEATRICE SHELTON, Piano and Organ classes and Sight lleadlng. Studio at 478 Front st. Miaa Blielton lins studied with Rie (or two year and haa been Tory cotitricntlotis snil sac ceeslnl In her work. Blie Is very talented aa an executant and as a teacher, llor tmptla nro lnHM ((clinically ami theoretically well trained and It U with plenatire and pride that I recommend & Eastern Raita TIME OAHD. Alloa nhftlinti a tAHohor nT ntano ninale. .-.. w..v.. . w--;- .,...; ,.,. .iuii.Li. winKijbii, 10-U-tm Mas. Doctor Nellie Brown violinist red to recelvo a few more puplli. IV-AJ In now prtpi No417Marl( on it. ESrABUSiD S89. Sfootftrttertoas wDAMiAtfffi, iV.JTAL r PtinarAL . JAUM, ORCGOM. fi . j rf s- I x sA f 7J?y.7vsu sjssyi72& Ktui 'GS&f W?i??1tWSyW'CV??s'y&wreAy' sise drectccS WJ'?tcJ s JtyD rOK. CATALOGUE ' The best in the west: The University CoIIeg? of Mdsic Now IN SESSION. Faculty of seven superior teachers. When you studv music you should ha;o the very best Instruction obtainable. Is a saving of tlmo nnd money. Phono 2010 for catalogue, or address, FItANCESCO SELEY, Dean, Salem, Oregon. It Salem Studio inter-state conservatory of ausic. Mrs. Ella finder Willman Ovor First National Bank. Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class Reading. Studio hours from 0 to 12 and 2 to C. TWO FINE NEW PIANOS IN STUDIO FOlPI USE OF PUPILS. siooorr CASH ( Feb. 14, 1900, To Agents Building Subscribers to Self Culture Magazine Two Hundred nnd Fifty Dollars to tho agent sending in the largest list 150.0J $75.00, 25.00, f 15.00, f PI.OO, and so on, a total of 53 Casli awards; and in ad tlltion very largo commission will bo given, making the most liberal propos tion. Semi for full particulars and free equip ment. Prolltablo work for intelligent orsou9. Send two references. Tub WKiisisn Company, Dopt. II Akron. Ohio Oregon Short Lino Railroad :TheI)lrcctKouto:to Montana, Utah. Colorado anil all Eastern Points Olvea rlinlco nt two lavortte roiilea, via tlie Union l'aclno rut Mall Line, or tliu KlodraniteUcenlo I.llif. Look at the time II Day to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3, Days to Chicago 4i Days to New York Free KccIIiiIuk Chair Can, Unlioliteretl Toil Ikt Hloi'iiliiKC'ar, and "unman l'alaco Hlcepcri operated on all trains. For furtlior Information applftto I1018K Jti UAltKKlt, Agents, Balcm. VV. E. COHAN, aen'l Akciii, (5. 0. TEllttY, Trar. l'suis. At 1211lilrdet.l'ortUiiil 2 For Yuaulna: Truln leaves Albany , ,-... Trulu leaves Corvallls, ., ,P-tn. iiunra -sntiuinn... ,." " J j returning: v-m.n Leaves Ynqulna ,. Leaves Corvullls "'iMS8,ta' 1 Arrives Albuoy..... ,:S-m 'I 3 For Detreit: " p. Leaves Albany , 7,,ft Arrives Detroit.. .... nS 4 Returning: ""-to. Leaves Detroit io.... Airlvcs Albany.... ' Rfr. OLeaves Albany... . . ' SP-i Arrives Corvuills.... '. SSJ-". 