The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 31, 1899, Image 4

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    ,WWW,.JIY'li"tJ,W' 1"MWIIP "S" HS,"W"-
i irtniTi- -irnilr "- '"'nW
- - - - -'
i rr ' i m m h lUniiiriiiiitn'iin'iiii
Fancy Eiderdowns
For dressing sacks, bathrobes or
wropcrfl, 25, 00 and (10 cents.
Dressing Sack
Jleaembles French flannel, fancy
colors, aSconta.
Baby's Hoods
and Cloaks
Fancy silk bonnets 40 mid 60c.
Babies cloaks of Cashmeres, hitler
downs, Fnncy flannels (2.00 up.
Yahnh (or knitting.
11 kavV Starlight nnd Superior.
Fine Imp. nnd Domestic saxony,
Spanish and Gcnnnntown, nil colors.
New Peau de Sole in colors. The proper
fabric for shirt waists, We have a wide
range of colors including White, Creai,
Grey, Heliotrope, Electric, Cardinal, Brown,
National, Automobile In blacks our $1.00,
$1,25, and $1,50 values are the best we've
All our plaid and striped silks will be closed out at reduced
Vfr" vb - ms L" ' f"
prices, f v
51.W) nunllty H.'-'O ynnl
1.25 quality l5c yard
1.00 quality 75c yard
76o quality & MVynrd
Nature's Great Gift
of sight, when It fulls you, ran bo re
placed by second sight through n pair of
our lino French crystal or llrasllian
pebble eyeglasses or spectacles, when
they aro proHirly adjusted nnd lltteil to
tho eyes. I test your sight scientifically
nnd lit It (Hirfeetly with glasses that will
tnaku your heart glad. All kinds of
lenses duplicated on short notice. Ho
pair work done promptly at fair charges.
Tonight and tomorrow fair.
D11.G11ACJ3 AMIIlltiUT
Graduate of the American Fehool of
Osteopathy at Kirksvllle, Mo. bus
oiHHhMi oiiico ui iiiiHii m iiroymnii iiiook,
('oinnienlul strnet Nnlom Oregon.
UMcoiliiys Mommy, Weiiiuwiuy ami
Friday. Ilipensus of women and child
ren a specialty. UM7-lin
Daily Stage Lino to
For Passengers and Ilagguge: also
luircels mid onUrs iirninptly at
tended to. rnilom nlllco
Oid PostofTico Stables,
J, II. Wool ley, Prop. 10410ml
Breton Studio,
s. Wiggings bus ro-oHiud bur
t Studio, in the lloluiuu huo
corner Court mid Cottage
1 rents
Htudlo hours Monday uml W'cdmu-
him mm otiMi
n. in., ami cut
in. to 1 p. in. For terms
mid Information call at studio
Itors always w oleoma.
R. H. LGABO.Ahnairer.
M fettt Ct. Ijdd 0t
Collnrottcfl of nil tho new furs In
tho latest styles offered.
MAm-us Persian Trimming
Alaska Seal Astrachnn Triminlnjr
KmHmkhs Seal Trimming.
Monkey I'lnin.
Oitossum Bcal Yoke.
Fur Trimmings
and Tails
White nnd colored Angora, Ulack
Coney, Thibet, Im. Marlon, lllack
Urown Tails.
Furs and Feather
Any price from 2fa up to.fl.M).
Ice Not Olven Away,
1 ..nnnnt nffnrtl in tflvn tril nu'JIV. lint
mil selling n pure article at n price that
IB Wlllliu uiu rencn ui mi.
GltYSTAI. It'K WoilKH.
J. Magulre, Prop. (I 15 tf
KllngerA DecU, Successors to UouthHalcm
Dotlhr. Works,
All orders for bottled heer will be filled
At tho brewery. Kent on cold storage.
Free city delivery. Telephone SS 1 M I .
Ice Very Near) Olven Awy,
Wo can glvo leu away, to convince, you
come- and eo tiow big u chunk you got
for little money. Our Ico Is maiiufuu
turu from pure distilled water.)
Citrdlol Ico Work,
liStf & llr.cic
100 Alteuus 10 mos,'.'5 emits each.
WlthChrlst Merles, by Murray, i!3 and
50o each.
:i()0 titles of the Mershor 10 inns arte
LVOStltlos of 1'.' nios of Standard
Authors, l!Go each.
Olive Optie Kerb's Juveniles 76o.
The Utility Hooks Wo Series.
fttllur lky with Powoy Series 76c,
History bpnulsh'Amoricnu War Juv
enile Series 70c uho Hlehard Cur mi I Sfio
to read,
David Martini &V to rend.
