The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 06, 1899, Image 2

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    SSwtwwSww iijllfliiiflji ' mi npuppBpwwgi
,vwBT'r "V "",Tvw'vf
' 1 it
in t
Is liSC New and Nobby
$1.50 to
Nothing Newer.
We guarantee these 10 per cent lower
Than anything on the coast.
Clogged Bowels
Inlnrffim tvlrll I tin tiff trin ,, nunpt fir.
........ a... 'ii.ri.i, u. ....., v!ii,J ... - i
Kill! Ill UIB UUliy lXIUSUmUDl UrilIKH
hcadiiclicst, belchltiK, nervousness, In
somnia, bllousncsp, dynpeptla unci
liver and kidney troubles. Hostct
ter's Stomach Uittcrn cures tbe?o and
la the best friend the human storuncti
litis, mid if yunrtt la weak, don't fall to
five : tn trial It will cure you See
that n Piuvatk Hevenou Stamp cov
ers the neck of the bottlo
Don't Bo
Qot Hostottor's
G. w. Johnson & Go.
257 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Dally, Ono Tear 93,00, In Advance
Unlly, Tout Moutln $1 03. K' klvnnoa
Weekly, Ono Yoar 81.00, ill Vidvauco
Ttio Bnlcni Republican City committee
ti nald to Imva met Saturday and fixed
Monday, Nov. 27, an tlie day for holding
Iho Republican city primaries. Ah thu
election occurs on Monday, Dec. 4, UiIh
would leave n week between llio ri
marlcs and tlio election, Thin Ik a great
improvement on tlio program last year
when Mr. Illnghani and bis commltteo
net tlio prlmarloM for Saturday night- lio-
foro tlio election to hIiiiI tlio eiplo out
irom voting anything but their slate.
There are no ofllccra to elect on Mon
day, Dec. -I, hut four aldermen, one in
each nurd. Thu aldermen who hold
over aro Walker, In tlio First ward,
llljars the Strom! ward, (leaner In
the Third, and Oriswold in the Fourth,
Of thcKO Walker, Klitgs and Grlswold
were oleeted ou the Cltlzun'n ticket,
Oeimcr being the only Hopubliraii mem
ber to bold over, ho having defeated
Hiram Smith, thu CHlron's nominee by
two votes hint year.
The members of thu council, wIioho
terms uxpiro next month aro iih follews:
First ward, TlioH.RnrrowHSi.econd ward,
A. H, lliiren; third ward, Iaio M.'Orow;
fourth ward, F, A. I.egg.
A largo and respectable number of
Itepublicaui In 181)8 refuted to support
thu Purdi ticket, not objecting to thu
men put up k much iih to thuntteuipUd
UV& rule of the city committee in trying
to shut off all Independent action.
Many. of thesa ItepiiblleauH havo already
dtclanl that they are ierfeetly Hatlslled
with llio lllnhop udiiiiuiiitratloii and du
nlro to see It eudorel and continued.
Of course, thu city committee and thu
party machine will try to whip them all
Into linu to Ml mid by thu party ticket.
Ilia new constitution and lawn of Now
York rccogulzo the Importance of tak
ing municipal government out of
thu hands of the nirly mnubluu.
Thu tent of iKirty loyalty Is baced
iH)ii Mipjxirt of thu statu and national
ticket, not upon Mipport of ally candi
dates, In New York thu law speollleally
included all member of tlio Citlien
Union who oiioml the Iteguhir Itcpub
I lean ticket and supiHirlcd Strong for
mayor ah being Republican in gooil
standing. The Htpiirntlon i)f municipal
government from machine eontrol I ap
proved n nil thu uuw city charter.
Pomoof tbo leftiluriof thu Sulem (.'III-
Reus Union of JHUH hnvu Inmii rocognUed
poit It cannot bo continued. The Issno
should not lie mado on the liuu of poli
tics at all. If n man has served the peo
ple of this city well and !h in sympathy
with the Citizen's Union In its effortR to
give thin city a purely business admin
titration of affairs ho is thu right kind of
man to ho alderman, no matter what
parly bo belongs to. Hut he should pub
licly endorse and personally hokuow'n to
bu In sympathy with tbo reforms under
taken by tlio present admiuitUration be
fore bo Is elected.