5Lcaves Corvullls n'.in?10' Arrives Albany ;. J-'". One and two connect at AlhTn..; Corvullls with Southern PaelBc!,',iBa giving direct service tiand froai nL.'' port and adjacent beaches No. 0 runs from Albany tnCnrtain on Mondays. Wcdncsrlnv.nn.in.:!1" only. ---- .riai., . No. 5 runs from Uonallls in ak.. 8 onTuesduys, Thursrluys and MS days only. aaiur" Trains for tlio mountains arrlrsn Detroit at noon, giving unjple ,' to reach cutuplng grounds on tb Hroltenbush and Saiittam river th! same flay. lu II. U VVAI.DKN, KnVVIM !. ' " ""V.laV. T. K. & l'. A. J.TUUNKIl AKenl, Albanr,0r"" VVILUMKTTE RIVKlt DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Znmalt Leaves Salem at 7 a. m. for l'ortlarnl uud way landings every Tuesds. Thursday nnd Suturday. s'' The steamer has been oqtilppeit yiu, . claw accommodations, lurltnllnK an IV.T plant). ii Unaurpawiea for c.arryltur lotli tnih im paiicnKen. ' ""' Dock-Foot of State ttrre t. KI.N.l'.I)K8Ant. 0.RM DKFAUTI ron Font Mail 8p.m,l Biitv kane FUcr 2.30 pm Sp m to. m. x, Hua Hattir- lay 10 p, m Iave falcnr TIMS SCnKDULK. From l'ortland. Bait Lake, Denver Ft. Worth umann, ivanaaa Illy, Ht uiuia.biiicaso anu tc, Walla Walla, Hpokane, Mlnna- BH)ii, oi. rant, ututuii, mu waokco Chlcaco and entt. OCKAN HrKAJIHHIl'H. Fur Han Franclaoo, Hail etcrjr nve uj. orOMTriAiTfvKlt To Astoria and May Unllnj, mi i Opn 5T tint . a. I p. u IP. B. i Hub. W1LLAMKTTE IlIVEIt rortiniui, newborn and war inuiuga. ArB. l.n j'Ulljlt .P- m. h Ollor8 travolors cholci bf the follow lug routes east. They tiro all famous scenic attraction O. K, & N , via Odgcn and Denver Shasta Iloute via Sacramento, Og. den and Denver. Shasta Itoute via Sacramento, Major K. Albcrqucrque. a oaiiy iinoortnriiugti 1'uuij.man The Phllistluo Magazine bids fair to survive tlieiulveut of The Now Century. It is tho ono oddity and freak publica tion, whoso editor says dn It or that ho is an anarchist or f.a.l nl Aim.. jlal .B ! aft a.v.la.l Aak f.a4 h. l.-.A uu.m0 , . ...... ur J". es t0 ChlcilgO ttlle. U liu i-iiPvo, ii.i .a I'l.ti.. oiiiii lib r.Ilat ' Aurora, a village in Now York, that was i aurvoyt and built to make a homo for tho Magazine and a place whore Its. elltor could live and carry on his liter-, from southern California ary operations. Ho is an author and publisher of good literature, and iktsoiis who want something original and choice to delight tholr solemn moments should s Mid tlieir address and receive tlio phllistluo overtures and catalog. that tho greatest1 A LACfc nnd TOIIIUST SLEEP ri..in. i.... ..... ' KW. &n .''wnclscq and Los Ange The Short Line southern California To the East. jtary in theso chapters by an Intimate of golden saylngs-rlch nuggets Indeed nnd a friend. In a ktvle of tho most harming friendlluoiH) yut w ithout but mg is hero n-conhil, much that could never have been ilurlng the (hvI'm life, nnd moro than can bo told by any other living vvituoMaml apoMlo. There aro uvorded hl relations with about live huiidml persoim, all moro or low prom mini Inexhaustible mines; and each mries is so deftly selected as to give not only the wjjmrate thoughts, each in it wlf vvortli ro muling and noonsidering, but also a general lmpnssion of tho philosophy of tho Ixwk it oomes from. The little volume must bootgunuiuo vvortli to lovers t .". aw mu ol tliuso erjit urilnm inent, ami well-known iu .luicl and and stimulative of intorvkt in other lo litciurv history. alt t hem up and kuuu more