Illmk Douglas 'Joe to read.
Book Store,
I he Palace Market
Will fill your order for a rat,
broil or fry of lieof, mutton,
pork or sausage. Corned beef,
nicely cooled, Ixinedaudpresst-ii
rwuly to slice for your luueh.
Wo hivvu our own delivery man.
Your patronage ijolltitod.
Phouta.1.1. 13S State 81
Still continues.
We will sell you for l JQ
what others ask you $2.50
for, and for 52,20 regular
S3kO0, and for $2,80 regular
$3.50 Shoes or hoots, Rubbers
at cut prices also.
s ,
HtuU Bunk Hid.
Pooplo In tho City Prom Othor
Towns on Business and Vis
iting FrlondB.
Mrs. 8. It. Jessup 1ms returned from
Mies Margaret Klnscy returned to
Eugene today.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson have re
turned from Portland.
Messrs. Werner and Eugene Ureynian
went to Portland Monday.
Dr. M. H. Bklff has returned from
attending tho Stnto Dental Hoard.
Jas. Woodruff, tho Oregon picture
king, went to Cottago Grove today.
G. F. West and Allen McFadden were
passengers for Portland this morning.
W. W. Hepburn nnd Italph IUchards,
of Indopondenre, lolt for the Scio coun
try today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tanner, Jr., havo
gono to Jefferson, where hols working
on the now Masonic hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stata went to
Stayton today with camera and .shot
gun for a few days fchootlng.
Mrs. C. A. Loo, wife of Albany's city
marshal, has been tho guest of her sis
tor, Mrs. Win. Stalger, and returned to
day. W. H. Ullyeu and Jas. K. Weather
ford, two of tho leading lawyers of Linn
county, wero attending Judge UoIho'h
court today.
Geo. L. Paul, of the Corvallh Union
Gazette, who has been tho guest of his
brother-in-law, Conover tho printer, re
tured homo today.
Presiding Elder ami Mrs. Noah
Hchupp returned from n three months
trip In the east. Thoy visited old friends
in Iowa, Illinois and Mlunesotn, nnd at
tended three general church confer
ences. 5 Star Hhoes,
Are what yon need for wet weather.
The New York Hnckol sell them cheap.
HUM 1 w
Well Kcd.
ff man and beast are well fed alt can
luipfiifin tlmli ilitti. rrlii firfitirlittfim itf
the old Postofllce stables at Halem give
your nurses mo oesi oi care aim mu rig
Imil friini lb cm will carrv vou safelv.
(lilllttnuV llrottii. lOIIOeiM
Business Deing Transacted at the Court
. House.
Liwreiiuu J. .Martin nnd LUxto J.
Martin to (lustav Keiiseher, HO acres t 7
s r 1! w w d f'J,850.
Kiirnli Ami Pettllobu and Uiwis Petti-
Jnlin to Henry Edwards, PM.ll neres in
section 7 1 8 m r !l w, and section 1-, t K s
rnuil I w, w d 1,500.
Anna J. Martin to Gustav Keusehor,
'M acres In tliu W. J. Ilerreu d 1 e in t 7
s r '-' w. w d iSOO.
Anna and W. E. Putnam to Harmon
Snook, parts of lots No. '.' mid .'I, in
block No. AH, university addition to Ha
lem w d, 500.
Still Com Inc.
I lobson's fall stock of new uoods Is
sun coining! mo miesi urrivai ueiug u
...; ........ .....,... v....- .
ease of Taffeta Bilks In n number of
beautiful shades; these rich goods added
to the largo variety of dress gixsls In
stock makes an nnsortmeut from which
all may maku a selection that will pleuse
mil uiillurmilliill Hid utfu'lf flf
clothing Is large and is just what you
Itinul fikt tlilu iiltlllt fililf llltl I Til ItllM
the oil coats, lulls, snug prooi uoots anil I
laities' rubbers In all sues to make you I
I II. I !.. I. ..It
...I.. .i... ... ....vj'.. ,. ...a(w n..'. r ...
first eliifs goods, which are bought for
ciiHii iiiki Him lor eiifii. lie gives ins
customers satisfaction. You aro in
vited to call and inspect tho goods.
1K7 Commercial street.
Litest News
lleaohes us daily from the sent of war,
but other news of Interest to you Is, that
you can get a tlrst-elass meal for a small
sum at Tlie White House llestauraiit.
Death at linger.