To Curo a Cold In Uno Day
Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tnhjetii. All
driiutflKtii ipfunil tlio money (fit Mil In euro
K. W. Ororn'atllcnalitra IsoniMcIl boa. iBfl,
Following editorial Is from thu pen of
ox-Secretary of tbo Statu Klneald. Wo
do not endorse all ho says but he is a
fearless, able writer, thorouuhlv honest
and sincere, and wu do not expect that
lie endorses all our views. It Is u free
country where honest differences
opinion must bo generous tolerated.
thu United States whipped Spain to free
the straggling Cubans and Filipino", as
was allcdgcd when tbo war was Ix-giiu,
crafty old England, contemplating tbo
coiupicst of the South African Republics,
slapied Uncle Ham ou tlio back nnd
told him to litko up the job where Spain
was forced to quit, and conquer tlio
tropical, malarial Philippine Islands,
over populated by Chinese, .Japanese
and Negroes, who had kept Spain in war
for :t00 years, and will he n source of
trouble and expense of money and lives
V) our people If annexed to the United
States and territories, stales or de
pendencies, mid will Hood the whole
American Republic and esjieclally tbo
I'aelllc coast with cheap laborers and
Thu bait win swallowed and there
suit Is, 72,000 American soldiers in the
Philippines shooting Tagals, and a
larger Ilrltlsh army than met Najioleon
nt Waterloo In South' Africa shooting
Uoers, These things aro done under tbo
pretense of civilizing and enlightening
ieoplo who do not know enough to gov?
eru thciiiMjIifcS, but the real purpo&i Is
to take by forco what belongs to others,
and to extend trade and commerce like
Rome did 2,000 years ago. If shrewd
old Knglaiid had not Induced Uncle
Sam to blunder Into a holo at Ma uila
Hio pcoplo of tlio ' United States would
he practically unanimous in demanding
that our government send an ultima
tum to Johnny Dull to got out of South
Africa and see that hu win not longer In
doing It than Spain win in getting out
of Cuba nnd tbo Philippines.
ol Iho regular organization aro tro
prono to capitalize public odlco with
fiovlow of gaining n profit rather
t'mii perform a eervke.
The statement In the governor's proc
lamation that "the earth has glv6n forth
nn nbundauco of its iirodnctn. for whleli
in all casH, a better compensation ban
been received than In former years," Is
particularly interesting when the fact-is
considered that wheat, Oregon's princi
pal product Is only -13 cents, which Ib
less than usual In former years, ami tbo
j'oiri vou tn iik tint v
things, somewhat, Governor? Albany
It Is said by old-timers that so long as
the Klnnoys ran tbo mill nl Salem and
so long as thore was an independent
warehoUHO here, wheat never went lie
low a dollar a bushel. If the wheat
farmers would do something like the
hop growortt are doing it would do more
to bring tip the price of wheat than
Mark Haiiiia ever will.
iss man usual in lormer years, ami tlio
oi) this year was smaller than usunl,
ml wheat generally has been graded,
on'tyou think that you have stretched
U&e Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at Once,
ir your child l:is croup or bronchitis.
Waste no time: delay mav lw danger
ous Dr. Hull's Uough Syrup eunsat
rncc. ji. in a siiiounu uiiuiiioie rem
cdy. All druggists sell It for ifi cents
A Kick at the City.
Kiiitoii .lomiXAt. : Can you explain
why tlio city Is so iersistoiit in making
property owners fix up s!dewalks(whlch
is all right) but neglect and fall to keep
up thoio owned by tbo city. There Is a
walk on the west sldo of Marion Square
for a wholo block, which Is a perfect
trap. It Is all broken, rotten and great
holes In It. In some nlaccs It In raised
some 12 or 14 Inches nlxivn the in-nnml.
and It Is only a matter of tlmo beforo
some ono gets a limb broken, then a suit
lor uttintigos. llio satu walk Is now
covered deep with fallen leaves nnd
hides tbo holes, and is a worse trap than
before. If the city does not Intend to
replace or patch it up to bo s-ifo, better
tako It up altogether, the same as the
lino walks on the north and south sides,
viz.: Oiej. nniud. Citizkx.
i in Hit i) n j .a i i .tcjiii
rr wn
sjrvjvvvvJNKsar I
lUllrJUll (IllIll
AisocUle Teacher Weitern Consetvs
toty, Kanias City, Mo , rerretentlog i
the Inter.itite Siiera, l Kaltm. Ore.