of their t Tho Atlantic for Novemlwr has impor tant contributions to tho questions of the day tho raco problem in tho south und lite question ot expansion, Theso articles possess timeliness and tho liter ary quality to an unusual degree the most unrkctl trait of tho Atlantic in all that It presents. It Is tho literary re view par excellence and America has im other periodical that equals it in lluvoi and Individuality. The ono American newspaper that has cattso to congratulate itself at having tx. frequently made center thots ami to have good-imttinslly treated tho moit serious and ditlicult matters, und that haa uniformity accomplished this with a perfect serenity and sweetness of tern pur la New York life. Willi Ollwn's drawings to cheer tho eye and Life's edi torials to cheer the mind, life is not tin mulurable lit any country. Ladies Cn Wear Shoes, One sUo smaller after using Alien's FiHit-Kasc, a roder lo beslml-mi int.. tho shoes. H ui;iko$ tight or ue tluKW feel tsty; gives lnUni relief to corns anu uuitiiuiv it's the urea test Apply to the agents of tho O. R. & N., O S. L., Suuthern Pacitle. ur tlie undersigned, fur folders and descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEUEUX. tlen'l Agt Worcester, nidg. Portland, A Few Interesting Facts When pouple are conteropl'ting a trip whether on busmen or pleasure, th'.y natur ally want the best service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and stfetv it concerned Employes of the Wisconsin Central Linos are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so at to make clo'e connections with diverging line at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-clus service, ask the ticket agent So sell you a ticket over TUB WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS and you will mike dirert connections a St. I'aul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. ror any rurtner information call nn any unci aijcni or corrcsponu Willi J AS. POND, General Pom, Agent. Milwaiikkk, Wis, or JAS. A CLOCK, ' General Agent, 146 Stark Street, Portland. Ose, Tucwlnjr, Tlmrnlay ami Hatanlay at COO o.n, Monday VYodnelay and Friday at I0,W a. o. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Dally boats to Portlaud as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg Cltj if tlie steamers are delayed there oana tnp tickets to allpoinuin Oregon, Within., ton, or Californl a. Connection made at Tort land with all rail, ocean andrirer lines, W. II. HURLBURT. (Jen'l Pas. Act. Portland, Or. G. M. TOWERS, Agent, Twde street Jock Salem. I10ISE & UAMvEU. City AEents. SOUTH AND EAST THE SH.STA RO'JTE OK THE Southern Paciic Co. (XT IKS TRAINS RUN DAILY ' (yaxip M) Lv...;i'ortland. ..Ar (U:15as 9'4S PMAr....Satem .... Ar 5.15 ak 7.'4S A M ) Ar. San Francisco. Lv 8:05 ric $-oo PM 6:05 p M 6.43 A M 8-I5 P M 7.CO A SI B'lJ PM 4.I5PM 7.55 A m Ar Ogden ... .Ar Ar Denver. , Lv Ar .... Omaha .... Ar Ar .... Chicago ....Lv Ar, ..Las Angelea,..Ar Ar ... El Paso .... Ar Ar....Fort Worth., ,,Ar Ar. ..New Orleans. ..Ar DINING CARS OBSERVATION CARS. mo r u 645 PM 8 50 AM 6,30 m 9.5PX 35r 8.40 Am a 40 I'M J lafwlaaaaaaak aaaaaaaaaaaaTHi Canadian Pacific Rj m mm Lido, Lowest rates Best service Tourist Cars to Denver k Rio Grande It. R, SOENIC LINE OF THE WOULD. rtK Kvorl.e Traiucoutlnenui Itoute lktwren llio Xortbwcat and all IMIuti EaitT thilM.if rillulH Through tho Famous KOOKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY. Aud Four Koulea Eotr of Pueblo aud benvt-r. All rAAiaurerairranlMl a .tv .t.