Fred Kiuinxll, who had resided hi
Marion county about 0 years, died at
his homo one mile east of linger yester
day, of cancer of the stomach. He was
05 years old. He was hurled this after
Tun stylos, bottom prices. The Ni
York Itaeket. Ill !M 1 w
Farm to Rent.
Good farm In Linn county to the
proper person. Inquire ot H, M. Ore
ls.ui, implement dunlcr, Snlem, Or.
Water King Shoes,
lA)SS tllUII IHtatt Wiggins nd, (Mgo I of
Orest Incitement
It lQl)dou decant) ot the from
Uadyijiiillli, but in Salem peoplw are
Uyt boon use they know that they can
prismreiill the tlrst-olas grwerlus and
provisions at Branson A Uagan's
10 !W eod
HOUND A purse containing nsum of
tnumjy. Apply U.S. Olark, Slel etmt.
iyti n"
Yew Park Grocery .
Has In stock a large line of
tablets and supplies for
Keeps a full stock ol provis
ions, groceries and canned
good. Fresh goods at reas
onable prices, fnylor's twin,
hrutcd butter always on
hand. Country produce,
taken In exchange.
Allen & Bowersox,
Its Preparation an Immense Task and Its
Accuracy of Qieat Pecuniary Value.
Few who look over tho sheriff's notice
of tax sale, which goes with this Issue of
Tub Jouiixal, will havo any Idea of tho
amount of work that ban been expended
in getting up tho list, which occupies
over 22 columns of fine type.
It hns been found heretofore, in at
tempting to sell property for dolinnuent
taxes, that there were lew bidders, and
very few pieces of property would bo bid
in for the amount of tho taxes; con se
qticutly tho taxes have not been paid.
The reason has been attributed to faulty
descriptions jn tho published notice of
sale, which would not ngrco with tho
recorked descriptions of tho property.
In tho last delinquent tax sale there
wero nbout 1,300 different pieces of
proorty advertised. Of these, only
about 100 could bo recommended as safe
investments, on account of defects in
tho descriptions, nnd as a matter of
fact, only nbout 175 pieces were actually
sold, for that rcaeon.
Tills year tho officers of tho county de
termined that they would not fall down
on this point, nnd Frank Waters nnd A.
A. Leo, of the Snlem Abstract Com
pany, wero employed to prepare a cor
rect list of tho property on which tnxer
wore delinquent.
The work was commenced on June
14, and has been steadily prosecuted
over since, as many as four and five peo
ple being sometimes employed on U.i.ikI
It was finished Just before Tim Jouiinai.
went to press lust Thursday.
It, has been necessary to do this work
mostly during tho night, in order to
get the use of the tax rolls while not
needed by the sheriff for tax collection.
This hns greatly incrcasodjthentnoilnt of
labor involved nnd made the work more
difficult nnd trying.
The description of oxery piece of prop
erty on the list has been corrected
and verified from the records and the
deeds themselves, nnd tho published
description Is verbatim et literatim,
word for word and letter for letter, like
tho deed which last conveyed the prop
erty. This has been an Immense task, as
can bo readily seen by examination of
tho list, Not the slightest deviation
from nn absolute copy has been allowed
to cieep In ; mid the result Is that a salo
tie this publication will be lawful and
This absolute accuracy and elimina
tion of error has'beeii rondored possible
only by the set of abitracts belonging to
the gentlemen who havo done tho work,
taken in conjunction with their longex
lorIenco in tho abstract business and
their famllinrty with the title and own
ership of nearly every piece of land In
Marlon county.
Sheriff Durblu Is highly pleased with
tho isisltlon In which he finds himself
in his ability to enforce the collection of
these tuxes.
The expense of the work will lie rcxild
many fold by the money that will be
paid In on taxes which otherwise would
never have been paid. No ought-to-b
tax-payers will this year sit back and
laugh In his sleeve because his property
can not be sold on a defective published
description. And every honest taxpayer
will llud his burden lightened by the
enforcement of nil collections.
Do You Know
Do you know what you pay for
credit ; compare prices at the New York
Itaeket ami youMl Know. They sell for
cash only.
Chicken Feed.
All grades can bohad at very cheap rates
Call early ami get your supply at the
Wallace warehouse. Salem Flouring.
Mills. 10 20tf
Water King Shoes.
I.ess than eot Wiggins ml. page 4 of
An Alleged Hold-up.
Mondav ovenlim a stronger giving his
iinmeas J. II. Smith called at the Bed
Corner drug store bringing u badly cut
now mid claiming to have bseu assault
ed near Wade's store in North Salem.