OverKirst National KanW Keslderce
376 Church itreet. Studio houM 9 to
L to 5.
Two or three regiments of the llritish
army, including (he Royal Irish Fiidlli
ers and tlio Olouccatorshlru Reglmcul,
were surrounded on thu hills near I.u
dysiuith, Inst Monday, October !I0, nnd
captured by the lloers, commanded by
General Joubort. General White, thu
llrltlhli eoiumander, telegrapbiHl to the
Kuglhih war department, thathu formed
thu plan In tbo carrying out of which
thu disaster occurred, that hu alone, Is
responsible for the plan, and that there
Is no blame whatever to the troops, us
the iositloii was untenable, (len. White
by this statement shows that hu Is a
bruvu and honorable man, and if engag
ed In a Just cuusu would be entitled in
his defeat to thu sympathies of all lovers
of truth, candor and justice. Hut a
majority of the lovers of liberty and
justice throughout the world unless
prejudiced and misinformed as thu Mil
gllih undoubtedly are by their loaders,
not Including (Jueen Victoria,, and as a
portion of the American eople are by
a similar ulloy of our own Government
in the Philippines, look upon thl war
of Great llritalu ou the two little Re-
publics o( South Afrlea, as 11 war, not
for principle, ns Is claimed, hut for
conquest, and cannot, sympathlzu with
the h'ngllshiu thlsor any other defeat.
They look mon tlita war as cruol,
wlokod and opiruielvu, having lieou
delllsirutely planmyl am) forcotl upon
the lloers, who, to avoid 11, had conced
ed all and more than the KnglNh nt
llrt demanded, for tbo purposu
of destroying by foice their small
Ropubliunaud auuuxing their territory
to thu llritish Umpire, so that thu Hu
glUh aristooracy and favored few ui
iiionupolliu the rich gold and diamond
Holds of that rugged land.
The Hollanders mid Pryuoh, who
hive liitormarivd and tuu now milled
the l!.Hirs, sultleil In South Alrloft nlmiit
SJOjuurs ago, and have already lsen
The Oust I'roBonpcionr or Mnlnrln
(UillUaiul Kutnrla Ixilllo of flliiifKH'IMHTr.
J.SIJ" (2IMI.I. 'losia It l tlmiily lien mil
1" I 1 r l. "wipimm iiirui. ,o vnrv, m )
cure, nn i
7-17 i Aw 11
At last accounts the llritinh fu South
Africa were still coiiiplalnlnguf Injing
There Is nt leant one Populist weekly
paper left in this state "The People's
Republic" of Mero, Sherman county.
Planting thoso Raslern oysters hi
minium nay is an right. What we
want Is to plant some in our oyster
Yu gods, what a spectacle! That
brave old warrior and p.itrlotlo snorter,
Col. Alley, comparing the lloers to the
Spaniards? Alnt boa daisy?
A handsome Ismquet left at thin of.
lice expniiws the appreciation of one
descendant of the Dutch forTiiK Joint.
mil's championship of the Transvaal
A man holding 11 high kiIciiI olllce
preneuts an edifying miootuelo to the
lining generation when be stands in full
View ol the omii street bucking 11
nlcMo.ii.lm.siot machine.
Saluin ladies who have returneil from
Portland shopping Jtours say there is a
iKitter quality of wuren kent at Salem
and prices are moro rwisoimblo. In
Portland a few targe firms do all the ml
vortloimr, there is but one newspaper lo
00 11 111 nun nencu tiiere is no competi
tion. The dealer seem to buy stuff that
has a largo margin of profit and then
ask all thoydaro, with the Idea that
I heir viutomera don't know the differ
ti ice.
Oh, the Pain of
Ithoiimatism often causes tlio niott In
totHO suffering. Many lmvrt for years
vainly sought relief from this disabling
dlsonso, and aro to-day worse off than
ever. Rheumatism is n blood disease,
mil Swift's Speclllo Is the only curo, bo
rauso It Is tlio only remedy which can
reach such deep-seated diseases,
A fi'tr yrtrs I wu taken wild lnflarama.
lory lilicumallim, wlifch tcams to Interne
that I for wteka unallo to walk, t tried
crcral prominent phyil
clam and took their treat
ment faithfully, but trai
unable to t'et the alight
fit relief, Infnct, mycon.
dltlon seemed to grow
worse, the dlaeaae aprrad
orrr my entire body, and
from Korrmbcr lo March
I aufte red asony. 1 tried
many patent medicines,
but mine rcllernl me
Upon tlio ail via a of n
friend I ilrt'lriml in ,p
H. S. 8, llefore) allowln me to take It, how
ever, my guardian, who waa a chemlit. ana.
lyieil Ilia remedy, and pronounced It free of
rioliwti nr mercury. I feft ao much better after
UkliiK two bottles, that I continued the rem.
edT.nml In two months I waa cured eomnletrlv.