-.n..A. , ... . COIllforl tllMOVery Of ttlO aire. CuiiJS HT1"01" Oaplul or anywhere bctmwn Onlcn swollen feet. hlU'ers ami callniw r..r "2.1 )Vl .?.r,?lwy uductt Tourlu Ex- A lie u 'n r.ml-KiM) ha curtain cnr tnr Ingrowing nails ateating hot, aohltig fecU At all ilruggikt,s ami shoo store. i5c. Trial iuoktt4i) FUHK by mull Vd.liy.vi Allan i. OIumu,!, U !ty llKKCHAM'H 111.1 4 fur -il.mi..i .,,.1 Liver HU. untoiu thrvn da 1 a wk. u Omaha, Kans.s City, St Louia. ClIIOAOO AND THE KAST. tot tllu and any Information nir.ua i.rA.iiu.A.1...!.. .... ... 7 tiurMil. OMT A.t.lvnver.bol Oan, At, iUWaib at., ForUoad On. To ami from all points Eaat and Europe The only line running through SL I'aul, Toronto, MoDtital, 'Boston. Without Change. Itoyal Mail Steamship Lino to Julian nml China. Canadian and Australian Steamship Lino to Honolulu aodAustralia For ratea and information apply to a M. LO0KWOOD ,. . Auent.Saietu Qro. II. II. Aoott, Aitent Portland. E. J.Coyle, A.O.P A, Vancouver H C. Pullman first-class and tourist sleeping carl attached to all throufih tralru. Tourist cn through to Chicago without change. ROSKBURO MAIIm -DAILV. 8.-30AM) Lv... I'ortTanif.'.Ar (4.'3om 1055 a M Lv. . . .Salera. ... Lv J 1 5o;f k 520 pm) Ar... Roscburg.. Lv 7tJoktf WEST SIUET5IVIS10N. IIICTWKRN PORTLANU AND CORVALUSi MajUiainidallwej)tSundayJ 70 A M At Albany and rains of the C. & E. Lv. . . .Portland. . Ar I 550 f Ar....Corvallis.. Lvl l.'ior Corvallls Ry. coniect it INDEOENDENCtr "PAiJs'ENilEK; KXPRKSg TRAIN DAIX.Y tXCRPT SUNDAY.) 4:50 PM) Lv .. .Portland. ... AM 0V15 AM 730P MV Lv....McMlnnville Lv 550 A 8rjo PMJAr Independence Lvj4.,5'Ai Direct connections at San trancisco sola steamship lines fi UK WAIL 1APAN, CHINA, THE PHILUPINES and AUS TRALIA. For through tickets and rate call 0 VV, W, SKINNEK, Depot Agent, er 0 D. GAIlRIfcLSON Citv llcket Agent, 131 Com mercial bt, Salem Or. " K. K0E1ILLR, Manager. CMARKIIAM C. F. &P. A. Ponlafl Daily Stage Line to M'COY AND PERRYDALE. For l'aS'Il?trn anil lLnmn.. oK parcels and orders nromntlV at. CI.,... -.!- . tended to Salem ofllce. Old Postoffice Stables. J. II. Woolley, Prop. 10-30wl You CarnGet a Lower Berth, Vvlth one exception the tbrouKb trains of tho Uurllnton IVuit are almost Inyanubly welMHi"' The exception Is our St. Pui; Chicago Limited. On the limited there Is usually room and w spare. Don't Infer that It 'Is neither so fine, nor so fast, as AN 1 l of ANY other line between bt Paul and Chlcauo. On the con trary, there Is no mure beautiiui train In Araerlca;-at?has electric Ilulit,8lc-tui heat, wide vestibule the unit satisfactory dining servlcd 00 ttw continent-10J loer berth for everybody, tJen'I Ateot, Portland, O gja4ggg"jj idJMMijfcir-i'iflilffi- in iiliir --r rfM r' .rf