He said he had been cutting railroad-
wood near Marion and walked to Salem,
arriving in tho afternoon with about 50
In bis (MK'ket. Alter visiting a saloon,
where lie displayed some money, he
went out tow anl Wade's store In search
of a lodging house to which he bad lsten
directed, and when at a dark place on
the rente, he was aisaulted by two men
and struck in tho face with some wea
pon which made it bad flesh wound on
hUnoio. Ho made an outcry and his
liMMilants llol without securing bis
money, after which he returned to town
uml hud his injuries uttonded to.
The Walcr King
This is a splendid shoo for men,
hut the hoiix) has broken faith
with us, mi we'll cIom) out the en
tiro lot at
Less Than Cost
You'll need to move quickly if
vou want one lor tney wuri
linger long at our closing prices.
oii.auiT count.
Judge Boise Holds a Session of Depart
ment No, a, and Calls the Docket,
Department No. 2, of tho Circuit
Court for Marion county wasconvelned
for the October term Monday morning
and tho docket was called by Judgo
Boise, tho following entries being made,
after which adjournment was taken un
til 2 p. m.
Schugler Hue, insolvent., J. F.
G. 1). llrcntano, assignee continued.
F. Arnold, insolvent, F. J. Holler,
nssigneo Continued.
Mary A Plamondon et nl vs F U Pent
land otnl, Passed on order to sell the
T T Geer, Governor, et nl vs J G
Wright, ct nl, Confirmed.
T TGecr Governor, etnl vs T II Wil
son ct nl, Confirmed.
Geo Collins, vs Harvey S Jordan ct nl,
Pacific Btatcs Barings Loan & Build
ing Co vs Jos Witmer, et nl, Confirmed.
John Noweom, vs John G Moore, ct nl,
L O Ilower, vs Elizabeth Bower, De
fendant's attorney withdrew appearance
and application for alimony.
J F Mnrkloy, vs Elizabeth Newby,
Motion to amend complalntnlloned.
W F Feller, vs Anglo L Feller; di
vorce. Default of defendant.
Laura Ann Smith, vs W It Smith ; di
vorce. Trial Tuesday, Nov 7th, 10 n in.
W W Ullery, vs E S Ullery; dlvorco.
Default of defendant.
Ida 11 Gicsy, et al, vs B B Gesner, et
al; foreclosure. Default us to all defend
nuts except Fanny Gesner.
Mnry J Shaw, vs Win Comfort, ct nl ;
default and decree.
Margaret Simpson, vs Allen Simpson;
dlvorco. Trial Triday, Nov 3, 10 a in.
John Morley, vs L A Smith, etnl;
foreclosure. Default uml decree.
JqIiii Morloy, vs W It Smith, et nl;
foreclosure. Default and decree.
A J Hlchnrdson, vs Jennie Wells, et
nl; Injunction and for accounting. Do
inurrcr to complaint overruled. Al
lowed until Nov 2 to answer.
F B Whlttock vs Win McConnell, ot
nl; confirmed.
The Verdict
All may not bu satisfied with tho vcr
diet of a judge, but all our patrons nro
satlHfiel wltli the Iocs! furnished them
at The Wonder Kestnuraiit.
The following is the latest correct ofll
cinl information nbout movements of tho
Oregon hop crop from tho Hop Grower's
One smnll lot of about 10,000 lbs was
sold near Needy at l) conts per pound.
An offer of 8 centH per pound was
made for two lots near Buttevllle, but
refused by tho growers.
An offer of nine cents was made near
Buttevllle and the grower refuted to
One large lot of 20,000 lbs was shipped
to England on an advance of five cents
ler pound.
An offer of 8! cents for n 100 b.ilu lot
was made by n Portland (Inn to a grower
near Butteville, nnd the offer was re
futed. DIED.
ItOT-SUS. Attlio Oregon Insane iisvlum
Monday, Octolwr 30, 181W, Theodore
iroisus, iigcit aoout ou years.
Tho only place in tho city where
oysters are oHuetl from the shell nnd
served dally Is Strong's restaurant.
Thnt leather' lined lwx-cnlf shoe at
the New York Backet. Price L'JS.
Heavy double sole latest style. 31 -2d lw
O.K. Baxter, Grand Itapld: J. ..
Biirlingame, Eugene; Jeff I). McDanleli
North Yakima; II. S. Taft, S. Cohen, J.