The euro was permanent, for I hare never since
had a touch of Uheurnatlsm Iboush many
times rxpusvu hi uamp nnu com weauier
Kliasoh M. TirrilL,
till t'owdlton Avenue, Thlladelphla.
Don'tsufforlongerwltli Rheumatism.
Throw culdo your oils and liniments, as
the, can not ronohvour trouble. Don't
dxporlmcnt with uoctors their potash
and mercury will add to your disabil
ity and completely dostroy your digestion.
Large Potatoe Yield.
On a threo ocru patch on the Isaac
Durbin placo on Howell prairie, 1200
bushels of Kit a toes were grown, an av
erngo yield of 400 bueliol per acre. This
Ii the yield reported by Dunenii Ross,
and tbo largest reported this season. At
fie current markot price at Salem this
would bring u gross return of $80 to f 100
per acre.
Deafness Cannot lie Cured
by local applications as they cannot
rcacM thu diseased portion 0MI10 ear.
There Is only one wuy tocure deafness,
and that isby constitutional remedies.
Deafness Iscuuiedby nn lellnincd con
dition of tlio mucous lining of the
Kiistachlun Tube, When thli lube Is
minified you iiuvo n rumbling sound
or Imperfect, bearing and when It Is
entirely closed. Dcufness Is tbo re
sult, and utiles tlio Inllniimtlon enn
ne luken out and this tubo restored to
Its normal condition, bearing will be
destroyed forever; nine cases out or
len urecuued by Catarrh, which Is
nothing but an Inlhimcu ondlilon of
the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars
rornnycaso of deafness (causen by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
HallNCaturrh Curc. Send for circu
lars, freu.
F. J. OiinNUY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druifglsts, 7fic.
Hull's Fuinlly I'lllt are the best.
Tcackr of Piano and Pipn,
Studie: H33FrontSt. Terms Reasonable
Atx luTr.nrjrrKO in noon vuaioAt, wotik
Corvallis 4 Eastern Railroad
Teacher of Piano and
Salem, Oregon.
2 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves A loan
12:50 1
Ptnitlo D'Arry nulMlntr, ltoom 10,
ltonra-9 to 12 a. m.i 2 to 6 p. m,
Piano and Organ classes and Siuht
Studio at 478 Front st.
MIm Shelton has studied with mo for two
year and has been rery consclentlonn and uc-
ceetfnl In her work, ithe Is very talented as an
pxivntilnt nml itn a tiuirltftr.
T . : . " :' " .. .-,-..-..-. ...-. .
technically and theoretically well trained and
It Is with plt'osnro and pride that I recommend
. Her pupils ore both
MIm Sheltnn as a teacher nrtilano innstc.
J-:.VIL,1j. WI.NKI.EU,
Mns. Doctor
Nellie Brown
Is now prepared to recetro a few more pupils.
No 417 Marlon St. 10-20
EjrABUSrt0 S89.
lU.Jriry. PaifCifAL,
Train leaves Corvnliia'" .?P-m.
Ttuln arrives Vadua"1 r'.,ta'
1 Returning: ul
Leaves Yaqulna 7n
Leaves Corvallis I'lwnr10'
Arrives Albany..... Hx-
3 For Detreit: "
Leavcb Albany ,...
Arrives Detroit.. . ij:S
4 Returning: Aa.rn.
Leaves Detroit i2.orin
Airlves Albanv.... "a.,?'n.
0Leaves Albany ,. c'rJsK'm
Arrives Corvaflh. . &?.
5Lcavea Corvallis mm ? ?
Arrives Albany... "". 7-?-lB-Ono
and two connect ut Alh'tn. .2i
Corvallis with Southern I'ucltlctfa?r?.d
UIV ng direct service tiand frem'ft:
port and adjacent beaches.
No. 0 runs from Albany toCorvilu,
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridiy,
No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albinr
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ffl
days only. lur
Trains for the mountnlna nri....
Detroit at nogn, giving ample tltne
to reach camping grounds on the
Ilrcltcnbu.sli and Santlum river t
01 , . , (Tr. ,-.,, ZA,
cw7Sst'uwuxi& yvtstuti
The bfst in the west:
The Onivepsify CoIIeg? of Mtisic
now in session.
Faculty of seven superior teachers.
When you study music you should have tlio very best instruction obtainable,
is a saving of time and money. Phono 201(1 for catalogue, or address,
FRANCESCO SELEY, Dean, Salem, Oregon.
ItaFuiiAM'B Pills for Stomach and
Liver Ills.
Salem Studio
Mrs. Effa finders WillmaD
Over First National Rank.
Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class
Studio hours from 0 to 12 and 2 to 5.
usjs ol1 I'urjjjS.
same day.
II. u waLdrn
T. V. A I1. A.
J.TUHNElt Axent.
Albany, 0""""
Captain Znnialt.
Leaves Halcm at 7 a. in. for I'urttnnd
aud way landings every TtiesdjV
Thursday nnd Saturday, "
The steamer has, been eriulpped with tin.
class accommodations, Including au etegant
Unsurpassed for carrying both freight n.l
paaiengcrs. "'
Doek-Koot of State street.
KI. N. KDI.-H Atent.
8 p. in,
r ver
30 pin
Frum 1'ortland.
Salt Lake, Denver Ft. Worth
umana, nausaa i;uy, m
Iuls.Uhlcago and Kast,
C C CEir
Wa Wl (af
will euro perfectly and permanently
It Is guaranteed purely vegotablo. and
contains no potash, niorcury, or othor
ulnorM. nooks mailed free by Swift
xvllle Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
av j away on
CASH ( Feb. 14, 1900,
To Agents
Pending Subscribers to
Self Culture Magazine
Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars to the
agent sending in mo largest list f irai.OJ
75.00. 125.00, llfi.OO, fl'J.OO, and bo on,
a total of 53 Cash awards; ami in ad
dition very large commission will bu
given, making thu most liberal propos-
Send for full particulars and free equip
ment. Profitable work for intelligent
persons. Send two references.
Tiik Wkiinku Company,
Dcpt. II Akron. Ohio
Iiiflrlpne, destroys thotmandi of
people. It mav bo quickly cured by
Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo, that pto
duces Immediate results In coughs
cohN and throat nnd lung trouble
It will prevent consumption. Stone's
Drug Store.
Orcat Excitement
In London liecauso of the iioas from
Ladysmlth, but in Salem people are
quiet Ihhmiiso they know that thoy can
pnvureiill the llrst-clnsM gnxvrlesaud
provlsioiiH at HraiiHOii & R.igau's
10 ItO eod
nnd no otio can successfully uhallengu vwo or three times. Several
their Republicanism.
by thu Republican stuto administration driven from their homes by thu Kngllsh
years ago
, rich dliimuiid and gold inliiuk the nuwt
This is a Republican city and without valuable in the worl.l-woru discovered
thu support of Republicans tbo protent'i,, thiir loiintry. No sooner had tluw
adminlslrutlon of city affairs would not mines lHendimieriHl than further ur
lmv. been powible. Without their sup- Kreai.m was commenced. And when
The following un some humorous
er(w that weru written tibout kMnlln,.
by James Kenneth Stephens, author of
"International Uv and International
Ui .,,,,Vr,,.,,,'ior "'" sonmm
hlch Hliiillrlil us from the curse
Ul a priM.u which knows no reason
And an iinmelodlous veei
A,Vl . wor,,, "'"'N 0,'HO onder
At the genius of au aw,
And ii hoy' iwentrlc blunder
tshall not bring suecow to ihim?
When muukind shall bo ilellvunl
Iroiu the clash of inagasliiM.
Viid the inkstand ahull be shlxenxl
uiui roiiiiiies smitiiereeiiH;
U hen there stands a miiulcd strlppllng,
Mute iH'Mde a muuled Uiroj
" . 'I !!" ,,",,i'nr,! iK from kipllng,
ud the Haggards ride no mortiT
I MI4 fcy DrufiM svtrywhsrt.
kr J'UoCJwiiiiuj.Wanvo.p.
for Consumption
I began using PIso'a Cure 13 1
years ago, nnd believe it saved
me from consumption, Mychild i
is suDiect to croup. Piso's Cure
always relieves htm. Mrs. B. I
Crandell, Mannsvllle, Ky ,
uiy 9m, 1099.