L. Marks, J. F. Fojart, John O.Tliouuis,
Jos, Lendeu, San Francisco; F. A. Men
xies, Geo rue Bibbecko, E. M. Boien
thai, Dr. Mtuzurille, Portland.
Oood Castings.
Having purchased all the casting of
tho Salem Iron works I have for sale
good new repairs mid fittings for
saw mills, farm implements and other
machinery at low prices, J. I). Itnhcn
stein, Put Court street, Salem. 10-lM-tf
Another Accident,
Another lire. Another homo destroyed,
fortunately insured. Is votir home in
mi red? If nrt call in and obtain a not-
ley from a first class American company,
Thomas Bolto.v, Agent.
At tha Journal olllco.
Flower Pots and Jardineres
We li.uv a ery cood assortment
of sizes left yet, but haven't room
to show them proerly, to we'll
put tho whole lot out at about
cos; to us. It'll pay you to e us.
Men's Rubbers
An UMprted lot of Boston and
Bjy-tate, coin toe, hiiiid low.
some storms,. 50 rents,
fl SWell Lot of Ja(k?fs
Ladies, Now is Your Opportunity.
A hstated shiorrient of fine caoss and jackets from eastern man j
ufacturers to a Portland house, which retused to receive them be
cause they were bU days overdue, Uur Mr, rriedman Happened
along and struck a bargain at 60c on the dollar,
They are now here the swellest lines in this city, and we will
give our customers the benefit of our purchascv60c on the dollar,
Friedman's New
A hot time
Tnnt's what they havo in the Old
Town occasionally, and its only
enjoyed by a few, but everyliody
enjoys the
Hot Meals
Served in the best of Home Cook
ing at the
St. Elmo Restaurant,
George Bros., Props.
Big Upset.
Snm Grny the Dallas liveryman, camo
ovor to get his motlier-ln-lnw Mrs. Boyd
who arrived from Portland. Wbllu at
tho train his team became frightened
nnd turned around so short that the rig
was turned over, breaking the neck yoke
ami tongue hut otherwise doing no dnm
Clean Streets,
All residents ot Salem nro hereby noti
fied not to permit nny old paper, saw
dust, brokeii'glass, old bottles, crockery,
nails or other substance to lie thrown
upon the public streets or alleys. Sec
tion 35 of City Ordinance No. 203 im
Kses n lino of from $5 to (50 for such
offence, and tho same will bo strictly
enforced. J. P. Fkizzkll,
20-21 tf Street Commissioner.
Special and Quick Deliveries
of even tho smallest orders is one of our
methods of doing business nnd makes
'Sonnemun's grocery a favorite source of
supplies In pure food products of all
kinds. Another one Is tlio high quality
of our choice groceries, which wo guar
antee to lie the very liost, at tho lowest
prices to be found fu Salem.
12-1 State st Te'.epho 10 91
Sewer Pioe
Just received two car loads Sower
Pilo with all tho various connec
tions in store for sale bv
11-l.lin .110 Front, cor Chenieketa.
and Supplies
A full am
We carry ALL MAKES,
Including the
Cyclone Magarine
The '99 MeM Maaz!a Cycloae
Ctiacr te the ot cosajslttc ud
reiiH ever stmocM,
Dvdflng: Printing FlnkhlHf
Cameras and
9S Slalo Strcel.
vcifi6i.T. 3T iv-g
At 60c on the Dollar.
Racket, Cor. Com, and State sts,
Sir Thomas Lipfoi?
Cannot tako the cup to England but ho ran
take some of those nice, sweet, fragrant,
aromatic, clear Havana cigars
Are the best In tho market today. A good,
clean, honest, smoke. None so good, nouo
so fragrant.
Aug. Huckenstein, Prop.
We have just received a fine line of these goods they are
colored photos taken from nature. The latest thing in art
And a great variety of the most attractive pictures ever
brought to Salem. Framing to order from the newest mould
ings. Call and see them.
F. W. Hollis & Company
First Door North of Postofficc.
5TEINER 5 BERGER, 130 Sfaf? Si.
We have just
Largest single
Ever brought
They are the
The latest Dattern of tho hnar.
Air Tight Heater in the Market.
7tJ Y
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore.
and Capes
SCBuy the "Home" Air Tight
Stove, and the "Home" Steel
Range-- made at Salem fthe
best Heating and Cooking
Stoves on the market.
A'Come'and see them and
patronize home industry.
3CLet us know just what you
want, and if not in stock will
have it made to order.
received the
shipment of
to Salem.
AfiTPVi o
Price on
Shoes at
A; .ICVe shin them free
275 Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon.
a- a