Hero U au eatjmatu of a man hefum
(3.l 1 . i ..... ,r f.--
wp utvion. IwimtwlllltriMdllUthoday
ra after"Tlii iVndleton K., iVinio-
It may huppeu that Jones, former.
now mayor of Tulodo, may lie elected
governor oiuiilo next
Dig Potatoes.
wo are In receipt of au Early Ohio
potato weighing three pounds nnd a
Maggie Murphy weighing Iwo (winds.
Aim) a Carmen of same weight. The
Carmen and Maggie are new varieties
luiiorted by Mr. John CWIdy of the
Harden Road.
The Km ly Ohio has Ikhjii grown by
him sinco twenty jears. They are ail
pure white when cooked and the Car
men (number not stated is white on
tlieoutolde and a smooth, not very dee) I
eyed outu. Mr. Ciihsidy Is a jiotato
grower who took hU (list Icshiu in Ire
land and has been at the biiHiiiess
nearly half a century. He furnishes souiv
of the tlrst families nnd hatheries in
the city
i:.lurla Your lloarels Willi Cuni.
KV.Sto. If i o. O. fall, drug gluts refund money.
Hand Uadly Cut.
R. I., Penton while going home Sat-
I unlay evening, slipped add fell and In
saving hlniK'lf his hand struck a short
piece of wlro running it thnnigh his
band. The wlro was very runty audit
IuucuumhI his hand to swell severely
and he has suffered much. It was a
euttiiw leu on thu street by the tele-
phono-lino men.
Clean Streets,
AU residents of Salem are hereby noti
fied not to permit any old paper, saw
dust, broken-glass, old bottles, crockery,
mills or other substance- to to thrown
upon tlio public streets or alleys. Sec
tion :i.r of City Ordinance No. 203 Im
iioses n line of from $5 to fAO for such
offence, and tbo same will Ik) strictly
enforced. J. V. Fiuzkm.,
20-21 tf Street Coiiiniiseloncr.
Salt Lake City An Import
ant jcacior inrrati3J3i- 1
tinonta.1 Travol li
- -- .nv m -t v w
No ono criwslng tlio continent can nf- OlTers tr.tvelers cholc of the k follow
font to cut Salt Lake City from his mute. Ing routes eust, They uro all famous
the attractions of the place, Including scenic uttractlor
Iho .Mormon Temple, Tabernacle mid , O. R, & N , via Odgen and Denvcr
Church Institutions, tbo Ureat Salt Shasta Routo via Sacramento, Og.
Lake deader und denser Hi an the Dead den and Denver.
Sea in the Holy I.nnd the picturesque Slmstu Route via Sacramento,
envlnminent and tlio Warm Sulphur I Major K Aibeinueroue.
anil Hot bpnngs, are greater to thu A dally lino of through PULLMAN
square yard than any locality on tho'PALACK nnd TOURIST SLKKl
American cuntiiient. j KR, San Francisco and Los Ange-
Ihe Rio Hiianiik Wgmtkus Raiuvav. , les to Chicago tlili, Is
connecting on tbo Kast with the Denver
iv iiioiiriUKioniiUL'oiormloMiillmiil Rull-1
waysandon tbo Wt with the Southern I
niciue i.v;entnii itotito ami Orenon
Oregon Slioii Line Railroad
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Aires ehnlee of two Uvorlte routes, via the
Union I'aelfio Kail Mall Line, or the
KlodrandeUcenlc Lines.
Look at the lime
1 Days to Salt Lake
i Pays lo Uenver
3 Days to Chicago
ii Days to New York
Free Keellnlns; Chslr Cars. Upholstered Ton
1st UlevpliiK Cars, and Viillman falaco
Sleepers operated on all trains.
For further Information
llOlflK A HARKEK, AntiUs, Palem.
W. K. COHAN, aeiriAuent,
O. O. TKRUV, Trar. I'aas. Aft
121 Third St . 1'ortland
In. m
ex. Bun
10 p, an
Walla Walla, Spokane, Mlnne
aKlls, tit. rani, Dillutli, Mil.
vrankco Chlcavo aud nul.
For Han Krauelsoo,
HatlCTCry five (lavs.
u rt't uuiij
To Astoria and way bindings
1'ortland, NawlierK aud way
8. SO
a. m.
I p. a
I P. n.
si Uus,
Isllr it
I p. ra.
TueNlay, Thursday and Fatnnlay at C.W a.m.
Monday Wednenday and Friday at I0.UO .. ui,
Dally boats to Portlaud as above.
Transfers to street car line at Orcg Cllj
if the (teamen are delayed there oand
tnp tickets to all points In Oregon, WsihIo.
ton, or Callfomi a. Connection made at Pott
land with all rail, ocean ndrirer lints
Cen'I I'aa. Aot. PnrlUnr! Or.
O.M. POWERS, Agent, Trade itreet Jock
City Agents.
hliort Line, Is the only transcontinental
line passing din-ctly tlironiib Salt Ijiko
City. 1 he route through Salt Lake City
.Li tin. I 1.1. flu . in... II .......... i
The Short Line
from southern California
via thu Rio Uiiandk Wkstkiiv Railway
is iiimous un mo year round. On ac-.
MHItlf f ,ll,k .k.(i.l.1.k ..It........ n (T...1 I
and Colorado it is just as iiopular in
winter as in summer. Send L'c to J, D.
Mauslleld, 25.1 Washlnuton St..Port!nnil !
lt.. lF .!- a a t - - .. . T I 1 I a .. . ...
n view, m . jicimz, rtcuiitf luMH'rnl I'nn.ivn., u o, u.. ouuii.ern iar iiii nr
a .. . -.'. a -.. . '" 1 . I. ... . ' ". --. ., ...
iwnger geni. &au iko uity. for a copy V'c unuersignea, ror rolders and
of 1(SaIt Uke City the City of thi descriptive, literature.
Saints." 1 t nni'pnpnv
N. N.U,.. P,,,,,,,,,,?""'1 AB' "''"' W.
To the East,
Apply to the agents of the O. R.
.v i., u a.
F. M Saxton, Raker CityiCluu. 11,1
Csrter, Pendleton; D. II, Norrls, Port'. f "
land: C. K. Hawkins, Toktloj N. J.
Hai-s, Salem, and li. J. Sehulderman, J
Portland, wero all commUsouod notarioHi
public oil Saturday.
Small aAiinoyar.ces
A Few Interesting Facts
When people arc contemplating a trip
whether on business or pleasure, tb'.y natur
ally want the best service obtainable to far
as speed, comfort and ssfetr is concerned.
Employes of the Wisconsin Central Lines are
paid to serve the public and our trains are
operated so as to make clo connections
with diverting lines at Ml junction points.
I'ullnun Palace Sleeping and Cbair cars
on through trains.
Dining car aervlce unexcelled, Meals
a lauarte.
In order to obtain this iirst.elui irW.
ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over
and you will make dirert connections a
St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all
potnli East,
ror any turner Infoimatlon call on
ticket agent or correspond with
General Pass. Aeent.
MllWAIfL-Vir Wli
n, IAK rr (vi- '
' ' -"W",
utnerai Agent,
26 Stark Street,
Southern Pacific Co.
loor m)
45 '
45 am)
Lv..,;Portland. ..Ar U;I5 a u
Ar....batem .... Ar
At. San Francisco . Lv
Ar Ogden ... .Ar
Ar Denver, , Lv
Ar .... Omaha .... Ar
Ar .... Chicago ....Lv
Ar. ..Los Angeles... Ar
Ar ... El Paso .... Ar
Ar., ..Fort Worth.. ,,Ar
6:05 r m
6.40 AM
8-15 p u
7.00 A M
7.55 Am Ar...New Orleans. ..Ar
6 4srn
8 50 AM
6,30 r m
95 '
a 35 m
8.40 A ra
8.40 rx
DlN"lN0 CAltii"
Pullman first-class and tourist sleeping can
attached to all through train. Tourist can
through to Chicago without change.
830 am) Lv... Portland".". Ar ( 473o r a
Ar... Jtoseburc.. Lr 7.3oa u
A Ml
fret end vorry '
ono. Cturtnl.k '
L.- VIlt - te a mAfVinn .
sUawTrz-o IIUI 'v w
r5S:::::t:i csrn fcr t
is -..' t
,Ti.rr ccncc.nonu
ggflgy (or the
iBNibbbB F
Canadian Pacific lly
Soo Pacific Li'do.
Lowest rates Best service
To and from all points v
Kast and Europe.
The only line running through
io5s a
5. '20
bjctwiin Portland and corvallu.
AlU tlalns dalljr JexcepJSunday.
7'30AnLv....l,OrtUnd.. Irfstom
"55 rw) Ar.... CorvallU.. Lvf i.-ioru
ni Aioany and U)rvallls connect
fains of the C. & E. Ry.
lNl5inrENl5ENcE" 'PasSseKueTi.
8.'25 A M
.5oimi L,v ... 1'ortland.... Ar I 8.-25 AM
7.30 r M Lv. . . . McMlnnvllIe Lv V 5 .50 A M
-3 r-M)Ar Independence Lv) 4.-50 AM
Direct connection at San rrancisco witB
'"njiblp llnea ti HAWAII, 1APAN.
For throughllcketsand rates call o' W.
CrAORltLSON City ficket Agent, 232 Com.
percial ht Salem Or.
nli j
SL Paul,
n TA Toronto.
yl I III .
(11 0 tu
lie'l.iv. Tin
leaders of Udh old ivirtles In that .lata Tht Joyful Keeling.
admit that Jones may U, elect,.. He M llmlir.0 WRJSrt
iiieuiiiinesi. which rouows the use 111
is running as au independent and
making 0 u real tight. The massei of the
working men of the state aregivinghhn
strong UHiit. There are xple overv
wheregrowlng tlrvnl of summrtini; th.
ciiulldates of thu old imrlles ad ao
iiu'iinnl to give their otes to In.
J 114I1 wh are known to Im clover
Svrun of Figs, U unknown tu the few
ini havo not progressed beyond the
old time medicine and the cheap sur
'UuteHi'nitUiiie otfered bin novr
acccptvd by iho well Infurmed. Rut
me uenuint. Manurao, ureti b" the
imIIvI.I. -!'t',rnia Mg ,yrup ui.
. 1
x doun ami
and j
Denver 4 llio Grande It. B.
Tlie FaynrU Tranteontinenlal Kuitte Uetween ivlnis East,
Oli-ilo ii riituo ThrouRb Ih. Famous
.ni rour Koutea Kast of
Pueblo aud Denver.
" ,.,p x-si m Rt7v, ivj
Roval Mail Steamalilp Lino
to Japan and China.
Canadian and Auttruit.,., i
oieamsmp Line to
' Kt KOEULEK, Manager.
C.MAUKHAM ti. F, &.P, A. Portlsni
Honololu and Ausl
risT WKi.afttHBk AHh.. . .u. .1 . b SBSIt mm k fl
nu.u.11, !, ... . M.H..IHWI WU WCK UU1I IUUOW i Ur.l
cl.Ii.. Uio camlnlute rutent a bv umiiu Dr. Milea. fcm..
is always available. Has stood
flnt for fony years.
MBiUsa." S
m Ca4 tot Boak
Omaha. Kansas Cm, St. Louis.
Ftor lie( and any Information rnii.
J Lmjule.
0. V
8. ICi I10rls-n
AT A(t.,lieiivtr,CiI
For rates and information
apply to
lk . Aireot. Salem Ore.
H. II. Abott, Agent Portland.
E J.Coyle, A-U.P.A, Vancouver B.C.
Dailv Staee Line to
For Piwaeneera and Ragfiagej also
Jrcel ami ordew promptly at
tended to Salem oflU ' f
O'd Postofflce Stables,
J.H Woolley, Prop. iow(i
You Can Get
a Lower Berth,
With one exception the through
trains of the DurllnRton RnuW
are almost, Invariably well-filled.
The exception is our SU Paul'
Chlcatro Limited. On the limited
there is usually room and to
spare. .
Don't Infer that it Ms neltber
so fine, cor so fast, as ANY train
of ANY other line between SU
Paul and CIiIcsko. On the con
trary, there Is na mora beautiful
traltrin America. It has electric
llubt, stetm beat, wide vestibules
the unit sitUfaotory dioln-ci
sarvicj oa thj ciatlajnt-iul
lower berth for everybody,
Uuu'l Afent, Portland, O
,A jla-